SPECTRA StorCycle Solution Release Notes Instructions

June 9, 2024

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Release Notes

StorCycle Solution Release Notes

Legal Notices
Copyright © 2019 – 2022 Spectra Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. This item and the information contained herein are the property of Spectra Logic Corporation.

Except as expressly stated herein, Spectra Logic Corporation makes its products and associated documentation on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY  KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, BOTH OF WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. In no event shall Spectra Logic be liable for any loss of profits, loss of  business, loss of use or data, interruption of business, or for indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, even if Spectra Logic has been advised of the  possibility of such damages arising from any defect or error.
Information furnished in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Spectra Logic for its use. Due to continuing research and development, Spectra Logic may revise this publication from time to time without notice, and reserves  the right to change any product specification at any time without notice.

BlackPearl, BlueScale, CC, RioBroker, Spectra, SpectraGuard, Spectra Logic, StorCycle, TeraPack, TFinity, TranScale, and Vail are registered trademarks of Spectra Logic  Corporation. Attack Hardened, Eon Protect, and PreCal are trademarks of Spectra Logic Corporation. MigrationPass is a service mark of Spectra Logic Corporation. All  rights reserved worldwide. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Part Number
90990139 Revision M

Revision History

Revision Date Description
E July 2020 Updated for StorCycle 3.1.0.
F September 2020 Updated for StorCycle 3.2.0.
G January 2021 Updated for StorCycle 3.3.0.
H March 2021 Updated for StorCycle 3.4.0
I June 2021 Updated for StorCycle 3.5.0.
J October 2021 Updated for StorCycle 3.6.0.
K April 2022 Updated for StorCycle 3.6.1.
L July 2022 Updated for StorCycle 3.6.2.
M August 2022 Updated for StorCycle 3.7.0.
N October 2022 Updated for StorCycle 3.7.1

Note: To make sure you have the release notes for the most current version of the BlackPearl Release Notes, check the Spectra Logic Technical Support portal at support.spectralogic.com/documentation/release- notes/. You must sign into the portal before viewing Release Notes.

Contacting Spectra Logic

To Obtain General Information

Spectra Logic Website: spectralogic.com
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Phone: 1.800.833.1132 or 1.303.449.6400
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Phone: 44 (0) 870.112.2150

Spectra Logic Technical Support
Technical Support Portal: support.spectralogic.com
United States and Canada
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To Obtain Documentation
Spectra Logic Website: support.spectralogic.com/documentation

Helpful Information

These release notes give you the latest information available about the Spectra® StorCycle® application.

Intended Audience
This guide is intended for data center administrators and operators who maintain and operate file storage systems. The information in this guide assumes a familiarity with computing terminology. You also need to be familiar with installing, configuring, and using data file storage and archival software.

User Interface Screens
The user interface changes as new features are added or other modifications are made between software revisions. Therefore, the screens you see in the user interface may  differ from those shown in this guide.

Typographical Conventions

This document uses the following conventions to highlight important information:

Read text marked by the “Warning” symbol for information you must know to avoid personal injury.

Read text marked by the “Caution” symbol for information you must know to avoid losing data.

Read text marked by the “Important” symbol for information that helps you complete a procedure or avoid extra steps.
Note: Read text marked with “Note” for additional information or suggestions about the current topic.

Related Publications

The latest revision of the following documents related to the Spectra Spectra StorCycle Solution are available as PDF files on the Spectra Logic website at: support.spectralogic.com/documentations/user- guides.

  • The Spectra StorCycle Solution Getting Started Guide provides a quick reference for installing and configuring the Spectra StorCycle solution.

  • The Spectra StorCycle Solution User Guide provides detailed information about installing, configuring, and using the Spectra StorCycle solution. The content of this  guide, for your revision of the StorCycle solution, is accessible by clicking Help ? in the toolbar of the software.
    The following document is available after logging into your Support portal account at: support.spectralogic.com.

  • The Spectra StorCycle Solution Release Notes and Documentation Updates provide the most upto-date information about the solution, including information about the  latest software releases and documentation updates.

