Sanking 2021WC-8H Wood Chipper Owner’s Manual

October 30, 2023

Sanking 2021WC-8H Wood Chipper Owner's Manual

Sanking 2021WC-8H Wood Chipper Owner's Manual Sanking 2021WC-8H Wood Chipper

E-MAIL: 429658488@QQ.COM
WEB: www.sanjingjx,com



The Owner/Operator’s manual uses many symbols to alert you of potential hazards. Whenever you see these symbols, read and follow directions. Failure to obey the safety message could result in personal injury, death or property damage.


Read and understand this Owner/Operator’s manual. Be completely familiar with the controls and the proper use of this equipment.
Familiarize yourself with all safety and operating decals on this equipment and on any of its attachments or accessions.
Keep safety decals clean and legible. Replace missing or illegible safety decals.
Obtain and wear safety glasses and use hearing protection at all times when operating this machine.
Avoid wearing loose fitted clothing. Never operate this machine wearing clothing with strings that could wrap around or get caught in the machine.
Do not operate this machine if you are under the influence of alcohol, medications, or substances that can affect your vision, balance or judgment. Do not operate if tired or ill. You must be in good health to operate this machine safely.
Do not operate this equipment in the vicinity of bystanders. Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small children. It is recommended that bystanders keep at least 50 feet (15 meters) away from the area of operation.
Do not allow children to operate this equipment.
Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
Do not run this equipment in an enclosed area. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide gas, a deadly position that is odorless, colorless tasteless. Do not operate this equipment in or near buildings, windows or air conditioners.
Always use an approved fuel container. Do not remove gas cap or add fuel when engine is running. Add fuel to a cool engine only.
Do not fill fuel tank indoors. Keep open flames, sparks, smoking materials and other sources of combustion away from fuel.
Do not operate machine without shields in place. Failure to do so may cause serious injury or death.
Keep all guards and shields in good working condition.
Before inspecting or servicing any part of the machine, shut off the machine, disconnect the battery, remove the ignition key and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
Check that all screws, nuts, bolts, and other fasteners are secured, tightened and in proper working condition before starting the machine and once every 8 hours of operation.
Do not transport or move machine while the machine is operating or running.


Always stand clear of discharge area when operating this machine. Keep face and body away from feed and discharge openings.
Keep hands and feet out of feed and discharge openings while machine is operating to avoid serious personal injury. Stop and allow machine to come to a complete stop before clearing obstructions.
Set up your work site so you are not endangering traffic and the public. Take great care to provide adequate warnings.
Do not climb on machine when operating. Keep proper balance and footing at all times.
Check cutting chamber to verify it is empty before starting the machine.
The disk will continue to rotate when clutch is disengaged or reversing valves in the median. Shut off the machine, remove the ignition key and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
Do not insert logs large than 8 inches in diameter into chipper or machine damage may occur.
When feeding material into machine, do not allow metal, bottle, cans or any other foreign material to be fed into the machine.
Ensure debris does not blow into traffic, parked cars, or pedestrians.
Keep the machine clear of debris and other accumulations.
Do not allow processed material to build up in the discharge area. This may prevent proper discharge and can result in kick back of material through the feed opening.
Shut off machine immediately if the machine becomes clogged, the cutting mechanism strikes any foreign object, or the machine starts vibrating or making unusual noise. Shut off the machine, remove the ignition key and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop. After machine stops:
Inspect for damage.
Replace or repair any damage parts.
Check for and tighten any loose parts.
Check blade bolts for proper torque after every 8 hours of operation. Check blades and rotate or sharpen daily or as required to keep blades sharp. Failure to do so may cause poor performance, damage or personal injury and will void the machine warranty.



  1. Read and follow instructions on PTO safety decals.
  2. Stay alert and pay attention when PTO is operating.
  3. Keep bystanders, especially children, away from PTO driveline.
  4. Check the driveline to ensure it is attached securely to the power supply.
  5. Keep guards and shields in place at all times while operating. Disengage PTO, shut off power source, and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop before removing guards or shields.
  6. Clothing worn by operator must be fairly tight. Never wear loose fitted jackets, shirts, or pants when working around the PTO. Tie long hair back or put under a cap.
  7.  Keep hydraulic hoses, chains and other items from contacting the driveline.
  8. Do not exceed the recommended 540 RPM PTO operating speed.
  9. Before inspecting or servicing the PTO drive area, disengage the driveline, shut off power source and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
  10. Keep hands, feet, and clothing away from all PTO drive parts.
  11. Do not clean, lubricate or adjust the PTO shaft when it is running.

