DeltaOHM LPPYRHE16 Light Meteorology Weather Station Pyrheliometer Instruction Manual
- June 5, 2024
- DeltaOHM
Table of Contents
- INTRODUCTION ** DeltaOHM LPPYRHE16 Light Meteorology Weather Station
- ****
- Introduction
- Procedure:
- References
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INTRODUCTION ** DeltaOHM LPPYRHE16 Light Meteorology Weather Station
The pyrheliometer LPPYRHE16 measures direct solar irradiance (W/m2). The receiving surface must be positioned perpendicularly to sun’s rays, via a solar tracker or else. The use of apposite diaphragms allows only direct light to hit the surface of the sensor.LPPYRHE16 is a B class pyrheliometer in accordance with ISO 9060:2018 standard and with the criteria of the WMO “Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation”, seventh edition (2008). The pyrheliometer has a field of view of 5°, in accordance with ISO 9060:2018 standard and WMO guide. The pyrheliometer is available in the following versions:
- LPPYRHE16AC: ACTIVE with 4..20 mA CURRENT output
- LPPYRHE16AV: ACTIVE with 0..1 or 0..5 or 0..10 V VOLTAGE output to be de-fined when ordering.
- LPPYRHE16S: With RS485 Modbus-RTU output.The pyrheliometer is supplied factory calibrated and with a calibration report.
The pyrheliometer LPPYRHE16 is based on a passive thermopile sensor. The
sensitive surface of the thermopile is coated with a matt black paint, which
makes the pyrheliometer not selective to the different wavelengths. The
spectral range of the pyrheliometer is determined by the transmission of the
quartz window, whose function is to protect the sensor from dust and water.
Special quartz allows performing a non-selective measurement from 250 nm to
4000 nm. The adopted sensor allows the response time to be lower than ISO
9060:2018 requirements for the classification of class B pyrheliometers (the
response time is un-der 9 seconds while the standard requires a response time
lower than 15 seconds). Radiant energy is absorbed by the blackened surface of
the thermopile, thus creating a difference in temperature between the hot
junction and the body of the pyrheliometer, which acts in this case as a cold
junction. Thanks to the Seebeck effect, the difference in temperature between
hot and cold junction is converted into a Difference of Potential. In order to
reduce the variations of sensitivity depending on temperature and to fall
within the specifications requested to a class B pyrheliometer, LPPYRHE16 is
provided with a passive compensation circuit. Figure 2.1 shows the typical
variation of sensitivity at different temperatures. Deviations are calculated
starting from sensitivity measured at 20 °C.
Fig. 2.1: % variation of the sensitivity of the LPPYRHE16 pyrheliometer with
regard to sensitivity at 20 °C in the temperature range from -20 to 50 °C
LPPYRHE16 is a sealed instrument, for that reason a cartridge of silica-gel
crystals is provided to absorb humidity inside the instrument, in order to
prevent condensation from forming on the quartz window of the instrument,
invalidating the performed measurements.In accordance with WMO regulations,
the angular field of view is 5° and the slope an-gle is 1° (figure
Fig. 2.2: field of view and slope angle A light shield can be inserted, in order to reduce light scattering contribution. For spectral measurements of direct solar irradiance, which are useful for the determination of the spectral thickness in the atmosphere, the pyrheliometer LPPYRHE16 can be provided with an optional kit consisting of an appropriate light shield (which allows assemblage of the filter wheel) plus a revolving filters wheel. The filters wheel is equipped with the filters below:
Filter Type
| Cutoff wave length [nm]|
Average transmission coefficient
Lambda short waves| Lambda long waves
OG 530| 526| 2900| 0.92
RG 630| 630| 2900| 0.92
RG 695| 695| 2900| 0.92
Fig. 2.3: scheme of principle LPPYRHE16 (version with mV output)
Before installing the pyrheliometer, refill the cartridge containing silica- gel crystals. Silica gel absorbs humidity inside the instrument and prevents, in particular climatic conditions, condensation on the internal wall of the quartz window and measurement alteration.Do not touch the silica gel crystals with your hands while refilling the cartridge. Carry out the following instructions in an environment as drier as possible:
- Unscrew the silica gel cartridge using a coin.
- Remove the cartridge perforated cap.
- Open the sachet containing silica gel (supplied with the pyrheliometer).
- Fill the cartridge with the silica gel crystals.
- Close the cartridge with its own cap, paying attention that the sealing O-ring be properly positioned.
