maxima 08563511 Digital Bakery Oven 6 Trays 60 x 40cm 400V Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024


It is essential for this instruction manual to be stored together with the appliance for future referencing; in the event of misplacing it, a copy must be obtained directly from the manufacturer. This information has been prepared for your safety and that of others. Therefore, we kindly ask you to read it carefully before installing and using the appliance.
If upon reception of the goods the packaging should not be intact or should it be damaged, affix the following wording: “GOODS SUBJECT TO CHECK”, with the specification of the damage and countersigned by the driver; file a written complaint with the vendor within 4 calendar days (not business days) from the date of delivery, after which no complaints shall be accepted. For periodic maintenance checks and repairs, contact your nearest Technical Support Centre and only use original spare parts. Failure to comply with this provision shall forfeit the warranty right The “technical data” plate is located on the side panel of the appliance. A periodic check (at least once a year) of the appliance contributes to extending its service life and assures proper operation.
Any maintenance operation on the appliance must only be done by highly qualified personnel trained in the operations to be performed.
Before performing any maintenance on the appliance, the power supply must be disconnected (act on the safety magnetic circuit breaker located upstream of the appliance) and let it cool down.
The components that might require maintenance are all accessible by removing the left side and back of the appliance.
The inappropriate or incorrect use of the appliance shall invalidate any liability and warranty right by the Manufacturer.


  • The temperature of the appliance’s external surfaces may exceed 60°C, only touch control elements.
    Burn hazard!

  • Pay attention to handling food containers during and after cooking: they might be very hot. Wear appropriate protective thermal clothing to prevent burns.

  • During operation, with the door open, do not remove the fan cover; do not touch the moving fans and resistors which are still hot.

  • The maximum working height, referred to as the highest surface level, must be 160 centimeters from the floor. After installing the appliance applies the suitable adhesive symbol (supplied) at a height of 160 centimeters.

  • To prevent boiling, do not use containers filled with liquids or food that liquefy with heat, in excessive amounts that cannot be easily kept under control. For this reason, only use trays that let you see inside the container. When extracting a tray containing hot liquid pay attention not to spill any liquid.


  • Before performing any cleaning on the appliance, disconnect the power supply (from the safety circuit breaker) and water supply (close the water cock). Let it cool completely.

  • Any modification to the electrical system that might be required to install the appliance must be carried out by competent personnel only.

  • The power supply system must be fitted with an effective earthing connection according to the regulations in force.

  • In the permanent connection to the mains, a protective pole switch must be installed between the
    appliance and the mains with a minimum opening between the contacts of overvoltage category III (4000V), sized for the load and complying with applicable regulations (automatic circuit breaker).

  • If the power supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or their technical support service, or in any case by a person with similar qualifications, to prevent any risk.

  • The appliance also has electrical components inside, for safety reasons it is forbidden to wash it with
    water or steam jets especially if aimed at the aeration vents on the metal surfaces of its outer casing.

  • No foods containing easily flammable substances must be cooked, such as alcohol-based foods; self-combustion phenomena might occur leading to fires and explosions in the cooking chamber.

  • Before using the appliance, make sure that there are no non-compliant objects (e.g. User manuals, plastic bags or other flammable objects) or detergent residues, inside the cooking chamber.

  • Always keep the cooking chamber clean. Cooking liquids (fats) or food residues may ignite!


  • The appliance is intended for professional use in institutional and professional kitchens and must only be used by skilled personnel who have been trained on its proper use. For safety reasons, the appliance must be supervised during operation.
  • The appliance is not intended to be used by children and/or persons with impaired physical, sensory or mental abilities, or who lack experience or knowledge, unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety, or who has been instructed on using the appliance.
  • In the event of failure or poor operation, switch off the appliance, close the water supply cock, disconnect the power supply and contact an authorized Technical Support Centre.
  • This appliance shall be used only for the purposes for which it was designed, meaning for all types of baking of pastries, baked goods and food: fresh and frozen; for reconditioning chilled and frozen food, for steam cooking meats, fish and vegetables. Any other use is considered improper.
  • The noise level of the appliance in operation is less than 70 dB (A).


  • When the appliance is used for the first time it is recommended to run an empty cycle for 40/50 minutes at a temperature of 220/230°C. In this way all unpleasant yet fully normal smells due to heating the thermal insulation enveloping the cooking chamber and the silicone used for its external sealing are dissipated.
  • Avoid prolonged permanence on the steel surfaces of foods containing acidic substances (lemon juice, vinegar, salt, etc.) which cause corrosive deterioration.
  • The appliance must be cleaned regularly, even daily, to ensure the best functionality and to extend its service life.
  • If specific detergents (degreasers) are used for cleaning stainless steel, ensure they do not contain corrosive acid substances (no presence of chlorine even if diluted) or abrasive substances. Carefully follow the instructions and warnings of the detergent’s manufacturer and take precautions such as using adequate rubber gloves.
  • Strictly avoid using scouring pads, steel wool, and scrapers that may ruin the treated surfaces.


