AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone User Guide

June 12, 2024

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Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone

Features of the product and its accessories described herein rely on the software, phone internal memory and local networks, and may ot be activated or may be limited by local network operators or service providers. Therefore, the descriptions herein may not exactly match the purchased product or its accessories. The manufacturer reserves the. fights to change or modify any information or specifications contained in this manual without prior notice or obligation. The manufacturer is not responsible for the legiimacy or quality of any products that you may upload or download through this. device including but not limited to text, images, music, movies, and non-integral software. Any consequences arising from the. usage of the preceding products on this device is the responsibilty of the user.

AGM Glory G1

AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 1| AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 2
AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 3| AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 4

AGM Glory G1 SE

AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 SE 1| AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 SE 2
AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 SE 3| AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 SE 4

AGM Glory G1 PRO

AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 PRO 1| AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 PRO
AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 PRO 3| AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - AGM GLORY G1 PRO

Useful tips:

  1. In case the system stops working, press and hold down the power button until your device vibrates then release.
  2. Do not cover Receiver, Main MIC and Sub MIC.
  3. Adjust the volume to a comfortable level o prevent hearing damage.

Waterproof warning:

  1. AGM Glory is IP68/IP6IK/MIL-STD-B10H certified.
  2. USB waterproof rubber cover and SIM/SD tray waterproof rubber cover must be completely closed to prevent water damage
  3. If the phone does come in to contact with water, it may affect the audio for a short period. In this case please dry the phone using a clean cloth and then allow it to stand and dry naturally for 30 minutes. This should restore the audio to the correct position.
  4. Please do not use any other method, hairdryers for example, other than that listed above to dry your phone as this wil affect the phone performance.
  5. If you phone has received a strong shock or has been bentor twisted ensure that it does not come in to contact with water.


AGM Glory G1 Rugged Smartphone - Microw SD Card

Installing the SIM and Micro SD card:

  1. Take off the SIMISD tray waterproof rubber cover and use your finger or the metal ejector pin provided to open the SIM tray.
  2. Pul out the SIM tray.
  3. Place Nano-SIM in inside position.
  4. Place Nano-SIM or Micro SD card in outside position,
  5. Make sure that the Nano-SIM and Micro SD card metal contact parts are facing down and that the cut comer aligned with tray in the correct position as per the diagram shown above.

SIM Tips:

  1. For some versions, AGM Glory does not support 2 SIM cards data services working together. When inserting 2 SIM ards, you can only choose one of the 2 SIM cards to use data services.
  2. Nano-SIM and Micro SD card socket can only be used for either Nano-SIM or Micro SD card. Place the Nano-SIM vertcally or place Micro SD card horizontally.
  3. Do not insert or remove the tray when your phone is powered on.
  4. Make sure the cards are correctly aligned and the tray is level before inserting it into the phone.
  5. SIM card adapter. A cut SIM card or any other non-standard cards are not allowed. Those non-standard cards may not be recognized by the phone and can damage the tray.

Micro SD Tips:

  1. Do not remove the Micro SD card while using the phone, as the card may be damaged. AGM wil not be held responsible for any subsequent data loss or card damage resulting from this action
  2. Power of the phone before installing or removing the Micro SD card.
  3. Please note that AGM does not provide Micro SD cards.

Network frequency band (*Variant dependent)
GSM; 850,900,1800,1900
WCDMA: B1,82,84,85,86,88,819
LTE-FDD: B1,82,83,84,85,67,88,812,813,817,818,819,820, B25,826,828A8,B66
LTE-TDD: B34 B38 B39 B40 B41
5G :n1,n2,n3, n5, n7, n8, n28, nd1, n77, n78, n66


Note: The AGM Glory G1 battery is not removable
Standby time:

  1. The AGM Glory G1 standby time is dependent on different working environments.
  2. APhone receiving a weak network signal and operating at low temperature will have a shortened standby time.
    Screen brightness, system settings, games, music, video, location services, camera, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and applications Gonsume the most batery power.

Gharging the phone:

  1. Plug the USB Type-C cable into the phone.
  2. Connect the USB power cable to the charging power adaper.
  • Some version AGM Glory does not come along with a power ‘adapter in the box. AGM Glory supports CE/CB/FCCICCC/EAC or equivalent cerified chargers. Uncerified equipment may cause damage to the device or cause batteries t0 explode. 3. Open the USB Type-C port cover and connect the USB power cable to the port. Be careful not {0 use excessive force when plugging the cable. Any damage caused by attempting to insert the connector incorrectly is not covered by the warranty 4. Plug the charger nto an AC mains socket, 5. When charging is complete, remove the cable from the device, then unplug the power adapter rom the mains sockel. Close the USB port cover on the device.


