AIRZONE HUB-5G Integration Cloud Dual Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024

AIRZONE HUB-5G Integration Cloud Dual


Product Information


  • Supported Languages: EN, ES, FR, IT, PT, DE
  • Integration Manual Index

Product Usage Instructions

  • Environmental Policy
    Ensure to comply with the environmental policy outlined in the manual.

  • Modbus Protocol
    The product supports Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP protocols for communication.

  • Connection
    Connect the device to a Webserver HUB/5G for communication. Follow the specific instructions for Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP connections.

  • Settings
    Adjust system address and configuration settings using Airzone Cloud. Detailed steps are provided for Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP settings.

  • Modbus Function Codes
    Learn about the various function codes supported by the Modbus protocol for efficient communication.

  • Communication Structure
    Understand the communication structure for Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP in the Airzone and Aidoo systems.

  • Modbus Commands
    Execute write and read commands for Airzone Modbus RTU, Airzone Modbus TCP/IP, and Modbus RTU Aidoo systems.

  • Registers
    Access registers in the Airzone and Aidoo systems using the provided mapping information.


  • What languages are supported by the product?
    The product supports English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Italian (IT), Portuguese (PT), and German (DE).

  • How can I configure the system settings?
    You can configure system settings via Airzone Cloud. Follow the instructions provided in the manual for detailed steps.

Environmental policy

  • Never dispose of this equipment with household waste. Electrical and electronic products contain substances that can be harmful to the environment if not properly handled. The crossed-out waste bin symbol indicates separate collection of electrical devices, which must be separated from other urban waste. For correct environmental management, at the end of its useful life the equipment should be taken to the collection centers provided for this purpose.
  • The parts that make it up can be recycled. Therefore, please respect the regulations in force regarding environmental protection.
  • If you replace the equipment, the original equipment must be returned to your dealer or deposited at a specialized collection center.
  • Violations are subject to the penalties and measures stipulated in environmental protection law.

Modbus protocol

  • Modbus is a communications protocol based on the master/slave (RTU) or client/server (TCP/IP) architecture, which physically organizes information into formats or logical groups of information.
  • Each device on the Modbus network has a unique address. The primary device sends a command in a frame, which includes the address of the recipient (secondary) device(s). All devices receive the frame, but only the recipient interprets and executes the command, returning a confirmation message or an error message.
  • It is possible to send information to a multitude of devices simultaneously through a frame called “Broadcast”.
  • Each of the messages sent includes redundant information that ensures its integrity upon receipt. If after a certain time the primary device does not receive confirmation, it understands that an error has occurred and ends the communication.AIRZONE-HUB-5G-Integration-Cloud-Dual- \(1\)

Airzone systems
In Airzone zone systems, each main control board is a Modbus slave node with a Modbus slave address equal to the configured system address.

Modbus only available in Aidoo Wi-Fi and Aidoo Pro. Aidoo devices have a Modbus slave node implemented.
Aidoo has two Modbus maps for controlling the unit:

  • Modbus Airzone map (only available in Aidoo Pro): It shares the same registers as Airzone systems and allows basic control of the unit, taking into account which Aidoo corresponds to zone 1.
  • Modbus Aidoo Map: Allows complete control of the unit and provides unit parameter information.

The Modbus RTU is used with physical level RS485.
Each data byte is represented by two 4-bit hexadecimal characters. The format of the frame is as follows:

Start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Parity Stop

The Modbus RTU parameters offered by the main control boards and by the Webserver HUB follow the following configuration:

Integration bus

Communications port speed| 19 200 bps
Communication| Half duplex
Frame length| 8 bit
Stop bit| 1 bit
Flow control| None
Parity| Par

This is a Modbus variant used for communications over TCP/IP networks, which is connected through port 502. It does not require a checksum calculation, since the lower layers already provide checksum protection.



  • Modbus RTU
    Note: Available from version 4.01.
    Connect the Modbus communication cable to the Modbus interface. Consult the Modbus RTU Settings section.

  • Modbus TCP/IP
    Note: Available from version 4.01.
    Connect your router to the Webserver using the Ethernet cable. Its presence will be detected automatically and the parameters will be configured to make Modbus work.
    See Modbus TCP/IP Settings. AIRZONE-HUB-5G-Integration-Cloud-Dual-


  • Modbus RTU
    Connect the Modbus communication cable to the Modbus interface. Consult the Modbus RTU Settings section.AIRZONE-HUB-5G-Integration-Cloud-Dual-
\(6\) AIRZONE-HUB-5G-Integration-Cloud-Dual-
    Note: If you have more than one system, remember to provide addresses for all the main control boards in the installation for correct operation.


  • Modbus RTU
    Note: Applicable to Aidoo Pro and Aidoo Wi-Fi.
    Connect the Modbus communication cable to the Modbus interface. Consult the Modbus RTU Settings section.AIRZONE-HUB-5G-Integration-Cloud-Dual-

  • Modbus TCP/IP
    Note: Applicable to Aidoo Pro. Available from version 10.04.
    Connect the Aidoo device to your router. Its presence will be detected automatically and the parameters will be configured to make Modbus work.
    See Modbus TCP/IP Settings.


