Lorelli 10021582147 Boston 3-In-1 Reversible Travel System Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

Lorelli 10021582147 Boston 3-In-1 Reversible Travel System


  1. This vehicle is suitable for children with a weight up to 22 kg or 4 years whichever comes first! Summer basket: Age 6+ m.
  2. The height of the carried child in the stroller should not exceed 104 cm!
  3. Use parking device if you do not hold the stroller with hand!
  4. Do not leave the stroller on hills or inclined surfaces even if you have activated the parking system!
  5. Parking device shall be engaged when placing and removing the children!
  6. The shopping basket can take a maximum load of2 kg!
  7. Any load attached to the handle and/or on the back of the backrest and/or on the sides of the vehicle will affect the stability of the vehicle! Maximum load of the accessory bag 1 kg. Do not hang any additional bags!
  8. Regularly check for loose parts! Make routine inspection, regularly maintain, clean and/or wash the vehicle!
  9. The vehicle shall be used only for 1 child!
  10.  Accessories which are not approved by the manufacturer shall not be used!
  11. Only spare parts delivered or recommended by the manufacturer/ distributor can be used!
  12. Make sure that the safety belts are placed properly!
  13. The stroller should always be used under the supervision of an adult!
  14.  Do not allow children to suspend him/herself or play in the stroller!
  15. Do not allow children to stand in the stroller!
  16. Do not allow your child to stand on the seat and foot rest!
  17. Do not use the stroller on uneven surfaces near fire or other dangerous places!
  18. Do not use the stroller on stairs and escalators!
  19. Fold the stroller before go upstairs and downstairs. Mounting the stroller on stairs, pavements and others with the child in it and by pushing the handle causes deformation of the stroller and is out of warranty repair!
  20. Adjusting of the back rest must be made only by a person read carefully the instruction rules for adjusting!
  21. Any additional baggage left in the stroller may cause it to become unstable!
  22. The person who assembles the stroller must be familiarized with its functions!
  23.  The front bar can not be used as a carry handle!
  24. The chassis of this vehicle is compatible with a and with acarseateosTON3in1


  • WARNING! Never leave the child unattended! • f L
  • WARNING! Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged before use!
  • WARNING! To avoid injury ensure that the child is kept away when unfolding and folding this product!
  • WARNING I Do not let the child play with this product!
  • WARNING! This seat unit ( summer basket) is not suitable for children under 6 months!
  • WARNING! Always use the restraint system!
  • WARNING! Check that the pram body or seat unit or car seat attachment devices are correctly engaged before use!
  • WARNING! This product is not suitable for running or skating!
  • WARNING! No additional mattress I cushion shall be added.
  • WARNING! Always use the crotch belt in combination with the waist belt! To prevent injury from a fall or a slip off always use the shoulder straps!
  • WARNING Keep away from fire!
  • WARNING This pram body is designed to be used from baby’s birth.
  • WARNING! The pram body shall not be used, as soon as the child is able to sit by himself, roll over and can push itself up on its hands and knees. Maximum weight of the child: 9 kg
  • WARNING! The Car seat is compatible with stroller BOSTON 3in1 !
  • WARNING! When using the car seat: This vehicle does not replace a cot or a bed. Should your child need to sleep, then it should be placed in a suitable pram body, cot or bed.
  • WARNING! The car seat must only be fitted parent-facing when it is mounted to the stroller! Images on the title page and in the instruction manual are only illustrative and may differ from the
    real product. EN 1888-2:2018


  1. To clean the metal parts, wipe with a moist and then dry towel until the stroller is all dry.
  2. To clean the plastic parts, use a towel, water and a soft detergent.
  3. To clean the textile parts, use a solution for cleaning tapestries.
  4. When not in use, never place other objects in or on the stroller! This will damage it!
  5. Always dry and air the stroller if it is not dry enough!
  6. Run regular clean-ups over the wheel axes and the plastic elements.
  7. Always clean the wheel axes and plastic elements after using the pram over sandy or dusty surfaces!
  8. DO NOT LUBRICATE the wheel axes or other movable parts of the stroller! Just clean them!
  9.  Run regular checks for loose or damaged parts and if there are such, immediately replace them with new


  1. Metal frame of the stroller -1 pcs.
  2. Rear wheels – 2 pcs.
  3. Shopping basket -1 pcs.
  4. Front wheels – 2 pcs.
  5. Accessory bag -1 pcs.
  6.  Summer basket ( Seat unit) -1 pcs.
  7. Griff -1 pcs.
  8. Foot cover – 2 pcs.
  9. Canopy -1 pcs.
  10. Children’s car seat -1 pcs.
  11.  Adaptors for car seat – 2 pcs.
  12. Pram body – 1 pcs.
  13. Mattress/ pad -1 pcs.