- Screw the cartridge to the pyrheliometer body using a coin.
- Check that the cartridge is screwed tightly (if not, silica gel life will be reduced).
- The pyrheliometer is ready for use. The figure below shows the operations necessary to fill the cartridge with the silica gel crystals.
- The pyrheliometer must be mounted in an easy-to-reach location in order to clean the quartz window regularly and carry out maintenance. At the same time, make sure that no buildings, constructions, trees or obstructions intercept the sun’s path during the day all year long.
- To point the pyrheliometer, the two holes in the front and back flange are used. To properly align the instrument, just make sure that the sun’s beams that pass through the first hole (on the front flange of the pyrheliometer) reach the second hole (on the back flange).
LPPYRHE16, LPPYRHE16AC and LPPYRHE16AV have a 4-pole connector and use the
CPM12AA4… optional cables in UV resistant PTFE, with the 4-pole connector on
one side and open wires on the other side.LPPYRHE16S has a 8-pole connector
and uses the CPM12-8D… optional cables in UV resistant PTFE, with the 8-pole
connector on one side and open wires on the other side.The metallic housing of
the pyrheliometer should preferably be grounded ( ) locally. In this case, do
not connect the wire of the cable corresponding to the housing to prevent
ground loops.
Only if it is not possible to ground locally the metallic case of the
pyrheliometer, connect the wire of the cable corresponding to the housing to
the ground ( ).
The wire of the cable corresponding to the housing depends on the model: white wire in LPPYRHE16 and LPPYRHE16AC, black wire (cable shield) in LPPYRHE16S. In LPPYR-HE16AV the housing is not connected directly to the connector.
Connector | Function | Color |
1 | Vout (+) | Red |
2 | Vout (-) | Blue |
3 | Housing | White |
4 | Cable shield | Black |
The pyrheliometer LPPYRHE16 is passive and does not require power supply. It
is to be connected either to a millivoltmeter or to a data acquisition system.
Typically, the pyranometer output signal does not exceed 20 mV. In order to
better exploit the pyrheliometer features, the readout instrument should have
1 µV resolution.
**** | Function | Color |
1 | Positive (Iin) | Red |
2 | Negative (Iout) | Blue |
3 | Housing | White |
4 | Cable shield | Black |
The pyrheliometer LPPYRHE16AC has 4…20 mA output and requires 10…30 Vdc
external power supply. It is to be connected to a power supply and an
instrument with 4…20 mA input as shown in fig. 4.2. The load resistance of the
instrument reading the signal must be ≤ 500 Ω.
Connector | Function | Color |
1 | Output positive (+Vout) | Red |
2 | Output negative (-Vout) Power supply negative (GND) | Blue |
3 | Power supply positive (+Vdc) | White |
4 | Cable shield | Black |
The pyrheliometer LPPYRHE16AV has 0…1 V, 0…5 V or 0…10 V output (depending
on the ordered output) and requires external power supply: 10…30 Vdc for 0…1 V
and 0…5 V outputs, 15…30 Vdc for 0…10 V output. It is to be connected to a
power supply and an instrument with voltage input as shown in fig. 4.3. The
load resistance of the instrument reading the signal must be ≥ 100 kΩ.
Connector | Function | Color |
1 | Power supply negative (GND) | Blue |
2 | Power supply positive (+Vdc) | Red |
3 | Not connected | |
4 | RS485 A/- | Brown |
5 | RS485 B/+ | White |
6 | Housing | Shield (Black) |
7 | Not connected | |
8 | Not connected |
The pyrheliometer LPPYRHE16S has RS485 Modbus-RTU output and requires 5…30
Vdc external power supply. It is to be connected to a power supply and to a
PLC, a data logger or a RS485/USB or RS485/RS232 converter for PC as shown in
fig. 4.4. The RS485 output is not isolated. Before connecting the
pyrheliometer to the RS485 network, set the address and the communication
parameters, if different from the factory preset (see chapter 6).
Below are the ways to calculate the direct irradiance in the models with analog output LPPYRHE16, LPPYRHE16AC and LPPYRHE16AV.
Each pyrheliometer is distinguished by its own sensitivity (or calibration
factor) S ex-pressed in µV/(Wm-2) and shown in the label on the pyrheliometer
(and in the calibration report).
