CAEN RFID R7100C Lepton7 30dBm 1 Port RAIN RFID Reader Module User Manual

June 5, 2024

CAEN RFID R7100C Lepton7 30dBm 1 Port RAIN RFID Reader Module

Scope of Manual

The goal of this manual is to provide the basic information to work with the Lepton7 R7100C Reader.

Change Document Record

Date Revision Changes Pages
07/04/2022 0 Preliminary revision


| ****


| Added Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice (Preliminary)| 3
Added _FCC Compliance_paragraph in the Regulatory Compliance chapter| 21,22
30/06/2022| 0.2| Corrected minimum separation distance requirement| 21,22

Reference Document
EPCglobal: EPC Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol for Communications at 860 MHz – 960 MHz, Version 2.0.1 (April 2015).

Via Vetraia, 11 55049 Viareggio (LU) – ITALY
Tel. +39.0584.388.398 Fax +39.0584.388.959 

No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of CAEN RFID. The information contained herein has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. CAEN RFID reserves the right to modify its products specifications without giving any notice; for up to date information please visit

Preliminary Product Information
This document contains information for a new product. CAEN RFID reserves the right to modify this product without notice. “Preliminary” product information describes products that are ready for production, but for which full characterization data is not yet available. CAEN RFID believes that the information contained in this document is accurate and reliable. However, the information is subject to change without notice and is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind (Express or implied). You are advised to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. No responsibility is assumed by CAEN RFID for the use of this information, including use of this information as the basis for manufacture or sale of any items, or for infringement of patents or other rights of third parties.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice (Preliminary)
This device was tested and found to comply with the limits set forth in Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This device generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, the product may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case, the user is required to correct the interference at their own expense. The authority to operate this product is conditioned by the requirements that no modifications be made to the equipment unless the changes or modifications are expressly approved by CAEN RFID.

Disposal of the product
Do not dispose the product in municipal or household waste. Please check your local regulations for disposal/recycle of electronic products.


The Lepton7 (Model R7100C), an embedded reader of the easy2read© product line, is an ultra compact reader for low power, high performance RAIN RFID applications.
With programmable output power from 10dBm to 30dBm, the reader can detect tags at more than 5 mt of distance (depending on antenna and tag dimensions).
Due to its low power consumption, the module is specifically designed to be easily integrated in battery powered devices. The radio frequency core of the module is based on the Impinj E710 IC that permits to achieve fast reading speed and to be used in dense reader and dense tag environments for top-class rated performances. The compactness of the device and the surface mount technology allow to embed the Lepton7 inside the new small form factor industrial handhelds, smartphone accessories and other compact form factor devices. The Lepton7 complies with and can operate in both European and US regulatory environments and, thanks to its multiregional capabilities, it’s ideal for integration in devices requiring compliance to different geographical regions. The Lepton7 is pin-to-pin compatible with the Impinj RS1000 and RS500 modules making it a perfect replacement for these devices.


Frequency Range| 865.600÷867.600 MHz (ETSI EN 302 208 v3.3.1)

902÷928 MHz (FCC part 15.247)

RF Power| Configurable from 10 dBm to 30 dBm (from 10 mW to 1W) conducted power
RX Sensitivity| -85dBm – 10%PER, assuming 20 dB antenna RL @ 30 dBm output
Antenna VSWR Requirement| < 2:1 for optimum performances
Antenna Connectors| 50 Ohm mono-static RF port on a single pin
Frequency Tolerance| ±10ppm over the entire temperature range
Number of Channels| 4 channels (compliant to ETSI EN 302 208 v3.3.1) 50 hopping channels (compliant to FCC part 15.247)
Standard Compliance| EPC C1G2 / ISO18000-63
I/O Interface| 4 I/O lines 3.3V level Iout @ 8mA max


| –   UART Serial Port

·          Baudrate: from 9.6 to 921.6 kbps, default 921.6 kbps

·          Databits: 8

·          Stopbits:1

·          Parity: none

·          Flow control: none

–   3.3 V I/O voltage level

Power Supply| 4.75 ÷ 5.25 V DC
Power Consumption| –        1.4 A @ 5 V – RF out = 30 dBm

–        5 mA in idle mode – Ready to receive commands

Dimensions| (L) 32 x (W) 29 x (H) 4.1 mm3

1.26 x 1.14 x 0.16 inches3

Package Type| 32 pin surface mount module (SMT compatible)
Operating Temperature| -20°C to +70°C
Weight| 5.4 g

Warning: The RF settings must match the operating country/region to comply with local laws and regulations.  The usage of the reader in different countries/regions from the one in which the device has been sold is not allowed.

