Beat-Sonic encore X Plug and Play Car Audio DSP Amplifier User Guide Product Information

June 1, 2024

encore X Plug and Play Car Audio DSP Amplifier


Product Information


  • Model: Plug & Play Car Audio DSP Amplifier
  • Version: Ver. 1.02
  • OS Compatibility: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
  • CPU Requirement: 1.6GHz or higher
  • Memory Requirement: 1GB RAM (minimum)
  • Storage Requirement: 512MB free disk space for

Product Usage Instructions

Software Installation

To install the DSP Sound Controller Tool:

  1. Visit the Beat-Sonic English website or
    to download the tool.

  2. Extract the downloaded file on your

  3. Run the Sound_Controller.exe file to launch the

  4. Follow the installation prompts and click Finish to complete
    the installation.

PC Connection

To connect the DSP amplifier to your PC:

  1. Install the DSP Sound Controller Tool on your PC.

  2. Connect the DSP amplifier in the vehicle before connecting it
    to the PC.

  3. Use the supplied USB cable to connect the DSP amplifier to the

  4. Turn on the vehicle ignition to ACC or ON and ensure the DSP
    amplifier power indicator LED is illuminated.

  5. Launch the Sound Controller application and select USB from the
    Connect menu to establish a connection.

Loading the DSP Audio File

To load the DSP audio file:

  1. If your DSP power amplifier did not come with a preloaded audio
    file, download a suitable DSP file.

  2. Save the DSP audio file to your PC following a specific
    filename convention.

  3. Load the saved DSP audio file using the Sound Controller tool
    interface for customization.


Q: What is TOON mentioned in the manual?

A: TOON is an acronym for Totally Optimized ONgaku, representing
music optimization in Japanese.


Ver. 1.02
Plug & Play Car Audio DSP Amplifier

Table of Contents
1. Table of Contents……………………………………………………….2 2. Software Installation…………………………………………………….3 3. PC Connection…………………………………………………………..4 4. Loading the DSP Audio File…………………………………………..5
Load a single DSP file (Set file)………………………………………………..5 Load a group of DSP files (Sets file)………………………………………….6 5. Saving Changes the DSP Audio File……………………………….7 Save a single DSP file (Set file)………………………………………………..7 Save a group of DSP files (Sets file)………………………………………….7 6. User Interface……………………………………………………………8 Online Indicator…………………………………………………………………9 Connect……………………………………………………………………………9 Option……………………………………………………………………………..9 Main………………………………………………………………………………..10 Channel and Speaker Settings…………………………………………….10 Filter Settings……………………………………………………………………..11 High Pass Filter………………………………………………………………….11 Low Pass Filter…………………………………………………………………..11 Basic Adjustment……………………………………………………………….12 Preset Save & Load…………………………………………………………..12 Time Alignment Settings…………………………………………………….13
1. Parametric Time Alignment……………………………………………….13 2. Graphic Time Alignment……………………………………………………14 Equalizer Settings………………………………………………………………15

Software Installation
The dedicated DSP Sound Controller Tool together with other related download files are available from the Beat-Sonic English language website via the URL below:


Minimum system requirements
COMPATIBLE OS : Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 CPU : 1.6GHz or higher
MEMORY : 1GB RAM (minimum) HDD : 512MB free disk space for installation
DISPLAY : 1024 × 576 or higher

Enter the URL above, or visit website and go to the downloads menu to download the DSP Sound Controller Tool.
Locate the downloaded file on the PC. Right click the folder and select “Extract All” then double click the Sound_Controller.exe file within the extracted folder. Click Yes when prompted.
The application will launch automatically after the installation has completed. Click Finish to exit the installer.

A note about “TOON” This product was originally developed by Beat-Sonic for the Japanese market under the brand “TOON”. The brand
name TOON is an acronym for Totally Optimized ONgaku (Ongaku is the word for music in Japanese).

PC Connection
PC with DSP Sound Controller Tool installed
Install and connect the DSP amplifier in the vehicle before connecting to the PC. Download and install the DSP Sound Controller Tool onto the PC before connecting to the DSP amplifier.
Connect the supplied USB cable from the PC to the DSP amplifier installed in the vehicle. Turn the vehicle ignition to ACC or ON and confirm the DSP amplifier power indicator LED is illuminated. Note that
some vehicles may require the IGN mode activated to turn on the DSP amplifier. Launch the Sound Controller application. Select USB from the Connect drop-down menu to complete the connection
Changes can now be made to the DSP audio settings via the sound controller tool interface.