  • In placing the food in the cooking chamber, maintain a space of at least 40 mm between trays in order not to excessively obstruct air circulation.
  • Do not use trays with sides higher than necessary: the sides form barriers that prevent hot air circulation.
  • Preheat the oven every time before cooking to achieve top performance.
  • For cooking as consistently as possible, spread the food evenly in every tray taking into account its size, layer or thickness.
  • Avoid adding salt to food in the cooking chamber.
  • To check the correct progress of the cooking cycle use the chamber’s internal lighting: avoid uselessly opening the door, which causes waste of energy and longer cooking times.


  • After baking open the door with caution, to avoid the violent outflow of heat which might cause burns.
  • During oven, operation pay attention to hot areas of its outer surfaces (marked on the appliance).
  • Do not use the door handle to move the appliance (possible glass breakage).
  • The supporting bench must be able to withstand the weight of the machine and house it correctly.
  • The appliance is fitted with electrical parts and must never be washed with a water or steam jet.
  • The appliance is electrically connected: disconnect the power supply before performing any type of cleaning.
  • To avoid incorrect connections of the appliance, the relevant electrical/water connections are marked on the appliance by suitable identification plates.


  • It is essential for this instruction manual to be stored together with the appliance for future reference; in the event of misplacing it, a copy must be obtained directly from the manufacturer.
  • This information has been prepared for your safety and that of others; therefore we kindly ask you to read it carefully before installing and using the appliance.
  • For periodic maintenance checks and repairs, contact your nearest Technical Support Centre and only use original spare parts. Failure to comply with this provision shall forfeit the warranty right.
  • All installation and commissioning operations must exclusively be performed by technically skilled installers, in compliance with the instructions of the Manufacturer and in compliance with national standards in force.
  • The “technical data” plate is located on the side panel of the appliance.

Note: The inappropriate or incorrect use of the appliance and failure to comply with installation rules shall invalidate any liability by the Manufacturer.


2.1 Control panel

Programming cooking time – The oven is switched on by turning the programmer knob (Fig.1) to the symbol (continuous operation) or to the selected cooking time (up to 120 minutes); in the latter case the end of cooking is signaled by the oven switching off automatically.
Programming cooking temperature – Turn the thermostat knob (Fig.1) to adjust the temperature selected for cooking.
Programming humidity/steam quantity – To generate humidity/steam during the operation of the oven (hot cooking chamber), turn the knob of the automatic humidifier (Fig.1) to the desired value (from 1 to 5). By turning the knob to the • (off) position the humidifier stops working.

  •  By turning the knob to positions from “1” to “4” the humidifier works by generating
    humidity/steam (water is fed into the cooking chamber) at automatically adjusted and cyclically repeated time intervals. (A higher number corresponds to a longer time of humidifier operation, therefore greater steam production).

  • Turning the knob to position “5” disables the automatic control of the humidifier which works by continuously feeding water into the cooking chamber (continuous humidity/steam production).

  • Before turning on the automatic humidifier, stabilize the temperature inside the cooking chamber to a value of at least 120°C in order to optimize the production of humidity/steam.

“End of cooking” programmer warning light – The green light of the programmer (Fig.1) indicates that the oven is working and that the cooking time is active.
Control thermostat warning light – The orange warning light of the control thermostat (Fig.1) turns off every time the programmed temperature is reached in the cooking chamber. It switches on again when the thermostat is triggered to re-establish this temperature.
Automatic humidifier warning light – The orange warning light of the automatic humidifier (Fig.1) indicates that the water solenoid valve is operating and therefore humidity/steam is being produced in the cooking chamber.
Internal oven light – With the oven in operation, the internal light is always on.
To turn off the oven – Place the “end of cooking” programmer and thermostat knobs in the off position. After use, close the water shut-off tap upstream of the appliance and disconnect it from the power supply.

2.2 Baking

For cooking, pre-heat the oven to the desired temperature before inserting the food. When the oven has reached the required temperature, introduce the food and check the cooking time. Turn off the oven 5 minutes before the theoretical time to recover the stored heat. Convection cooking (dry heat) – Switch the oven on and turn the thermostat knob to the desired temperature.
Convection cooking + humidity/steam (dry heat + damp heat) – Switch the oven on. Turn the thermostat knob to the desired temperature and the automatic humidifier knob to the selected amount of humidity/steam. Defrosting – Switch the oven on and turn the thermostat and automatic humidifier knobs off (•).


