levenhuk Blitz 70 PLUS Telescopes User Manual

June 5, 2024

levenhuk Blitz 70 PLUS Telescopes


1a. Levenhuk Blitz 76 PLUS, Levenhuk Blitz 114 PLUS, Levenhuk Blitz 203


1b. Levenhuk Blitz 114s PLUS

1c. Levenhuk Blitz 70 PLUS, Levenhuk Blitz 80


1d. Levenhuk Blitz 80s PLUS

  1.  Dew cap
  2. Focuser
  3. Finderscope bracket
  4. Finderscope
  5.  Finderscope adjustment screws
  6. objective lens
  7.  Telescope tube
  8.  Ring clamps
  9.  Primary mirror
  10.  Eyepiece
  11.  Diagonal mirror
  12.  Focusing knob
  13.  Mounting plate
  14.  Declination axis scale
  15.  R.A. axis scale
  16.  R.A. slow-motion control
  17. Counterweight
  18. Counterweight lock screw
  19.  Declination slow-motion control
  20. Latitude adjustment bolt
  21. Counterweight bar
  22. Latitude lock knob
  23. Tripod leg
  24.  Accessory tray
  25. Tripod lock knob
  •  Long
  • Short
  1. Diagonal mirror

  2. Barlow lens

  3.  Eyepiece

  4. R.A. adjustment

  5. Altitude adjustment (up-down)

  6. Azimuth adjustment (left-right)

  7. R.A. scale

  8. Dec. adjustment

  9. R.A. slow-motion control

  10.  R.A. adjustment

  11.  Dec. slow-motion control

  12.  Big Dipper

  13.  Little Dipper

  14.  Polaris

  15.  NCP (North Celestial Pole)

  16.  Cassiopeia

  17.  β Crucis

  18.  R.A. lock knob

  19.  R.A. settling circle

  20.  Arrow

  21.  Zenith

  22.  Meridian

  23.  Latitude

  24.  Nadir

  25.  N E S W

  26.  Right Ascension

  27.  Meridian line

  28.  Plane of Celestial Equator

  29.  Polaris

  30.  Plane of local horizon

  31.  Object you are viewing

  32. Apparent movement of stars

  33.  Mount aligned on North Celestial Pole

  34. Declination

Never look directly at the Sun — even for an instant — through your telescope or finderscope without a professionally made solar filter that completely covers the front of the instrument, or permanent eye damage may result. To avoid damage to the internal parts of your telescope, make sure the front end of the finderscope is covered with aluminum foil or another non-transparent material. Children should use the telescope under adult supervision only.All parts of the telescope will arrive in one box. Be careful when unpacking it. We recommend keeping the original shipping containers. In the event that the telescope needs to be shipped to another location, having the proper shipping containers will help ensure that your telescope survives the journey intact. Be sure to check the box carefully, as some parts are small. All screws should be tightened securely to eliminate flexing and wobbling, but be careful not to overtighten them, as that may strip the threads. During assembly (and anytime, for that matter), do not touch the surfaces of the optical elements with your fingers. The optical surfaces have delicate coatings on them that can easily be damaged if touched. Never remove lenses or mirrors from their housing, or the product warranty will be null and void.

Telescope optical system and construction
Levenhuk Blitz PLUS is a series of modern telescopes for entry-level and amateur astronomers. Reflectors are good for studying solar system and bright deep-sky objects, while refractor telescopes are suitable for planetary observations as well as for studying terrestrial objects.This user manual is applicable to several reflector telescopes (fig. 1a, 1b) and refractor telescopes (fig. 1c, 1d) on equatorial mounts. Read the user manual carefully to find the information about the assembling and adjustment of your telescope model, and carefully follow the instructions.

