SMA STP 50-41 Sunny Tripower Core1 User Guide

June 2, 2024

SMA STP 50-41 Sunny Tripower Core1

Legal Provisions

The information contained in these documents is the property of SMA Solar Technology AG. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, be it electronic, mechanical, photographic, magnetic or other-wise, without the prior written permission of SMA Solar Technology AG. Internal reproduc-tion used solely for the purpose of product evaluation or other proper use is allowed and does not require prior approval.

SMA Solar Technology AG makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to this documentation or any of the equipment and/or software it may de-scribe, including (with no limitation) any implied warranties of utility, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. All such rep-resentations or warranties are expressly dis-claimed. Neither SMA Solar Technology AG nor its distributors or dealers shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential dam-ages under any circumstances.

The exclusion of implied warranties may not apply in all cases under some statutes, and thus the above exclusion may not apply.

Specifications are subject to change without notice. Every attempt has been made to make this document complete, accurate and up-to-date. Readers are cautioned, however, that product improvements and field usage experi-ence may cause SMA Solar Technology AG to make changes to these specifications with-out advance notice or per contract provisions. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be responsible for any damages, including indirect, incidental or consequential damages, caused by reliance on the material presented, includ- ing, but not limited to, omissions, typographical errors, arithmetical errors or listing errors in the content material.

SMA Warranty
You can download the current warranty condi-tions from the Internet at www

Software licenses
The licenses for the installed software modules (open source) can be found in the user inter-face of the product.

All trademarks are recognized, even if not ex-plicitly identified as such. Missing designations do not mean that a product or brand is not a registered trademark.

SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1
34266 Niestetal
Phone +49 561 9522-0
Fax +49 561 9522 100

Status: 1/7/2022

Copyright © 2021 SMA Solar Technology AG. All rights reserved.

Information on this Document

This document is valid for:
STP 50-41 (Sunny Tripower CORE1) from firmware version ≥ 3.13.00.R

Target Group
The tasks described in this document must only be performed by qualified persons. Qualified persons must have the following skills:

  • Knowledge of how to safely disconnect SMA inverters
  • Knowledge of how an inverter works and is operated
  • Training in how to deal with the dangers and risks associated with installing, repairing and using electrical devices and installations
  • Training in the installation and commissioning of electrical devices and installations
  • Knowledge of all applicable laws, standards and directives
  • Knowledge of and compliance with this document and all safety information

Content and Structure of this Document

This document contains safety information as well as graphical instructions on installing and commissioning (see page 216). Observe all information and carry out the actions illustrated graphically in this document in the specified order.
The latest version of this document and the comprehensive manual for installation, com-missioning, configuration and decommissioning are to be found in PDF format and as Manual at You will find the QR code that links to the manual on the title page of this document. You can also call up the Manual via the user interface of the product.
Illustrations in this document are reduced to the essential information and may deviate from the real product.

Levels of warning messages
The following levels of warning messages may occur when handling the product.

    Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

    Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

    Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

    Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, can result in property damage.

Symbols in the Document

SMA STP 50-41 Sunny Tripower Core1 1


Intended Use

The Sunny Tripower is a transformerless PV in-verter, with 6 MPP  trackers, that converts the direct current of the PV array to grid-compliant, three- phase current and feeds it into the utility grid.
The product is intended for use in industrial environments.
The product complies with EN 55011 of class A, group 1:

  • The product is not intended to be used in living areas and cannot provide protection of radio reception against interference signals in such environments.
  • The product is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
  • The product must only be operated with PV modules of protection class II in accordance with IEC  61730, application class A. The PV modules must be compatible with this product.
  • The product is not equipped with an integrated transformer and therefore has no galvanic iso-lation. The product must not be operated with PV modules whose outputs are grounded.
  • This can cause the product to be destroyed. The product may be operated with PV modules whose frame is grounded.
  • PV modules with a high capacity to ground must only be used if their coupling capacity does not exceed 12.6  μF (for information on how to determine the coupling capacity, see the
  • Technical Information “Leading Leakage Currents” at
  • All components must remain within their permit-ted operating ranges and their installation re-quirements at all times.
  • The product must only be used in countries for which it is approved or released by SMA So-lar Technology AG and the grid operator.
  • Use SMA products only in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed docu-mentation and with the locally applicable laws, regulations, standards and directives. Any other application may cause personal in-jury or property damage.
  • Alterations to the SMA products, e.g., changes or modifications, are only permitted with the express written permission of SMA Solar Tech-nology AG. Unauthorized alterations will void guarantee and warranty claims and in most cases terminate the operating license. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such changes.

