AccuTherm ACCSL2021 ADVL VAV diffusers are linear User Manual

June 5, 2024

AccuTherm™ ACCSL2021 SmartLOG® 2021 User Manual



  • Monitor 1 or 2 Wireless Temperature Sensors Simultaneously

  • Ambient Room Temperature and Humidity Displayed & Recorded

  • SMS and Email Alerts

  • Replaceable Wireless Sensors!
    No down time for sending equipment back for calibration.
    No fumbling with wires in fridge.

  • Bright Color Touch Display for ease of use.

  • Web Dashboard, use any browser on local network
    No cloud, No subscription fees!

  • Enterprise Network Login for Security

  • Time automatically synchronized from internert

  • Reports in .PDF format

  • No PC Software needed
    *Second Temperature Sensor optional (cat#: ACCSLBLET)

NOTE: This device requires an email account in order to send email and sms alert messages. Certain email accounts, Microsoft365 (Formerly Office365), Godaddy Office365 and Gmail have extra setup steps that might require administrative rights to these accounts.
If you don’t have access to the email administrative portal, Consult your IT Department.

  1. Red Alarm LED
  2. USB Power LED Green
  3. 5v Mirco USB Port
  4. Factory Reset Button Deletes All Settings
  5. Power On Button
  6. Wall Mount Keyhole
  7. Kick Out Desk Stand
  8. Battery Compartment

DDL Tile

  1. Logger Name
  2. Ambient Room Temperature Humidity
  3. Time And Date Of Last Scan
  4. Buzzer, WIFI Strength, Battery Level Icons

P1 Tile

5. P1 Wireless Sensor Name
6. Battery Remaining Power
7. Bluetooth Siginal Strength
8. Lowest Tempeature Since Last Reset
9. Highest Temperature Since Last Reset
10. Alarm Set Points Min/Max
11. Current Temperature

P2 Tile

Same as P1

  1. Dashboard IP Address
  2. Close Options Screen
  3. Option Buttons
  4. Last Message Today

Wireless Buffered Temperature Sensor

Wireless Buffered Temperature Sensor

Figure 1 to 9

SmartLOG Overview

The Accutherm SmartLOG 2021 is a wifi digital data logger (DDL) that monitors and records temperature and sensor battery status for up to two wireless sensors. SmartLOG also logs the ambient room temperature/humidity and backup battery voltage. The DDL scans for the wireless sensor in 1 minute intervals retrieving temperature, battery and signal data. This data is evaluated for, temperature excursions, low battery condition or no data which indicates signal loss from the wireless sensor. If any of these conditions are true the SmartLOG will send alerts via email and text message to contacts listed in the settings page of the dashboard. The SmartLOG then refreshes the Main DDL display screen and Dashboard with all updated values. The SmartLOG Dashboard can be viewed using a PC or Smart Phone web browser. Monitor all DDL conditions, generate PDF reports, and modify settings. SmartLOG and PC or Smart Phone must be connected to same local network.

NOTE: If main power is lost, after approximately 4 hours the DDL will turn off the display and wifi radio. This is to conserve energy allowing logging to continue until main power resumes. The display can still be viewed with a tap, and will show for ~1 minute and then go back off . The Web Dashboard will not be accessible until main power resumes (connect DDL to a 5v battery bank with usb and this will activate wifi radio alowing Dashboard access). Alerts will continue to be sent while on battery backup. If Temperature Excursion, alarm LED will flash ~10 seconds each min.

The LED for the wireless temperature sensor(s) blinks every 10 seconds indicating the wireless Sensor sent the temperature, battery power, and signal strength.