  1. Folded stroller (Photo 2) Release the blocking mechanism! ( Picture 2.1)
  2. Lift the handle of the stroller up and then push backward. As a result, it will extend and lock automatically. (Photos 3 and 4)


  1. Mount the front wheels by pressing them upward until they lock into place. (Photo 5) Check if they are securely locked. To unmount them, press the console button and pull the wheel down. (Photo 6)
  2. Mount the rear wheels as shown m Photo 7. To unmount them, pull the rear axle button and pull the wheel all the way. (Photo 8)
  3. Mount the stroller basket paying attention to the pincers being placed and fixed in the designated openings in the frame. (Photo 9) A click will indicate that the basket has been secured. To unmount, press simultaneously the buttons on both sides of the basket and pull upward. (Photo 10)
  4. Mount the front bar for the child. (Photo 12) To remove the front bar, press the buttons placed on both its sides and pull all the way. (Photo 13)
  5. Installation of the canopy : Fix the attachment brackets of the canopy to the metal construction ( Picture 14 A) Removing of the canopy: Pull the brackets of the canopy off the metal construction to release. ( Picture 14 B)


  1. To place the stroller in a stationary position, use the rear wheel brakes, by pressing the brake pedal located on the rear axle. (Photo 7A) To release the brake, lift the brake pedal with your leg . (Photo 7B)
    WARNING: The parking device does not guarantee an optimal hold in steep slopes. Therefore never leave the stroller on a sloping ground with a child sitting or lxing in the stroller!
    WARNING! The brake of Your stroller is a type of parking device. To apply the brake please note, that the stroller shall not be moved. Gently press the brake pedal, at the same time gently push the stroller back and forth to synchronize the operation of the braking device and to achieve an effective engagement of the braking mechanism.

  2. You can regulate the handle by pressing simultaneously the two buttons on both sides the mechanism and turn upward or downward. (Photo 16)

  3. While moving the stroller along rough and uneven surfaces you can use the option of movement in a straight line by pressing the button of blocking cog_ on the front wheels. Picture 6A To release the front wheels, lift the locking cog . (1-‘icture 6B )

  4. For a change (lowering) the sunshade positlon, take its upper part and pull down to the desired position. (Photo 14C)
    ATTENTION! Disregarding this instruction leads to a damage in the fixators and is not subject to a warranty recovery!

  5. While using the seat BY ALL MEANS fasten the safety belts on the child!

  6. Put the shoulder and waist belts together and place them in the central buckling clasp. (Photo 11A) Regulate the length of the safety belts by pulling the clasps all the way. (Photo 11 B) To unlock the belts, Qress the button on the central clasp. (Photo 11 C)

  7. Adjusting the footrest – To change tlie position of the step, simultaneously press the both buttons .
    Picture 15  ATTENTION! Disregarding this instruction leads to a damage in the fixators and is not subject to a warranty recovery!

  8. Adjusting the backrest – P_ict_u_re_17 ____ _


  1. Activate the stroller brakes.
  2. Fold the sunshade to the maximum.
  3. Turn the handle into an upper position (Photo 16)
  4. Folding the stroller for transportation is done by pulling the mechanisms located on both sides of the handle and move forward the handle. Picture 19 After folding, place the fixating mechanism against selfunfolding. (Photo 2, 1)
  5. The correctly folded stroller should look like the image in photo 20.


ATTENTION : For the correct preparation (unfolding) of the pram body, after take it out of the transport box , please do the following:

  1. Place the pram body on a convenient table and and unzip the upholstery with the mattress.( Picture P2)
  2.  With one hand, lift the metal frame of the pram body from the one side. ( Picture P1)
  3. With other hand, push the bottom and hold the metal tensioner.
  4. While pressing the bottom, catch the strap of the tensioner and pull to outside of the pram body till the restrictive bolts “A”
  5. Repeat the procedure with the other tensioner. until full unfolding of the pram body, which should look like Picture P1.
  6. Place back the upholstery with the mattress .( Picture P2)
  7. The pram body should be parent-facing


  1. This is a ‘Universal’ child restraint. It is approved to Regulation No 44, 04 series of amendments, for general use in vehicles and it will fit most, but not all, car seats.
  2. A correct fit is likely if the vehicle manufacturer has declared in the vehicle handbook that the vehicle is capable of accepting a ‘Universal’ child restraint for this age group.
  3. This child restraint has been classified as ‘Universal’ under more stringent conditions than those which applied to earlier designs which do not carry this notice.
  4. If in doubt, consult either the child restraint manufacturer or the retailer.

