CHARGER WS1CD Water Specialist CD Control Valve User Manual
- June 12, 2024
- Charger
Table of Contents
Water Specialist CD/CZ
Control Valve
Programming Manual
Front Cover and Drive Assembly
Drawing No. | Order No. | Description | Quantity |
1 | V3984-01 | WS1CD FRONT COVER ASSEMBLY | 1 |
2 | V3107-01 | WS1 MOTOR ASY | 1 |
3 | V3002-A | WS1 DRIVE BRACKET ASY | 1 |
4 | V3985CD-04BOARD | WS1 THRU 2 CD4 PCB REPL | 1 |
5 | V3110 | WS1 DRIVE REDUCING GEAR 12X36 | 3 |
6 | V3109 | WS1 DRIVE GEAR COVER | 1 |
Not Shown | V3186-06 | WS1 POWER SUPPLY US 15VDC HOCP |
Not Shown| V3946| WS1 WIDE DRIVE BACK PLATE| 1
Refer to Control Valve Service Manual for other drawings and part numbers.
Power Supply | U.S. | International |
Supply Voltage | 100-120VAC | 100-240 VAC |
Supply Frequency | 50/60 Hz | 50/60 Hz |
Output Voltage | 15 VDC | 15 VDC |
Output Current | 500 mA | 500 mA |
Relay Driver Output Type – Three Solid-State 12VDC “wet” contacts – N.O. Relay Driver Output Capacity – 12VDC @100mA per relay output (Total current through all three outputs not to exceed 200mA) NOTE: Check for proper outing dimensions on valve back plate prior to mounting an external relay under control cover.
Wiring for correct on/off operation
PC Board Relay Terminal Block| Relay
RLY1/RLY2/RLY3| Coil –
V+| Coil+
Care must be taken when programming both MAVs and all three relay outputs to be active. If it will be possible for one motor and all three relay outputs to be energized at the same time during operation, the current rating of the supplied wall adapter may be exceeded.
OEM General Programming Instructions
The control valve offers multiple procedures that allow the valve to be modified to suit the needs of the installation. These procedures are:
- OEM Configuration Setup
- OEM Softener System Setup
- OEM Filter System Setup
- Installer Display Settings
- User Display Settings
- Diagnostics
- Valve History
Tables 1 and 2 show examples when the valve is set up as a softener or filter.
Table 1: Regeneration Cycles Softening
Downflow Regenerant Refill After Rinse| Downflow Regenerant Prefill| Upflow
Regenerant Refill After Rinse| Upflow Regenerant Prefill
1st Cycle: Backwash
2nd Cycle: dn Brine
3rd Cycle: Backwash
4th Cycle: Rinse
5th Cycle: Fill| 1st Cycle: Fill
2nd Cycle: Softening
3rd Cycle: Backwash
4th Cycle: dn Brine
5th Cycle: Backwash
6th Cycle: Rinse| 1st Cycle: UP Brine
2nd Cycle: Backwash
3rd Cycle: Rinse
4th Cycle: Fill| 1st Cycle: Fill
2nd Cycle: Softening
3rd Cycle: UP Brine
4th Cycle: Backwash
5th Cycle: Rinse
Table 2: Regeneration Cycles Filtering
1st Cycle: Backwash
2nd Cycle: dn Brine
3rd Cycle: Backwash
4th Cycle: Rinse
5th Cycle: Fill
The control valve with a water meter can be set for Demand Initiated
Regeneration (DIR) only, Time Clock operation only or DIR and Time Clock
whichever comes first, depending upon what settings are selected for Day
Override and Gallon Capacity.1See Table 3.
If a control valve does not contain a meter, the valve can only act as a time
clock, and day override should be set to any number and gallon capacity should
be set to off.
Table 3
DIR/Time Clock Options
| Time Clock| ****
Reserve Capacity
| ****
| Filter| Settings2
Regenerant| Backwash Only| DaystoREGEN| Gallon Capacity
Yes| | Automatically calculated| Yes| | | Off| Auto
Yes| | If desired enter a value less than estimated capacity| Yes| Yes| Yes|
Off| Any Number
Yes| Yes| Automatically calculated| Yes| | | Any Number| Auto
Yes| Yes| If desired enter a value less than estimated capacity| Yes| Yes|
Yes| Any Number| Any number
| Yes| None| Yes| Yes| Yes| Any Number| Off
For DIR Softeners, there are two options for setting the Gallons Capacity. The
Gallons Capacity is automatically calculated if set to AUTO. Reserve Capacity
is automatically estimated based on water usage if AUTO is used. The other
option is to set the Gallons Capacity to a specific number. If a specific
number is set, reserve capacity is zero, unless the value is manually set
(i.e. the manufacturer intentionally sets the gallon capacity number below the
calculated capacity of the system).
A unique feature of this control valve is the ability to display actual water
usage for the last 63 days. The values are initially stored as “—-”. This
means the value is unknown. As days pass values are stored as “0” for no flow
or the actual number of gallons. The counting of the gallons starts at the
regeneration time. If no regeneration time can be set (i.e. when the valve is
set for immediate regeneration) the counting of gallons starts at 12 a.m. Day
1 is yesterday, day 2 the day before yesterday, etc. As new values are added
the oldest history disappears.
Another unique feature is that the valve automatically calculates a reserve
capacity when set up as a softener with “Gallons Capacity” set to “AUTO” and
the “Regeneration Time Option” set to “DELAYED REGEN” or “DELAY + IMMEDIATE”.
The actual reserve capacity is compared to the gallons capacity remaining
immediately prior to the preset regeneration time. A regeneration will occur
if the actual reserve capacity is less than the gallons capacity remaining.
