RFID HF-3021E-RS232-USB 13.56 MHz Passive Tag Reader User Manual

June 5, 2024

RFID HF-3021E-RS232-USB 13.56 MHz Passive Tag Reader

RFID HF-3021E-RS232-USB 13.56 MHz Passive Tag

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This radio transmitter, with ISED certification number IC: 27875-RFIDINC1356 has been approved by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below, with the maximum permissible gain indicated. Antenna types not included in this list that have a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for any type listed are strictly prohibited for use with this device.

Section 1 – General Information

This manual provides information pertaining to the installation and operation of the Model HF-3020 13.56 MHz Reader. This series of Readers is available as a single-piece solution Reader + internal Antenna in an enclosure, or Reader with external Antenna as a two-piece solution, or as board-level PCBA components. See part numbers on a page

This Reader is unique in that it can operate with four different types of RFID Tag chips, ISO 15693, ISO 14443A, ISO 14443B, and NXP’s original Icode1 (the latter not being an ISO standard). Under these standards, there are varying amounts of Tag memory, all of which include a non-alterable UID (unique identification) section that acts as a RO (read-only) random identifier.

This Reader and the RFID tags can also be provided as a proprietary product for brand protection applications. This Reader is simple to use, plug & play, in that all commands and reports are represented in standard human-readable ASCII. It is not necessary to convert commands to hex nor translate the outputs from hex as this work is done in our processor.

The Reader operates as both a transmitter and receiver, providing a high- frequency electromagnetic field at 13.56 MHz to energize and activate an electronic transponder (RFID Tag). Once the Tag is energized it modulates its data back to the Reader which in turn detects and demodulates this data for delivery to the serial or USB port.

RFID HF-3021E-RS232-USB 13.56 MHz Passive Tag Reader-

Tag Memory

Generally, HF RFID passive Tag chips, containing a EEPROM with encoded data, have no finite life for read only operations and a finite life of 100k writes. There exist a plethora of HF Tag chips available on the market, thus Tag memory is not discussed in detail herein. RFID, Inc. can provide a specific memory organization map dependent upon the chip and size of memory you intend to use.
Data is represented in Hexadecimal and each byte will appear as two characters. The valid characters are 0 to 9 and A to F, so if a page has 8 bytes the reader will display it as 16 hexadecimal characters. If a block has 4 bytes the reader will display it as 8 hexadecimal characters.


The Transponder ID is 64 bits long (8 bytes). Example E0078077CDCD153E
Most ISO15693 transponders are divided in blocks of 4 bytes (32 bits) represented by 8 hexadecimal characters. Example 05 00000578
In some very rare cases, an ISO15693 transponder will be divided in blocks of 64 bits. The reader automatically recognizes these types of transponders and adjusts its data size to it. If you are not familiar with the block size of the transponder in use, it is recommended to read a block from it to discover the block size


The Transponder ID is 32 bits long (4 bytes). Example 008B78B5
Transponders are divided in pages of 8 bytes (64 bits) represented by 16 hexadecimal characters, when reading a page the reader first sends the two digit page number followed by a space and the 16 characters of data. Example

05 0000000000000056 Here are some examples of memory sizes available. With new chips being added to the market from time to time, this list may not be up to date.
ISO 15693 ISO 14443A ISO 14443B
256 bits 512 bits 1k bits
512 bits 320 Bytes 2k bits
576 bits 1k bits 4k bits
1k bits 4k Bytes 8k bits
2k bits 8k bits 16k bits
2k Bytes 32k bits
10k bits 64k bits

Here is an example of a memory map for a 1k bit (1024 bits) Tag

-2 Reserved for Control Bytes
--- ---
-1 Reserved for Write Access
0 32 bit data, 8 bytes
1 32 bit data, 8 bytes
2 32 bit data, 8 bytes
3 32 bit data, 8 bytes
4 32-bit data, 8 bytes
……. ……………………………..
24 32-bit data, 8 bytes
25 32-bit data, 8 bytes
26 32-bit data, 8 bytes
27 32-bit data, 8 bytes

