AVAYA 9508 Digital Desk Phone for IP Office User Manual

June 5, 2024

9508 Digital Desk Phone for IP Office
User Manual
AVAYA 9508 Digital Desk Phone for IP


MESSAGE LAMP /RINGING INDICATOR: ON: Indicates new messages in your voicemail box, flashing indicates a ringing call
DISPLAY: shows call information, details on system features, and call appearance Keys
CALL APPEARANCE OR FEATURE KEYS (24): Press the left/right arrow keys to see 2 additional screens These Keys have four roles
CALL APPEARANCE KEYS: Allow you to handle multiple calls.
Used to Make or Receive Internal and External Calls
FEATURE KEYS: Features and menus are accessed by pressing these Keys
HUNT GROUP KEYS: Rings and/or flashes for “group” calls, ie: Departmental or main number
USER KEYS: Show the appearance of other users’ extensions and indicate the status
Slow Flash indicates the ringing call
Fast Flash indicates on a call
Solid Red indicates
DND DISPLAY INDICATORS Appear on your display to indicate the status of your phone
STATUS SOFTKEY Indicates a change in the State of your phone: Do Not Disturb, Forwarded, etc Press STATUS Softkey for more information
CONF 100 Indicates you are part of a system conference call, whether you initiate it or not
NO USER The extension is not currently logged on
OUT OF SERVICE Displays if one or more hunt groups is in out of hours (night) mode
G (GROUP) You are a member of a group
N Phone is in DND mode
D Phone is forwarded

NAVIGATION KEYS: Scrolls through Call Appearance, Feature Keys, menus, call logs and speed dial lists.
Use Up/Down Arrow Keys to Scroll one key at a time or Left/Right arrows to scroll one screen at a time.
OK KEY: Confirms menu choices.
PHONE KEY: Used to exit any menu, or return the display to the phone screen.
MESSAGE: Accesses the voicemail system, and illuminates when you have new messages.
CONTACTS: Accesses personal and shared directories.
MAIN MENU/HOME: Accesses a list of options and settings to customize your phone.
RECENTS (CALL LOG/HISTORY): displays a record of the most recent answered, missed, and outgoing calls. Illuminates when you have new missed calls.
When you have new missed calls, the number of missed calls will appear at the top of your display.
HEADSET: Switches calls from handset to headset. The Key is illuminated when the headset is active.
SPEAKER: Used to make or answer any call without lifting the Handset. illuminated when the speaker is active.
VOLUME: Controls Ringer, Speaker, & Incoming Voice Levels over Handset/Headset.
MUTE: Turns the Microphone off or on when you are on a call. The lamp is lit when in use, the caller cannot hear you.
SOFTKEY LABELS: appear on the display to indicate features that can be activated by pressing the keys directly below.
SOFTKEYS: Appear below the Softkey labels on display and access features displayed on the label above them. These features change based on the current state of the phone. IE: idle, ringing, on an active call, etc.
IDLE STATE: The following Softkeys appear when your phone is idle.
+ REDIAL: Displays a list of outgoing numbers from your call log allowing you to dial from that list.
+ FEATURES: displays a scrollable list of available features and user settings.
RINGING STATE: The following Softkeys appear when your phone is ringing.
+ ANSWER: Answers ringing calls on hands-free or turns a page call into a two–way conversation.
+ TO VM: Sends a ringing call to your voicemail.
+ IGNORE: Quiets the ringer for the current ringing call. The call will continue to flash until answered goes to voicemail.
+ DROP: When your phone is ringing DROP will send the caller directly to voicemail.
PLACING AN EXTENSION CALL: The following Softkeys appear when you are placing a call to an internal extension.
+ CALLBACK: Set an automatic Callback on the user set that you have called. When they next end a call, the telephone system will call you, and when you answer, automatically make a call to the user.
+ DROP: When you are dialing, DROP will disconnect you.
CONNECTED TO A CALL: The following Softkeys appear when you are connected to a call.
+ HOLD: Places a call on an exclusive hold to your phone.
+ CONFERENCE: Puts your current call on hold and present a dial tone to add another party to a conference.
+ TRANSFER: Puts your current call on hold and present a dial tone so you can transfer the call to another extension.
+ DROP: When you are connected to a call, DROP will disconnect you.
NOTE: as you complete the process of TRANSFER and CONFERENCE additional Softkeys appear as well as when you are in Menus and Lists on the display.


