HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-

WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors

Instructions for fi tting, operating and maintenance
Shaft operator for industrial sectional door Basic

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Dear Customer,
We would like to thank you for choosing a quality product from our company.

About these instructions

These instructions are original operating instructions as outlined in the EC Directive 2006/42/EC. Read through all of the instructions  carefully, as they contain important information about the product. Pay attention to and follow the instructions provided, particularly the safety instructions and warnings. Please keep these instructions in a safe place and make sure that they are available to all users at all times.

1.1 Further applicable documents
The following documents for safe handling and maintenance of the door system must be placed at the disposal of the end user:

  • These instructions
  • The instructions for the control
  • The instructions for the industrial door
  • The enclosed log book

1.2 Warnings used

The general warning symbol indicates a danger that can lead to injury or death. In the text, the general warning symbol will be used in connection with the caution levels  described below. In the  illustrated section, an additional instructionrefers  back to the explanation in the text section.

Indicates a danger that immediately results in death or serious injuries.
Indicates a danger that can lead to death or serious injuries.
Indicates a danger that can lead to minor or moderate injuries.
Indicates a danger that can lead to damage or destruction of the product.

1.3 Notes on the illustrated section
The illustrated section shows how to fi t an operator on an industrial sectional door with track application N. Deviations for fi tting on a sectional door using other tracks are also shown. The corresponding track application is shown in the respective figures as a pictograph.

All specified dimensions in the illustrated section are in [mm].

Safety instructions


2.1 Intended use
This industrial door operator is designed for the operation of spring- compensated sectional doors in the industrial and commercial sector. Note the manufacturer specifi cations regarding the door and operator combination. Potential hazards as outlined in DIN EN 13241-1 are avoided by construction and fi tting according to our guidelines. Door systems which are located in a public area and only have one protective device, such as a power limit, may only be operated when the operator is in view of the door. Intended use also includes following all the notes provided in these instructions, and complying with the maintenance instructions and country-specifi c standards and safety regulations as well as the log book.
2.2 Non-intended use
This operator may not be used with doors that are not counterbalanced or insuffi ciently counterbalanced.
2.3 Fitter qualification
Only correct fitting and maintenance in compliance with the instructions by a competent / specialist company or a competent person / specialist ensures safe and flawless operation of the system. According to EN 12635, a specialist is a person with suitable training, specialist knowledge and practical experience sufficient to correctly and safely fit, test and maintain a door system.

2.4 Safety instructions for fitting,
maintenance, repair and dismantling of the door system

Compensating springs are under high tension

  • See warning in section 3.1

Danger of injury due to insuffi cient inspection and maintenance

  • See warning in section 5
    Danger of injury due to unexpected door run

  • See warning in section 5
    Danger of injury during repairs and adjustment work

  • See warning in section 5.1
    Danger of injury due to insuffi cient stability during maintenance

  •  See warning in section 5.1.


  • See warning in section 4.3
    Fitting, maintenance, repair, and dismantling of the door system and industrial door operator must be performed by a specialist.

  • In the event of a failure of the industrial door operator, a specialist must be commissioned immediately for the inspection or repair work.

2.5 Safety instructions for fitting
The specialist carrying out the work must ensure that installation is conducted in compliance with the prevailing national job safety rules and regulations and those governing the operation of electrical equipment. In the process, the relevant national guidelines must be observed. Potential hazards as outlined in DIN EN 13241-1 are avoided by construction and fi tting according to our guidelines.

Mains voltage

  • See warning in section 3.8

Danger of injury due to unwanted door travel

  • See warning in section 3.2
    Danger of injury due to insuffi cient stability during fi tting

  • See warning in section 3.2
    Removing the locking pins

  • See warning in section 3.6
    Danger of injury due to incorrect installation

  • See warning in section 3.8

2.6 Safety instructions for initial start-up and for operation

Danger of injury during door travel

  • See warning in section 4.1
    Danger of injury due to uncontrolled door travel in the Closed door direction in case of fracture of an existing counterbalance spring

  • See warning in section 4.1

2.7 Approved safety equipment
If available, safety-relevant functions or components of the control from our company, such as the power limit, external photocells / switching strips, have been designed and approved in accordance with category 2, PL “c” of EN ISO 13849-1:2008.

Danger of injuries due to faulty safety equipment

  • See warning in section 3.8



3.1 Inspecting the door / door system

Compensating springs are under high tension Serious injuries may occur while adjusting or loosening the compensating springs!

