BenQ InstaShow VS10 Wireless Presentation System User Manual
- July 4, 2024
- BenQ
Table of Contents
InstaShow VS10 Wireless Presentation System
Product Specifications
Model Name: VS10
Color: Black
Interface: HDMI Out + RJ45 (Ethernet) + 2 x
USB 2.0 (Type-A) -
Button Input Resolution: Up to 1080p
30FPS -
Host HDMI-Output Resolution Mode: HDMI 1.4
(Comply with HDCP 1.4): 1920x1080P60, 1920x1080P50, 1920x1080P30,
1920x1080P24, 1280x720P60, 1280x720P50, 720x480P60, 640x480P60,
720x576P50 -
Split Screen Mode (On/Off): Yes
Simultaneous Connections: Up to 32 pcs
Wi-Fi Standard: IEEE 802.11ac, 5GHz, 2T2R,
4T4R IEEE 802.11n, 2.4GHz 5GHz, 2T2R -
Maximum Data Rate: Up to 867Mbps + 300Mbps (at
5GHz + 2.4GHz at 802.11n) -
Frequency Band: 2.4GHz, 5GHz
WiFi Authentication: WPA2 (WPA2-PSK
(AES128bit) / WPA2 enterprise (AES256bit) -
WAN: 1 Gbps
Support Platform: Supported mobile
display -
Temperature Range: Environmental
Reach Distance: Up to 20m**
Power Consumption: Receiver: 11W/24W
(Typical/Max), Standby power consumption: [not provided]
Product Usage Instructions
1. Setup
Ensure the package content includes all items listed in the user
2. Connection
Connect the InstaShowTM host to your display device using the
HDMI cable provided.
3. Power On
Plug the adapter into a power source and turn on the InstaShowTM
4. Wireless Connection
Follow the on-screen instructions to establish a wireless
connection with your mobile device.
5. Display Settings
Adjust the display settings on your connected device if needed
to optimize the viewing experience.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Can I connect multiple devices simultaneously?
A: Yes, the InstaShowTM VS10 supports up to 32 simultaneous
Q: What is the maximum reach distance for wireless
A: The reach distance is up to 20 meters.
Q: What is the power consumption of the device?
A: The receiver consumes approximately 11W/24W in typical and
maximum usage scenarios.
User Manual
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BenQ Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and to make
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Corporation to notify any person of such revision or changes. This user manual
aims to provide the most updated and accurate information to customers, and
thus all contents may be modified from time to time without prior notice.
Please visit for the latest version of this manual. The
illustrations and the images in this guide are for your reference.
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Package content
Ins ta ShowTMButtons
Ins ta ShowTMHos t
2 Antenna s
Cra dle
Ada pter &Plugs
Screws a nd Screw Anchors
Rubber Feet
Velcro Stra p
Ca ble: HDMI A(M) to A(M)
HDMI a nd USB- A Button Ca ble
Quick Sta rt Guide & Sa fety Sta tement
Ava ila ble a cces s ories s hown here m a y differ from the a ctua l contents
a nd the product s upplied for your region.
Us e origina l a cces s ories to ens ure com pa tibility. Alwa ys keep the
product a nd a cces s ories out of rea ch of children.
