HYUNDAI Petrol Lawn Scarifier Aerator User Manual

June 7, 2024

HYUNDAI Petrol Lawn Scarifier Aerator User Manual

  1.  SAFETY

General Safety Notes.

  1. The operator of the machine is responsible for, and has a duty of care in making sure that the machine is operated safely and in accordance with the instructions in this user manual. Keep the manual safe and pass it on if the machine is loaned or sold to another user
  2. Please note the following safety points.
  3. The machine should never be left it in a condition which would allow an untrained or unauthorised person/s tooperate this machine.
  4. All due care and diligence should be taken by the operator for the safety of and with regard to those around whilst using the machine.
  5. Some or all of the following – warning signs, symbols and/or PPE pictograms may ap- pear throughout this manual. You MUST adhere to their warnings. Failure to do so may result in personal injury to yourself or those around you.

DANGER Indicates a hazard, which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death.
WARNING Indicates a hazard, which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury.
CAUTION Indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTE Indicates a situation that could easily result in equipment damage. READ and keep the manual safe and pass it on if the machine is loaned or sold to another user. You MUST fully understand all instructions to ensure you use and operate the machine safely. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), MUST be worn at all times when operating or repairing the machine.

Carbon Monoxide (where applicable).

  1. Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odourless gas. Inhaling this gas can cause death as well as serious long term health problems such as brain damage

  2. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can include but are not limited to the following; Headaches, dizziness, nausea, breathlessness, collapsing or loss of consciousness.

  3. Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms are similar to flue, food poisoning, viral infections and simply tiredness. It is quite common for people to mistake this very dangerous poisoning for something else.

  4. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning DO NOT use Petrol/Diesel powered equipmenti nside any of the following; Home, garage, tent, camper van, mobile home, caravan or boat. This is not exhaustive and if you are in any doubt contact your dealer.

  5. If you think you have or someone around you has been affected by carbon monoxide poisoning;

  6. Get them fresh air immediately, by leaving the affected area or by opening doors and windows. If safe and practical to do so make sure that the machine is turned off. DO NOT enter a room you suspect of having carbon monoxide present ­ instead call the emergency services.

  7. Contact a Doctor immediately or go to Hospital ­ let them know that you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.

  8. DO NOT use in an enclosed area or moving vehicle.

  9. General Fuel Safety (where applicable).

  10. Fire Hazard ­ keep fuel away from all sources of ignition for example heaters. Lamps, sparks from grinding or welding.

  11. DO NOT carry out hot work on tanks that have contained fuel.

  12. ALWAYS keep the work area tidy.

  13. ALWAYS clean up spills promptly using absorbent granules and a lidded bin

  14. ALWAYS dispose of waste fuels correctly.

  15. Fueling/Defueling (where applicable).

  16. ALWAYS fuel and defuel in a well ventilated area outside of buildings.

  17. ALWAYS wear correct, suitable and fit for purpose Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), suggested items are but not limited to safety gloves, overalls.

  18. When fueling/de-fueling ALWAYS avoid inhaling fumes.

  19. When de-fueling ALWAYS use a proper fuel retriever

  20. ALWAYS carry fuel in the correct and clearly marked container

  21. Electrical Safety (where applicable).

  22. Electricity can kill ­ NEVER work on LIVE/ENERGISED equipment.

  23. Prior to carrying out any maintenance work you MUST identify electrical isolation methods and isolate all electrical supplies.

  24. Prior to use and with all electrical supplies isolated, you MUST check all electrical cables, plugs and connectors for the following;

  25. Are intact and have no signs of damage, to include but not limited to bare wires, chaffing, cuts and loose wiring.

  26. If there are any signs of damage, the damaged item MUST be taken out of service until the damage has been repaired by an electrically competent person.

  27. All trailing cables should be routed so as not to cause any kind of trip hazard.

  28. NEVER work on or near electricity with wet hands, wet clothing and wet gloves.
    Batteries (where present)

  29. Batteries present a risk if they become damaged by the possible leaking of electrolyte. This electrolyte is an acid and can cause serious burn injuries. Care should be taken when working on or near them. NOTE the electrolyte may be in a liquid or gel form

  30. Should you come in to contact with electrolyte you should

  31. Remove all clothing contaminated with electrolyte. If you cannot remove then saturate them in water.

  32. Get medical assistance as soon as possible. You must advise the medical staff of the type of acid

  33. Lead/acid battery = dilute sulphuric acid

  34. Nickel/cadmium = potassium hydroxide alkali electrolyte

  35. Use fresh running water to wash off excess electrolyte, continue this until medical assistance arrives. Make sure that you do not was the electrolyte to another part of your body or face.