  • For your own safety, only have a specialist conduct work on the compensating springs of the door and, if required, maintenance and repair work!
  • Never try to replace, adjust, repair or reposition the compensating springs for the counterbalance of the door or the spring mountings yourself.
  • In addition, check the entire door system (joints, door bearings, cables, springs and fastenings) for wear and possible damage.
  • Check for the presence of rust, corrosion, and cracks. A malfunction in the door system or incorrectly aligned doors can cause serious injuries!
  • Do not use the door system if repair or adjustment work must be conducted!

The construction of the operator is not designed for operation with sluggish doors, i.e. doors that can hardly or not at all be opened or closed manually. The door must be in a flawless mechanical condition, as well as correctly balanced, so that it can be easily operated by hand (EN 12604).

  • Lift the door by approx. one metre and let it go. The door should stay in this position and neither move downward nor upward. If the door does move in either direction, there is a danger that the compensating springs / weights are not properly adjusted or are defective. In this case, increased wear and malfunctioning of the door system can be expected.
  • Check whether the door can be opened and closed correctly.

3.2 Installing the operator


Danger of injury due to unwanted door travel

Incorrect fitting or handling of the operator may trigger unwanted door travel that may result in persons or objects being trapped.

  • For your own safety, only have the product installed by an approved specialist company.

  • Comply with the applicable job safety rules and regulations during fitting work.

  • Only carry out work on a completely  fitted door and with the counterbalance springtensioned.

  •  Follow all the instructions provided in this manual. Incorrectly fi tted control devices (such as buttons, etc.) may trigger unwanted door travel. Persons or objects may be
    trapped as a result.

  • Install control devices at a height of at least 1.5 m (out of the reach of children).

  • Fit permanently installed control devices (such as buttons, etc.) within sight of the door, but away from moving parts.

Danger of injury due to insuffi cient stability during fitting
Falls and severe injuries may occur if stability is poor during fi tting of the operator (e.g. if the fi tter is only standing on a ladder).

  •  Use stable equipment, such as a lifting platform or scaffold, when fi tting the operator.

Damage caused by dirt
Drilling dust and chippings can lead to malfunctions.

  • Cover the operator during drilling work.

The operator can be fi tted on the left or right side of the door
If you retrofi t the operator to a sectional door, you have to disassemble the spring buffer that is not on the operator side.

  • See Figure 8.
    A secured release (SE and ASE) is necessary for areas without a second entrance to prevent the possibility of being locked in or out; this must be ordered separately.

  • Test the secured release monthly for proper function.

3.3 Fitting the shaft operator
3.3.1 Preparing the operator for fitting

  • Close the door.
  • Open the lid and place it in the cover for safe-keeping for the duration of activation of the maintenance release WE.
  • Release the operator with the maintenance release WE or the secured release (optional) in order to align the claw coupling to the door shaft.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig1

3.3.2 Track application: N, without spacer, torque support 2


  • The chain adapter must match the door type. Note the information on the label of the chain adapter. RM = standard size, CD = cable drum
  • If the space situation requires, the locking ring must be removed.
  • The shaft must be moved or shortened so that 35 mm protrudes at the end.
  • Tighten the hexagon screws (M8 × 16, 25 Nm) only after fi tting the claw coupling on the spring shaft.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig2

3.3.3 Track application: N, with spacer, torque support 5


  • The chain adapter must match the door type. Note the information on the label of the chain adapter. RM = standard size, CD = cable drum
  • If the space situation requires, the locking ring must be removed.
  • The shaft must be moved or shortened so that 35 mm protrudes at the end.
  • Tighten the hexagon screws (M8 × 16, 25 Nm) only after fitting the claw coupling on the spring shaft.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig3

3.3.5 Track application: L, without spacer, torque support 5


  • The chain adapter must match the door type. Note the information on the label of the chain adapter. RM = standard size, CD = cable drum
  • The shaft must be moved or shortened so that ≥ 35 mm protrudes at the end.
  • Tighten the hexagon screws (M8 × 16, 25 Nm) only after fi ttingthe claw coupling on the spring shaft.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig4

3.4 Fitting the secured release (optional)

  • Drill 6 × Ø 9 mm holes in the frame on-site.
  • Do not lay the Bowden cable from the shaft operator to the handle in tight radii. Shorten the Bowden cable on the side of the handle as needed.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig5

3.4.1 Applying the sticker

  • Apply the secured release sticker permanently in a prominent, cleaned and degreased place near the release handle.

3.5 Fitting junction boxes
If a closing edge safety device or wicket door contact is installed on the door, junction boxes have to be fitted.
3.5.1 Frame junction box
3.5.2 Door leaf junction boxes


  • During installation make sure that the cable is never guided from the top!
  • Plug the ventilation hose into the optosensor and the door leaf junction box.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig6

3.6 Locking pins

Removing the locking pins If the locking pins are not removed, the safety mechanisms cannot be actuated.