Telescope assembly

  •  Slowly loosen the tripod locking knobs and gently pull out the lower section of each tripod leg. Tighten the clamps to hold the legs in place. Spread the tripod legs apart to stand the tripod upright.
  •  Adjust the height of each tripod leg until the tripod head is properly leveled. Note that the tripod legs may not be the same length when the equatorial mount is leveled.
  •  Place the accessory tray on top of the bracket, and secure it with thumbscrews from underneath. Attach the equatorial mount to the tripod head.
  •  Turn the azimuth adjustment knob up and tighten the knurled knob underneath the tripod head to secure mount to tripod (fig. 2).
  •  Orient the mount vertically.
  •  Loosen the Dec. lock knob. Rotate the mount 180°.
  •  Loosen the R.A. lock knob located on the opposite side. Rotate the mount 180°.
  •  Loosen the latitude lock knob. Set the angle according to your location latitude. Rotate the mount 180°.
  •  Retighten the Dec. and R.A. lock knobs (fig. 3).
  •  Slide the counterweights halfway along the counterweight bar.
  •  Holding the counterweights with one hand, screw the counterweight bar into the threaded hole on the mount. Tighten the locknut on the counterweight bar until it is locked.
  •  Attach the slow-motion control to the worm gear mechanism. Tighten the locking screws to secure the control in place (fig. 4a).
  • Telescope tube without ring clamps
  • Place the telescope tube at the saddle and balance it. Fix the telescope tube with the lock knobs provided (fig. 4a).
  • Telescope tube with ring clamp(s)
  •  Remove the ring clamps from the telescope by releasing their thumbscrews and opening their hinges.
  •  Using the bolts provided, fasten the ring clamps to the mount with a wrench.
  •  Place the telescope tube between the rings and balance it.
  •  Close the hinges around the telescope and retighten the thumbscrews. Do not overtighten (fig. 4b).

Optical accessories assembly
Your telescope can be equipped with additional accessories, such as eyepieces, diagonal mirror or prism, or a Barlow lens. The accessories should be installed in well-defined ordering.Refractors (fig. 5a): Loosen the focuser thumbscrew. Insert the diagonal mirror into the focuser tube and retighten the thumbscrew to hold the diagonal mirror in place. Then, insert the desired eyepiece into the diagonal mirror and secure it by retightening the thumbscrew. If a Barlow lens is needed, install it between the diagonal mirror and the eyepiece. You can use the erecting eyepiece to get a direct image.Reflectors (fig. 5b): Loosen the focuser thumbscrew and take off the plastic cap from the focuser tube. Insert the selected eyepiece and secure it by retightening the thumbscrew. If a Barlow lens is needed, install it between the focuser and the eyepiece.

Optical finderscope assembly and alignment
Unthread two screws in the back of the telescope tube. Place the finderscope base above the holes on the tube. Lock the finderscope base into position by tightening the screws (fig. 6).Optical finderscopes are very useful accessories. When they are correctly aligned with the telescope, objects can be quickly located and brought to the center of the view. Turn the scope end in and out to adjust focus (fig. 8a).To align the finderscope, choose a distant object that is at least 550 yards (500 meters) away and point the telescope at the object. Adjust the telescope so that the object is in the center of the view inyour eyepiece. Check the finderscope to see if the object is also centered on the crosshairs. Use three adjustment screws to center the finderscope crosshairs on the object (fig. 8b).

Slowly rotate the focus knobs one way or the other until the image in the eyepiece is sharp. The image usually has to be finely refocused over time due to small variations caused by temperature changes, flexures, etc. Refocusing is almost always necessary when you change an eyepiece, add or remove a Barlow lens (refractor 7a, reflector 7b).

Balancing the telescope
A telescope should be balanced before each observing session. Balancing reduces stress on the telescope mount and allows precise slow-motion movements. A balanced telescope is especially crucial when using the optional clock drive for astrophotography. The telescope should be balanced after all accessories(eyepiece, camera, etc.) have been attached. Before balancing your telescope, make sure that your tripod is balanced and on a stable surface. For photography, point the telescope in the direction you will be taking photos before performing the balancing steps.
R.A. Balancing

  •  For best results, adjust the altitude of the mount to between 15° and 30° if possible, by using the altitude adjustment T-bolt. Slowly unlock the R.A. and Dec. lock knobs. Rotate the telescope until both the optical tube and the counterweight rod are horizontal to the ground, and the telescope tube is to the side of the mount.