3.1 Manual cooking chamber cleaning
For hygienic reasons, it is good practice to clean the cooking chamber on a daily basis, at the end of every day the oven is used. Correct cleaning also prevents the formation of corrosive phenomena inside the chamber, as well as preventing the danger of accidental combustion due to any grease and food residues accumulated over time.
To aid in cleaning remove the side grilles. The cleaning detergents must not contain abrasive substances or substances of acid/corrosive nature. In case of lack of appropriate detergents, it is sufficient to clean the cooking chamber with a sponge soaked in warm soapy water or warm water and a little vinegar. Rinse with plenty of water (use a suitable shower if available) and dry well with a soft cloth. The side grilles must be cleaned separately and fitted back on. When cleaning is completed leave the oven door slightly open.

3.2 Semi-automatic cooking chamber cleaning
Spray specific degreaser for stainless steel on the internal walls of the cooking chamber, on the side grilles, on the fan covers (do not spray onto the fans through the grille) and on the internal door glass.
Let the product act for about 20 minutes with the door closed. switch the oven on adjusting the temperature at 100-120°C.
Run a cycle with 100% steam (automatic humidifier knob in position “5”) for about 15 minutes.
Upon completing the cycle switch off the oven, let the cooking chamber cool and rinse it with plenty of water (use the suitable shower if available).
Dry by running a heating cycle adjusting the temperature at 180-200°C for about 10 minutes (repeat the cycle if necessary).
When cleaning is completed leave the oven door slightly open.

3.3 Cleaning the fans
The fans must be regularly cleaned with appropriate descaling products. All their parts must be thoroughly cleaned, eliminating any limescale. The fan cover must be removed to access fans. When cleaning is completed fit the cover back on operating in reverse order.
3.4 Cleaning the door gasket
For hygienic and functional reasons it is good practice to clean the door gasket at the end of every day the oven is used. It must be accurately washed with warm soapy water. It must be rinsed and dried with a soft cloth. Any scaling or food residues must be removed with special care, without using sharp metal tools that might irreparably damage the gasket.
3.5 Cleaning the door
The internal glass of the cooking chamber door may be cleaned using the same type of degreaser used for manually cleaning the cooking chamber; otherwise, a normal (non toxic) glass cleaning product may be used. A common glass detergent may be used also to clean the external door glass. In any case one may simply use warm soapy water. After rinsing dry the glass surface well with a soft cloth. Should opaque spots form between the two glass panes, these may be removed as they are inspectable.
3.6 Cleaning the external casing
The outer steel surfaces must be cleaned with a cloth soaked in warm soapy water or mixed with a little vinegar, they must be rinsed well and dried with a soft cloth.
Should you wish to use specific products on the market, these must comply with the cleaning requirements set out in the “Information for the user” paragraph.
It is worth remembering that the counter supporting the appliance, or the floor surrounding the appliance area, should also be cleaned without using acid corrosive substances (e.g. muriatic acid) since the vapors released by them might corrode and deteriorate the outer steel shell and cause irreparable damage to the electrical components inside the appliance.
3.7 Inactivity period
Should the appliance not be used for a long extent of time, it is good practice to disconnect it from the power supply (act on the safety magnetic circuit breaker located upstream of the appliance) and water supply. It is recommended to clean it with care internally (cooking chamber) and externally, paying special attention to removing any salt residues which might lead to corrosion on the steel surfaces. It is also recommended to protect the appliance with oil-based spray products (e.g. Vaseline oil) which form
an effective protective film when sprayed on the surfaces. Leave the door of the cooking chamber ajar.
Adequately covering the appliance, finally, allows it to be protected from dust.


Type of fault Cause of the fault Corrective action

Control panel warning
lights totally off
(The oven does not work)| – Non-compliant connection to the power
mains| Check the connection to the mains
 – No mains voltage| – Restore the power supply voltage
– Safety thermal device triggered| – Restore the safety thermal device
Cooking cycle set: the oven
does not work| – Door open or ajar| – Close the door properly
– Door sensor damaged| – Contact a skilled technician
Automatic humidifier
active: no humidity/steam
production in the cooking
chamber| – Non-compliant water mains connection| – Check the connection to the water
– Closed stopcock| – Check the cock
– Obstructed water inlet filter| – Clean the filter
– Damaged water inlet solenoid valve| – Contact a skilled technician
Closed-door: steam escapes
through the gasket| – Non-compliant gasket assembly| – Check gasket assembly
– Damaged gasket| – Contact a skilled technician
– Handle “nose” adjusted incorrectly| – Contact a skilled technician
The oven does not cook
evenly| – One of the motors is down or operates at low speed| – Contact a skilled technician
– The motors do not reverse direction| – Contact a skilled technician
– Resistor not powered or damaged| – Contact a skilled technician
Lamp (LED) in the cooking
chamber does not work| – Lamp (LED) damaged| – Replace the lamp (LED)
The thermal safety device is
activated continuously| – Damaged device| – Contact a skilled technician
– Control thermostat damaged| – Contact a skilled technician