  • Remove the locking pin on both sides.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig7

3.7 Spring buffer
Sectional doors with a fitted shaft operator may only be equipped with one spring buffer. This spring buffer must be fi tted on the operator side.

  • Install the spring buffer in accordance with the technical manual so that no more than the clear passage height (LH) is reached when the buffer approaches the blocking

  • In case of a door run in the Open end-of-travel position, the door must bring the buffer to the blocking position. To change / reduce the Open end-of-travel position, the spring buffer has to be offset.

3.8 Electrical installation


Mains voltage

Contact with the mains voltage presents the danger of a deadly electric shock.
For that reason, observe the following instructions under all circumstances:

  • Electrical connections may only be made by a qualifi ed electrician.
  • The on-site electrical installation must conform to the applicable protective regulations (230/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz).
  • Disconnect the system from the mains supply and prevent it from being switched on again without authorisation. ****


Danger of injury due to incorrect installation
Incorrect installation of the operator could result in serious injury.

  • The on-site electrical installation must conform to the applicable protective regulations.
  • Electrical connections may only be made by a qualifi ed electrician!
  • Any further processing must ensure that the national regulations governing the operation of electrical equipment are complied with.

Danger of injuries due to faulty safety equipment
In the event of a malfunction, there is a danger of injuries due to faulty safety equipment.

  • The person commissioning the system must check the function(s) of the safety equipment. The system is only ready for operation after the function test.

Damage due to incorrect electrical installation
Incorrect installation could result in damage. For that reason, observe the following instructions under all circumstances.

  • External voltage on the connecting terminals of the circuit board will destroy the electronics.
  • Never pull on the connecting cables of the electrical components, as this will destroy the electronics.
  • Be sure to feed the system cables into the housing from below.
  • Use blind plugs to close off unused connections.

3.9 Fitting and installation example
3.9.1 Track application: N without spacer, torque support 2
Door system with:

  • Wicket door contact STK
  • Push button DTH

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig8

3.10 Handing over the operating instructions

  • After completed fi tting and installation, hand the fi tting, operation and maintenance instructions as well as the log book over to the operator of the door system.

Shaft operator operation

4.1 Operation


Danger of injury during door travel
If people or objects are in the area around the door while the door is in motion, this can lead to injuries or damage.

  • Children are not allowed to play near the door system.
  • Make sure that no persons or  objects are in the door’s area of travel.
  • If the door system has only one safety device, only use the operator if you are within sight of the door.
  • Monitor the door travel until the door has reached the end-of-travel position.
  • Do not drive or walk through the door openings when the door is closing.
  • Never stand under the open door.

Danger of injury due to uncontrolled door travel in the Closed door direction in case of fracture of an existing counterbalance spring Uncontrolled door travel in the Closed door direction occurs if in case of a broken counterbalance spring, an insuffi ciently balanced door and an not completely closed door
a. the maintenance release WE or
b. the secured release SE / ASE (optional) is actuated.

  • For your safety, only release the door system when the door is closed.

  • Never stand under the open door.
    Door crashing is the result of manually actuating a door without spring safety device and with released operator (e.g. during maintenance) and subsequent fracture of the counterbalance spring.

  • Manually actuate the door no longer than necessary and do not leave the door unattended until the operator is locked again.

Gearbox wear or failure.
In case of an excessive power limit, the operator may not be able to detect a door imbalance. This will cause substantial gearbox wear or failure.

  • Inspect the door system monthly if the power limit sensitivity has been set too low.

The operator is responsible for observing and complying with the following regulations (without any claim to completeness):
These are listed in the enclosed log book.

4.2 Instructing users

  • All persons using the door system must be instructed on how to operate the operator properly and safely.

4.3 Release

There is a danger of injury and damage in the door‘s area of travel.

  • The release may only be actuated by specialist personnel

4.3.1 Maintenance release WE

  • Open the lid and place it in the cover for safe-keeping for the duration of activation of the maintenance release WE.
  • After using the maintenance release, fi t the lid and tighten the screw.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig9

4.3.2 Secured release (optional)
Test the function of the secured release monthly.

  • After using the maintenance release, fi x the handle and tighten the hexagon screw.

Maintenance instructions

Danger of injury due to insuffi cient inspection and maintenance
Power-driven doors must be checked by an expert for safety in the following cases:

  • Before initial start-up

  • At least once a year

  • At least every 6 months in case of more than 50 door operations per day
    Inadequate inspection and maintenance pose a risk of injury to persons and damage to property!

  • Talk to your specialist company and arrange for the door to be inspected and maintained.

Danger of injury due to unexpected door run
An unexpected door run may occur during inspection and maintenance work if the door system is inadvertently actuated by other persons.

