VIOTEL TILT-V2.1-INT Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter User Manual

June 13, 2024

User Manual
Node: Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter
Model: Version 2.1
Manual Revision: 1.3


1.1 Warning
This guide intends to assist in the preferred mounting, operation, and usage of Viotel’s Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter Node.
Please read and completely understand this user guide in order to make sure the safe and correct use of the system as well as maintain the longevity of the device.
Protection provided by the equipment may be impaired if used in a manner contrary to this user manual.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Viotel Limited could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This product must not be disposed of in the normal waste stream. It contains a battery pack and electronic components and so should be recycled appropriately.

1.2 Theory of Operation
The Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter is a low touch Internet of Things (IoT) device. It is designed to be as simple as possible to install and activate — set and forget. Data is retrieved from the device via our cloud-based platform or via API to yours using the  integrated LTE-M (CAT-M1) cellular communications. The device also uses LTE-M for time stamping to within 1 second for comparison of data between nodes.
The device sensor is always monitoring for events, and can be continuously monitoring, or set to a triggered state to upload data within seconds. Remote configuration is possible to change the acquisition and upload frequency via the myViotel device management tool or API.

1.3 Parts List

1| 1| Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter Node
2| 1| Battery pack (will be reinstalled into  the device)
3| 1| Cap
4| 1| Magnet

Table 1 Parts list

1.4 Dimensions


2.1 Indicated Magnet Location
2.1.1 TILT-V2.1-INT
The following instruction applies to TILT-V2.1-INT. These are devices with serial Viot00634 and above. A version 2.1 will have the decal as shown in figure 5 below.
The switch that the magnet (Part 4) operates on the Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter (Part 1) is located directly over the “O” on the Viotel logo, as shown below.

Figure 5: Photo highlighting location of the magnet for TILT-V2.1-INT

NOTE: The above instruction applies to version 2.1 of Viotel devices which are those with serial number Viot00634 and above.

2.1.2 TILT-V2.0-INT
The following instruction applies to TILT-V2.0-INT. These are devices with serial Viot00634 and below. A version 2.0 tiltmeter will have the decal as shown in figure 6 below. The magnetic switch location is between the communication and status LED lights.

Figure 2 Photo highlighting location of the magnet for TILT-V2.0-INT

2.2 Required Tools
The following tools and consumables are suggested for installation. Hand tools specific to your installation scenario are to be selected by the installation. Viotel recommends for installation into masonry:

  • Hammer drill + correct drill bit (nominally 6.5mm or 7mm).
  • Drill
  • 2x countersunk screw (nominally 8G or 10G, 50mm long)
  • Suitable wall plugs

The following tools are required for changing the batteries.

  • T10 Torx Screwdriver
  • Thin Needle Nose pliers

Contact Viotel for any support required.

2.3 Mounting Options
Viotel’s Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter Node can be mounted in a number of ways. The following is a list of recommended methods.

1. Side Mounting Holes Side mounting points designed for M4 countersunk

bolts or screws.
Up to 10G countersunk screws will fit in the M4 bolt hole.

2. Adhesive| The honeycomb backing plate provides the ideal surface area for use of fast grab adhesives. The Tiltmeter can be removed leaving only the backing plate in place.
Replacement backing plates can be ordered from Viotel (item # VFN-001)
3. Pole Mount| Threaded M3 holes in the backplate suitable for optional pole mount bracket or mounting to a plate within an enclosure.VIOTEL TILTV2 1 INT
Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter - Mount
4. Two-Sided Adhesive| Clean and dry the mounting locations surface. Peel off the red plastic layer on the back of the node and firmly press it onto the required location. Keep the device and surface under this same pressure for approximately 20 minutes (to achieve 50% bond strength in room temperature). We suggest using this to assist with installation and in conjunction with a physical coupling (Method 1).

2.4 Orientation Description

Figure 6 demonstrates the three internal orientation axes with respect to the Tiltmeter enclosure, where the positive end of each axis is annotated with the axis label. For example, the positive end of the x axis is at the right of the tiltmeter in the figure.

2.5 Rotation Description
Measurements made by the Tiltmeter are mapped to three angles calculated and displayed in the device’s data section within the myViotel application. These are ‘Angle between horizon and Z-axis’, ‘Angle between horizon and X-axis’, and ‘Angle between Upwards and Y-axis’, and are explained below.

