HELIOS RS-485 Modular Inverter User Manual

June 9, 2024

**HELIOS RS-485 Modular Inverter User Manual


RS-485 Port

ModBus is available on the on RJ45 connector located on the back plane of the SR-1600 PLUS rack. The serial port monitor and control through computer interface.

SR PLUS Series

PIN Num.| RS-485 Description| RS-485Transfer RS-232(HC-05) D-SUB PIN Num.
1| Not used| Not used
2| Not used| Not used
3| Not used| Not used
4| Data+(A)| 1
5| Data-(B)| 2
6| Not used| Not used
7| Not used| Not used
8| GND| GND(Optional)

RS485 master setting

Please confirm DIP switch (SW1 on RS485 board) setting before using RS485 (only for master shelf)

DIP 1 2
DIP 1 2
DIP 1 2

RS-485 Command (MODBUS)

Command format:

a. Supports transmission speed:1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 (Default 4800)
b. Communication protocol: Modbus RTU
c. Function code: 0x03(read Hold Registers),0x10(write Multiple Register), 0x01 (read Coils),0x05 (write Single Coil).
d. MODBUS ID:0x10,default
e. The MODBUS protocol is required to be unlocked by the password (0x3C+0x3D(H):0x00 0x00 0x00, default) before using it. Or some of functions may not be able to be used.

The Table of SR-1600 Plus Status

FAN 0:Normal     1:Abnormal Func 1 0x11
Grid Voltage 0:Abnormal     1:Normal 0x12
Machine Condition 0:Machine was working 1:Component failed 0x13
Push-pull 0:DC mode off     1:DC mode on 0x14
Control IC Voltage 0:Normal     1:Abnormal 0x15
Inverter Output 0:OFF      1:ON 0x16
PFC 0:AC mode off     1:AC mode on 0x17
Frequency 0:Abnormal     1:Normal 0x18
Under VoltageProtection (UVP) 0:Normal     1:UVP 0x19
Over Voltage Protection(OVP) 0:Normal     1:OVP 0x1A
Over Load Protection (OLP) 0:Normal1:OLP(LOAD > 105%, > 15Sec.) 0x1B
Redundancy 0:Redundancy _OK 1:Redundancy_lost 0x1C
Over TemperatureProtection (OTP) 0:Normal     1:OTP 0x1D
Under DC Voltage Alarm (UVA) 0:Normal     1:UVA 0x1E
Over DC Voltage Alarm(OVA) 0:Normal     1:OVA 0x1F
Over Load Alarm (OLA) 0:Normal1:OLA(LOAD > 105%, < 15Sec.) 0x20
Inverter Output 0:OFF 1:ON Func1, Func 5 0x21

Function Code 0x01, Read coils

Example To read (1) DC mode (2) SR-1600 Plus status (3) Grid status (4) FAN (Address: 0x0011~0x0014?)

Request (Host send) Response (Client reply)
Field Name Data(Hex) Bytes

ID| 10| 1| ID| 10| 1
Function Code| 01| 1| Function Code| 01| 1
Starting Address (Address must “-1”, refer to Note 1 )| 00(Hi)| 2| Byte Count| 01| 1
10(Lo)| Outputs status| 08| 1
Quantity of Outputs| 00(Hi)| 2|

Host send: 10 01 00 10 00 04 3F 4D
Client reply: 10 01 01 08 55 72 (08=1000 means (1) DC mode was on (2) SR-1600 Plus was working (3) GRID was Abnormal (4) FAN was normal.)

If the error is occurred, the client-reply format is 10 13 XX CRC_L CRC_H

XX = Refer to the Modbus standard for more details.

Note 1: For the address code information, please refer to “The Table of SR-1600 Plus Status”

Function Code 0x05, Write single coils

Example To set up the inverter output off (0x0021).

Request (Host send) Response (Client reply)
Field Name Data(Hex) Bytes

ID| 10| 1| | ID| 10H| 1
Function Code| 05| 1| Function Code| 05H| 1
Output Address| 00(Hi)| 2| Output| 00(Hi)| 2
(Address must| 20(Lo)| | Address| 20(Lo)|
“-1”, refer to| | | (Address must| |
Note 1 )| | | “-1”, refer to| |
| | | Note 1 )| |
Output Value| 00(Hi)| 2| Output Value| 00(Hi)| 2
| 00(Hi)| | | 00(Lo)|

Host send: 10 05 00 20 00 00 CF 41
Client reply: 10 05 00 20 00 00 CF 41 (0: INVERTER off)
If the error is occurred, the client-reply format is 10 53 XX CRC_L

XX = Refer to the Modbus standard for more details.