The actual reserve capacity is calculated by using the estimated reserve
capacity and adjusting it up or down for actual usage.
The estimated reserve capacity for a given day of the week is the maximum
value stored for the last three non-trivial water usages (i.e. more than 20
gallons/day) in seven day intervals.
- See Installer Display Settings, OEM Softener System Setup and OEM Filter System Setup for explanations of Day Override and Gallon Capacity.
- Days to REGEN and Gallon Capacity can not both be set to “OFF” at the same time.
Once the OEM Cycle Sequence has been set, the other procedures can be accessed
in any order. Details on each of the procedures are provided on the following
To “lock out” access to diagnostic and valve history displays and
modifications to settings except hardness, day override, time of regeneration
and time of day by anyone but the manufacturer, press ▼, NEXT, ▲, and CLOCK in
sequence after settings are made. To “unlock”, so other displays can be
viewed and changes can be made, press ▼, NEXT, ▲, and CLOCK in sequence.
When in operation normal user displays such as time of day, volume remaining
before regeneration, present flow rate or days remaining before regeneration
are shown. If using a Wi-Fi enabled valve, another display showing connection
information will also be available. When stepping through a procedure, if no
buttons are pressed within five minutes, the display returns to a normal user
display. Any changes made prior to the five minute time out are incorporated.
To quickly exit OEM Softener Setup, OEM Filter Setup, Installer Display
Settings, Diagnostics or Valve History press CLOCK.
Any changes made prior to the exit are incorporated.
If using a Wi-Fi enabled valve, pressing CLOCK and ▼ will put the Wi-Fi module
into AP mode. Pressing CLOCK and ▼ again will take the module out of AP mode.
To clear the Service Call reminder, press ▲ and ▼ simultaneously while CALL is
When desired, all programming and information in Diagnostics may be reset to
defaults when the valve is installed in a new location. To reset to defaults,
press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously to go to the Softening/Filtering screen. Press
▲ and ▼ simultaneously to reset programming and diagnostic values to
defaults. Screen will return to User Display.
Sometimes it is desirable to have the valve initiate and complete two
regenerations within 24 hours and then return to the preset regeneration
procedure. It is possible to do a double regeneration if the control valve is
set to “DELAYED REGEN” or “DELAY + IMMEDIATE” in OEM Softener System Setup or
OEM Filter System Setup. To do a double regeneration:
- Press the “REGEN” button once. REGEN TODAY will flash on the display.
- Press and hold the “REGEN” button for three seconds until the valve regeneration initiates.
Once the valve has completed the immediate regeneration, the valve will
regenerate one more time at the preset regeneration time.
For Valve Type 1.0T, press and hold CLOCK and ▲ for about 3 seconds to
initiate an exchange of the tank in Service without cycling the regeneration
valve. After tank switch, days remaining and capacity remaining status is
retained for each tank until the next regeneration.
Proportional Brining
If the system is set up as a prefill upflow softener the control valve can also be set to normal or proportional brining.
This step will appear after Step 8S and before Step 9S if the system is set up
as a prefill upflow softener. The following options can be selected:
• NORMAL FILL – System always prefills with the salt level selected.
• PROPORTIONAL FILL – If proportional brining is selected, the actual salt
fill time will be calculated by dividing the actual volume of treated water
used by the full volumetric capacity, then multiplying this value by the
maximum salt fill time. Press NEXT to go to the next step. Press REGEN to
return to the previous step.
OEM Configuration Setup
Step 1CS – Press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release. Then press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release. If screen in Step 2CS does not appear in 5 seconds the lock on the valve is activated. To unlock press ▼, NEXT, ▲, and CLOCK in sequence, then press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release. Then press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release.
Step 2CS – Use ▲ or ▼ to select 1.0 for 1” valve, 1.25 for 1.25” valve, 1.5
for 1.5” valve, 2.0 for 2” valve or 1.0T for twin valve.
Press NEXT to go to Step 3CS.
Press REGEN to exit OEM cycle sequence.
Step 3CS – When 1.5 or 2.0 is selected, an additional screen will appear. It
is used to select which size flow meter is to be used with the valve: 1.0r,
1.5, 2.0 or 3.0. Variable meter pulses of 0.1-150.0
PPG can also be selected.
Press NEXT to go to Step 4CS.
Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 4CS – Allows selection of one of the following using ▲ or ▼:
- the Control Valve to act as an alternator; or
- the Control Valve to have a no hard water bypass: or
- the Control Valve to have a Separate Source during the regeneration cycle; or
- the Control Valve to operate with Progressive Flow; or
- the Control Valve to operate with the Clack System Controller.
Select OFF when none of these features are used.
Only use Clack No Hard Water Bypass Valves or Clack Motorized Alternating
Valves (MAV) with these selections. Clack No Hard Water Bypass Valves (1” or
1.25” V3070FF or V3070FM) are not designed to be used with the alternator
function or separate source.
This display will not appear if 1.0T is selected in Step 2CS.
Selecting the Control Valve to act as an alternator:
Prior to starting the programming steps, connect the interconnect cable to each control valve board’sthreepinconnectorlabeledCOMMCABLE.Alsoconnectthemetercordtoeithercontrol valve to the three pin connector labeled METER.
| Softener valve programming steps
Configuration Setup
| Step 4CS| Set to ALT A Connect the outlet plumbing of the ALT A valve to
the MAV’s A port and connect the MAV’s two pin wire connector to the two pin
connector labeled MAV on the ALT A valve| Set to ALT B Connect the outlet
plumbing of the ALT B valve to the MAV’s B port.Noelectricalconnectionsare
requiredbetweentheALTBvalve and the MAV
Softener System Setup| Step 9S| Set to AUTO| Set to AUTO
Softener System Setup| Step 10S| Set regeneration time option to IMMEDIATE.|
Set regeneration time option to IMMEDIATE.
