ELECTRA PRX.1SN Stand Alone RFID Acces Control Device User Manual

August 31, 2024

PRX.1SN Stand Alone RFID Acces Control Device



  • ABS case + Secured Glass
  • Dimensions: 121 x 66 x 18 mm
  • Weight: 0.3 kg
  • Integrated RFID reader – 125kHz
  • RFID cards memory: max. 1000 codes
  • Data transmission – UART
  • Operating voltage: 12-14 Vd.c.
  • Stand-by current: 50 mAd.c.
  • Operating current: 70 mAd.c.

Product Usage Instructions

Field of Application

RFID access control devices with standalone operation are
designed to secure buildings or specific rooms/areas within them.
Applications include securing secondary access doors, controlling
elevator use, and restricting access to institutions.


The minimal configuration requires a RFID access control device
to ensure proper operation.


Connect the device as per the provided diagram, ensuring proper
power supply and connections for operation.

PC Connection

Connect the device to a PC using the provided adapter and power
supply for any necessary programming or configuration.


The PRX access control device allows for storing up to 1000
proximity card codes and selecting the door lock opening duration.
Enter programming mode with a special programming tag and unique
installer code. Follow the steps for programming RFID card codes as
indicated in the manual.


How many RFID card codes can be stored on the device?

The device can store a maximum of 1000 RFID card codes.

Can the programming tag be modified after storage?

Once a programming tag is stored, it can only be modified by the




Acces Control Device


MANUALUL UTILIZATORULUI Dispozitiv control acces cu

RFID stand-alone


1 EN Safety instructions RO Instruciuni de siguran

ABS case + Secured Glass

Carcas ABS + Sticl securizat

121 x 66 x 18 mm

0.3 kg

-20oC … +45oC ­ IP 31

Integrated RFID reader – 125kHz

Cititor RFID integrat – 125kHz

RFID cards memory: max. 1000 codes Memorare carduri RFID: max. 1000 coduri

Data transmission – UART

Transmisie date – UART

Cable (4 wire) 2 x 2 x 24AWG, 4 x 0.22mm2, Cablu (4 fire) 2 x 2 x 24AWG, 4 x 0.22mm2,

4 x 0,5mm2 or UTP cable

4 x 0,5mm2 sau cablu UTP

Operating voltage: 12…14 Vd.c.

Tensiune în funcionare: 12…14 Vc.c.

Stand-by current: 50 mAd.c.

Curent în stand-by: 50 mAc.c.

Operating current: 70 mAd.c.

Curent în funcionare: 70 mAc.c.

2 EN Field of application RO Domeniul de utilizare

RFID access control devices with standalone Dispozitivele de control acces cu RFID i

operation are designed to secure buildings or funcionare stand-alone sunt destinate

specific rooms/areas within them.

securizrii imobilelor sau a anumitor

The applications can be quite diverse:

încperi/ zone ale acestora. Aplicaiile pot fi

Securing a secondary access door in

foarte diverse:

apartment buildings’ entrances and/or

Securizarea unei ui de acces secundare în

waste collection areas, as well as

scrile de bloc i/ sau a zonei de colectare

controlling the use of the elevator;

a deeurilor, precum i controlul utilizrii

Restricting access to institutions: hospitals, liftului;

laboratories, educational facilities,

Restricionarea accesului în instituii:

dormitories, military units, corporate offices, spitale, laboratoare, uniti de învmânt,

public institutions etc.

cmine, uniti militare, sedii de firm,

instituii publice, etc.

3 EN Configuration

RO Configuraie

The minimal configuration of a system consists of: 1. RFID access control device, which ensures
the storage and reading of RFID cards (125 kHz), as well as the timing and command of the door lock operation upon access confirmation to the secured space; 2. Power supply, with an output voltage of 13.5 ­ 14.0 Vd.x., max. 2.5 Ad.c.; 3. Proximity cards and/or tags; 4. Door lock.

