CHAUVIN ARNOUX F 07 AC Clamp Meter User Manual

June 17, 2024





Meaning of symbol

  • Caution:  Please consult the User Manual before using the device.
  • In this User Manual, failure to follow or carry out instructions preceded by this symbol may result in personal injury or damage to the device and the installations.

Meaning of symbol

  • This appliance is protected by double insulation or reinforced insulation. It does not have to be connected to an earth protection terminal for electrical safety.

Meaning of CAT III symbol

  • This voltage surge category III clamp, with pollution level 2, complies with stringent reliability and availability requirements, corresponding to fixed industrial and domestic installations (see IEC 664-1, ed 92).

Thank you for purchasing this “F07” series multimeter clamp.

To get the best service from this instrument:

  • read this user’s manual carefully,
  • respect the safety precautions detailed


  • Never use on networks with voltage higher than 600 V in relation to the ground and whose overvoltage category is higher than III, i.e. fixed industrial and domestic installations (see IEC 664-1).
  • Indoor use in environments with a degree of pollution of 2 maximum (cf. IEC 664-1), temperature of 0°C to + 50°C and relative humidity lower than 70%.
  • Use accessories compliant with safety standards (NF EN 61010-2-031) with minimal voltage of 600 V and overvoltage category III.
  • Never open the clamp box before disconnecting all power sources.
  • Never connect to the circuit to be measured if the clamp box is not properly closed.
  • Before any measurement, check the proper positioning of the cables and switch.
  • When measuring current check for proper alignment of the conductor in relation to the markers and proper closing of the jaws.
  • Always disconnect the clamp from any power source before changing the battery.
  • Do not perform resistance tests, continuity tests or semi-conductor tests on a circuit under power.


Clamp multimeter F07 emphasises reliability and simplicity of use to respond to the needs of power professionals:

  • A compact unit integrating the current sensor for intensity measurements without breaking the test circuit
  • Outstanding ergonomic features, in particular:
    • automatic or manual selection of the type of signal to be measured, AC or DC,
    • measurement of the RMS value of any signal (AC + DC)
    • automatic selection of measurement calibre,
    • programmable audio voltage indication: V-Live,
    • «measurement range exceeded» indication,
    • Backlighting of the digital display
    • auto power off system,
    • MIN – MAX – PEAK value recording function,
    • correction of deviations in DC measurement (DC zero)
    • automatic compensation of measurement cable resistance (Ω zero).
  • Compliance with CEI electrical safety standards and CE markings
  • Lightness and ruggedness for field use

With all new additional features:

  • “Inrush” function in particular for measurement of motor starting currents.
  • “Adapter” function with direct reading via scale factor programming.



  1. Jaws

  2. 6-way rotary switch:

    • OFF: Deactivation of the clamp, activation is ensured by selection of other functions
    • V : Measurement of DC and AC voltages (rms value)
    • : Continuity measurement, by use of the yellow resistance key and semi-conductor test
    • A : Measurement of DC and AC voltages (rms value)
    • T°: Measurement of clamp ambient or external temperature, depending on presence or absence of sensor, in °C or °F.
    • Adp. : Selection of «Adapter» function
  3. Command keys
    The keys are capable of 3 types of action:

    • Short pressure

    • < 1.3 s, it is valid if the key pressure is detected.

    • Long pressure

    • 1.3 s, this gives access to a measurement or operating mode. Holding or releasing the key has no effect.

    • Held pressure

    • Gives access to a measurement or operating mode and remains in this mode as long as pressure is held. Releasing the key causes return to the previous mode.

      • HOLD has 4 different functions
        (see description § 3.11):

        • Display lock
        • Preselection of MIN/MAX mode
        • Automatic compensation for cable resistance
        • Automatic compensation of current measurement zero
      • The yellow key has 4 different functions
        (see description § 3.11):

        • – Manual mode selection AC, DC or AC + DC
        • – Selection of resistance function (Ω), semi-conductor test ( ), continuity test ( )
        • – Selection OF INRUSH function
        • – Choice of units (°C or °F) in temperature measurement
    • MIN/MAX operates by end-around shift on short pressure:
      MIN/MAX| V, A and Adp. Functions| Other functions
      1st press| PEAK value| MAX value
      2nd press| MAX value| MIN value
      3rd press| MIN value| Return to MAX value
      4th press| Return to MAX value| _

    • At any time, a long press on the key will quit the MIN/MAX mode.

