Quill Productions Stenner Econ FP Dosing Pump Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024
Quill Productions


Stenner Econ FP Dosing Pump

The Stenner dosing pump is designed to dose precise quantities of products in response to discreet pulses from pulse water meters.
As each pulse from the water meter represents a known flow of water, the Stenner can be set to dose a quantity of product that is proportional to the water flow.
The Stenner is particularly suited to dosing small quantities of product into water flows where the water line pressure may be up to 5 bar (70 psi).

1 x Stenner Econ FP Pump
1 x F Tube
1 x G Tube
1 x White Roller
1 x Black Roller
3 x Connecting Nuts 1/4″
3 x 6mm Ferrules
1 x Inspection check valve
1 x Weighted suction line strainer 1/4″
1 x 6m roll of 6mm suction/ discharge tubing
1 x In-line flow indicator
1 x Table of common ratio settings


  • Protect pump from excessive moisture. Do not submerge pump
  • We recommend that when using products with the pump, to drill a hole in the cap to minimise contamination.
  • When swapping products, ensure that different piping is used to eliminate contamination.
  • If using the pump outside, we recommend using a cover to protect the pump
  • Use only with the 24V power supply issued with the doser
  • No user serviceable parts inside the doser
  • Take extreme care when dosing oxidising water cleaning agents (particularly chlorine dioxide) as corrosive vapour may damage the pump components.



Hydrocare is extremely reactive to organic matter which includes dust etc. Customers are advised to fully read the safety data sheet supplied. Further copies are available on request or from our website.
Customers are advised NOT to use until they have read this data safety sheet.
The suction pipe MUST be clean before it is inserted into the can. Customers should take steps to minimise contamination of the can, especially if and when
replacing the cap. Do NOT put the cap in the dust or dirt.
We recommend using a dedicated weighted suction linestrainer, tube and connecting nut for Hydrocare to minimise contamination. This extra kit is available to buy separately if you are dosing different products.
We do not recommend using Intra Aerosol with the Stenner Pump.
The Stenner Pump can ONLY be run on 24 Volt. Please ensure you convert TWO x 12 Volt batteries before use. Use on one 12 Volt battery will result in damage to your pump.

Quill Productions Stenner Econ FP Dosing Pump - fig 1


You need to know how many litres per pulse your water meter is giving (the K-Factor).
If the meter gives one pulse for each litre of water (K = 1) refer to tables 1A and 1B. If the meter gives one pulse for each 10 litres of water flow (K = 10) refer to Tables 2A and 2B. If your water meter has a K-Factor that is neither 1 nor 10, please contact Quill Productions. The Stenner can be used with any K-Factor – we can advise on pump settings accordingly.
You will see that for many ratios it is possible to use either Tube F or Tube G (regardless of how many litres each meter pulse represents). However, take note of the maximum water flow that can be dosed accurately.

If in doubt use the larger tube (G) where possible. If you use the smaller tube (F) and the water flow is greater than the maximum listed in the Tables, pulses will arrive from the meter whilst the pump is still turning. These pulses will be ignored and inaccurate dosing will result. Check maximum water flows in Tables 1 & 2.
The maximum pumping rate of the Stenner is 2.52 litres per hour (using the larger G). Where a product is advised to be dosed at a fine ratio (e.g. 1 : 5000, 1 : 40,000 etc.) this will not be a problem.
For more course dosing rates (1: 50, 1: 200 etc.) you will see from the Tables that the maximum water flows are relatively low. Tip: Try not to dilute the dosed product with a lot of water – dosing product from the original container may be more accurate and lead to better dosing into higher water flows. Whilst a dosing ratio of 1: 100 may be the traditional dosing rate, it does not make a lot of sense to dilute a product with water if the intention is only to achieve a 1: 100 rate.
Determine the dosing ratio you need for the product to be dosed. This will be on the product container or advised by the product supplier. It is possible you could use either or both of the two coded pump tubes (F or G). Check the Tables 1 and 2 below. Remember that you need to use the white roller assembly with the F pump tube, and use the black roller assembly with the G pump tube.

Need any help? Get in touch with our team [email protected]


The Stenner can operate in any orientation, but wall mounting will be most convenient.
Use the two fixing holes at the top and bottom of the pump case.
The pump needs to be located in close proximity to:

  • The pulse water meter measuring water flow
  • A convenient 13 Amp power outlet
  • The position where product is to be dosed into a pipeline or tank

Quill Productions Stenner Econ FP Dosing Pump - fig 2

*The delivery tube coming from the doser on the pressure side can also be secured in a water tank if that is the desired dosing location

Quill Productions Stenner Econ FP Dosing Pump - fig 3

*The delivery tube coming from the doser on the pressure side can also be secured in a water tank if that is the desired dosing location

Quill Productions Stenner Econ FP Dosing Pump - fig 4

Connect 24V power – choose dosing ratio – place inlet weight into product container supply – commence dosing.


