Goplus SP36440 Folding Rowing Machine User Manual

May 15, 2024

Goplus SP36440 Folding Rowing Machine User Manual

Goplus SP36440 Folding Rowing Machine.jpg


Safety Information

Important- Please read fully before assembly or using

To reduce the risk of serious injury, read the entire manual before you assemble or operate the Magnetic Rowing Machine. In particular, note the following safety precautions:


  • Check you have all the components and tools listed on pages 3, 4, bearing in mind that, for ease of assembly, some components are pre-assembled.
  • Keep children and animals away from the work area, small parts could choke if swallowed.
  • Make sure you have enough space to layout the parts before starting.
  • Assemble the item as close to its final position (in the same room) as possible.
  • Position the equipment on a clear, level surface.
  • Dispose of all packaging carefully and responsibly. Using
  • It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that all users of this product are properly informed as to how to use this product safely.
  • This product is intended for domestic use only. Do not use in any commercial, rental, or institutional setting.
  • Before using the equipment, always warm up properly.
  • If the user experiences dizziness, nausea, chest pain, or other abnormal symptoms stop the workout and seek immediate medical attention.
  • Only one person at a time should use the equipment.
  • Keep hands away from all moving parts.
  • Always wear appropriate workout clothing when exercising. Do not wear loose or baggy clothing, since it may get caught in the equipment. Wear athletic shoes to protect your feet while exercising.
  • Do not place any sharp objects around the equipment.
  • Disabled persons should not use the equipment without a qualified person or doctor in attendance.
  • This product is suitable for user’s weight of: 110kgs.
  • Keep unsupervised children away from the equipment.
  • Injuries to health may result from incorrect or excessive training the equipment shall be installed on a stable base and properly leveled.
  • Braking system is adjustable.

Battery safety

  • Warning: Incorrect installation of batteries may cause battery leakage and corrosion, resulting in damage to the computer.
  • Do not mix old and new batteries, or batteries of different types.
  • Do not dispose of batteries in a fire.
  • Do not dispose of batteries with normal household waste, take to a local recycling centre.

Warning: Before beginning any exercise program, consult your Doctor. This is especially important for persons over the age of 35 or persons with pre- existing health problems.

You MUST read all instructions before using any fitness equipment. Argos and its associates assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained by or through the use of this product.
The fact the pedal crank training equipment is not suitable for therapeutic purposes. Heart rate monitoring systems may be inaccurate. Over exercise may result in serious injury or death. If you feel faint stop exercising immediately.

Component Parts

Please check you have all the parts listed below
Note: Some of the smaller components may be pre-fitted to larger components. Please check carefully before contacting Argos regarding any missing components.

FIG 2 Component Parts.JPG

Component Fixings

Please check you have all the fixings listed below
Note: Some of the fixings are pre-fitted to the larger components. Please check carefully before contacting Argos regarding any missing fixings.

FIG 3 Component Fixings.JPG

Assembly Instructions

FIG 4 Assembly Instructions.JPG

Step 1
Place the Pedals (55) on the Front Stabilizer (56) and insert the Axles (D) through the holes. Then fix the Pedals to the front stabilizer with 4 x Washer (B) and 4 x M8*15 Bolt (C) on both ends of two axles.

FIG 5 Assembly Instructions.JPG

Step 2

Connect the Front Stabilizer (56) in the upright position to the bottom of the Main Frame (1) with 2 x M8*40 Bolt (A) and 2 x Washer (B).

FIG 6 Assembly Instructions.JPG

Step 3

Assemble the Rear Stabilizer (31) to the rear end of the Main Rail (36) and fix it with 1 x M8*40 Knob (25) and 1 x Washer (65).  Insert the Saddle (46) in the right direction onto the Main Rail (36).

Note: Both the M8*40 Knob (25) and Washer (65) are pre-eassmbled on the Main Rail (36).
Please remove them before assembly and restore them afterwards.

FIG 7 Assembly Instructions.JPG

Step 4

Connect Cable Ends (51 & 54) together. Connect the Mail Rail (36) to the Main Frame (1) with 2 x M8*20 Bolt (F) and 2 x Rubber Cushion (E).

Installation of batteries

FIG 8 Installation of batteries.JPG

Step 5

Take out the battery compartment from the monitor. Slide open the Cover (59b) and install two “AA” batteries (not included) in the Compartment (59a). Close the cover (59b) and install the Compartment (59a) back to the monitor.

Storage Way

FIG 9 Storage Way.JPG

FIG 10 Storage Way.JPG

Tension Knob Adjustment

FIG 11 Tension Knob Adjustment.JPG

You should begin your “Exercise Period” at the resistance level and speed to suit your needs. Remember to start out slow and easy and work your way up to the fitness level you desire.