The irradiance Ee is obtained by measuring with a multimeter the difference of
potential DDP at the ends of the sensor and applying the following formula:Ee
= DDP / S where: Ee is the irradiance expressed in W/m2;DDP is the difference
of potential expressed in µV measured by the multimeter; S is the sensitivity
of the pyrheliometer expressed in µV/(Wm-2).
The 4…20 mA output signal corresponds to the 0…2000 W/m2 irradiance range.
The irradiance Ee is obtained by measuring with a multimeter the current Iout
absorbed by the sensor and applying the following formula: Ee = 125 • (Iout –
4) where: Ee is the irradiance expressed in W/m2; Iout is the current
expressed in mA absorbed by the pyrheliometer.
The output signal (0…1 V, 0…5 V or 0…10 V depending on the version)
corresponds to the 0…2000 W/m2 irradiance range.The irradiance Ee is obtained
by measuring with a multimeter the output voltage Vout of the sensor and
applying the following formula:
- Ee = 2000 for the version 0…1 V
- Vout Ee = 400 for the version 0…5 V
- Vout Ee = 200 Vout for the version 0…10 V
where:Ee is the irradiance expressed in W/m2; Vout is the output voltage expressed in V measured by the multimeter.
Before connecting the pyrheliometer to the RS485 network, an address must be assigned and the communication parameters must be set, if different from the factory preset.
Connect the pyrheliometer to the PC in one of the following two ways:
- By using the optional CP24 cable, with built-in RS485/USB converter. In this connection mode, the sensor is powered by the PC USB port. To use the cable, it is necessary to install the related USB drivers in the PC.
- By using the supplied 8-pole M12 female connector or the optional CPM12-8D… cable and a generic RS485/USB or RS485/RS232 converter. In this connection mode, it is necessary to power the pyrheliometer separately. If an RS485/USB con-verter is used, it is necessary to install the related USB drivers in the PC.
NOTES ON THE INSTALLATION OF UNSIGNED USB DRIVER: before installing unsigned USB driver into operating systems starting from Windows 7, it is necessary to restart the PC by disabling the driver signing request. If the operating system is 64-bit, even after installation the request of driver signing have to be disabled each time the PC is restarted.
Start with the pyrheliometer not powered (if the CP24 cable is used, disconnect one end of the cable).
In the PC, start a serial communication program. Set the Baud Rate to 57600 and set the communication parameters as follows (the pyrheliometer is connected to a COM type port):In the program, set the COM port number to which the pyrheliometer will be con-nected.
Switch the pyrheliometer on (if the CP24 cable is used, connect both ends of the cable).
Within 10 seconds from the pyrheliometer power on, send the @ command and press Enter.
if the pyrheliometer does not receive the @ command within 10 seconds from power on, the RS485 MODBUS mode is automatically activated. In such a case, it is necessary to switch off and on again the pyrheliometer. -
Send the command CAL USER ON.
the command CAL USER ON is disabled after 5 minutes of inactivity. -
Send the serial commands given in the following table to set the RS485 MODBUS parameters:
Command| Response| Description
CMAnnn| &|| Set RS485 address to nnn Ranging from 1 to 247
Preset on 1
CMBn| &|| Set RS485 Baud Rate
n=0 Þ 9600 n=1 Þ 19200 n=2 Þ 38400
n=3 Þ 57600 n=4 Þ 115200
Preset on 1 Þ 19200
CMPn| &|| Set RS485 transmission mode
n=0 Þ 8-N-1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) n=1 Þ 8-N-2 (8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits) n=2 Þ 8-E-1 (8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit) n=3 Þ 8-E-2 (8 data bits, even parity, 2 stop bits) n=4 Þ 8-O-1 (8 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit) n=5 Þ 8-O-2 (8 data bits, odd parity, 2 stop bits)
Preset on 2 Þ 8-E-1
CMWn| &|| Set receiving mode after RS485 transmission
n=0 Þ Violate protocol and go in Rx mode right after Tx n=1 Þ Respect protocol and wait 3.5 characters after Tx
Preset on 1 Þ Respect the protocol
- You can check the parameters setting by sending the following serial commands:
Command| Response| Description
RMA| Address| Read RS485| address| | |
RMB| Baud Rate
| Read RS485
0 Þ 9600
3 Þ 57600
| Baud Rate
1 Þ 19200
4 Þ 115200
RMP| Tx Mode
| Read RS485 transmission mode
0 Þ 8-N-1
1 Þ 8-N-2
2 Þ 8-E-1
3 Þ 8-E-2
4 Þ 8-O-1
5 Þ 8-O-2
RMW| Rx Mode
| Read receiving mode after RS485 transmission
0 Þ Violate protocol and go in Rx mode right after Tx 1 Þ Respect protocol and wait 3.5 characters after Tx
it is not required to send the CAL USER ON command to read the settings.