  • Disconnect the door system from the power supply during inspection and maintenance work and unplug the emergency battery if necessary.
  • Safeguard the door system against being switched on again without authorisation.

A visual inspection may be carried out by the operator.

  • Check all safety and protective functions monthly.
  • Any malfunctions or defects must be rectified immediately by a specialist company.

5.1 Maintenance

Danger of injury during repairs and adjustment work
A fault in the door system or a wrongly aligned door can lead to serious injuries.

  •  Do not use the door system if repair or adjustment work must be conducted.

Danger of injury due to insuffi cient stability during maintenance
Falls and severe injuries may occur if stability is poor during maintenance of the operator (e.g. if the fitter is only standing on a ladder).

  • Use stable equipment, such as a lifting platform or scaffold, during maintenance of the operator.

5.2 Inspection instructions
5.2.1 Claw coupling
The claw coupling is a wearing part, therefore we recommend to replace it after no more than 100000 door cycles by a specialist company.

  • During maintenance, ensure that the coupling remains free of corrosion and the components have no tears.

  • Check that the screws are tight.
    5.2.2 Chain adapter
    The chain adapter is a wearing part, therefore we recommend to replace it after no more than 100000 door cycles by a specialist company.

  • During maintenance, ensure that the chain adapter remains free of corrosion and the components have no tears.

HORMANN WA300 Drive for Sectional Doors-fig10

5.2.3 Checking the chain tension

  • Check the chain tension and adjust it as needed.

5.2.4 Torque support and connection elements

  • Inspect the torque support and all screws for corrosion, tears and a tight fi t.

5.3 Replacing counterbalance springs
Major imbalance after spring break
After the break of an existing counterbalance spring, a very high load is placed on the operator. Before exchanging the counterbalance spring, the operator must be  isengaged and the door moved to the Closed end-of-travel position. For that reason, observe the following instructions under all circumstances.

  • If the door is not in the Closed end-of-travel position, secure it against uncontrollable door travel using suitable tools.
  • Now, the release may be actuated by specialist personnel only, and the door moved safely to the Closed end-of-travel position.

Dismantling and disposal

When disassembling, observe the applicable regulations regarding occupational safety.
6.1 Dismantling
Have a specialist dismantle the industrial door operator in the reverse order of these instructions.
6.2 Disposal
Have the industrial door operator disposed of by a specialist. Contact your specialist company for this purpose.


For the warranty, the generally recognised terms and conditions or those agreed in the delivery contract apply. The warranty does not apply for damage resulting from insuffi cient knowledge of the provided operating instructions. Structural changes made without our prior approval, or improper installations carried out or initiated contrary to the fitting guidelines we have provided, shall also render the warranty null and void. Furthermore, we will assume no responsibility for the accidental or careless operation of the operator and accessories, nor for improper maintenance of the door and its counterbalance.

Excerpt from the manufacturer’s declaration

(as defi ned in EC/EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC according to Annex II, Part 1 A for a complete machine or Part 1 B for incorporation of an incomplete machine). This operator may only be fi tted in combination with specifi cally approved door types. These door types can be found in the complete EC/EU Declaration of Conformity in the provided log book. When combining this operator with a door, the fi tter is considered a manufacturer of the complete machine. In this case, fi tting may only be done by a fi tting company, as only they have knowledge of the relevant safety regulations, valid directives and standards, as well as the required testing and measuring devices. The appropriate manufacturer’s declaration can also be found in the provided log book.

Technical data

Wellenantrieb WA 300 S4 Basic
Antriebsdrehzahl 20/32 min-1
Beschlag N Normal track appli-

L Low headroom
track application
RM s 3680 (CD012)
RM s 4500 (CD018)| H High-lift track
STH s 1635
RM s 4500 mm
(CD054)| H High-lift track
STH s 3365 mm
RM s 4500 (CD120)| VU Vertical track applica-
tion with low-mounted
spring shaft
RM s 4500 mm (CD018)
VU Vertical track
with low-mounted
spring shaft
RM < 3300 mm
Betriebsspannung| 230/240 V 1 AC
Frequenz| 50/60 Hz
Motorleistung| 0,25 kW
Einschaftdauer| Max. 10 cycles per hour
Nenndrehmoment| 30 Nm| 40 Nm| 50 Nm| 60 Nm
Wellendurchmesser| Ø25,4 mm
Schutzart| IP 65
zul. Umgebungstemperatur| —20 °C bis +60 °C
Anschluss| Plug terminals/screw terminals and system plug sockets
Luftschallemission| max. 70 dB (A)

RM = standard size
STH = headroom
CD = cable drum

639437 B1 / 22.2021
WA 300 S4 Basic
HÖRMANN KG Verkaufsgesellschaft
Upheider Weg 94-98
33803 Steinhagen

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