Workout Area

Free area and training area.
The free area should be no less than 0.6m greater than the training area in the directions from which  the equipment is accessed. The free area must also include the area for emergency dismount.
Where equipment is positioned adjacent to each other the value of the free area may be shared.

FIG 12 Workout Area.JPG

Computer Operation

Functions and operations

TIME —————————————————-0: 00-99: 59 MIN: SEC

COUNT ———————————————— 0-9999 STROKE ( S)

TOTAL COUNT ————————————– 0-9999 STROKE(S)

CALORIE ———————————————-0. 0-999. 9 KCAL

COUNT/MIN ——————————————0-999 STROKE ( S)


The computer can be activated by pressing the button or by rowing. If you leave the equipment idle for 256 seconds, the power will turn off automatically.

Press the button to select the function of the computer.
Press and hold the button for 2 seconds to reset all data values to zero except the TOTAL COUNT data values.

SCAN: Automatically scans each function in sequence with change every 6 seconds.
TIME: Displays your elapsed workout time in minutes and seconds.
COUNT: Displays the number of strokes you have taken.
TOTAL COUNT: Displays the accumulated the number of strokes.
CALORIE: Displays approximate amount of calories burned during workout.
{This data is a rough guide for comparison of different exercise sessions and should not be used in medical treatment).
COUNT/MIN: Displays the number of stroke per minute.


  1. Remove the computer from the right and left covers.
  2. Remove the battery cover and place two size AA batteries into the battery housing.
  3. Insure batteries are correctly positioned and battery springs have proper contact with batteries.
  4. Re-install the battery cover and computer.
  5. If the display is unreadable or only partial segment appears, remove batteries and wait 15 seconds before reinstalling.

Exercising Information

Before starting to exercise
How you begin your exercise program depends on your physical condition. If you have been inactive for several years, or are severely overweight, you must start slowly and increase your time on the equipment;  a few minutes per workout.  Initially, you may be able to exercise only for a few minutes in your target zone, however, your aerobic fitness  will improve over the next six to eight weeks. Don’t be discouraged if it takes longer. It’s important to work  at your own pace. Ultimately, you’ll be able to exercise continuously for 30 minutes. The better your aerobic  fitness, the harder you will have to work to stay in your target zone.

Please remember these essentials:

  • Have your doctor review your training and diet programs to advise you of a workout routine you should adopt.
  • Begin your training program slowly with realistic goals that have been set by you and your doctor.
  • Monitor your pulse frequently. Establish your target heart rate based on your age and condition.
  • Set up your equipment on a flat even surface at least 3 feet from walls and furniture.

Exercise intensity
To maximize the benefits of exercising, it is important to exercise with the proper intensity. The proper intensity level can be found by using your heart rate as a guide. For effective aerobic exercise, your heart rate should be maintained at a level between 65% and 85% of your maximum heart rate as you exercise. This is known as your target zone. You can find your target zone in the table below.

FIG 14 Exercise intensity.JPG

During the first few months of your exercise program, keep your heart rate near the low end of your target zone as you exercise. After a few months, your heart rate can be increased gradually until it is near the middle of your target zone as you exercise.

To measure your heart rate, stop exercising but continue moving your legs or walking around and place two fingers on your wrist. Take a six-second heartbeat count and multiply the results by 10 to find your heart rate. For example, if your six-second heartbeat count is 14, your head rate is 140 beats per minute. (A six-seconds count is used because your heart rate will drop rapidly when you stop exercising.) Adjust the intensity of your exercise until your heart rate is at the proper level.

Muscle chart
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise improves the fitness of your lungs and heart – your body’s most important muscle. Aerobic exercise fitness is promoted by any activity that uses your large muscles (arms, legs, or buttock, for example).
Your heart beats quickly and you breathe deeply. An aerobic exercise should be part of your entire exercise routine.

Weight Training
Along with aerobic exercising which helps get rid of and keep off the excess fat that our bodies can store, weight training is an essential part of the exercise routine process. Weight training helps tone, build and strengthen muscle. If you are working above your target zone, you may want to do a lesser amount of reps. As always, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Targeted Muscle Groups
The exercise routine that is performed on the Machine will develop the upper and lower body muscle groups. These muscle groups are highlighted on the muscle chart below.

