SKYLUX CGT3 Aston Martin V12 Vantage Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

SKYLUX CGT3 Aston Martin V12 Vantage


  • Product Name: Canopy
  • Material: Glass
  • Usage: Glass sliding partition for single glazing
  • Glass Thickness: 8 mm
  • Protection: Wind and rain resistant

Product Usage Instructions

Safety Precautions
When installing the canopy, ensure to take the necessary safety precautions:

  • Use safety nets and lifelines when installing from the outside
  • Wear safety goggles, gloves, and a hard hat
  • Avoid stepping on the glass

Installation Tips

General Installation Tips:

  • Follow the provided profiles and parts drawing for proper assembly
  • Measure your glass sliding partition accurately before installation

Specific Installation Tips:

  • Upper Rail: Use the appropriate upper rail based on the number of glass panels
  • Lower Rail: Choose the lower rail with the correct number of tracks for your glass panels
  • Side Profiles: Ensure correct installation of side profiles for stability
  • Sliding Elements: Properly install sliding elements for smooth operation

Usage and Versions

  • The Climaglide canopy system can be used to create a large opening by sliding elements to one or both sides.
  • It is suitable for closing non-thermal break conservatory roofs such as Climax Panorama, Climalux, and Climalite.

Product Versions

  • The version of your Climaglide glass sliding partition is determined by the following code format: CG XYY L/R D.
  • For example, CG 303 L 8 indicates a system with 3 tracks and 3 sliding elements opening to the left with 8mm glass thickness.


  • Q: Can I use tempered glass with the canopy?
    A: Yes, the canopy is designed to work with toughened (tempered) glass with a thickness of 8 mm.

  • Q: How should I determine the park side for a supplied system?
    A: The park side is the side furthest from the hole in the inner rail. For single systems, sliding elements can be parked either to the left or right based on your preference.

Mounting instructions separate elements – 8 mm


Take the necessary and required safety precautions, such as safety nets and lifelines when installing from the outside, safety goggles, gloves, hard hat, etc.
Do not step on the glass.

Falling from height

  • When using ladders to go on the roof:
    • Ladder in good condition?
    • Set up correctly at an angle of 75°?
    • Secured below and on top against moving?
    • Don’t take heavy material with you on the ladder (3-point contact rule)! If possible, use a crane to lift the material.
  • If you are going on the roof, make sure there is a walking surface that is wide enough and that supports on the beams of the lower structure.
  • When using an aerial work platform: always wear and secure your harness (mandatory)! Leaving the cage is forbidden.
  • Never walk backwards on a roof, always walk forwards.
  • Make sure there’s enough light in the working zone.

Low-hanging obstacles and falling loads

  • Forbidden to walk under or within a radius of 1 m of a hanging or lifted load.
  • Demarcate the danger zone below the zone where there is a risk of material falling down during the installation of the veranda.
  • It’s prohibited to enter these danger zones during construction.

Crushing hazard

  • All working tools are in good condition, provided with a valid CE label and all necessary safety regulations. These cannot be removed.
  • People who use these working tools are educated for this purpose. Protections are always present on all working tools. They are in good condition and need to be set correctly.


  • Safety is key and it begins with order and tidiness. Clean everything immediately, leave nothing lying around.
  • Trash needs to be sorted.
  • Be cautious with electric cables (danger of tripping/falling). Never walk backwards!
  • Make sure there’s enough light in the working zone.

Sharp objects

  • Make sure your fingers/hands are not pinched and watch out for cuts while handling veranda parts.
  • Be careful where you put your hands during the installation.
  • Wearing cut-resistant gloves is mandatory.


  • Always lift loads correctly: bend your knees, move your feet instead of forcing your spine, lift as close to your body as possible.
  • Parts of more than 25 kg must be lifted with at least 2 persons.

Personal protective equipment

  • Work clothes, safety shoes and helmet are mandatory for everyone.
  • Lifeline and harness are mandatory if the edge is not secured enough or if there are no safety nets below the veranda roof. They are also necessary when using an aerial working platform.
  • Use gloves when handling veranda parts.
  • Safety glasses and hearing protection are mandatory when using saws / grinders.

Always perform a Last Minute Risc Analysis!
If in doubt: STOP! Do not take unnecessary risks. Ask your supervisor if needed.