Important safety instructions

Please read the instructions carefully, because improper installation may cause serious injury, in this case. the manufacturer is not responsible.

  1. WARNING! The car seat can not be used forward facing
  2. WARNING! The rigid items and plastic parts of a child restraint shall be so located and installed that they are not liable, during everyday use of the vehicle, to become trapped by a movable seat or in a door of the vehicle. Prevent harness/vehicle belt from getting trapped between car doors or rubbing against sharp parts of the seat or body.
  3. WARNING! All straps holding the restraint to the vehicle should be tight, all straps restraining the child should be adjusted to the child’s body. The straps should not be twisted! Always make sure that the booster seat harness and vehicle belt are correctly tensioned to ensure maximum protection for your child.
  4. WARNING! The device should be changed when it has been subject to violent stresses in an accident. After an accident, replace your child restraint and the vehicle seat belts. Although they may look undamaged, they may not protect your child as well as they should.
  5. WARNING! Follow closely the instructions for installation. Failure can result in injury to the child!
  6. WARNING! It is dangerous to make any alterations or additions to the device without the approval of the Type Approval Authority. Your child is in danger if you don’t follow closely the installation instructions provided by the child restraint manufacturer.
  7. WARNING! Do not use any load bearing contact points other than those described in the instructions and marked in the child restrained. Ensure the vehicle seat belt buckle is connected to the correct main load bearing contact point which is intended for the occupied vehicle seat. Ensure the buckle and the seat belt of the vehicle do not interfere with the main load bearing contact points of the child restrained system. Ensure you are following the correct way path of the vehicle’s safety belt by the installation of the restrained system and by the restraining of the child. On this way you will avoid an unsatisfactory position of the adult safety belt buckle relative to the main load bearing contact points on the restraint. Please contact the child restraint manufacturer if in doubt about this point.
  8. WARNING! Rearward child restraint systems should not be used in seats protected by an airbag.
  9. WARNING! NEVER leave your child unattended in the safety device, even for the shortest time!
  10. WARNING! Any luggage or other objects liable to cause injuries in the event of a collision shall be properly secured.
  11. WARNING! Do not use the child restraint system without the cover.
  12. WARNING! Do not replace the seat cover with any other than the one recommended by the manufacturer, because the cover constitutes an integral part of the restraint performance.
  13. WARNING: DO NOT attempt to dismantle, modify or add to any part of the booster car seat or change the way your vehicle seat belts are made or used.
  14. WARNING! Do not leave the buckle in a partially closed position and it must only lock when all parts are engaged. It must be possible to release the child from the restraint immediately in an emergency.
  15. WARNING! Install the child restraint in vehicle seating positions categorized as ‘Universal’ in the vehicle owner’s manual, by using the primary belt route.
  16. WARNING! If the chair is not provided with a textile cover, keep it away from sunlight, otherwise it may be too hot for the child’s skin. If the vehicle has been left in the sun for a long time, check the seat cover and make sure it is not too hot before placing the child in the child cushion.
  17. WARNING! Do not use the car seat in the house. It is not designed for home use and should only be used in the vehicle!
  18. WARNING! Periodically check the belts for wear, paying special attention to the points of attachment, protections and regulating devices. If the harness/ vehicles belts becomes cut or frayed, replace it before traveling.
  19. WARNING: ALWAYS secure your child with the safety belts when using the car seat.
  20. WARNING! Do not leave the buckle in a partially closed position and it must only lock when all parts are engaged. It must be possible to release the child from the restraint immediately in an emergency. Your child must be taught never to play with the buckle. The buckle is NOT CHILD PROOF
  21. WARNING! The baby seat must be secured with car safety belt, even when it is not in use. An unsecured seat may injure other passengers in the car in an urgent stop.
  22. WARNING! Store this child seat in a safe place when it is not being used. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of it. Do not allow your child seat to come into contact with corrosive substances e.g. battery acid.
  23. WARNING! Do not leave your child in this safety seat for a long period of time. By long trips make more breaks and take out the child from the safety seat.
  24. WARNING! Security is only guaranteed if the child restraint is fitted in accordance with these instructions.
  25. WARNING! The instruction must be retained on the child restraint for its life period
  1. The car seat can be cleaned using lukewarm water and soap. Do not use aggressive cleaners like abrasives or thinner.
  2. The cover should be washed by hand at a maximum temperature of 30°C. Do not put in the dryer, just airing it.
  3. The plastic parts can be cleaned by using a wettish drapery. Please, do not use any solvate.
Parts Picture 1
  1. Carrying handle
  2. Belt softener
  3. Belt buckles
  4. Strap for belts adjustment
  5. Button for adjusting the belt (under the cover)
  6. Lap belt guide
  7. Red button for handle adjusting
  8. Diagonal belt guide
  9. Openings for shoulder straps
  10. Shoulder straps
  11. Buckle Pads
  12. Soft Cusion
  13. Cover
  14. Canopy