Key Features

  • RAIN RFID (UHF EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO 18000-63) compliant
  • Both ETSI and FCC support in the same module
  • Ultra compact size
  • Up to 30 dBm (1W) output power
  • -85 dBm Rx sensitivity, assuming 20 dB antenna return loss
  • Impinj RS500 and RS1000 pin-to-pin compatibility
  • Inventory (FastID, Tag Population Estimate, Select, Session, Target)
  • Access (Read, Write, Lock, Kill, BlockPermalock, and QT)
  • Shielded to prevent unwanted radiation and provide noise immunity in embedded environments
  • 29 mm by 32 mm by 4.1 mm surface mount package with SMT compatibility
  • Single mono-static RF port
  • Field upgradability via firmware updates. Gen 2 v2 will be firmware upgradable
  • UART serial interface using CAEN RFID easy2read© protocol
  • Test features (CW, PRBS, custom regions, channel lists, and fixed frequency)


An example Lepton7 R7100C system-level block diagram for an embedded system is shown in Fig. 3.1: Lepton7 R7100C – Example of Block Diagram. This figure shows the electrical connections that may and must be made to control the Lepton7 R7100C. In the figure, the required connections are illustrated with solid lines. Recommended and optional connections are illustrated with different dotted and dashed line patterns. More details for each connection are listed in the following paragraphs.

Required connections:

  • VDC_IN and GND are required to power the Lepton7 R7100C.
  • RF is required to connect to the UHF RFID antenna.
  • UART1 Tx and Rx are required to communicate with the system host.

Recommended connections:

  • nRST is used to reset the Lepton7 R7100C if UART communication is not available. This connection is highly recommended. This pin is internally driven strong low during software resets, so it should only be driven externally by an open drain signal. It must not be driven strong high.
  • TST and BSL_SEL shall be used for the FW recovery/upgrade procedure.
    In order to start the Boot Strap Loader of Lepton7 internal microcontroller NRST, TST and BSL_SEL signals shall be driven as in the picture below:

BSL sequence
The BSL program execution starts when TST pin has received a minimum of two positive transitions and if TST is high while /RST rises from low to high. BSL_SEL shall be at high level before BSL starts. Pulses length and distance between edges of all signals shall be 10ms at least.

Optional connections:

  • GPIOs allow interaction with the Lepton7 R7100C as both digital inputs and outputs. They may be used to trigger inventory, generate events based on inventory activity, or provide general-purpose user-controlled digital I/O.
  • WKUP provides a mechanism to wake up the Lepton7 R7100C from the low power Sleep mode. If unused, this pin should be tied to logic low.
  • UC_ADC allows use of an ADC to convert an analog input voltage into a digital value.
  • UC_DAC allows use of a DAC to generate an analog output voltage from a digital value.
  • RFU is a GPIO reserved for future use.

Power Supply

The Lepton7 R7100C is powered by a voltage applied to the VDC_IN pin (pin 11) relative to the GND pins. The supply voltage operating range is 4.75 V to 5.25 V. Current consumption varies from about 1400 mA to about 5mA depending on the operating mode. The power supply is internally bypassed and regulated, and no external bypass or bulk storage capacitance is required, as long as the input voltage is stable. If Lepton7 R7100C activity is not required at all times, and power reduction is desired, the VDC_IN supply voltage may be externally gated to remove power to the device.