Product specifications
Genera l Fea tures Model na m e Color
VS10 Bla ck
Interfa ce
HDMI Out + RJ 45 (Ethernet) + 2 x USB 2.0 (Type- A)
Button input res olution
Up to 1080p 30FPS
Hos t HDMI- output res olution Mo d e
HDMI 1.4 (Com ply with HDCP 1.4): 1920x1080P60, 1920x1080P50, 1920x1080P30,
1920x1080P24, 1280x720P60, 1280x720P50, 720x480P60, 640x480P60, 720x576P50
Split s creen m ode(on/ off)
Sim ulta neous connections
32 pcs
Wi- Fi s ta nda rd
IEEE 802.11a c, 5GHz, 2T2R, 4T4R IEEE 802.11n, 2.4GHz 5GHz, 2T2R
Ma xim um da ta ra te
Up to 867Mbps + 300Mbps (a t 5GHz + 2.4GHz a t 802.11n)
Frequency ba nd
2.4GHz, 5GHz
WiFi a uthentica tion
WPA2 (WPA2- PSK (Pre- Sha red key) (AES128bit) / WPA2 enterpris e (AES256bit)
1 Gb p s
Support pla tform Supported m obile dis pla y Tem pera ture ra nge Hum idity
Windows , Linux, MAC, Chrom e Supporting IOS wireles s com m unica tion Supporting Windows wireles s com m unica tion Opera ting: 0°C to +40°C (+32°F to +104°F) Stora ge: – 10°C to +60°C (+14°F to +140°F) Stora ge: 5% to 90% rela tive hum idity, non- condens ing Opera tion: 10% to 80% rela tive hum idity, non- condens ing
Environm enta l
Rea ch dis ta nce
Up to 20m **
Power cons um ption
Receiver: 11W/ 24W (Typica l/ Ma x)
Sta ndby power cons um ption <0.5W
We ig h t (Ne t )
Tem pera ture ra nge Hum idity
Opera ting: 0°C to +40°C (+32°F to +104°F) Stora ge: – 10°C to +60°C (+14°F to
Stora ge: 5% to 90% rela tive hum idity, non- condens ing Opera tion: 10% to
80% rela tive hum idity, non- condens ing
Ins ta ShowTMButton (VS10T)
Ca ble
USB Type C
Power s upply
Res et button
Pres ent key
Dim ens ion (WxDxH)
Split Screen key
x1 (Sha re with Pa iring Key) Weight
Power cons um ption
Up to 4.5W / 3.8W (Opera ting) / 2.8W (Sta ndby)
Wireies s tra ns m is s ion protocol
IEEE 802.11 a c, 5GHz, 2T2R
Da ta ra te wireles s
Up to 867Mbps (a t 5GHz for 802.11a c)
Frequency Ba nd
InstaShowTMHost (VS10R) Standby button Power button
Power DC ja ck
Nois e Level LED Dim ens ion (WxDxH) We ig h t Wireies s tra ns m is s ion
RJ 45
Kens ington lock
USB (Touch ba ck):
x1 (USB Type- A)
USB (Ca m era &
Spea ker): x1 (USB
Type- A)
Norm a l: 24dBA
Vid e o
HDMI 2.0 output: x1
Red/ Green/ Blue/ White*
Power s upply
DC 12V±10%, 2A
145 x 145 x 46mm
Receiver: 11W/ 24W Power cons um ption
(Typica l/ Ma x)
IEEE 802.11 a c, 5GHz, 2T2R, 4T4R IEEE 802.11 n, 2.4GHz 5GHz, 2T2R
Cra dle Dim ens ioin (WxDxH)
85 x 97.5 x 170.4mm
We ig h t
Package contents Ins ta Show Button Ins ta Show Hos t Cra dle HDMI Ca ble An t e n n a Tx Spa re HDMI Ca ble
x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 (Bla ck) x1
Velcro Stra p
Quick Sta rt Guide
Sa fety Sta tem ent
Ye s
Power Ada pter
- See LED indica tors of the Button a nd the Hos t on pa ge 9 for m ore inform a tion on LED beha vior. ** Wireles s connection s peed a nd a va ila ble m a xim um ra nge depends on wireles s environm ent.
Bottom of a Button
1. Present key with LED indicator Press to start or stop presenting. 2. Split
screen key Press to enable split screen presentations. 3. USB-C connector
Connect to a computer or laptop. 4. Reset Poke the reset hole to reset the
device if the device stops responding. Refer to Resetting a Button on page 16
for more information.
1. Fixture parts for the Antennas Refer to Assembling the Host on page 12 for
more information. 2. PAIRING key Press to pair with a Button. 3. RESET Poke
the RESET hole to reset the device if the device stops responding. Refer to
Resetting a Host on page 16 for more information. 4. HDMI OUT port Connect to
a display using an HDMI A(M) to A(M) cable.
5. USB 2.0 ports
Connect to USB peripherals with the USB 2.0 interface. 6. WAN port Allows the
following connections: · Connect the Host to a network for Internet access. ·
Connect the Host to a laptop to access the Host’s web management interface. 7.
