AVAYA 1403 IP Office Release 6 Digital Phone User Guide

June 15, 2024

AVAYA 1403 IP Office Release 6 Digital Phone

Product Information


  • Model: 1403, 1603 Phone
  • Release: IP Office Release 6
  • Manual Issue: 15-601013 Issue 02c
  • Date: 02 February 2010

Product Usage Instructions

  • Important Safety Information
    Before using the product, please read and understand the important safety information provided in the user manual to ensure safe and proper usage.

  • About LEDs
    The product is equipped with LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) that provide visual indications for different functions. Refer to the user manual for a detailed explanation of the LED indicators and their meanings.

  • About Icons
    This section of the user manual provides information about the icons displayed on the product’s screen. It explains the different icons and their corresponding functions.

  • About Paper Labels
    The user manual includes details about the paper labels used on the product. It explains the purpose of each label and how to properly handle and apply them.

  • Basic Telephone Operation
    This chapter covers the basic operation of the 1403/1603 phone. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the phone for making and receiving calls, adjusting volume, accessing features, and more. Refer to this chapter for a comprehensive guide on using the phone effectively.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q: Where can I find the most up-to-date documentation?
    A: For the latest versions of the product documentation, visit the Avaya Support website at http://www.avaya.com/support or the IP Office Knowledge Base at http://marketingtools.avaya.com/knowledgebase/.

  • Q: How can I report problems or ask questions about my contact centre?
    A: Avaya provides a support telephone number for reporting problems or asking questions about your contact centre. The support telephone number for the United States is 1 800 628 2888. For additional support telephone numbers, please visit the Avaya website at http://www.avaya.com/support.

  • Q: What should I do if I suspect toll fraud?
    A: If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud, call the Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States and Canada. You can also report suspected security vulnerabilities with Avaya Products by sending an email to securityalerts@avaya.com.

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The end User may install and use each copy of the Software on only one Designated Processor unless a different number of Designated Processors is indicated in the Documentation or other materials available to the End User. Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified by type, serial number, feature key, location or other specific designation, or to be provided by the End User to Avaya through electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this purpose.

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Avaya Fraud Intervention
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical assistance or support, call the Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States and Canada. Suspected security vulnerabilities with Avaya Products should be reported to Avaya by sending mail to: securityalerts@avaya.com.
For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Support website (http://www.avaya.com/support).

Avaya and the Avaya logo are registered trademarks of Avaya Inc. in the United States of America and other jurisdictions. Unless otherwise provided in this document, marks identified by “®,” “™” and “SM” are registered marks, trademarks and service marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Documentation information
For the most current versions of documentation, go to the Avaya Support website (http://www.avaya.com/support) or the IP Office Knowledge Base (http://marketingtools.avaya.com/knowledgebase/).

Avaya Support
Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or to ask questions about your contact centre. The support telephone number is 1 800 628 2888 in the United States. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support.


1403, 1603
This guide covers the operation of 1403, 1603 and 1603SW telephones on the Avaya I P Office telephone system. Note that not all features described in this user guide may be available on your telephone. If you find that a feature is not available, contact your system administrator. 1403, 1603 and 1603SW phones are all similar in their operation and have the same user controls as shown below.AVAYA-1403-IP-Office-Release-6-Digital-


Name Description

Message Waiting

Indicat or

| An illuminated red light in the upper-right corner of your phone indicates you have voicemail messages waiting. If Visual Alerting is enabled, this light flashes when you receive an incoming call.
Avaya Menu| Press the A button to access the Avaya menu. Press the A button twice to exit the Avaya menu. The Avaya menu provides options that allow you to customize phone settings, select the display language, view network information, and log out.
Redial| Press Redial to dial the last number you dialled.
Hold| Press Hold to put the active call on hold.
Conference| Press Conference to add another party to an existing call.
Transfer| Press Transfer to transfer a call to another number.
Drop| Press Drop to drop the active call. While on a conference call, press Drop to drop the last person added to the conference call.
Volum e| Press + or – on the volume button while active on the handset or speaker to adjust the volume. To adjust the volume of the ringer, press + or – on the volume button while the handset and speaker are inactive.
Mute| Press Mute to mute a call in progress. To take a call off the ute, press Mute again.
Speaker| Press the Speaker to use the speakerphone. To take a call off speakerphone, lift the handset.
Feature Buttons and Call/ Line Appearance But t ons| 3 buttons can be programmed by the system administrator as either call/ line appearance buttons or feature buttons. Press a call/ line appearance button to make or answer a call or resume a call on hold. Press a labelled feature button to enable or disable that feature. Typically, two buttons are administered as call/ line appearance buttons and one button is administered as a feature button. The feature button provides access to an Avaya call management system feature that has been administered for your extension. The green LED next to the feature button indicates if the feature is currently on or off. If the light is on, the feature is on.

