BORMANN BBC1100 Battery Charger Owner’s Manual

June 4, 2024

BORMANN BBC1100 Battery Charger Owner’s Manual


When using the equipment, a few safety precautions must be observed to avoid injuries and damage. Pllease read the complete operating inst ruct ions and safety regulations with due ca re.
Keep this manual in a safe place, so t hat the informat ion is available at all t imes. If you give the equipment to any other person, hand over these operating instructions and safety
regulat ions as well. We cannot accept any !liability for damage or accidents which arise due to a fa ilure to follow these inst ructions and the safety instructions.

1.Safety regulations

The corresponding safety info rmation can be found in the enclosed booklet.


Read all safety regulations and instructions. Any errors made in fo llowing the safety regulat ions and inst ructions may result in an electric shock, fi re and/or serious injury.
Keeip all safety regulations and instructions in a safe plac,e for fu ture use.
This eq uipment can be used by children of 8 yea rs and older and by people with limited physical,sensory or menta l capacities or those with no expe rience and knowledge if they are supervised or have received inst ruction in how to use the equipment safely and understand t he dangers which resu tt from such use. Chi ldren are not allowed to play with the equipment. Unless supervised, ch ildren are not allowed to clean the equipment and carry out user-level maintenance work.

Waste disposal

Batteries: Only dispose of these items through motor vehicle workshops, special collection points or specia l waste colllection points. Ask your loca ll council.

Explanation of the warning signs on the equi1pment (see Fig. 4)

1 = The equipment is totally insulated
2 = CAUTION – Read the operating instruct ions to red uc,e the risk ·of injury

2. Layout and item1s supplied

2.1 Layout (Fig. 1)
  1. Function key
  2.  LED display
  3. Charging cable, red (+)
  4. Charging cable, black(-)
  5. Ca rry handle
  6. Feet
2.2 Items supplied
  • Open the packaging and take out the equipment with ca re.
  • Remove the packaging material and any packaging and/or t ransportation braces (if available)
  • Check to see if all items are supplied.
  • Inspect t he eq uipment and accessories for transport damage.
  • If possible, please keep the packaging unt iil the end of t he guarantee period .


The equipment and packaging material are not toys. Do not let children play with plastic bags, fo ils or small parts. There is a danger of swallowing or suffocating!

  • Original operating instructions
  • Safety instructions

3. Proper use

The charger is designed for charging non-maintenance- free or maintenance-free 6
V/12 V sta rter batteries (lead acid batteries) and for lead gel/ AGM batteries which are used in motor vehicles.Store the equipment in a dry indoor location only.
The equipment is to be used only for irts prescribed purpose. Any other use is deemed to be a case of misuse. The user / operator and not the manufacturer willl be liable for any damage or inj uries of any kind caused as a result of this.

Please note t hat our equipment has not been esigned for use in commercial, t rade or industrial applications. Our warranty will be voided if the machine is used in commercial, t rade or industrial businesses orfor equiva lent purposes.

4. Technical data

Mains voltage: … .. ……….. …. .. .. . 220-240 V ~ 50 Hz
Power rating max: …………. …. ……………….. . 180 W
Nominal output voltage: … … …. . 6 V DC/ 12 V DC
Nominal output current at 6 V: …… .. .. .. .. .. …. …. 2 A
Nominal output current at 12 V: …………. 2 A/lOA
Battery capacirty: .. ….. …. …. …. ……………. .. 4-200 Ah

5. Assembly

Press the equipment (6) into the recesses on t he back (1).

6.Before starting the equipment

Please also refer to the instructions in the Ow ner’s manuals for the car, radio, navigation system, etc.
Notes on automatic charging
The charger is a microprocessor controlled automatic charger, Le. irt is suitable in pa rt icular for charging maintenance-free batteries and for the long-term charging and maintenance-charging of batteries which are not in constant use, e.g. For class ic ca rs, recreational vehicles, lawn tractors and t he like. The int egrated microprocessor enables charging in severa l steps. The fina l cha rging step, maintenance charging, maintains t he battery capacity at 95- 100% and therefore keeps t he battery fully charged at all t imes. The charging operation does not need to be monitored.
However, do not leave the battery unattended if you charge it over an extended period of t ime, so that you can disconnect it from the mains power su pply in the event of a fau lt in t he charger.

6.1 Explanation of the symbols in the LCD display (Fig. 2)

A Charging of a 12 V battery (lead acid battery,
AGM battery and GEL battery) with 2 A cha rging current.
B Charging of a 12 V battery (lead acid battery, AGM battery and GEL battery), with 10A charging current.
C Cha rging of a 12 V battery (lead acid battery, AGM battery and GEL battery), in winter mode with 10 A charging cu rrent and an ambient temperatu re of – 2o•c to +S’C. Da nger! Do not charge any frozen batteries.
D Charging of a 6V battery (lead acid battery, AGM battery and GEL battery), with 2 A charging current.
E Defective battery
F Clamps are wrongly connected (reverse polarity)or there is a short-circuit
G Battery voltage displlay in volts
H Charge status of t he battery in percent (1 increment = 25%) and charging prooedure (increment in t he battery symbol fl ashes= battery charging in progress; all increments are lit = battery is fo lly charged) .