In MODBUS mode, you can read the values measured by the pyrheliometer through the function code 04h (Read Input Registers). The following table lists the quantities available with the appropriate register number and address:
Number | Address | Quantity | Format |
3 | 2 | Solar radiation in W/m2 | 16-bit Integer |
4 | 3 | Status register: |
bit0=1 Þ solar radiation measurement error bit2=1 Þ configuration data error
bit3=1 Þ program memory error
| 16-bit Integer
5| 4| Average values of the last 4 measurements| 16-bit Integer
6| 5| Signal generated by the sensor in µV/10 [e.g.: 816 means 8160 µV, the
resolution is 10 µV]| 16-bit Integer
Register address = Register number – 1, as defined in the Modbus standard.
the pyrheliometer enters RS485 MODBUS-RTU mode after 10 sec-onds from power
on. In the first 10 seconds from power on the pyrheliometer does not reply to
requests from the MODBUS master unit. After 10 seconds, it is possible to send
MODBUS requests to the pyrheliometer.
In order to grant measurements high accuracy, it is important to keep the
quartz win-dow clean. Consequently, the more the window will be kept clean,
the more meas-urements will be accurate.
You can wash it using water and standard papers for lens. If necessary, use
pure ETHYL alcohol. After using alcohol, clean again the window with water
only. Because of the high temperature changes between day and night, some
condensation might appear on the pyrheliometer window. In this case the
performed reading is highly over-estimated. To minimize the condensation, the
pyrheliometer is provided with a cartridge containing dessicant material
(silica-gel). The efficiency of the silica-gel crystals decreases over time
while absorbing humidity. Silica-gel crystals are effi-cient when their color
is yellow, while they turn white/translucent as soon as they loose their
efficiency. Read instructions at chapter 3 about how to replace the silica-gel
crystals. Silica-gel typical lifetime goes from 2 to 6 months depending on the
envi-ronment where the pyrheliometer works.To exploit all the pyrheliometer
features, it is highly recommended that the calibration be checked annually.
Sensor | Thermopile |
Typical sensitivity | 5 µV/Wm-2 |
Impedance | 5÷50 W |
Measuring range | 0÷2000 W/m2 |
Viewing angle | 5° (slope 1°) |
Spectral range (50%) | 200÷4000 nm |
Operating temperature/humidity | -40÷80 °C / 0÷100% |
Output | Analog in µV/Wm-2 (LP PYRHE16) Analog 4÷20 mA (LPPYRHE16AC) |
Analog 0÷1 V, 0÷5 V or 0÷10 V (LPPYRHE16AV)
Digital RS485 Modbus-RTU (LPPYRHE16S)
Power supply| 10÷30 Vdc (LPPYRHE16AC and LPPYRHE16AV
with 0÷1 V and 0÷5 V output)
15÷30 Vdc (LPPYRHE16AV with 0÷10 V output) 5÷30 Vdc (LPPYRHE16S)
Connection| 4-pole M12 connector (LPPYRHE16, LPPYRHE16AC and LPPYRHE16AV)
8-pole M12 connector (LPPYRHE16S)
Dimensions| Fig. 3.2
Weight| 1.5 kg
Technical Specifications According to ISO 9060:2018
Response time (95%) | < 9 s |
Zero offset in response to a 5 K/h change in ambiente temperature |
Long-term instability (1 year)| <½±1½ %
Non-linearity| <½±0.5½ %
Spectral selectivity| < ½±1½ %
Temperature response| < ½±2½ %
Tilt response| <½±0.5½ %
General safety instructions
The instrument has been manufactured and tested in accordance with the
safety standard EN61010-1:2010 “Safety requirements for electrical equipment
for meas-urement, control and laboratory use” and has left the factory in
perfect safety technical conditions. The instrument proper operation and
operating safety can be ensured only if all standard safety measures, as well
as the specific measures described in this manual, are followed. The
instrument’s proper operation and operating safety can be ensured only in the
cli-matic conditions specified in this manual. Do not use the instruments in
places where there are:
- Corrosive or flammable gases.