RF Connection

The Lepton7 R7100C has a single RF pin (pin 1) which should be connected to a 50 Ω antenna via 50 Ω controlled impedance connection. This connection could simply be a microstrip transmission line to a PCB antenna or SMT antenna, or it could include a connector and coaxial cable. The RF connection is single ended, referenced to ground.
For more information about impedance matching, see PCB Layout for RF page 17.

UART Communication

The Lepton7 R7100C has two full-duplex UART standard interfaces, accessible using pins UART1-RX, UART1-TX, UART2-RX, and UART2-TX. UART1 implements the host communication interface via easy2read©, and UART2 implements the debug interface (RFU). The Tx pins are outputs from the Lepton7 R7100C, and the Rx pins are inputs to the Lepton7 R7100C. Both UART interfaces are 921,600 baud, with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity bit (8-n-1 configuration). Each of the UART interfaces signals at 3.3 V relative to GND. The specific VIH, VIL, VOH and VOL specifications may be found in the § Device Input and Output Specifications paragraph page 15. The TX pins are driven strong high and low with a sink/source current of about 8 mA. If the load on a pin draws more than the 8 mA sink and source current, the pin is not guaranteed to meet the VOH and VOL specs listed in § Device Input and Output Specifications paragraph page 15. Excessive current sunk or sourced on the GPIO pins can also cause electrical damage to the device.
Warning: Voltages outside of the maximum IO operating voltage range of -0.3 to 4.0 V should not be applied to the UART pins. This can cause permanent damage to the device.

Reset Pin

The Lepton7 R7100C may be reset by a logic low voltage on the NRST pin (pin 9). Usage of this pin is recommended in all designs. It may be used to reset the part if an unexpected operating state is entered. The Lepton7 R7100C does have an internal watchdog circuit that will reset it if abnormal operation occurs, but the NRST pin provides a further level of reliability.
The NRST pin is pulled high (3.3 V) by an internal 51,1 kΩ nominal resistor. To reset the part, drive the pin strong low for at least the minimum reset pulse width as specified in § Device Input and Output Specifications paragraph page 15 (approximately 25 μs). This pin may be driven active low to reset the part, but should not be driven strong high. Driving the pin strong high prevents the Lepton7 R7100C from resetting itself in case user requested software reset. This pin should be driven using an “open drain drives low” drive mode, which creates either a strong low voltage or a floating voltage output.
Warning: Voltages outside of the maximum IO operating voltage range of -0.3 to 4.0 V should not be applied to the NRST pin. This can cause permanent damage to the device.


The Lepton7 R7100C’s GPIOs can be controlled using the easy2read© interface. Their drive mode, direction, and state are all controllable via easy2read©. There are two directions: input and output. In both input and output directions, there are three possible pin states: high, low, and float. For more details on using easy2read© to control the GPIOs, see the easy2read© protocol documentation. In the output direction, the GPIOs are driven strong high and low with a source and sink current of 8 mA, and in float mode the pin is not driven either high or low, leaving the pin floating, also known as “high impedance” or “high-Z”. The pins are driven to 3.3 V nominally. If the load on a pin draws more than the 8 mA sink and source current, the pin is not guaranteed to meet the VOH and VOL specs listed in the § Device Input and Output Specifications paragraph page 15.
Warning: Excessive current sunk or sourced on the GPIO pins can also cause electrical damage to the device.
In the input direction, the high and low states apply a pull-up or pull-down resistor, and in float mode the pin is not pulled either high or low, leaving the pin floating, also known as “high impedance” or “high-Z”. The pull-up and pull-down resistors are about 35 kΩ nominal. See the § Device Input and Output Specifications paragraph page 15 for more specific ratings. The inputs logic levels are proportional to 3.3 V. Specific VIH and VIL specs may be found in the § Device Input and Output Specifications paragraph page 15.
Warning: Voltages outside of the maximum IO operating voltage range of -0.3 to 4.0 V should not be applied to the pins, no matter their configuration. This can cause permanent damage to the device.