The feed roller can cause serious injury or death. Keep hands, feet and clothing away from the feed roller and chipper disk blades.
Never climb onto the feed chute when the unit is operating or running.
Do not reach inside. Keep proper balance and footing.
Never allow passengers to ride on the feed chute.
When feeding material into the feed roller wear eye, face and hearing protection.
Release material and stand to side of feed chute.


Before inspecting, servicing, storing, or changing an accessory, shut off the machine, remove the ignition key and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
Allow machine to cool before storing in an enclosure.
Store the machine out of reach of children and where fuel vapors will not reach an open flame or spark.
Never store the machine with fuel in the fuel tank inside a building where fuel can be ignited by an open flame or spark. Ignition sources can be hot water and space heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.


Before inspecting or servicing any part of this machine, shut off power source, remove key from the ignition and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.

If any bolts or nuts are dropped inside the machine, be sure to remove them before starting the machine. Remove items from the shredder area by removing the discharge screen.

Checking the hydraulic oil tank level and, if needed, fill the hydraulic oil tank with the type and amount of oil specified in the owner’s manual (recommendation 46#HM hydraulic oil). When the hydraulic oil is dirty or contaminated, it must be replaced with pure hydraulic oil without delay.


The chipper chute extension is an optional item for you.
Assembling the chute extension with M10 bolts, washers and nuts according to the figure 2.4

Align the chipper chute extension border to chipper chute. Attach the chipper chute extension to chipper chute with four chute connection boards using eight M10 bolts, washers and nuts (Figure 2.5).

Use four M10 bolts, washers and nuts to fix the feed roller control bar on the top of the chipper chute.


Attach the adapter-connector to the mounting flange on the chipper frame. Insert four bolts respectively (included in owner’s kit) through the four sides holes and tighten the bolts to secure it

Rotating the discharge chute to the right place, align two of the four bolt holes in the discharge chute disk cover with the two arc wall in the adapter- connector and fix them using two MIO, two washers and two nuts.


Understanding how your machine works will help you achieve the best results when using your chipper. The following descriptions define the features and controls of your machine.


The discharge chute can be rotated 360 degree horizontally by moving the bolts on it.


Materials to be chipped are fed into the infeed chute, through the infeed rollers, to the chipper blades. On the top of the chute is an infeed roller control bar. The chipper will not feed material if the infeed roller control bar is pressed.


The chipper blades chip material that is fed into the chipper chute.


To engage the infeed roller move the control bar.


MODEL: WC-8H & M Model
Connects the tractor PTO to the chipper drive shaft. Avoid an angle greater than 15 degrees up or down with the unit is in use.


As with any other piece of outdoor power equipment, getting the feel for how your machine operates and getting to know the best techniques for particular jobs are important to overall good performance.


The chipping operation takes place inside of the rotor housing, where hardened steel blades are mounted on a rotor assembly. Material fed into the chipper infeed chute is sliced into small chips and propelled out through the discharge chute. The chips can be diverted into a container or onto the ground.

Before operating your machine, be sure you read and understand all safety, control and operating instructions in this Owner/Operators manual and on your machine. Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious injury or property damage.



    Move the machine to a clear, level area outdoors before starting. Do not operate in the vicinity of bystanders.
    Make sure the cutting chamber is empty before starting.
    Connect the PTO shaft between the chipper and the tractor. The minimum & maximum telescoping on the PTO shaft is 26″ to 32″.

  2. Start the tractor engine and engage the tractor PTO.

  3. Increase the engine speed to the rated PTO (540RPM) position.


1. Move the tractor throttle to the SLOW position.
2. Disengage the PTO lever and shut off the tractor engine.
3. Allow machine to come to a complete stop.


The chipper chips a variety of materials into a more readily decomposed or handled condition. The following guidelines can help you get started.
Run unit at full operating speed before starting to chip material.
These machines are most effective when chipping material 0-8″ in diameter.
Trim those lateral branches that cannot be bent enough to feed into the chipper chute. Hold small diameter branches together in a bundle and feed in simultaneously.
Exclude pieces of metal, rocks, bottles, cans, and other foreign objects when feeding chip able material into the machine.
Do not lean over the chipper chute to push objects into the cutting device. Use a push stick or brush paddle.
Place limb, butt end first, into the chipper chute until it contacts the chipper blades. The actual feed rate of the limb into the chipper will depend on the type of material fed and sharpness of the cutting blades.
Stop the material feeding and allow the engine to recover if the engine slows to where it may stall.
Alternately insert and retract the limb or insert continuously at a rate that will not kill the engine.
Chipping dead, dry material will create heat and dull the chipping blades eventually.
Alternate green material with dry material can lubricate the chipping blades for longer life and better performance.
The chipping blades will become dull and will require periodic sharpening. Refer to the Service and Maintenance section for sharpening instructions.