Note 1: For the address code information, please refer to “The Table of SR-1600 Plus Status”

SR-1600 PLUS Information

Output Voltage (0x01(H)256+ 0x01(L))0.1 Func 3 0x01
Output Current (0x02(H)256+ 0x02(L))0.1 0x02
Output Frequency (0x03(H)256+ 0x03(L))0.1 0x03
DC Voltage (0x04(H)256+ 0x04(L))0.01 0x04
Grid Voltage (0x05(H)256+ 0x05(L))0.1 0x05
Module Temperature (0x07(H)256+ 0x07(L))0.1 0x07
Working Slave Quantity 0x08(H) 0x08
Total Slave Quantity 0x08(L) 0x08
Grid Current (0x09(H)256+ 0x09(L))0.1 0x09
Output Watt 0x0B(H)*256+0x0B(L) 0x0B
Output VA 0x0C(H)*256+0x0C(L) 0x0C
Output Watt % 0x0D(H) 0x0D
Output VA % 0x0D(L) 0x0D
Module Type 0x5352=SR 0x0F
Module Capacity 0x10(H)65536+0x10(L)256+0x11(H) 0x10+0x11
Module Name 0x11(L)0=SR1600-124 PLUS、1=SR1600-148 PLUS、2=SR1600-224
PLUS、3=SR1600-248 PLUS 0x11
Firmware Version 0x12(H)*256+0x12(L) 0x12
O/P Voltage Setting (0x20(H)256+ 0x20(L))0.1 Func 3 or Func16 0x20
O/P Frequency Setting (0x21(H)256+ 0x21(L))0.1 0x21
DC Over Voltage Protection (OVP) Setting (0x24(H)256+ 0x24(L))0.01 0x24
DC Over Voltage Protection Recovery (OVPRecover) Setting (0x25(H)*256+
0x25(L))*0.01 0x25
DC Under VoltageProtection (UVP) Setting (0x26(H)256+ 0x26(L))0.01 0x26
DC Under Voltage Protection Recovery (UVPRecover) Setting (0x27(H)*256+
0x27(L))*0.01 0x27
DC Under Voltage Alarm (UVA) setting (0x28(H)256+ 0x28(L))0.01 0x28
DC and AC Sharing RatioSetting 0x29(H)Setting range = 10, 20, 30, 40, 0x29

| 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100(default)| |
Sync Frequency setting| 0x29(L)| 0x29
RS-485 Baud rate setting| 0x2A(H)0.1200 1.2400 2.4800(default)3.9600 4.19200| 0x2A
Mode Priority| 0x2A(L)0:DC mode 1:AC mode(default)| 0x2A
Dry contact C setting| 0x2B(H)0:Disable1:Follow dry contact A(major alarm)(default)2:Follow dry contact B(minor alarm)| 0x2B
Buzzer Setting| 0x2B(L)000:normal (default) 001:alwayse Mute 010:one time| 0x2B
Grid Over VoltageProtection (GOVP) Setting| (0x2C(H)256+ 0x2C(L))0.01| 0x2C
Grid Over Voltage Protection Recovery(GOVP Recover) Setting| (0x2D(H)256+ 0x2D(L))0.01| 0x2D
Grid Under Voltage Protection (GUVP) Setting| (0x2E(H)256+ 0x2E(L))0.01| 0x2E
Grid Under Voltage Protection Recovery(GUVP Recover) Setting| (0x2F(H)256+ 0x2F(L))0.01| 0x2F
RTC Time(sec)| 0x34(H)| 0x34
RTC Time(minute)| 0x34(L)| 0x34
RTC Time(hour)| 0x35(H)| 0x35
RTC Date(day)| 0x34(L)| 0x35
RTC Date(month)| 0x36(H)| 0x36
RTC Date(year)| (0x37(H)256+ 0x37(L))0.01| 0x37
ModBus ID| 0x38(H)| 0x38
Old Password| 0x3C(H)65536+0x3C(L)256+0 x3D(H)| 0x3C+0x3D
New Password| 0x3E(H)65536+0x3E(L)256+0 x3F(H)| 0x3E+0x3F
EVENT log – NewestRecord| 0x60(H)| 0x60
EVENT log code| (0x64+5num(H)256)+0x64+5| Func 3| 0x64+5num

