JURASSIC WORLD GYM42 UNO Attack Mega Hit Card Game User Guide

June 14, 2024

JURASSIC WORLD GYM42 UNO Attack Mega Hit Card Game


Product Information


  • Product Name: GYM42 TM
  • Age Range: 2-10
  • Number of Players: 2+


The product includes the following:

  • 112 cards:
    • 18 Blue cards – 1 to 9
    • 18 Green cards – 1 to 9
    • 18 Red cards – 1 to 9
    • 18 Yellow cards – 1 to 9
    • 8 Hit 2 cards – 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
    • 4 Reverse cards – 1 each in blue, green, red and yellow
    • 8 Skip cards – 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
    • 8 Discard All cards – 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
    • 4 Wild cards
    • 4 Wild Attack-Attack cards
    • 3 Customizable cards
    • 1 Hit 4 card
  • 2 Dilophosarus Frills
  • 1 Dilophosaurus Card Launcher


Please adhere to the following warnings:

  • Do not aim at eyes or face.
  • Only use projectiles supplied with this toy.
  • Do not fire at point-blank range.

How to Replace Batteries

To replace the batteries in UNO ATTACKTM, follow these steps:

  1. Unscrew the battery compartment cover with a Phillips screwdriver (not included) and lift it open.
  2. Install 3 C size Alkaline Batteries in the compartment as  shown.
  3. Replace the cover by slipping the tabs into place, pressing the cover down, and screwing it shut.


Product Usage Instructions

Set Up

To set up the product, follow these steps:
Attach Frills into the slots on the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher.

UNO ATTACKTM! In a Nutshell

To play UNO ATTACKTM, follow these steps:

  1. Each player is dealt 7 cards.
  2. Place one card from the deck on the playing area to begin a DISCARD pile.
  3. Open the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher by lifting the dinosaur’s upper jaw.
  4. Place the remaining cards facedown in the card reservoir.
  5. Close the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher by pressing down on the dinosaur’s nose.
  6. Turn the ON/OFF switch located on the bottom of the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher to ON.JURASSIC-WORLD-GYM42-UNO-Attack-Mega-Hit-Card-Game-fig- \(3\)
  7. During play, rotate the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher so it always faces the player whose turn it is.
  8. To activate the card launcher, press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose.
  9. Note that cards do not shoot out every time the nose is pressed and released.
  10. When you have one card left, yell UNO before playing your next-to-last card.
  11. Once a player is out of cards, the hand is over. Points are totaled, and you start over again.


  • Q: What should I do if the cards are slipping on the rubber roller and not coming out?
    A: Clean the rubber roller with a damp cloth or a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol.

  • Q: What should I do if any items are missing from the package?
    A: Please remove all components from the package and compare them to the component list. If any items are missing, contact your local Mattel office.

  • Q: Can I use batteries other than 3 C size Alkaline Batteries?
    A: No, UNO ATTACKTM requires 3 C size Alkaline Batteries. Other types of batteries may not function properly.


  • 112 cards as follows:
  • 18 Blue cards – 1 to 9
  • 18 Green cards – 1 to 9
  • 18 Red cards – 1 to 9
  • 18 Yellow cards – 1 to 9
  • 8 Hit 2 cards – 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 4 Reverse cards – 1 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 8 Skip cards – 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 8 Discard All cards – 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 4 Wild cards
  • 4 Wild Attack-Attack cards
  • 3 Customizable cards
  • 1 Hit 4 card
  • 2 Dilophosarus Frills
  • Dilophosaurus Card Launcher

WARNING : Do not aim at eyes or face. Only use projectiles supplied with this toy. Do not fire at point blank range.

ADULTS NOTE : If cards are slipping on the rubber roller and do not come out, clean the rubber roller with a damp  cloth or a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol.
Please remove all components from the package and compare them to the component list. If any items are missing, contact your local Mattel office.
Keep these instructions for future reference as they contain important information.


UNO ATTACKTM requires 3 C size Alkaline Batteries (not included). Use only Alkaline Batteries. Toys may not function with other types of batteries.

  1. Unscrew battery compartment cover with a Phillips screwdriver (not included) and lift it open.
  2. Install 3 C size Alkaline Batteries in the compartment as shown. (See Figure 1.)
  3. Replace cover by slipping tabs into place, pressing the cover down, and screwing shut

Be the first player to score 500 points. The first player to get rid of all the cards in their hand scores points for the cards left in their opponents’ hands.

Attach Frills into the slots on the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher.

Each player is dealt 7 cards. Place one card from the deck on the playing area to begin a DISCARD pile. Open the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher by lifting the dinosaur’s upper jaw, then place the remaining cards facedown in the card reservoir. Close the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher by pressing down on the dinosaur’s nose. Next, turn the ON/OFF switch located on the bottom of the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher to “ON”.

IMPORTANT : During play, rotate the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher so it always faces the player whose turn it is.
REMEMBER : Player’s activate the card launcher by pressing down on and then releasing the Dilophosuar’s nose, however cards do not shoot out EVERY TIME the nose is pressed and released. This is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you are the one who has to do it. When you press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose, you will hear a “rattle” to let you know you’ve done it right, but also that danger lurks with every press and release!