  36. If electrolyte comes in to contact with Eyes the electrolyte needs to be immediately washed away with large amounts of water. Make sure that you do not wash the electrolyte to another part of your face or body

  37. Gasses from charging batteries are highly flammable and great care should be taken to charge in well ventilated areas

  38. There is an explosion risk if the battery terminals are short circuited, when connecting/disconnecting ALWAYS exercise great care so that the terminals or battery leads are NOT allowed to touch and cause a spark. ALWAYS use suitable insulated tools.
    Vibrations (where applicable

  39. Prolonged use of hand held (operated) machines will cause the user to feel the effects of/from vibrations. These vibrations can lead to white finger (Raynaud’s phenomenon) or carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition reduces the ability of the hand to feel and regulate temperature, causing numbness and heat sensations and may cause never damage and circulatory tissue death

  40. Not all factors that lead to white finger disease are known, but cold weather, smoking and other diseases that affect blood vessels and blood circulation as well as large and long-lasting impact of shocks are considered factors in the formation of white finger. Note the following to reduce the risk of white finger and carpal tunnel syndrome

  41. Wear gloves and keep your hands warm

  42. Take regular breaks

  43. All of the above precautions may help reduce the risk of white finger disease but not rule out the carpal tunnel syndrome. Long-term and regular users are therefore recommended to observe the condition of your hands and fingers. Seek medical attention immediately if any of the above symptoms should occur.
    Noise (where applicable)

  44. The operating noise of the machine can damage your hearing. Wear hearing protection such as earplugs or ear defenders to protect your hearing. Long-term and regular users are advised to have hearing checked regularly. Be especially vigilant and cautious when hearing ear protection because your ability to hear alarm warnings will be reduced.

  45. Noise emissions for this equipment is unavoidable. Carry out noisy work at approved times and for certain periods. Limit the working time to a minimum. For your personal protection and protection of people working nearby it is also advisable for them to wear hearing protection.

  46. See Certificate of Conformity section for Outdoor Noise declaration of conformity.

  47. General Machine Safety.

  48. Read the owner’s manual carefully to understand how to operate this machine properly.

  49. You should NEVER use the machine when;

  50. Wearing loose clothing, barefoot or sandals.

  51. Under the influence of drink or drugs or as a result of having taken medication for cold or flu, or any other times when a possibility exists that your judgement might be impaired or that you might not be able to operate the machine properly and in a safe manner.  Suffering from exhaustion or lack of sleep.

  52. When the ground is slippery or when other conditions exist which might make it not possible to maintain a steady posture.

  53. At night, at times of heavy fog, or at any other times when your field of vision might be limited and it would be difficult to gain a clear view of the area.

  54. During rain storms, lighting storms, at times of strong or gale force winds, or at any other times when the weather conditions might make it unsafe to use this product

  55. NEVER run the engine indoors. The exhaust gasses contain harmful carbon monoxide.

  56. When using this machine for the first time and before actual work, you MUST learn how to handle the machine from an experienced or skilled person

  57. Limit the amount of time using the machine continuously to somewhere around 10 minutes per session and take 10 to 20 minutes of rest between sessions. Also try to keep the total amount of work in a single day limited to 2 hours or less.

  58. NEVER allow children or anyone unable to fully understand the directions given in this manual to operate this product.

  59. Make sure you keep this manual handy so you may refer to it whenever questions arise and ensure you pass this manual on if the machine is loaned or sold.

  60. Correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) MUST be worn at all times when operating or repairing this machine. This should include but is not limited to;


1  Soft Grip Handle
2 Operator Presence Control Lever
3 Handle Quick Release
4 Exhaust
5 Fuel Filler Cap
6 Oil Filler/Dipstick
7 Working Depth Height Adjustment Knob
8 Wheels
9 Grass Catcher
10 Recoil Starter Handle
11 Transport Lever



CAUTION For OUTDOOR use ONLY. Petrol machinery produces carbon monoxide ­ a poisonous, colourless and odourless gas that can cause serious injury or death. Petrol is highly flammable, always handle with extreme care and in a well ventilated area.

NOTE This machine is shipped without fuel and oil and MUST be filled before use. Failure to do so may cause damage to the engine that will not be covered by warranty.\

  1. Attach the lower handle to the mounting bracket on the scarifier deck by sliding the bolt through the lower handle bar and through one of the 2 different handlebar height holes on the mounting bracket (1).