For additional information about the Spectra BlackPearl® Nearline gateway and the Spectra BlackPearl NAS solution, refer to the publications listed in this section.

  • The Spectra BlackPearl Nearline Gateway User Guide provides detailed information about configuring, using, and maintaining your BlackPearl system.
  • The Spectra S3 API Reference provides information on understanding and using the Spectra S3 API.
  • The Spectra BlackPearl Eon Browser User Guide provides installation and usage information for the BlackPearl Eon Browser.
  • The Spectra BlackPearl NAS Solution User Guide provides information about configuring, using and maintaining your BlackPearl NAS solution.

The following documents are available after logging into your Support portal account at: support.spectralogic.com.

  • The Spectra BlackPearl Release Notes and Documentation Updates provide the most up-to-date information about the BlackPearl and BlackPearl NAS systems, including  information about the latest software releases and documentation updates.

API Documentation

To access the documentation for the REST API, after StorCycle is installed, go to https://localhost/apidocs/.
For additional API documentation and examples, go to https://github.com/SpectraLogic/storcycle_api/.

User Feedback
Contact us at 800-833-1132 to give us suggestions or feedback on our products and documentation.

StorCycle Solution Updates

This section provides an overview of the features and changes for each released software version.
Package History
The following sections list the released Spectra StorCycle Solution update packages, and provide information about new features and updates that affect the application and its components.

StorCycle 3.7.1

You can only upgrade to StorCycle 3.7.1 from StorCycle 3.7.0 or StorCycle 3.6.2. If you are upgrading from a version of the StorCycle solution other than these, contact  Spectra Logic Technical Support (see Contacting Spectra Logic on page 3).

This release improves file restoration behavior and adds new features listed in the table below.

Feature Description
File Restoration Queue When restoring multiple files to the

same working directory, the StorCycle library now places subsequent files in a queue.
Sync and Batch Retry| When encountering a sync or batch error, the process now retries.
Windows Server 2019| Support for Windows Server 2019.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux| Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.

StorCycle 3.7.0

You can only upgrade to StorCycle 3.7.0 from StorCycle 3.6.1, StorCycle 3.6.0, or StorCycle 3.5.0. If you are upgrading from a version of the StorCycle solution other than  these, contact Spectra Logic Technical Support (see Contacting Spectra Logic on page 3).

If you have a Spectra NAS or BlackPearl storage location that is running BlackPearl 5.4.2 or later, the StorCycle solution must be configured to connect to the storage location using a user with Monitor and Login access, and not Administrator access.
If you have a Spectra NAS or BlackPearl storage location that is running BlackPearl 5.4.2 or later, the StorCycle solution must be configured to connect to the storage location using a user with Monitor and Login access, and not Administrator access.

This release improves the user interface and error messages, and adds the new features listed in the table below.

Feature Description
Versioning When enabled, multiple versions of a file from the source

storage location are kept on the target storage location after multiple migrate / store jobs. Each file name has a code appended to the file name that indicates the date and time that the file was migrated / stored.
Storage Location Security| To add storage location security to a new or existing source storage location, an administrator can assign an AD / LDAP group to the source storage location which restricts access to scan, migrate / store, and restore jobs, as well as file listings associated with the source, to members of the designated group and administrators.
Snapshots on Existing Spectra NAS Storage Locations| Existing BlackPearl NAS storage locations which have been used in a job can have snapshots enabled and will begin taking snapshots with the next migrate / store job.
Windows Installer| The Windows installer is updated to allow the creation of a service account during program installation, list the installation location of the MongoDB, and improve post-installation navigation.

Resolved Issues

Issue Resolution

If a Delete Project job fails, for example, because a job using an overlapping storage location is already in progress, then it cannot be run a second time even when the reason for the original failure is resolved.| This issue no longer occurs.
No notification is provided to the user when a license key is deleted, or a new license key is applied over an existing license key.| An information message informing the user of the intended action displays before the key is deleted or overwritten.

StorCycle 3.6.1

You can only upgrade to StorCycle 3.6.1 from StorCycle 3.6.0, 3.5.0, or 3.4.0. If you are upgrading from a version of the StorCycle solution other than these, contact Spectra  Logic Technical Support (see Contacting Spectra Logic on page 3).