Angle between horizon and Z-axis
This ranges from -90 to 90 degrees. It measures the angle between the Z-axis of the device to the earth’s horizon (the plane perpendicular to gravity). The below images demonstrate rotations in this angle when you look at it side-on if it was mounted portrait vertically on a wall, with connector pointing down.

Angle between horizon and X-axis
This ranges from -90 to 90 degrees. It measures the angle between the X-axis of the device to the earth’s horizon (the plane perpendicular to gravity). The below images demonstrate rotations in this angle when it is facing you while mounted portrait vertically on a wall, with connector pointing down.

Angle between Upwards and Y-axis
This ranges from 0 to 180 degrees. It measures the angle between the Y-axis of the device to the Upwards direction in the real world. The below image demonstrates rotations in this angle when it is facing you while mounted portrait vertically on a wall, with connector pointing down.

VIOTEL TILTV2 1 INT Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter - Rotation Description
3The same rotations apply when viewing the Tiltmeter from side-on and considering the Y and Z axes.

VIOTEL TILTV2 1 INT Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter - Rotation Description

As a result of the ambiguity in the Y-axis angle, Viotel recommends that the ‘Angle between horizon and X-axis’ and ‘Angle between horizon and Z-axis’ angles are used for monitoring of a node installed in the recommended vertical portrait (connector  pointing down) orientation.

Operating Instructions

3.1 Operation
By default, your Viotel Wireless Tiltmeter Node will be set to Sleep mode. To change the mode that the tiltmeter is currently in, simply take the magnet (Part 4) and tap it on the node (position as indicated in Section 2.1 Indicated Magnet Location).
All operations and LED indications refer to firmware version: 3.02.14, please be aware future states may change some functionality.

Tap once (while in Sleep) Query Status This will light up a blue LED to

indicate the device is currently in Sleep mode.
Tap once (while Active)| Test Shots| The device will perform 10 record-and- upload cycles of 3 minutes each. Once this data has been logged, the device will return back to its standard operation.
Tap once, Tap again within 3  Seconds| Upload and change status| This will cause the device to wake up and go into Active mode. As part of this process, the node connects to the cloud and applies any new settings. The device is fully Active and recording after a few minutes.

Table 4 How to switch between modes

3.2 Initial Site Set Up
You may be installing your tilt meter at a location with access constraints, so it is important to ensure that you have set the device reading and upload to a suitable initial frequency to both suit your initial data needs and such that you can subsequently change the frequency in myViotel.
If the device is initially set to a long upload time frame – for example daily uploads, it will not pick up any changes you make in myViotel until the next upload cycle. Thus we recommend initially setting the device to a high upload frequency so that you can review the data over the next few hours and then make any adjustments you desire in myViotel and the device will then reflect these changes within the next upload.

3.3 Adding to myViotel
Navigate to to associate the device with your myViotel account and access device management and dashboard display. The myViotel dashboard is accessible from any web browser on your computer, phone or tablet.
If you require a myViotel account or help – please contact us at

Step 1: Login to myViotel
Login at

| Step 2: Add a Device
In the home or devices tab, click Add a Device.

Step 3: Enter serial number
Type in your Viotel node serial number in the  field provided and claim your device. Follow the on screen prompt. Associating the device will complete on successful communication.

VIOTEL TILTV2 1 INT Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter - myViotel

| Step 4: Set up your device
Navigate the individual device tabs to view device details, data, alarms and settings.

VIOTEL TILTV2 1 INT Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter - myViotel

3.4 System Modes

Active In this mode, the device will regularly record data at the user

defined interval, check for firmware updates, monitor for user defined triggers and check for magnet inputs (Part 4).
Test Shots| This mode will set the data recording interval to 3 minutes and quickly record 10 entries along with GPS data. After approximately 30 minutes, the device will return to its Active status automatically.
Communicating| The device is currently trying to communicate with the server to download new settings, update firmware, and upload data and status information.
Sleep| The device is in power-saving mode, but will respond to any taps from the magnet (Part 4). Every 7-days, the device will initiate a connection to provide status updates and check for system updates. Then it shall return to Sleep mode unless otherwise specified by the cloud server.