Wakeup Pin

The WKUP pin is used to wake the device when it is in the Standby or Sleep operating modes. This pin is edge sensitive and will wake the device on a rising edge. The WKUP pin must be logic low in order for the device to re- enter Idle mode after a Sleep wakeup, so it should only be pulsed high to wake up the part.
The WKUP pin operates at a 3.3 V logic level. It has a 35 kΩ typical pull-down resistor inside the Lepton7 R7100C. Voltages outside of the maximum IO operating voltage range of -0.3 to 4.0 V should not be applied to the WKUP pin. This can cause permanent damage to the device.
If the WKUP pin is not used, it should be left floating or tied to logic low (ground).

Pin Listing and Signal Definitions

Pin# Pin Name Pin Type Description
1 RF RF RF antenna port
2 GND Power Ground
3 RFU Digital I/O Reserved for Future Use
4 BSL_SEL Digital Input Boot Strap Loader interface enable signal
5 GND Power Ground
6 TST Digital Input TST pin to be used for FW recovery/upgrade
7 UART1-RX Digital Input R7100C UART Rx (Receive) from host
8 UART1-TX Digital Output R7100C UART Tx (Transmit) to host
9 NRST Digital Input Active low reset. Connect to open drain driver. R7100C

must be able to internally pull down this signal to reset.
10| GND| Power| Ground
11| VDC_IN| Power| DC voltage supply (4.75 – 5.25 V)
12| WKUP| Digital Input| Wakeup from sleep on rising edge
13| UC_ADC| Analog Input| Analog to digital converter input
14| UART2-TX| Digital Output| R7100C Debug UART Tx to host
15| UART2-RX| Digital Input| R7100C Debug UART Rx from host
16| UC_DAC| Analog output| Digital to analog converter output
17| GPIO1| Digital I/O| General purpose I/O
18| GPIO2| Digital I/O| General purpose I/O
19| GPIO3| Digital I/O| General purpose I/O
20| GPIO4| Digital I/O| General purpose I/O
21| STATUS| Digital Output| R7100C status indication
22| HEALTH| Digital Output| R7100C health indication
23-32| GND| Power| Ground pins on the top and bottom edge of the package

Electrical Specifications

Absolute Maximum Ratings
The absolute maximum ratings (see Tab. 3.2: Absolute Maximum Ratings) define limitations for electrical and thermal stresses. These limits prevent permanent damage to the Lepton7 R7100C. Operation outside maximum ratings may result in permanent damage to the device.

Parameter Min. Max. Unit Conditions
Supply voltage -0.3 5.5 V VDC_IN pin relative to GND
IO voltage -0.3 4.0 V Non-VDC_IN pin voltages relative to GND
RF input power +30 dBm Incident to pin 1 (RF)
Storage temperature -30 +100 ºC
Humidity 95 % RH Non-condensing
ESD immunity 2 kV Human-body model, all I/O pads
Package moisture sensitivity level 3 Lepton7 R7100C from open trays

must be baked before going through a standard solder reflow process (48 hours at 125 ºC

or 24hrs at 150 ºC)

Operating Conditions

This section describes operating voltage, frequency, and temperature specifications for the Lepton7 R7100C during operation.

Parameter Min. Max. Unit Conditions
Supply 4.75 5.25 V VDC_IN relative to GND
Temperature -20 +70 ºC Ambient Temperature
Frequency 902 928 MHz FCC part 15.247
865.6 867.6 MHz ETSI EN 302 208 v3.3.1

Device Functional Specifications

This section describes operating voltage, frequency, and temperature specifications for the Lepton7 R7100C during operation.

Parameter Typ. Unit Description
Supply Current Current consumed by Lepton7 R7100C via VDC_IN pin
Active mode – 5V supply 1400 mA +30 dBm transmit power Inventorying tags
Idle mode – low latency 45 mA Ready to receive easy2read© protocol packets.