    • Note: In MIN/MAX mode, the Automatic stop function of the unit is unavailable (symbol P )

    • Hz: A short press displays the frequency of the measured signal, another press switches back to the previous value. This key is active only for the A and V functions in AC or AC + DC mode.

    • Short pressure: display backlight command.
      Automatic shutdown after 2 minutes.

    • Held pressure: display of estimated remaining battery power, expressed in hours (except INRUSH and phase order functions).

    • HOLD key / switch combination
      (see description § 3.11):

      • Suppression of automatic stop function
      • Activation of the V-Live function
      • Display of the internal software version
    • Yellow key / switch combination
      (see description § 3.11):

      • Modification of audio indication threshold in continuity test
      • Choice of default units (°C or °F) in temperature measurement
      • Programming of scale factor while in Adapter function
      • Default configuration of the unit
    • MIN/MAX key / switch combination
      (see description § 3.11):

      • Date of last calibration performed on unit
  4. Liquid crystal display
    The liquid crystal display includes the digital display of the measured values, the related units and symbols.

    • Digital display: 4 digits, 9999 points, 3 decimal points , + and – signs (DC and peak measurement).
    • +OL: Positive value range exceedance (> 3999 points)
    • -OL: Negative value range exceedance
    • OL: Unsigned value range exceedance
    • – – – -: Indeterminate value (middle segments)

Symbol display

  • Flashing, clamp power limited to approximately 1 hour
  • Steady, battery drained, clamp operation or accuracy no longer guaranteed
  • P: Constant operation (no automatic shutdown)
  • : ON steady when the INRUSH function is selected
  • Fixed: Continuity measurement
    • Flashing: V-Live function selected

HOLD: HOLD Function active

  • PEAK: ON in V, A and Adp. in MIN/MAX mode if the measurement of the peak value is selected
  • MAX: Indicates the display of a maximum value in MIN/MAX mode
  • MIN: Indicates the display of a minimum value in MIN/MAX mode
  • AC Fixed: measurement in AC manual mode
  • Flashing: measurement in AC automatic mode
  • DC Fixed: measurement in DC manual mode
  • Flashing: measurement in DC automatic mode
  • AC + DC: measurement in AC + DC manual mode
  • T°: Temperature measurement
  • INT: Temperature measurement when the terminals are not connected or if the connected thermocouple is defective
  • EXT: Temperature measurement when the thermocouple is connected
  • : Semi-conductor test on position Ω
  • m: Scale factor < 1 in adapter function
  • k: Scale factor > 1000 in adapter function

The Buzzer

Different tones are emitted according to the function given to the buzzer :

  • Short and medium sound: valid key
  • Short and high-pitched sound: prohibited key
  • Short and low sound: Quit MIN/MAX mode
  • 2 short and high-pitched beeps: validation of a configuration parameter
  • Short and medium sound every 400 ms: voltage measured higher than the unit’s guaranteed safety voltage.
  • 5 short and medium recurring beeps: automatic deactivation of the instrument
  • Short and medium sound: measured continuity value, lower than programmed threshold, short-circuit junction during semi-conductor test.
  • Modulated medium continuous sound: value measured in volts, higher than 45 V peak when the V-Live function is selected.