TO ANSWER INCOMING CALL: Phone rings-Indicator Flashes Slow. Lift Handset or Press SPEAKER Key or Press ANSWER Softkey.
NOTE: To quiet a ringing call, Press IGNORE Softkey. To send a ringing call to Voicemail, Press TOVM Softkey.
TO ANSWER SECOND CALL: Press the Call Appearance Key of a new call, the first call automatically holds.
TO PLACE A CALL: Lift Handset or Press SPEAKER Key
Internal: Enter EXTENSION Number.
External: Enter dialing prefix (typically 8 or 9) 1 area code and number.
TO PLACE A SECOND CALL: Press the available Appearance Key, and the first call automatically holds. Enter Number.

SPEAKER: Press to make or answer any call without lifting the Handset.
TO RESUME PRIVACY: Lift Handset or Press HEADSET Key.
MUTE: Turns off your Microphone (Speaker, Handset, and Headset) to allow you to speak privately. The caller cannot overhear office noise/conversation.
TO USE: Press MUTE Key Key lights, and speak privately.

Hold Places an active call on hold. This is an exclusive hold to your telephone. No one else can retrieve it.
TO HOLD A CALL: Press HOLD Softkey. The indicator lamp flashes fast.
TO RETURN TO CALLER: Press Flashing Call Appearance Key.
AUTOMATIC HOLD: When you select another Call Appearance Key or use certain features, the line that you are already speaking will be placed on hold automatically without pressing the HOLD Key.

TRANSFER: This allows you to connect your call to someone else (With a call online)
Press TRANSFER Softkey and the call is automatically held.
Enter EXTENSION Number. Blind Transfer: Press COMPLETE Softkey, call is connected.
Announced: Wait for the party to answer, (speak privately), Press COMPLETE Softkey.
TO COMPLETE TRANSFER: Press COMPLETE Softkey, the call is connected, hang up.
TO RETURN TO HELD CALL: Press CANCEL Softkey disconnects you from the party and reconnects you to the caller.
TO DROP A CALL PARTY: Press DROP Softkey disconnects you from called party, caller stays on hold.
TO CONFERENCE ALL PARTIES: Press CONFERENCE Softkey all three parties are joined in a conference call.
NOTE: If you do not know the extension number after you press TRANSFER, you can search in the directory.
TRANSFER TO VOICEMAIL: Sends a caller directly to voicemail without ringing the phone.
Press TRANSFER Softkey, call automatically held.
Enter # sign and extension number.
PressCOMPLETE Softkey immediately.

ADHOC CONFERENCE: This allows you to add multiple parties to a call (With call online)
Press CONFERENCE Softkey and the first call automatically holds, and you hear a dial tone. Enter Second Number (internal or external).
IMPORTANT: Wait for an answer and announce the conference.
Press CONFERENCE Softkey again. All parties are connected.

+ To add additional parties, repeat the above procedure.
+ To drop yourself from the conference, Hang up.
+ To Drop another member from the conference:
Press DETAILS Softkey and the display gives participant information.
Press Up/Down Arrow Keys to scroll through participants.
Press DROP Softkey to drop the desired participant.
+ To Mute another member, Press MUTE Softkey.
+ To Mute yourself, Press the MUTE fixed key.
IF CALLED PARTY DOESN’T ANSWER/BUSY: To return to the original call
Press CANCEL Softkey or CALL APPEARANCE key of the held line (fast green flash).
NOTE: The number of external callers you can bring into this type of conference is dependent upon the type of service from your dial tone provider. Check with your system administrator.


