LaMotte 5679-02 Soil Testing Products pH Testing Kit Owner’s Manual

June 15, 2024

LaMotte 5679-02 Soil Testing Products pH Testing Kit


Garden Guide Soil Test Kit
EL • Code 5679-02 • LQ (4)
Reagent Refi ll • Code R-5679 • LQ (4)
A simple test kit for soil science education or garden analysis. Rapid test procedures, diagramed instructions and laminated color charts are used to measure concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (15 tests each) and soil pH (30 tests). The Study of Soil Science handbook, LaMotte Soil Handbook and Garden Guide Manual are included to interpret test results and give lime and fertilizer recommendations.

Educational Test Kits
Kits are supplied with unit dose, TesTabs®. Sufficient tablet to run 50 rep run 50 repetitions of each petition of each test fst factor. Simple diagr. Simple diagrammed instructions,ammed instructions, hardware and laminated color chart included.

Soil NPK Kit • Code 3-5880 • NH (1) Features:

  • Tests for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium
  • Results reported as Low, Medium and High

Soil pH Kit • Code 5912 • NH (1) Features:
Tests for pH in the range of 4.0-11.0 in 1.0 pH units

ST-M • Code 5023-01 • R2 (3) | ST-T • Code 5024 • R1 (1)
The pH value aff ects all mineral elements and the biological processes made available to plants from the soil. Accurate pH testing is essential to determine lime requirements and to insure that a mineral-rich soil is also a fertile one.

Code/Model| Method| Range & Sensitivity| Reagent System| # of Tests
5023-01/ ST-M| 5 Color Charts & Spot plate Morgan Method| pH 3.8-8.4 in 0.2 increments (not for heavy clays)| 5 individual| 50
5024/ST-T| Color Chart & Spot Plate| pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0| Duplex Indicator| 100

Plant Tissue Testing

Plant tissue testing provides essential information concerning plant use of nutrients vital to their growth. These simplified field tests for green plant tissue indicate whether growing plants are receiving adequate amounts of available nutrients from the soil. All tests give qualitative results for the specific nutrients. By comparing test results from healthy and problem plants, it is possible to pinpoint deficiencies or excessive nutrient conditions.

Macronutrient Plant Tissue Kit
PT-3R • Code 5026-01 • LQ (3) Reagent Refill • Code R-5026 • LQ (2)
A complete kit for determining nitrates, phosphorus and potassium in plant tissue. Diced green plant tissue is saturated in a Universal Extracting Solution to prepare a single liquid extract for use with all three tests. Qualitative results given as abundant, adequate, deficient only. Reagents for 50 tests per factor.


Hydroponic culture is the growing of plants in a controlled environment with nutrient solutions, but without the use of soil as the supporting medium. Plant roots are fed directly, which is in contrast to conventional growing methods where plant food is applied to the soil and the roots extract the nutrients from the soil. Plants are either grown directly in nutrient solutions with only structural support or in beds through which nutrient solutions are periodically recirculated. Unlike fi eld crops, hydroponically grown plants can be grown at great densities and with less concern about diseases initiated in soils or by insects and weeds. Hydroponics has played a significant role in modern plant nutrition research. Scientists are able to isolate the effects of essential minerals on various stages of plant growth and to study the effects of single element deficiencies under controlled conditions.

Hydroponics 4-In-1 Test Kit
HP-1 • Code 3561-01 • LQ (7)
Reagent Refi ll • Code R-3561 • LQ (2)
An abbreviated version of our popular Model AM-41, the new Model HP-1 off ers tests for pH and three key nutrient factors: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It allows the hydroponic hobbyist to maintain proper nutrient balance and to achieve optimum growing conditions in soil-less cultures. Reagents sufficient for 50 tests per factor and complete labware are foam- mounted in a sturdy carrying case. Instructions and 75-page Hydroponics Handbook are supplied.

Octa-Slide 2 Comparator Tests

  • pH                                    pH 4.5-8.0
  • Nitrate Nitrogen           5-200 ppm*
  • Phosphorus                    3-30 ppm

Direct Reading Turbidity Tube
Potassium                             0-250 ppm

pH Hydroponics Test Kit
HPH • Code 5074-01 • R1 (1) Reagent Refi ll • Order 5132-G • R1 (1)
Simply add pH indicator reagent to the sample solution in a test tube for a color reaction.
The resulting color is read in an Octa-Slide 2 Comparator with permanent color standards for pH values of 4.8, 5.2, 5.6, 6.0, 6.4, 6.8, 7.2 and 7.6. The kit has sufficient reagent for 50 tests and is packaged in a sturdy, hinged box.