Reference conditions

The functional characteristics mentioned in each of the measurement functions are guaranteed in the following reference ranges:

  • Temperature: +23°C ± 3 K
  • Humidity: 45% to 75% relative humidity
  • Supply voltage: 8.5 V ± 0.5 V
  • Frequency range of applied AC signal: 45 -65 Hz
  • Peak factor of applied AC signal:
  • Position of conductor in clamp jaws: centred.
  • Conductor diameter: ≤ 5 mm
  • No external AC magnetic field
  • No electrical field

Voltage measurements (V)

  1. Connect the measurement leads to the instrument’s terminals, complying with the polarities indicated: red lead on the «+» terminal and black lead on the “COM” terminal.
  2. Set the rotary switch to position “V ****“.
  3. Connect the assembly to the voltage source to be measured, making sure if possible that this voltage does not exceed the maximum acceptable limits (see table below).
    • Range switching and AC/DC selection are automatic.
    • Actuate the yellow key to force AC/DC or AC + DC selection manually if necessary.

Warning: If the signal measured is > 45 V peak, the audio indication is activated if the V-Live function is selected (see § 3.11.11).

Display range 40 V 400 V 4.000 V (1)
Measuring range (2) 0.2 V to

39.99 V

| 40.0 V to

399.9 V

| 400 to 600 V

400 to 900 Vpeak

Accuracy| 1% L +5 pt| 1% L +2 pt| 1% L +2 pt
Resolution| 10 mV| 0.1 V| 1 V
Input impedance| 1 MW
Protection| 600 V AC or DC

  1. In DC, the display indicates +OL above +600 V and -OL above -600 V (900 V in PEAK mode). In AC and AC + DC, the display indicates OL over 600 Vrms (900 V in PEAK mode).
  2. In AC if the value of the voltage measured is < 0.15 V the display indicates 0.00.

For voltages ≥ 600 VDC or rms, a repetitive beep of the buzzer indicates that the measured voltage is higher than the unit’s guaranteed safety voltage.

  • MIN/ MAX Mode:
    • Accuracy: same as previous table +0.2% L
    • Capture time: 100 ms typ.
  • PEAK Mode:
    • Accuracy: same as previous table +2% L
    • Capture time: 500 μs typ. (2.5 ms max.)
  • Special characteristics in V-Live mode
    • Detection threshold accuracy: 45 Vpeak ± 2V

Audio continuity test ( )

  1. Connect the measurement cables to the unit terminals.
  2. Set the rotary switch to position ” “
  3. Connect the unit to the circuit to be tested. The buzzer is continuously active as soon as contact is established (circuit closed) and if the resistance value measured is lower than the threshold value chosen by the programming (adjustable from 1 to 40 Ω, see § 3.11.12). Above 400 Ω, the display indicates OL.

Cable resistance compensation (Ω zero)

To measure low resistance values, measure the cable resistance first.

  • Short-circuit the cables.
  • Press and hold the HOLD key until zero appears on the display. The cable resistance value will then be memorised and subtracted from the value of the resistance measured later.


  • If the value measured is higher than 2 Ω, this correction is stopped and the memorised correction value is reset to zero.


Display range 400 W
Measuring range 0.0 to 399.9 W
Accuracy (1) : 1% L +2 pt
Resolution 0.1 W
Open circuit voltage £ 3.2 V
Measuring current 320 µA
Protection 500 V AC or 750 V (DC or peak)

(1) with compensation for measurement cable resistance

MIN/ MAX Mode:

  • Accuracy: same as previous table +0.2% L
  • Capture time: 100 ms typ.

Resistance measurement (Ω)

  1. Connect the measurement cables to the unit terminals.
  2. Set the rotary switch to position ” ” and press once on the yellow key: The symbol is no longer displayed.
  3. Connect the unit to the resistance to be tested. Range selection is automatic.
    • To measure low resistance with accuracy compensate the measurement cable resistance (see § 3.3). Above 40 Ω, the display indicates OL.
Display range 400 Ω 4000 Ω 40 kΩ
Measuring range 0.0 to

399.9 Ω

| 400 to


| 4.00 kΩ à

39.99 kΩ

Accuracy (1) :| 1% L +2 pt
Resolution| 0,1 Ω| 1 Ω| 10Ω
Open circuit voltage| £ 3.2 V
Measuring current| 320 µA| 40 µA
Protection| 500 V AC or 750 V (DC or peak)

(1) With compensation for measurement cable resistance

MIN/ MAX Mode:

  • Accuracy: same as previous table +0.2% L
  • Capture time: 100 ms typ.