NOTE: You may need to scroll by pressing the right and left arrow keys to see additional features.
CALL PARK: This allows you to place a call on hold in the system and assign it to a Call Park Slot. Calls can be retrieved from any telephone in the system by pressing the associated Call Park Slot Key.
TO PARK: With the caller online Press the Available CALL PARK Key, Key lights green on your phone, and read on others. Advise person of Call Park Slot Number.
TO RETRIEVE: Lift Handset or Press SPEAKER Key
Press Applicable CALL PARK Key. The caller ID of held call is displayed.
Press CONNECT Softkey. You are connected to call, begin speaking.
NOTES: If a parked call is not retrieved within a predetermined number of seconds, the call will “Callback” to the phone it was parked from.
PAGING: Accesses Telephone or Overhead Speakers to make an Announcement.
TO USE: Lift Handset
Press PAGE Key or *631 and wait for the tone.
Make Announcement.
Press DROP Key, Hang Up.
DO NOT DISTURB: Stops ALL Tones and Ringing, lets you work undisturbed.
Incoming callers either hear a busy tone or are transferred to your voice mail.
TO PROGRAM: Press DND Key STATUS Softkey appears, N appears in Display, light next to DND lights
TO CANCEL: Press DND Key STATUS Softkey disappears, N Disappears, the light goes out
NOTE: When certain features are active such as Do Not Disturb and Call Forward, a “stutter” dial tone is heard when you lift your receiver or press handsfree. This does not affect calling, it is just another indication there is a feature activated.
REDIAL: Displays the last 10 numbers dialed or Redials the last number dialed.
The redial function uses the outgoing call records stored in the call log.
TO USE  Press REDIAL Softkey.
Displays show the last 10 numbers dialed.
Use UP/DOWN Arrow Keys to highlight the number you want to redial.
Press CALL Softkey.
TO VIEW CALL DETAILS: Call duration, the number of times called and the time of the last call is displayed.


CALL FORWARD: Programs your phone to ring at another Extension.
Enter the EXTENSION Number of the phone that you want calls forwarded to.
Press SAVE Softkey. CALL FWD Key lights, D appears in the display.
TO CANCEL: Press CALL FWD Key, and hear the tone. CALL FWD Key light goes out, and D disappears.
NOTE: A missed call will return to your voicemail as the call was originally intended for you.
GROUP PICK UP: This allows you to pick up another call you hear ringing in your group. (You must be programmed in a group by a System Administrator).
TO USE: Hear another phone ringing in your preprogrammed group.
Press PICK-UP Key. Begin speaking, call is connected.
DIRECTED PICK UP: This allows you to pick up a “specific” extension you hear ringing
TO USE: Hear another phone ringing that is not in your preprogrammed group.
Enter the EXTENSION number you wish to pick up.
NOTE: All features may not be programmed on keys based on your Company’s special needs. Features such as Call forwarding and Call Pick Up can also be activated by pressing the FEATURES Softkey.
CONTACTS: Contains four preprogrammed directories and one 100-number personal directory that you program.

+ ALL:
All directory entries (External, Personal, Users, and Groups).
+ EXTERNAL: Entries stored by the system administrator to be used by all users.
+ GROUPS: Names and numbers of hunt groups on the telephone system.
+ USERS: Names and numbers of all users on the telephone system.
+ PERSONAL: Entries stored by you, are to be used from your phone.
TO PROGRAM: Leave Handset In Place
Press the NEW Softkey
Enter Name & Number (include the dialing prefix (typically 8 or 9), 1 and area code If required)
Press SAVE Softkey Information is automatically saved to your Personal directory.
To exit without making changes, press CANCEL Softkey.
Begin spelling name on dial pad (you can search by First or Last Name).
Lift your handset or Press the CALL Softkey, SPEAKER Key, HEADSET Key or the OK Key to call.
NOTE: When searching for a name in the contacts, only press a key once for each letter.
Example: when searching for Steven – Press 783836 (Not 7 four times to indicate S).