Basic Soil Sampler
EP • Code 1055 • NH (2)
The galvanized steel sampler has a saw-toothed cutting edge tapered for easy core removal. The cutaway side of the tube permits inspection of soil core. The Model EP takes a one-inch core sample to a depth of 10 inches (25 cm) and is furnished with 20 LaMotte Soil Sampling Bags.

Spot Plate
Plastic, Two-Well
Code 0159 • NH (1)
White plastic. Two wells. 24mm x 8mm deep. Draining channels 8mm wide x 3mm deep run to smaller wells 10mm diameter x 4mm deep. Plate is 85mm x 75mm.

Soil Sampling Bags
Package of 100 Code 0615-J • NH (2)
These 6 x 4 inch (15 x 10 cm) plastic zip-lock bags have instructions for collection and preparation of soil samples printed directly on each bag. By preventing contamination or accidental mixing of different samples, these convenient soil bags help insure accurate t test result..


SCL-12 • Code 1985-06 • LQ (37) | Reagent Refi ll • Code R-1985-04 • LQ SCL-15 w/out pH & Dissolved Salts Meters • Code 1988-03 • LQ (33)

  • Self-contained, electronic soil analysis laboratory
  • 15 soil factors, including available forms of macronutrients and micronutrients.
  • SMART® 3 Colorimeter instantly analyzes color reactions developed in nutrient tests.
  • Display readings converted to results in ppm or lb/acre.
  • All tests are performed in minutes, based on Mehlich I extraction.
  • Critical soil pH measurements are performed quickly with a pH Tracer.
  • Range of 0-14 pH units to a sensitivity of ±0.01 pH.
  • Soluble Salt levels are monitored with a TDS Tracer, measuring Dissolved Salts from 0-999+ ppm.
Direct Reading Titrator Tests: Range* # Tests
Calcium 0-4000 lb/acre 50
Magnesium 0-2400 lb/acre 50
Chloride 0-1000 lb/acre 50

Unit Conversion Factors:
Results can be measured using a choice of units, explained here. Parts per million (ppm), pounds/acre and Kg/hectare units can be converted to each other using these values:

Area Soil Depth Soil Weight
1 acre 6-7 inches 2 million lb
1 hectare 15-18 cm 2.25 million Kg
ppm lb/acre Kg/hectare
--- --- ---
0.5 1 1.12
1 2 2.24
0.89 1.78 1

A number of variables must be considered when interpreting soil test results in addition to the values obtained. These variables include the composition of the soil, drainage, climate, previous fertilizer programs and the type of plant to be grown. Samples must also be truly representative of the area being studied and must be carefully selected.

All ofAll of the Lthe LaMaMottotte se soil toil testest kitkits measure the portion of thes measure the portion of the soil nutrient that is available fsoil nutrient th or the plant to use. Pounds per acre represent the number of pounds of soil in an acre to the plow depth of 6-7 inches, or 2,000,000 lbs.


Model STH Series

Macronutrients, pH, & Humus
Model STH-5 • Code 5061 • LQ (12) | Reagent Refi ll • Code R-5061 • LQ (6)

Macronutrients, Micronutrients, & pH
Model STH-14 • Code 5010-01 • LQ (20) | Reagent Refi ll • Code R-5010-01 • LQ (10)

  • Based on Morgan Test methods.
  • Tests for calcium, sulfate and chlorides are based on turbidity measurements.
  • Soil pH is determined colorimetrically, using pH indicators and color charts
  • Range of pH 3.8 to 9.6.
  • STH outfi ts also include simplifi ed procedures for screening nitrates, phosphorus and potassium in plant tissues.
  • Kits includes instructions, a soil management handbook and a pad of soil analysis report forms.
  • Lightweight carrying case with components securely mounted in removable trays.
  • The LaMotte Soil Handbook contains general information on interpretation of test results for determination of lime and fertilizer requirements.