  •  Tighten the Dec. lock knob.

  •  Move the counterweights along the counterweight rod until the telescope is balanced and remains stationary when released.

  •  Tighten the counterweight screws to secure the counterweights.
    Dec. Balancing

  • All accessories should be attached to the telescope before R.A. balancing, and the R.A. balancing should be done before proceeding with Dec. balancing. For best results, adjust the altitude of the mount to between 60° and 75° if possible.

  •  Release the R.A. lock knob and rotate around the R.A. axis so that the counterweight rod is in a horizontal position. Tighten the R.A. lock knob.

  •  Unlock the Dec. lock knob and rotate the telescope tube until it is parallel to the ground.

  •  Slowly release the telescope and determine in which direction it rotates. Loosen the tube clamps or ring clamps and slide the telescope tube forward or backward between the rings until it is balanced.

  •  Once the telescope no longer rotates from its parallel starting position, retighten the tube clamps or ring clamps and the Dec. lock knob. Reset the altitude axis to your local latitude.

Operating the mount

The mount has controls for both conventional altitude (up-down) and azimuth (left-right) directions of motion. These two adjustments are suggested for large direction changes and for terrestrial viewing. To adjust azimuth, loosen the big knob under the mount base and rotate the mount head about the azimuth axis. Use the altitude adjustment T-bolts to set the required altitude.In addition, the equatorial mount has R.A. (hour angle) and Dec. controls for polar-aligned astronomical observing. Loosen the lock knobs to make large direction changes. Use the slow-motion controls for fine adjustment after the lock knobs have both been locked. An additional scale is included for the altitude axis. This allows polar alignment at your local latitude (fig. 9).

Polar adjustment
In order for your telescope to track objects in the sky you have to align your mount. This means tilting the head over so that it points to the North (or South) celestial pole. For people in the Northern Hemisphere this is rather easy as the bright star Polaris is very near the North Celestial Pole. For casual observing, rough polar alignment is adequate. Make sure your equatorial mount is leveled and the finderscope is aligned with the telescope before beginning.
Look up your latitude on a map, road maps are good for this purpose. Now look at the side of your mount head, there you will see a scale running from 0 to 90°. Loosen the mount latch slightly rotating the lock handle counterclockwise. A thumbscrew located underneath the mount head pushes the latch plate, thus changing the angle. Turn the screw until the pointer on the latitude scale is set at the latitude of your observation site (fig. 10).
Loosen the Dec. lock knob and rotate the telescope tube until the pointer on the setting circle reads 90°. Retighten the Dec. lock knob. Loosen the azimuth lock knob and move the mount so that the R.A. axis points roughly at Polaris. Use the two azimuth adjustment knobs above the “N” to make fine adjustments in azimuth if needed. For more accurate alignment, look through the finderscope and center the Polaris on the crosshairs using the azimuth and latitude adjustment knobs (fig. 11).

After a while you will notice your target drifting slowly North or South depending on the direction ofthe pole relative to Polaris. To keep the target in the center of the view, turn only the R.A. slow-motion control.After your telescope is polar aligned, no further adjustments in the azimuth and latitude of the mount should be made in the observing session, nor should you move the tripod. Only movements in R.A. and DEC axis should be made in order to keep an object in the field. In the Southern Hemisphere you must align the mount to the SCP by locating its position with star patterns, without the convenience of a nearby bright star. The closest star is the faint 5.5-mag. Sigma Octantis which is about one degree away. Two sets of pointers which help to locate the SCP are α and β Crucis (in the Southern Cross) and a pointer running at a right angle to a line connecting α and β Centauri.