You can configure the settings via your Blueface thermostat or via the Airzone Cloud app.

To perform the configuration process, it is first necessary to identify the system. To do this, remove the Blueface thermostat from its base and check the code on the label on the back of the thermostat.
Note: Only for Airzone systems.AIRZONE-HUB-5G-Integration-Cloud-Dual-

Code Classification Zones Associated documentation
AZCE8 Flexa 4.0 / Innobus Pro8 System 8 [Installation

AZDI6| Acuazone / Innobus Pro32 System| 32| Installation Manual
AZRA6| RadianT365 system| 6| Installation Manual
AZVAF| VAF system| 10| Installation Manual
AZZBS| ZBS system| 10| Installation Manual
AZZS6| 2-pipe / 2-wire system| 6| Quick Start Guide

Access the Airzone Cloud app and perform the configuration by following the steps below as appropriate.


  1. Log in to the Airzone Cloud app, and from the main screen, access the menu and select Airtools.

  2. Start advanced configuration via Bluetooth.

  3. Select your device from the list.
    Note: If your unit is not listed, confirm that the Bluetooth function on your iOS or Android device is enabled and that Aidoo is turned on and working properly.

  4. Select “Integration”.AIRZONE-HUB-5G-Integration-Cloud-Dual- \(13\)
    Modbus RTU
    Note: Applies to Webserver HUB, Webserver 5G systems, Aidoo Pro, Aidoo Wi-Fi.

  5. Configure the integration port output.

  6. Select the appropriate communication protocol:

    • a. Modbus RTU Airzone.
    • b. Modbus RTU Aidoo. In this case, set the Modbus ID.AIRZONE-HUB-5G-Integration-Cloud-Dual- \(14\)
      Modbus TCP/IP
      Note: Applies to Webserver HUB, Webserver 5G systems, Aidoo Pro, Aidoo Wi-Fi.
  7. Select “Modbus TCP Airzone”.

Modbus function codes

The basic Modbus commands allow you to control a device to modify the value of any of its registers (memory space), or request the content of said registers, according to the different function codes:

Code Eco-Adapt
03 Read output or internal registers
04 Read input registers
06 Write to single register
16 Write to multiple registers
22 Write to register by mask

Communication structure

Note: Available for Airzone systems, Webserver and Aidoo Pro.
The format of the commands for read/write operations with Modbus RTU (8 bytes) is as follows:

System address| Operation code| Zone address| Register address| Data| CRC
1 byte| 1 byte| 1 byte| 1 byte| 1…2·N bytes| 2 bytes

  • System address. Defines the system to be accessed. Addresses are from 1 to 247, as address 0 is reserved for transmission to all devices (Broadcast).
  • Operation code. Indicates the function to be performed by the command.
  • Zone address. For zone commands, this field defines the zone to which the operation is carried out. For system commands this byte is always 0.
  • Register address. Indicates the address of the register to be accessed. In commands on multiple registers, defines the Start Register from which to operate consecutively.
  • Data. Formed by 2 bytes (single operations) or set of 2 bytes (multiple operations) that contain the command information.
  • CRC. 2 bytes are added to the end of the frame in order to detect errors in transmission or reception. The Cyclic Redundant Code (CRC) check method is used for this.

The generator polynomial is: CRC-16 = x16 + x15 + x2 + 1.

Note: Available for Airzone systems, Webserver and Aidoo Pro.
The format of the commands for read/write operations with Modbus TCP is as follows:

Transaction ID| Protocol identifier| Length field| System address| Operation code| Zone address| Register address| Data
2 bytes| 2 bytes| 2 bytes| 1 byte| 1 byte| 1 byte| 1 byte| 1…2·N bytes

  • Transaction ID. Enables synchronization of messages between the server and the client.
  • Protocol identifier. Always 0 value in Modbus TCP.
  • Length field. Number of bytes in the frame.
  • System address. Defines the system to be accessed. Addresses are from 1 to 247, with address 0 reserved for transmission to all devices (Broadcast).
  • Operation code. Indicates the function that the command will perform.
  • Zone address. For zone commands, this field defines the zone to which the operation is carried out. For system commands this byte is always 0.
  • Register address. Indicates the address of the register to be accessed. In commands on multiple registers, defines the Start Register from which to operate consecutively.
  • Data. Formed by 2 bytes (single operations) or set of 2 bytes (multiple operations) that contain the command information.