  1. Fully charge the batery straight fom the box, switching off the power when battery indicator shows full. Pease do not Ieave the phone on charge when full as this may damage the battery and affect performance

  2. Disconnect the charger from mains power supply when not in use.

  3. In the event of a fully discharged battery, please charge the phone for atleast 15 minutes before powering it on.

  4. The optimum working temperature for the AGM Glory G1is from 0°C~40°C. Charging the phone outside this temperature range will damage the battery and shorten battery life.
    “Please do not charge the phone under extremely low or high temperature, Please charge the phone under 5°C~40°C. Otherwise the battery will be damaged or exploded.
    (* Some versions of AGM Glory have wider working temperature range, and can work under extreme low temperature. Please check with the seller for more information)

  5. Please use the certified charger and cable t0 ensure maximum performance and saety

  6. Please note that the battery will stil discharge iseif even wihen the phone is notin use and switched off. If you plan to not use the unit for an extended period, you should sl charge ita least every two months to prevent complete power loss and to protect your data.


LocklUnlock the screen.
Press the POWER key
‘The phone screen will be locked when the phone is not in use.
Unlocking the phone.
Press the POWER key to unlock the screen and sfide the. screen up to unlock the phone.
Taking a Screenshot:
Press the POWER key and VOLUME DOWN key at the same time
Making a call:

  1. Touch the phone icon on home screen
  2. Open dial pad and input phone number
  3. Touch the call record icon to check call records
  4. Touch contact icon to check contact menu

Sending a MSM:

  1. Touch the message icon on home screen
  2. Create a new message
  3. Atthe top of the screen, enter a phone number or select a contact. Type your message, then send

Send an email:

  1. Touch the Emal icon on the Home or All Apps screen
  2. If you have already signed into an Email account during setup, your email will be synchronized to your device.
    Otherwise, add an email address now

WIFI Connection:

  1. Touch the Setings icon to enter Settings menu
  2. Touch the WIFI icon to enable or disable WIFI

Enabling Data:

  1. Touch the Settings icon to enter the Settings menu
  2. Touch the SIM card icon to enable data connection
  3. Disable data connection when not use

Location Services:

  1. Touch Setiings icon to enter Settings menu.
  2. Touch Location icon o turn on/off location services.
  3. Tum off Location Services to save power when not n use.

Adding a Languag

  1. Touch the Setings icon to enter Settings menu
  2. Touch the Language icon and select Language
  3. Touch Add icon to choose your language
  4. Press and Hold the language you have chosen and move to top

Taking a PhotolVideo:
Normal Photo/Video

  1. Touch the Camera icon to activate camera menu
  2. Touch the shot icon to take a photo.
  3. Touch the switch icon to switch rear and front camera.
  4. Touch the view icon to check photo or video history.
  5. Touch the video icon to shoot a video.

Night Vision Photo:

  1. Touch the Camera icon to activate camera menu
  2. Touch the Night Vision mode icon to enter Night Vision mode
  3. Touch the shot icon to take a Night Vision photo

Macro Photo

  1. Touch the Camera icon to activate camera menu
  2. Touch the Macro mode icon to enter macro mode
  3. Put the phone camera close to object
  4. Touch the shot icon 1o take a macro photo


  1. Pull down from status bar and open nofification panel.
  2. Press the shortcut icon to activate/ de-activate the functions.

Thermal Imaging Camera
Click APP IRCamera 10 turn on the funclion
Thermal Imaging Notice.
To ensure the safety of the users and the device, please read the all following instructions carefully before you use the device.

  1. Please DO NOT point the care module towards the sun o any source of intense radiation
  2. The ideal working temperature is 10 °C ~ 50°C.
  3. Please DONOT crack the lens to any sharp or hard object.
  4. Please DONOT use corrosive solutlon o clean the lans.
  5. Please be AWARE of static electricity.
  6. Pleasa DO NOT disassembla the device. Ifany fault occurs, please contact AGM for professional repar.