STH-7 • CODE 5061

pH 100 pH 3.8-9.6
Nitrate Nitrogen 50 10-150 lbs/acre
Phosphorus† 50 10-200 lbs/acre
Potassium 50 100-400 lbs/acre
Humus (Organic Matter) 50 L-H 1½%-8%
Calcium 50 150-2800 ppm
Magnesium 50 L-H 5-150 ppm

STH-14 • CODE 5010-01

pH 100 pH 3.8-9.6
Nitrate Nitrogen 50 10-150 lbs/acre
Phosphorus† 50 10-200 lbs/acre
Potassium 50 100-400 lbs/acre
Humus (Organic Matter) 50 L-H 1½%-8%
Calcium 50 150-2800 ppm
Magnesium 50 L-H 5-150 ppm
Ammonia Nitrogen 50 L-H 5-150 ppm
Manganese 50 L-H 4-40 ppm
Aluminum 50 L-H 5-125 ppm
Nitrite Nitrogen 50 1-50 ppm
Sulfate 50 50-2000 ppm
Chloride 50 25-500 ppm
Ferric Iron 50 5-125 lbs/acre
  • See table below for unit conversion factors
    † For non-alkaline soils. Code 5090 Phosphorus Auxiliary package recommended for alkaline soils.

Unit Conversion Factors
Results can be measured using a choice of units, explained here. Parts per million (ppm), pounds/acre and Kg/hectare units can be converted to each other using these values:

Area Soil Depth Soil Weight
1 acre 6-7 inches 2 million lb
1 hectare 15-18 cm 2.25 million Kg
ppm lb/acre Kg/hectare
--- --- ---
0.5 1 1.12
1 2 2.24
0.89 1.78 1

A number of variables must be considered when interpreting soil test results in addition to the values obtained. These variables include the composition of the soil, drainage, climate, previous fertilizer programs and the type of plant to be grown. Samples must also be truly representative of the area being studied and must be carefully selected.

Dissolved Salts

High levels of soluble salts in the soil can be caused by excessive fertilization, insuffi cient watering, poor drainage, or by some contributing salt water intrusion. High concentrations of soluble salts can inhibit plant growth and will reduce overall crop yields. Greenhouse plants and other sensitive crops may be damaged if soluble salts exceed 2000 ppm. Soluble Salts, or Total Dissolved Salts, are measured by means of a Conductivity Meter. A conductivity reading measures the capacity of a solution to conduct an electric current and is directly related to the total ionic concentration of dissolved substances in the solution. Thus, the conductivity reading of a soil extract can be converted into a reading of Total Dissolved Salts to indicate combined levels of sulfates, chlorides and other salts in the soil. Extract is prepared using deionized water, not included with meters.

SAL/EC/ TDS Tracer
Code 1749 • NH (1)

  • Easy to use
  • 2% accuracy for EC, TDS and Salt modules
  • Automatic temperature compensation
  • Self calibration
  • Memory can store up to 15 readings
  • Automatic shut-off and low battery indicator; uses four 3V CR-2032 button batteries
  • Auto Off after 10 minutes


  • EC/TDS/SAL Replacement Electrode • Code 1765
  • Weighted Stand w/Sample Cups (5) • Code 1746
  • Sample Cups w/caps (24) • Code 1745
  • Conductivity Standard, 84 μS • Code 6312
  • Conductivity Standard, 1413 μS • Code 6354
  • Conductivity Standard, 12,880 μS • Code 6317


  • Conductivity:          0 to 199.9 µS, 200 to 1999 µS, 2.00 to 19.99 mS
  • TDS                     0 to 99.9 ppm (mg/L), 100 to 999 ppm (mg/L), 1.00 to 9.99 ppt (g/L)
  • Salinity:                 0 to 99.9 ppm, 100 to 999 ppm, 100 to 9,900 ppm
  • Accuracy:              EC, TDS, Salt: ± 2% FS; Temperature: ± 1°C (1.8°F)
  • Temperature            ±1.8°F/°C

Conductivity/TDS Solutions
The following potassium chloride solutions can be used to standardize conductivity meters. TDS values are based on a 0.7 conversion from conductivity. Available in 30 mL and 500 mL sizes.

Code Description Size
6312-L 84 µS/cm, 59 ppm 500 mL
6354-L 1,413 µS/cm,989 ppm 500 mL
6317-L 12,880 µS/cm, 9016 ppm 500 mL


Soil pH is a measure of the relative acidity or basicity of a given soil. The pH scale (0-14) is a logarithmic expression of hydrogen ion activity. A pH of 7.0 is neutral, and soils above or below this value are either alkaline or acidic, respectively. A soil with a pH of 6.0 is ten times more acidic than a soil of pH 7.0. Changes in soil pH dramatically affect the availability of nutrients to growing crops. The pH meter is the preferred method for determination of soil pH and the only one adaptable to the buffer methods for determining the lime requirement of a soil. pH is measured by mixing a 1:1 ratio of soil and distilled water. Distilled water not included with meters.

pH Tracer

Code 1741 • NH (1)
Tracer provided with 4, 7 and 10 pH buffer tablets.