Installer Display Setting| Step 4I| Set Day Override to OFF| Set Day Override
to OFF
If set up for a filter, in Step 8F set Volume Capacity in Gallons; in Step 9F select Regeneration Time Option “Immediate”.
For Clack Corporation alternator systems using WS1, WS1.25 and WS1.5 valves
there will be an option to delay the last two cycles of regeneration (only
Rinse and Fill). This feature splits the regeneration into two portions. The
first oration of the regeneration will start immediately and all programmed
cycles before the Rinse and Fill cycles will be performed. After all
programmed cycles before Rinse and Fill are completed the control valve will
drive to the service position (displaying Delayed Rinse + Fill Pending). When
the volume of the online unit is depleted to 10% of its programmed capacity,
the control valve will be triggered to finish the second portion of the
regeneration. Once Rinse and Fill are completed, the valve will re-enter
Standby mode until requested to come online for Service. For Clack Corporation
alternator systems using the WS2 valve, when NEXT is pressed after selecting
ALT A or ALT B, a display will allow the user to set the amount of pre-service
rinse time for the standby tank just prior to returning to service.
With 1.0T set, the same display appears and is set in a similar
Note: Clack Twin Alternator Operations
- Twin alternating systems can be programmed with a day override setting combined with the normal volume-based regeneration programming. A twin alternating system in this configuration will then regenerate based on the volume used or the day override if there is a period of low water usage.
- Twin alternating systems can be programmed as a time clock only based regenerating system. In this configuration, the days remaining are counted only on the unit that is in service. The unit in Standby Mode only notes days in diagnostics, which results in time clock only twin regeneration initiation.
- Twin alternating systems can be programmed for a delayed regeneration time. The system will allow an immediate transfer of the MAV to switch tanks and place a fully regenerated unit in service once a unit becomes exhausted. The exhausted unit will then be placed into Standby Mode and allowed to have a delayed regeneration at the pre-set time.
Configuring the Control Valve for Separate Source Operation:
Select SEPARATE SOURCE for control operation. For separate source operation,
the three wire connector is not used. Selection requires that a connection to
a Clack Motorized Alternator Valve (MAV) is made to the two pin connector
labeled MAV located on the printed circuit board. The C port of the MAV must
be connected to the valve inlet and the A port connected to the separate
source used during regeneration. The B port must be connected to the feed
water supply.
When set to Separate Source the MAV will be driven closed before the first
regeneration cycle, and be driven open after the last regeneration cycle.
NOTE: If the control valve enters into an error state during regeneration
mode, the MAV will remain in its current state until the error is corrected
and reset.
Configuring the Control Valve for Progressive Flow operation:
Select Progressive Flow for control operation. Operation in Progressive Flow
Mode requires 2 to 4 valves plumbed in parallel, each with a separate flow
meter and No Hard Water Bypass unit. The ADD ANOTHER UNIT setting will add or
subtract the number of units currently in service, based on the overall flow
rate through the system. The ADD ANOTHER UNIT screen will only appear on
- For communication between the valves, three-wire communication cables are required. Cables available:
NOTE: All cabling must be completed before starting programming.
Configuring the Control Valve for No Hard Water Bypass Operation:
Select NO HARD BYPASS for control operation. For no hard water bypass
operation the three wire connector is not used. Selection requires that a
connection to MAV or a Clack No Hard Water Bypass Valve is made to the two pin
connector labeled MAV located on the printed circuit board. If using a MAV,
the A port of the MAV must be plugged and the valve outlet connected to the B
port. When set to No Hard Bypass the MAV will be driven closed before the
first regeneration cycle that is not FILL or SOFTENING or FILTERING, and be
driven open after the last regeneration cycle that is not FILL.
NOTE: If the control valve enters into an error state during regeneration
mode, the no hard water bypass valve will remain in its current state until
the error is corrected and reset.
Configuring the Control Valve to operate with Clack System Controller:
Select SYSTEM CONTROLLER to link the Control Valve to the Clack System
Controller. For communication between the Control Valve and the System
Controller a three wire communication cable is required.
Press NEXT to go to Step 5CS. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 5CS – Set Auxiliary Drive Output (MAV only) to operate in one of two modes:
- TIME – Output is activated at a set time after the start of regeneration, for a specified length of time.
- Set SEP SOURCE: Allows Auxiliary MAV to switch positions before the start of regeneration and then switch back at the end of regeneration.
- Set OFF: Deactivates this output.
Only use Clack Motorized Alternating Valves (MAV) with these selections. Clack
No Hard Water Bypass Valves (1” or 1.25” V3070FF or V3070FM) are not designed
to be used with the TIME or SEPARATE SOURCE functions.
Press NEXT to go to Step 6CS. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 6CS – This allows the use of an outside signal to control the
initiation of a regeneration.
Selection only matters if a connection is made to the two pin connector
labeled DP SWITCH located on the printed circuit board. Following is an
explanation of the options: OFF – Feature not used.
NOTE: In a twin alternating system each control must have a separate dP
signal or dP switch. One dP signal or one dP switch cannot be used for both
IMMED REG – If the dP switch is closed for an accumulative time of 2
minutes a regeneration will be signaled to the unit. In a twin alternating
system the MAV will transition first to switch units so that the signaled unit
can start regeneration. After the MAV is fully transitioned the regeneration
begins immediately. Note: For WS1 – WS1.5 control valves programmed for twin
alternating: if the dP function “IMMED REG” is set, the Delayed Rinse and Fill
feature is not available.