This release adds the capability of specifying whether the StorCycle solution should wait until data migrated / stored to a BlackPearl gateway is fully persisted to tape before  the Replacement Option (Remove Source File: no links, Remove Source File: create Symbolic link, or Remove Source File: create HTML link) occurs. This feature should  only be used under direction of Spectra Logic Technical Support.

StorCycle 3.6.0

You can only upgrade to StorCycle 3.6.0 from StorCycle 3.5.0 or StorCycle 3.4.0. If you are upgrading from a version of the StorCycle solution other than these, contact  Spectra Logic Technical Support (see Contacting Spectra Logic on page 3).

This release improves OpenAPI documentation. improves the user interface, and adds the new features listed in the table below.

Feature Description
Single Key Encryption S3, Amazon S3 Glacier, MS Azure, and MS Azure

Archive targets can now be configured to have all files encrypted before they are migrated / stored to the target.
Spectra NAS Target Snapshots| Spectra NAS targets can be configured to create a snapshot of the data in a migrate / store job after the job completes. Optionally, targets with snapshots enabled can be set to read- only after migrate / store jobs complete. This provides ransomware protection, but is only suitable for a storage location dedicated to receiving data from StorCycle migrate / store jobs.
BlackPearl Bucket Ingest| A bucket on a BlackPearl system with data added outside of the StorCycle solution can be ingested so that the objects in the bucket are managed by the StorCycle solution.

Resolved Issues

Issue Resolution

When an Active Directory user is added as a local user and then deleted as a local user, the user is no longer able to log in to the StorCycle solution to restore when Allow any Active Directory / LDAP user to restore is enabled.| An Active Directory user who was added as a local user and then deleted can now log into the StorCycle solution to restore when Allow any Active Directory / LDAP user to restore is enabled.
In the Projects report, a Post Archive Action is sometimes displayed for a restore project.| This issue no longer occurs.
Completed restore jobs occasionally display a status of “Active” in the Jobs panel of the Restore dashboard.| This issue no longer occurs.

StorCycle 3.5.0

You can only upgrade to StorCycle 3.5.0 from StorCycle 3.4.0 or StorCycle 3.3.x. If you are upgrading from a version of the StorCycle solution other than these, contact  Spectra Logic Technical Support (see Contacting Spectra Logic on page 3).

This release adds the new features listed in the table below.

Feature Description
Single Key Encryption Spectra NAS, Non-Spectra NAS, and BlackPearl

targets can be configured to have all files encrypted before they are migrated / stored to the target.
Linked Instances| A StorCycle instance can link to other StorCycle instances to allow searching for data managed by other StorCycle solution installations.
Single HTML File Replacement Option| Migrate / store projects now include an option to replace migrated / stored files with a single HTML link to restore all files in the project.
Ignore Certificate Warnings on S3 Targets| When creating an S3 or S3 Glacier target storage location, you can select to indicate that it is a trusted site and that security certificate warnings should be ignored, even if it has a self-signed or missing security certificate.
Exclude Files from Migrate Job by File Extension| Files to be migrated / stored can now be filtered using a Files to Exclude setting.
Clone BlackPearl Storage Location| If you are creating a new BlackPearl storage location and want to use the same endpoint and credentials of an existing BlackPearl storage location, you can clone the previous BlackPearl storage location.
Promote Queued Job| Queued jobs can be promoted to the next job to run.
CentOS 7.9| The docker image for StorCycle 3.5.0 now uses CentOS 7.9.
High Availability Failover on Virtual Machines| The StorCycle solution fully supports the capability of hyper-converged virtual machines (VMs) to provide failover. The VM automatically restarts the StorCycle solution on a new node if one instance fails.
Improved User Interface| User interface improvements include:
•   An updated dashboard which updates in real time.
•   Units shown as base 2 instead of base 10.
•   A streamlined Storage Locations screen with sort options on columns and project details available by clicking View Details.
•   Information about who modified the project included on the Job Details – Project tab.