TOUCH SCREEN USB 2.0 port Connect to a mouse/keyboard with the USB 2.0
interface. 8. DC 2A port Connect to the supplied adapter extender power cable
and adapter to power the Host. 9. Power switch Slide to power on or off the
Host. 10. Standby button with LED indicator Press to turn the Host on and off.
Alignment hole
12 Lid of the Host 12. Lid Refer to Attaching the Host to the ceiling on page
12 for more information.
LED indicators of the Button and the Host
Please refer to the tables below for detailed indicator and status descriptions for the Button and the Host.
LED indicator on the Button
Status Description
Static blue Flashing blue
Flashing green
Static green Flashing red Off Quick flashing green
The device is presenting. The device is pairing. The device is starting up and connecting to the Host. The device is downloading the firmware. The device is in standby mode and working normally. The device is unable to connect to a Host. The device is powered off. The device is upgrading the firmware.
Static white
The device is powering up.
LED indica tor on the Hos t Sta tic blue Fla s hing blue Fla s hing green
Sta tic white Sta tic green Off
Sta tus Des cription
The connected device is pres enting. The device is pa iring. The device is s
ta rting up. The device is upgra ding the firmwa re. The device is powering
up. The device is in network s ta ndby mode. The device is rea dy for pres
enting. The device is powered off.
This section will guide you on how to prepare the unit before its initial use.
Environment check
Before installing your InstaShowTM kit, check the environmental conditions. 1.
Do not install the device near heat sources like radiators or direct sunlight,
or in a site with excessive dust or humidity. 2. Ambient temperature
conditions are listed as below. Maximum ambient temperature should be +40°C or
104°F. Minimum ambient temperature should be +0°C or 32°F. Storage temperature
should be -10°C to +60°C (14°F to 140°F). 3. Humidity conditions are listed as
below. For storage, the relative humidity should be 5% to 90% (non-
condensing). For operation, the relative humidity should be10% to 80%
(noncondensing). As the product works with different displays, the steps
required to complete the installation may vary according to the actual
environment and your display specifications. Follow the procedures below and
refer to the specified sections for details. 1. Assemble the Host with the
antennas. 2. Connect the Host to the display and power properly. Four
installation methods are provided.
· Attaching the Host to the ceiling · Attaching the Host to a ceiling mount ·
Placing the Host on a table · Installing the Host on the wall or trolley 3.
Connect the Buttons to the desired devices and power properly. 4. Make sure
that all the connected devices have been powered on. Press the source button
of the display and make sure that the HDMI source has been transmitted.
Assembling the Host
Assemble the Host with four antennas by turning the antennas clockwise to
fasten them tightly.
Setting up the Host
You are provided with four different ways to position the Host. The total
weight of the Host Unit is 332g.
Attaching the Host to the ceiling
1. Place the lid on the ceiling and locate the alignment hole. 2. Use the
screws provided to lock the lid to the ceiling. 3. Lock the first hole (1). 4.
Lock the other holes (2-4). 5. Rotate the Host counterclockwise to affix the
Host to the lid.
· Please only use the screws (M316 tapping screw) and screw anchors provided
with the kit to mount the Host to the ceiling. · Please see Positioning the
Host antennas on page 13 for guidelines on positioning the antenna to maximize
signal reception.
Attaching the Host to a ceiling mount
If the display is mounted on the ceiling: 1. Attach the Host to the ceiling
mount using the provided velcro strap. 2. Fix the Host to the mounting holder.
3. Use the supplied velcro to fix the mounting holder and the Host to the
ceiling mount.
· Please only use the velcro strap (300(L)mm25(W)mm) provided with the kit to
mount the Host to a ceiling mount.
· Please see Positioning the Host antennas on page 13 for guidelines on
positioning the antenna to maximize signal reception.
Placing the Host on a table
If your display is placed on a table, first attach the lid to the Host by
following the process described below: 1. Align the lid over the bottom of
Host so that the triangle on the bottom side of the lid is aligned to the
triangle in the lid compartment, then insert the lid into the lid compartment.
2. Turn the lid counter-clockwise until it clicks into place. 3. When the lid
is correctly installed on the Host the alignment hole on the lid should be
pointed to the front side of the Host. 4. Attach the rubber feet to the
recesses on the lid and put the Host right next to the display.