DELAY REG – If the dP switch is closed for an accumulative time of 2 minutes a
regeneration will occur at the scheduled delayed regeneration time. In a twin
alternating system once the dP switch is triggered the PC Board will display
“REGEN TODAY” and when the delayed regen time comes the control will switch
tanks and the triggered unit will then go into regeneration.
Note: For WS1 – WS1.5 control valves programmed for twin alternating: if
the dP function “DELAY REG” is set, the Delayed Rinse and Fill feature is not
HOLD REG – If the dP switch is closed a regeneration will be prevented from
occurring while there is switch closure. In a twin alternating system the
regeneration of a unit can be prevented upon switch closure. If the unit
depletes the capacity down to zero it will not be allowed to switch tanks to
regenerate until the switch is open. Note: For WS1 – WS1.5 control valves
programmed for twin alternating the Delayed Rinse and Fill feature can be set
in conjunction
with the “HOLD REG” if desired.
Press NEXT to go to Step 7CS or to exit Configuration Setup. Press REGEN to
return to previous step. Step 7CS – If set as a softener, and 1.5 was
selected in Step 2CS, this screen will appear, and FILL can be set to LBS or
MIN by using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 8CS. Press REGEN to return to
previous step.
Step 8CS – Press ▼ or ▲ until BACKWASH appears. Press NEXT to go to Step 9CS. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 9CS – Press ▼ or ▲ until Regenerant Draw DN appears. Press NEXT to go to Step 10CS. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 10CS – Press ▼ or ▲ until RINSE appears. Press NEXT to go to Step 11CS. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 11CS – Press ▼ or ▲ until FILL appears. Press NEXT to go to Step 12CS. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 12CS – Press ▼ or ▲ until END appears. Press NEXT to go to Step 13CS. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 13CS – Press ▼ or ▲ until END appears. Press NEXT to go to Step 14CS. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
OEM Softener System Setup
Step 1S – Press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release. If screen in Step 2S does not appear in 5 seconds the lock on the valve is activated. To unlock press ▼, NEXT, ▲, and CLOCK in sequence, then press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release.
Step 2S – Select SOFTENING DN or SOFTENING UP using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 3S. Press REGEN to exit OEM Softener System Setup. Step 3S – Select the time for the first cycle using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 4S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 4S – Select the time for the second cycle using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 5S. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 5S – Select the time for the third cycle using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 6S. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 6S – Select the time for the fourth cycle using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 7S. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 7S – Select the LBS for the fifth cycle using ▼ or ▲. If 2.0 was selected in Step 2CS, or MIN was selected in Step 7CS, FILL is in minutes. Press NEXT to go to Step 8S. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 8S –Set Grains Capacity using ▲ or ▼. The ion exchange capacity is in grains of hardness as calcium carbonate for the system based on the pounds of salt that will be used. Calculate the pounds of salt using the fill time previously selected. Grains capacity is affected by the fill time. The grains capacity for the selected fill time should be confirmed by OEM testing. The capacity and hardness levels entered are used to automatically calculate reserve capacity when volume capacity is set to AUTO. Press NEXT to go to Step 9S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 9S – Set Volume Capacity using ▲ or ▼. If value is set to:
- AUTO capacity will be automatically calculated and reserve capacity will be automatically estimated;
- OFF regeneration will be based solely on the day override set (see Installer Display Settings Step 4I); or
- a number, regeneration initiation will be based off the value specified.
If OFF or a number is used, hardness display will not be allowed to be set in Installer Display Settings Step 3I.
If OFF is selected, Regeneration Time is automatically “Delayed”, so Step 10S will not appear.
See Setting Options Table for more detail. Press NEXT to go to Step 10S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 10S – Set Regeneration Time Options using ▼ or ▲. If value is set to:
- DELAYED REGENERATION means regeneration will occur at the preset time;
- IMMEDIATE REGENERATION means regeneration will occur immediately when the volume capacity reaches 0 (zero); or
- DELAY + IMMEDIATE REGENERATION means regeneration will occur at one of the following:
— the preset time when the volume capacity falls below the reserve or the specified number of days between regenerations is reached whichever comes first; or
— immediately after 10 minutes of no water usage when the volume capacity reaches 0 (zero).
DELAYED REGEN is the default if Step 4CS is set to ALTA or ALTB, and DELAY + IMMEDIATE REGENERATION will not be available.
IMMEDIATE REGENERATION is the default if Step 2CS is set to 1.0T, and “DELAY + IMMEDIATE REGENERATION will not be available.
This screen will not appear if OFF is selected in Step 9S.
See Setting Options Table for more detail. Press NEXT to go to Step 11S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 11S: Set Relay 1 operation using ▲ or ▼. The choices are:
- Set REGEN TIME: Relay activates after a set time at the beginning of a regeneration and then deactivates after a set period of time. The start of regeneration is defined as the first backwash cycle or Regenerant Draw UP (1” only) or DN, which ever comes first.
- Set VOLUME: Relay activates after a set volume has been used while in service, then deactivates after the meter stops registering flow and the set time period has expired.
- Set REGEN VOLUME: Relay activates after a set volume has been used while in service or during regeneration, then deactivates after the meter stops registering flow and the set time period has expired.
- Set HOLD VOLUME: The relay closes every set number of gallons and release when any button is pressed.
- Set LOW SALT LEVEL: Relay 1 is activated when the Low Salt Trigger Level is reached. Once triggered, this relay will continue to be activated until the salt level is reset. This relay will continue operation during a power outage or during error mode.
