Juno Wampler Metaverse Multi Delay Effects Pedal User Guide

June 12, 2024

Juno Wampler Metaverse Multi Delay Effects Pedal User Guide


The WAMPLER METAVERSE is the latest in our MIDI DSP line of pedals which began with the WAMPLER TERRAFORM. We’ve spent a long time playing with all of the best delay pedals we could find, including a few we have created ourselves, and have combined them all into this pedal.
We’ve taken 11 of Brian Wampler’s favorite delay effects and put them inside one small footprint stomp box. We’ve made it fully programmable, true stereo, given it full MIDI  control, presets, and an expression input that you can assign to ANY of the parameters…
We don’t doubt for a minute that you hate reading manuals as much as we do, so we’ve tried to make this simple for you. We don’t really like talking too much techie gibberish or blinding you with a bunch of nerdy stuff you literally have no interest in, so you’ll be glad to know that this product exhibits all of the ease of use you would expect from a  Wampler pedal!
If you’d rather watch a bunch of videos on how to use the METAVERSE, go hit up the Wampler website and check out some of the videos – www.wamplerpedals.com
The whole Wampler team hopes that this pedal brings you many years of playing enjoyment and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a question about this or any of our products.

The following designations are not owned by or associated with Wampler Pedals, Inc. but are instead owned by their respective owners: Way Huge Aqua Puss, Electro-Harmonix Memory Man, Boss DM-2, Maestro Echoplex, Binson Echorec, TC Electronics 2290 Dynamic Digital Delay.



The METAVERSE comes with 11 unique delay algorithms (‘Programs’) hand-picked by Brian Wampler. All Programs use a consistent range from 25 – 2000 milliseconds  (except for the TAPE Program which starts from 40ms). This means it is possible to audition the most suitable Program by dialing in the required settings and rotating the  Program Selector control.
Only one delay effect can be run at a time (legend has it that stacking two METAVERSE pedals will open up an interdimensional rift) and it is possible to control everything via  MIDI or via the front panel. All Programs can have their Modulation Rate set using an alternate control (‘ALT’), and all can have subdivisions set using the ALT mode of the  Preset switch.
Some delay settings use extra ALT controls as indicated throughout the manual (for example choosing the heads on the TAPE delay). The pedal comes preloaded with 8 Presets and can store up to 128 Presets in total. At the back of this manual are breakdowns of the 8 default Presets.
Use the Bypass switch to turn the Delay effect on or off. The Bypass LED will shine blue/green when on, and will be off when the pedal is off.


Use the ALT mode and Preset switch to set subdivisions as follow:

0 = Quarter (LEDs indicate 1000) 4 = Half (LEDs indicate 0111)
1 = Dotted Eighth (LEDs indicate 0100) 5 = Whole (LEDs indicate 1011)
2 = Eighth (LEDs indicate 0010) 6 = Dotted Quarter (LEDs indicate 1101)
3 = Sixteenth (LEDs indicate 0001) 7 = Triplet Quarter  (LEDs indicate 1101)

Subdivisions are stored in presets but will persist if programs are changed with the rotary controller.

This Program takes a classic analog-sounding delay circuit, one that is at home in any style of music, and gives it that Wampler touch. Based on the kind of warm, smooth,  analog delay that would have been found in the mid-1980s, somewhat similar to the BOSS ®DM2 ® range of delay pedals, this is a real workhorse with a classic sound. This is a  great place to start when first playing this pedal as it is very natural sounding but also so easy to set up and control
One of the things that Brian loves about the Way Huge® Aqua Puss® analog delay is the chewiness and subtle tape-sounding modulation. We created those characteristics in this setting as a homage to the famed delay and its ability to almost warp space and time and send itself into a maelstrom of self- oscillation.

Brian always found himself pulling out an old Electro-harmonix® Memory Man® pedal when looking for something inspirational to perform with. This setting draws inspiration from one of the greatest ‘Bucket Brigade’ delay pedals of all. The degradation to your signal as you play and let the delay effect unfold is a unique feature of this circuit and is faithfully re-interpreted here.

This is where the team had a little fun. This Program combines the smooth ANLG Program with the unmistakable whooshing sound of a beautiful additive flanger modulation effect. Hold down the Bypass switch to access the ALT control and rotate the Tone knob to change the flanger effect’s Feedback, the Mod controller will set the flanger depth. The result when dialed in is very much more than just another brick in the wall.

