JoJo 6 000L Septic and Conservancy Tank Installation Guide

June 13, 2024

Septic and Conservancy Tank
Installation Guide | April 2021


01 Conservancy tank
The installation of a conservancy tank used for the disposal of both black and grey water.
It requires that the waste be pumped out routinely/whenever the tank is full.

  • Tank filled with black & grey water
  • Chemical resistant
  • Tank used for temporary storage
  • Pumped out with honey-sucker, sludge pump or centrifugal pump

02 Septic tank
The installation of a septic tank used for the disposal of sewerage. It brings about the digestion of organic matter and discharges the black water into a French Drain to soak away into the ground over time.

  • Tank filled with sewerage only
  • No soap water
  • Biodegradation process occurs
  • Runs into a French drain


6 000L

Diameter 1 950mm
Height 2 080 mm
Length 3 330 mm

Smaller Range

Size Diameter Height Lid
1 250 L 1550mm 1190mm 290mm
1 500 L 1 550mm 1 280mm 290mm
1 750 L 1550mm 1 390mm 290mm
2 000  L 1550mm 1 500mm 290mm
2 500 L 1550mm 1 710mm 290mm


1. Tank placement
The location of a septic/conservancy tank shouconsidered and it must be placed on soil with a bcapacity greater than 120 kPa.
2. Avoid installing the tank

  • In water saturated clay or an area that is frequently flooded
  • Where depth to bedrock is less than 2.5m
  • In the path of vehicles/heavy equipment
  • Where underground services are expected (i.e. electric cables, water and sewer pipes, gas lines, etc.) If bearing capacity cannot easily be determinuse the provided method of soil classificationwhich will also assist in determining suitable backfill material.



Coarse-grained soil Gravel|
Fine-grained soil Silt|
Highly organic soil|

*This is applicable to both Conservancy and Septic tanks

Bearing capacity| Visual appearance| Squeezed in hand & pressure released
– Sufficient| – Pock. Slate. Shale etc.| –
– Sufficient| – Coarse to very coarse
– Small stones & particles – Free-flowing| –
– Coarse/ Medium sand is Sufficient
•Fine sand is NOT Sufficient| – Granular appearance (individual grain sizes detectable)
– Free-flowing when dry
– Lighter to brownish colours| – Won’t form a cast when dry S falls apart
– Wet cast crumbles whe^ lightly touched
– NOT Sufficient| – Very little fine sand
– Cloddy when dry S soft flourlike feel
– Readily puNerises to powder – Darker colours (green, blue & black)| – Cast can be handled without breaking
•Hard homogeneous clay may be Sufficient
– Clay is mostly NOT Sufficient| – Fine textured, breaks into vet), hard lumps when dry
– Difficult to pulverize into soft fiourfike powder
– Cohesive when moist & shrinks when drying
– Darker colours (green, blue. black & orange)| – Cast can be freely handled without breaking
-NOT Sufficient| – High organic content (often decomposed)
– Plant remains/woody structure easily recognised
– Mineral soil finely divided with fibrous remains
– Occur in lowlands, swamps S swales
– Dark or black in colour| –


When excavating be aware of: Location

a. The Surroundings
Take care not to damage any underground services (telecommunication, electrical cables, water/sewer pipes, gas lines, etc).| Soft in-situ soil
b. The Natural Elements
If ground water is present in excavation hole, continuoupump out the water during the installation process.| Non-load bearing
Load bearing

Use the table provided to assist with the appropriate excavation depth relative to the setup.


Type Thickness
a.Rocks/Rocky Soils – Minimum 150mm crusher dust or a coarse sand/gravel

mixture – Bedding to be thicker where hollows or uneven areas are levelled out
b.Dry Installation Gravel/Coarse Sand (no ground water)| – 150mm crusher dust or a coarse sand/gravel mixture
– Stabilise bedding layer with 3% cement (11/2 bags 50kg cement)
c.Dry Installation
Soft in-situ soil – fine sand. silt or clay (no ground water)| – 2 x layers of 150mm crusher dust or a coarse sand/gravel mixture each
– Stabilise bedding layer with 3% cement (11/2 bags 50kg cement)
d.Wet Installation (ground water will affect the tank)| – Drainage bedding layer of 150mm crushed rock (19mm). use crusher dust or a coarse sand to bind, followed by
– 150mm crusher dust or a coarse sand/gravel mixture
– Stabilise bedding layer with 3% cement (1 bags 50kg cement)
The bedding Is the foundation on which the tank will be Installed. The type and thickness of bedding will vary, choose the correct process relevant to your setup.