Lower latency to return to Active mode.
Idle mode – standard latency| 5| mA| Ready to receive easy2read© packets
Standby mode| TBD| mA| GPIO activity or WKUP rising edge required to wakeup part.
Sleep mode| TBD| μA| WKUP rising edge required to wakeup part.
Parameter| Min.| Typ.| Max.| Unit| Description
Startup Time|  | TBD|  | ms| Time to receive easy2read© packets after power supply or nRST pin initiated startup
Wakeup Time|  |  |  |  | Time to receive packets after wakeup event
Standby|  | TBD|  | ms| GPIO activity or WKUP rising edge required to wakeup part.
Sleep|  | TBD|  | ms| WKUP rising edge required to wakeup part.

UHF Gen 2 RFID Radio Specifications

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions
Frequency 902   928 MHz See § Tab. 2.1: Lepton7 R7100C Technical

_Specifications_page 7
865.6|  | 867.6| MHz
Input impedance|  | 50|  | Ω|
Input match|  | -10|  | dB| S11
Rx sensitivity|  | -85|  | dBm| 10%PER, assuming 20 dB antenna RL @ 30 dBm output
Parameter| Min.| Typ.| Max.| Unit| Conditions
Frequency| 902|  | 928| MHz| See § Tab. 2.1: Lepton7 R7100C Technical _Specifications_page 7
865.6|  | 867.6| MHz
Input impedance|  | 50|  | Ω|
Input match|  | -10|  | dB| S11
Rx sensitivity|  | -85|  | dBm| 10%PER, assuming 20 dB antenna RL @ 30 dBm output
Parameter| Min.| Max.| Unit| Notes
Tx Power| 10| 30| dBm| Meets FCC and equivalent regulatory constraints
Tx Power Error|  | 1| dB| Difference between desired Tx power and actual Tx power
Return Loss| 0|  | dB| No damage into open RF port at 30 dBm at any phase angle
Frequency| 865.6| 867.6| MHz| ETSI EN 302 208 v3.3.1
902| 928| MHz| FCC part 15.247

Device Input and Output Specifications

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions

VIL| -0.3|  | 0.8| V|
VIH| 2|  | 3.6| V|
Hysteresis voltage|  | 400|  | mV|
Internal pull-up resistor| 14| 21| 25| kΩ|
Reset pulse width| 25|  |  | μs|
WKUP|  |  |  |  |
VIL| -0.3|  | 0.8| V|
VIH| 2|  | 3.6| V|
Hysteresis voltage|  | 400|  | mV|
Internal pull-down resistor| 20| 35| 50| kΩ|
Digital inputs|  |  |  |  |
VIL| -0.3|  | 0.8| V|
VIH| 2|  | 3.6| V|
Hysteresis voltage|  | 400|  | mV|
Internal pull-down resistor| 20| 35| 50| kΩ|
Digital outputs|  |  |  |  |
VOL| 0.0|  | 0.6| V|
VOH| 2.7|  | 3.6| V|
Drive current (sink or source)| 8|  |  | mA|
UART|  |  |  |  |
Default baud rate|  | 115.2|  | kbaud|
Configurable baud rate| 9.6|  | 921.6| kbaud|
Data bits|  | 8|  | bits|
Parity bit|  | None|  |  |
Stop bits|  | 1|  | bits|
Parameter| Min.| Typ.| Max.| Unit| Conditions
ADC (Pin 13)
Resolution|  | 12|  | Bits|
Conversion voltage range| 0|  | 3.3| V|
Sampling rate| 0.47|  | 2.7| MSPs|
Total conversion time|  |  | 3.1| μsec|
Power-up time|  |  | 3.1| μsec|
Sampling switch resistance|  |  | 200| Ω|
Internal sample and hold capacitance|  |  | 25| pF|
Total unadjusted error|  | ±3.5| ±7.1| LSB|
Offset error|  | ±3.0| ±5.6| LSB|
Gain error|  | ±1| ±2.5| LSB|
DNL error|  |  | ±1| LSB|
INL error|  |  | ±2| LSB|
DAC (Pin 16)|  |  |  |  |
Resolution|  | 12|  | Bits|
Resistive load| 3|  |  | kΩ|
Capacitive load|  |  | 100| pF| Maximum capacitive load at the DAC_OUT pin
Output voltage range| 0.1|  | 3.15| V|
DNL|  |  | ±1| LSB|
INL|  |  | ±4| LSB|
Offset|  |  | ±21| mV|
Gain error|  |  | ±2.5| %FSR|
Settling time|  | 15| 30| μsec| CLOAD < 50 pF & RLOAD > 5 kΩ


This section describes hardware aspects of embedded RAIN RFID readers based on the Lepton7 R7100C.

