SEGWAY GT Series Super Scooter User Manual
- June 12, 2024
- Segway
Table of Contents
GT Series Super Scooter
User Manual
Hi Welcome
GT Series Super Scooter
Thanks for choosing the Segway SuperScooter (hereinafter refered to as SuperScooter)! Your SuperScooter is a recreational product with high perfomance, good quality and stylish design. Equipped with front and rear shock absorbers, the SuperScooter offers you a safe and steady riding experience and allows you to switch between five speed modes. Enjoy your ride and have more fun!
Packing List
Always wear a helmet. elbow pads and knee pads when riding.
The pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may
vary. Product
User Manual
Important Information
Limited Warranty
T30 Wrench
M6 Screw 6 Valve Stern Extension Battery Charger
1 (For GT1) Battery Charger x 2 (Fa GT2)
Unfold the stern and close the quick release lever.
• Avad pinching the wires inside the stem while unfolding’ -
Slide the handlebar and the wires into the stem with the headlight facing forward.
• Make sure that the wires inside the handle and the stern are connected -
Install the six ser•.% In order with the included 130 wrench.
DO NOT use an electric screwdriver! -
Place the StperScooter on the ground and unf old the kickstand.
- Prelocked
- Locked into position
Press down the quick release lever firmly to make sure the folding mechanism is bghtened.
Check the status ot the safety button and make sure it is back to position.
An inactivated SuperScooter will keep beeping when powered on. and Its speed
is limited to 14.9 mph (24 km/h).
Not allowed to switch to SPORT mode or RACE mode when the SuperScooter is
- Power on the SuperScooter.
- Scan the OR code to download the Segway-klinebot append register/log in.
- Click `Search vehicle” and par with your SuperScooter. The scooter is connected to the Segvray-Ninebot app when the Bluetooth symbol lights up.
- Follow the instructions to watch the Riding Safety.
- Click to activate the SuperScooter.
- The speed mode is set to PARK mode when the SuperScooter is activated.
Not allowed to switch to SPORT mode or RACE mode until the riding mileage a 0.6 miles (I WO.
How to Ride
Belorenente.squeezethetwaIelevetSquieSlyand then slowly. repeat Slimes teS4 eCtively. andeheck the battery keel and trepresstrei
- Power on the SuperScooter and choose the speed mode. Rease choose the speed mode before riding!
- Stand co the footboard wi th one foot and push off with the other foot to start glidirg
- Put both feet on the footboard and staid stably. Twist the throttle to speed up. 4′ This SuperScooter starts at an into speed of 0 Icrn/h (for GT1P >2P only). Note: Disable the Zero start-up feature via the Segway-Ninebot app. When disabled. the motor we not engage until the scooter reaches L9 mph (3 km/h).
- Slow down by releasing the throttle and squeezing brake levers.
- To turn, shift your body and turn the handlebar slightly. ‘4 Please watch out for road conditions. suffiaent turning space is required.
When hard braking, serious danger or injury may occur. Maintain a moderate speed and look out for potential hazards
I There are two battery chargers for GT2. please choose from single charge or
dual charge acocirding to your need.
Charge theSuperScooter for three seconds to activate the battery before the
first use. Otherwise. your SuperScooter cannot be powered on…
Your SuperScooter is fully charged when the LEO on the charger changes from
red (charging)to green (trickle charge).
When the scooter is not powered on for a loc; time and its battery level is
low, the battery will enter into sleep mode to prevent over-discharging. If
this happens, your scooter cannot be powered on. Please charge it for tl-ree
seconds to activate the battery.
- Do not charge the battery if the charge port, the battery charger or power cord is wet.
- Only use the orig nal battery charger provided by the manufacturer. Do not use a charger from any other product.
- Do not charge or use the batteryIf it is damaged or you can see traces of water.
- Oose he charge port cover when not charging the battery.
- For indoor use only.
Open the charge port covers.
- Insert the charge plug.
- Close the charge port covers when finished.
APP Features
Please customize more teatires via the Segway-Nlnebot app.
Always wear a helmet, elbow Pads and kneepads when Wing.
DO NOT ride on public roads, motorways. or highways unless the local laws ix
regulations have exceptions. . – . . . . . . . .
NOT use a mottle phone or wear earphones when riding the SuperScooter.
DO NOT ride the scooter in the rain. CO NOT ride through puddles or other
obstacles. DO
NOT ride the scooter with only one foot or One hand.
DO NOT wear high heels when riding.
DO NOT park in the open air or outdoors for a long tune.
Keep your speed between 3.1-62 mph (5-10 km/h) when you ride through speed
bumps. or other uneven surfaces. Watch your head when pass ng through dorxways.
DO NOT carry any passengers.
Avokl contacting obstacies with the tire/wheel.
Attention! Redtne the speed while going dnAnhill. DO NOT carry heavy objects on the
Do not keepynur feet on the rear lender.
DO NOT overtake.
DO NOT rotate the handle violently while dnmrg at high speed.
DO NOT nde up and down stairs or jump over obstacles. DO NOT touch the hub motor after riding
because it can get hot.
DO NOT touch the disc brake.
Folding Lit up the safety button and oven the quick release lever. Then fokl
the stern.
Always hold the handlebar to maintain stabld y %stale folding and tint Ming!
Unfolding/ Unfold the stem and close the quick release lever.
Risk of parching!
Risk of pinching! Litt up the bottom of the front fork and rear
foot pedestaltocarry if necessary. Make sure the scooter is carried by two or
more people.
Scan the OR code to downloM the Segyray Ninebot app.
The pictures shown are for illustrat on purposes only.
The actual product or app interface may vary.
Documents / Resources
SEGWAY GT Series Super
[pdf] User Manual
GT Series Super Scooter, GT Series, Super Scooter, Scooter
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