*This is applicable to both Conservancy and Septic tanks

Description Excavation depth
– Fine sand, silt or clay Min 420mm / max 720mm deeper than the tank’s height
– No ground water will affect the talk- No traffic will pass over the site

Min 120mm / max 720mm deeper than the tank’s height
– Ground water will affect the tank
– Traffic will pass over the site| Min 420mm / max 720mm deeper than the tank’s height

Allow between 300mm to 600mm on all sides of the tank. Use the table provided to assist with the appropriate excavation depth relative to the setup.

– Remove all large/loose rocks and objects that could interfere
– Spread cement evenly and compact, using mechanical compactor
– Do not wet cement, as the natural moisture from the ground will do this over time
– If the soil is too dry to form a lump when pressed in your hand, add a little water but ensure lump still crumbles when lightly touched
– Spread cement evenly and compact, using mechanical compactor
– Do not wet cement, as the natural moisture from the ground will do this over time
– If the soil is too dry to form a lump when pressed in your hand, add a little water but ensure lump still crumbles when lightly touched
– Spread cement evenly and compact, using mechanical compactor
– Do not wet cement, as the natural moisture from the ground will do this over time
– If the soil is too dry to form a lump when pressed in your hand, add a little water but ensure lump still crumbles when lightly touched



  1. Tank
    Underground/conservancy tank – size as required. All conservancy tanks come standard excluding fittings.

  2. Pipes – 110 mm SV pipes
    Lengths will vary based on installation.
    2a. From feed from house to the first elbow
    2b. From first elbow to elbow extending out of the tank

  3. Elbow – 110 mm
    According to pipes

Choose a tank

The volume required will depend on how often the tank will be pumped out and how many people will use the facilities on a daily basis.
To estimate what size is required:
Hand/Face wash| ± 1 – 4 L
oilet flush| ± 3 – 7 L
Bath| ± 50 – 150 L
5 min shower| ± 80 L
5 kg laundry| ± 80 L

Note: This is a guideline for a basic installation. Each installation will vary based on the setup and personal preference. It is advised to make use of a professional for an installation this complex.

A conservancy system requires two crucial components to function properly, the tank itself and a sludge pump/honey-sucker to pump out the contents once the tank is full.
A conservancy tank presents the opportunity of disposing of both black and greywater as it is chemical resistant. The waste inside the tank is pumped out by licensed hauling companies with adequate equipment who transport
it to sewage facilities or dispose of it according to current legislation.



  1. Drill hole for inlet
    Drill a hole in the designated area (see image above) with 111mm hole saw or a jig saw for pipe to enter at the top of the tank.

  2. Inlet connection
    Fit pipe and elbow to inlet and seal with window putty or pan connector sealer to ensure no leakage once final installation is complete.

  3.  Place the tank
    Carefully place the tank on top of the prepared bedding in the designated excavated area.
    Note: the direction of flow (inlet) and place according to setup.

  4. Backfill preparation
    Suitable backfill material would be:
    a. Coarse River Sand
    b. Sand/Gravel Mixture (with no particales larger than 20mm and at least 50% of particales smaller than 5mm)
    Note: Proper backfill material is critical. Refer to ‘pre-installation’ for more detail.
    NB: the backfill procedure differs based on the size of the conservancy tank used. It is vital to follow the correct procedure to ensure the tank does not get damaged (see steps 5 to 6).

  5. Backfill for 6000L For the 6000L tank – fill the tank with 150mm of water, then backfill 150mm around the perimeter of the tank. Compact the layer and repeat the process until at least half of the hole is filled.