  2. Place a washer over the bolt (2).

  3. Secure in place with the hand wheel and tighten securely (3).

  4. Attach the upper handle to the lower handle by sliding the bolt through both handlebars(1)

  5. Place the washer over the bolt (2).

  6. Secure in place with the hand wheel and tighten securely (3).

  7. Lift the rear discharge flap and hook the grass catcher over the back of the scarifier (1).
    a person wearing a suit and tie

  8. Manoeuvre the grass collector into position ensuring it is hooked firmly in place (2).

  9. Lower the rear discharge flap until it rests on the grass collector (3)
    a close up of a book bag.

  10. Attach the cable clamp around the cable and fix to the handlebar (1).

  11. Slowly pull the recoil starter handle up to the handle retaining loop (2).


NOTE This machine is shipped without fuel and oil and MUST be filled before use. Failure to do so may cause damage to the engine that will not be covered by warranty. Oil: 600ml SAE 15w40 Semi Synthetic Engine Oil Fuel: 3.6L Straight Unleaded Petrol
CAUTION ALL FUELS ARE FLAMMABLE ALWAYS fuel and defuel in a well ventilated area away from sources of ignition.
CAUTION The engine and exhaust will remain hot for a while after use. Ensure the engine and exhaust has cooled before carrying out any maintenance, refuelling or storage.

  1. Turn the engine switch to the ON position (1).

  2. Move the fuel tap to the ON position (2)

  3. Move the choke lever to the OFF position (3).

  4. Pull back and hold the Operator Presence Control lever towards the main handle (1).

  5. Gently pull the recoil starter handle until you feel resistance, then pull swiftly until he engine starts (2)

  6. Move the choke lever back to the ON position (3)

  7. Set the engine speed to the desired level for the job in hand (1).
    HYUNDAI Petrol Lawn Scarifier Aerator User Manual COLD

  8. Repeat the cold start procedure but leave the choke in the ON position.


  1. Allow the machine to run at idle for 20 seconds.

  2. Release the Operator Presence Control Lever (1).

  3.  Turn the engine switch to the OFF position (2).

  4. Move the fuel tap to the OFF position (3).


CAUTION Do not make any adjustment to the scarifier without stopping the engine first.
NOTE Check the oil level before operation.

  1. The scarifier is equipped with a working depth adjustment lever offering multiple working depths. The working depths are: -3mm -6mm -9mm -12mm -15mm

  2. To adjust the working depth, first stop the machine and switch the engine off

  3. Turn the working depth adjustment knob anti-clockwise to lower the blade or clockwise to raise the blade.

  4. Move the transport lever to the transport position when turning or moving the scarifier to stop the blades from touching the ground.

  5. Stop the engine before emptying the grass catcher or before you change the cutting height.

  6. Never put feet or hands near the machine when running.

  7. Before scarifying, remove all foreign objects from the lawn, which may caus

  8. Keep children, people and pets at a safe distance (at least 20m) when the scarifier is in use.

  9. Always wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when using this machine. Suggested PPE: Sturdy footwear, work gloves (especially when working near blade), long trousers and hearing protection.

  10. Never work barefooted or with open shoes or sandals.

  11. Do not operate the engine in a confined space where dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect.

  12. Use only in daylight.

  13. Avoid operating the equipment in wet grass.

  14. Always be sure of your footing on slopes WALK, never run

  15. Scarify across the face of slopes, never up and down. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes

  16. Do not scarify excessively steep slopes.

  17. Use extreme caution when reversing or pulling the machine towards you, in case you slip and your feet go underneath the machine and in to the blade.

  18. Stop the engine and allow the blade to come to a stop if the machine has to be tilted for transportation when crossing surfaces other than grass, and when transporting the machine to and from the area to be mowed.

  19. Never operate the scarifier with defective guards, or without safety devices, for example deflectors and/or grass catchers, in place.

  20. Do not change the engine governor settings. If the engine speed is too high it will cause excessive wear, if too low it will not cut or pick up the grass effectively.

  21. Start the engine carefully according to instructions and with feet well away from the blade.

  22. Do not tilt the machine when starting the engine.

  23. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts.