- Set OFF: If set to Off, Steps 12S and 13S will not be shown.
Press NEXT to go to Step 12S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 12S: Set Relay 1 SETPOINT Time or Volume using ▲ or ▼. The choices are:
- Relay Actuation Time: After the start of a regeneration the amount of time that should pass prior to activating the relay. The start of regeneration is defined as the first backwash cycle or Regenerant Draw UP (1” only) or DN, which ever comes first. Ranges from 0 to 500 minutes.
- Relay Actuation Volume or Regen Volume: Relay activates after a set number of gallons have passed. Ranges from 1 to 20,000 gallons.
- Relay Actuation Hold Volume: The relay and related display activate after the set number of gallons have passed.
The relay output and related display are reset when any button is pressed.
Press NEXT to go to Step 13S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 13S: Set Relay DURATION TIME using ▲ or ▼.
- If REGEN TIME is selected in Step 11S, the relay will deactivate after the time set has expired. Ranges from 0:01 to 500:00 minutes.
- If VOLUME or REGEN VOLUME is selected in Step 11S, the relay will deactivate after the time set has expired.
Press NEXT to go to Step 14S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 14S: Set Relay 2 operation using ▲ or ▼. The choices are the same as
Step 11S, with the addition of ERROR MONITOR in place of LOW SALT LEVEL. If
set to ERROR MONITOR, the relay closes whenever the valve enters error mode,
and immediately deactivates when error mode is exited. If set to OFF, Steps
15S and 16S will not be shown.
Press NEXT to go to Step 15S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 15S: Set Relay 2 SETPOINT Time or Volume using ▲ or ▼. The choices
are the same as Step 12S.
Press NEXT to go to Step 16S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 16S: Set Relay DURATION TIME using ▲ or ▼.
- If REGEN TIME is selected in Step 14S the relay will deactivate after the time set has expired.
- If VOLUME or REGEN VOLUME is selected in Step 14S the relay will deactivate after the time set has expired or after the meter stops registering flow, whichever comes first.
Press NEXT to go to Step 17. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 17S: Set Relay 3 operation using ▲ or ▼. The choices are the same as
Step 14S.
Press NEXT to go to Step 18S. Press REGEN to return to previous step
Step 18S: Set scheduled service alarm using ▲ or ▼. Available options are
Selecting OFF disables this feature. If OFF is selected, press NEXT to exit
OEM Softener System Setup. If TIME, GALLONS or BOTH is selected, press NEXT to
select the TIME and/or GALLONS values. See Steps 19S and/or 20S. Press REGEN
to return to the previous step.
Step 19S : Time remaining until Service Alarm generation. Only appears if TIME or BOTH is set in Step 18S. To change duration time, use ▲ or ▼ to select the new value. Press NEXT to exit OEM Softener System Setup or go to Step 20S if BOTH was selected in Step 18S. Press REGEN to return to the previous step.
Step 20S : Volume remaining until Service Alarm generation. Only appears if GALLONS or BOTH is set in Step 18S. To change the volume between service calls, use ▲ or ▼ to select the new value. Press NEXT to go to Step 21S. Press REGEN to return to the previous step.
Step 21S: Status display only, if Step 18S is set to TIME or BOTH. Shows time remaining to Service Alarm. Can be reset to the initial value by pressing ▲ and ▼ for approximately 3 seconds. Press NEXT to exit OEM Softener System Setup or to go to Step 22S. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 22S: Status display only, if Step 18S is set to TIME or BOTH. Shows time remaining to Service Alarm. Can be reset to the initial value by pressing ▲ and ▼ for approximately 3 seconds. Press NEXT to go to Step 23S. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 23S: Set the trigger level for the activation of the Low Salt
Display. Level is adjustable from 10-400 lbs. in 10 lb. increments, or OFF.
This display is not viewed of Set to FILTERING, 2.0 valve, or 1.5 valve with
minutes for FILL.
Press NEXT to exit OEM Softener System Setup. Press REGEN to return to
previous step.
Setting Options Table 4
System Type| Regeneration Option| Regeneration Type|
Day Override|
| ****
| ****
| ****
1-28 days
| Regeneration occurs at the next regeneration time when volume capacity falls
below the reserve capacity, or the specified number of days is reached,
whichever comes first.
Softening| Auto| Normal| OFF| Regeneration occurs at the next regeneration
time when volume capacity falls below the reserve capacity.
Softening or Filtering| 20 – 1,500,000
| ****
| ****
1-28 days
| Regeneration occurs at the next regeneration time when
volumecapacityreaches0,orthespecifiednumberofdaysis reached, whichever comes
Softening or Filtering| 20 – 1,500,000
| Normal| OFF| Regeneration occurs at the next regeneration time when volume
capacity reaches 0.
Softening or Filtering| ****
| ****
| ****
1-28 days
| Time Clock operation.
Regeneration occurs at the next regeneration time the specified number of days is reached.
| Auto or
20 – 1,500,000
| ****
On 0
| ****
1-28 days
| Regeneration occurs immediately when volume capacity reaches 0, or the
specified number of days is reached, whichever comes first.
Softening or Filtering| 20-1,500,000
| On 0| OFF| Regeneration occurs immediately when volume capacity reaches 0.
| ****
| ****
Normal + On 0
| ****
1-28 days
| Regeneration occurs at the next regeneration time when volume capacity falls below the reserve capacity, or the specified number ofdaysis reached, orregenerationoccurs after 10 minutes of no water usage when volume capacity reaches 0.