Resolved Issues

Issue Resolution

Restore jobs from a BlackPearl storage location that are larger than the BlackPearl cache fail.| Restore jobs from a BlackPearl storage location that are larger than the BlackPearl cache are now broken into several smaller jobs so that they do not fail.
The Mark All As Read button only marks visible messages as read.| The Mark All As Read button now marks all messages as read.
Report data may be inaccurate if the StorCycle solution power cycles during a migrate / store job.| This issue no longer occurs.
When you enter an invalid SMTP server address and click Submit , the page becomes unresponsive and after a while displays “Lost Communication with Server”.| If you enter an invalid SMTP server address while configuring SMTP, an error message indicating an invalid SMTP server address displays.
When a migrate / store project is deleted by retention policy, and then searched for using the option Search by tag , the project displays and can incorrectly be used in a restore project. The restore project fails with the error, “could not retrieve archive location: unable to get available archive storage location for restore job”.| This issue no longer occurs.
When editing a recurring project with a weekly recurrence, the day of the week selected changes to the next day of the week if the selected time to run is past midnight UTC.| This issue no longer occurs.
The Dashboard Configured Users count does not include restore users.| The Dashboard Configured Users count now includes restore users.
Restore users do not display on the Users screen and cannot be deleted.| Restore users now display on the Users screen and can be deleted.

Known Issues

Issue Workaround

Restores may generate a security ID warning after a successful restore if the original user who was recorded as the owner of the files no longer has ownership permissions. The warning does not impact the restoration of, or access to, the data.| There is no workaround for this issue.

StorCycle 3.4.0

You can only upgrade to StorCycle 3.4.0 from StorCycle 3.3.x or StorCycle 3.2.0. If you are upgrading from a version of the StorCycle solution other than these, contact Spectra Logic Technical Support (see Contacting Spectra Logic on page 3).

This release updates the user interface, improves error handling and error messages, and adds the new features listed in the table below.

Feature Description
Source S3 Storage Locations S3 storage locations can now be

used as sources. Files on an S3 source can only be migrated / stored to a BlackPearl (object) storage location, and then can only be restored to a Spectra or non-Spectra NAS storage location.
Daily Restore Limits for Restore Only Active Directory / LDAP Users| If you selected to allow any Active Directory / LDAP user to restore files, you can now select whether to limit the amount of data an AD / LDAP user can restore each day and if selected, enter the daily limit in either TiB or GiB.
Enhancements to the Migrate / Store Feature| • Migrate / store projects can now be edited, and their schedules can be paused and resumed. A previously completed single run project may have the schedule edited and converted into a recurring project.
• The migrate / store wizard now allows you to set a custom age filter and to select to delete empty directories after removing migrated / stored files.
Feature| Description
HTML Link Enhancements| •   You can now select to whether to remove HTML links when files are restored to the original location from which a migrate / store with the option to replace files with HTML links was done.
•  You can now configure a Hostname Override to use instead of a hostname lookup in HTML links created to replace migrated / stored files.
Configure Restore Target in Restore Wizard| You can now configure a new non-Spectra NAS storage location in the Restore wizard to use as the target of the restore project.
Select BlackPearl Bucket Data Policy| When you configure a BlackPearl storage location, you can now view and select the data policy for a new bucket.
Rerun Scans| On the Scan dashboard, next to each project is a Run icon to use to rerun the project with a Start Now schedule.
Search by Tags on Delete Page| When selecting projects to delete files, you can now search on tags.

Resolved Issues

Issue Resolution

A single run project in the process of migrating / storing files displays as a candidate for deletion on the Delete Files screen. If selected, files continue to migrate / store while the project is deleted, leaving the files on the target (s) in an unknown state.| This issue no longer occurs.
When a scan is interrupted due to loss of network connection, the job may report completed with no warnings or errors.| A scan job interrupted by the loss of a network interruption now the appropriate warning and errors.
The Restore Symbolic Links option is not available when a restore project is configured from the Catalog Search screen.| The Restore Symbolic Links option is now available when a restore project is configured from the Catalog Search screen.
The state for an active Migrate/Store job displays as “Completed:Errors” as soon as an errors occur.| The state for an active job with warnings or errors displays as “Active:Warnings” or “Active:Errors” as appropriate.
Issue| Resolution
“If you attempt to run a database backup job while a retention delete job is in progress, the database backup fails and you get the error message,”default not allowing RetentionDelete with BackupDb”.| This issue no longer occurs.
Attempting to delete a project archived to an S3 target which was not configured with an S3 Region, fails.| This issue no longer occurs.
A database backup may fail with the error, “must specify an archive or scanAndArchive policy type.”| This issue no longer occurs.