6.2 Charging settings

Press the Mode button (Fig. :I/Item 1) to set t he charging functions 12 V/2 A (Fig. 2/ ltem A), 12 V/10A (F iig. ?/Item B), and 12 V/10 A Winter Mode (Fig.2/ltem C) (see section 6.1).

6.3 Charging the batte ry:

  • Rellease or remove the battery stoppers (if fitted) from the battery.

  • Check the acid level in the battery. If necessary, top up the battery with distilled water (if possible). Important. Battery acid is aggressive. Rinse off any acid splashes t horoughly
    with lots of water and seek medical advice if necessary.

  • First connect the red charging cable to the positive pole of the battery.

  • Then oonnect t he black charging cable to t he bodywork of t he vehicle away from the battery and t he pet rol pipe.

  • Warning! Under normal ci rcumsta nces t he negative battery pole is connected to the bodywork and you proceed. In exceptional cases it is possible that the posit ive battery pole is oonnected to t he bodywork {posit ive earthing). In t his case connect the bllack charging cable to the negative pole on the battery. Then oonnect the red charging cable at a point away from the battery and the petrol pipe.

  • After the battery has been con nected to the charger, you can connect the charger to a socket supplying 240 V ~ 50 Hz. The equipment automatica lly recognizes the rated voltage (6V or 12 V) of the connected battery. The l:CD display lights up green. Do not connect it to a socket that supplies any other mains volt age. !Important ! Charging may create dangerous explosive gas and t herefore you
    should avoid spark formation and naked flames whilst the battery is charging. There is a risk of explosion!

  • If the battery terminals are connected in reverse,the protection aga inst swapped poles\ ensures t hat the battery and the charger do not get damaged. If this is the case, remove
    the charger from the battery and from the socket outlet. Start charging aga in after waiting for approx. 3 minutes.

Calcul1ating the charging time (F ig. 3}

The charging t ime depends on the charge status of the battery. If the battery is fu lly discharged, the approximate charging t ime up to approx. 80% charged can be ca lculated using the folllowing
formula: Battery capacity in Ah Charging t ime/ h = Amp. (charging current)
The charging current should be :1/10 to ‘.l)i of the battery ca pacity.
Note! Gases are released during the charging

process. It is essent ia I t hat you ventilate the rooms well.
As long as the equipment is charging, the LCD display shines green. If charging is complete, the ILD display shines blue.

6.4 Finishing ch arging the battery

  • Pull the plug out of the socket.
  • First disconnect the black charg’i ng cable from the bodywork.
  • Then release the red charging cable from t he posit ive pole on the battery.
  • Importa nt ! In case of positive earth ing, first disconnect the red charging cablle from the bodywork and then the black charging cable from the battery.
  • Screw or push the battery stoppers back into position (if t here are a ny}

6.5 Battery tester fo r 12 V batteries

Connect the charger to the battery. The KD symbol ‘H ‘ (F ig. 2) shows the charge status (1 increment= 25%). The battery voltage is shown on the LCD display.

7. Overload cut-out

The charger is equipped with e lectronic protection against overload, short circuit and swapped poles. One or more fine fuses are also fi tted. If the fuse suffers a defect it must be replaced by a new fuse with the same amp value. If necessary, please contact our customer service oe nter.

8.Maintenance and care of the Battery

  • Ensure that your battery is always fitted securely.
  • A perfect connection to the cable network of the e lectrica l! system must be e nsured at all times.
  • Keep the batte ry clean and d ry. Apply a thin coating of grease to the connection terminals using an acid-free, acid-resistant grease (Vaseline}.
  • Check the level of the acid in batteries that a re not maintenance-free versions approximately every 4 weeks a nd top up with distil led water if necessary.

9.Cleaning, maintenance

Allways pulll out the mains power plug before starting any deaning work.

9. 1 Cleaning

  • Keep a 11 safety devices, air vents and the motor housing free of dirt and dust as far as possible. Wipe the equipment with a clean cloth or blow it with compressed air at low pressure.
  • We recommend that you clean the device immediately each t ime you have finished using it .
  • Clean the equipment regu la rly with a moist cloth and some soft soap. Do not use cleaning agents or solvents; these could attack the plastic parts of the equipment. Ensure that no water can seep into the device. The ingress of water into an e lectric tool increases the risk of an e lectric shock.
  • The charger shou Id be plaoed in a dry room for storage. Any corrosion must be cleaned off the charging termi na ls.

9.2 Maintenance

There are no parts inside t he equipment which require addit ional maintena nce.

10. Troubleshooting

If t he equipment is operat ed properly you should expe rience no problems wit h malfunctions or fau lts.
In t he event of any matfu nctions or faults, please check the following before you contact your customer services.

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