  6.  Backfill for 1250L-2500L For the smaller range – fill the entire tank with water, then backfill in layers of 150mm around the perimeter of the tank, compacting each layer before laying the next. Continue until halfway.

  7. Test compaction
    How to test if properly compacted:
    Drop a hardwood pick handle from about 300mm onto the compacted soil, it should make a ‘ping’ sound.
    Note: If the pick handle makes a dull sound the soil is not yet properly compacted
    Proper compaction is 97% Mod. AASHTO
    Before commencing with the rest of the installation, it is vital to ensure that the soil is properly compacted.

  8. Fill lid with concrete Fill tank lid with concrete (allow concrete to cure) and put the lid in place.
    PART 2

  9. Plumbing house to tank Connect feed from house (black and grey water) to the elbow extending from the inlet at the top of the tank. It is advised to make use of a local plumber to handle all plumbing requirements.

  10. Backfill 2nd half Backfill the rest of the hole with suitable backfill material. Refer to steps 5 to 6 to ensure correct procedure is followed (depending on the size of the tank).

  11. Recommendation
    Installing a manhole enables you to:
    a Pump out the content when/as needed without hassle.
    b Easily access the tank for maintenance purposes when necessary.
    Suitable material and correct installation is key to ensure proper functionality.
    It is advised to install a manhole for easy access when necessary.

  12. Recommendation
    Locating a local hauling company in advance will:
    a Ensure you are prepared once your tank is full.
    b Avoid any unecessary delays and difficulties whilst making arrangements (as that has already been done).
    Find a local licensed hauling company and keep their contact details at hand.


Location Description
Wet Installation – Ground water present
Non-load bearing – No ground water will affect the tank

– No traffic will pass over the site
Load bearing| – Traffic will pass over the site
The dressing over the tank will depend on various conditions. Use the table above to assist with the appropriate dressing relative to the setup.
Type & thickness| Excavation depth
Compression ballast – 450mm (prevents tank from floating when empty)| Pour 2.8m³ grade 20 MPa concrete on top of the tank (slump around 80). This will give a ballast +- 450mm thick over the entire area of the tank
Soil – Minimum 200 mm/maximum 750 mm| Shape the soil over the top of the tank to ensure positive drainage
Concrete Slab – 150mm (necessary if vehicles will drive over the tank)| The slab should be 4.2m x 2.9 m and made with 25 MPa concrete, consisting out of two layers



1. Tank
Septic tank -size as required. Standard fittings (fitted inlet and outlet) are included in the price.
2.Pipes – 110 mm SV pipes
Lengths will vary based on installation.
2a. From feed from house to the first elbow
2b.From first elbow into the tank
3.Elbow – 110 mm
According to pipes
4.French Drain
Size and backfill material will vary based on installation and preference.
4a. Corrugated iron (size according to the hole)
4b. Stones/rocks that can not disintegrate/crumble or car tyres

Choose a tank

The volume required will depend on how many people will use the facilities on a daily basis.
Person| Tank| Diameter
4-Feb| 1 250 L| 1 550 mm
6-Feb| 1 500 L| 1 550 mm
6-Apr| 1 750 L| 1 550 mm
7-Apr| 2 000 L| 1 550 mm
9-Apr| 2 500 L| 1 550 mm

Note: This is a guideline for a basic installation. Each installation will vary based on the setup and personal preference. It is advised to make use of a professional for an installation this complex.


An efficient septic system includes two major components, the tank itself and a French Drain. It needs little maintenance as each component has a specific function and is designed accordingly.
The septic tank separates solids from liquids and discharges the remaining liquid into the French Drain, where it is further treated by natural microbiological processes in the soil. It is important that only septic friendly chemicals are used to clean toilets to ensure the biodegradation process functions properly.



  1. Hole for French Drain Dig a hole for the French Drain. The hole should be approximately 1 meter away from the designated area for the septic tank.
    Note: the larger the hole the better.