Known Issues

Issue Workaround

Report data may be inaccurate if the StorCycle solution encounters a power cycle during a migrate / store job
Note: This issue is resolved in StorCycle 3.5.0.| There is no workaround for this issue.
When you enter an invalid SMTP server address and click Submit , the page becomes unresponsive and after a while displays “Lost Communication with Server”.
Note: This issue is resolved in StorCycle 3.5.0.| There is no workaround for this issue.

StorCycle 3.3.0

You can only upgrade to StorCycle 3.3.0 from StorCycle 3.2.0 or StorCycle 3.1.0. If you are upgrading from a version of the StorCycle solution other than these, contact  Spectra Logic Technical Support (see Contacting Spectra Logic on page 3).

When upgrading from StorCycle 3.1.0, the database is upgraded to an indexed database to increase search speeds. The time required for the upgrade depends on  the size of the database.

  • The update takes approximately 1 hour per 10 million file records in the database. Every file scanned or migrated by the StorCycle solution is considered one record.

  • The StorCycle web interface is inaccessible during this upgrade process. Instead the web interface is replaced by a message that the database is being updated.
    **** IMPORTANT Once the StorCycle web interface is accessible, then the upgrade is complete.

  • The upgrade progress can be tracked in the log file ssc.log. The upgrade process consists of two parts:

  • Creation of the index in the database – There are no incremental updates to the log during this process.

  • Editing the records in the database (split file path into component pieces) – This step provides periodic log updates showing the number of records updated per second and  how many total records have been updated.

This release updates the user interface, improves error handling and error messages, and adds the new features listed in the table below.

Feature Description
REST API It is now possible to interact with the Spectra StorCycle

Solution using a REST API (application-programming interface). To view the API documentation, go to https://localhost/apidocs/#/ on the StorCycle server.
Microsoft Azure Storage Location Support| The StorCycle solution now supports migrating / storing to and restoring from an Microsoft Azure storage locations.
Email Alerts When Restores Complete| When you configure a restore project, you can select to have an email alert sent when the restore job completes.
Feature| Description
Tag Matches Displayed for Reuse| Tags added to projects for searching now display potential matches to aid in reuse.
Full Support for OpenLDAP on Linux Servers| OpenLDAP is used to provide Simple Authentication, Security Layer, and Transport Layer Security.
Restore Files Tiered to Amazon Glacier| Files migrated / stored to a standard S3 bucket with tiering to Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive can be restored after the file is tiered.
Real Time Performance Charts for Scan, Migrate / Store, and Restore Jobs| The recent jobs on sections on the Scan, Migrate / Store, Restore, and Jobs screens now provide real-time performance graphs for active jobs.
Restore of Symbolic Links| You can now select to restore symbolic links only. This is useful if the symbolic links to migrated / stored files were inadvertently deleted.

Resolved Issues

Issue Resolution
Entering an invalid license key can remove existing License Keys. This issue

no longer occurs.
Clicking Test Storage Location for a BlackPearl storage location returns, “unable to confirm spectra device: 403 Forbidden” when the configured username and password is for a BlackPearl user with Login credentials.| The username and password used when creating a BlackPearl storage location must have Administrator or Monitor permission.
The StorCycle solution does not allow user email addresses with unicode characters.| Unicode characters are now allowed in email addresses.
The Send Test Email button does not work for Active Directory users.| If an Active Directory user is configured correctly, the StorCycle solution does an Active Directory lookup call to find the matching email address and uses that to send a test email.
StorCycle allows an administrator to create an Active Directory user that does not exist.| You can no longer create an Active Directory user that does not exist.
Issue| Resolution
Messages are never deleted.| Messages older than two years are deleted.
MacOS 10.15 and later may reject the StorCycle SSL certificate.| The number of days the SSL certificate is valid was updated to meet the new requirements in MacOS 10.15.
StorCycle waits until objects are persisted to storage domains before considering migrates / stores to BlackPearl systems complete. This can slow further migrates / stores.| StorCycle now considers a migrate / store to a BlackPearl system complete when the data is completely in BlackPearl cache.

