vodafone Toll Free Plus Software User Guide
- June 3, 2024
- Vodafone
Table of Contents
vodafone Toll Free Plus Software
Logging into the self-service portal
Go to vodafone.xport.co.nz
Administrators will have received a welcome email that contains their credentials and initial password at the time of set-up. portal login.
When logging into the self-service portal for the first time, users are prompted to enter their Username and Password. They are then asked to create a password of their own choosing.
Note – If users or administrators forget their passwords there is a Recover your password link on the login page.
Add a new Toll Free Plus number -
From the main page, administrators select the Services tab, then scroll down to Add Toll Free Number.
To order a Toll Free without additional features do not select any features.
This section is not mandatory. Please go to the following step, 4.
To add features, simply click on feature or features required. In this example Hunt Group or Time of Day. (Note page 8 onwards for Feature set up). -
Specify toll free number – administrators have 3 options to choose from:
- Allocate a new toll free number. This is the easiest option that lets the system choose the next available number. Select this option then go to step 8, page 6.
- Let me choose a new toll free number. This is the best option if you want to choose a specific toll free number or pick a number from the available list. Select this option then go to step 5 or 6, page 4.
- I have my own toll free number. This is the best option if you have your own toll free number. Select this option then go to step 7, page 5. Choose a new toll free number
Choose a specific number:
- Select enter a number.
- Select 0508 or 0800 prefix.
- Enter a number-note for ‘word’ numbers, you can specify 6 or more numbers.
- Click Check Availability.
- The System will return a confirmation or rejection message.
- Proceed to Step 8, page 6.
Choosing from list:
- Select Choose from list.
- Select 0508 or 0800 prefix.
- Specify numbers that you may like to start with, e.g 3636 and the system will respond with a list of available 0800 3636 numbers.
- Click Get Next Available or select your number.
- Proceed to Step 8, page 6.
Add an existing toll free number
Enter number porting details, including:
- Existing Toll Free number
- Existing Toll Free number provider (choose from the drop down list).
- Name on account (the name on your account with your current toll free provider).
- Account number (your account number with your current toll free provider).
- Date and preferred time of day for porting (note – this can be no earlier than 3 business days).
Note – if any of the above information is incorrect the order will not be provisioned within standard lead times.Completing your new Toll Free Plus order
For all options, enter the Redirect/Destination Number. This can be a NZ or Australian number (Redirect Country).
Enter an email address and mobile number for status updates.
Accept terms and conditions and applicable charges, by checking the box ‘I have the necessary authority to purchase this product, and agree to the Vodafone’s business terms and conditions, Toll Free Plus terms and conditions and applicable charges as displayed on this page.’
Place order to complete the order.
Status emails and an SMS will be sent once the number is running on the Vodafone Network and when all carriers have enabled the number.
Managing your destination number
The destination number (redirect or follow me number) can be easily changed at any time by the administrator. Changes take effect in near-real time. -
Administrators need to login to the portal and then select 0800 Redirect Number from the services tab.
Enter the new Redirect/Destination Number. This can be a NZ or Australian number (Redirect Country.)
Click the save icon.
Then click either Yes, update redirect number or Cancel in the pop-up window. Need more help or information?
Please visit our website, or contact your Vodafone Account Manager.
Features – Call Forward
- F1. If you have a Toll Free Plus feature enabled, such as a Time of Day or Hunt Group, follow these instructions to manage the feature.
- F2. The foundation of all features is Call Forward. From the toll Free Number Management screen, click on Select Feature, Call Forward then Add.
- F3. Add the Call Forward rule:
- Name of the rule
- Add the redirect number. This can be a NZ geographic, NZ mobile number, or international number. Administrators will be prompted to accept and agree that international rates apply.
- F4. Once the system has processed the Call Forward feature, it can now be found within the list.
- F5. By selecting the primary radio button, this feature will become the primary feature of the hierarchy if multiple features are applied. Please note slide 12 for a visual view of a multiple features hierarchy
- F6. To edit the rule, click on the pen icon and follow steps F3.
- F7. From the Toll Free Number Management screen, click on Hunt Group, then Add.
- F8. Add the Hunt Group rule:
- Name
- Select the Type:
- Regular – routes the order of the users, always starting with the user on the top of the list
- Simultaneous – ring all user’s phones at the same time
- Timeout – time to skip to the next number
- Short (9 seconds)
- Medium (15 seconds)
- Long (30 seconds)
- Default redirect number which will be a Call Forward number previously set up in steps F1-F6. Save.
- F9. Once the system has processed the named Hunt Group feature, a detailed screen will appear. From this screen existing Hunt Group rules can be edited and deleted
- F10. Click the Members + icon.
- Use the drop-down to select the Call Forward number previously set up in steps F1-F6.
- Save.
- Repeat this step until all members are added.
- F11. Once all members are added and saved, a table will appear with the Name, Type, Routing Number and options to edit or delete members. For a regular hunt group, you can reorder the sequence by dragging the ‘ordered’ list icon.
- F12. From the Toll Free Number Management screen, click on Time of Day, then Add.
- F13. Add the Time-of-day rule:
- Name of the rule
- Select the Default Redirect rule which will be a Call Forward number or Hunt Group previously set up in steps above
- Save
- F14. Once the system has processed the Time of Day feature, a detailed screen will appear. From this screen existing Time of Day rules can be edited and deleted.
- F15. Click the Time entries add icon +.
- For the Add Time of Day rule, use the radio buttons to select applicable days.
- In the routing number rule, use the drop-down to select the Call Forward or Hunt Group number previously set up (as per instructions above.)
- Select start and Stop times.
- Save
- F16. Alongside each feature, you can make it Primary. This means that the feature becomes the entry point for toll Free number. Also means, there is no need to go back to the landing page and set it as the primary feature.
- F17. By clicking on the Hierarchy icon, you can view (and zoom in and out) the call route based on the rules built.
- F18. By clicking on the settings wheel, you can change the view perspective to align horizontally or vertically. By clicking on Edit Default rule and Add a new rule, you can manage rules from this screen. By clicking on Detailed view you will be taken back to the detailed screens.
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