rize Bolt Foldable Electric Bikes Owner’s Manual

June 13, 2024

Models: Bolt, Bolt X
Bolt Foldable Electric Bikes

Owner’s Manual


Rize on!
Congratulations on your new Rize bike! Now it’s time to prepare yourself for an unreal riding experience!
Before your first ride, please read this Owner’s Manual in its entirety. It will provide you with important information regarding assembly, maintenance, and safety.
If you are not comfortable with assembling the bike on your own, we highly recommend that you have a qualified bicycle mechanic assemble the bike on your behalf.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit the Help Center or contact us directly. We’re always happy to help!
Help Center: help.rizebikes.com
Email: support@rizebikes.com
Toll Free: 1-888-600-1545

Initial Safety Check

During assembly, please carefully examine the entire bike for any loose nuts and bolts. Any loose nuts and bolts must be properly tightened for safety and smooth operation. Please pay special attention to the following components to ensure they’re properly installed, tightened, and adjusted before your first ride: handlebar, stem, pedals, crank arms, and wheels. While some of the components come pre-assembled, this step is still essential to the safe operations of the bike. Failing to do so may cause a loose component to detach or fail during use and lead to serious injury.

  • Wheels: When assembling your bike, it is critical to secure the front and rear wheels and ensure that the wheel axle nuts are sufficiently tightened. Properly installed wheels are essential to the safe use of the bike.
  • Tires: Both tires must be inflated to the specifications outlined in the manual. Failing to do so will reduce performance, increase tire wear, and compromise your safety.
  • Crank and Pedals: Ensure the crank pedal arms and pedals are tightened to the recommended torque values. The required tool for the crank is a 8mm hex key, and the recommended torque 30-35 N.m. The required tool for the pedals is a 15mm wrench, and the recommended torque 35-40 N.m.
  • Brakes: Ensure brakes are secure, adjusted, and working properly. When braking, apply the rear brake first, then the front brake. Applying the brakes in the wrong sequence may lead to serious injury.

We recommend performing the above safety check every 200 to 300 km (120 to 180 miles) or if the bike has not been used for more than three weeks. If you ride the bike regularly but only for short distances at a time, we also recommend performing the above safety check every 2 to 3 months.
For Your Safety
Please familiarize yourself to the bike’s controls before riding. It is highly recommended that you first ride your new bike in an open area with the power assist level set to “0”. Once you are confident in operating your bike, increase the power assist level gradually to maintain good control of the bike.
It is good practice to always keep your hands over the brake levers. The brake levers are outfitted with motor inhibitors that will disengage the motor when applied. If for any reason you lose control, apply the brake levers immediately to disengage the motor. Do not try to stop your bike using your feet, as this may lead to serious injury.

General Information

When carrying your bike or walking it without Walk Mode, we recommend turning off the bike’s power to avoid accidentally engaging the motor. If the motor is accidentally engaged, applying the brakes will disengage the motor.
Throttle: The throttle is designed to send varying amounts of power to the motor depending on how much pressure is applied to it. If you are not familiar with our throttle system, please exercise caution and refrain from applying excess pressure to the throttle. We recommend slowly increasing the pressure applied to the throttle to ensure a smooth acceleration. Please bear in mind that constant use of the throttle cause the battery to drain at a faster rate.
Please note the throttle function is deactivated when the pedal assist level is set to “0”.
Pedal Assist (Cadence Sensor): The cadence sensor engages the motor when it senses movement from the crank or pedals, which may cause the bike to suddenly lurch forward. Please avoid accidental contact with the pedals when the bike is powered on to prevent unwanted movement from the bike.
Liability Disclaimer
There are unpredictable and unavoidable risks associated with the use of any e-bike. It is your responsibility as the rider to research and understand such risks before operating an e-bike. By operating one of our e-bikes, you accept all risks associated with it. You are responsible for your own actions while operating an e-bike. Rize Bikes is neither responsible nor liable for any accidents or injuries, whether caused by you or others, that occur during your operation of an e-bike. We recommend contacting your insurance provider to determine whether your current insurance policy covers you in the event of an accident.


(A) Handlebar (Required tool: 5mm hex key)
Do not move the bike or the fork during the handlebar assembly process. The fork must be fully inserted into the frame.

  1. Unscrew the retainer from the head tube.
  2. Remove the silver spacers from the head tube.
  3. Insert the handlebar stem into the head tube.
  4. Fold the handlebar by opening the lever.
  5. Insert the retainer into the head tube and tighten it (recommended torque 8 N.m).
  6. Unfold the handlebar by closing the lever.
  7. Align the handlebar with the front wheel and tighten the two bolts on the side of the stem (recommended torque 12 N.m).