Configuraia minimal a unui sistem este format din: 1. Dispozitiv de control acces cu RFID, care
asigur memorarea i citirea cardurilor RFID (125 KhZ), precum i temporizarea i comanda acionrii yalei, în cazul confirmrii accesului în spaiul securizat; 2. Surs de alimentare, cu tensiune de ieire de 13,5 ­ 14,0 Vc.c., min. 2,5 Ac.c.; 3. Carduri i/ sau tag-uri de proximitate; 4. Yal.

4 EN Installation

RO Instalare




5 EN System connections RO Conexiuni în instalaie

EN PC connection







+14 Power Supply


GND /Surs



(12-14 Vcc)




DC Lock/

+Y Y


Yal CC




RO Conectarea cu PC










+14 Power Supply GND /Surs
alimentare (12-14 Vcc)

4×0.5mm2 / UTP




6 EN Programming
The meaning of the light signals during programming is as follows: 1. Stand-by without stored programming tag: intermittent green 2. Stored programming tag: intermittent red 3. Programming mode: solid green 4. User card code storage: intermittent red 5. Signaling a card code that is already stored: intermittent green

RO Programare
Semnificaia semnalizrilor luminoase în timpul programrii: 1. Stand-by fr tag de programare memorat: verde intermitent 2. Tag de programare memorat: rou intermitent 3. În regim de programare: verde permanent 4. Memorare cod card utilizator: rou intermitent 5. Semnalizare cod card deja memorat: verde intermitent

The PRX access control device allows for the storage of up to 1000 proximity card codes and the selection of the door lock opening duration, which can be set between 1 and 20 seconds. Entering the programming mode is done with a special programming tag, with a unique installer code.
By default, the device does not have any programming tag stored Intermittent green . To associate a programming tag, bring the special programming tag close to the area
audible confirmation and intermittent red . The access control device accepts only one programming tag. After storage, it can only be modified by the manufacturer.
Programming RFID card codes: 1. Bring the programming tag close to the area Solid green ICON and audible
confirmation Programming mode activated for 7 seconds. 2. Successively bring the cards close to the area. Each newly stored card will be signaled
acoustically and visually, by an intermittent red LED. After each newly stored card, the programming time is extended by another 7 seconds. 3. To exit programming, wait for 7 seconds or bring the programming tag close to the area again.
Programming the door lock timer: By default, the device is programmed with a 5-second timer. Changing the timer (maximum 20 seconds) is done as follows: 1. Enter programming mode with the special tag. 2. Press the door lock button (if the door lock is connected) or create a bridge between BY and
+14V (within the 7-second interval) each time you want to add 1 new second to the timer.

Dispozitivul de control acces tip PRX permite memorarea a maxim 1000 de coduri de carduri de proximitate i alegerea duratei temporizrii de deschidere a yalei între 1 i 20 de secunde.

Intrarea în regimul de programare se face cu tag de programare special, cu cod unic

de instalator.

Din fabricaie, dispozitivul nu are memorat nici un tag de programare



Pentru a asocia un tag de programare, apropiai tag-ul special de programare de zona


confirmare acustic i rou intermitent.

Dispozitivul de control acces accept un singur tag de programare. Dup memorare,

acesta nu mai poate fi modificat decât la productor.

Programarea codurilor card-urilor RFID:

1. Apropiai tag-ul de programare de zona marcata

verde permanent i

confirmare acustic Regim de programare activat timp de 7 secunde.

2. Apropiai succesiv card-urile de zona marcata . Fiecare card nou memorat va fi

semnalizat acustic i vizual, prin LED rou intermitent. Dup fiecare card nou memorat,

timpul de programare se prelungete cu înc 7 secunde.

3. Pentru a iei din programare asteptai 7 secunde sau apropiai din nou tag-ul de programare

de zona marcat .

Programarea temporizrii yalei: Din fabricaie, dispozitivul are programat o temporizare de 5 secunde. Modificarea temporizrii (maxim 20 de secunde) se face astfel: 1. Intrai în regimul de programare cu tag-ul special. 2. Apsai butonul de yal (dac avei conectat yala) sau facei trap între BY i +14V
(în intervalul celor 7 secunde) de fiecare dat când vrei s adugai 1 secund nou la temporizare.

