SPACE SPLO1 Projector User Manual

June 6, 2024

SPLO1 Projector



Deuts,h ngl;,h

‘””‘ Bedienungsanleitung
,ocs Um Manual fmm,aoe,mn

Vor derVerwendung
-UbecpcccSie,b dasGecfab, lkne c ode, mcht,beS,e es ,cBc,eb cehrnec
-UbecpcUcSie,ob alleZc smd
UbepcUfecSie,ob dieS,ugi,tccgwie ,·et cachdemS,e dasGecaOmll ‘”fgeladec habec
wee,5,e “‘” G EBRAUCHTEN,DEFEKEN, FEHLERHAFTENArtl echa,ec habec,koma'”” S,eecs b,tte sert, crn e,ce 1Rockecg cde “‘”‘cechaltec
lHaloSle es ,ooKlodernm 2.DleUthtqoelle dleses Pmje,se,oe<ornb,oatloo
aosLED-Llthl ocdLasetlthtSthaoeoS,e olthl dl,e lo e,ce d,eseLlthlqoelleo 3.S,e k6ooec deoemJernchlselt demoe’ 4.Dlesec Pmje i fO dleVecdoog lclooeca, meo gee,gcet
– Checkif the machme ,s new befmeo start osmgll – Check,f alla,,,.'”ernmplete – Check,f the ,”ctloo,s a; e,pected aec1″ll chacge
the machme I f”” cece,,ed a USED,DEFECTIV.FIAWED ,tern, pleasernctact “‘ ,mmed,ately to get a MI food ma tepceme
SpvceL;f,@o” wJaag,
l K. eepcc away fom ch;[d,o. 2The l,ghC soce ots pojec< ,s awmbicatioc
LEDl,ghc aod lase UghtDo olook diectly ac aoy of these l,ght soc5 3.caocot disassembe, pmJecto byccself 4.This pmjecro is scltablefo iodO cse

Ge teb eschreibung

2 3 45
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l. Eic- /Acsschalte 2 1YPE -C-NZ I
Acschlcss 3.AcschOss fO USB-5<ick 4. E mpfacgsbeich fO

5.Spache,tertes M,km
5wseclicht 7 LED-Lich< Biesliccsfache f

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100/DffSwitch 2.TYPE-C Po3Sopply
P 3.U DiskMosicReadiog
Pot 4Remo[OotLSigoaL
Remote Control

5.Vrnce- actwated Micmphooe
6.u;seLight ,. CEDLight a.DecoatiCarubd


l.StecemSie dasLED-LichtDN/DFF 25tecernog desLal,ch<s EIN/AUS. 3.Stececog des oteoLED-LichaON/OFF 4 5tecernog des gcoeoLED-LichcON/OFF s.stecernog de bacecLED-LichtsON/OFe 6.Stececog desweiBeoLED-LichON/OFC Hioweis, asLED- Lichtoo ommit ma,imal i
Fabeokombioiert·cdea.Weao i Fabea bereltschteo,schaltetdas Eioschalteodec dc itteoLED’matischdie ecste·”‘hteodeLED acs ,. E hohecS,e d,ec'””””‘”‘eo Lacpchecs. B.VoheogesLied 9.N>chstesLJed 1 0.Spcacha”'”‘ModcsWeoo dieseFco00 eiogeschalc ,st,b,okeo dieLED-codsel,chte imRhythmcs deAcBeogecsche ode desToos des eicgebacteoLac,achecs 1 1.VeciogemSie dHaccke des eiogebacn Lasp,cheS 12. E chbheoS,e dietaCiocsgeschwicdigkeit desLED-LichCS 13.eemogemSie dieSOtioosgeschw,odigke,t des LED-Lichc 1 4. LdscheoS,e dee Smee (Nach edolg·,chembcch biledielED-LecchtelMal)

75.Fade-Modos 1’LED-Uchtwechselt io deo emfabigeo Fade-Modos
(DieFabeaodet s,ch kootmelichm d iheofolgeR6Oo,Blao ood WeiB) 16.StelleoSie d,eHell,gke,t desLED-Uthischec3 Stofeo [Weoc d,eLED-Leoch ic deoFade-Modosl odeFade-Modos2,oo dieHelligkeit oicht eiogeellt deo) 1’.SthalteoSie dassecl,cht ,scheoNocmaodos oodBliokmodos. 78.StelleoSie deoTimec acrr25tocdeomDe Pm)eo Wid oath25odeo aomat,sch aosgescha (Nachdem die E ioebg edolgichwac,bliodie LED-Leothte2Mal) 1 9ade-Modos2’LED-Litht chselt io deo eifabigeo
Fade-Modos (DieFabeaodet sichotrnieclichm folgeode Re,heofolge rnt· blao,otruo,mt+we,B,blao,g,oo Bo+We,B,GOc+WeiB) 20.SteleoSie deoTimec,7 Stoode eio.DasGet witd schaltet s,ch oathl Stoodeo aomatisch ab. (Nath elgithet EiosOOIOog blio·d,e LED-Leochtel Mal.) 21. Mos,k abspielec/ aohalteowah,od sie abgesp,elt wid

1Coctml cheDl,ghON/OFF
2.Catml the lase l,ghON/OFF 3.COatml the edLEDligh·ON/DFF 4.COatml the ge,LEDl,ghON/OFF. 5.Coatml the blceLEDlightsON/OFF 5.COatml thewh,teLEDl,gON/OFF
N TheLED llghts ca, oclybe combi”ed bya maximcm of two coloe. Whea two coloe· al,eadylit t,mlcg oc the thled LED will acto maticallytcmoffthe filit LED.
7,locease che ,oOrne of che bDiio spee,, RAdJoSC to Che pcoos socg 9.Adost to the oesoog 70.Vo,ce- ec ti,atedrnodeWhec this fooctioo is tomed
oo,theLrnaod asecUghCSwilleshmmhmwiCh Che oocs,de soood o Che soood ohhe boiio aodio. 71. Decaese chelome ohhe boilC- io ,pea
121cceaseChemcaoo speed ofLEDligh
13.Decceaseche ocaCioo speed ofLEDligho 74,caocel the t,mec,{Mec scccessMcaocellet,oo,the
CED lighcsw,ash3Cimes)