HISTORY/ CALL LOG: Accesses a list of your recent calls last 10 incoming, last 10 missed, and last 10 outgoings.
TO USE Press the CALL LOG Key. If you have new missed calls, the CALL LOG Key will be illuminated and LOG will open to missed calls.
Use the LEFT/RIGHT Arrow Keys to scroll through MISSED, ANSWERED, OUTGOING or ALL
TO DIAL: Press CALL Softkey or OK to call the number shown in the display
Press CALL LOG Key.
Use the UP/DOWN Arrow Keys to scroll through records.
Press the DETAILS Softkey.
Press MORE Softkey then Press the +CONTACT Softkey.
Use the UP/DOWN Arrow Keys to switch between and edit the name and number including the dialing prefix (typically 8 or 9) if needed.
Press SAVE Softkey, to cancel without saving press CANCEL Softkey.
NOTE: MISSED CALL INDICATION in the upper left-hand portion of the display indicates the number of missed calls. ie: 4 [X.
TO CLEAR: Delete calls in missed call log by pressing CALL LOG Key.
Press MORE Softkey then press DELETE ALL Softkey.
HOT DESKING: This allows you to log in to your extension at another internal telephone set.
Moves the “features” from your phone to another internal phone, you must log in and out.
TO LOG OUT: On the phone, you are moving to
Press HOT DESK Key OR *36 to log out of the current extension.
TO LOG IN: Press LOGIN Softkey.
Enter EXTENSION Number of phone you want to be moved.
Enter PASSWORD This is either the extension number or a number assigned by the system admin.
Press DONE Softkey.
NOTES: When you log in to another telephone, it logs you out of your telephone.
When you log out of the phone you logged in to, both phones should return to their original extension.
When Hot Desking to a different physical building, 911 calls will display the address of the phone’s “home” location.

NOTE: Menu options may vary slightly and may be limited to system administrator status.
Call Settings
Display Call Timer: Adjusts whether ring/call time is displayed for calls
Visual Alerting: Controls light – when on light flashes for new incoming calls
Audio Path: Toggles between Headset and Speaker
Screen and Sound Options
Brightness: Adjust the display brightness
Contrast: Adjust the display contrast
Personalized Ringing: Selects different ring tone
Language: Select the language used for phone menus
Button Click: Turn the phone menu key click on or off
Error Tones: Turn the phone menu error tones on or off


SELECT RING TYPE: Choose from 8 different ringtones to help distinguish your phone ringing from others. Leave handset in place
Press MENU/HOME Key Display will Show Options and Settings
Press SELECT Softkey Display will show Screen/Sound Options, if not scroll to it
Press SELECT Softkey
Use UP/DOWN Arrow Keys to locate Personalized Ringing
Press SELECT or CHANGE Softkey
Use UP/DOWN Arrow Keys to listen to various selections
Press SAVE Softkey to set the desired ring
Press EXIT or PHONE Key to return to the main screen
Your telephone rings differently for different types of calls
EXTERNAL: Two Short rings Repeated (a new external call or a transferred external call)
INTERNAL: Single ring Repeated
RINGBACK: Single Ring followed by two short rings Repeated
ADJUST RING VOLUME: Leave the handset in place
You can adjust the volume while the phone is ringing or idle
Press PLUS/MINUS VOLUME CONTROL Key to adjust the volume

1 Dupli Park Drive, 5th Floor
Syracuse NY 13204
Tel: 315-671-6200
Fax: 315-671-0080
9560 Main Street
Holland Patent NY 13354
Tel: 315-624-2000
Fax: 315-624-0288

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