(B) Front Wheel

  1. Remove the brake pad protector wedged between the brake pads.
  2. Assemble the wheel by inserting the disc brake rotor between the brake pads, then inserting the fork end onto the wheel axle
  3. Remove the nut and spring (A) from the quick release skewer.
  4. Insert the quick release skewer, with the spring (B) pointing inward, into the right side of the wheel axle.
  5. Insert the spring (A), pointing inward into the left side of the quick release skewer and tighten the nut.
  6. Close the quick release lever and tighten it by rotating it clockwise.

(C) Rear Wheel (Required tool: 18mm wrench. Recommended torque 40 N.m) Please ensure the rear wheel is tightened to the recommended torque value.
(D) Tire Pressure
Bolt model: the recommended tire pressure is 40-65 psi.
Bolt X model: the recommended tire pressure is 5-30 psi.
Please use your discretion when deciding on a tire pressure range for your bike. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to, the payload, terrain, climate, and hill grades. It may take some testing before finding a tire pressure best suited to your use.
After inflating the tires, please ensure the tires are properly installed on the rims.
WARNING; The tires must be inflated to the proper psi as indicated on the tire sidewall. Do not over-inflate or under-inflate tires. (E) Fender (Required tools: 4mm hex key, 5mm hex key, and 10mm wrench)

  1. Place the fender hook on the front side of the fork arch at the highest position.
  2. Insert the bolt into the headlight holder and fender hook, and tighten on the fork arch.
  3. Use the bolts mounted on the fork to tighten the fender stays.

(F) Headlight
Align the pins with the female end by using the arrow indicators and connect firmly.
WARNING; Failure to align the headlight pin connectors with the female end may result in damage to the connectors.
(G) Pedals (Required tool: 15mm wrench. Recommended torque 35-40 N.m)
The right and left pedals are marked with an “R” or “L” on the end of the thread. The right pedal axle has a smooth surface whereas the left pedal axle has grooves.
The pedal and crank threads are designed to line up easily. Be sure to first tighten the pedals without tools as the first few turns should be easy even by hand. Stop immediately if you feel resistance while tightening the pedals since it indicates that the pedal threads are not aligned. Continuing to tighten them will damage the threads of the crank arm.

  1. Apply a small amount of grease onto the pedal thread axle.
  2. Insert the right pedal into the right crank arm. Carefully thread the pedal clockwise onto the crank by hand. Continue to slowly tighten the pedal by hand, then only tighten with a tool once the pedal is completely threaded into the crank arm.
  3. Insert the left pedal into the left crank arm. Carefully thread the pedal counter-clockwise onto the crank by hand. Continue to slowly tighten the pedal by hand, then only tighten with a tool once the pedal is completely threaded into the crank arm.

WARNING: Inserting a pedal into the wrong crank arm or installing it at the wrong angle will strip the crank arm threads and cause the pedal to detach. Failure to firmly secure the pedal will also cause the pedal to detach.
(H) Seat

  1. Open the seat tube lever, insert the seat post, and close the lever to lock.
  2. Rotate the lever to adjust the tightness on the lock.
  3. Adjust the seat angle by loosening the bolt underneath the seat. You can tilt the seat up or down and move it forward or backward to maximize comfort. Required tool: 5mm hex key.

Recommended torque 25 N.m.
WARNING: Do not raise the seat post beyond the minimum insertion point line. Doing so may cause the seat post or frame to break and could lead to serious injury or death.
(I) Chain Slap Guard (Optional)
The chain slap guard may be installed on the chain stay to protect the lower frame against dirt and scratches from the chain.
(J) Bottle Holder (Optional)
Use the screws mounted on the frame seat tube to install the bottle holder. (K) Hydraulic Brake Lever Adjustment (Required tool: 2mm hex key)

  1. Tighten the indicated bolt to extend the brake lever reach.
  2. Loosen the indicated bolt to shorten the brake lever reach.

(L) Removing The Battery
The battery keys are attached to the handlebar upon delivery. Insert the key into the key port and turn clockwise to unlock the battery. Next, turn the release knob on the battery to remove it from the frame. WARNING: Failure to follow proper assembly, operation, and/or maintenance procedures could lead to serious injury or death.