Softening or Filtering
| ****
20 – 1,500,000
| ****
Normal + On 0
| ****
1-28 days
| Regeneration occurs at the next regeneration time the specified number of days is reached or regeneration occurs after 10 minutes of no water usage when volume capacity reaches 0.
| ****
| ****
Normal + On 0
| ****
| Regeneration occurs at the next regeneration time when volume capacity falls below the reserve capacity, or regenerationoccursafter10minutesofnowaterusagewhen volume capacity reaches 0.
4 Reserve capacity estimate is based on history of water usage. Reserve Capacity estimate is not available with alternator systems or Twin Tank Valve.
OEM Filter System Setup
Step 1F – Press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release. If screen in Step 2F does not appear in 5 seconds the lock on the valve is activated. To unlock press ▼, NEXT, ▲, and CLOCK in sequence, then press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release. Step 2F – Choose FILTERING using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 3F. Press REGEN to exit OEM Filter System Setup. Step 3F – Select the time for the first cycle using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 4F. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 4F – Select the time for the second cycle using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 5F. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 5F – Select the time for the third cycle using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 6F. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 6F – Select the time for the fourth cycle using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to go to Step 7F. Press REGEN to return to previous step. Step 7F – Select the gallons for the fifth cycle using ▼ or ▲. When 2.0 is selected in Step 2CS, FILL is in minutes. Press NEXT to go to Step 8F. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 8F – Set Volume Capacity using ▲ or ▼. If value is set to:
- “OFF” regeneration will be based solely on the day override set (see Installer Display/Settings Step 4I); or
- a number, regeneration initiation will be based off the value specified.
See Setting Options Table for more detail. Press NEXT to go to Step 9F. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Step 9F – Set Regeneration Time Options using ▲ or ▼. If “OFF” was
selected in Step 8F, this screen will not appear.
If value is set to:
- DELAYED REGENERATION means regeneration will occur at the preset time;
- IMMEDIATE REGENERATION means regeneration will occur immediately when the volume capacity reaches 0 (zero); or
- DELAY + IMMEDIATE REGENERATION means regeneration will occur at one of the following:
-the preset time when the volume capacity falls below the reserve or the specified number of days between regenerations is reached whichever comes first; or
-immediately after 10 minutes of no water usage when the volume capacity reaches 0 (zero).
DELAYED REGENERATION is the default if Step 4CS is set to ALTA or ALTB, and DELAY +
IMMEDIATE REGENERATION will not be available.
IMMEDIATE REGENERATION is the default if Step 2CS is set to 1.0T, and DELAY +
IMMEDIATE REGENERATION will not be available.
See Setting Options Table for more detail. Press NEXT to go to the remaining Filter System Setup screens. Refer to Softener System Setup starting at Step 11S for details. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Installer Display Settings
STEP 1I – Press NEXT and ▲ simultaneously for 3 seconds.
STEP 2I – Display Language: Choose between English and Spanish. Press NEXT to go to Step 3I. Press REGEN to exit Installer Display Settings. STEP 3I – Hardness: Set the amount of hardness in grains of hardness as calcium carbonate per gallon using ▼ or ▲. The default is 20 with value ranges from 1 to 150 in 1 grain increments. Note: The grains per gallon can be increased if soluble iron needs to be reduced. This display will not appear if “FILTERING” is selected in Step 2F or if OFF or a number is set in Step 9S. Press NEXT to go to step 4I. Press REGEN to return to the previous step. STEP 4I – Day Override: When volume capacity is set to “OFF”, sets the number of days between regenerations. When volume capacity is set to AUTO or to a number, sets the maximum number of days between regenerations. If value set to “OFF”, regeneration initiation is based solely on volume used. If value is set as a number (allowable range from 1 to 28) a regeneration initiation will be called for on that day even if sufficient volume of water were not used to call for a regeneration. Set Day Override using ▼ or ▲:
- number of days between regeneration (1 to 28); or
- “OFF”.
See Setting Options Table for more detail on setup. Press NEXT to go to step 5I. Press REGEN to return to previous step. STEP 5I – Next Regeneration Time (hour): Set the hour of day for regeneration using ▼ or ▲. AM/PM toggles after 12. The default time is 2:00 AM. This display will not appear if IMMEDIATE is selected in Set Regeneration Time Option in OEM Softener System Setup Step 10S. Press NEXT to go to step 6I. Press REGEN to return to previous step. STEP 6I – Next Regeneration Time (minutes): Set the minutes of day for regeneration using ▼ or ▲. This display will not be shown if IMMEDIATE is selected in Set Regeneration Time Option in OEM Softener System Setup Step 10S. Press NEXT to go to Step 7I. Press REGEN to return to previous step. STEP 7I – As an energy-saving feature, the control will automatically turn off the display illumination after 5 minutes of keypad inactivity. Any further keypad activity or water use will re-illuminate the display for 5 minutes. The Energy Saver feature default is ON. Press NEXT to exit Installer Display Settings. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
User Display Settings
General Operation
When the system is operating, one of several displays may be shown. The
displays normally rotate, however pressing NEXT will pause on the selected
display for 5 minutes. Pressing NEXT will alternate between the displays. One
of the displays is always the current time of day. Days Remaining is the
number of days left before the system goes through a regeneration cycle.
Gallons Remaining is the gallons that will be treated before the system goes
through a regeneration cycle. Pressing ▼ while in the Gallons Remaining
display will decrease the capacity remaining in 10 gallon increments and will
also increase the volume used impacting the recorded values in Diagnostics
Steps 3D, 4D and 5D and Valve History, Step 5VH. Another display shows the
current treated water flow rate through the system. Either REGENERATION DP or
REGENERATION HOLD will be displayed if the dP switch is closed. To clear the
Service Call reminder, press ▲ and ▼ simultaneously while the number and
banner text screen is displayed.