Loading the DSP Audio File
-oading of the DSP audio file is required if: (a) your encore X plug & play DSP power amplifier did not come with a preloaded vehicle specific DSP audio file; (b) you wish to install a different DSP audio file; (c) you are loading a saved DSP audio file that you are working on.
For (a) and (b) above, ensure you have the correct DSP audio file for your vehicle application. Vehicle specific DSP audio files are available from Beat- Sonic or from your Beat-Sonic distributor. Load a single DSP audio file (Set file): Download and save the applicable DSP audio file to your PC. The filename convention for a single DSP audio file is:
example_filename.C6LBSet Connect the PC to the DSP amplifier and launch the DSP Sound Controller Tool application. Confirm the connection to the DSP is Online, then select the desired Preset Load slot (1 – 6) to load in the DSP audio
file. In the example below, Preset Load slot #2 is selected.
From the Option drop-down menu, select PC Load. Locate the DSP audio file (Set file) saved on the PC, select it then click Open. Click Yes at the warning prompt to continue.

The DSP sound file will be loaded into the Preset Load slot selected in step 3. In this example, Preset Load slot #2 was selected.
Select Preset Save slot #2 to save the DSP audio file into the DSP amp internal memory. Click Yes at the warning prompt to complete the loading of a single DSP audio file (Set file) procedure.
CAUTION Selecting a different Preset Load slot prior to selecting the Preset Save slot will result in the loss of the loaded DSP file.

$lick the

in the top right corner to close and exit the application. You may click No at the warning prompt, as the

Preset Save was already completed in step 6 above.

The DSP amp will utilize the DSP audio file stored in the most recently selected Preset Load slot prior to when the DSP Sound Controller tool was last closed.

Loading the DSP Audio File
For advanced users, a group of DSP audio files (Sets files) can be loaded from the PC with the data loaded into all six (6) Preset Save slots. Saving and loading groups of DSP audio files is required when creating vehicle specific DSP audio files to allow quick selection of up to 6 stored profiles.
CAUTION – Loading a Sets file automatically overwrites the DSP audio files in all six (6) Preset Save slots currently stored in the DSP amp internal memory. Load a group of DSP audio files (Sets file): From the Option drop-down menu, select Load All.
Locate the DSP audio file (Sets file) saved on the PC, select it then click Open. The filename convention for a group of DSP audio files is: example_filename.C6LBSets
All Preset Save slots 1 – 6 will be loaded with the data from the Sets file.
Load All overwrites all six (6) Preset Save slots
The DSP amp will utilize the DSP audio file stored in the most recently selected Preset Load slot prior to when the DSP Sound Controller tool was last closed.

Saving Changes to the DSP Audio File
How to save changes made to a DSP audio file
In addition to saving to the DSP amp internal memory (Preset Save), it is also possible to save the file(s) to the PC as either a single DSP audio file (example_filename.C6LBSet), or as a group of DSP audio files (example_filename.C6LBSets).
Changes to the settings in the selected Preset Load slot are not automatically saved. Changes made to the currently selected Preset Load file should be saved to the DSP amp internal memory (Preset Save) and/or saved to the PC as a single DSP audio file (Set file). Selecting a different Preset Load slot without first (a) saving to a Preset Save slot, or (b) saving to the PC (PC Save) will result in the loss of any changes made to the Preset Load slot. Save a single DSP audio file (Set file): From the Option drop-down menu, select PC Save. Enter a filename for your DSP audio file and click save. In the example below, the filename is “RAV4_example_set” with the filename extension “.C6LBSSet”. Click OK to complete the save process. Important: The displayed Preset Load data is saved to the PC but not to the DSP amp internal memory. Select a Preset Save slot to save the displayed Preset Load data to the DSP amp internal memory.
Save a group of DSP audio files (Sets file): When creating or modifying DSP audio files for a particular vehicle, it is often necessary to have multiple DSP audio files (Sets files) to compare and make fine adjustments. The Save All command saves the DSP audio file data stored in all six (6) Preset Save slots. Ensure changes to the displayed Preset Load data are saved to the Preset Save slots before proceeding with Save All. From the Option drop down menu, select Save All. Enter a filename for your DSP audio files and click save. In the example below, the filename is “RAV4_example_sets”
with the filename extension “.C6LBSSets” Click OK to complete the save process.
The DSP amp will utilize the DSP audio file stored in the most recently selecte.d Preset Load slot prior to when the DSP Sound Controller tool was last closed.