Important Safety Information

  • Warning: This handset may pick up small metal objects such as metal pins or staples.
  • During a power surge, EFT or ESD, calls may be dropped. After a power surge, EFT or ESD, it is normal for the phone to restart.
  • Using a cell phone, mobile phone, GSM phone or two-way radio near an Avaya telephone might cause interference.
  • The phone should not be connected directly to the outdoor telecommunication network.

About LEDs
Each call/ line appearance button and feature button has two LEDs, one green and one red, to indicate the status of the call/ line appearance or feature. The status is identified by whether the LED is turned on, off, or blinking as described in the following tables.
Table 1. Call/ Line Appearance Button LEDs

LED Description
Steady green The call/ line appearance is active.
Slow blinking green The call/ line appearance is ringing.
Fast blinking green Call/ line appearance is on hold.
Very fast blinking green Conference or Transfer is pending.
Steady red Call/ line appearance is selected and will be used when

you go off-hook. It remains steady red while you use the call/ line appearance.
Off| Call/ line appearance is available.

Table 2. Feature Button LEDs

LED Description
Steady green The feature is active.
Blinking green Feature is pending ( request is being processed and

not im m ediately available).
Off| The feature is not active.

About Icons
Icons are provided in the phone display to indicate the state of a call and navigation choices. The icons that appear in the phone display are described in the following table.
Table 3. Icon in the Telephone DisplayAVAYA-1403-IP-Office-Release-6

About Paper Labels
Next to each call/ line appearance button and feature button is a paper label. The label identifies the call/ line appearance number or the feature that has been programmed on the button by your system administrator. You can remove the labels if you want to change a label or write on a blank one. Printed labels are also available for your telephone. See your system administrator for more information.

Basic Telephone Operation

Making a Call
If you are not on a call, simply dial the number you want to call.

  1. Lift the handset, press Speaker or press an available line button.
  2. Dial the number you want to call.

Redialling a Number
Press Redial to call the last number dialled.

Answering a Call
When you receive an incoming call, the incoming call is usually selected automatically. However, if you are already on a call or if you receive more than one incoming call at a time, you may need to select the call you want to answer manually.
Answer an incoming call in the following ways:

  • If you are not on another call, lift the handset, press the call/ line appearance button whose green LED flashes for the incoming call, or press the Speaker to answer using the speakerphone.
  • If you are on another call, press the call/ line appearance button whose green LED flashes for the incoming call.
  • If the Auto Hold feature is enabled by your system administrator, you can answer another call without first putting an active call on hold. If Auto Hold is not enabled, you must put your active call on hold before answering the incoming call; otherwise, you will drop the active call when you answer the other one.

Muting a Call
If a call is on mute and you switch between the handset, headset, or speakerphone, the mute will be turned off. When the Mute button light is on, the call is muted.

  1. Press the Mute button during a call so that the other person cannot hear you.
  2. Press the Mute button again to unmute the call.

Putting a Call on Hold

  1. Press Hold to put your active call on hold. The fast-blinking green LED next to the call/ line appearance button indicates the call is on hold.
  2. To resume the call, press the call/ line appearance button to resume the call.

Transferring a Call

  1. If the call you want to transfer is not your active call, press the call/ line appearance button for the call you want to transfer.
  2. Press Transfer.
    • The very fast blinking green LED next to the call/ line appearance button indicates the call is being transferred.
  3. Dial the telephone number.
    • To transfer the call to a call that is on hold, press the call/ line appearance button for the call that is on hold.
  4. Press Transfer again or hang up to complete the transfer.