Product Part Numbers & Accessories

Part Number Description
710-0231-01 Model HF-3021-RS232/USBPCB HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader, PCB level,

no enclosure, w/o Antenna
830-0007-00| Model HF-3021E-USB HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader, ABS housing, external Antenna needed
830-0007-00-IA| Model HF-3021E-USB-IA HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader ABS housing w/internal Antenna
830-0006-00-9PPJ| Model HF-3021E-RS232-9PPJ HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader, ABS housing, 9pin serial, power jack, needs ext Ant
830-0006-00-PJ| Model HF-3021E-RS232-PJ HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader, ABS housing, serial pigtails, power jack, needs ext Ant
830-0006-00-9P| Model HF-3021E-RS232-9P HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader, ABS housing, 9pin serial, power pigtails, needs ext Ant
830-0006-00| Model HF-3021E-RS232 HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader, ABS housing, pigtails both serial & power, needs ext Ant
830-0006-00-9PPJ-IA| Model HF-3021E-RS232-9PPJ HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader w/internal Antenna, ABS housing, 9pin serial, power jack
830-0006-00-PJ-IA| Model HF-3021E-RS232-PJ HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader w/internal Antenna, ABS housing, serial pigtails, power jack
830-0006-00-9P-IA| Model HF-3021E-RS232-9P HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader w/internal Antenna, ABS housing, 9pin serial, power pigtails
830-0006-00-IA| Model HF-3021E-RS232 HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader w/internal Antenna, ABS housing, pigtails both serial & power
830-0006-00-9PPJ| Model HF-3021E-RS232-9PPJ HF 13.56 MHz RFID Reader, ABS housing, 9pin serial, power jack, needs ext Ant
830-0719-02| Model 5102-6060 HF 13.56 MHz RFID Antenna, 60x60mm with 35mm diameter center hole, MMCX connector
830-0719-03| Model 5102-5050 HF 13.56 MHz RFID Antenna, 50x50mm with 25mm diameter center hole, MMCX connector
830-0719-04| Model 5102-18 HF 13.56 MHz RFID Antenna, 18mm diameter prox barrel
Power Supplies|
720-0004-07| Model PS12PT Regulated AC power supply w/pigtail wiring, 12 vdc 750 mA
720-0004-06| Model PS12PJ Regulated AC power supply w/power jack plug, 12 vdc 750 mA


The USB version of this Reader is powered over USB. For the serial version of this Reader, see the table below:

Description Min Typ Max Units
Input Voltage 8 24 Volts DC
Input Current 250 350 500 mA
Cabling distance 50 Feet
Temperature range 0 85 Celsius
Serial Communications J3 Pinout
--- --- ---
Baud Rate 115200bps 1 +VDC Input
Data Bits 8 2 0VDC, Ground
Parity None 3 GROUND In
Stop Bits 1 4 RS232 TX (Out)
Flow Control None 5 RS232 RX (In)
Data Storage: None
--- ---
Error Rate: Less than 1 in 10 to the 14th readings
Serial Connectors: 9 pin D-SUB Female Twisted pair pigtails
Power Connectors: Quick Connect Single Male Pole Twisted pair pigtails
Cabling distance: 50’ (RS232)
Power Requirements: Min = 7vdc

Current Min = 250mA

| Typical = 24V Current Typ = 300mA| Max = 28vdc

Current Max = 500mA

Temperature range:| Operating 0C to 70C| Non-Operating -20C to 125C

Wire Specifications

Shielded (22 AWG for RS232 communication cable length up to 25’ and 16 AWG for RS232 communication lengths beyond 25’) insulated, stranded wire is recommended, and all wires should be stripped approximately 3/8 inches and tinned. RS232 has a maximum effective distance of 50’, use RS232 to RS422 converters if a distance up to 2k’ is necessary. Whatever cable is selected, it should fit within the range allowed by the cable gland providing wire access to the Smart Antenna. The cable gland will accommodate diameters of .090 to .265 inches.

Power & Communication Connections

Regulated power supplies are preferred, linear power supplies are acceptable, and switching power supplies should never be used as they affect the Smart Antenna’s read range performance. Take care that while some supplies are labeled as regulated, they are actually switching. Contact the source of your supply or contact RFID, Inc. technical support with the make and model number of your supply. RFID, Inc. can provide an AC adaptable power supply suitable for use with this Reader.

Antenna Connection

Readers with the Antenna mounted in the enclosure incorporate a pre-connected Antenna. Readers in an enclosure for use with an external Antenna have an SMA connector ready for adaptation. Readers at a PCB level have 2 connection points for co-axial cable as shown below for the Antenna connection.