Tracking celestial objects
When observing through a telescope, astronomical objects appear to move slowly through the telescope’s field of view. When the mount is correctly polar aligned, you only need to turn the R.A. slow-motion control to follow or track objects as they move through the field. A R.A. motor drive can be added to automatically track celestial objects by counteracting the rotation of Earth. If the object is too faint you may want to use setting circles on an equatorial mount. Setting circles allow you to locate celestial objects whose celestial coordinates have been determined from star charts.
The telescope’s R.A. setting circle is scaled in hours, from 1 to 24, with small lines in between representing 10 minute increments. The upper set of numbers applies to observations in the Northern Hemisphere, while the numbers below them apply to observations in the Southern Hemisphere.Setting (calibrating) the R.A. setting circle: in order to set your Right Ascension circle you must first find a star in your field of view with known coordinates. A good one would be the 0.0 magnitude star Vega in the Constellation Lyra. From a star chart we know the R.A. coordinate of Vega is 18h 36m.

Loosen the R.A. and DEC. lock knobs on the mount and adjust the telescope so that Vega is centered in the field of view of the eyepiece. Tighten the R.A. and Dec. lock knobs to lock the mount in place. Now rotate the R.A. setting circle until it reads 18h 36m. You are now ready to use the setting circles to find objects in the sky (fig. 12). A German Equatorial mount has an adjustment, sometimes called a wedge, which tilts the mount’s polar axis so that it points at the appropriate Celestial Pole (NCP or SCP). Once the mount has been polar aligned, it needs to be rotated around the polar axis only to keep an object centered. Do not reposition the mount base or change the latitude setting. The mount has already been correctly aligned for your geographical location (i.e. Latitude), and all remaining telescope pointing is done by rotating the telescope tube around the polar (R.A.) and declination axes (fig. 13).
A problem for many beginners is recognizing that a polar-aligned, equatorial mount acts like an alt-azimuth mount which has been aligned to a celestial pole. The wedge tilts the mount to an angle equal to the observer’s Latitude, and therefore it swivels around a plane which is parallel to the celestial (and Earth’s) equator. This is now its “horizon”; but remember that part of the new horizon is usually blocked by Earth. This new “azimuth” motion is called Right Ascension (R.A.). In addition, the mount swivels North (+) and South (−) from the Celestial Equator towards the celestial poles. This plus or minus “altitude” from the celestial equator is called Declination (Dec.).
Now, consider pointing the telescope to the western or eastern horizon. If the counterweight is pointing North, the telescope can be swiveled from one horizon to the other around the Dec. axis in an arc that passes through the NCP (any Dec. arc will pass through the NCP if the mount is polar-aligned). It can be seen then that if the optical tube needs to be pointed at an object north or south of this arc, it has to be also rotated around the R.A. axis. Pointing in any direction other than due North requires a combination of R.A. and Dec. positions.

Telescopes with long focal lengths often have a “blind spot” when pointing near the zenith, because the eyepiece-end of the optical tube bumps into the mount’s legs. To avoid this, the tube can be very carefully slipped up inside the ring clamps. This can be done safely because the tube is pointing almost vertically, and therefore moving it does not cause a Dec. balance problem. It is very important to move the tube back to the Dec. balanced position before observing other sky areas. Something which can also be a problem is that the optical tube often rotates so that the eyepiece, finderscope and the focusing knobs are in less convenient positions. The diagonal mirror can be rotated to adjust the eyepiece. However, to adjust the positions of the finderscope and focusing knobs, loosen the tube rings holding the telescope tube and gently rotate it. Do this when you are going to observe an area for while, as it is inconvenient to repeat every time you briefly go to a new area.