  2. Place the tank
    Note: The bedding should be level and at least 150mm thick (refer to pre- installation) Carefully place the tank on top of the prepared bedding in the designated excavated area.
    Note: the direction of flow (inlet and outlet) and place according to setup.

  3. Backfill preparation
    Suitable backfill material would be:
    a Coarse River Sand
    b Sand/Gravel Mixture
    (with no particales larger than 20mm and at least 50% of particales smaller than 5mm)

  4. Backfill for 6000L – Fill the tank with 150mm of water, then backfill 150mm around the perimeter of the tank. Compact the layer and repeat the process until at least half of the hole is filled.

  5. Backfill for 1250L-2500L
    For the smaller range – fill the entire tank with water, then backfill in layers of 150mm around the perimeter of the tank, compacting each layer before laying the next. Continue until halfway.

  6. Inlet connection
    a Connect a 110mm pipe from the sewerage feed (in house) to the supplied inlet on the tank.
    b Extend grey water feed past the tank and into the French Drain, NOT INTO THE TANK.

  7. Outlet connection
    Connect a 50 mm pipe (6m long) to the supplied outlet and extend into the French Drain.

  8. Pipe to french drain

Drill a few holes into the bottom end of the 50mm pipe starting 1m away from the outlet and spaced approximately 200mm apart.
Note: the holes will ensure effective drainage.

  1. Fill lid with concrete
    Fill tank lid with concrete (allow concrete to cure) and put the lid in place.

  2. Backfill 2nd half Backfill the rest of the hole with suitable backfill material. Refer to steps 4 to 5 to ensure correct procedure is followed (depending on the size of the tank).


Location Description
Wet Installation – Ground water present
Non-load bearing – No ground water will affect the tank

– No traffic will pass over the site
Load bearing| – Traffic will pass over the site

The dressing over the tank will depend on various conditions. Use the table above to assist with the appropriate dressing relative to the setup.
11. Fill the French Drain

Suitable material woud be:
a Old car tyres (yield big cavities)
b Stones/Rocks (that can’t crumble/disintegrate)
Note: Brick, gravel and sand are not sufficient or a french drain.
The correct material yields cavaties which allow enough time for drainage
Fill the French Drain with either stones/rocks or  old car tyres. Be careful not to cause damage to the outlet pipe and its connection to the tank. Place corrugated iron over the hole and cover it with soil.
12. Initiate Fermentation
When installing a septic tank:
It is important to contact your local municipality for rules, regulations and the necessary approval before commencing with the installation.
Place a bacteria starter pack into the septic tank to start the fermentation process (bought at a local co-op/camping store). Alternatively a piece of rotten meat is just as effective.

Type & thickness Excavation depth
Compression ballast – 450mm (prevents tank from floating when empty) Pour

2.8m³ grade 20 MPa concrete on top of the tank (slump around 80). This will give a ballast +- 450mm
thick over the entire area of the tank
Soil – Minimum 200 mm/maximum 750 mm| Shape the soil over the top of the tank to ensure positive drainage
Concrete Slab – 150mm (necessary if vehicles will drive over the tank)| The slab should be 4.2m x 2.9 m and made with 25 MPa concrete, consisting out of two layers


JoJo has a list of recommended installers available on our website for those who would prefer to leave the installation to the professionals.
We carefully screened them to ensure they have the right equipment and experience to satisfactorily serve our customers. They were also required to take a range of courses to ensure that they meet our uncompromising criteria.
Kindly contact any of them in your area to recommend and quote an installation that will suit your specific requirements.

Contact us Phone Email
National support +27(0) 861JOJOSA
Shared Service Centre +27(0) 11 695 8300
Groblersdal| +27(0) 13 262 7900|
Pretoria| +27(0) 12 527 2600|
Camperdown| +27(0) 31 785 2962|
East London| +27(0) 43 745 0028|
Glencoe| +27(0) 34 393 1091|
Bloemfontein| +27(0) 51 434 1421/2|
Uitenhage| +27(0) 41 922 4248|
Worcester| +27(0) 23 347 6533|
Bulawayo| +263 9880 260|

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