| num(L)| |
EVENT log – Date year| 0x65(H)256+0x65(L)| 0x65+5num
EVENT log – Date month| 0x66+5num(H)| 0x66+5num
EVENT log – Date day| 0x66+5num(L)| 0x66+5num
EVENT log – Time hour| 0x67+5num(H)| 0x67+5num
EVENT log – Time min| 0x67+5num(L)| 0x67+5num
EVENT log – Time sec| 0x68+5num(H)| 0x68+5num

Function Code 0x03, Reading Multiple Holding Registers

Example: To read the Output Voltage (0x0001) and the output current (0x0002)?

Request (Host send) Response (Client reply)
Field Name Data(Hex) Bytes
x) Bytes
ID 10 1
Function Code 03 1
Starting Address (Address must “-1”, refer to Note 1 ) 00(Hi)
2 Byte Count(2×N*) 04
00(Lo) Register value (N*×2Bytes) 09(Hi)
Quantity of Registers 00(Hi) 2
02(Lo) 00(Hi) 2

Host send: 10 03 00 00 00 02 C7 4A
Client reply: 10 03 04 09 02 00 05 99 6D (The Output Voltage 230.6V ,

Output Current= 0.5A)

If the error is occurred, the client-reply format is 01 83 XX CRC_L

CRC_H Where

XX = Refer to the Modbus standard for more details

Note 1 : For the address code information, please refer to “The Table of SR-1600 Plus Status”

*N = Quantity of Registers

Function Code 0x10, Writing Multiple Registers

Example To set up the output voltage (0x0020)229.8V & the frequency (0x0021) 50Hz

Request (Host send) Response (Client reply)
Field Name Data(Hex) Bytes

ID| 10| 1| ID| 10| 1
Function Code| 10| 1| Function Code| 10| 1
Starting Address| 00(Hi)| 2| Starting| 00(Hi)| 2
(Address must| 1F(Lo)| | Address| 1F(Lo)|
“-1”, refer to Note| | | (Address| |
1 )| | | must “-1”,| |
| | | refer to Note 1 )| |
Quantity of| 00(Hi)| 2| Quantity of| 00(Hi)| 2
Registers| 02(Lo)| | Registers| 02(Lo)|
Byte Count(2×N)| 04| 1|
Registers Value| 08(Hi)| 2
×2 Bytes)| FA(Lo)|
 | 01H(Hi)| 2
 | F4H(Lo)|

Host Send: 10 10 00 1F 00 02 04 08 FA 01 F4 91 59
Client Reply : 10 10 00 1F 00 02 73 4F
If the error is occurred, the client-reply format is 10 90 XX CRC_L

CRC_H Where
XX = Refer to the Modbus standard for more details.

Note 1: For the address code information, please refer to “The Table of SR-1600 Plus Status”

*N = Quantity of Registers

EVENT log code List

Model Setting value range Model Setting value range
002 Output off 020 Under DC voltage protectionrecovery
003 Output on 021 Under DC voltage protection
004 AC share off 022 Overload alarm recovery
005 AC share on 023 Overload alarm
006 AC mode off 024 Overload protection recovery
007 AC mode on 025 Overload protection
008 DC mode off 026 Fan normal
009 DC mode on 027 Fan abnormal
010 Grid Volt normal 028 Over temperature protectionrecovery
011 Grid Volt abnormal 029 Over temperature protection
012 Freq normal 030 The Machine was working
013 Freq abnormal 031 Component failed
014 Over DC   voltage   alarmrecovery 032 IC Power voltage normal
015 Over DC voltage alarm 033 IC Power voltage abnormal
016 Over DC voltage protection recovery 034 Insert the module
017 Over DC voltage protection 035 Remove the module
018 Under DC voltage alarm recovery 036 Redundancy _OK
019 Under DC voltage alarm 037 Redundancy lost

Revision History


| Issue / Rev. Date YYYY/MM/DD| **Revision Section| ****Description
1| 2019/05/14| N/A| Initial release
2| **** 2021/01/05| 1.     Add 3-1 ~ 3-42.     Add 4| 1. Split the function code and add the example in each section2. EVENT log code List

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