User Interface

User Interface

Online – indicates connection to DSP amp Connect – selects connection type (USB only) Option – main drop down menu Main – master volume control Channel and speaker settings Filter – equalizer master control HPF – high pass filter control LPF – low pass filter control Basic Adjustment Preset Save / Preset Load – saves and loads to/from DSP main unit memory Time alignment settings Equalizer settings

User Interface
Online Indicator
0OMJOFindicates DSP is powered On and connected to the PC. 0GGMJOFindicates no connection to PC. Check power and USB cable.


Confirm USB is selected. (WiFi connection is not available)



Sets the audio output delay (milliseconds) after the DSP is turned on.

Factory Reset Resets the currently selected Preset Load slot to factory default settings. CAUTION: all

equalizer settings set to flat for the selected Preset Load slot.

PC Save*

Save a single DSP audio file (Set file) from the currently selected and displayed Preset Load

slot (1 ~ 6) to the PC.

PC Load*

Load a single DSP audio file (Set file) from the PC to the currently selected Preset Load slot

(1 ~ 6). CAUTION: does not automatically save to a Preset Save slot.

Save All*

Save a group of DSP audio files (Sets files) from all Preset Save slots (1 ~ 6) to the PC.

Load All*

Load a group of DSP audio files (Sets files) from the PC to all Preset Save slots (1 ~ 6).

Update Firmware Used to update software version.


Displays software and hardware version number.

  • DSP sound file extension format: Single DSP sound file : filename.C6LBSSet All DSP sound files : filename.C6LBSSets


User Interface

Master volume control

Volume Slider Volume Input Mute Button

Slider adjusts the volume Allows input of desired degree of loudness in decibels-60.0dB ~ +6.0dB) Temporarily mutes the audio output

Channel and Speaker Settings
Selecting a channel changes the channel button to red. Use drop-down menu to assign a speaker type (see Table 1.) to the channel. Only non-assigned speakers are available for selection.

Each channel of the DSP amplifier has the following adjustable settings:

CH Selection Volume Phase Mute Link
Speaker Type Speaker Quick Set

Indicates the currently selected channel Slider to adjust volume. Loudness in dB can also be directly input-60.0dB ~ +6.0dB) Inverts the speaker phase (0°180°) Temporarily mutes the selected channel Links parameters from the currently selected channel to the linked channel. CAUTION: the linked channel settings are overwritten. All changes made on the currently selected channel are duplicated on the linked channel. Assigns speaker type to each of the channels. (see Table 1.) Default : Resets speaker type assignments to factory default settings Clear : Assigns all speakers in to “OFF”

Table 1. Speaker Selection Table














User Interface

EQ Reset Resets the equalizer settings to flat for the currently selected channel.

EQ Bypass Temporarily sets the equalizer to flat for the selected channel. Select the button again to return to the previous equalizer settings.

EQ Mode

Toggles between parametric equalizer (PEQ) mode and graphical equalizer (GEQ) mode. Caution – changing EQ modes resets parameters to flat. Save data prior to changing EQ modes as required.

High Pass Filter (HPF) Low Pass Filter (HPF)

Enter frequency in Hertz (Hz)

20Hz ~ 22,000Hz (22kHz) can be

entered in increments of 1Hz.

Select digital crossover type Select from the 3 IIR crossover types. Butterworth is the default.




Select crossover slope (dB/Oct) Select from the available crossover slopes.
1st & 3rd order crossovers not available for Linkwitz.