Known Issues

Issue Workaround

An incorrect root directory for completed scans may display in the projects table and job details screen.| There is no workaround for this issue. The correct root directory is used in the scan.
When you enter an invalid SMTP server address and click Submit , the page becomes unresponsive and after a while displays “Lost Communication with Server”.

Note: This issue is resolved in StorCycle 3.5.0.

| There is no workaround for the issue.
Running multiple concurrent restores from the same Microsoft Azure Archive job can complete with errors and not restore all files due to an Azure error “409: This operation is not permitted on an archived blob”.| Do not run concurrent restores from the same Microsoft Azure Archive job.
When a migrate / store project is deleted by retention policy, and then searched for using the option Search by tag , the project displays and can be used in a restore project. The restore project fails with the error, “could not retrieve archive location: unable to get available archive storage location for restore job”.

Note: This issue is resolved in StorCycle 3.5.0.

| Do not attempt to restore a project deleted by retention policy.
In the Projects report, a Post Archives Action is sometimes displayed for a restore project.

Note: This issue is resolved in StorCycle 3.6.0.

| Ignore any Post Archive Action displayed for a restore project.

StorCycle 3.2.0

You can only upgrade to StorCycle 3.2.0 from StorCycle 3.0.2 or StorCycle 3.1.0. If you are upgrading from a version of the StorCycle solution other than these, contact Spectra Logic Technical Support (see Contacting Spectra Logic on page 3).

When upgrading to StorCycle 3.2.0, the database is upgraded to an indexed database to increase search speeds. The time required for the upgrade depends on the size of the database.

  • The update takes approximately 1 hour per 10 million file records in the database. Every file scanned or migrated by the StorCycle solution is considered one record.

  • The StorCycle web interface is inaccessible during this upgrade process. Instead the web interface is replaced by a message that the database is being updated.
    IMPORTANT Once the StorCycle web interface is accessible, then the upgrade is complete.

  • The upgrade progress can be tracked in the log file ssc.log. The upgrade process consists of two parts:

  • Creation of the index in the database – There are no incremental updates to the log during this process.

  • Editing the records in the database (split file path into component pieces) – This step provides periodic log updates showing the number of records updated per second and  the how many total records have been updated.

This release updates the user interface, improves error messages, and adds the new features listed in the table below.

Feature Description
Retention Policies Storage Locations can be configured to automatically

delete the data migrated / stored by a project after a specified number of days. Users can be configured to receive an email about pending deletions five days before they occur.
Note: As of StorCycle 3.3.0, retention policies are only supported for data center and enterprise licenses.
CIFS/SMB Support with Linux Server| The Spectra StorCycle solution running on a Linux server now supports NFS and CIFS/SMB sources. The StorCycle solution running on a Windows server continues to only support CIFS/SMB sources.
Feature| Description
Delete Migrate / Store Projects| The Delete Files screen provides a way to delete all migrated / stored files associated with a migrate / store project to reclaim storage space.
Rerun Now Button for Migrate / Store and Database Backup Jobs| On the Migrate Store and Database Backup dashboards, next to each project there is a Run  icon to click to rerun the project with a Start Now schedule.
Restore Jobs Processed First| When more than 10 jobs are running on the StorCycle solution, restore jobs are prioritized at the top of the job queue.
Support for Regular Expressions in the Migrate / Store Filter Fields| The StorCycle solution now supports regular expressions when filtering for the included file types and excluded directories in a migrate / store project. The regular expressions include . (dot), \ (backslash), .* (dot asterisk), [] (square brackets), etc.