  24. Never pick up or carry a machine while the engine is running.

  25. Before leaving the machine to clear blockages, check, clean, refuel or after striking foreign object – Stop the engine and make sure that the blades have come to a complete stop

  26. If the scarifier starts to vibrate abnormally (check immediately).


WARNING ALWAYS stop the engine, disconnect the spark plug HT lead and allow the engine to cool completely BEFORE carrying out any maintenance or repairs. NEVER touch a rotating blade. Check and maintain the oil and fuel level every use. Frequently check the scarifier and make sure that all deposits are removed before use. At regular intervals, check the tightness of all nuts, bolts and screws. If the blade hits and obstacle, check for damage and if the machine vibrates badly, STOP the machine and take it to a service dealer.
CAUTION All maintenance or repair work should be carried out by a certified engineer or service dealer.
CAUTION ALWAYS fuel and defuel in a well ventilated area with the engine off and cool. Whilst carrying out any maintenance, you must wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
CAUTION NEVER use a pressure washer or hose to clean the scarifier. Water can penetrate areas of the unit and cause damage to spindles, pulleys, bearings or the engine. The use of pressure washers or hose pipes will result in shortened life and reduce serviceability. Shut down the engine, wait for all moving parts to come to a complete stop, remove the HT lead cap and wait for the engine to cool BEFORE performing any maintenance.


  1. Always replace with the same model spark plug as fitted.

  2. Remove the spark plug HT lead cap.

  3. Undo the spark plug from the engine and remove.

  4. Visually inspect the spark plug for signs of damage, wear or carbon build up.

  5. If damaged or worn, replace immediately.

  6. To clean the spark plug, gently clean the electrode with a soft wire brush.

  7. The spark plug gap should be 0.70mm ­ 0.80mm.

  8. Refit the cleaned and adjusted speak plug by hand to avoid cross threading then lightly tighten with a plug spanner

  9. Re-attach the spark plug HT lead cap.

CAUTION A dirty air filter will restrict the air flow to the carburetor, which will reduce engine efficiency. When using the machine in very dusty areas you must clean or replace the air filter more often. Never operate the machine without the air filter being fitted it can cause damage to the engine which is not covered by warranty.

  1. Remove the air filter cover (1).

  2. Remove the air filter element (2).

  3. Inspect the air filter and if it shows any signs of damage or wear, replace immediately.

  4. To clean the element, blow air through it using an air gun not exceeding 30psi.

  5. NEVER use a brush to clean the filter, it will only drive the dirt into the fibres of the filter.

  6. Wipe any dirt from the air cleaner body using a moist cloth, be careful to prevent dirt or debris entering into the carburetor.

  7. Refit the air filter and replace the air filter cover.
    CAUTION ALL FUELS ARE FLAMABLE ALWAYS fuel and defuel in a well ventilated area outside of buildings. ALWAYS wear correct, suitable and fit for purpose Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), suggested items are but not limited to safety gloves, overalls

  8. The use of old or stale fuel will impair the starting and running of the machine

  9. Ensure that the machine has fresh unleaded fuel and always remove fuel before storing for long periods.

  10. Never mix fuel and oil

  11. To drain the carburetor, clamp the fuel pipe leading into the carburetor.

  12. Place a suitable container underneath the carburetor float bowl.

  13. Undo the drain bolt on the carburetor float bowl and allow the fuel to drain into the container (1).

  14. Refit the drain bolt, remove the fuel pipe clamp and refill with fresh unleaded petrol.
    Drain the machine of fuel before removing or replacing the blade. Wear the appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).

  15. Undo the 4 bolts on the side of the machine (1).

  16. Remove the shaft securing bracket and slide the blade out in the direction of the arrow(2)

  17. To reinstall, slide one end of the blade into the hexagonal locating socket (1).

  18. Refit the shaft securing bracket and bolt back in to place (2).
    DO NOT use a hose pipe or pressure washer to clean the engine. Water can damage the engine or contaminate the fuel system. Ensure the engine has cooled completely and remove the spark plug HT lead cap before carrying out any cleaning.

  19. Wipe the machine down with a damp cloth after every use.

  20. For larger build ups of debris, use a scraper or similar product.

  21. Dry the machine completely to prevent rust from forming.

  22. Use a light silicone spray on exposed metal parts to protect the metal.

  23. Do not use any solvent based cleaning products as this may damage plastic components.


NOTE If you plan to store the machine for periods of longer than 30 days follow the procedure outlined below. Failure to do so may result in poor starting or other machine issues. Always allow the machine to cool completely before placing in to storage.

  1. Follow the maintenance procedure as outlined in section 7 of this user manual.
  2. Drain all the fuel from the fuel tank in to a suitable container and then run the engine until the machine is completely out of fuel.
  3. Drain the engine oil and replace with fresh SAE15W40 semi synthetic engine oil
  4. Clean the machine completely and make sure all moving parts are lubricated with a light silicone based spray or grease.
  5. Remove the spark plug and pour one teaspoon of fresh engine oil into the cylinder bore.
  6. With the spark plug still removed, cover the spark plug socket with a lint free cloth and pull the recoil started handle 3 to 4 times to coat the walls of the cylinder bore with a protective layer of oil, then refit the spark plug.
  7. Visually inspect the machine and replace or repair any worn parts.
  8. Store in a cool dry place away from any varying temperature extremes and away from any possible sources of ignition.
  9. Do not stack other items on top of the machine when in storage.
  10. When the machine is to be next used, fill with fresh unleaded petrol and not petrol that has been stored for periods of more than 30 days.