PCB Layout for RF
50 Ohm Characteristic Impedance As discussed in paragraph RF Connection page 10, a properly matched RF connection is critical to achieving high performance with Lepton7 R7100C. An improperly matched RF connection will reduce performance in multiple ways, by both reducing the transmitted RF power, and also increasing the reflected power that interferes with Lepton7 R7100C’s receive circuitry. When impedance is improperly matched across a node, a signal’s reflection coefficient will be proportional to the difference between the characteristic impedances on both sides of the node divided by their sum, as shown in the following equation.

Reflection Coefficient of a Load:

In this equation, ZL represents the characteristic impedance of the transmission line, and Z0 represents the characteristic impedance of the Lepton7 R7100C, 50 Ohms. For example, if a 40 Ohm transmission line is used, the reflection coefficient will be = 10 / 90 = 11.1%, thus 11.1% of the power will be reflected back into the Lepton7 R7100C, and only 88.9% of the power will be transmitted. Lepton7 R7100C is designed to connect to a 50-Ohm characteristic impedance load. The connection between the Lepton7 R7100C module and its antennas should all be designed for a 50 Ohm characteristic impedance. Because the RF connection is made via PCB traces, this requires carefully designing the PCB layout.
PCB trace characteristic impedance depends on quite a few variables, only some of which can easily be controlled by the PCB designer. The two main categories of variables are the PCB geometry, and material properties. PCB geometry includes both the transmission line type, be it microstrip, stripline, or others, and also the specific dimensions of the forward and return paths and the adjacent dielectrics. Transmission line styles are shown in Fig. 4.1: PCB Transmission Line Types page 17. Material properties to note include the dielectric constant of the dielectrics in the PCB, and the conductivity of the conductor used.

In most PCB designs, many of the parameters of the PCB are already set, such as dielectric thickness and constant, trace conductivity and weight, etc. Usually, the only variables that can be easily modified are the style of transmission line, and its dimensions. The most common, and recommended PCB transmission line scheme is to use a microstrip on the top or bottom layer of the PCB, with a ground plane on the layer immediately adjacent as a return path. The width of this microstrip can then be varied to achieve the desired characteristic impedance. Care should be taken to ensure that the microstrip trace has enough current carrying capacity. This requires designing a trace that is heavy enough to withstand the heat generated by power losses due to the resistance of the trace.
There are many online resources and tools designed to assist in designing PCB transmission lines with the correct characteristic impedances. For example, the TXLine tool from National Instruments is very useful for performing these calculations automatically. There is also an online calculator on These tools will require information about the PCB layout and also PCB characteristics, which should be obtained from the PCB manufacturer.

Package and Assembly Information

This section provides mechanical drawings and critical dimensions needed for PCB layout and housing design, as well as SMT assembly information.

Package Mass
The mass of the Lepton7 R7100C module is roughly 5.4 grams.

Package Dimensions
Package dimensions are shown in the following figure:

PCB Footprint

Recommended Etched Copper Footprint – All Pads

SMT Reflow Information

The solder manufacturer’s recommended reflow profile is shown in the following figure:

Moisture Sensitive Level 3 (MSL 3)
CAEN RFID srl follows JEDEC standards for moisture classifications. The Lepton7 R7100C RFID reader is classified as MSL 3.

Warning: The damaging effects of moisture absorbed in semiconductor packages during SMT assembly are known. Pay attention to the next paragraphs and follow the instructions to avoid  problems.

MSL 3 Handling at PCB Assembly
The Lepton7 R7100C package is moisture sensitive and needs to be handled within proper MSL 3 guidelines to avoid damage from moisture absorption and exposure to solder reflow temperatures that can result in yield and reliability degradation.