The Stenner pumps for a precise amount of time on receiving discreet pulses from a water meter. The turning time is set by selecting a percentage of a preset time band. This will appear as 5% of the 20 second band (5% of 20 seconds is 1 second turning time), or 57% of the 60 second band (34.2 seconds turning time) etc.
You do not need to calculate these settings yourself. Simply look at Tables 1 or 2 (depending on the type of water meter you have) and find the time settings for the dosing ratio that you need.
For example, if your water meter gives one pulse for each litre of water (K = 1), and you would like to dose a product at a ratio of 1: 500, go to Tables 1A and 1B.
For the smaller F pump tube you need to set the pump at 51% of the 20 second band (10.2 seconds turning time).
You will be able to dose into a maximum water flow of 355 l/hr.
For the larger G pump tube you will need to set the pump at 28% of the 10 second band (2.8 seconds turning time).
You will be able to dose into a maximum water flow of 1026 l/hr.

Quill Productions Stenner Econ FP Dosing Pump - fig 5

If ‘SCREEN LOCKED’ is showing, press:
MODE and % at the same tie for 5 seconds to unlock.
Now hold the MODE button down and press STBY once.
The pump is not out of standby and will work.
The keypad will show “keypad locked” after 30 seconds.

This is the operating screen layout for the Stenner (on the side of the pump base).
The 5 second time band has been selected with a 30% value attached to it so the running time for each pulse
received will be 1.5 seconds (0.3 x 5 = 1.5).| Quill Productions Stenner
Econ FP Dosing Pump - fig 6
Change Time Band
While holding down the Mode button press either the Up or Down Arrow button repeatedly to change between the
various time bands.
Release the Mode button when the time band you need is shown.| Sequence:
1 second →  5 seconds →  10 seconds →  20 seconds →  60
seconds →  flowswitch (ignore – see below) →  auxiliary (ignore)
→  1 second  (again)
Change Percentage (%)
While holding down the % button press either the Up or Down Arrow button repeatedly to get to the desired % run
Holding down the Arrow button enables fast scrolling.| Sequence:
10% →  11% →  12% etc. to →  100%
Note: It is not possible to select below 10%
Press and hold the Mode and Prime buttons together to make pump operate continuously. Useful for filling the
delivery tubes. Also a useful way to check that the doser is pumping. IF THE COVER LOCK IS NOT FULLY ENGAGED, THE DOSER WILL NOT PUMP.|
To disable dosing press STBY. Incoming pulses from the water meter will be ignored. STANDBY will flash on
Priming and changing time settings are still possible in Standby mode.| Press the STBY button again to
leave standby mode.

Table 1A
Tube F – Use White Roller
Where K=1 (1 litre per pulse from water meter

Percent % Ratio Mode Time % Max Flow Ms/Hour
2 1:20-1:50 Not possible to dose
1 inoo 6o 85 71
0.5 1:200 60 42 142
0.2 1:500 20 51 355
0.1 1:1000 10 51 710
0.09 1:1100 10 46 781
0.08 1:1200 10 42 852
0.075 1:1300 10 39 923
0.07 1:1400 10 36 994
o.o6 1:1500 5 67 1065
0.05 1:2000 5 51 142o
0.04 1:2500 5 41 1775
0.03 1:3333 5 31 2366
0.02 1:5000 5 20 3550
0.015 1:7500 I 68 5325
0.01 1:10000 1 51 7100
0.005 1:20000 1 25 14200

Table 1A
Tube F – Use White Roller
Where K=10 (10 litre per pulse from water meter

Percent % Ratio Mode Time a Max Flow/Lts/Hour
1 1:50-moo Not possible to dose
0.1 1: too° 6o 84 710
0.09 i: two 6o 76 781
0.08 1:1200 60 70 852
0.075 1:1300 6o 65 923
0.07 1: moo 6o 6o 994
0.06 1:1500 6o 56 1065
0.05 1:2000 6o 42 1420
0.04 1:2500 6o 33 1775
0.03 1:3333 20 76 2366
0.02 1:5000 20 50 3550
0.015 1:7500 10 68 5325
0.01 1:10000 10 5o 7100
0.005 1:20000 5 5o 14200

The figures in this guide are for guidance only and the use thereof is at the user’s own risk.