  • The first player has to match the card in the DISCARD pile either by number, color or symbol. For example, if the card is a red 7, you must throw down a red card or any color 7 onto the DISCARD pile. Or, you can throw down a Special Card, if appropriate (see Special Cards section). If you have no matching cards, you must attempt to take a card from the Draw Pile. You do this by pressing down and then releasing the Dilophosaur’s nose. If nothing happens, play moves to the next person. If cards shoot out, you will hear the Dilophosaurs “growl!” and then you must add all these cards to your hand. Then play passes to the left (until a Reverse card is played – see Special Cards section).
  • When you have one card left, you must yell “UNO” (meaning one) before playing your next to last card. Failure to do this results in your having to press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose TWICE. (That is, of course, if you get caught by the other players.)
  • Once a player is out of cards, the hand is over. Points are totaled (see Scoring section) and you start over again. That’s UNO AttackTM in a nutshell


  • Every player picks a card. The person who picks the highest number deals. If you picked a Special Card, too bad¬ – they don’t count. The dealer deals 7 cards to each player, starts the discard pile and loads the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher. Player to the left of dealer starts play


  • Reverse – Simply reverse direction of play. Play left becomes play right, and vice versa. If this card is turned up at the beginning of play the dealer plays first, and play then goes to the right instead of left.

  • Skip – The next player to play loses his/her turn and is “skipped.” If this card is turned up at the beginning of play the starting player is skipped and the next player starts.

  • Wild Card – This card can be played on any card. The person playing the card calls any color to continue play, including the one presently being played if desired. A Wild card can be played even if the player has another playable card in his/her hand. If this card is turned up at the beginning of play the player to the left of the dealer calls out a color, then plays.

  • Discard All – Play this card when you want to discard all of the cards in your hand of the same color. For example, if a yellow “7” is in the Discard pile, you may discard all the yellow cards in your hand, with a yellow Discard All card placed on top. (You may also discard a Discard All card on top of another Discard All card.) If this card is turned up at the beginning of play the player to the left of the dealer begins play with a card of the same color, or another Discard All card. If that’s not possible, he/she must press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose.

  • Hit 2 – next player must press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose twice. His/her turn is then over; play continues with the next player. If this card is turned up at the beginning of play the player to the left of the dealer must press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose twice. Then play begins with the next player (the second player to the dealer’s left).

  • Hit 4 – next player must press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose FOUR TIMES. His/her turn is then over; play continues with the next player. This card is also a wild card, so you choose the color that resumes play. If this card is turned up at the beginning of play the player to the left of the dealer must press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose 4 times. Then play begins with the next player (the second player to the dealer’s left).

  • Wild Attack-Attack – When this card is played, whoever played it gets to call any color and then choose ANY OTHER PLAYER in the game to “Attack.” The Dilophosaurus Card Launcher is rotated to face the chosen player who must press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose twice. The player being “attacked” must keep all the cards that come out of the launcher. The game then continues with the next player in turn order after the player who got attacked.
    NOTE : If a player goes out using a Wild Attack-Attack card, they may use this command card as normal before the game ends. If this card is turned up at the beginning of play, the player to the left of the dealer gets to choose any player to “Attack”. That player must then press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose two times. Play then play begins with the next player (the second player to the dealer’s left). This is also a Wild card so the player to the left of the dealer gets to call what color begins play.

  • Wild Customizable Card – Use a #2 pencil to write any house rule you wish on a card. The only limit is your imagination (and the consent of the other players). Before the game begins, decide how many of these cards to include. You may use only 1 or all 3, it’s up to you. This is a wild card so you may play it on your turn even if you have another playable card in your hand. Also, you choose the color that resumes play. If this card is turned up at the beginning of play, the person to the left of the dealer chooses the color that begins play.
    NOTE: The cards are erasable, so you may write a new rule each time you play!


  • When you have one card left, you must yell “UNO” (meaning one) before playing your next to last card. Failure to do this results in your having to press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose TWICE. (That is, of course, if you get caught by the other players.)
  • If you forget to say “UNO” before your card touches the Discard pile, but you “catch” yourself before another player catches you, you are safe and not subject to the penalty.
  • You may not catch a player for failure to say “UNO” until their second-to-last card touches the Discard pile. Also, you may not catch a player for failure to say “UNO” after the next player begins their turn. “Beginning a turn” is defined as either playing a card or pressing down on the Dilophosaur’s nose.
  • If a player goes out using a Wild Attack-Attack card, they may use this command card as normal before the game ends.
    Once the Discard pile reaches a substantial level (looks like a full deck again), reshuffle the Discard pile, reload the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher and continue play.


If any cards are left sticking out of the Dilophosaurus Card Launcher after activation, the player who caused the  Dilophosaurus Card Launcher to activate must take these cards and add them to his/her hand.

When you are out of cards, you get points for cards left in opponents’ hands as follows:

  • All cards through 9 Face Value
  • Reverse 20 Points
  • Skip 20 Points
  • Hit 2 20 Points
  • Hit 4 40 Points
  • Discard All 30 Points
  • Wild 50 Points
  • Wild Attack-Attack 50 Points
  • Customizable 50 Points

The WINNER is the first player to reach 500 points. However, the game may be scored by keeping a running total of the points each player is caught with at the end of each hand. When one player reaches 500 points, the player with the lowest points is the winner.

You may choose not to play a playable card from your hand. If so, you must press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose. Your turn is then over.

Any player making a card suggestion to another player must press down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose 4 times.

Rules for Two Players – Play UNO ATTACKTM! with two players with the following special rules:

1. Playing a Reverse card acts like a Skip. The player who plays the Reverse may immediately play another card.
2. The person playing a Skip card may immediately play another card.
3. When a Hit 2 card is played and your opponent has pressed down on and then release the Dilophosaur’s nose twice, the play is back to you.

Challenge UNO ATTACKTM! – This game is scored by keeping a running total of what each player is caught with in his or her hand. As each player reaches a designated amount, we suggest 500, that player is eliminated from the game. When only two players are left in the game, they play head to head. (See Two Player Game section.) When a player reaches or exceeds the amount designated, he/she loses. The winner of that final hand is declared the winning player of the game.
If product malfunctions, turn power OFF for a few seconds, then On again

© Universal City Studios LLC and Amblin Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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