SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter User Manual

June 15, 2024

SOLAX POWER logo SDM230 Series
Single Phase Two Wire
Multifunction Din Rail Meter

SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter

SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail
MeterUser Manual V1.6

Important Safety Information is contained in the Maintenance section. Familiarize yourself with this information before attempting installation or other procedures.
Risk of Danger: These instructions contain important safety information. Read them before starting installation or servicing of the equipment.
Caution: Risk of Electric Shock


This document provides operating, maintenance and installation instructions of SDM230 series made by Eastron Electronic Co., Ltd. The SDM230 series measure and display the characteristics of single phase two wire (1p2w) network. The SDM230 series covers 5 models:SDM230-Modbus,SDM230-Pulse,SDM230- Mbus, SDM230-2T and SDM230-Std.
The bi-directional measurement makes the meter suitable for active and reactive energy and power monitoring applications, and also perfect for solar PV measurements. With RS485 Modbus and M-bus port, the meter is easy to remote communication with other AMRI/SCADA systems.

Model| Measurements| Communi- cation| Pulse Outputs| Multi Tariffs
SDM230- Modbus| U, I, P, Q, S, PF, Hz, Dmd, kWh, kVArh, Import, Export| RS485 Modbus| 1: confgurable
2: 1000imp/kwh| NO
SDM230- Mbus| U, I, P, Q, S, PF, Hz,Dmd, kWh, kVArh, Import, Export| M-bus EN13757-3| 1:confgurable
2: 1000imp/kwh| NO
SDM230- Pulse| U, I, P, Q, S, PF, Hz, DNmO d, kWh, kVArh, Import, Export| | 1: confgurable
2: 1000imp/kwh| NO
SDM230- 2T| U, I, P, Q, S, PF, Hz, Dmd, kWh, kVArh, Import, Export| RS485 Modbus| 1: confgurable
2: 1000imp/kwh| 2 Tariffs (time relay)
SDM230- Std| kWh, kVArh, Import, Export| RS485 Modbus| 1: conFgurable
2: 1000imp/kwh| NO

1.1 Key Characteristics

  • Bi-directional measure and display
  • Multi-function measurements
  • Two Pulse outputs
  • RS485 Modbus / M-bus
  • 100A direct connection
  • Two module size (35mm)
  • Password protected set-up
  • Backlighted LCD
  • 2 tariff dual power source

1.2 Pulse output
The meter provides two pulse outputs. Both pulse outputs are passive type.
Pulse output 1 can be set to generate pulses to represent total / import/export kWh or kVArh.
The pulse constant can be set to generate 1 pulse per:
0.001/0.01/0.1/1kWh/kVArh (default is 0.001 export kWh). Pulse width: 200/100/60ms Pulse output 2 is non-confgurable. It is fixed up with active kWh (Imp). The constant is 1000imp/kWh.

1.3 RS485 Serial – Modbus RTU
RS485 serial port with Modbus RTU protocol to provide a means of remotely monitoring and controlling the Unit.Set-up screens are provided for setting up the RS485 port.

1.4 Mbus for SDM230-Mbus
This unit has an M-BUS serial port with M-BUS protocol to provide a means of remotely monitoring and controlling the unit set-up screens are provided for setting up the M-bus port.

1.5 2T by time relay for SDM230-2T
The unit has a time relay inside which can monitor if there is external 230V signal input. If there is 230V signal input, the meter switches Tariff 2 measurement, otherwise it will measure as Tariff 1.


2.1 LCD Display

SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter - LCD

NO. Descriptions
1 7 digits used to display measured values
2 Total value
3 Tariff information
4 Import information, Export information
5 Max. Demand for Power or Current.
6 Pulse output 1and Pulse output2
7 Measurement units
8 PF = power factor Hz = frequency
9 Bar display of Power
10 Communication indicatior
13 Lock symbol

2.2 Initialization Display

| All display segments light up, display check.
| Software version (please check the real software version on the product as the final).
| Modbus ID or Mbus Primary Address
| Mbus Secondary Address (High) (for SDM230-Mbus only)
| Mbus Secondary Address (Low) (for SDM230-Mbus only)
| Baud rate.
| Total kWh.