· Please only use the rubber foot provided with the kit to attach to the Host.
· Please see Positioning the Host antennas on page 13 for guidelines on
positioning the antenna to maximize signal reception.
You can also place the Host on a mobile display trolley.
Positioning the Host antennas
Once you have properly installed the Host, follow the guidelines below to
position the antennas to maximize signal reception:
For ceiling installation
Position the antennas so that they are both pointed downwards at an angle
roughly perpendicular to the ceiling:
For ceiling mount installation
· Position the antennas so that they are both pointing either upwards or
downwards roughly parallel to the ceiling mount: · If you encounter bad signal
reception after initial use of the Host you can manually adjust the antennas
so that they tilt at a slight angle to maximize signal reception. When doing
so, avoid tilting the antennas toward the ceiling mount: · Avoid positioning
the antennas in a horizontal manner, this may result in a weak signal
reception: · If the Host is attached to a metallic ceiling mount ensure that
the antennas are at least 3 cm away from the metal portion of the ceiling
For table placement
Position the antennas so that they are both pointed upwards roughly
perpendicular to the table:
Connecting the HDMI cable and power
Once the Host has been positioned properly near the display, connect the HDMI
cable and power to ensure signal transmission.
Assembling the adapter
Every adapter provided in the box includes a plug socket and plugs based on
the region in which you purchased the product. To connect the plug of your
choice, follow the steps below. 1. Align and insert the plug into the adapter.
2. Push the plug all the way in until it clips into place. To disconnect the
plug, follow the steps below. 1. Push the latch in the middle. 2. Detach the
plug by pushing it outward and remove the plug.
Connecting the HDMI cable
Connect the HDMI cable to the HDMI out jack of the Host and the HDMI input
jack of the projector.
Power supply via a power adapter
Connect the supplied power adapter to the power jack of the Host, and then
plug the other end of the power adapter into a wall socket. The LED indicator
on the standby button of the Host lights up static green when the power is
supplied. Turn on the power switch on the Host.
For BenQ IFP (Interactive Flat Panel) products, please have power supplied via
a power adapter. Do not keep the device powered on all the time. For better
performance, power off the device for 30 minutes every 24 hours then restart
LAN connection
The Host can be connected to a local network or directly to a laptop. The LAN
connection can be used for InstaShow’s video conferencing capabilities, to
configure your product, and/or to update the software. Insert a network cable
with RJ-45 connectors into the LAN port and connect the other side to a LAN.
Switching to an HDMI and USB-A cable
A product set includes an additional HDMI and USB-A cable which can be
installed onto a Button to allow it to work with laptops without a USB-C port.
To switch the cable on the Button to the HDMI and USB-A cable, follow the
steps below: 1. Remove the two screws on the bottom side of the Button
adjacent to the USB-C cable. 2. Pull the plastic end of the USB-C cable to
remove it from the Button. 3. Push the HDMI and USB-A cables into the
compartment on the Button so that the connectors on the cable are inserted
into the corresponding connectors on the Button. 4. Re-install the two screws
on the bottom side of the Button.
Setting up and powering a Button
1. Connect the button to a laptop using one of the following methods: ·
Connect the Button’s USB-C connector to the corresponding input of a laptop. ·
For Buttons where the connectors have been switched to the HDMI and USB-A
cable, connect the Button’s HDMI and USB connectors to the corresponding
inputs of a laptop.
· For instructions on how to switch to the HDMI and USB-A cable for the
Button, see Switching to an HDMI and USB-A cable on page 14. · From
hereinafter the images and text will only feature a Button using the default
USB-C cable.
2. The LED indicator of the Button will flash green while the Button is
starting up. 3. When the Button is ready to present, the LED indicator will
turn solid green. Press the Present key when the LED indicator turns green.
· If the Button encounters problems while pairing with the Host during
startup, the LED indicator will flash red. Repeat the previous process again
until the LED turns solid green. See LED indicators of the Button and the Host
on page 9 for more information on LED behavior. · Handle the Button cable with
care. Rough handling might cause defects. · Pull/Push the connectors instead
of the cable when inserting or removing Buttons.