Wireless Temperature Sensor(s)

  1. Install quantity 2 AAA batteries by twisting clip cap counterclockwise 1/8 turn to open.
  2. Place batteries negative end in first.
  3. Align printed arrows on clip cap and sensor to each other, push in and twist 1/8 turn clockwise to close.
  4. To power on wireless sensor, press power button until blue LED flashes 5 times. LED should flash once every 10 seconds. To power off sensor, press power button until led flashes two times, then release button.
  5. Note the four digit serial number on the backside of the sensor(s) and note intended location for Fridge, Freezer, other. E.g. Fridge SN: 0010
  6. Place wireless sensor in storage unit to be monitored. Allow the sensor temperature to stabilize before setting up DDL. (wait approx. 60 min)

SmartLOG Digital Data Logger (DDL)

NOTE: Following instructions are only necessary on the initial Start-up of SmartLOG All configuration settings are retained in DDL memory.

  1. Install quantity 3 AA batteries in compartment behind DDL. Slide cover down to open.
    Batteries are for backup ONLY! Use wall 110VAC adapter as primary source of power.

  2. Attach wall 110VAC adapter to DDL using USB cable and plug in AC adapter to wall outlet.

  3. Push and hold Power Button on back of SmartLOG DDL until beep sounds… then release.

  4. Screen will show “Scanning For Networks” fig. 1

  5. Then will change to “Select Network” when scan completes. fig. 2

  6. Tap using provided plastic stylus on “Select Network”

  7. A drop-down selection of “SSID’s” (wi-fi network names) will appear in location nearest/farthest order. fig. 3

  8. Tap on your desired network name.

  9. A Password field and Keyboard will appear, enter the wi-fi network password. fig. 4
    Tap eye icon to see typed text if needed.

  10. Tap return key on keyboard (lower right corner) to enter values. DDL will now attempt to connect to network.

  11. If SmartLOG is able to make connection, a message will be displayed instructing to complete remaining setup using a web browser. fig. 5 Follow “Dashboard using Web-Browser” section to complete settings.

  12. SmartLOG will automatically start scanning for temperature sensors then display Main Screen. fig. 7

  13. Tapping “Main” screen anywhere opens the “Options” screen. fig. 8 For instructions on options go to SmartLOG Options section.

Dashboard using Web-Browser

  1. In Address Bar of a web browser fig. 6 enter “SmartLOG/” or the IP Address displayed on DDL. fig. 5
    Note: Host Name “SmartLOG” can be change in settings page if desired.

  2. In SmartLOG dashboard, click on “Settings” (cog icon).

  3. Settings page Access Pop-up, leave PIN empty and click “Open”.

  4. Complete the form fields, NOTE: Access Pin field requires a 5 digit PIN number in order to save the form. This PIN will be required for future access to settings page.

  5. Click Save button. Return to “SmartLOG Digital Data Logger (DDL)” 13 above.

SmartLOG Options


  1. Tap main screen anywhere to enter options screen.
  2. Tap X to close Options Screen if no change needed.

LOGGING Button: When set to OFF data will stop recording and disable sensor related alerts from being sent out.


  1. If button reads “LOGGING ON” it is in the ON state, logging data active.
  2. Tap this button to turn LOGGING OFF. Wait for button to transition as Email/SMS alerts are being sent out.
    When alerts are complete the screen will switch back to the main screen automatically showing DDL Tile in red and Logger Name replaced wih “LOGGING OFF”.


  1. If button reads “LOGGING OFF” it is in the OFF state, logging data stopped ..
  2. Tap this button to turn LOGGING ON. Wait for button to transition as Email/SMS alerts are being sent out.
    When alerts are complete the screen will switch back to the main screen automatically showing DDL Tile blue and “LOGGING OFF” replaced wih Logger Name.


BUZZER Button: When set to OFF will mute the audible buzzer when the SmartLOG is in an excursion , Alarm LED will still flash on and off.


  1. If button reads “BUZZER ON” it is in the ON state and you will hear the buzzer if there is an alarm.
  2. Tap this button to turn BUZZER OFF. Wait for button transition.
    The screen will switch back to the main screen automatically and showing an X in front of the SPEAKER icon.


  1. If button reads “BUZZER OFF” it is in the OFF state and you will NOT hear the buzzer.
  2. Tap this button to turn BUZZER ON. Wait for button transition.
    The screen will switch back to the main screen automatically and showing NO X in front of the SPEAKER icon.