FIG 16 Targeted Muscle Groups.JPG

FIG 17 Targeted Muscle Groups.JPG

Warming up and Cooling down exercises
Each workout should include the following three parts:

1. A warm-up, consisting of 5 to 10 minutes of light exercise, such as jogging on the spot, star jumps and  lunges. A proper warm-up increases your body temperature, heart rate, and circulation in preparation for  exercise.
2. Training zone exercise, consisting of 20 to 30 minutes of exercising with your heart rate in your training  zone. (Note: During the first few weeks of your exercise program, do not keep your heart rate in your training  zone for longer than 20 minutes.)
3. A cool-down, with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching. This will increase the flexibility of your muscles and will help  to prevent post-exercise problems.

Exercise Frequency
To maintain or improve your condition, plan three workouts each week, with at least one day of rest between  workouts. After a few months of regular exercise, you may complete up to five workouts each week, if desired.
Remember, the key to success is make exercise a regular and enjoyable part of your everyday life.

Suggested Stretches
See the following basic stretching exercises. Move slowly as you stretch, never bounce.

FIG 18 Suggested Stretches.JPG

Warming up and Cooling down exercises
Each workout should include the following three parts:

1. A warm-up, consisting of 5 to 10 minutes of light exercise, such as jogging on the spot, star jumps and lunges. A proper warm-up increases your body temperature, heart rate, and circulation in preparation for exercise.
2. Training zone exercise, consisting of 20 to 30 minutes of exercising with your heart rate in your training zone. (Note: During the first few weeks of your exercise program, do not keep your heart rate in your training zone for longer than 20 minutes.)
3. A cool-down, with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching. This will increase the flexibility of your muscles and will help to prevent post-exercise problems.

Exercise Frequency
To maintain or improve your condition, plan three workouts each week, with at least one day of rest between  workouts. After a few months of regular exercise, you may complete up to five workouts each week, if desired.
Remember, the key to success is make exercise a regular and enjoyable part of your everyday life.

Suggested Stretches
See the following basic stretching exercises. Move slowly as you stretch, never bounce.

FIG 19 Suggested Stretches.JPG

FIG 20 Suggested Stretches.JPG

FIG 21 Suggested Stretches.JPG

Using your MACHINE will provide you with several benefits.
(1) It will improve your physical fitness. It strengthens the heart and improves  circulation as well as exercising all the major muscle groups; the back, waist, arms,  shoulders, hips and legs.
(2) Tone your muscles and, in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet, help you lose weight.
Rowing is an extremely effective form of exercise.

The Basic Rowing Stroke

  1. Sit on the saddle and fasten your feet to the pedals using the Velcro straps. Then take hold of the rowing bar.
  2. Take up the starting position, leaning forward with your arms straight and knees bent as  shown in (Fig 1).
  3. Push yourself backwards, straightening your back and legs at the same time (Fig 2).
  4. Continue this movement until you are leaning slightly backwards, during this stage you  should bring your arms out of the side. (Fig 3). Then return to stage 2 and repeat. See  below.

FIG 22 The Basic Rowing Stroke.JPG

Training Time
Rowing is a strenuous form of exercise, and because of this it is best to start with a short, easy exercise programme and build up to longer and harder workouts. Start rowing for  about 5 minutes and as you progress, increase the length of your work out to match your  improving level of fitness. You should eventually be capable of rowing for 15-20 minutes,  but do not try to achieve this too quickly.

Try to train on alternate days, 3 times a week. This gives your body time to recover between  workouts.

Alternate Rowing Styles

Arms Only Rowing
This exercise will tone muscles in your arms, shoulders, back and stomach. Sit as shown in Fig 4 with your legs straight, lean forward and grasp the handles. In a gradual and controlled manner lean back to just past the up right position continuing to pull the handles towards your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat. See below.

FIG 23 Alternate Rowing Styles.JPG

Legs Only Rowing
This exercise will help tone muscles in your legs and back. With your back straight and arms out-stretched, bend your legs until you are grasping the rowing arm handles in the starting position, Fig 7. Use your legs to push your body back whilst keeping your arms and back straight.

FIG 24 Legs Only Rowing.JPG

Caution: Hold the handlebar all the time during exercise, do not bounce the resistance rope automatically.

Cooling-Down Phase

This stage is to let your cardio-vascular system and muscles wind down. This is a repeat of the warm-up phase. First, reduce your tempo and continue at this slower pace for approximately 5 minutes before you get off your Exercise Bike. The stretching exercises should now be repeated, again remembering not to force or jerk your muscles into the stretch.

As you get fitter you may need to train longer and harder. It is advisable to train at least three times a week, and if possible to space your workouts evenly throughout the week.

Overview Drawing

FIG 25 Overview Drawing.JPG

Part List

FIG 26 Part List.JPG

FIG 27 Part List.JPG

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