Resolved Issues

Issue Resolution

Active Directory usernames are treated as case sensitive for logging into the StorCycle solution when they should not be.| The StorCycle solution now makes all usernames case insensitive.
After running a migrate / store job with a file type filter, the restore wizard incorrectly reports 0 files available to restore even though there are files available to restore.| The restore wizard now reports the correct number of files available to restore from a migrate / store job with a file type filter.
It is possible to create multiple departments with the same name.| It is no longer possible to create multiple departments with the same name.
If a restore project includes restoring a file that was deleted from a BlackPearl storage target, the entire job fails and no files are restored.| When one or more files in a restore job was deleted from a BlackPearl target, the restore job attempts to restore all of the other files in the job and reports an error for the deleted file(s).

Known Issues

Issue Workaround

If a migrate / store job with the Replacement Option Remove Source File: create Symbolic link or Remove Source File: create HTML link fails during post processing, an inconsistent state of deleted source files and created links may be present.| Delete the remaining source files and link files from the source manually, and then regenerate HTML links by creating a restore project and selecting Restore HTML Links Only.
It is only possible to create a restore project to restore symbolic links using StorCycle 3.3.0 or later.
The StorCycle solution does not allow user email addresses with unicode characters. Note: This issue is resolved in StorCycle 3.3.0.| You must use email addresses without unicode characters.
A single run project in the process of migrating / storing files displays as a candidate for deletion on the Delete Files screen. If selected, files continue to migrate / store while the project is deleted, leaving the files on the target (s) in an unknown state.

Note: This issue is resolved in StorCycle 3.4.0.

| Do not attempt to delete the files for a project while it is in the process of running.

StorCycle 3.1.0


This release adds the new features listed in the table below.

Feature Description
Amazon Glacier Support The StorCycle solution now supports

migrating / storing and restoring directly to and from an Amazon Glacier tier storage location.
Transparent Access| Files migrated / stored with the Replacement Option set to Remove Source File: create Symbolic link are replaced with symbolic links which transparently open the replaced files from secondary storage.
Cost Savings Calculator| The Job Details screen for scan jobs now includes a Cost Savings Calculator feature that allows you to determine how much you can save by moving data from high-cost primary storage to different types of secondary storage.
Feature| Description
Improved User Interface| This release includes many new usability improvements, such as a wizard to clone a previous migrate / store project, allowing the reuse of a storage location name or path that was never used in a project, and the ability to create a storage location within the Scan or Migrate / Store wizards.
Jobs Continue After 10K Errors| Instead of a job failing after 10,000 errors, error messages are grouped by error reason (access permissions, unsupported characters in files names, etc.) and the job continues.

Resolved Issues

Issue Resolution
Email alerts do not work for Active Directory user accounts. The StorCycle

solution now looks up the email address for Active Directory users. If no address is found, that user is skipped. Other Active Directory users and local users still receive the emails.
The New Storage Location wizard allows you to enter a bucket name with a period at the end for a BlackPearl storage location, but clicking Test Location or Submit fails.| Test Location and Submit now work correctly for a BlackPearl storage location with a period at the end of the bucket name.
A blank performance graph displays on Job Details screens.| This issue no longer occurs.
Scan of share root fails on Linux.| Scans starting from the root of a share in a Linux environment now complete correctly.
It is possible to delete a department even if it the parent of other departments.| This issue no longer occurs.
Restore of a ZIP pack migrated / stored to a BlackPearl system fails with an error “zip: not a valid zip file”.| This issue no longer occurs.
The Migrate / Store wizard does not display the previous scan data histogram for the root of a storage location.| The histogram now displays correctly when you select the root of a storage location.
Issue| Resolution
If a file is migrated / stored to a BlackPearl system, and then restored to a directory containing a file with the same name but different metadata, the StorCycle solution does not replace the file in the restore directory, but incorrectly changes the metadata to match the file that was migrated / stored.| The StorCycle solution no longer changes the metadata on a file with the same name but different metadata in a restore target.

Known Issues

Issue Workaround

When an Active Directory user is added as a local user and then deleted, the user is no longer able to log into the StorCycle solution to restore when Allow any Active Directory /LDAP user to restore is enabled.

Note: This issue is resolved in StorCycle 3.6.0.

| Recreate the local user to allow this user to log into the StorCycle solution.

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