USB Reader Version

The USB Reader version is power over USB however some older PC’s USB ports do not offer sufficient power so there is the option to use external power as well, see photo below.
J3 Pins – For Power 24V+ and GND and RS232
JP1 Pins – External Power/USB Power in selector header.
J6 & J7 Pins – Place shunts on inside pins for USB power and outside pins for external power. Early versions of this PCB incorrectly printed J6 power options. Use the inside/outside rule explained in the previous sentence.

RS232 Reader Version

The serial Reader comes with either a quick connect jack mounted into the enclosure or pigtail wiring ready for adaptation to your own supply. With the pigtail power wiring, you will see a set of 2 wires, white and black. White is +voltage and black is ground. If you ordered the quick connect power jack then you probably also ordered the mating AC adaptable power supply.
J3 Pins – Pin 1 is nearest to the inscription “J2”.




1| +VDC IN
2| 0VDC or Ground
3| Signal Ground
4| Tx – Transmit
5| Rx – Receive

9 pin D-SUB Female – If you have a Reader with 9 pin D-sub, the connections are pre-wired to act as a null modem with pins 2 and 3 being crossed. No null modem cable is necessary.

RFID HF-3021E-RS232-USB 13.56 MHz Passive Tag Reader-

  • Reading Mode

  • This Reader has three reading modes, commands for selecting these modes are detailed in section 3:

  • Single Tag Report Mode
    meaning a Tag’s base memory (UID) will be read and reported once. The Reader defaults to the Single Read Mode although any change will be held in non- volatile memory.

  • Duplicate Tag Report Mode –
    meaning a Tag’s base memory will be continually read and reported.

  • Polling Tag Report Mode –
    whereby a Tag will only be reported if the Reader is queried and an RFID Tag is present to the Reader. Note that ISO 14443 type Tags are meant only to be polled, however, in the Single and Duplicate read modes our Reader operates in a mode that polls continuously in order to present data without you the user having to poll the Reader although the normal Polling mode is fully functional. This is why you will see an “e” message at the end of either reading routine.

  • Reading Tags
    Simply power the RS232 Reader or plug in the USB port to your host and an LED will illuminate. Solid illumination indicates power is applied and the Reader is ready for operation. If the Reader is in the correct reading mode, presenting a Tag at this point will result in the LED blinking off and back to solid indicating a successful read has been achieved.

  • Preparing to interface the Smart Antenna to your PC
    There two options available to you for achieving Tag data to your PC screen, one to include log or text files. RFID, Inc. is also happy to provide the VB code, free of charge, we have written for our demo program. If you have already interfaced the Reader to a terminal program or your own software, upon powering the Reader you will see a power-up message from the serial Reader. The USB version has no power-up message.

  • Generic Terminal Program –
    Any common terminal emulation program can be used, for example, HyperTerminal, ProComm, Teraterm, Putty, etc.

  • RFID, Inc.’s free of charge Terminal Program –
    RFID, Inc. provides a free software demo program called “RFID UHF Term or “RFID Demo Terminal Programmable” downloadable here
    https://www.rfidinc.com/resource-center/. It may appear in your Programs menu as RFIDIncUHFTerm. It is important to follow these steps in order for the program to scan and identify the ports available on your computer.

1. Plug the RS232 9 pin connector into your computer (use an RS232 to USB converter if no 9 pin connector is available on your computer) or use the direct USB to USB connection.
2. Power the Reader on (not necessary for USB).
3. Execute the RFIDIncUHFTerm Program. Select “Scan Ports” found upper right. This allows the program to scan which port address is connected to the Reader. In the upper left, under “Ports” use the pull-down menu to choose the port discovered.
4. Set the baud rate and remaining communication settings, default is 115200 baud, 8 data bits, None Parity, 1 stop bit and None Flow Control (115200, 8, N, 1, N). You can also view which port is connected by going to your Desktop, right-click on My Computer, choosing Properties, Hardware and Device Manager, then open the Ports directory tree.
5. Select “Connect.” Presenting a Tag to the Antenna should now bring that Tag data onto the main screen and the lower body of the screen as well.

Remove Old Data – This program also offers the ability to “Remove Old Data” by checking this box under “Tag Read Settings,” a process of deleting Tag reads from the screen set to the timeouts you choose in the pull-down menu. For example, if you choose 5,10,15 Timeout, Tag data will begin highlighted in green for the first 5 seconds, then become highlighted in yellow at 5 seconds time, then turn to red at 10 seconds time, and finally be deleted at 15 seconds time.