Overview profiles and parts


Use and versions

  • Climaglide is a glass sliding partition for single glazing. This system provides some protection against wind and rain. There is a basic system with individual elements and a system which can be locked on the inside. The sliding elements can be slid open to 1 or 2 sides, creating a large opening. Climaglide is suitable for closing a non-thermal break conservatory roof such as Climax Panorama, Climalux and Climalite.
  • The lower rail (CGB) has 3,4 or 5 tracks (X), is fully pre-drilled and supplied on a custom basis.
  • A glass sliding partition consists of several sliding elements (YY). The left and right side are determined based on an inside position.
  • With a single system, the sliding elements can be parked either to the left (L) or to the right (R). The park side of a supplied system is the side furthest from the hole in the inner rail.
  • With a double system, half the sliding elements are set to the left, half to the right.
  • The glazing is provided by the customer/fitter in toughened (tempered) glass with a thickness (D) of 8 mm.
  • The version of your Climaglide glass sliding partition is determined by a code CG XYY L/R D:
  • Example:
    • CG 303 L 8 is a Climaglide glass sliding partition with 3 tracks and 3 sliding elements that open to the left (seen from the inside out). It is equipped with a glass thickness of 8 mm.
    • CG 408 LR 8 is a Climaglide glass sliding partition with 4 tracks and 8 sliding elements that partly open to the left and partly to the right. It is equipped with a glass thickness of 8 mm.

General installation tips

  • Please read this manual carefully.
  • Installation must be carried out by people with sufficient technical knowledge and experience of constructions. The fitter must take the necessary safety precautions during installation, such as the use of scaffolding and personal protective equipment (safety shoes, hard hat, gloves, safety goggles, etc.) in order to work in safe conditions. During construction, adequate precautions should be taken to ensure the stability of the unfinished construction.

Fixing materials
The fixing materials required are chosen by you depending on the base. The screws and plugs for screwing the profiles into the sill, the stanchions or the gutter profiles are not included. Use custom stainless steel countersunk screws. Make sure the base and walls to which the unit is to be anchored are sufficiently strong. The fitter must personally decide which fixing materials are suitable for the load and the base to which the unit is to be secured. In case of doubt, we recommend that you contact your fixing materials supplier or a specialised engineering office.

Lower rail

  • We recommend not to install the lower rail on the inner floor, but 2 mm lower.
  • If you install the rail more than 2 mm lower, please note that you will need to adjust the glass height.
  • In any case, always make sure that the bottom rail does not lean to the inside.
  • Skylux is not responsible for installation and for the fixing materials used.

Conditions and warranty

  • The warranty becomes invalid if the installation instructions below are not followed. Failure to follow these instructions and/or the use of other parts may adversely affect the safety and life of the product. Deviations are not permitted without the written permission of the manufacturer. Our installation manual is based on our latest knowledge and technology status. We cannot be held liable for any incomplete information. Always check whether our product is suitable for your use.
  • Since our product is processed and assembled outside of our supervision, any damage cannot be attributed to Skylux. The fitter must bear in mind the specified dimensions of the glazing and the wind load in accordance with applicable standards.
  • The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical changes without prior verbal or written notice.Skylux reserves the right to amend this manual without prior notice. Changes in the installation instructions or to the product carry no right to compensation or exchange of parts.
  • The most recent version of this manual can be consulted at any time at

Measuring your Climaglide glass sliding partition

Make sure the opening is perfectly square. The sill into which the lower rail is screwed must be perfectly level to allow the sliding partition system to work properly. If the deflection of the upper profile (gutter) is more than 20 mm, the glass sliding partition cannot be installed. Bear in mind that the lower and upper rails are X times 20 mm wide. A system with 3 tracks is therefore 60 mm wide. The stanchion on the parking side against which the glass sliding partition is installed must have at least the same depth.

Determining the dimensions
Measure the width (Bp) between the posts.

  • Measure the height (Hg) from sill to gutter and check whether this corresponds to the sliding partition ordered. The height (Hg) in the middle of the opening and at the side may differ by a maximum of 20 mm. Bear in mind that the deflection of the gutter may be greater when loaded with snow. The maximum height Hg is 2310 mm.
  • The package delivered with the profiles and accessories is prepared with the greatest care in accordance with the dimensions provided. First check that you have received all the parts.

Dimensions of the glass plates

  • The height of the glass plate is: Hg – 85 mm.
  • The glass plates are distributed evenly across the width. The width of the glass plate is:
    • For a single system: ((Bp – 16 + (X-1)*25)/X) – 2
    • For a double system: =((Bp-16-7+(X-2)*25)/X)-2 where X is the number of panels
  • Below is a calculation example to clarify this.

A single system CG 303 L 8 with a total width Bp of 2975 mm and an Hg of 2150 mm
This glass sliding partition has 3 tracks (X) and 3 sliding elements

  • Calculating the height of the glass plates: 2150 – 85 = 2065 mm
  • Calculating the width per glass plate: (2975 -16 +(3-1)25)/3 – 3 = (2959 + 225)/3 – 3 = (2959 +50) /3 – 3 = 3009/3 – 3 = 1000 mm

For this glass sliding partition, 3 glass plates of 1000 x 2065 mm must be ordered in toughened glass of 8 mm, the side edges of which must be ground.