Conference Calls
You can use conference calls to speak with up to three people in different locations on the same call. Additional conferencing options may be available through Expanded Meet-Me Conferencing. Contact your system administrator for more information about this feature.

  • Making a conference call
1. While active on a call, press Conference.  

Note: The very fast blinking green LED next to the call/ line appearance button indicates the call is being conferenced.

2. Dial the telephone number.
3. Press Conference to add the person to the existing call.
  • Putting a conference call on hold
    When you put a conference call on hold, the other parties can still talk to each other.
1. Press Hold during a conference call. The blinking green LED next to the call/ line appearance button indicates the conference is on hold.
2. To resume the call, press the call/ line appearance button to resume the call.
  • Dropping a person from a conference call
1. While active on a conference call, press Drop.
2. Press # to drop the person shown, and press* to view the next person.

Getting Your Messages
A red light on the upper right-hand corner of your telephone indicates when you have messages waiting. Your messages are an administered function. Contact your system administrator with any questions.

  • Logging into your voicemail
1. To log in to your voicemail, follow the instructions provided by your system administrator.
2. Once you are logged in, follow the voice prompts from your voicemail system.

The Avaya Menu
You can use the Avaya Menu to adjust and customize phone settings, select the display language, view network settings, and log out. To access the Avaya Menu, press the A button. To exit the Avaya Menu, press the A button twice.
The options available vary depending on the type of phone.

1 4 0 3 A- Menu Option Description
Screen/ Sounds Bright Adjust the display brightness.
Cont rast Adjust the display contrast.
Ring Type Select the noise used for ringing.
Clicks Turn on or off the clicks heard when moving around the phone’s

Error Tones| Turn on or off the error tone som et im es heard when using the phone’s menus.
Call Settings| Visual Alert| Turn on or off the flashing of the message lamp when an incoming call is waiting to be answered.
Audible Alert| Turn on or off the use of the audible ringer.
Advanced| Handset AGC| Turn on or off automatic gain control for the handset.
Speaker AGC| Turn on or off automatic gain control for the speaker.
Speaker Open| Adjust the speaker operation for different environments.
Handset TX N R| Turn on or off noise reduction on the handset.
Language| Select a language for the phone menus. The languages available will depend on those installed.
Erase Options| Reset all options to their defaults.
Erase Language| Reset the phone back to the default language.
Self Test| Put the phone into its self-test mode. All lights on the phone are lit and a tone is played for every button pressed.
1 6 0 3 A- Menu| Option| Description
Screen| Bright| Adjust the display brightness.
Cont rast| Adjust the display contrast.
Visual Alert| Turn on or off the flashing of the message lamp when an incoming call is waiting to be answered.
Sounds| Ring Type| Select the noise used for ringing.
Clicks| Turn on or off the clicks heard when moving around the phone’s menus.
Tones| Turn on or off the error tone som et im es heard when using the phone’s menus.
Advanced| Backup| Force a manual backup of your phone settings.
Restore| Force a manual restore of your phone settings.
Handset| Turn on or off automatic gain control for the handset.
Speaker| Turn on or off automatic gain control for the speaker.
Language| Select a language for the phone menus. The languages available will depend on those installed.
Network Info| Audio info| Display information about the current call.
IP Info| Display the phone’s current IP address settings and similar information.
QoS| Display the QoS settings being used by the phone.
Interface| Display the current settings of the phone’s ethernet LAN connections.
Log Out| Unregister the phone from the telephone system. We recommend that this option is not used. Use the I P Office telephone system s own login and logout controls. Consult with your system administrator.

Performance figures and data quoted in this document are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by Avaya before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. The company reserves the right to make alterations or amendments to the detailed specifications at its discretion. The publication of information in this document does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of Avaya or others. Intellectual property related to this product (including trademarks) and registered to Lucent Technologies have been transferred or licensed to Avaya. All trademarks identified by the ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This document contains proprietary information of Avaya and is not to be disclosed or used except by applicable agreements. Any comments or suggestions regarding this document should be sent to “wgctechpubs@avaya.com“.

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