Maximum Tags – An option rarely used for HF Tags. This program also offers the ability to time how long it takes to read the number of Tags you wish to test by choosing the number of Tags under the “Max Tags” setting. You will see the data field to the right increment as the Reader counts how many unique Tags have been read. If you choose 100 as your Max Tags setting, once the Reader has read 100 unique Tags a pop-up box will appear advising you the amount of time this procedure took.

Save – This box will prompt you to save Tag data to a text file with time and date stamps.

The main screen area (white) is solely used for the display of Tag data. The lower screen area (black) will display Tag data and also allow you to enter commands to the Reader. Note – All commands must be issued in CAPS, preceded by an open square bracket and ended with a closed square bracket [B] for example. There is more in-depth information on how to read and write specific portions of Tag memory under the Commands section of this product manual.

Single Report Tag Read Mode – Place your cursor in the lower screen area and type [S]. This will initiate the Single Report Tag Read Mode and the Reader will respond with “OK.”
Duplicate Report Tag Read Mode – Place your cursor in the lower screen area and type [D]. This will initiate the Duplicate Report Tag Read Mode and the Reader will respond with “OK.”

Section 3 – Operating the Reader

This section explains operational commands and input received back from the Reader, commands, operating modes, and responses.


  • All commands are issued in ASCII CAPITAL letters, and they are preceded by an open square bracket and ended with a closed square bracket. Some symbols and all numbers are permitted. No spaces are permitted.
  • Commands are held in non-volatile memory, meaning that if power is taken away from the Smart Antenna the last command or settings will be retained when re-powered.

Single Mode Command – [S]

This command causes the reader to enter SINGLE MODE. In this mode the reader will only report the Tag ID once when it arrives within antenna range. The Reader continues to read the ID but does not report it again. As long as a Tag is continually present to the Reader only 1 read will be reported however if the Tag leaves the Reader’s RF field briefly and is re-presented the read will be re-reported.

  • Host: [S]
  • Where: S = command
  • Reader Response: OK
  • Where: = Line Feed
  • OK = Response
  • = Carriage Return

Duplicate Mode Command – [D]

This command causes the reader to enter DUPLICATE MODE. In this mode the Reader will continually report any Tag ID present to the Reader. This mode is mostly used as a test or demonstration mode to visually measure read range.

  • Host: [D]
  • Where: D = command
  • Reader Response: OK
  • Where: = Line Feed
  • OK = Response
  • = Carriage Return

Duplicate Mode Command – [D]
This command causes the reader to enter DUPLICATE MODE. In this mode, the Reader will continually report any Tag ID presented to the Reader. This mode is mostly used as a test or demonstration mode to visually measure read range.

  • Host: [D]
  • Where: D = command
  • Reader Response: OK
  • Where: = Line Feed
  • OK = Response
  • = Carriage Return

Polling Mode Command – [P]
This command causes the transponder to enter POLLING MODE. In this mode the Reader does not capture Tag IDs automatically; the user must use the ‘T’ Transfer command to request an ID to be captured.

  • Host: [P]
  • Where: P = command
  • Reader Response: OK
  • Where: = Line Feed
  • OK = Response
  • = Carriage Return

Transponder ID Transfer Command (polling mode only) – [T]
This command can only be used in POLLING MODE, it causes the reader to attempt an ID read.

  • Host: [T]

  • Where: T = command

  • Reader Response: Tag Data

  • Where: = Line Feed

  • Tag Data = Response

  • = Carriage Return or
  • Reader Response: e

  • Where: = Line Feed

  • e = Response indicating no Tag is present

  • = Carriage Return

Version Request Command – [I]
This command request the Reader’s firmware version.

  • Host: [I]
  • Where: I = command
  • Reader Response: Version 1.08 (example)
  • Where: = Line Feed
  • Version 1.13 = firmware version = Carriage Return

ISO Protocol Switch Command – [B]
This command will cycle through the different ISO protocols supported by the Reader, each time it’s used it responds with the resulting ISO protocol.

  • Host: [B]
  • Where: B = command
  • Reader Responses: 15693
  • 14443-A
  • 14443-B
  • ICODE1
  • Where: = Line Feed
  • 15693 = ISO protocol
  • = Carriage Return

ISO15693 Commands

  • Read Page – [RXX] Where XX = Page number
  • Enter the R command followed by a two digit page number (example 05).
  • Host: [R05]
  • Where: R05 = command
  • Reader Responses: 05 00000578
  • e
  • Where: = Line Feed[
  • 05 00000578 = page address and data held in that page
  • = Carriage Return
  • A response if “e” signifies the command failed or Tag is not present to Reader

Write Page – [WXXDDDDDDDD] Where XX = Page, DDDD… = Data in Hex
Enter the W command followed by a two-digit page number and 8 digits of data to write (data must be hexadecimal values).