Google Apps

Google provides entertainment, social network, and business apps. You may require a Google account to access some apps, Refer to Accounts for more information.
To view more app information, access each apps in the help menu.
Tips: Some apps may not be available or may be labelled diferently depending on the region or service provider.
Search for information and browse webpages.
Send or receive emails via the Google gmal service.
Find your location on the map, search for locations, and view location information for various Places.
YT Music
Discover, listen to, and share music on your device.
Play Movies & TV
Watch videos stored on your device and download various content to watch from the Play Store.
Store your content on the cloud, access it fom anywhere, and share it with others.
Search quickly for items on the Intemet or your device.
Play Store
Download third-party apps from the Play Store
Video and voice calls over the network,


WARNING!! Read this information before using your phone
In August 1985 the Federal Communications Cammission (FCC) of the United Siates with its action in Regort and Outer FCC 96-326 adopled an updated safety standard for human exposure fo radio frequency (RF) eloctromagnetic anergy emited by FCC rogulated ransmiters.
Those guidelines are consistent with the safey standard previously set by both U.S. and intemational standards bodies. The design of this phone comples with the FCC guidelines and these intemational standards.
Use only the supplied or an approved antenna.
Unauthorized antennas modifcations,or attachments coud impeir call qauality, damage the phone, or resul in vilation of FCC reguiations.
Do nol use the phone with a damaged antenna. fa damaged antonna comes ino contact wih the skin, a minor burn may resul, Please contact yourlocal deate for epiacement antenna.
Tris device was tested fo typical body-worn operations withthe backifront ofthe phone kept 0.5cm from the body.
To comply wih FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation disance of 0.5cm must be mainained between the user’s bady and the backffont of the phone, incuing the antenna.
Tri-party beli-lips, holsters and similar accessaries containing metalic: components shalnot be used.
Body-worn accessories that cannot maintain 0.5cm separation distance botwoen the user’s body and the backfront of the phone, and have not oen tested fortypical body-worn oeratons may not comply with FCC RF exposure imits and should be avoided.
For more nformation about RF exposure, please vist the FCC website at
Your vireless handheid potable telephone is low povier radio ransitter and rocaiver. When it is ON, it recaives and also sends out radio frequency (RF)signals. In August, 1896, the Federal Commuricatins Commissions (FGC) adopted RF exposure guidelnes withsafety lovels for hand-held vireloss phones.
Those guidelines are consistent with the safey standards previously s by both US. and intematonal standards bodies:
< ANSIC5.1> (1992) | <NCRP Report 86> (1986) / ICNIRP> (1999)
Those standards were based on comprehansive and perodic evaluatons of the relovant scientiic erature. For example, over 120 scientts, enginoers, and physicians ffom universies, government health agencies, and ndustry roviewed the avaiable body of rescarch to develop the ANSI Standard (C95.1), Novertheloss, we recommend that you use & hands-froe it wih your phone (such as an earpiece or headsat)to avcid polental exposura to RF energy. The design of your phon complies withthe FCC guidalines (and those standargs).
Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna.
Unauthorized antennas, modificatons, or atachments could damage the phone and may vilats FCC reguiations.
Hold the phone as you would any other telephione with the antenna pointed up and over your shoulder,
RF Exposure Information:
Tris produc s compiance to FCC RF Exposure requirements and refers to FCC website search for FCC ID:2A3DR-G1 to gain further information include SAR Values.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’ s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

Do not use the device with the environment which below minimum -10°C or over maximum 50°C, the device may not work.
This device is acting as slave and operating in the 2.4 GHz (2412 ~2462 MHz) band. Ad Hoc function is supported but not able to operate on non-US frequencies.
At full volume, extended use of the mobile audio player may damage the user’s hearing.
Please install only officially released applications for the AGM Glory G1.
AGM is not responsible for any 3rd parties’ application data.
This device complies with the essential requirements and other provisions contained in Directive 2014/53/EU.
The SAR limit of Europe is 2. 0 W/kg .
The device has been tested against this SAR limit .
The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification for use in the ear is 1.793 W/kg and when properly worn on the body is 1.585 W/kg . This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the handset kept 5 mm from the body .
The device complies with RF Specifications when the device is used at 5 mm from your body .
The use of belt clips , holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in their assembly .
The use of accessories that do not fulill these requirements may not comply with RF exposure requirements , and should be avoided .
Basic information of manufacturer
Product name:smart phone
Copyright © AGM Mobile Limited
2021. All rights reserved.

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