Table 1B
Tube G – Use White Roller
Where K=1 (1 litre per pulse from water meter

Percent % Ratio Mode Time % Max Flow /Lts/Hour
3 1:33 6o 72 83
2 1:50 6o 47 126
i 1:100 6o 23 252
0.5 1200 20 35 504
0.2 1:500 10 28 1026
0.1 1:1000 5 28 2520
0.09 1:11o0 5 25 2772
o.o8 1:12oo 5 23 3024
0.075 1:1300 5 21 3276
0.07 1:1400 5 20 3528
o.o6 1:1500 5 19 3780
0.05 1:2000 1 71 5040
0.04 1:2500 1 57 6300
0.03 1:3333 1 42 8399
0.02 1:5000 1 28 12600
0.015 1.7500 1 19 18900
0.01 1:10000 1 14 25200
0.005 1:20000 Not possible to dose

Table 2B
Tube F – Use White Roller
Where K=10 (10 litre per pulse from water meter

Percent % Ratio Mode Time % Max Flow/Lts/Hour
0.5 1:0-1:200 Not possible to dose
0.2 1:500 6o 47 1260
0.1 m000 20 71 2520
0.09 ‘moo 20 64 2772
o.o8 1:12o0 20 59 3024
0.075 1:1300 20 54 3276
0.07 1:1400 20 51 3528
o.o6 1:150o 20 47 378o
0.05 1:2000 10 71 5040
0.04 1:250o 10 57 6300
0.03 1:3333 5 85 8399
0.02 1:5000 5 57 12600
0.015 1:7500 5 38 18900
0.01 1:10000 5 28 18900
0.005 1:2000o 1 7o 50400


Ratio: 1 As %
33 3
50 2
100 1
200 0.5
500 0.2
1000 0.1
1100 0.09
1200 0.08
1300 0.075
1400 0.07
1500 0.06
2000 0.05
2500 0.04
3333 0.03
5000 0.02
7500 0.015
10000 0.01
20000 0.005


The signal cable connected to the Stenner contains two core wires. These wires are connected to the two wires (in any order) coming from the pulse switch in the water meter. If you briefly touch these two wires together the pump will turn for the set run time.


1. Product to be dosed at 5ml per 1000 litres of water. You have a water meter giving 1 pulse per litre.

  • the dosing ratio required is 1000 / 5 = 200. The ratio is 1: 200.
  • Go to tables 1A and 1B above (as meter is K = 1).
  • using the smaller F pump tube you would need to set the time mode at 60 Seconds, then 42%. You will be able to dose into a maximum water flow of 142 l/hr.
  • using the larger G pump tube you would need to set the time mode at 20 Seconds, then 35%. You will be able to dose into a maximum water flow of 504 l/hr.

2. Product to be dosed at 1l per 10000 litres of water. You have a water meter giving 1 pulse per 10 litres

  • the dosing ratio required is 1: 10000.
  • Go to tables 2A and 2B above (as meter is K = 10).
  • using the smaller F pump tube you would need to set the time mode at 10 Seconds, then 50%. You will be able to dose into a maximum water flow of 7100 l/hr.
  • using the larger G pump tube you would need to set the time mode at 5 Seconds, then 28%. You will be able to dose into a maximum water flow of 25200 l/hr.


You will see from the Screen Menu system above that one of the Modes is Flows witch. To get to this Mode hold down the Mode button and press the up or down arrow repeatedly.
In the Flows witch Mode the Stenner pump will run continuously whilst the two signal wire end are in contact with each other either through a flow switch connection or a normal electrical switch connection. If a flows witch is used in a water line, the pump will operate whenever there is a flow of water that activates the flow switch. The rate of pumping is determined by the % value set in Flows witch mode.
In Flows witch mode hold down the % button and then press the Up or Down Arrow button. A range of percentages will be shown between 10% and 100%. These percentages are the percentages of the total available motor speed. The 100% rate will mean that the motor will turn at full speed. The 10% rate will be 10% of the full speed and will mean that the pumping rate is considerably reduced. The Flows witch Mode can be useful where you need to pump a product at a constant rate, or dose into a water flow where the flow rate is known.
It can also be useful where water flows are very low but reasonably constant. In this situation it may be prudent to add product at a low rate on a constant basis until water flows pick up.


There are no user-serviceable parts inside the pump body. It is recommended that you change the pump tube regularly as a split tube might lead to corrosive liquid damaging the pump. Where the Stenner is being used to dose aggressive liquids at a high rate 24 hours per day, then a monthly tube-change would be advisable. If the rotor is turning very small amount, infrequently and only for an hour or so each week, then clearly the tube is likely to last longer than one month before it needs changing.
To change a pump tube, prime the pump with the section end weight in air to empty the delivery tubes, unscrew the delivery tubes from the pump tube, unlock the cover-locking device, slide the pump cover up, release the old tube, hold the new tube in position, slide the pump cover into position and lock into place.
The figures in this guide are for guidance only and the use thereof is at the user’s own risk. Quill Productions and Crocker Enterprises Ltd does not make or give, and shall not be deemed to make or give, any representation, undertaking, warranty, covenant or other commitment, whether express or implied as to the suitability or viability of the figures or fitness for any particular or general use or purpose of the figures. Quill Productions and Crocker Enterprises Ltd accept no responsibility for any loss of any type whatsoever and howsoever caused by the use or misuse of the figures or reliance placed upon the figures.

@quillproductions 01258 818239 quillproductions.co.uk


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