Current measurements (A)

  1. Set the rotary switch to position “A ****“.
  2. Clamp the conductor carrying the current to be measured, check for proper closing of the jaws and for foreign bodies in the gap.
    • For DC, the “➭” arrow engraved on the jaws must be directed in the presumed direction of current circulation for the sign of the displayed value to be significant.
    • Range switching and AC/DC selection are automatic. Actuate the yellow key to force AC/DC or AC + DC selection manually if necessary.

Correction of the current zero (DC zero)

To measure the low currents, perform a zero correction first.

  • Press and hold the HOLD key until zero appears on the display. The corrected value will then be memorised and subtracted from the value of the current measured later.


  • This correction is performed only on the DC component of the zero.
  • If the value measured is higher than 6 Α, this correction is stopped and the memorised correction value is reset to zero.


Display range 40 A 400 A 4000 A (1)
Measuring range (2) 0.20 to

39.99 A

| 40.0 to

399.9 A

| 400 to

600 Apeak

Accuracy (3)| 1.5% L

+10 pt

| 1.5% L +2 pt
Resolution| 10 mA| 100 mA| 1 A

(1) In DC, the display indicates +OLabove +400 A and -OL above -400 A (600 A in PEAK mode). In AC and AC + DC, the display indicates OL over 400 Arms (600 A in PEAK mode).
(2) In AC, if the value of the current measured in AC is < 0.15 A, the display shows 0.00.
(3) With correction of zero in DC
Repeatability of the measurement after several consecutive closings of the clamp: 0.3% typical

  • MIN/ MAX Mode:
    • Accuracy: same as previous table +0.2% L
    • Capture time: 100 ms typ.
  • PEAK Mode:
    • Accuracy: same as previous table +2% L +0.5 A
    • Capture time: 500 μs typ. (2.5 ms max.)
INRUSH function


This function is used to follow quick changes in the current, such as a damped sinusoidal quantity, by measuring the successive rms values calculated on ½, 1, 2½, 5 and 10 periods from the largest rms value computed and updated on ½ period.

The applications are:

  • Measurement of motor start-up currents
  • Correct definition of fuses and circuit breakers (signal amplitude-time relationship)
  • Stress on components by current overload

The field of application is limited to industrial frequencies (15 Hz… 70 Hz)


  • This function is accessible in AC or AC + DC current measurement, after selection of the MIN/MAX mode.



  • Accuracy: 5% +0.5 A
  • Capture time: 10 periods of the signal frequency (200 ms at 50 Hz)
  • Range for use: ≥ 5 A peak for the first period of the signal

Frequency measurements (Hz)

This function is active only for the A and V functions in AC (AC or AC + DC ) mode.

  1. Perform a short pressing on the Hz key, the display shows the frequency of the measured signal.
  2. Pressing again returns to the previously displayed measurement.


Display range 40 Hz 400 Hz 4000 Hz 40 kHz
Measuring range (1) 10.00 to

39.99 Hz

| 40.0 to

399.9 Hz

| 400 to

3999 Hz

| 4.00 kHz to

19.99 kHz

Accuracy| 0.4% L +1 pt
Resolution| 0.01 Hz| 0.1 Hz| 1 Hz| 10 Hz
Triggering threshold (2)| 5 V or 10 A

(1) Below 5 Hz, the display shows 0.0
(2) Below the triggering threshold, the display shows an indeterminate value (- – – -).

In AC + DC mode ,the triggering threshold corresponds to the AC component (AC) of the signal.

MIN/ MAX Mode:

  • Accuracy: same as in the table above +0.2% of reading with limitation to 5 kHz.
  • Capture time: 125 ms typ. every 400 ms

Temperature Measurement (T°)

No sensor

Set the rotary switch to position “T°”.
The temperature displayed is the internal temperature of the unit (INT symbol ON), equivalent to the ambient temperature after a sufficient period of thermal stabilisation. It can be expressed in °C or °F: choice of a unit using the yellow key.