2.3 Scroll display by Buttons
After initialization and self-checking program, the meter display the measured values. The default page is total kWh. If the user wants to check other information, he needs to press the scroll button on the front panel.
The display order by scroll button :

*For SDM230-Modbus:
Total kWh→ Import kWh→Export kWh→ Resettable kWh→ Total kVArh→Import kVArh→ Export kVArh→Resettable kVArh → Max. Power Demand→ Voltage →Current→W→ Var → VA→ Power Factor→Frequency →Pulse Constant→ Modbus ID → Baud Rate →Continuous Running Time
Display No:1,4~7,10~24.

*For SDM230-Std:
Total kWh→ Import kWh→Export kWh→ Resettable kWh→Total kVArh→Import kVArh→ Export kVArh→ Resettable kVArh→ Pulse Constant→ Modbus ID→ Baud Rate →Continuous Running Time Display No:1,4~7,10~12, 21~24.

1| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -
Initialization Display 7| Total active energy Example:70.00kWh
2| | T1 active energy Example: 10.00kWh (for SDM230-2T only)
3| | T2 active energy Example: 10.00kWh (for SDM230-2T only)
4| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -
Initialization Display 10| Import(input) active energy Example: 50.00kWh
5| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -
Initialization Display 11| Export(output) active energy Example: 20.00kWh
6| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -
Initialization Display 12| Resettable total energy
7| | Total reactive energy Example: 10.00kVArh
8| | T1 reactive energy Example: 2.00kVArh (for SDM230-2T only)
9| | T2 reactive energy
Example: 2.00kVArh (for SDM230-2T only)
10| | Import(input)reactive energy Example: 5.00kVArh
11| | Export(output)reactive energy
Example: 5.00kVArh
12| | Resettable total energy
13| | Max. power demand Example: 6938W
14| | Voltage
Example: 229.8V
15| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -
Initialization Display 21| Current
Example: 30.156A
16| | Active power
Example: 4700W
17| | Reactive power
Example: 1030Var
18| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -
Initialization Display 24| Apparent power
Example: 4811VA
19| | Power factor
Example: 1.000
20| | Frequency
Example: 49.99Hz
21| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -
Initialization Display 27| Pulse 2 constant
Example: 1000
22| | Modbus address
Example: 001
Mbus primary address
22-1| | High and Low bit of MBUS Secondary address (Default 00 00 00 01)
Example: if the Secondary address high bit is 0000, low bit is 0001,that means the integral Secondary address is 00 00 00 01
(for SDM230-Mbus only)
23| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -
Initialization Display 30| Baud rate
Example: 9600
24| | Continuous running time (since last time reset) Continuous running time (since last time reset)