User Interface

Basic Adjustment

Noise Gate

Treble Boost

Mid Boost

Bass Boost

Sets the noise filter threshold. When adjusting, set listening volume to barely audible and start from -120dB. Gradually increase by increments of 10dB until optimum noise gate threshold is achieved. i.e. background hum/noise is not audible when audio volume is low or paused. Enter value (-6dB ~ +6dB) to decrease/increase volume for high frequency range. Enter value (-6dB ~ +6dB) to decrease/increase volume for mid frequency range. Enter value (-6dB ~ +6dB) to decrease/increase volume for low frequency range.

Preset Save / Preset Load

Preset Save Select slot (1 ~ 6) to save the current sound file data to DSP amp internal memory. i.e. Saves the currently displayed settings to the selected memory slot in the DSP.

CAUTION: overwrites the saved settings in the DSP for the selected Preset Save


Preset Load

Select slot (1 ~ 6) to load the sound file data from DSP amp internal memory. i.e. Displays the settings from the selected memory slot in the DSP. CAUTION: overwrites the currently displayed settings for the selected Preset Load slot.

Example: modifying equalizer settings in Preset Save slot #1 and saving the changes to Preset Save slot #2

1. Select Preset Load slot #1 displays the DSP 2. After making adjustments to the equalizer audio file settings stored in Preset Save slot #1 settings etc., click Preset Save slot #2 to save.

3. Select Preset Load slot #2 to display the DSP audio file settings stored in Preset Save slot #2

Result: Preset Load slot #1 contains the original DSP audio file and Preset Load slot #2 contains the modified DSP audio file

User Interface

Time Alignment Settings

Parameter Parametric alignment setting

Alignment Graphic



Graphical alignment setting Alignment settings OFF

Unit:ms Milliseconds


Unit:cm Centimeters

Unit:inch Inches

Parametric Setting






The listening area is determined by a imaginary circle of radius 204cm (80.315 in.), with its center at the listening point. The listening point is typically the driver’s head position.
Measure the distance from the listening point to each speaker location. If using cms, substract the measured distance in cms from 204 and enter this value for each of the channels. For distances greater or equal to 204cm, enter 0cm. Center speaker and subwoofer maximum distance is 136cm.
If using inches, substract the measured distance in inches from 80.315 and enter this value for each of the channels. For distances greater or equal to 80.315 in, enter 0. Center speaker and subwoofer maximum distance is 53.543 in.
See example on next page.

204cm / 80.315 in. radius
Listening point (left hand drive shown) Speaker location Distance from listening point to speaker Distance from speaker to listening area boundary (parameter input value)

User Interface

Time Alignment Settings (continued)





150.00 CH5 CH6 97.00



Example – distance from listening point to each speaker (unit:cm): CH1 : 94.0 CH2 : 140.0 CH3 : 54.0 CH4 : 107.0 CH5 : 0 CH6 : 0
Parameter value input (unit:cm) CH1 : 204 – 94.0 = 110.0 CH2 : 204 – 140.0 = 64.0 CH3 : 204 – 54.0 = 150.0 CH4 : 204 – 107.0 = 97.0 CH5 : 136 – 0 = 136.0 CH6 : 136 – 0 = 136.0

Time alignment parameters are automatically adjusted to the DSP optimized values when the screen is refreshed. E.g. Entered value of 10.0cm will automatically be adjusted to 9.860cm. The automatic adjustment occurs when
selecting a different channel, changing alignment setting, changing the units etc.

Graphic Setting



The listening point can also be set by dragging the mouse pointer.





User Interface
Equalizer Settings

Channel specific frequency response curve Select and drag the band number to make adjustments to the frequency response (1 – 31 bands available in the above example) PEQ Mode……….Up, down, left and right adjustments are available in parametric equalizer mode GEQ Mode……….Only up & down (gain) adjustments are available in graphic equalizer mode. Fc and Q are fixed to default values for each band in GEQ Mode. Channel bands $)$)CBOET $)$)CBOET $)$)CBOET

Band settings (direct input available in PEQ mode)


Center frequency


Q factor (bandwidth around center frequency)

Gain Volume amplification ratio (-15dB ~ +15dB)

Level slider for adjusting gain Level slider Slide up/down to adjust the gain for the selected frequency band.


The button below the slider temporarily sets the equalizer to flat for the selected band. Select the button again to return the equalizer to the previous settting.


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