Any use of the product other than that de-scribed in the Intended Use section does not qualify as appropriate.
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product. Keep the documentation in a convenient, dry place for future reference and observe all instructions contained therein.

This document does not replace any regional, state, provincial, federal or national laws, regulations or standards that apply to the installation, electrical safety and use of the product. SMA Solar Technology AG assumes no re-sponsibility for the compliance or non-compli-ance with such laws or codes in connection with the installation of the product.
The type label must remain permanently at-tached to the product.


Keep the manual for future reference.
This section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working.
The product has been designed and tested in accordance with international safety require-ments. As with all electrical or electronical de-vices, there are residual risks despite careful construction. To prevent personal injury and property damage and to ensure long-term op-eration of the product, read this section care-fully and observe all safety information at all times.

DANGER: Danger to life due to electric shock when live components or DC cables are touched
When exposed to light, the PV modules generate high DC voltage which is present in the DC cables. Touching live DC cables results in death or lethal injuries due to electric shock.

  • Do not touch non-insulated parts or cables.
  • Disconnect the product from voltage sources and ensure it cannot be reconnected before working on the device.
  • Do not disconnect the DC connectors under load.
  • Wear suitable personal protective equipment for all work on the product.

DANGER: Danger to life due to electric shock when touching live system components in case of a ground fault
If a ground fault occurs, parts of the system may still be live. Touching live parts and cables results in death or lethal injuries due to electric shock.

  • Disconnect the product from voltage sources and ensure it cannot be reconnected before working on the device.
  • Only touch the cables of the PV modules on their insulation.
  • Do not touch any parts of the substructure or frame of the PV array.
  • Do not connect PV strings with ground faults to the inverter.

DANGER Danger to life due to electric shock in case of over voltages and if surge protection is missing. Over voltages (e. g. in the event of a flash of lightning) can be further conducted into the building and to other connected devices in the same network via the network cables or other data cables if there is no surge protection. Touching live parts and cables results in death or lethal injuries due to electric shock.

  • Ensure that all devices in the same network are integrated in the existing overvoltage protection.
  • When laying the network cable outdoors, ensure that there is suitable surge protection at the network cable transition from the product outdoors to the network inside the building.
  • The Ethernet interface of the product is classified as “TNV-1” and offers protection against over voltages of up to 1.5 kV.

WARNING Danger to life due to fire and explosion
In rare cases, an explosive gas mixture can be generated inside the product under fault conditions. In this state, switching operations can cause a fire inside the product or explosion. Death or lethal injuries due to hot or flying debris can result.

  • In the event of a fault, do not perform any direct actions on the product.
  • Ensure that unauthorized persons have no access to the product.
  • Do not operate the DC load-break switch on the inverter in case of an error.
  • Disconnect the PV array from the inverter via an external disconnection device. If there is no disconnecting device present, wait until no more DC power is applied to the inverter.
  • Disconnect the AC circuit breaker, or keep it disconnected in case it has already tripped, and secure it against reconnection.
  • Only perform work on the product (e.g., troubleshooting, repair work) when wearing personal protective equipment for handling of hazardous substances (e.g., safety gloves, eye and face protection, respiratory protection).

WARNING Risk of injury due to toxic substances, gases and dusts.
In rare cases, damages to electronic components can result in the formation of toxic substances, gases or dusts inside the product. Touching toxic substances and inhaling toxic gases and dusts can cause skin irritation, burns or poisoning, trouble breathing and nausea.

  • Only perform work on the product (e.g., troubleshooting, repair work) when wearing personal protective equipment for handling of hazardous substances (e.g., safety gloves, eye and face protection, respiratory protection).
  • Ensure that unauthorized persons have no access to the product.

WARNING Danger to life due to electric shock from destruction of the measuring device due to overvoltage Overvoltage can damage a measuring device and result in voltage being present in the enclosure of the measuring device. Touching the live enclosure of the measuring device results in death or lethal injuries due to electric shock.

Only use measuring devices with a DC input voltage range of 1000 V or higher.

CAUTION Risk of burns due to hot enclosure parts
The enclosure and the enclosure lid may get hot during operation. The DC load- break switch can not become hot.

• Do not touch hot surfaces.
• Wait until the inverter has cooled down before touching the enclosure or enclosure lid.

CAUTION Risk of injury due to weight of product
Injuries may result if the product is lifted incorrectly or dropped while being transported or mounted.