The items listed in the service and maintenance schedule are to be checked, and if necessary, corrective action taken. This schedule is designed for units operating under normal conditions. If the unit is operating in advance or severe usage condition it may be necessary for the items to be checked and serviced more frequently.

Sanking 2021WC-8H Wood Chipper - Maintenance Schedule



WARNING: Chipping blades are sharp! Use caution when working on machine to avoid injury.
The chipping blades will eventually become dull, making chipping difficult and adding extra strain on the machine. Poor chipping performance is usually a result of dull chipping blades. It is recommended that the blades be sharpened every 5-15 hours or if your chipper’s performance has decreased. Check for the following symptoms and
sharpen the blades if needed.
Severe vibration when feeding material into the chipper.
Small diameter branches do not self-feed.
Chips discharge unevenly or have larger ends, especially when chipping green branches.
Before you sharpen the chipping blades, check for permanent damage. Replace the blade when needed.

1. There are cracks, broken comers or nicks.
2. The base of the cutting edge is worn or has been re-sharpened

Removing the Knives

1. Remove the rotor cover from the chipper housing by loosing and removing the two MIO bolts.
2. Remove the four bolts on the back side access of disk cover.
3. Rotate the disk so that the bolts holding the chipper blades are accessible.
4. Install the chipper blades and cover carefully.
5. Inspect blades to see if cracks or nicks are visible. If cracks are present, replace the blades. If nicks cannot be removed by sharpening blade, replace the blade.

  1. Never sharpen or grind the mounting surfaces of the blades. This will cause the edge to roll and the blade will be damaged, resulting in poor chipping performance.
  2. Regrind the angled edge of the chipping blades to 30~32 degrees (Figure 5.1).
  3. The blades can be ground on a bench grinder or by a professional.
  4.  Make sure some type of fixture is used to correctly hold the blade at the proper angle.
  5. Be careful when grinding so that the blade does not become overheated and change color. This will remove the heat treated properties.
  6. Use short grinding times and cool with water or some type of liquid coolant.
  7. Remove an equal amount off each blade to maintain rotor balance.
  8. Small imperfections such as nicks and burrs on the flat side of the blade will not affect the chipping performance of the machine.
  9. For blades that have been repeatedly sharpened, ensure that the sharpened surface extends past the chipping slot opening. If it does not extend past the opening, the blades should be replaced.

1. Place a blade on the disk and attach with three MIO Countersunk head hex bolts and three MIO locknuts.
Torque the bolt to 75 foot-pounds. Repeat for the remaining blades. The chipping blades should clear to the disk surface, by least 2mm. To adjust (increase) the blade clearance,
l-3mm aluminum sheet can be placed under blades to the size of the debris. But the chipping blades should clear to the chipping anvil, located directly under the chipper chute, by least 1.5mm meanwhile (Figure 5.2).
It is important to ensure that the minimum gap between the chipping anvil and ALL chipping blades is 1.5mm. Failure to do so can result in the chipping blades striking the chipping, causing serious injury or death.

Figure 5.2

2. Close the Rotor cover.


Check the condition of the drive belt(s) annually or after every 25 hours of operation, whichever comes first. Replace a cracked, frayed, worn or stretched drive belt. Only replace drive belt with original banded type belt. Do not use single type belts. To adjust the drive belt(s), proceed as follows:

The main drive belts on the chipper need to be tight. To tighten these belts may by tightening the four adjustable bolts under the bottom of the power- input-shaft bearing support. Keep the power-input-shaft parallel with the main shaft. Torque the bottom bolts 80 feet pounds.

The infeed roller drive belt can be adjusted by first loosening the four bolts that hold the worm gear box to the base, then moving the gear box away from the adjustable bolt and re-torques the bolts to 40 ft. pounds.


Mounted bearings are pre-lubricated at our factory and are ready for operation.

RELUBRICATION : Relubrication of bearings is determined by operating conditions and environment. Relubricate standard bearings with a LITHIUM based grease.

GREASING INTERVALS : Bearings in extreme environments will require more frequent greasing intervals. Care should be taken when greasing bearings to avoid overfilling.

Overfilling can lead to excessive heat and or unseating of the seals. Grease should be introduced in small increments and under light pressure. Whenever possible, the bearing should be rotated slowly while grease is being added to ensure equal distribution throughout the raceways.


Before performing any of the corrections in this troubleshooting chart, refer to the appropriate information contained in this manual for the correct safety precautions and operating or maintenance procedures. Contact your nearest dealer or the factory for service problems with the machine.

Sanking 2021WC-8H Wood Chipper - TROUBLESHOOTING



Sanking 2021WC-8H Wood Chipper - Specs


Sanking 2021WC-8H Wood Chipper - PRODUCT PATENT

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