Note: Available for Aidoo Wi-Fi, Aidoo Pro, Aidoo Z-Wave and Aidoo Zigbee. The format of the commands for read/write operations is as follows (8 bytes):

Secondary address| Operation code| Register address| Data| CRC
1 byte| 1 byte| 2 bytes| 1…2·N bytes| 2 bytes

  • Secondary address. Defines the secondary device to be accessed. Addresses are from 1 to 247, as address 0 is reserved for transmission to all devices (Broadcast).
  • Operation code. Indicates the function that the command will perform.
  • Register address. Indicates the address of the register to be accessed. In commands on multiple registers, defines the Start Register from which to operate consecutively.
  • Data. Formed by 2 bytes (single operations) or set of 2 bytes (multiple operations) that contain the command information.
  • CRC. 2 bytes are added to the end of the frame in order to detect errors in transmission or reception. The Cyclic Redundant Code (CRC) check method is used for this.

The generator polynomial is: CRC-16 = x16 + x15 + x2 + 1.

Modbus commands


  • Write commands
    • Write to single register**
      Byte| Field**
      0| System address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
      1| Write to single register (6)
      2| Zone address
      3| Register address
      4| Data to write
      6| CRC

Provided no error occurs, the response must be in exactly the same format as the write command.

  *  ** **Write to multiple registers****  
Byte Field
0 Secondary address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
1 Write to multiple registers (16)
2 Zone address
3 Start register address
4 Number of registers to write (N)

6| Number of total write bytes (2·N)
7| Data to write to register 1
5 + 2·N| Data to write to register N
6 + 2·N
7 + 2·N| CRC
8 + 2·N

Provided there is no error, the response will be:

Byte Field
0 System address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
1 Write to multiple registers (16)
2 Zone address
3 Start register address
4 Number of registers to write (N)

6| CRC

  • Write to a register using a mask
    Write to register by masks allows you to operate through two masks and thus work at the bit level on a register. The first mask performs a logical multiplication (AND) on the register and the second one a logical addition (OR).
    The AND mask indicates the bits of the register that will be modified. The bits that have the value “1” in the mask will remain unchanged; while those that have a “0” will take this value. The value that the bits that are going to be modified will take will be the value that said bits have in the OR mask. Byte| Field
    0| System address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
    1| Write to a single register by mask (22)
    2| Zone address
    3| Register address
    4| AND mask
    6| OR mask
    8| CRC

Provided no error occurs, the response must be in exactly the same format as the write command.

  • Read commands
    • Request**
      Byte| Field**
      0| System address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
      1| Read registers (3/4)
      2| Zone address
      3| Start register address
      4| Number of registers to read (N)
      6| CRC
    • Response**
      Byte| Field**
      0| System address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
      1| Read registers (3/4)
      2| Number of response bytes (2·N)
      3| Data to read from register 0
      3 + 2·N| Data to read from register N
      4 + 2·N
      5 + 2·N| CRC
      6 + 2·N


  • Write commands
    • Write to single register**
      Byte| Field**
      0| Secondary address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
      1| Write to single register (6)
      2| Register address
      4| Data to write
      6| CRC

Provided no error occurs, the response must be in exactly the same format as the write command.

  *  ** **Write to multiple registers****  
Byte Field
0 Secondary address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
1 Write to multiple registers (16)
2 Start register address
3 Number of registers to write (N)

5| Number of total write bytes (2·N)
6| Data to write to register 1
5 + 2·N| Data to write to register N
6 + 2·N
7 + 2·N| CRC
8 + 2·N

Provided there is no error, the response will be:

Byte Field
0 Secondary address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
1 Write to multiple registers (16)
2 Start register address

4| Number of registers to write (N)
6| CRC

  • Read commands
    • Request**
      Byte| Field**
      0| Secondary address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
      1| Write to multiple registers (16)
      2| Start register address
      4| Number of registers to write (N)
      6| CRC
    • Response**
      Byte| Field**
      0| Secondary address (1-247) (0: Broadcast)
      1| Read registers (3/4)
      2| Number of response bytes (2·N)
      3| Data to read from register 0
      3 + 2·N| Data to read from register N
      4 + 2·N
      5 + 2·N| CRC
      6 + 2·N


Suitable for installations containing systems and/or Aidoo Pro.


  • Airzone
    Note: Available for Airzone systems, Webserver.

    • System registers
      In systems, 25 16-bit input/output registers are defined.

    • Zone registers
      In the registers associated with zones, the address of the same is calculated as follows:

      The zone address identifies the zones associated to a unit, between 1 and 32 (up to 32* possible zones associated to the same unit). Address 127 is reserved for Broadcast to all the zones of the same unit and is only valid for write functions.
      Note: The total number of zones depends on the system (see System identification section). Fourteen 16-bit zone registers are defined.

  • Aidoo
    Note: Available for Aidoo Pro systems.

    • System registers
      In systems, 3 16-bit input/output registers are defined.

    • Zone registers
      In Aidoo for direct expansion units and fancoil units, the zone address is always 1. In Aidoo for air to water units, there can be up to 2 zones. Therefore, the zone register address is calculated as follows:|

Only suitable for installations with Aidoo.

Marie Curie, 21 29590 Málaga Spain

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