Check the height of the shoulder belts
Always check that the shoulder belts are placed at the correct height for your child. Select the height of the straps according to the child’s height. The position of the straps should be at or slightly above the shoulders of the child. Warning: Do not place the straps too high or so that the child can lean on them! In the back of the safety seat , there are 2 pairs of holes , which can be used to adjust the shoulder straps to suit your child’s weight (Fig. 2)
Adjusting the height of seat belts

  1. Press the button for belts adjusting “5” and at the same time pull both shoulder straps. (Picture 3)
  2. Take out the belts “11” of the holes on the back from the front of the seat.
  3. Place back the belts in the desired holes on the front side of the backrest and connect them behind the back with the adjusting strap “4”. Make sure the straps are placed on the same level and are not twisted.

Fastening the seat belt

  1. Combine the two pieces “E”and “F” at the end of the belt (Picture 6) and place them in the central buckle “3” until it clicks into place. (Picture 7)
  2. Make sure the belt is locked by pulling the shoulder straps up. (Picture 8)
  3. To release belt, press down the red button on the central buckle “3”.

Adjusting the length of the belts

  1. Slack the belts: Press the button for belts adjusting “5” and at the same time pull both shoulder straps. (Picture 3)
  2. Tightening the belt: Place your child in the seat, fasten both belts in the buckle in the center and pull the strap “4” in the middle of the seat. (Picture 5)

Removing the upholstery Picture 19
For children with weight up to 10kg. the car seat should be used with the soft cushion. Once your child’s weight is between 10kg. and 13kg. you should remove the soft cushion. Release the belts from the buckle and take out the soft cushion.

Crotch belt adjustment
The crotch belt is position at the inner slot of the car seat. Once when you feel that the crotch belt is too tight for your child, please adjust as follow:

  1. Pull up the cover at the front of your car seat. Picture 9
  2. Lift the metal part on the end of the belt , rotate and goes through the openings to pull out the belt. Picture 9 a;b;c;d
  3.  Insert the metal part through outer slot , then under the bottom and through the inner slot. Place the metal part at horizontal position and pull the belt to ensure that it is secure. Picture 9 e;f;g

Adjusting of the carry handle
The carry handle of the car seat , can be adjusted in 3 stable positions. To adjust the handle ,please press the red button on handle on both side at the same time. Now it can be rotated. (Picture 10)

  • Position – Straight up for carrying. (Picture 11)
  • Position – Handle clicked back to initiate the rocking feature. (Picture 12)
  • Position – Down to support baby for feeding. (Picture 13)

Ensure that the handle is locked in a position ,the harness is correctly fitted and buckle fastened before carrying your car seat.


Please use 3-point safety belts of the car to ensure the safety of the child and to secure the child seat! Your child seat can be installed ONLY with the help of 3-point belts!!! ONLY in the OPPOSITE direction of movement of the car!

  • Step 1. Adjust the handle to the upright position. (Picture14)
  • Step 2. Place the child seat on the seat of the car in the OPPOSITE direction of movement of the car, ensuring it is firmly pressed against the car seat backrest. If your car has an air bag on the passenger seat, the child seat should be used only in the rear of the car!
  • Step 3. Slide the lap belt of the vehicle’s 3-point seatbelt through both Lap belt guides . (Picture 15) Let the tongue plate snap in the belt lock with a clearly audible “click”. (Picture 16) Pull the shoulder belt in arrow direction to tighten the lap belt. Check to make sure the tongue plate is locked by pulling on the belt .
  • Step 4. Place the diagonal belt in the diagonal belt guide at the back of the seat (Picture 17)
  • Step 5. Tighten the vehicle’s own 3-pointseatbelt by pulling hard on the positions. (Picture 18)
  • Step 6. Make sure that the belt is not twisted and strongly tightened. Make sure the seat is fixed firmly on the car seat.
  • Step 7. Place the child in the seat. Check the height of the shoulder belts. Make sure the straps are not twisted or hanging somewhere. Fasten the seat belts on the child, making sure that they are well placed and pull the strap in the center of the seat to tighten.

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