Battery Care

Charging the Battery
Fully charge the battery before your first ride. Always connect the charger to the battery first, then into the outlet. The LED indicator on the charger will turn red to indicate the battery is charging. Once fully charged, the LED indicator will turn green.
It is best practice to immediately remove the charger from the battery once charging is complete. The charger will automatically stop charging when the battery is full; however, damage to the charging components may still occur if the charger is left attached
to the battery and power source for prolonged periods of time.
The battery can be charged after each use. Charging the battery after short rides will not cause damage.

  • Charge the battery on a heat and flame resistant surface with a smoke or fire detector nearby. Do not charge the battery in a wet or humid environment or while exposed to strong sunlight.
  • Always charge your battery where the temperature is between 10 – 25 °C.
  • Only charge the battery with the supplied charger. Do not attempt to use another charger as it may damage the battery or cause a fire or an explosion.
  • Do not leave the battery unattended while charging.

WARNING: Failure to follow proper charging procedures may result in damage to your battery, charger, or other personal property.
Battery Storage

  • Store the battery indoors during extreme weather.
  • Avoid storing the battery in places of high temperature or high humidity.
  • Charge the battery to 70% power before putting it in storage for 2 months or longer. The battery will slowly discharge over time and should be monitored regularly. When the battery reaches 20% power, charge it back up to 70% before putting it back in storage.

LCD Display

Turning the Power ON/OFF

  1. To turn on the power, press and hold the power button for at least two-seconds. The LCD display will turn on to indicate that the bike is ready to ride.
  2. To turn off the power, press and hold the power button for at least two-seconds.

To enable the LCD secure lock, refer to the LCD advanced settings (option 15).
Pedal Assist Level
The level of pedal assist determines the motor’s output while pedalling. By default, there are 1-7 levels of pedal assist, 1 being the lowest, and 7 the highest. If you wish to ride without pedal assist, select 0.
Use the Up (+) / Down (-) buttons to select the desired pedal assist level.
Throttle (Accelerator) and Cruise Control
The throttle is enabled as soon as the LCD display turns on. If you wish to disable the throttle, select pedal assist level “0”.
To enable cruise control, refer to the LCD advanced settings (option 11). Turning the Headlight, Taillight, and Flashing Mode ON/OFF

  1. Press and hold the Up (+) button for one second to turn on the lights.
  2. Press and hold the Up (+) button again to switch the taillight to flashing mode.
  3. Press and hold the Up (+) button again to turn off the lights.

Walk Mode
Press and hold the Down (-) button to activate walk mode. This feature will engage the motor at a relatively low speed to assist you in walking the bike.
Data Mode Display
Quick presses of the power button will cycle through the different data display modes on the LCD display. See below for the available modes and sequence:
Average Speed > Max Speed > Current Speed > Single Trip > Odometer > Time Settings Mode
– Quickly double-press the power button to enter the settings mode.
– Press the power button to cycle through the settings options.
– Press the Up (+) and Down (-) buttons to make changes and the power button to confirm.
– To exit the settings mode, double-press the power button again.
If no action is taken for 6 seconds on the settings mode, you will be redirected to the home screen.
The sequence of the settings option: Cr > S7 > bL1 > OFF > Wd > bU0 > PSd > (advanced settings) > SPL > SAs > Sdr > PAs > EnP > Hd6 > Sdd > dPd > PPd

  1. Cr = Clear temporary data (Trip Reset)
    Select “y” to clear the temporary data (average speed, max speed, current speed, single trip, time).

  2. S7 = Speed display mode (KM/Miles). Switch the speed display mode between kilometres and miles.

  3. bL1 = Backlight brightness (1 – 5)

  4. OFF = LCD auto-off timer (1 – 15) minutes
    The LCD screen turns OFF automatically when not in use. Select between 1 to 15 minutes.

  5. Wd = Wheel diameter (20, 26, 27.5) (20F, 26F are specific to 4” fat tires)
    The wheel diameter must be set according to the tire size. An incorrect setting will cause inaccuracy in the speed and distance readout.

  6. PSd = Advanced settings
    Enter the password 1919 to access the advanced settings.
    Advanced Settings

  7. SPL = Speed limit (default 32 km / 20 miles)
    Maximum speed limit setting.

  8. Sdr = Motor responsiveness (default 2)
    Enables you to adjust motor responsiveness from 0 – 3 (gradual to quick response).

  9. PAs = Pedal assist levels (default 1-7)
    Enables you to change the number of power assist levels. Choose between 1-3, 1-5, 1-7, and 1-9.

  10. EnP = Battery percentage indicator (0 disabled, 1 enabled)

  11. Hd6 = Cruise control (0 disabled, 1 enabled)
    To activate cruise control, stop pedalling, then push and hold the throttle at the desired speed for 8 seconds.