  • Range: 00 to 14.00 pH/0.01 pH
  • Temp: 23° to 194°F (–5° to 90° C)
  • Resolution: 01 pH
  • Rugged flat surface electrode will alert user when it’s time to “RENEW”
  • A “CAL” indicator shows when to recalibrate and user can select a 1, 2, or 3 point calibration
  • Includes Automatic Temperature Compensation and displays temperature while showing pH result
  • Optional interchangeable probes for Total Chlorine* (Code 1732) and ORP (Code 1734) measurement in water. Replacement pH Probe (Code 1733)
  • Auto-off after 10 minutes
  • Power: Four 3VCR-2032 batteries
  • Requires 7044A-J Tablets (included)

pH/TDS/SALT Tracer
Code 1766 • NH (1):

  • Measures five parameters including Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH and Temperature using one electrode
  • Units of measure: pH, µS, mS, ppm, ppt, mg/L, °C, °F
  • Memory stores up to 25 labeled readings
  • Adjustable Conductivity to TDS ratio
  • Auto power off and low battery indicator


  • Replacement Electrode for 1766 only, Code 1755
  • Weighted Stand w/Sample Cups (5), Code 1746
  • Sample Cups w/caps (24), Code 1745

| Range| Resolution| Accuracy
Conductivity| 0 to 199.9 µS, 200 to 1999 µS, 2.00 to 19.99 mS| 0.1 µS| ±1%
TDS/Salinity| 0 to 99.9 ppm (mg/L), 100 to 999 ppm (mg/L), 1.00 to 9.99 ppt| 0.1 ppm (mg/L)| ±2%
pH| 0.00 to 14.00 pH| 0.01 pH| ±0.01 pH
Temperature| 32° to 149°F (0 to 65°C)| 0.1°F/°C| ±1.8°F/°C

pH Buffer Solutions
These Standardized pH Buffer Solutions are for use in calibration of pH meters.
Available in 120 mL and 500 mL sizes.

*pH Value     Code**
4.01                    2866
7.00                    2881
10.00                  2896

Handbooks & Catalogs

LaMotte Soil Handbook
Order Code 1504
Staff , LaMotte Company
This 60-page “growers’ manual” discusses major and minor nutrients, trace elements, soil pH, organic matter, soil texture, etc. Includes lime and fertilizer recommendations for a variety of crops and plants, and pH preferences for over 700 plants.

Plant Nutrition Studies
Order Code 1596
Dr. Robert Stegner
This 76-page manual covers the study and practice of hydroponics: plant culture in soil-less nutrient solutions. Includes a series of laboratory procedures and open-ended investigations.

A Study of Soil Science
Dr. Henry D. Foth
An introduction to soil formation, soil pH, mineral elements, plant nutrition, the life cycle of growing plants, and soil fertility management. A Study of Soil Science can be viewed and downloaded for FREE as a PDF file at

Testing Hints for Improving Soil Sampling Accuracy
Dr. A. R. Halvorson
LaMotte Company gratefully acknowledges Dr. Halvorson’s cooperation in this important contribution to the better understanding of the nature of soils. Testing Hints for Improving SOIL SAMPLING ACCURACY can be viewed and downloaded for FREE as a PDF file at


Aquaculture Testing Products
Order Code 1612
Test kits and instrumentation designed for the fi sh farm, hatcheries, and research institutions. Equipment designed for monitoring water quality conditions on-site and for benchtop locations. Test equipment also featured for the aquarium hobbyist, the retailer, and the ornamental culturist.

Water Quality Testing Products
Order Code 1653
A complete guide to instruments, apparatus, kits, and reagents. This catalog features the best available test equipment for testing a variety of waters. LaMotte individual and combination kits, and instrumentation are featured.

Environmental Science Products
Order Code 1590
“Hands-on” test equipment for air, soil, and water chemistry students in elementary, secondary, vocational, outdoor, and college science programs.

Food & Beverage Safety Products
Order Code 1658
Contains information on test strips, kits and instruments for the Food and Beverage Industry. Products focusing onn safety and sanitation.

Shipping Codes & Weights
The shipping code in the product description will refer to one of the following in this chart. Weight will be in pounds and enclosed in ( )

NH Non-Hazardous Material, No Fees
HF Hazardous Material, Air & Ground Fees
R1 Small Qty. Hazardous Material, No Fees
R2, R3, LQ Hazardous Material, Air Fees Only

LaMotte Company • 802 Washington Avenue Chestertown • Maryland • 21620 • USA
t: 800-344-3100 • +1 410-778-3100

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