Before leaving the factory this appliance has been calibrated and tested by experienced and skilled personnel in order to obtain the best operating results. Any repair or calibration must be carried out with the utmost care and attention, using only original parts.
That is why it is required to always contact the Dealer who has sold the appliance or our nearest Technical Support Centre, specifying the kind of failure and the model of the appliance you have. The parts required for adaptation to different types of gas are provided with the appliance hence supplied upon sale or delivery.
For servicing needs the user may contact on the numbers shown on the cover, or refer to the website


In accordance with Directive 2012/19/EU on the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment, the crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on the equipment indicates that the product was placed on the market after 13 August 2015 and that at the end of its services life it must be disposed of separately from other waste. At the end of the appliance’s service life, the user must, therefore, deliver it to the appropriate centers (recycling centers) for the separate collection of electrical and electronic waste.
All appliances are made of recyclable metal
materials (stainless steel, galvanized sheet metal, iron, copper, aluminum, etc.)
which make up more than 90% of the total weight of the appliance. Before dispose
ng of the appliance, it is recommended to make it unusable by removing the power supply cable and removing the mechanism for closing compartments and/or openings, if any. The separate waste collection and subsequent treatment, recovery, and disposal, are conducive to the production of equipment with recycled materials and reduce the negative effects on the environment and health possibly caused by incorrect waste handling. Illegal disposal of the product by the user entails the application of administrative penalties.


The product is designed for food use only and is covered by a warranty according to Dutch law for Professional Customers or customers who purchase from the Dealer
with a VAT number. The product is professional and certified according to IEC EN 60335-1 and can only be sold to professional users. With the exclusion of any additional warranty, the Vendor agrees to repair, at its sole discretion, only those parts of the products that prove to be tainted by an original fault as long as, subject to forfeiture, the customer has reported the fault within 12 months from the date of purchase and reported the defect within 8 days from the date of discovery, in writing, attaching a copy of the invoice, receipt or tax receipt as proof of purchase.
Including the event in which the customer is unable to produce the invoice, receipt or tax receipt proof of purchase or the terms outlined above are not complied with, the warranty is expressly forfeited in the following cases:
Faults or breakdowns of components caused by transport.
Damage deriving from inadequate electrical, hydraulic and gas supply systems compared to that provided in the installation manual, or anomalous operation of the same.
Damage deriving from the incorrect product installation, or installation not in accordance with the installation manual and, in particular, damage due to inadequacy of the flues and drains to which the product itself is connected.
Use of the product for purposes other than its intended use, as specified and resulting from the technical documentation issued by .
Damage due to the use of the Product not in accordance with the instructions in the use and maintenance manual.
Tampering with the product.
Product adjustment, maintenance and repair interventions are carried out by unqualified personnel.
Use of non-original spare parts or not authorized by .
Damage or defects caused by negligent and/or imprudent use of the product, or in contrast with the instructions prescribed by the use and maintenance manual.
Damage caused by fire or other natural events and, in any case, by fortuitous events or any other cause beyond the manufacturer’s control.
Damage to components subject to normal wear that require to be periodically replaced.
Also excluded from the warranty: painted or enameled parts, knob handles, mobile or removal plastic parts, light bulbs, glass parts, gaskets, electronic parts and any accessory parts and transport from the consumers, final user, and/or purchases location to and
vice versa. Replacement costs of the oven and relative installation expenses are also excluded from the warranty. The warranty does not cover Products purchased as used or from third parties who are not connected to or authorized by shall not be held liable for damage, either direct or indirect, caused by a product fault or as the result of the forced suspension of operation.
Repairs under warranty do not result in the extension or renewal of coverage.
Components replaced under warranty are, in turn, covered by a 6-month warranty from the shipping date, certified by the transport document issued by.
No one is authorized to change the warranty terms and conditions or to issue others, neither verbal nor written.


keep and ensures the availability of spare parts for a maximum of months from the date of sale of the finished product to the dealer. Availability cannot be guaranteed after said period. Without prior notice and liability the products presented in the manual may be subject to technical and design changes for the purposes of improvement, without
affecting the essential features relating to operation and safety. shall not be held liable for any inaccuracy due to printing or clerical errors affecting instruments, and in the technical and commercial description of its products to customers.



+31 (0) 297 253 969



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