  1. During PCB Assembly
  2. Devices are baked and dry-packed before shipment from CAEN RFID. The packing uses a Moisture Barrier Bag (MBB). A Humidity Indicator Card (HIC) and drying desiccant are included inside the MBB. A MSL 3 label is attached to caution that the bag contains moisture sensitive devices.
  3. Shelf life of devices in a sealed bag is 12 months at <40ºC and <90% room humidity (RH).
  4. Upon opening of MBB, the HIC should be checked immediately; devices require baking before board mounting if the HIC is >10% when read at 23ºC ± 5ºC.
  5. After MBB is opened, devices should go through reflow for board assembly within 168 hours at factory conditions of <30ºC/60% RH, or stored at <10% RH. If both conditions are not met, baking is required before board mounting.
  6. If baking is required, devices should be baked for a minimum of 48 hours at 125ºC or 24 hours at 150°C.
  7. Handling Unused Devices
  8. Any unused devices after the MBB have been opened for more than 168 hours or not stored at <10% RH should be baked before any subsequent reflow and board assembly.
  9. Re-baking should be done for a minimum of 48 hours at 125ºC or 24 hours at 150°C.
  10. Unused devices can either be baked and dry-packed first before storage, or they can be baked just before the next board assembly. It is recommended that the former be practiced as it helps to prevent operator error from re-using devices without baking. In both cases, the re-packed materials should follow the guidelines in section A.C.
  11. Reworking a Device on a PCB
  12. Before a device is removed from the module, the module must first be baked.
  13. Baking should be done for a minimum of 48 hours at 125ºC or 24 hours at 150°C.
  14. It is recommended that during removal, localized heating be used, and the maximum body temperature of device should not exceed 200ºC.
  15. The replacement device should not exceed the specified floor life of 168 hours.


RoHS EU Directive
The Lepton7 R7100C RFID Reader is compliant with the EU Directive 2015/863/EU on the Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS3).

FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:

  1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This transmitter module has been tested and found to comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.

  • Any changes or modifications not approved by CAEN RFID could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

  • Lepton7 R7100C module is approved for operation with the following antenna:

    • CAEN RFID antenna Mod. WANTENNAX020 Circular polarized antenna FCC with 5.5dBi gain
      In order to operate the Lepton7 R7100C under FCC ID: UVECAENRFID034, the OEM must strictly follow these antenna guidelines:

    • The OEM may operate only with the following antenna or antennas of the same type with maximum gain as shown:

    • CAEN RFID antenna Mod. WANTENNAX020 Circular polarized antenna FCC with 5.5dBi gain

    • RF I/O interface to the antenna connector on the PCB shall be accomplished via a microstrip or stripline transmission line with characteristic impedance of 50 ohms +/- 10%. A custom coaxial pigtail may also be utilized to connect to the antenna in lieu of a connector.

    • The connector on the OEM’s PCB which interfaces to the antenna must be of a unique type to disable connection to a non-permissible antenna in compliance with FCC section 15.203.

    • The OEM must professionally install the Lepton7 R7100C into its final environment to ensure that the conditions are met.

  • The device shall be used such that a minimum separation distance of 20cm is maintained between each antenna and user’s/nearby people’s body.

  • This transmitter module is authorized to be used in other devices only by OEM integrators under the following conditions:

    1. The RFID Module antenna shall have a separation distance of at least 20cm from all persons
    2. The transmitter module must not be co-located with any other antenna or transmitter
  • The host integrator installing this module into their product must ensure that the final composite product complies with the FCC requirements by a technical assessment or evaluation to the FCC rules, including the transmitter operation and should refer to guidance in KDB 996369.

  • The module is authorized for FCC part 15.247 only, the host product manufacturer is responsible for compliance to any other FCC rules that apply to the host not covered by the modular transmitter grant of certification.

  • The module has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, however the final host product still requires Part 15 Subpart B compliance testing with the modular transmitter installed.

  • If the FCC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, the OEM integrator shall apply a label in a visible area on his product with the following statement:


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