15.FadeModelLEDlightswill eote the siogle-rnlo fade mode
IThemlowill chacge cocci'”°””'””‘ °”””‘ ed, geeo,blae a,dwhi1 16.Ad”‘c the bOghtcess of theLEDlrght betweec3
lewls.(whec theLEDlight ecte Fade model
Fade mode2,the b;rghtcess ca,o be ad)>d) 17.Switthlrght betwee, comal modrnd
shiog mde 18.Set thme fo2 ho”‘.The pmjectmwil tom off
‘”‘°macicaly ac2 h°”cs.(Afte che serricg is ‘””‘”‘”‘· theLEDlrghtwilfOsh2 limes) 79. FadeMode 2LEDUghswill ecteilhe two-rnlo fade
mode hernlowill chacgernctrccocslym the ode of “”””‘·””’ec,·d·whi b,g”‘· bwe;white,gec·whi 20.Set the tjme fol h°” Th prnjectw,lswhelf off'”tomatically aftel hom. the siog is soccessfol,theLEDlight flashes ooce.) 21. Pey / p'”se mcsicwhr-it rs playicg

Dekorativer Karton “”””” 1
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k'””‘ Vu.,;

Hallowee, R…;



Decorative Cardboard ca,···11


C.nlboa12 F,ont ,;de

Halloween aa,kS;de




1.s,,.,BeoS,e dasTyp-C-NZbel(,mLe,cmfaog ectha,ec)ao deo PCJemacvcdlCS,edec Nechalte<acfON
2.Nach dem E m;cha,eo des PmJe<cho,e,S,e e,,e weiblicheStimme”Blco-Mcdcs” sagec,was bedec tetdas,ch de, P01,mimBlcetch-Acpassvogsmc dcs befiodet
3S. cha,eoSie dasBlcetchlh Tefccs em,svcheoS,e decBlcetcceh-Namec”SPACE -SPLOl” ccd llecS,eeme vebiodvog he<weco dievebmdvog eolgch hc<ecS,e e,c,o P1eptoc.
4S,e kccceo d,eMcs,kecclhemTelefoo absp,eleo Wee, SieMcSikCih,eUSB-St!Ck abspielecrnbchteo,legeo Sie dieUSB-SIICk dieic.S,e hOc e,ceweibi,che St,mme,d,e” PlayMvs,c” sagtccd dacc d d1eMcs1k ,code USB-Stickacccmac,;ch abgesp,elt
s.veeodeoS,e d,efecbed,eocogwStecernog des PmCc WeccS,e d,eFembed,ecccg eodeo, mvsseoS,e mR,chtcog dess,gcalempfacgsbe,chsdes POJeblickec
Technische Daten
lMa,;meLEDcog2’4W 2.G,Oce;secc<lMW 3.51cme;cgacgUSBDCSV 4.B;ebstempecatu – 10°(-‘C 5. Pmjektloosabdeckcog,15-50m’
lPlag theType-C pawe cable( iocladed)iotP the pmjemaod me the pTMtch toON
2.Afte tamiog , the projectm.yaawmh,ar,tem,le YPisayiog’Blaetooth made”,ich meaos the pmjeamis ioBlaamh mhiog ma de.
3.1″m oc yoo phoce’sBlotooth,f,cd theBl”‘tooth came”SPACE-SPLDl” acdrnc,ct. Whec thernccec ,’°'”‘”ccessfojyoowill heac a beep
4.Yoo cao pay the mos,c fmm yoo phoce.lf yoowaot to play mosicfrom yoorudrs,,cs,the U dok dctly, yoow,ll hea afemaleyoice say,cg”Mos Play’.aod thec tl;e mosic fmmthe u dokw,11 be pOd aomati cal
5.U se the emcternctrolmcootml the pmjector. Whee osicg che remocemccml,yoo ceedmface che sigcal cew,cg aea oo the pme3
1 Ma,imcmLEDPo=2·,w 2.Geecla,e, <lMW 3. Powe lopcrt,USBDCSV 4.0peatiogTempecatc,74~104°F 5. PrnjectiooC=age161~538 ,

W;;haltec ocsiac dieAmaoc-Bestimmocgec, dmevoll,,m'”””‘dec emecsc ‘”‘”‘5 lhalbc30Tage c abdec”· wecc d,eses Pmdobe, comalemGebcaoch ode;
,cbeabs,cgapottgeht 5,e koccec aoch eice ,ot,Uche2,ahres-Ga,ae
ehalc,cachdemS1e,cs eiceNachcchtobe d,e folgecdecKocdatec geeecdhabec

5mm s;e dee QR-Code 24/7-K””de,o;eost
j [email protected]
We stcctly ab,de by theAmaw, ,egoiat,o,swh,ch rn, a f,U r,fuod ma.,., r ,pc,m,atw,th,o3D
dof th,s pmdoct beaocder nomal ose o ecded damage
Yoo may ao getaddftiooa2-yeawatraet secd ao message to os thmogh the fowmg co,tact
Scan the QR code 24/7 custome, se,v;ce.
[email protected]

FCC Warning
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. – Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC RF exposure statement: To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance between 20cm the radiator your body.

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