With sensor

  1. Connect sensor (K couple) to the clamp terminals, observing the polarity indicated and placing it where you wish to measure the temperature.
  2. Set the rotary switch to position “T°”. The temperature displayed is that of the sensor (EXT symbol ON), it may be expressed in °C or °F: choice of unit by the yellow key.


Function Internal temperature External temperature
Type of sensor Integrated Circuit K Couple
Display range 400°C


| 400°C


| 4000°C


Extended measurement

| -10,0°C to


| -50,0°C to


| +400°C to


+15,0°F to


| -50,0°F to


| +400°F to


Accuracy| ± 1,5°C


| 1% L ±1,5°C

1% L ±2,7°F

| 1% L ±1,5°C

1% L ±2,7°F

Resolution| 0,1°C


| 1°C


Detection of sensor shutdown| ****

| INT symbol ON instead of EXT

time constant

| ****

0.7 min./°C

| ****

Depending on sensor model


  • The accuracy announced for external temperature measurement does not integrate the accuracy of the K couple.


  • Accuracy: same as previous table +0.2% L
  • Capture time: 100 ms typ. (every 800 ms)

Adapter Function (Adp.)

This function is used to connect any adapter ensuring the conversion of a physical quantity (mechanical, electrical, etc…) into a DC or AC current ≤ 4 V. This function also has a programmable scale factor by decade from 0.001 to 100,000 capable of direct reading (with possible display of the multiple: “m” for “milli” and “k” for “kilo”), for the adapters having a transfer ratio equal to a whole multiple of 10.

Scale factor selection

The table below shows the different sensitivities of a directreading adapter after selection of a scale factor.

Sensitivity S (mV/A) (example in Amperes) Scale factor to be programmed
10 mV/kA (0.01 mV/A) 10 k
100 mV/kA (0.1 mV/A) 100 k
1 mV/A 1
10 mV/A 10
100 mV/A 100
1000 mV/A (1 mV/mA) 1 m
10 mV/mA 10 m
100 mV/mA 100 m

The example given in Amperes (A) is valid for any other quantity: humidity (% HR), light (lux), speed (m/s), etc…

Scale factor programming

  1. Maintain the yellow key pressed and select the “Adp.” position on the rotary switch: the display indicates the programmed scale factor (1 by default) as follows:
    Display| 1 m| 10 m| 100 m| 1| 10| 100| 10 k| 100 k
  2. To change the scale factor, press the yellow key successively until the required value is obtained.
  3. Use the rotary switch to memorise this value.


  1. Connect the adapter to the clamp
  2. Program the scale factor if necessary (see § above)
  3. Set the rotary switch to position “Adp”.
  4. Select the type of voltage using the yellow key if necessary (AC or DC)


Display range (1) 4000
Measuring range (2) 0.0 to 399.9 mV
Accuracy 1% L  +2 pt
Input impedance 1 MW
Protection 600 V AC or DC
  • (1) The basic display is 4000 points. The position of the decimal and the display of multiples (m and k) depend on the programming of the scale factor.
  • (2) In DC, the display shows +OL above +3999 points and -OL above -3999 points.
    • In AC, the display shows OL above +3999 points.
    • Range switching (400 mV to 4 V) is automatic.
    • In AC, the lower limit of the measurement range is 5.0 mV.

MIN/ MAX Mode:

  • Accuracy: same as previous table +0.2% L
  • Capture time: 100 ms typ.

PEAK Mode:

  • Accuracy: same as previous table +3% of reading in DC (3% L +20 mV in AC)
  • Capture time: 500 μs typ. (2.5 ms max.)
Secondary Functions

Display lock

  • A short pressing on the HOLD key freezes the display.
  • A second pressing unlocks the display.