The next regeneration of the Doctor is surely a welcome one and has been modeled in this Program in full. Experience the warm modulated delay tone and trail degradation from one of Brian Wampler’s more experimental delay pedals. The pedal this is based on has graced some very famous stages and albums, and this version delivers all of the warm wobbly goodness of the original but now with an extended range to 2000ms.

This is one of our most popular delay pedals and for good reason. A lot of tape emulation style delays simply add chorus to an existing digital delay circuit. Brian was not satisfied with this approach and so re-engineered it somewhat. The result was a delay pedal that reacted and sounded like a real tape delay unit. All of this was achieved with the traditional simplicity and ease of use the Wampler pedals are famous for. This Program now also benefits from an extended range to 2000ms. There are also more subdivisions available by default on the METAVERSE which is an additional expansion.

The Ethereal is Wampler’s famous ‘all-in-one’ digital delay and reverb pedal and this Program recreates the overlaying twin delays present on this pedal. This is not strictly a ‘dual delay’ algorithm but there is a secondary delay layer that adds a new pulsing dimension to the sound. Use the ALT mode on the Feedback control (hold down bypass switch, LED turns red) to access the 4 Ethereal modes, the Preset LED will indicate which is active. The four modes are relational to the subdivision but operate exactly as the  Ethereal modes did otherwise. The modes are quarter note, triplet, dotted eighth, and dotted eighth with feedback.

Like the JET delay setting, this mixes a gorgeous additive flange modulation with our crisp and clean DIGI algorithm to add an extra mix of awesome delay and modulation.  The delay is more clinical and precise than its analog counterpart, much brighter, and more useful sometimes for cutting through a mix. The Flanger style is a subtractive flanger that has a different flavor to an additive flanger, adding more presence and having a more defined sound. As with the JET algorithm, use the ALT mode in conjunction with the Tone control to alter the feedback of the Flanger.

This is inspired by a mixture of the classic Space Echo® and Maestro®Echoplex ® style delay units with Brian Wampler’s personal take. These delays were famous for their self-oscillation capabilities and this Program is no different. The modulation effects on this Program emulate the natural wow and flutter of the original unit giving this delay a  fantastically playable sound in the low and middle of its range. Prepare to be sent to the outer epochs of space and time with some of the more extreme settings – shoegaze may occur!
Inspired by the sounds of the Benson® Echorec ® delay and classic multi-head tape delays, this program emulates some of the most important delays sounds in rock music history. With  Wampler’s own filtering and saturation style of modulation, this gets incredibly close to the great sound produced by classic mechanical units. The ALT mode and  Feedback knob select tape head combinations (there are 15, all displayed on the Preset LEDs) which can also be selected via MIDI. The heads operate like an extra subdivision of the ‘Global’ subdivisions – very much like the relationship with the Ethereal modes. You can go to town and come up with some very creative combinations when the two are combined – this program will create huge interstellar echoes.

Based on Brian’s interpretation of what was considered the ‘Industry Standard’ digital delay, the TC Electronics® 2290 ® Dynamic Digital Delay, this program is super clean for precise, clean, and modern delay tones that are both studio and stage-worthy.


There are 6 main rotary controllers on the surface of the pedal as described below. Their physical positions will be overwritten if you send a MIDI command that alters their parameters; if you rotate the knob subsequent to the command it will overwrite the previous MIDI instruction.

This selects between the 11 different Programs. If you select a program via MIDI the LED will change to correspond. When you rotate it following a MIDI command it will start from where it was last physically set.
This selects the delay time from 25 ms (fully CCW) to 2000ms (Fully CW) except for the TAPE program where it will start at 40ms to avoid crazy levels of self-oscillation.

This sets the level of feedback for the delay program which controls how many repeats. For the TAPE and ETH Programs this control is used in ALT mode (Bypass held down,  Bypass LED red) to set the head combination and Ethereal modes respectively.
Set the frequency profile of the delay effect, with most ‘bass’ and least ‘treble with the knob turned all the way CCW, and least ‘bass ‘and most ‘treble’ with the knob set all the way CW. The ALT mode on this control sets the Modulation feedback when either the JET or MOD programs are in use.
This control sets the modulation depth for each program. This can be used to alter the relative strength of the modulation effect to the strength (Feedback) of the delay. ALT  mode on this controller will set the modulation rate for the selected program, allowing you to further fine-tune the effect.
This acts both as a master volume for the pedal and a wet/dry mixing control. To set the dry signal and delay signal mix turn the knob from full CCW (0%) to full CW (100%).  The following percentages indicate the blend and output levels:
0% = dry 100% + wet 0%, 75% = dry 100% + wet 100%, 100% = dry 0% + wet 100%
ALT mode on this control will set the total output level of the selected delay setting while using or when saved/recalled:
0% = -6dB, 50% = 0dB, 100% = +6dB
This top-mounted slide switch affects whether the pedal is run in True Bypass or Buffered Bypass (Trails) mode – True Bypass mode on the left), Buffered Bypass (Trails) mode to the right.