- Direct vibrations or shocks to the instrument.
- High-intensity electromagnetic fields, static electricity.
User obligations
The instrument operator shall follow the directives and regulations below
that refer to the treatment of dangerous materials:
- EEC directives on workplace safety.
- National law regulations on workplace safety.
- Accident prevention regulations.
B class pyrheliometer according to ISO 9060:2018. Complete with light
shield, cartridge for silica-gel crystals, 3 spare sachets, M12 4-pole
connector and Calibration Report. CPM12AA4… cable has to be ordered
B class pyrheliometer according to ISO 9060:2018. Complete with light
shield, cartridge for silica-gel crystals, 3 spare sachets, M12 4-pole
connector and Calibration Report. Output 4…20 mA. Power supply 10…30 Vdc.
CPM12AA4… cable has to be or-dered separately.
B class pyrheliometer according to ISO 9060:2018. Complete with light
shield, cartridge for silica-gel crystals, 3 spare sachets, M12 4-pole
connector and Calibration Report. Output 0…1 Vdc, 0…5 Vdc or 0…10 Vdc (to be
defined when ordering). Power sup-ply 10…30 Vdc for the versions with output
0…1 Vdc and 0…5 Vdc, 15…30 Vdc for the version with output 0…10 Vdc. CPM12AA4…
cable has to be ordered separately.
B class pyrheliometer according to ISO 9060:2018. Complete with light shield,
cartridge for silica-gel crystals, 3 spare sachets, M12 8-pole connector and
Calibration Report. RS485 Modbus-RTU output. Power supply 5…30 Vdc. CPM12-8D…
cable has to be ordered separately.
**CPM12AA4.2:** Cable with 4-pole M12 connector on one end, open wires on the other end. Length 2 m.
CPM12AA4.5: Cable with 4-pole M12 connector on one end, open wires on the other end. Length 5 m.
CPM12AA4.10: Cable with 4-pole M12 connector on one end, open wires on the other end. Length 10 m.
CPM12-8D.2: Cable with 8-pole M12 connector on one end, open wires on the other end. Length 2 m.
CPM12-8D.5: Cable with 8-pole M12 connector on one end, open wires on the other end. Length 5 m.
CPM12-8D.10: Cable with 8-pole M12 connector on one end, open wires on the other end. Length 10 m.
CP24: PC connecting cable for the RS485 MODBUS parameters configuration of the LPPYRHE16S pyrheliometers. With built-in RS485/USB converter. 8-pole M12 connector on instrument side and A-type USB connector on PC side.Kit consisting of revolving filter wheel (5 positions) with 3 Shott filters (OG530, RG630, RG695), light shield and accessories to fix the wheel to the KIT16.16: pyrheliometer. Cartridge to contain desiccant silica-gel crystals, complete with O-ring and cap. Spare part. -
DELTA OHM metrology laboratories LAT N° 124 are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited by ACCREDIA for Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Photometry / Radiometry, Acoustics and Air Velocity. They can supply calibration certificates for the accredited quantities.
All DELTA OHM instruments are subject to accurate testing and are
guaranteed for 24 months from the date of purchase. DELTA OHM will repair or
replace free of charge the parts that, within the warranty period, shall be
deemed nonefficient according to its own judgment. Complete replacement is
excluded and no damage claims are accepted. The DELTA OHM guarantee only
covers instrument repair. The guarantee is void in case of incidental breakage
during transport, negligence, misuse, or connection to a different voltage
than that required for the appliance by the operator. Finally, a product
repaired or tampered by unauthorized third parties is excluded from the
guarantee. The instrument shall be returned FREE OF SHIPMENT CHARGES to your
dealer. The jurisdiction of Padua applies in any dispute.The electrical and
electronic equipment marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of in public
landfills. According to the Directive 2011/65/EU, the European users of
electrical and electronic equipment can return it to the dealer or
manufacturer upon purchase of a new one. The illegal disposal of electrical
and electronic equipment is punished with an administrative fine. This
guarantee must be sent together with the instrument to our service center.
Guarantee is valid only if the coupon has been correctly filled in all
details.The quality level of our instruments is the result of the constant
development of the product. This may produce some differences between the
information written in this manual and the instrument you have purchased. We
cannot completely exclude the possibility of errors in the manual, for which
we apologize.
The data, images and descriptions included in this manual cannot be legally
asserted. We reserve the right to make changes and corrections with no prior
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