Specific installation tips

Upper rail (CGT)

  • Check whether the upper profile can be anchored without perforating the gutter itself. As far as possible, it must therefore be possible to anchor the profile in the rearmost part of the gutter profile.
  • Pre-drill upper profile with Ø 5-6 mm with a gap of approximately 70 cm and 4 cm from the ends. Give each hole a chamfer so that the screw head is sunk.
  • Use countersunk screws to secure the profile (not supplied).
  • In the case of the GX gutter (Climalux), always do this in the first slot.
  • In the case of a GXLX gutter (Climalux Horizon) or a GL gutter (Climalite), always do this in the second slot.
  • In the case of a GDG gutter (Climax Panorama), do this staggered in the first and third slots.

Lower rail (CGB)

  • The holes for locking the sliding elements and drainage are already present in the profile. Position the profile between the stanchions. Make sure the horizontally drilled drainage holes are pointing outwards and the locking holes (option) at the end match the parking position of the sliding elements. See drawing below.
  • Pre-drill the lower rail with Ø 6 mm to 4 cm from the ends and also with a spacing of approximately 70 cm in the indication lines between the outermost tracks. Give each hole a chamfer so that the screw head is sunk. Then screw the profile onto the base with suitable screws and plugs. Provide a small water barrier with silicone at 15 mm from the inner edge between the lower rail and the surface. Make sure the lower rail lies perfectly beneath the upper rail and is level. If necessary, shims must be used to align the lower rail horizontally.

Side profiles (CGL)

  • Both side profiles are identical. They need to be sawn to the precise length on the construction site. Make sure the milled-out opening is facing downwards. Pre-drill at least 2 holes with Ø 5-6 mm. Give each hole a chamfer so that the screw head is sunk. First position the side profile on the parking side and centred above the outermost track. Then screw the profile to the stanchion. Use short screws for this, so that the water discharge pipe is not pierced. Do the same against the other stanchion, but centrally above the innermost track.
  • Afterwards, push the supplied black felt in the profiles. This serves as a sealing and shock absorber.

Sliding elements (CGPL)
The carrier profiles are custom-made and fitted with wheel guidance and locks. Depending on whether a single or double system is chosen, 1 or 2 carrier profiles are fitted with a lock opening (option). These are used for the sliding element on the parking side. The other carrier profiles are fitted with a lock (option).

Installing the sliding elements

  • Lay the glass plate horizontally on 2 trestles. Provide protection against scratches. Take the rubber strip and cut it 1 cm longer than the width of the glass. Position this on the face side of the glass plate. Take the carrier profile and remove at least one end piece or lock piece. Coat the carrier profile on the inside with a detergent solution. Position the top of the carrier profile over the rubber and make sure the side of the carrier profile is aligned with the side of the glass plate. First, push the carrier profile manually on the glass as far as possible. Tap the carrier profile into the glass plate with a rubber hammer (we recommend 700 gr) until only the edge of the rubber remains visible. Measure the squareness of the glass against the profile with a try square. The surplus rubber protruding at the sides must be cut off. Remount the end pieces and/or lock pieces.
  • The basic system has no locking equipment and each carrier profile has 2 standard end pieces (CGPLS). The lockable system is different. The carrier profile of the first sliding element (park side), which is fitted with a lock opening, is fitted with an end piece on both sides. For the other sliding elements, an end piece is fitted on one side. A lock is fitted on the other side.
  • Install the first element with lock opening pointing inside on the parking side on the outermost track. Tip the sliding element up in the outermost guide of the upper rail. Tilt the element until it is vertical and let it drop until the wheel guide fits onto the outermost track. The first sliding element is now positioned. Check if the sliding element stands perfectly straight and horizontal. If not, the rail and the upper track must be aligned. Repeat this procedure for all sliding elements, each time on the next track. Make sure the lock is pointing towards the parking side. Now slide each element carefully over the entire length of the opening to check that there is no catching on the screws in the upper rail.

The finish

  • Install the locking block on the parking side on the lower rail with a hex key. Adjust the position so that the lock enters the opening of the carrier profile.
  • Also test the locking positions of the other sliding elements.
  • For the seal against rainwater we recommend finishing the lower rail on the inside with silicone.
  • You can additionally opt for round handles. We offer two different types:
    • to be glued to the glass panels (glass glue can be ordered separately)
    • to screw into the glass panels (predrill the glass panels with Ø 60)
  • To prevent someone walking into the transparent sliding elements, we recommend affixing a self-adhesive opaque strip to the glass at eye level.
  • If you have ordered the sealing brushes, they can now be sawn to length and be fixed on the glass with a suitable glue (TEC7 transparent or simular).


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