The METAVERSE can be run in either Mono or Stereo using 2-4 guitar cables. The optimum connection for this pedal will be in the effects loop of a guitar amplifier. If your amp doesn’t have an effects loop don’t worry – it still sounds awesome through the front input of an amplifier.

Connect a 9V DC Center Negative Power supply suitable for guitar pedals only, Current draw is approx 130mA. DO NOT EXCEED 9V – This pedal cannot be run at 18V.
To connect to an effects loop or to a single amplifier input, run one cable into the Mono In connector and one out of the Mono Out connector.
To connect to an additional amplifier, run a cable out of the Stereo Out connector. To connect a Stereo Input additionally insert a cable into the Stereo In connector.

An external expression pedal can be assigned to control ANY of the Rotary Controls on the METAVERSE. This information is also stored within a Preset.
To configure the expression pedal:

  1. Press and hold the Bypass Switch and Tap Tempo Switch simultaneously for one second, and release when the Tap Tempo LED lights are red.
  2. Adjust each control for the ‘minimum/heel’ position of the expression pedal.
  3. Press and hold the Bypass Switch and Tap Tempo Switch simultaneously for one second, and release when the Tap Tempo LED lights are green.
  4. Adjust each control for the ‘maximum/toe’ position of the expression pedal.
  5. Press and hold the Bypass Switch and Tap Tempo Switch simultaneously for one second, and release when the Tap Tempo LED blinks blue.


  •  it is not necessary to adjust the expression pedal during setup
  • by default, the expression pedal will control the mix parameter
  •  controls that were not adjusted during this process and will not be affected by the expression pedal.
  • expression pedal configurations may be saved to a Preset, allowing for different expression pedal functions per Preset.

TRS, wired in the ‘regular’ way:
T = Expression Output, R = ‘Live’ (5V), S = Ground.


The Tap Tempo footswitch has two functions – to set the tempo by tapping the switch to a rhythm and also as a Preset selector.

To configure the Tap Tempo Switch to update the delay time (if it is currently set to increment the Preset and the Tap Tempo LED is Green):

  1. Press and hold the Tap Tempo Switch for 1 second, until the Tap Tempo LED turns Blue and the Preset LEDs sweep left) The Tap Tempo Switch will now set the delay time according to the current Subdivision setting.

To configure the Tap Tempo Switch to increment the Preset (if it is currently set to update the delay time and the Tap Tempo LED is Blue):

  1. Press and hold the Tap Tempo Switch for 1 second, until the Tap Tempo LED turns Green and the Preset LEDs sweep right) The Tap Tempo Switch will now increment the Preset and scroll through Presets 1-8 and loop back to 1.


The METAVERSE has 128 Preset locations to allow the saving of favorite settings (Presets), 8 of which can be saved and quickly recalled by the front panel Preset switch or via the Tap Tempo Switch in Preset increment mode.
There are 4 LEDs above the Preset switch to indicate which of the 8 front panels Presets are active. Presets 1-4 are shown with one LED on and three off, Presets 5-8 are three on and one-off.

To save a Preset to one of the first 8 Preset slots using the front panel Preset Switch:

  1. Configure the knobs (and expression pedal settings) as desired
  2. Press and hold the Preset switch for 1 second. The Preset LEDs will blink, indicating the current destination Preset
  3. Optionally press the Preset switch to cycle through the first 8 Preset destinations
  4. Press and hold the Preset switch to save the Preset

To save a Preset to any of the 128 Preset slots using MIDI:

  1. Configure the knobs (and expression pedal settings) as desired
  2. Press and hold the Preset switch for 1 second. The Preset LEDs will blink, indicating the current destination Preset
  3. Send a PC message (0-127) via the MIDI Input jack. The current settings will be saved to that Preset location

To load a Preset using the front panel Preset Switch:

  1. Press the front panel switch to load the next Preset
  2. Subsequent presses will cycle through 8 user-settable Presets, indicated by the Preset LEDs

To load a Preset via MIDI PC Message:

  1. Send a PC message (0-127) via the MIDI Input jack
  2. The Preset associated with the received PC message will be loaded
    Note:  the Preset LEDs will show ON OFF OFF ON, which indicates that a Preset in the 8-127 range has been loaded via a MIDI PC message

To perform a Factory Reset

  1. Power off the device, press and hold the Bypass Switch, Tap Tempo Switch, and Preset Switch, and power the device on.
  2. After powering up, releases the switches. The device will start a factory reset.
  3.  When LEDs blink, the factory reset is complete.

Note:  the factory reset will:

  • Reset all Presets to default Presets
  • Reset ALT controls to default values
  • Reset expression pedal configuration to default values (set to control mix)
  • Reset MIDI Channel to Omni mode

The METAVERSE offers complete control over every Program via either MIDI CC Messages or PC Commands. It can accept a Global Clock signal from a MIDI controller.  Connect your controller to the MIDI In▼ and any downstream devices to the MIDI Thru▲.


The METAVERSE communicates with TRS type A cables (Tip = 5, Ring = 4, Sleeve = 2)

By default, the pedal is set to ‘Omni Channel’ mode which means it will accept a MIDI command on any MIDI channel. To set the MIDI Channel the device will receive  commands on:

  1. Power off the device, press and hold the Preset Switch, and power the device on
  2. After powering up, releases the Preset Switch
  3. The current MIDI Channel will be displayed on the Preset LEDs which will correspond with the numbers 1-16 (No LEDs on Channel 1)
  4. Press the Preset Switch to increment through the channel options (all blinking is Omni mode)
  5. Press and hold the Preset Switch for 1 second to save

0000 = channel 1
0011 = channel 4
0110 = channel 7
1001 = channel 10
1100 = channel 13
1111 = channel 16| 0001 = channel 2
0100 = channel 5
0111 = channel 8
1010 = channel 11
1101 = channel 14
All four sweeping = Omni| 0010 = channel 3
0101 = channel 6
1000 = channel 9
1011 = channel 12
1110 = channel 15

Every Program can be controlled by sending CC Messages to the device from a compatible MIDI controller as described in the following table.