7 EN Reading, trasnfering and deleting the databases
Connect the device to a PC through an adapter cable and the INT.COM interface. In the main window of the PRO-PES program, click the button named “DAC.P2x”. Reading the codes from the memory:
Press the Read (COM) button and select the serial port associated with the communication interface. A window will open, requesting the name and location of the memory where the data should be saved. After pressing the Save button, data transmission will begin. During reading, communication can be interrupted at any time by clicking the Cancel button. The data can be viewed by clicking the Load Database button. Transferring codes to the memory: Load the database by clicking the Load Database button. Click the Send (COM) button. A dialog box will show up, requesting to insert the serial port associated with the communication interface. When the transmission is complete, the message “Data has been transmitted” will appear. Deleting codes from the memory: Send an empty database.

RO Citirea, transferul i tergerea bazelor de date
Se conecteaz dispozitivul la un PC, printr-un cablu adaptor i interfaa INT.COM În fereastra principal a programului PRO-PES se va selecta butonul inscripionat “DAC.P2x”. Citirea codurilor din memorie:
Se apas pe butonul Citeste (COM) i se alege portul serial asociat interfeei de comunicare. Se deschide o fereastr în care se solicit introducerea numelui i a locaiei din memorie unde se dorete salvarea datelor. Dup apsarea butonului Save va începe transmisia de date. La citire, comunicaia se poate întrerupe oricând, prin apsarea butonului Renunta. Datele pot fi vizualizate apsând butonul Incarcare Baza Date. Transferul codurilor în memorie: Se încarc baza de date prin apsarea butonului Incarcare Baza Date. Se apas pe butonul Trimite (COM). Pe ecran va aprea o csu în care se cere introducerea portului serial asociat interfeei de comunicare. La terminarea transmisiei va aprea mesajul: Datele au fost transmise. tergerea codurilor din memorie: Se trimite o baz de date goal.

8 EN Use and maintenance

RO Utilizare i întreinere

The meaning of the light signals during usage is as follows: 1. Stand-by while operating: intermittent red 2. Access granted: solid green 3. Access denied: solid red For access, bring the proximity card close to the area. If the code of the card is stored, the access control device will send the command to unlock the door lock. Otherwise, the door will not open, and the device will visually and audibly signal that it does not recognize the card. The product does not require special maintenance.

Semnificaia semnalizrilor luminoase în timpul utilizrii: 1. Stand-by în funcionare: rou intermitent 2. Acces permis: verde permanent 3. Acces interzis: rou permanent Pentru acces, se apropie card-ul de proximitate de zona marcat . Dac codul card-ului este memorat, dispozitivul de control acces va trimite comanda de deschidere a yalei. În caz contrar, yala nu se va deschide, iar dispozitivul va semnaliza vizual i acustic faptul c nu recunoate card-ul. Produsul nu necesit o întreinere special.

9 EN Warranty
1. A 24-month warranty is granted, according to the existing legislation, based on the purchase document.
2. Warranty is granted for non-conformity and/or hidden defects. 3. Warranty is NOT granted for: incorrect installation and/ or operation, non-compliant with this
manual; broken glass, blows, mechanical shocks; theft, fire, floods, natural disasters; unprotected products during renovation activities; the RFID access cards (tags), which are considered consumables.

RO Garanie
1. Se acord garanie 24 luni, conform legislaiei în vigoare, pe baza documentului de achiziie. 2. Garania se acord pentru lipsa conformitii i/ sau vicii ascunse. 3. NU se acord garanie pentru: instalare i/ sau exploatare incorecte, neconforme
cu prezentul manual; sticl spart, lovituri, ocuri mecanice; furt, foc, inundaii, calamiti naturale; neprotejarea produselor în timpul lucrrilor de renovare; cardurile (tag-urile) RFID de acces, care sunt materiale consumabile.

MADE in EU by: ELECTRA s.r.l Parc Industrial Miroslava Str. Principala 33, 707307, Jud. Iai – RO

+40 232 214.370 sales@electra.ro www.electra.ro

SUPPORT ELECTRA Building Communications GmbH Gadnergasse 71, Stockwerk 1, Büro Top 132 1110 Wien – AT

+43 1 810 20 99 sales@electra-automation.at www.electra-automation.at

02.2024 INS.PRX.1SN


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