  • Carry and lift the product upright with the help of several people. Take the weight and the center of gravity of the product into account. The center of gravity is on the side of the AC-Connection Unit.
  • Wear suitable personal protective equipment for all work on the product.
  • Transport the product using the carrying handles or hoist. Take the weight of the product into account.
  • Use all carrying handles provided during transport with carrying handles.
  • Do not use the carrying handles as attachment points for hoist equipment (e.g. straps, ropes, chains). Insert eye bolts into threads provided on top of the product to attach the hoist system.

NOTICE Damage to the enclosure seal in subfreezing conditions
If you open the product when temperatures are below freezing, the enclosure seals can be damaged. Moisture can penetrate the product and damage it.

  • Only open the product if the ambient temperature is not below -5°C.
  • If a layer of ice has formed on the enclosure seal when temperatures are below freezing, remove it prior to opening the product (e.g. by melting the ice with warm air).

NOTICE Damage to the product due to sand, dust and moisture ingress Sand, dust and moisture penetration can damage the product and impair its functionality.

• Only open the product if the humidity is within the thresholds and the environment is free of sand and dust.
• Do not open the product during a dust storm or precipitation.
• Close tightly all enclosure openings.

NOTICE Damage to the inverter due to electrostatic discharge
Touching electronic components can cause damage to or destroy the inverter through electrostatic discharge.

  • Ground yourself before touching any component.

NOTICE High costs due to inappropriate Internet tariff
Depending on use, the data volume of the product transferred via the Internet may vary in size. The data volume depends, for example, on the number of devices in the system, the frequency of device updates, the frequency of data transfer to Sunny Portal or the use of FTP push. High costs for the Internet connection can be the result.

SMA Solar Technology AG recommends using an Internet flat rate.

A country data set must be set for feed-in operation
From firmware version 3.13.##.R, the activation conditions for feed-in operation were changed.
To ensure the inverter begins feed-in operation during initial commissioning, a country data set must be set (for instance via the installation assistant on the user interface of the product, or via a communication product).

If no country data set is set, then feed-in operation will be stopped. This state is signaled by the green and red LEDs flashing simultaneously.
The inverter will automatically start feed-in operation only after the inverter configuration is completed.

The country data set must be set correctly.
If you select a country data set which is not valid for your country and purpose, it can cause a disturbance in the PV system and lead to problems with the grid operator. When selecting the country data set, you must always observe the locally applicable standards and directives as well as the properties of the PV system (e.g. PV system size, grid-connection point).

If you are not sure which standards and directives are valid for your country or purpose, contact the grid operator.

Symbols on the Product

SMA STP 50-41 Sunny Tripower Core1 2

SMA STP 50-41 Sunny Tripower Core1 3

EU Declaration of Conformity within the scope of the EU directives

Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU (22.5.2014 L 153/62) (RED)
Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances 2011/65/EU (L 174/88, June 8, 2011) and 2015/863/EU (L 137/10, March 31, 2015)(RoHS)

SMA Solar Technology AG confirms herewith that the products described in this document are in compliance with the fundamental requirements and other relevant provisions of the above-mentioned directives. The entire EU Declaration of Conformity can be found at

UK Declaration of Conformity
according to the regulations of Eng-land, Wales and Scotland

• Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/1091)
• Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/1101)
• Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/1206)
• The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2012

SMA Solar Technology AG confirms herewith that the products described in this document are in compliance with the fundamental requirements and other relevant provisions of the above-mentioned regulations. The entire UK Declaration of Conformity can be found at

Scope of Delivery

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AC Connection

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AC                                           STP 50-40
PAC (@ 230 V, 50 Hz)             50000 W
SAC (@ cos φ = 1)                    50000 VA
VAC, r                                       400 V / 230 V
VAC, range                               202 V to 264 V
IAC, r (@ 230 V)                     72.5 A
IAC,max                                  72.5 A
fAC                                         50 Hz / 60 Hz
cos φ                                       0.0 overexcited to 0.0 under excited

Connecting the network

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DC Connection

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DC                                          STP 50-40
Max. generator power             75000 Wp STC
VDC, max                               1000 V
VDC, MPP                              500 V to 800 V
IDC, max                                20 A
ISC PV                                    30 A


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Accessing the user interface via WLAN

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Accessing the user interface via LAN

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Disassembling the DC Connectors

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Documents / Resources

| SMA STP 50-41 Sunny Tripower Core1 [pdf] User Guide
STP 50-41, Sunny Tripower Core1, STP 50-41 Sunny Tripower Core1, Tripower Core1, Core1


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