Preselection of MIN/MAX mode

A short pressing on the HOLD key then on the MIN/MAX key preselects the MIN/MAX mode. A second pressing on the HOLD key makes the MIN/MAX mode effective. This function is used to select the MIN/MAX mode upon request to prevent, for example, the unwanted or mistaken integration of MIN/MAX values.

Automatic compensation for cable resistance

This compensation is obtained by holding down the HOLD key when the continuity test or measurement resistance function is selected. When the key is released, when the display shows zero, the correction value is memorised in the clamp. If the value measured is higher than 2 Ω, this correction is stopped and the memorised correction value is reset to zero. This correction is prohibited in MIN/MAX mode.

Automatic compensation of current measurement zero

  • This compensation is obtained by holding down the HOLD key when the current measurement function is selected.
  • When the key is released, when the display shows zero, the correction value is memorised in the clamp.
  • If the value measured is higher than 6 A, this correction is stopped and the memorised correction value is reset to zero.
  • This correction is prohibited in MIN/MAX mode.

Manual mode selection AC, DC or AC + DC

  • By default the clamp switches to AC or DC mode automatically (AC or DC symbol flashing) for the V and A functions.
  • Short successive pressures on the yellow key are used to select manually AC measurement, DC measurement, measurement of compound signals (AC + DC) and return to automatic mode.
  • When the mode is selected manually, the symbol AC, DC or AC + DC is fixed.
  • The selection of this manual mode is impossible in MIN/MAX or HOLD mode.
  • The selection of AC + DC mode for the adapter function is not possible.

Selections possible in continuity fonction

  • By default the clamp is in continuity function ( ) for the position corresponding to the rotary switch.
  • Successive presses on the yellow key enable selection of the resistance measurement (Ω), then the semi conductor test function ( ) and to return to the continuity function ( ).

Selection OF INRUSH function

  • This is done in function A (AC, AC+DC) by pressing first on the MIN/MAX key then on the yellow key.
  • Consultation of the values corresponding to this function is possible by pressing first on the HOLD key then by short successive presses on the yellow key.
  • Quitting this function is possible by short presses on the MIN/ MAX key.

Choice of units (°C or °F) in measurement of temperature

  • This is done when the temperature function is selected by short presses on the yellow key, enabling the selection of °C or °F as applicable.
  • This unit is not memorised when the clamp is stopped. See § 3.11.9 if you wish to memorise this unit.

Memorisation of unit (°C or °F) in measurement of temperature

  • Hold the yellow key pressed and bring the rotary switch from the OFF position to the T° position.
  • The unit emits a double beep then the T° symbol goes ON and the °F symbol flashes if the unit was previously in °C or the °C symbol flashes if it was in °F.
  • The selected configuration is memorised when the key is released: the °F or °C symbol is then on steady.

Suppression of automatic stop

  • Hold the HOLD key pressed and bring the rotary switch from the OFF position to the position .
  • The unit emits a double beep then the P symbol flashes.
  • The selected configuration is memorised when the key is released: the P symbol remains lit continuously.
  • The unit returns to automatic stop mode when the switch goes to the OFF position.

Activation of the V-Live function

  • Hold the HOLD key pressed and bring the rotary switch from the OFF position to the V position.
  • The unit emits a double beep then the V and symbol flashes.
  • The selected configuration is memorised when the key is released: the V symbol is then ON steady and the symbol flashes.
  • Proceed in the same way to suppress the V-Live function: the symbol then goes OFF when the key is released.

Modification of audio indication threshold in continuity test

  • Hold the Yellow key pressed and bring the rotary switch from the OFF position to the position .
  • The unit beeps, the Ω and symbols go ON along with the threshold value (40.0 by default).
  • Adjustment is then possible from 1 Ω to 40 Ω by successive pressings on the yellow key (short pressure: progression of 1 Ω by 1 Ω; press and hold: progression of 10 Ω by 10 Ω).
  • Once the value is chosen, actuate the rotary switch to memorise.