If the system has called for a regeneration that will occur at the preset time
of regeneration, the words REGEN TODAY will alternate with the header on the
If a water meter is installed, the flow indicator flashes on the display when
water is being treated (i.e. water is flowing through the system).
Wi-Fi Status and Signal Strength
Top line indicates network connection name and signal strength and will show
NOT CONNECTED when the network connection is lost. Lower right bar graph
indicates the relative signal strength of the connection. Number in the lower
left indicates the software revision of the attached radio module. When
operating in Progressive Flow mode, the lead valve indicator (L) will be
activated on the lead valve. REGEN PENDING will be displayed in Alternator
Systems whenever a unit is waiting to initiate the first cycle step of
regeneration. The name of an active MAV will also be indicated in this
display. STAND BY will be displayed in Alternator Systems when a valve is in
Standby state. The name of an active MAV will also be indicated in this
display. DELAYED RINSE+FILL PENDING will be displayed whenever a zero-capacity
tank has transferred to an off-line state and is currently waiting to initiate
the second portion of a regeneration cycle. Viewed only when Delayed Rinse and
Fill is set to ON. Regeneration Mode
Typically a system is set to regenerate at a time of low water usage. An
example of a time with low water usage is when a household is asleep. If there
is a demand for water when the system is regenerating, untreated water will be
used. When the system begins to regenerate, the display will change to include
information about the step of the regeneration process and the time remaining
for that step to be completed. The system runs through the steps automatically
and will reset itself to provide treated water when the regeneration has been
Manual Regeneration
Sometimes there is a need to regenerate the system sooner than when the system
calls for it, usually referred to as manual regeneration. There may be a
period of heavy water usage because of guests or a heavy laundry day.
To initiate a manual
regeneration at the preset delayed regeneration time, when the regeneration
press and release REGEN. The words REGEN TODAY will periodically be shown on
the display to indicate that the system will regenerate at the preset delayed
regeneration time. If you pressed the REGEN button in error, pressing the
button again will cancel the request. Note: If the regeneration time
option is set to IMMEDIATE REGENERATION there is no set delayed regeneration
time so REGEN TODAY will not activate if REGEN is pressed.
To initiate a manual regeneration immediately, press and hold the REGEN button
for three seconds. The system will begin to regenerate immediately. The
request cannot be cancelled.
Note: For softeners, if brine tank does not contain salt, fill with salt
and wait at least two hours before regenerating.
Set Time of Day
The user can also set the time of day. Time of day should only need to be set
if the battery has been depleted because of extended power outages or when
daylight saving time begins or ends. If an extended power outage occurs, the
time of day will flash on and off which indicates the time of day should be
reset. The non-rechargeable battery should also be replaced.
STEP 1U – Press CLOCK.
STEP 2U – Current Time (hour): Set the hour of the day using ▼ or ▲. AM/PM toggles after 12. Press NEXT to go to Step 3U.
STEP 3U – Current Time (minutes): Set the minutes of the day using ▼ or ▲. Press NEXT to exit Set Time of Day. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
Power Loss
If the power goes out the system will keep time until the battery is depleted.
If an extended power outage occurs, the time of day will flash on and off
which indicates the time of day should be reset and the non-rechargeable
battery replaced. The system will remember the rest.
Error Message
If the word “ERROR” and a number are displayed contact the OEM for help. This
indicates that the valve was not able to function properly. If the number and
banner text in the Contact Screens has been edited, the two displays below
will alternate.
Salt Alarm
If the Salt Level Alarm was set in Step 23S, the following screens will be
viewed in the User Display.
When the salt remaining has gone below the set point, the display will show CHECK SALT LEVEL.
Resetting the salt level display:
STEP 1SA – Press NEXT until the Check Salt Level display appears. Press CLOCK.
STEP 2SA – Set lbs. of salt. Adjustable from 0-400 lbs. in 5 lb. increments. Press CLOCK to exit.
STEP 1D – Press ▲ and ▼ simultaneously for three seconds. If screen in
step 2D does not appear in 5 seconds the lock on the valve is activated. To
unlock press ▼, NEXT, ▲, and CLOCK in sequence, then press ▲ and ▼
simultaneously for 3 seconds.
STEP 2D – Days, since last regeneration: This display shows the days since the last regeneration occurred. Press NEXT to go to Step 3D. Press REGEN to exit Diagnostics. STEP 3D – Volume, since last regeneration: This display shows the volume of water that has been treated since the last regeneration. This display will equal zero if a water meter is not installed. Press NEXT to go to Step 4D. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
STEP 4D – Reserve History Volume used for last 7 days: If the valve is set up as a softener, a meter is installed and Set Volume Capacity is set to “Auto,” this display shows 0 day (for today) and the reserve capacity. Pressing ▲ will show day 1 (which would be yesterday) and the reserve capacity used. Pressing ▲ again will show day 2 (the day before yesterday) and the reserve capacity. Keep pressing ▲ to show the capacity for days 3, 4, 5 and 6. ▼ can be pressed to move backwards in the day series. This screen is not displayed if filter, time clock, meter immediate, alternator or volume override regeneration is selected. Press NEXT at any time to go to Step 5D. Press REGEN to return to previous step. STEP 5D – Volume, 63-day usage history: This display shows day 0 (for today), day 1 (for yesterday), etc., and the volume of water treated that day. Press ▲ to show the volume of water treated for the last 63 days. If a regeneration occurred on the day the letter “R” will also be displayed. This display will show dashes if a water meter is not installed. Press NEXT at any time to go to Step 6D. Press REGEN to return to previous step. STEP 6D – Tank Transfer History. Only displayed when 1.0T is selected in Step 2CS. Use ▲ or ▼ to scroll through the last 10 tank transfers. “1”= transfer number – 10 transfers maximum. “A” = tank transferring. “3 DAYS” = days ago of transfer – 99 days maximum. “0.00 GAL” = gallons used at time of tank transfer. “12:35 PM” = time of transfer. Press NEXT to go to Step 7D. Press REGEN to return to previous step. STEP 7D – Flow rate, maximum last seven days: Use ▲ or ▼ to display the maximum flow rate in gallons per minute that occurred in each of the last seven days. This display will equal zero if a water meter is not installed. Press NEXT to go to Step 8D. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
STEP 8D – MAV Drive History: Displays the drive time histories of all active MAV drives. Use ▲ or ▼ to review the history of all active MAV outputs. TTT – measured MAV drive time; VVV – measured MAV drive voltage; CCC – total number of drives (in or out); “+” indicates piston drive out of MAV; “-“ indicates piston drive in to MAV. If a MAV is replaced, it is recommended that the diagnostics screen for that MAV be cleared. That is done by selecting the
- or – creen for that MAV. Press and hold ▲ and ▼ for about 3 seconds.