  • Host: [W0512345678]
  • Where: W = command
  • 05 = page number
  • 1234567805 = data to be written
  • Reader Responses: 12345678
  • Where: = Line Feed
  • 00000578 = Data held in that page
  • = Carriage Return

ISO14443-B Commands
ISO 14443-A Tags are not addressed in this manual as they are encrypted for security applications such as credit cards and passports. An NDA with the chip manufacturer will be necessary for this information to be disclosed. Ask your RFID, Inc. representative with assistance if this option is preferred.

Select Transponder – [0]
To use this command you must first have previously captured the Tag ID, be it by placing the Tag in range while in single mode or by issuing a T command while in polling mode. The Tag must remain in range after the ID capture. The Reader will use that ID to place the tag in selected state, which is the first step to be able to access the memory of the tag

  • Host: [0]
  • Where: 0 = command
  • Reader Responses: SELECTED

Send Password – [10000000000000000]
To use this command you must first have previously selected the Tag with command 0. This command applies the password needed to access the user memory of the device. The default password for all transponders is 0000000000000000

  • Host: [10000000000000000]
  • Where: 1 = command
  • Reader Responses: PASSWORD ACCEPTED

Read Page – [RXX] Where XX = Page number
To use this command you must first have previously selected the Tag with command 0 and successfully entered the password with command 1. Enter the R command followed by a two-digit page number (example 05).

  • Host: [R05]
  • Where: R = command
  • 05 = page number
  • Reader Responses: 05 1234123412341234
  • e
  • Where: = Line Feed
  • 05 1234123412341234 = page address and data held in that page
  • = Carriage Return

Write Page – [WXXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD] Where XX = Page, DDDD… = Data in Hex
To use this command you must first have previously selected the Tag with command 0 and successfully entered the password with command 1. Enter the W command followed by a two digit page number and 16 digits of data to write, data must be hexadecimal values.

  • Host: [W051234567812345678]
  • Where: R = command
  • 05 = page number
  • 1234567812345678 = data to be written
  • Reader Responses: 05 OK
  • e

Error Messages

  • ? – Invalid Command
  • e –no read or Tag present
  • FAILED – Write fail

These messages follow the same formatting as tag data. The ‘?’ – Invalid command message indicates that the device detected a problem with the last command issued. The invalid command message is issued upon reception of the end of message delimiter when one of the following errors has been detected:

No command between delimiters – the receipt of a start and end delimiters without a command.
Illegal command between delimiters – the receipt of a message not contained within this specification.
Legal but invalid command received – i.e. the receipt of [T] Transfer/read request while not in MODE Polling.


My Reader is not responding.
Re-power the unit. Ensure the LED is on indicating power is applied? If not, check the source of your supply (change AC outlets or power supplies).
The LED is on but does not blink when a Tag is presented.

Ensure the Reader is in the correct Tag Mode specific to your specific ISO Tags, for example, 15693. Change the Tag Mode using the [B] command.
The LED is on and blinks when a Tag is presented but I see no data on my PC.
Ensure communications are established by re-powering the Reader (RS232 only) and looking for a startup message or enter an invalid command which should bring the response of a question mark (?). If you do not see these occur, there is an issue with communications not be properly established.

Ensure your COM port is addressed correctly if using HyperTerminal.
The Reader returns a question mark (?)
The command you are attempting is not being entered correctly. Ensure you use open square brackets, capital letters, and close square brackets.

FCC Statement


FCC Info for FCC Part 15 Devices
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
This product meets the applicable FCC Part 15 rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

To limit RF exposure, please ensure 8 inches (20 cm) of separation from the device at all times.


RFID, Inc. products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for one (1) year from date of shipment. RFID, Inc. shall, at its option, either repair or replace products that prove to be defective and are returned with freight prepaid to RFID, Inc.’s plant within the warranty period. The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from abuse, misuse, accident, alteration, neglect or unauthorized repair or installation. RFID, Inc. shall have the right of final determination as to the existence and cause of the defect.


The remedies provided herein are Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. In no event shall RFID, Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, (including loss of profits) whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.


FCC Info for FCC Part 15 Devices

This device contains license-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s license-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause interference.
  2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

To limit RF exposure, please ensure 8 inches (20 cm) of separation from the device at all


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