Note: If a RESET MIN/MAX is performened or temperatures return to normal, buzzer will automaticly be set to BUZZER ON


TEST MESSAGE Button: Will send an Email and/or SMS to recipients in contact list. Received message will show… e.g. 5:52pm 3/15/2022 Test Message Host Name: HTTP://PED-Lab/ IP: HTTP://
Clicking desired link will open Dashboard in a browser.

  1. Tap TEST MESSAGE button.

  2. Tap YES in Confirm pop-up window to send an Email and SMS message.
    If you tap NO the pop-up will close and you will be sent back to main screen automatically.

  3. A Confirm pop-up window will say Sent Email and Sent Text if no issues. Tap Close to return to main screen.
    Other responces… No WiFi: SmartLOG not connected to network, Email Not Confg: Missing info in dashboard settings page under Email From Acct Info. Email Error or Text Error: Messages were rejected by email provider for some reason.


RESET MIN/MAX Button: Sets memory recorded Min and Max values to current tempeature, time and date and removes alert and alarm colors from display if excursion was triggered.

  1. Tap RESET MIN/MAX button.
  2. Tap YES in Confirm pop-up window to reset values. Wait for button to transition as Email/SMS alerts are being sent out.
    Pop-up will close and switch back to the main screen automatically.
    If you tap NO the pop-up will close and will be sent back to main screen automatically.


UPDATE CHECK Button: Checks online for firmware version against current SmartLOG version, if newer version is available online, user has option to update. NOTE: Only recommended if having an issues.


  2. Tap YES in Confirm pop-up window to download and install firmware.
    If you tap NO the pop-up will close and will be sent back to main screen automatically.
    Other responces… No WiFi: SmartLOG not connected to network, No Updates: SmartLOG is up to date.

  3. Tap Restart to re-boot SmartLOG with new firmware.


TURN OFF Button: Powers off SmartLOG.

  1. Tap TURN OFF button.
  2. Tap YES in Confirm pop-up window to power off. Wait for button to transition as Email/SMS alerts are being sent out. Confirm pop-up window “Powering Off In 5 Seconds”.


Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Guide

SmartLOG Dashboard


Navigation Icons
Logger Nane Alarm Spk, WiFi, Pwr icons
Tap Spk to mute Alarm Buzzer on DDL
Sensor(s) Name
Temperature Guage
relative to Min/Max set points

Current temperature
Min/Max settings values

Lowest and Highest recorded
Temperature, Date and Time
Sensor Battery power remaining
Siginal strength

Logger Information: Sensor serial number
Consecutive lost signals from wireless sensor,
Logging interval
WiFi IP addr, Mac addr, Siginal strength
CPU temperature, Ram used and free
Firmware version running

Support: Links to online… Manual, QuickStart video, Instructional video.

Report Page


Month: selection starts on 1st and reports to last record of month.
Custom: user picks from/to dates for report.

Create: button generates the report

Report has 4 sections…

  1. Sensor Info
  2. Daily Summary
  3. Excursion Log
  4. Logs

All excursion values are color coded…
Red for high values, Blue for a low values

Print/Save: button opens print menu, select Save as PDF option to create a permanent file on your PC.


Pin: 5 digit number
If created during initial setup enter Pin number, otherwize, leave blank and click Open.


–Wi-Fi Setting–
These fields are populated from the initial SmartLOG SETUP.
To change network…
Network Name: SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the name of your wireless network
Password: network password.
Username: is for Enterprise Networks.