CC Function| CC   no.| Value   (0-127)| Description
Delay State| 1| 0=off, 1-127=on| Turns the delay on/off
Delay Program| 2| 0-10| Selects the delay program;
Send the corresponding MIDI CC value to select the delay program:
0  – ANLG – Analog style delay
1  – WET – Modulated analog delay 2 – BBD – Bucket Brigade delay
3- JET – Analog flanger delay
4  – DOC – Wampler ‘The Doctor’
5  – FTE – Wampler ‘Faux Tape Echo’ 6 – ETH – Wampler ‘Ethereal’ delay 7 – MOD – Digital flanger delay
8  – SPC – Space Echo delay
9  – TAPE – Multi-head Tape delay 10 – DIGI – Digital delay
Delay Time (knob)| 3| 0-127| Emulates the Delay Time knob, 25ms to 2000ms
Delay Feedback (knob)| 4| 0-127| Emulates the Delay Feedback knob
Tone (knob)| 5| 0-127| Emulates the Tone knob
Mix (knob)| 6| 0-127| Emulates the Output Mix knob; 0 = dry 100% + wet 0%
95 = dry 100% + wet 100%
127 = dry 0% + wet 100%
Level (knob)| 7| 0-127| Emulates the Output Level knob; 0 = -6dB
63 = 0dB
127 = +6dB
Mod Depth (knob)| 8| 0-127| Emulates the Mod Depth knob
Mod Rate (knob)| 9| 0-127| Emulates the Mod Rate knob
Mod Feedback (knob)| 10| 0-127| Emulates the Mod Feedback knob – only affects JET and MOD Programs
TAPE Mode| 11| 1-15| Select head combination for TAPE Program ->
Value range selects heads in binary representation:
1000 (binary) = 8 (decimal) = head 1 (quarter) 0100 (binary) = 4 (decimal) = head 2 (dotted eighth) 0010 (binary) = 2 (decimal) = head 3 (eighth) 0001 (binary) = 1 (decimal) = head 4 (sixteenth) See Note on Page 12 for a full list of combinations
ETH Mode| 12| 0-3| Select the delay mode for the Ethereal Delay 0 = quarter
1 = quarter + quarter triplet overlay 2 = quarter + dotted eighth overlay
3 = quarter + dotted eighth
CC Function| CC   no.| Value   (0-127)| Description
Subdivision| 13| 0-14| Sets the tap tempo subdivision (0-7 are accessible via the front panel) Select the Subdivision setting for the Tap Tempo Switch and MIDI Clock
0 = Quarter
1 = Dotted Eighth 2 = Eighth
3 = Sixteenth
4 = Half
5 = Whole
6 = Dotted Quarter 7 = Triplet Quarter
8 = Dotted Sixteenth 9 = Dotted Half
10 = Dotted Whole 11 = Triplet Sixteenth 12 = Triplet Eighth 13 = Triplet Half
14 = Triplet Whole
Delay Time (high ms)| 14| 0-15| A Time High message followed by a Time Low message will set the delay time to a specific ms value. It is possible to set very specific delay times (with 1ms resolution) using two sequential MIDI commands.
First, send CC 14 with the high byte (calculated below) Second, send CC 15 with the low byte (calculated below)
Delay Time (low ms)| 15| 0-127| Each message is a 7-bit value, and sent together will be interpreted as a 14-bit value. To set a specific delay time in milliseconds using MIDI CC 14 and 15:
1. Determine high byte: take delay time in milliseconds and divide by 128. The number left of the decimal is the high byte. (eg. 400ms delay time -> 400/128 = 3.125 -> high byte = 3
2. Determine low byte: multiply the number right of the decimal by 128. This is the low byte.
(eg. 400ms delay time -> 400/128 = 3.125 -> 0.125 -> 0.125 * 128 = 16 -> low byte = 16
3. Send MIDI CC 14 val=highbyte (3) first, and then MIDI CC 15 val=lowbyte (16) second.
4. After receiving both bytes, the device will update the delay time to match the received messages.
Tap Tempo| 81| 0| Emulates the tap tempo function of the tap tempo switch
Preset Decrement| 82| 0-127| Decrements the Preset number by
Preset Increment| 83| 0-127| Increments the Preset number by
Tempo Switch Mode| 84| 0=tap tempo 1-127=Preset inc| Selects the mode of the tempo switch
Trails Mode| 85| 0=off, 1-127=on| Turns on/off trails mode
MIDI Clock Enable| 99| 0=off, 1-127=on| Enable or disable the MIDI Clock Sync: 0 = ignore MIDI Clock
1-127 = set tempo based on MIDI Clock
Expression Pedal| 100| 0-127| Emulates the expression pedal input


Program Change (PC) messages can be used to recall Presets (Patches) stored on the METAVERSE.

PC Function PC Number Description
Load a Preset 0-127 Loads Preset of matching PC number
Save a Preset 0-127 When in Preset-write mode, sending a PC number will save

the current settings to that Preset number

Real-time messages can be used for the following functions:

Realtime   Message Number Description
MIDI Clock 248 Will set the delay time based on the received MIDI Clock,

multiplied by the subdivision setting The delay time can sync with MIDI Clock. When enabled (see CC 99), the MIDI Clock input will be multiplied by the current Subdivision setting, and the delay time will update automatically to the incoming MIDI Clock.
BPM = 60000 / (delay time in ms) Delay time in ms = 60000 / BPM
Start| 250| Sync the tap tempo LED

When changing Presets with the Preset Switch or Tap Tempo Switch configured to increment Presets, the device will:

  1. Send a PC message matching the loaded Preset number from the MIDI Out jack
  2. This message will be on the same channel as the device
    This allows the device to select Presets on other devices in a rudimentary fashion without the need for a dedicated MIDI controller device

When pressing the Tap Tempo Switch while it is configured to adjust tempo, the device will:

  1. Send a CC 81 message value=0 when the tap tempo switch is pressed
  2. Send a CC 81 message value=127 when the tap tempo switch is released
  3. These messages will be on the same channel as the device
    This allows the device to link tap tempo on supported devices without the need for a dedicated MIDI controller device

To perform a MIDI Self Test:

  1. Power off the device, and connect a 3.5mm TRS cable to the MIDI In and Out jacks, connecting them together.
  2. Holding the tap tempo switch, power on the device.
  3. If the tempo LED blinks blue, the test was successful, and the MIDI hardware is working properly.
  4. If nothing happens, press the tempo switch. If the tempo LED blinks red, the MIDI hardware is not working properly (or the TRS cable is malfunctioning)