Table 5 Description of Device Status

3.5 System Status Indicator

Green Blink four times 1s Successful Firmware Update Firmware update
requested, downloaded and installed successfully.
Green Blink Twice (100ms) every 30s Active Device is Active, running
normally. See the section 32 System Modes for details.
Green Blink Twice (50ms) Status Change Confirmation The device has
confirmed that it will now switch from Sleep to Active.
Solid Green <3s Status Change Confirmation The device has confirmed that it
will now switch from Active to Sleep.
Solid Green + Yellow Blink 3s 1s Status Change Confirmation Device is

Active and
preparing to enter Test Shots mode.|
Red Blink four times| 1s| Failed Firmware Update| Firmware update requested and failed to download.|
Solid Red (300ms)| | Device is Busy| The device is currently busy and will not accept commands from the magnet.|
Solid Blue| 3s| Sleep| Device is in Sleep mode. See the section 32 System Modes for details.|
Purple Blink Twice (100ms)| Every 30s| Test Shots| Device is in Test Shots mode. See the section 3.2 System Modes for details.|
Blank| N/A| Sleep| Device is in Sleep mode. See the section 32 System Modes for details.|
Solid Green| 1s| Communicating| The device will stop Communicating, having reported all available data.|
Solid Green| Every 1s| GPS Fixing| The device is currently acquiring a GPS signal – this may take a few minutes.|
Solid Yellow| 1s| GPS Fixing| The GPS signal has been acquired and successfully got a valid position.|
Solid Red (after blinking yellow
sequence)| 1s| GPS Fixing| The GPS signal has not been acquired and failed to get a valid position.|
Solid Red| 2s| Communicating| The device has failed to connect and report data.|
Blue Blink
Twice (150ms)| | Communicating| The device has begun communicating, and the network has successfully connected.|
Blue Blink
(150ms)| | Communicating| The device is communicating, turning on its internal modem|
Solid Blue| 2s| Communicating| The device is communicating, and a successful connection
to the cloud server is established.|
Alternating| | Firmware Update| Firmware update requested, downloading and installation
Blank| N/A| N/A| Device is not communicating.|

Table 7 System Communications Indicator


The product should not require any maintenance after installation. If the need to clean the product should arise, use only a damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use any solvents as this may damage the enclosure.
Only service personnel authorised by the manufacturer may open the inner (orange) enclosure. No user serviceable parts are located inside.

4.1 Changing Batteries

1 Please ensure the node is in Sleep mode (see Section 3 – Operations for

2| Using the T10 Torx Screwdriver, unscrew until the 4 bolts on the front of the node’s enclosure are loose. Please note that the bolts are designed to remain in the device section.
3| Flip over the top half of the enclosure making the battery pack is clearly visible. Position two fingers around the battery and firmly pull up; the battery should pop out of its holder. Ensure you do not pull the red & black cables attaching the battery pack to the device.

VIOTEL TILTV2 1 INT Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter -

4| Gently pull out the exposed plug connecting the battery to the device. Please dispose of this used battery pack correctly based on legislative requirements.
5| Gently push the new battery packs plug into the devices socket. A pair of thin needle nose pliers may be required to confirm it has been adequately plugged in.
6| Slide the battery pack into position and push firmly on the battery until it clicks into place.
7| Once the device is screwed back into the base, your node can be safely turned back to On mode for use.

4.2 External Power
5V DC supply is required to power your device. All electrical work must be carried out by suitably qualified technicians, and in compliance with local laws and regulations.
Power adapters can be purchased from Viotel (Viotel Part # VFN-002)

4.3 Downloading Data
The only way to upload data is over the cellular communications network.
If the signal is weak and the device is unable to upload data at that moment, the device is programmed to keep trying in decreasing increments (to conserve battery). If after 4 days of failing to upload, it will reboot.
Uploaded data can be viewed and downloaded from the myViotel platform.
Data is stored in non-volatile memory and survives reboots and power loss.
Data is deleted from the device once uploaded.

4.4 Further Support
For further support, please email our friendly staff at with your name and number and we will get back to you.

Suite 1.2, 89 Grafton Road
Parnell, Auckland, 1010
Suite 3.17, 32 Delhi Road
Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113
Level 2, 127 Macquarie St
Hobart, Tasmania, 7000
Remote Offices: Brisbane |

Documents / Resources

| VIOTEL TILT-V2.1-INT Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter [pdf] User Manual
Version 2.1, Version 2.0, TILT-V2.1-INT, TILT-V2.1-INT Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter, Wireless Triaxial Tiltmeter, Triaxial Tiltmeter, Tiltmeter


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