UNI BRIGHT MOON 500 Ceiling Light LED Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

UNI BRIGHT MOON 500 Ceiling Light LED Instruction Manual



Om elektrische schokken te voorkomen – Schakel altijd de elektriciteitsvoorziening uit voor de installatie en het onderhoud.

DALIdimming application

Wiring diagram

Activating DALI dimming mode

– After installation according to the wiring diagram of DALI dimming application,the driver will automatically switch to the DALI control mode afterreceiving any DALI command.


  • Standard DALI control line voltage range:9.5Vto 22.5V ,type 16V.
  • The two DALI control lines polarity-reversible.
  • Max. 64 DALl drivers per DALI control line.
  • The maximum distance length of the DALI control line is 300m at 2×1.5mm2.
  • DALI bus can be wired together with any mains voltage cables, but separate wiringis recommended.
  • The configuration parameters of the driver can be set through the DALI configuration tool or DALI application controller during installation, such as setting device address, group address, power-on level, busfailure level, scene level, fade time, dimming curve, etc.

Power-on level :

When the driverisin DALI-2 dimming mode, the factory default level after each power-onis the brightest.
The power-on level can be set through the DALI configuration tool or DALl application controller during installation, and can be set to memory or fixed any brightness (such as off, darkest,50%, etc.).
Note: The recommended setting for the default factory power-on level of the DALI-2 driver is the brightestin the DALI-2 standard.



  • The number of drives mounted under different MCBs in the table isthe maximum value.

  • Please do not exceed this number during installation.

  •  Calculation uses typical values from ABB series S200 as areference.
    Different brands and models of miniature circuit breakers, thenumber of drives mounted will be slightly different.

  • If the ambient temperature of the MCB installation exceeds 30°Cor multiple MCBs are installed side by side, the number of drivesmounted will be reduced and the calculation needs to berecalculated.

  • Electrician’s usually consider Type B for household lighting and

  • Type Cfor commercial lighting application.


  • Output short-circuit behaviour
  • In case of ashort-circuit at the LED output ,the LED output is switched off.
  • After restart of the LED driver ,the output will be activated again.

Output no-load operation

  • The LED driver will not be damaged in no-load operation.
  • The output will be deactivated and is therefore free of voltage.
  • Ifa LED load is connected , the device has to be restarted before the output will be activated again.

Output overload protection

Inthe following two cases,the LED driver will automatically turn off the output to protect the LED

  • When the driveris powered on first and the LED is connected later.
  • When the driveris powered on,disconnected and connecred again.
  • After restart of the LED driver the output will be activated again.

Driver restart method

There are two ways to restart the device:

  • Through the ACinput portr:disconnect the AC of the driver and power it again.
  • Through dimming interface.
  • DALI:send“OFF“command first,then send “MAX”command.pushDIM:short press PUSH switch two times,then long press PUSH switch.

DALIdimming application Wiring diagram

Multiple lights synchronize control operation method 1 :

Step 1:long press the pushbuttom,confirm each light is on.
Step 2:short press the pushbuttom,confirm each light is off.
Step 3:long press the pushbuttom,confirm each light is from darkest to brightest and all the lights are synchronous. Long press the pushbuttom 15s,all lights output to the brightest state.

  • Volg de volgorde van de installatie stap voor stap Suivre la seéquence de l’installation, étape par étape « Pleasefollow the sequence of installation step by step Beachten Sie vor Inbetriebnahme unbedingt die Reihenfolge derInstallationsschritte.

Boor 3 gaten op de aangewezen plaatsen in het plafond en steek er een plug in.Percer 3 trous dans les endroits appropriés.
Prepare 3 holes and install screw anchors. Bohren Sie passend 3 Locher und bestlicken diese mitden Diibeln

Bevestig de plafondplaat met 3 schroeven. Verbindt devoedingskabel.
Monter la base au plafond avec 3 vis. Connecter lecable d’ alimentation.
Install back of the fixture to ceiling or wall and connectwires.
Montieren Sie die R+litickseite der Leuchte an Wand oder Decke und schlielen Sie die AnschluRkabel an.

  • Uitsluitend voor gebruik binnenshuis.
  • Installeer het armatuur enkel in ruimten waar direct contact met water onmogelijk is.
  • Seulement pour utilisation en intérieur.
  • | Cet équipement doit étre installé dans des piéces hors de toute projection d’eau.
  • Nur flr Innengebrauch. Diese Leuchte darf nur in Ra&umen verwendet werden, in denen ein
  • direkter kontakt mit wasser nicht moglich ist.
  • For indoor use only. This fitting should only be installed in rooms where direct contact with water is impossible.
  • Toestel niet geschikt om te worden afgedekt met thermische isolatie.
  • Luminaires non appropriées pour recouvrement d’un matériau isolant thermique.
  •  Das Gerat/ Die Leuchte darf nicht abgedeckt werden mit thermischer Isolation.
  • Luminaire not suitable for covering with insulating material.
  • Beschermd tegen indringen van vaste voorwerpen groter dan 12,5 mm. Geen beschermingtegen vocht.
  • P 20 * Protégé contre les corps solides supérieurs a 12,5 mm. Aucune protection contre humidité.
  • Geschtzt gegen feste Fremdkorper mit Durchmesser ab 12,5 mm. Kein Schutz gegen wasser
  • Protected against objects = 12,5 mm. Not protected against water.
  •  Correcte verwijdering van dit product (elektrische en elektronische afval)
  •  Elimination correcte de ce produit (déchet d’équipements électriques et électroniques)
  •  Korrekte Entsorgung dieses Produkts (elektromiill)
  •  Correct disposal of this product (electrical & electronical equipment waste)
  •  De elektrische installatie mag alleen door bevoegd personeel worden uitgevoerd volgens de voorschriften voorelektrische en mechanische veiligheid in uw land. Onjuiste plaatsing kan ernstige letsels en/of schadeveroorzaken.
  •  L’installation électrique doit étre effectuée que par du personnel qualifié, selon les reglements de sécuritéélectrique et mécanique dans votre pays. Une mauvaise installation peut entrainer des blessures graves et/oudes dommages mateériels.
  • Die elektrische Installation sollte nur von qualifiziertem Personal nach den Vorschriften flr elektrische undmechanische Sicherheit in lhrem Land durchgefuhrt werden. Unsachgemale Montage kann zu schwerenVerletzungen und/oder Sachschaden fuhren.
  •  The electrical installation should be carried out by qualified personal only, according to the regulations forelectrical and mechanical safety in your country. Improper installation can result in serious injuries and/or damage to property.
  • Om veiligheidsredenen en garantie is het verboden om wijzigingen aan het apparaat aan tebrengen.
  • Pour des raisons de sécurité et garantie, il est interdit d’apporter des modifications a I’appareil.
  • Aus Sicherheitsgriinden und Garantie ist es verboten Anderungen an dem Gerat zu machen.
  • For safety and guarantee reasons it is prohibited to make any modifications to the unit.

This product contains a light source of energy efficiency class


Belcrownlaan 13-Q – 2100 Antwerpen Belgium – T+32(0)3 6416140 – F +32(0)3 6451831 – www.unibright.be

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