If you purchase an additional Button (via a Button Kit), please follow the
process described below: 1. Follow the pairing instructions described in
Pairing a Button and Host on
page 15. 2. Connect the Button to the corresponding input of a laptop. 3. The
LED indicator of the Button will flash green while the Button is starting up.
4. When the Button is ready to present, the LED indicator will turn solid
green. Press the Present key when the LED indicator turns green.
· Handle the Button cable with care. Rough handling might cause defects. ·
Pull/Push the connectors instead of the cable when inserting or removing
Pairing a Button and Host
A product set includes a Host and two Buttons, which are paired before
shipment. In such a case, you don’t need to pair them again. However, if you
buy two or more product sets, and you want to pair a Button with a different
Host, you need to follow the instruction below. If you buy an additional
Button kit, and you want to pair the new Buttons with your Host, you need to
follow the instruction below as well.
When the Host is placed on a table
1. Make sure your Host is ready with a power supply. Connect the Button to
the corresponding input of a laptop. 2. When the new Button is connected to
the laptop, the LED indicator of the Button will flash red.
Note: If a Button nearby has been paired with a Host before, it will turn
static green.
3. Press the PAIRING key of the Host for five seconds, the LED indicator of
the Host will blink blue for two minutes, waiting to pair with a Button.
Note: If the Host is attached to the ceiling so that it is not easy to press
the PAIRING key, please use the pairing process in the web management
4. Press the split screen key on the side of the Button for five seconds. The
LED indicator of the Button will blink blue for about 10 seconds. The pairing
process is ongoing. The “Pairing in progress” message will be shown on the
screen. 5. The LED indicator of the Button turns static green and a “Pairing
complete” message will be shown when the Host and Button are successfully
Note: The maximum number of Buttons you can pair with one Host is 32.
Storing Buttons and USB cable in the cradle
You are provided with two different ways to store the Buttons in the cradle.
Place the Buttons in the cradle vertically (1) or horizontally (2).
Resetting a Host
Resetting a Host allows you to return the Host to its original factory
settings. You may want to reset the Host because of either one of the
following reasons: · You want to clear the web management interface of all
changes made to its configurations, such as pairing information, passwords,
SSID, etc. and return it back to its default settings. · You are unable to
access the web management interface (for instance due to an altered or lost
password). Reset the Host using the following steps: 1. Connect the power port
on the Host to a power source and wait for at least 90 seconds.
Note: After the Host has been connected to a power source for at least 90
seconds, the Host
LED may indicate any one of the statuses described in LED indicators of the
Button and the Host on page 9. As long as the Host has been connected to a
power source for at least 90 seconds, you may proceed to the next step of the
resetting process regardless of the status of the Host LED.
2. Poke the RESET hole at the rear of the Host with a pin for at least 5
seconds. 3. The Host LED will begin quick flashing red (flash red twice every
second) for 10 seconds, then light up static white for 3 seconds, indicating
that the Host is resetting. 4. Once the Host LED lights up static green the
resetting process is complete.
Note: Do not disconnect the Host from its power source at any time during the
resetting process.
Resetting a Button
Resetting a Button allows you to return the Button to its original factory
settings. You may want to reset a Button because of either one of the
following conditions: · You purchased an additional Button (via a Button Kit)
which has not been paired to a Host. · A Button that was included in the
original package has been paired to a different Host (one which was not
originally included with the Button in the
package), and you want to quickly pair it back to its original Host. · A
Button that was included in the original package has been paired to a
different Host (one which was not originally included with the Button in the
package), and you want to re-pair the Button to its original Host while the
Host is not powered on.
Reset a Button using the following steps: 1. Connect the USB connector on the
Button to a powered-on laptop and wait for at least 30 seconds.
Note: After the Button has been connected to a powered on laptop for at least
30 seconds, the Button LED may indicate any one of the statuses described in
LED indicators of the Button and the Host on page 9. As long as the Button has
been connected to a powered on laptop for at least 30 seconds, you may proceed
to the next step of the resetting process regardless of the status of the
Button LED.
2. Poke the RESET hole at the bottom of the Button with a pin for at least 5
seconds. 3. The Button LED will begin quick flashing red (flash red twice
every second) for 10 seconds, then light up static white for 2 seconds,
indicating that the Button is resetting. 4. Once the Button LED lights up
static green the resetting process is complete.