The LEDs in the Preset selector will indicate the binary information below:

1 (decimal) = 0001 (binary) = sixteenth 2 (decimal) = 0010 (binary) = eighth
3 (decimal) = 0011 (binary) = eighth + sixteenth 4 (decimal) = 0100 (binary) = dotted eighth
5 (decimal) = 0101 (binary) = dotted eighth + sixteenth 6 (decimal) = 0110 (binary) = dotted eighth + eighth
7 (decimal) = 0111 (binary) = dotted eighth + eighth + sixteenth 8 (decimal) = 1000 (binary) = quarter
9 (decimal) = 1001 (binary) = quarter + sixteenth 10 (decimal) = 1010 (binary) = quarter + eighth
11 (decimal) = 1011 (binary) = quarter + eighth + sixteenth 12 (decimal) = 1100 (binary) = quarter + dotted eighth
13 (decimal) = 1101 (binary) = quarter + dotted eighth + sixteenth 14 (decimal) = 1110 (binary) = quarter + dotted eighth + eighth
15 (decimal) = 1111 (binary) = quarter + dotted eighth + eighth + sixteenth


To get started really quickly with MIDI, the simplest route is to create Presets on the METAVERSE and send PC messages from a compatible MIDI controller to select each  Preset. This is a good way of playing with the power of MIDI without figuring out a whole string of CC messages initially; the most control can be gained by the full mastery of CC  messages, however.
This pedal can accept a Global MIDI clock signal. This means patches can be created on a MIDI switcher that set the tempo of the delay and will override the Delay Time setting of the pedal if sent. To get to the right Millisecond setting for any given delay it is possible to divide the BPM by the Subdivision. There are websites that have calculators that take all the hard work out of these calculations like:

Be aware that sending MIDI clock signals can create noise on gain-based MIDI pedals as it is a constant pulse of data.
If connecting this to another Wampler pedal that uses MIDI use a 3.5mm TRS -> TRS cable to connect via MIDI between the two pedals.
If a METAVERSE is connected to a TERRAFORM in isolation (ie. No MIDI controller present) it is possible to sync both. The METAVERSE (connected to the TERRAFORM  with a TRS cable from METAVERSE MIDI Thru to TERRAFORM MIDI In) will send messages downstream to the TERRAFORM allowing the synchronization of presets and tap tempo.
The wearing of a cape and flared jeans when using certain settings is optional.




WAMPLER offers a five (5) year warranty to the original purchaser that this
WAMPLER products will be free from defects in material and workmanship.
This warranty does not cover service or parts to repair damage caused by accident, neglect, normal cosmetic wear, disaster, misuse, abuse, negligence, inadequate packing or shipping procedures, and service, repair, or modifications to the product, which have not been authorized by WAMPLER. If this product is defective in materials or workmanship as warranted above, your sole remedy shall be repair or replacement as provided below.

In the unlikely event that a defect should occur, follow the procedure outlined below. Defective products must be shipped, together with a dated sales receipt, freight pre-paid and insured directly to:
5300 Harbor Street, Commerce, CA 90040.
A Return Authorization Number must be obtained from our Customer Service
Department prior to shipping the product. Products must be shipped in their original packaging or their equivalent; in any case, the risk of loss or damage in transit is to be borne by the purchaser. The Return Authorization Number must appear in large print directly below the shipping address. Always include a brief description of the defect, along with your correct return address and telephone number.
When emailing to inquire about a returned product, always refer to the Return Authorization Number. If WAMPLER determines that the unit was defective in materials or workmanship at a time during the warranty period, WAMPLER has the option of repairing or replacing the product at no additional charge, except as set forth below. All replacement parts become the property of WAMPLER. Products replaced or repaired under this warranty will be returned via ground shipping within the United States-freight prepaid. WAMPLER is not responsible for costs associated with expedited shipping, either to WAMPLER or the return of the product to the customer.

In no event is WAMPLER liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use of any WAMPLER product, even if WAMPLER or a  WAMPLER dealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or any other claim by any other party. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages, so the above limitation and exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state.

Our dedicated team is ready to help you with any warranty or product questions – please email us at help@wamplerpedals.com or call us at 765-352-8626
Please remember to register your pedal as soon as possible after purchase at the following web page to ensure quicker service if you should need to make a warranty claim: www.registeryourwampler.com
NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the  user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


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