Failure to do this may result in inconsistent MAV operation.
When a MAV error occurs, the Drive History will automatically be reset. To view previously recorded history, press and hold CLOCK and ▲. The display will be similar to the normal MAV drive history display, with the addition of EEE – MAV error code present at the time of reset. If the display shows “—”, there was no MAV error before the reset.
Press NEXT to exit Diagnostics. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
When desired, all programming and information in Diagnostics may be reset to
defaults when the valve is installed in a new location. To reset to defaults,
press NEXT and ▼ simultaneously to go to the Softening/Filtering screen. Press
▲ and ▼ simultaneously to reset programming and diagnostic values to
defaults. Screen will return to User Display.
Valve History
STEP 1VH – Press ▲ and ▼ simultaneously for three seconds and release. Then press ▲ and ▼ simultaneously and release. If screen in step 2VH does not appear in 5 seconds the lock on the valve is activated. To unlock press ▼, NEXT, ▲, and CLOCK in sequence, then press ▲ and ▼ simultaneously for 3 seconds and release. Then press ▲ and ▼ simultaneously and release. STEP 2VH – Software version. Displays the current software version. Press NEXT to go to Step 3VH. Press REGEN to exit Valve History. STEP 3VH5 – Days, total since start-up: This display shows the total days since startup. Press NEXT to go to Step 4VH. Press REGEN to return to previous step. STEP 4VH – Regenerations, total number since start-up: This display shows the total number of regenerations that have occurred since startup. Press NEXT to go to Step 5VH. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
STEP 5VH – Volume, total used since start-up: This display shows the total gallons treated since startup. This display will equal zero if a water meter is not installed. Press NEXT to go to Step 6VH. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
STEP 6VH – Error Log. This display shows a history of the last 10 errors generated by the control during operation. The motor position count at the time of drive error detection is recorded in the top line of the display. Press ▲ or ▼ to view each error recorded. Press NEXT to exit Valve History. Press REGEN to return to previous step.
5 Values in steps 3VH through 6VH cannot be reset.
Revision History:
4 | V3985CD-04BOARD | WS1 THRU 2 CD4 PCB REPL | 1 |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
Add Wi-Fi board drawing
Add text: If using a Wi-Fi enabled valve, another display showing connection
information will also be available.
Add text: If using a Wi-Fi enabled valve, pressing CLOCK and ▼ …
PAGE 21:
Add text: Wi-Fi Status and Signal Strength
Add displays.
OEM Softener System Setup…..13
Step 2CS – Use ▲ or ▼ to select
Step 3CS – When 1.5 or 2.0 is selected, an additional screen will appear. It
is used to select which size flow meter is to be used with the valve:…
[Selecting the Control Valve to act as an alternator:] (under the table)
If set up for a filter, in Step 8F set Volume Capacity in Gallons; in Step 9F
select Regeneration Time Option “Immediate”.
change “on-line” to “online” (2 instances) change “stand-by” to “standby”
PAGE 9: change “stand-by” to “standby” (2 instances)
PAGE 14:
Step 9S –
• OFF regeneration will be based solely on the day override set (see Installer
Display Settings Step 4I); or
If OFF or a number is used, hardness display will not be allowed to be set in
Installer Display Settings Step 3I.
PAGE 15:
Step 13S –
• If REGEN TIME is selected…
Step 16S –
• If REGEN TIME is selected…
Step 18S –
If OFF is selected,…
If TIME, GALLONS or BOTH is selected,…
PAGE 19:
Step 8F –
“OFF” regeneration will be based solely on the day override set (see Installer
Display/Settings Step 4I); or…
Step 9F –
Set Regeneration Time Options using ▲ or ▼. If “OFF” was selected in Step 8F,…
Revisions Continued:
PAGE 21:
General Operation
…Diagnostics Steps 3D, 4D and 5D and Valve History, Step 5VH.
PAGE 22:
Set Time of Day
The non-rechargeable battery should also be replaced.
PAGE 23:
Under Power Loss: “…the time of day should be reset and the non-rechargeable
Under Salt Alarm: “If the Salt Level Alarm was set in Step 23S…”
PAGE 26:
Step 2VH – updated display to current version
5 Values in steps 3VH through 6VH cannot be reset.
Charger Water Treatment Products
8150 N. Lehigh Ave, Morton Grove, IL 60053
Form No. V3435CD • 12/8/2022
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