2.4 Set-up Mode
To get into Set-up Mode, the user needs to press the “Enter” button for 3 seconds.

| The setting is done correctly
SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter - Set up Mode
1| The entering information is wrong. The operation fails.
1| | Password
To get into Set-up mode, it asks a password confirmation.
Default password: 1000
2| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter - Set up Mode
3| Address
For Modbus:
Default ID is 001
Range: 001~247
For Mbus:
Primary address ID
Default ID is 001
2-1| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter - Set up
Mode 4| Press the “Enter” button, the first digit frash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the value. After choosing the new address value, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm the setting.
2-2| | High bit of Mbus Secondary address(Default 00 00) (for SDM230-Mbus only)
| Low bit of Mbus Secondary address(Default 00 01)
Example: if the Secondary address high bit is 0000,low bit is 0001,that means the integral Secondary address is 00 00 00 01 (for SDM230-Mbus only)
2-3| Press the “Enter” button, the red part flash.
Press the “Scroll” button to change the option.
After choosing the new value, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm the setting.
3| | Baud rate for Modbus
Default value: 2400bps
Range: 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600bps.
Baud rate for Mbus:
Default value: 2400bps
Range:300, 600,1200, 2400,
4800, 9600bps.
3-1| | Press the “Enter” button, the red digit flash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the value. After choosing the new baud rate, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to conflrm the setting.
4| | Parity
Default: None
Option:None, Even, Odd
4-1| | Press the “Enter” button, the red part flash. Press the “Scroll” button to change the option. After choosing the new parity, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm the setting.
5| | Pulse Output 1
Default: kWh
Option:kWh / KVArh /
Imp. kWh / Exp.kWh /
Imp.kVArh / Exp.kVArh
5-1| SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter - Set up
Mode 12| Press the “Enter” button, the red part flash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the option. After choosing the new pulse output option, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to
confirm the setting.
6| | Pulse Constant
Default: 1000
Option: 1000 / 100 / 10 / 1
6-1| | Press the “Enter” button, the red part flash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the option. After choosing the new pulse constant option, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm the setting.
7| | Pulse duration
Default: 100mS
Option: 200 / 100 / 60mS
7-1| | Press the “Enter” button, the red part flash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the option. After choosing the new pulse duration option, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm the setting.
8| | Demand Integration Time
Default: 15 minutes
Option: off(0) / 5 / 10 /
15 / 30 / 60
8-1| | Press the “Enter” button, the ed part flash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the option. After choosing the new DIT option, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm the setting.
9| | Automatic Scroll Time Interval
Default: 0 S
Option: 0 ~ 30S
9-1| | Press the “Enter” button, the red part flash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the option. After choosing the new “Scrl” option, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm the setting.
10| | Backlit lasting time set-up
Default: 60 min
Option: 0(off)/ 5/ 10/ 20/ 30/ 60
Long press “Enter” button to enter set-up mode.
10-1| | Press the “Enter” button, the red part flash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the option. After choosing the new “Scrl” option, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm the setting.
11| | Clear
Long press “Enter” to enter clear interface.
11-1| | Clear Max demand of active power Long press “Enter” button to confirm the operation.
12| | Clear the resettable energy Long press the Enter button to confirm the operation.
13| | Password
Default: 1000
13-1| | Press the “Enter” button, the red part flash.Press the “Scroll” button to change the option. After choosing the new “Scrl” option, the user needs to press the “Enter” button to confirm
the setting.

ATTENTION: Pulse output must be fed as shown in the wiring diagram below.
Scrupulously respect polarities and the connection mode.
Opto-coupler with potential-free SPST-NO Contact.
Contact range:5~27VDC Max. current
Input:27mA DC.

3.5 RS485 output for Modbus RTU
Not for SDM230-Pulse or SDM230-Mbus
The meter provides a RS485 port for remote communication.
Modbus RTU is the protocol applied. For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can be configured from the set-up menu.
Baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 bps
Stop bits: 1 or 2
Modbus Address: 1 to 247
3.6 Mbus
For SDM230-Mbus only
The meter provides a Mbus Port for remote communication.
the meter adopts EN1434-3 Mbus communication protocol.
The communication parameters can be configured via the SET-UP mode.
Baudrate: 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600 bps
Stop bits: 1 or 2
Primary address: 001~250
Secondary address: 00000001~99999999
3.7 Mechanics

Din rail dimensions| 36x99x63 (WxHxD)
Per DIN  43880
Mounting| DIN rail 35mm
Sealing| IP51 (indoor)
Material| self-extinguishing UL94V-1


SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter -

Installation and sealing

SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter - Installation
and sealing

Wiring diagram

6.1 SDM230-V1SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail
Meter - Wiring diagram 6.2 SDM230-V2

SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter - Wiring diagram
1 6.3 Definitions of other terminals![SOLAX POWER SDM230 Series Wire Multifunction Din Rail Meter

  • Denitions of other terminals]( content/uploads/2023/12/SOLAX-POWER-SDM230-Series-Wire-Multifunction-Din-Rail- Meter-Denitions-of-other-terminals.jpg) Declaration of Conformity(for the MID approved version meter only)
    We Zhejiang Eastron Electronic Co.,Ltd.
    Declare under our sole responsibility as the manufacturer that the poly phase multifuntion electrical energy meter “SDM230 Series” correspond to the production model described in the EU-type examination certificate and to the requirements of the Directive 2014/32/EU EU type examination certificate number 0120/SGS0206.
    Identification number of the NB0120

SOLAX POWER logoZhejiang Eastron Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Add: No.1369 , Chengnan Rd. Jiaxing,
Zhejiang, China
Tel: 86 573 83698881/83698882
Fax: 86 573 83698883

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