Programming the scale factor of adapter function

  • Hold the Yellow key pressed and bring the rotary switch from the OFF position to the Adp position.
  • The unit emits a beep and the scale factor value is displayed (1 per default).
  • Adjustment of the scale factor is then possible by successive pressings on the yellow key of 1 m (0.001) to 100 k (100,000).
  • Once the value is chosen, actuate the rotary switch to memorise.

Default configuration of the unit

  • Hold the Yellow key pressed and bring the rotary switch from the OFF position to the A position.
  • The unit emits a double beep then all the segments of the digital display and the symbol flash.
  • The default configuration is memorised when the key is released: the display no longer flashes and the symbol disappears.

The default configuration is:

  • Audio identification threshold: 40 Ω
  • Auto cut-off with
  • V-Live function: none
  • Scale factor in adapter function: 1
  • Unit for temperature measurement: not controlled

Date of last calibration carried out on unit

  • Hold the MIN/MAX key pressed and bring the rotary switch from the OFF position to the V position.
  • The unit emits a beep, then the calibration date of the unit is displayed in the form “week – year” (SS.AA) as long as the MIN/MAX key is pressed.

Display of the internal software version

  • Hold the HOLD key pressed and bring the rotary switch from the OFF position to the A position.
  • The unit beeps, the software version is displayed in the form UX.XX for 2 seconds, then replaced by the displaying of all the segments of the display as long as the HOLD key is pressed.

Displaying of display segments

  • It is usually possible for any key-switch combination not described previously.


  1. Dimensions and weight
    • 70 x 193 x 37 mm
    • 260 g
  2. Clamp Tightening Capacity
    • ≤ 26 mm

Power supply

  • A standard 9 V alkaline battery (type CEI 6LF22, 6LR61 or NEDA 1604). To change it, see §7.1.
  • Average battery charge life: 75 h or 25,000 x 10 s. measurement
  • Battery charge indicator :
  • Flashing: charge life < 1 h
  • Fixed: Change battery
  • Automatic OFF after 10 minutes with no action on the switch or the keys (reactivation by switching from the OFF position of the switch or by actuating any key)
Environmental parameters

Temperature – Humidity


  • Altitude
    • Operation: ≤ 2000 m
    • Storage: ≤ 12000 m
  • Indoor use
    • Impermeability: protection index IP 40 (according to EN 60529, ed. 92)

Compliance with norms

  • Electrical safety
    (as per EN 61010-1 ed. 95 and 61010-2-032, ed. 93)

  • Dual insulation:

  • Installation category: III

  • Pollution level: 2

  • Rated voltage: 600 V (RMS or DC)

  • Installation category: IV

  • Rated voltage: 300V (RMS or DC)

  • Electric shocks (test as per IEC 1000-4-5)

    • 6 kV in RCD mode on the voltmeter function, aptitude criterion B
    • 2 kV induced on the current measurement cable, aptitude criterion B
  • Electromagnetic compatibility
    (as per EN 61326-1 ed. 97 + A1)

    • Emission: class B
    • Immunity:
    • Electrostatic discharges:
    • 4 kV on contact, aptitude criterion B
    • 8 kV in the air, aptitude criterion B
    • Radiated field: 10 V/m, aptitude criterion B
    • Fast Transients: 1 kV, aptitude criterion B
    • Conduit interference: 3 V/m, aptitude criterion A
  • Mechanical resistance

    • Free fall 1 m (test as per IEC 68-2-32)
    • Impacts: 0.5 J (test as per IEC 68-2-27)
    • Vibrations: 0.75 mm (test as per IEC 68-2-6)
  • Auto power OFF (per UL94)

    • Housing: V0
    • Jaws: V0
    • Display window: V2

Variations in operating range


Adjacent conductor crossed by a current 400 ADC or RMS| Conductor in contact with external perimeter jaws|



45 dB


40 dB

The conductor held by the clamp| 0…400ADC

or RMS

| V-Adp. T°|




Application of voltage on the clamp|


or RMS







Peak factor| 1to3.5limited to 600 A peak 900 V peak| A(AC, AC + DC) V(AC, AC + DC)| 1% L