  12. Sdd = Taillight flashing mode (0 disabled, 1 enabled)

  13. dPd = LCD secure lock (0 disabled, 1 enabled) (default password 0000)
    This feature will lock the LCD display and will require a password to unlock and enable the electrical system.

  14. PPd = Set a new password for the LCD secure lock
    Be sure to record the new password in a secure place as there is no way to reset it if forgotten.

Error Code Definitions
Whenever an error is detected by the system, the LCD will display the error code and, in some cases, the engine icon.
Here are the common error codes:
– Error 21: Abnormal current
– Error 22: Throttle error
– Error 23: Motor phase lost
– Error 24: Motor hall error
– Error 25: Brake error
– Error 30: Communication error
Please visit our Help Centre at help.rizebikes.com for articles on resolving these common errors. If you require further assistance or have additional questions, please contact us directly. We’re always happy to help!
Contact Information
Email: support@rizebikes.com
Toll Free: 1-888-600-1545


It is important to properly maintenance and regularly tune up your bike to ensure optimal performance and safe riding. Regularly lubricating the chain, gear shifter, sprocket, and other moving parts will ensure a longer life for the bike.
Always check the condition of your bike before riding to make sure it is well maintained. When in doubt, consult a bicycle mechanic for assistance.
WARNING: If you do not have the experience, skill, or tools to maintain your bike, we highly recommend you hire a qualified bike mechanic to perform the work for you on a regular basis.

  • Wipe down your bike after each ride and store in a dry place to avoid rust and corrosion.
  • Always remove the battery when cleaning or servicing your bike.
  • Clean the battery and the battery housing with a slightly damp rag if necessary. Do not spray with water or cleaning solution as this may damage the battery or cause a short circuit.


  • Regularly check the tire pressures on both tires to ensure that they are inflated to the appropriate psi.
  • Lube and clean your chain frequently (at least every 160 km/100 miles). Use special bike lubes to maximize performance and get a smoother ride.
  • Always park your bike where it’s protected from the elements and drastic temperature changes.
  • Perform regular maintenance on the bike’s electrical and mechanical parts. The bike requires proper maintenance to ensure it continues to work correctly and to prevent its parts from becoming rusty, damaged, and/or corroded.
  • Avoid transporting your bike on a vehicle rack in wet weather, as this may allow water to infiltrate the electrical components.

Recommended Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance Schedule| Each Ride| Weekly| Monthly| Semi- Annually| Annually
Tire pressure| x| | | |
Tire condition| x| | | |
Visual inspection| x| | | |
Brake lever pressure| x| | | |
Handlebar alignment| x| | | |
Saddle alignment| x| | | |
Wheel check| x| | | |
Clean and lubricate chain| | x| | |
Check brake pads| | x| | |
Battery pack locked| | x| | |
Inspect frame condition| | | x| |
Clean bicycle| | | x| |
Charge battery (if not regularly charged)| | | x| |
Check wheel spokes| | | x| |
Inspect rim condition| | | x| |
Inspect saddle, rails, and clamp| | | x| |
Check quick releases| | | x| |
Check all bolts and torque settings| | | | x|
Lubricate forks| | | | x|
Grease pedal bearings| | | | x|
Check hub bearings| | | | x|
Check headset bearings| | | | x|
Check bottom bracket bearings| | | | x|
Replace brake pads (if required)| | | | | x
Add mineral oil or bleed brakes| | | | | x
Replace tires (if required)| | | | | x

Legal Requirements

Electric bicycles are regulated, and regulations vary depending on the country, state, province, city, etc. It is your responsibility to stay informed of local laws and to comply with them. You may contact local authorities, electric bicycle shops, or bicycle associations to acquire information on legal requirements. Rize Bikes is not responsible for any fines and/or punishments resulting from the breach of such legal requirements and regulations.
You are required to wear a helmet for your own safety. Use the front and rear lights after sunset for increased visibility and safety.
Please be sure to follow local vehicle regulations when operating your bike in public to ensure your own safety and the safety of others on the road.
Serial Number
It is important to keep a record of the bike’s serial number for yourself as the police will require it in case of theft. Rize Bikes does not keep serial numbers of the bikes sold on record. It is your sole responsibility to keep a record of the serial number upon delivery of the bike. The serial number is printed on the bike’s frame in the format of a barcode. You may locate it on the underside of the frame near the bottom bracket (pedals) section of the bike.