Note: Do not disconnect the Button from its power source at any time during
the resetting process.
Enabling network standby mode
You can set the Host to enter network standby mode after a period of
inactivity. To set the time of inactivity, go to Web Management > Advance
Setting > Network Standby. To enable network standby mode, do one of the
following: – wait for the Host to enter network standby mode automatically if
no wireless devices (e.g., a Button, a mobile device, or a laptop) being
connected to the Host’s SSID and no data (from any USB devices such as a
mouse, a keyboard, or from touch back function) being transmitted to the Host
within the set time. – if there is no wireless devices being connected to the
Host’s SSID within the set time, press the standby button on the Host to
enable network standby mode immediately. The LED indicator on the Host lights
up static white when it is in network
standby mode. The network standby mode is disabled when – a wireless device is
connected to the Host’s SSID; or – data (from any USB devices such as a mouse,
a keyboard, or from touch back function) is transmitted to the Host; or – you
press the standby button on the Host.
Starting and stopping presentations
This section will guide you on how to start and stop a presentation using the
Getting ready
Make sure that all the connected devices have been powered on and ready for
the presentation. As the product could work with different projectors, IFPs,
TVs, or monitors with standard HDMI ports, the steps required to start a
presentation may vary according to the actual environment and your display
specifications. Follow the procedures below and refer to the specified
sections for details. 1. To start a presentation, see Starting presentation on
page 18 for details. 2. To stop a presentation, see Idle presentation on page
18 for details. 3. To start a split-screen presentation, see Split screen
presentations on page 18 for details. 4. To control presentations via a
touchscreen displays or mouse/keyboard see Touch back on page 19 for details.
Starting presentation
1. Make sure power is supplied to the Host. See Connecting the HDMI cable and
power on page 13 for more information. 2. Choose the HDMI source corresponding
to the Host on the display. You will see the Guide screen. 3. Please follow
the instruction on the Guide screen to supply power to the Button. You can
also see Setting up and powering a Button on page 14 for more information. The
LED indicator on the Button is static green when the Button is connected and
working properly. 4. To start a presentation, press the Present key. 5. The
device starts presenting, and the LED indicator of the Button turns static
Note: · Make sure the transmission distance between the Button and Host is
within 15 meters and with no obstacles. · The product supports MacBooks and
Windows laptops to mirror an extended desktop.
Idle presentation
1. To stop a presentation, press the Present key. 2. The device stops
presenting, and the LED indicator of the Button turns green. 3. Users can
press the Present key to return to the presentation.
Split screen presentations
The product allows up to 8 users to present simultaneously in a split screen
Starting a split screen presentation
1. Connect a Button to each computer that will be presenting in the split
screen presentation. See Setting up and powering a Button on page 14 for more
Note: Make sure that all Buttons have already been paired to the Host
projecting the presentation.
2. Start a normal presentation using one of the Host buttons. 3. Press the
split screen button on the Host that started the presentation to enable split
screen presentations. 4. Once a notification appears on-screen indicating that
the split screen function has been enabled, press the Present key on the
Button of the second computer that wants to join the split screen
presentation. 5. Repeat step 4 for all other users that want to join the split
screen presentation.
Note: · Only up to 8 users are simultaneously supported in a split screen
presentation. · The layout of the split screen presentation will be dictated
by the amount of users in the presentation. · If split screen is not enabled
by the initial Button, all subsequent connections by other Buttons will be
full screen presentations.
Switching from a split screen to a full screen presentation
Once in a split screen presentation you can switch to a full screen
presentation of any of the participant’s screen by pressing the split screen
button on the Button of the computer that wants to present in a full screen.
To return to a split screen presentation repeat the steps in Starting a split
screen presentation on page 19.
Touch back
When a Host is connected to a touchscreen display and a PC is presenting via a
Button, you can use a USB Type-A cable to connect the TOUCH SCREEN USB 2.0 USB
port located at the rear of the Host to the touch input USB port of the
display to control the interface of the PC remotely via touch gestures on the
Note: The product only supports touch back for Windows-based PCs. It does not
support touch back for MacBooks or smartphones connected via the InstaShare
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