1% L

| 3% L +1 pt

3% L +1 pt

Rejection of serial mode in DC| 0…600V/50Hz




Adp DC


| 50 dB

60 dB

40 dB

| 45 dB

50 dB

35 dB

Rejection of serial mode in AC| 0…600VDC



| V(AC, AC + DC)

Adp AC


| > 60 dB 60 dB

50 dB

| 50 dB

50 dB

40 dB

Rejection of common mode|


| V A T°| <1pt



| 60 dB


60 dB

Influence of external magnetic field|

0…400A/m (50Hz)




70 dB


60 dB

Number of manœuvres opening of jaws|





0.3% L


1% +1 pt

Typical frequency response curve

– V = f (f)


– I = f (f)


– V (adp) = f (f)


Marginal operating conditions

  • Clamped conductor temperature: ≤ 110°C


  • F07 ………………………………………………………… P01.1209.07Z

Delivered in a blister with set of 2 probe cables, 1 K thermocouple adapter, 1 x 9 V battery, one carrying case and this operating manual

Accessories and spare parts

  • Set of 2 cables
    • with probe tips (NF EN 61010) …………………. P01.2950.84
  • Set of 2 cables
    • with safety connector (NF EN 61010) ……….. P01.2950.88
  • Set of 2 alligator clips (NF EN 61010) ………. P01.1018.48
  • Set of 2 cables with IP2X touch prods ………. P01.2951.57
  • Carrying case N° 7 …………………………………. P01.2985.32
  • K couple adapter / 4 mm connector dia. ……. P01.1017.80
  • General purpose temperature sensor with SK13-type handle ……………………………. P03.6529.18
  • Many other types of K couple sensor are available depending on the target application (ambient air, surface, penetration…) Please consult us
  • Different measurement accessories widen the scope or provide new functions to your clamp… Please consult us

NB: Always use accessories adapted to the voltage and overvoltage category of the circuit to be measured (per NF EN 61010).



  • Our guarantee is applicable for twelve months after the date on which the equipment is made available (extract from our General Conditions of Sale, available on request).


  • For maintenance, use only specified spare parts.
  • The manufacturer will not be held responsible for any accident occuring following a repair done other than by its After Sales Service or approved repairers.

Changing the battery

The clamp must be disconnected from any external electrical source and must not be in contact with the cable.

  • Set the switch to OFF
  • Slide a screwdriver into the slot at the top of the battery cover (rear of the clamp) and push the battery cover upwards.
  • Replace the used battery by a 9 V battery, type LF22; observe the polarities.
  • Install the battery in its housing, then install the battery cover.


If the clamp is not used for a period of more than 60 days, remove the battery and store it separately.


The clamp must be disconnected from any external electrical source and must not be holding the cable.

  • Clean the unit and jaws with a cloth slightly moistened with soapy water. Clean off with a damp cloth. Then dry quickly with a cloth or pulsed air.
  • Do not splash water onto the clamp.
  • Keep the gap between the jaws in a state of perfect cleanliness.

Metrological verification

  • It is essential that all measuring instruments are regularly calibrated.
  • For checking and calibration of your instrument, please contact our accredited laboratories (list on request) or the Chauvin Arnoux subsidiary or Agent in your country.


  • Repairs under or out of guarantee: please return the product to your distributor.


  • UK: CA UK Ltd
    • Waldeck House – Waldeck road – Maidenhead SL6 8br
    • Tel: (01628) 788 888
    • Fax: (01628) 628 099
  • USA: CA Inc
    • 99 Chauncy Street – Boston MA 02111
    • Tel: (617) 451 0227
    • Fax: (617) 423 2952
  • USA: CA Inc
    • 15 Faraday Drive – Dover NH 03820
    • Tel: (603) 749 6434
    • Fax: (603) 742 2346
  • 190, rue Championnet – 75876 PARIS Cedex 18
  • Tél. (33) 01 44 85 44 85
  • Fax: (33) 01 46 27 73 89


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