Our e-bikes are built using durable frames and quality parts manufactured by trusted brands. Each e-bike comes with a 12- month warranty against manufacturing defects starting on the date of delivery.
What is the shipping damage claim?
Upon receiving your order, please inspect the shipping box carefully. If you notice any damage, please take photos and keep them on record. This is to support claims in the event any product inside was damaged during shipping. Please refer to the Shipping Damage section of our Limited Warranty (bit.ly/rizebikeswarranty) for the claim process.
What is the Out-of-the-Box Defect Policy?
Components not normally covered under the Limited Warranty Policy are covered under the Out-of-the-Box Defect Policy for 14 days, beginning on the date of delivery. This is to ensure that our customers have fully functional bikes from the start.
In the unfortunate event that your bike is damaged or not functioning as expected, Rize Bikes will cover all costs associated with the repairs of the bike.
An Out-of-the-Box Defect claim must be filed within 14 days of delivery, and the bike must have less than 7km (5 miles) on its odometer. Please refer to the Special Out-of-Box Defect Policy section of our Limited Warranty (bit.ly/rizebikeswarranty) for the claim process.
What does the 12 month Limited Warranty include?
The 12-month warranty period begins when you receive your bike. Any manufacturer defects on the frame of the bike are covered by the warranty. The warranty also covers any electrical defects that may occur from normal use. If an electrical component stops working or does not perform as expected, we will work with you to repair or replace the faulty part. This warranty also covers the any shipping and handling costs associated with the warranty claim.
Please refer to the What Voids the Rize Bikes Limited Warranty section of our Limited Warranty (bit.ly/rizebikeswarranty) for what voids the warranty.
Reimbursement for service
If any work or service by a 3rd party shop or technician is required to fix the bike, please first provide a written quote to Rize Bikes for approval. Only work and services with quotes pre-approved by Rize Bikes are eligible for reimbursement.
How easy is a Rize Bike to repair?
Our bikes are designed to be easy to maintain and repair. All maintenance and repair instructions are available in our Help Center (help.rizebikes.com) in either the step-by-step text plus photo format or the video format. If you require further assistance or have additional questions, we’re always happy to help.
Please note, all mechanical parts require regular tune-ups and servicing. Keeping a set maintenance routine for your bike will improve the reliability and operation of your bike.
What are the electrical components?

  • LCD Screen & Button Pad
  • Thumb Throttle
  • Brake Inhibitors
  • Main Cable Wire
  • Controller
  • Pedal Assist and Speed Sensors
  • Motor
  • Battery & Battery Cradle
  • Front and Rear Lights

What is not covered by the warranty?

  • Wear and tear parts including, but are not limited to: brake components, suspension, seat, rack, rims, tires, and inner tubes.

  • Wear and tear through normal use.

  • Any damage, corrosion, malfunction, or defects resulting from:
    – Failure to follow instructions provided by Rize Bikes via various channels such as the Owner’s Manual, website, and emails.
    – Misuse, neglect, abuse, improper assembly, operator error, extreme riding, and stunt riding.
    – The installation of 3rd party parts or accessories, unauthorized alterations and modifications, and unauthorized tempering and reprogramming of electrical components.
    – Improper storage and maintenance.
    – Natural disasters, accidents, and water damage.
    – Power surges and the use of chargers not supplied by Rize Bikes

  • Cosmetic damage due to usage.

  • Any damage due to usage that does not affect the safe operations of the bike.

What voids Rize Bikes warranty?
The installation of any electrical components not originally supplied by Rize Bikes. In some cases, installation of mechanical components not supplied by Rize Bikes may cause damage to electrical components. If this was the case, warranty will not cover the damage. Please visit the What Voids the Rize Bikes Limited Warranty section of our Limited Warranty (bit.ly/rizebikeswarranty) for what voids the warranty.
How to file a warranty claim?
We encourage you to first visit our Help Centre (help.rizebikes.com) for the most frequently asked questions and answers, as you will likely find the solution to your problem there.
If you can’t find the solution to your issue, please email us at support@rizebikes.com and include the following information:

  • Name of the original owner
  • Order number
  • Bike model
  • Detailed description of the issue, including a brief description of the situation before you noticed the issue
  • Photo and/or video evidence that document and identify the issue. Follow this Video Sharing Guide (https://bit.ly/howtosharevideos) to share videos with us

If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit the Help Center or contact us directly. We’re always happy to help!
Help Center: help.rizebikes.com
Email: support@rizebikes.com
Toll Free: 1-888-600-1545
This Owner’s Manual is subject to change without notice.
Please visit https://rizebikes.ca/pages/owners-manual for the latest version.


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