–Logger Configuration–
Access Pin:
5 digit number (required to save)
Logger Name: The name is used to access the Dashboard and also for Email & SMS messages sent. Do not use the same name if using additional data loggers on the same network. 12 alphanumeric characters, hyphen “-”, no spaces.
Facility Name:, Location:, Pin or ID#: are optional fields that show on reports.
P1 & P2 Name: A drop down list to select Fridge or Freeze that will auto populate
Alarm Temp: min and max values. Custom name, min/max values can be entered. For single sensor set up, leave P2 fields empty.
Sensor SN#: Enter serial number of orginal wireless sensor or new replacement sensor.
Cert Expires: Add 2 years from in service date.
Scale: Display & Report in °C or °F.
Log Interval: Select from 1 to 60 minutes.
Time Zone: Set your local Time Zone.
Time is automatically synchronized from internert.
Note: All times are in Standard Time, no DST

–Email From Acct Info–
see note ‘Office 365 accounts’
Email: Sign in to Email for sending alerts
Password: Email account password
Outgoing SMTP: Dropdown list of popular email provider servers. Selecting a server name will auto populate the Port #:
Custom server address & port # can be entered.
If Alerts and Status and message are not needed, leave Email From Acct fields empty.

–Email / SMS Contacts–
Email: Address to send alert email to.
SMS: 10 digit phone number to send text msg to.
Carrier: Select carrier of cell phone #.
Select from dropdown list of popular cell phone carriers or enter custom value.

–Daily Status Messages–
Time: can be set to OFF for both am and pm to disable status messages.
Select one or both am or pm for desired notification times.



NOTE: Microsoft 365, Office 365, GoDaddy Office 365 and Gmail

Require additional settings in order to send Emails and SMS alerts from the SmartLOG DDL.
Some of these setting require Administrative Rights to the Email account to allow SMTP and to generate a unique APP PASSWORD that is used in place of your standard password.
We recommend using your standard email credentials as a starting point,
SEND a Test Alert and if you don’t receive the Test Alert then generate an APP PASSWORD and test again,
If you still do not receive an Alert, an account administrator will need to verify that SMTP is allowed for the account.

App Password for 365 account with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enabled
Sign into your 365 Account…
In your account click icon in upper right coner, then click View Account
On My Account page click Security info… On My Sign-Ins page click Add method

Security info

Select App password… click Add… Enter password Name (e.g. SmartLOG)…
click Next… click pages icon to copy password to clipboard… click Done

Select App password

Enter this password in settings page, password field
under Email From Acct Info.

App Password for Gmail account with 2-Step Verification Enabled

Sign into your Google Account…
In Account Page click Select Security on left side… In the Sign in to Google box click App passwords
In App password click Select app and click Other

App Password for Gmail account with 2-Step Verification

Then enter a Name for the password (e.g. SmartLOG) and click Generate.
The App Password is the 16-character code in the yellow bar. Copy this password to Notepad or Word then click Done.
Your app passwords… now shows a SmartLOG entry and created date.

Enter this password in settings page, password field under Email From Acct Info.

Watch Our SmartLOG Videos

SmartLOG Kit consist of…

  • 1 x SmartLOG Digital Data Logger
  • 1 x Wireless Transmitter
  • 1 x 5V 1A Power Adapter
  • 1 x USB Cable
  • 2 x AAA (for transmitter)
  • 3 x AA (for DDL)
  • 1 x Plastic Touch Screen Stylus


With respect to the goods, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, Thermco Products, Inc. provides warranty for material and manufacturing defects for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase. During said period, Thermco Products, Inc. offers to provide physical examination of goods, provide repair of goods and/or components, or replace defective goods. This process would be subject to Thermco Products, Inc. issuing a Return Goods Authorization (RGA), which may or may not be at customer expense. Warranty shall not be considered for components such as batteries, incompetent installation, faulty maintenance by customer, normal wear and tear or deterioration of components due to improper use or non-compliance with proper use of goods. Separation of a liquid in glass thermometer is not deemed a manufacture defect.


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Contains IC: 2109-ESP32WROVERE
CAN ICES-003(A)/NMB-003(A)

DTS (Digital Transmission Systems) rules replace DSS (Direct Sequence Spread spectrum)
10 Millpond Drive Unit #10 Lafayette, NJ 07848 – Phone: 973.300.9100

rev 04/27/2022

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