Finally, there are a few things to consider to ensure that you are comfortable during the viewing session. First is setting the height of the mount above the ground by adjusting the tripod legs. You must consider the height that you want your eyepiece to be, and if possible plan on sitting on a comfortable chair or stool. Very long optical tubes need to be mounted higher or you will end up crouching or lying on the ground when looking at objects near the zenith. However, a short optical tube can be mounted lower so that there is less movement due to vibration sources, such as wind. This is something that should be decided before going through the effort of polar aligning the mount.


 | Blitz 70 PLUS| Blitz 76 PLUS| Blitz 80s PLUS| Blitz 80 PLUS| Blitz 114s PLUS| Blitz 114 PLUS| Blitz 203 PLUS

Optical design

| ****


| Newtonian


| ****


| ****


| Newtonian


| Newtonian


| Newtonian


Optics material| optical glass with anti-reflective coating
Aperture, mm| 70| 76| 80| 80| 114| 114| 203
Focal length,


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


Highest practical power, x| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


Focal ratio| f/12.8| f/9| f/5| f/11| f/4.4| f/7.9| f/4
Tube material| metal
Mount| EQ2| EQ2| EQ1| EQ1| EQ3| EQ3| EQ4
Eyepiece barrel diameter| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****


| ****



| aluminium,


| aluminium,


| aluminium,


| aluminium,


| aluminium,


| aluminium,


| aluminium,


Accessory tray| +
Finderscope| 5×24, optical| 5×24, optical| 5×24, optical| 5×24, optical| 6×30, optical| 6×30, optical| 6×30, optical


| 4mm 12.5mm 20mm| 4mm 12.5mm 20mm| 6mm 25mm| 4mm 12.5mm 20mm| 10mm 25mm| 10mm 25mm| 6.5mm 25mm
Diagonal mirror| 90°| —| 45°| 90°| —| —| —
Barlow lens| 3x| 2x| —| 3x| —| 2x| —
Erecting Eyepiece| ****


| ****

| ****

| ****


| ****

| ****

| ****

Moon filter| —| —| —| —| —| +| +

The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the product range and specifications without prior notice.

Care and maintenance

  •  Never, under any circumstances, look directly at the Sun through this device without a special filter, or look at another bright source of light or at a laser, as it may cause PERMANENT RETINAL DAMAGE and may lead to BLINDNESS.
  •  Take the necessary precautions when using the device with children or others who have not read or who do not fully understand these instructions.
  •  Do not try to disassemble the device on your own for any reason. For repairs and cleaning of any kind, please contact your local specialized service center.
  •  Stop using the device if the lens fogs up. Do not wipe the lens! Remove moisture with a hair dryer or point the telescope downward until the moisture naturally evaporates.
  •  Protect the device from sudden impact and excessive mechanical force.
  •  Do not touch the optical surfaces with your fingers. Clean the lens surface with compressed air or a soft lens cleaning wipe. To clean the device exterior, use only the special cleaning wipes and special tools that are recommended for cleaning the optics.
  •  Store the device in a dry, cool place away from hazardous acids and other chemicals, away from heaters, open fire, and other sources of high temperatures.
  •  Replace the dust cap over the front end of the telescope whenever it is not in use. Always put eye-pieces in protective cases and cover them with caps. This prevents dust or dirt from settling on the mirror or lens surfaces.
  •  Lubricate the mechanical components with metal and plastic connecting parts. Components to be lubricated:
  •  Optical tube;
  •  Fine mechanics (focuser rail, telescope optical tube microfocuser);
  •  Mounting;
  •  Worm-and-worm pairs, bearings, cogs, threaded mounting gears.Use all-purpose silicon-based greases with an operating temperature range of −60 … +180°С (−76 … +356°F).
  •  If a part of the device or battery is swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.
  •  Children should use the device under adult supervision only.

Levenhuk International Lifetime Warranty

All Levenhuk telescopes, microscopes, binoculars, and other optical products, except for their accessories, carry a lifetime warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. A lifetime warranty is a guarantee on the lifetime of the product on the market. All Levenhuk accessories are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for six months from the purchase date. The warranty entitles you to the free repair or replacement of the Levenhuk product in any country where a Levenhuk office is located if all the warranty conditions are met. For further details, please visit: www.levenhuk.com/warranty
If warranty problems arise, or if you need assistance in using your product, contact the local Levenhuk branch.


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