Problem Possible Cause Remedial action
Remedial action Throttle choke is not in the correct position Move throttle

choke to correct position.
Fuel tank is empty.| Fill tank with fuel: refer to ENGINE OWNERS MANUAL.
Air cleaner element is dirty.| Clean air cleaner element: refer to ENGINE OWNERS MANUAL.
Spark plug loose.| Tighten spark plug.
Spark plug wire loose or disconnected from plug.| Install spark plug wire on spark plug.
Spark plug gap is incorrect.| Set correct gap between electrodes.
Carburetor is flooded with fuel.| Remove air cleaner element and pull starter rope continuously until carburetor clears itself and install air cleaner element.
Faulty ignition module.| Contact the service agent
Motor speed drops off| Depth of cut too great| Set to smaller depth of cut
| Grass too high| Mow the lawn before scarifying
Ejector channel blocked| Pull out spark plug connector, remove blockage.
Ejector channel blocked| Pull out spark plug connector, remove blockage.
Air filter clogged| Clean air filter: refer to ENGINE OWNERS MANUAL.
Depth of cut too small| Set to correct depth of cut.
Worn cutting blades| Having cutting blades replaced in a specialist work ship
Grass catcher is full/clogged| Stop scarifier Unload grass catcher or clean it
Ejector channel blocked| Pull out spark plug connector, clean ejection channel
Bolts, nuts or other mounting parts slack.| Tighten parts.
Cutting assembly is loose| Tighten blade.


Model HYSC210
Engine Type Single Cylinder OHV
Engine Size 210cc
Nominal Power 5kW
Engine Speed 2800rpm
Fuel Tank Capacity 3.6L
Fuel Type Unleaded Petrol
Oil Tank Capacity 600ml
Oil Type SAE 15W40 Semi Synthetic Engine Oil
Working Width 400mm
Grass Catcher Capacity 45L
Height Adjustment +15mm to -15mmc
Noise Level 95.7dBA
Vibration 5.37m/s2 K=1.5m/s2
Dimensions (LxWxH) mm
Net Weight 37Kg


  1. We do not offer a takeback scheme for the recovery of Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment (WEEE) & Batteries. Instead the responsibility to dispose of WEEE and or Batteries is passed onto you by us. So when it becomes necessary to dispose of your machine you must take it to your local Civic Amenity Site. For further information please contact your local Authority for disposal advice.
  2. You MUST make sure that all unused oil and fuel is disposed of correctly either beforehand or at your local Civic Amenity Site. Under NO circumstances must any fuel or oil be put down any drains.
  3. Certain products contain WEEE waste which should not be disposed of in your domestic waste. You MUST recycle WEEE in accordance with your local authority or recycling centre
  4. Certain products contain batteries which should not be disposed of in your domestic waste.
  5. You MUST recycle batteries in accordance with your local authority or recycling centre.
  6. Unwanted packaging and materials should be stored and taken to a recycling centre o it can be disposed of in a manner which is compatible with the environment.
  7. The following symbol means that you should `Reduce ­ Reuse ­ Recycle’
  8. We are a Member of the VALPAK National Compliance Scheme and our registration number is RM08660
  9. For further information about disposal please contact your Local Authority.
  10. You can also get more advice and guidance about recycling at the following website
  11. Should you pass this product on to another user either sold or loaned, you MUST pass on this user manual. This will make sure that all other users can use and maintain this machine safely.


Genpower Ltd confirms that these Hyundai products conform to the following CE Directives. 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive 2004/108/EC EMC Directive 2000/14/EC, Amended by 2005/88/EC Noise Emissions Directive 97/68/EC_2010/26/EC NRMM Emissions Directive


POSTAL ADDRESS| Genpower Ltd, Isaac Way, London Road, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire. SA72 4RW. UK.
TELEPHONE| +44 (0) 1646 687880
FAX| +44 (0) 0164 686198


To register your machine for the manufacturer’s warranty, please visit


  1. Our manuals are constantly being reviewed and updated. However if you find and error, omission or something you find unclear, please contact your dealer for assistance.
  2. Our latest manuals are also placed online.
  3. We reserve the right to make any modifications without prior notice whenever necessary.


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