ORTECH 438 BaseLine Restorer Instruction Manual
- June 8, 2024
- Ortech
Table of Contents
ORTECH 438 BaseLine Restorer
Shipments should be examined immediately upon receipt for evidence of external
or concealed damage. The carrier making delivery should be notified
immediately of any such damage, since the carrier is normally liable for
damage in shipment. Packing materials, waybills, and other such documentation
should be preserved in order to establish claims. After such notification to
the carrier, notify ORTEC of the circumstances so that we may assist in damage
claims and in providing replacement equipment when necessary.
ORTEC warrants its electronic products to be free from defects in workmamhip
and materials, other than vacuum tubes and semiconductors, for a period of
twelve months from date of shipment, provided that the equipment has been
used in a proper manner and not subjected to abuse. Repairs or replacement, at
ORTEC option, will be made without charge at the ORTEC factory. Shipping
expense will be to the account of the customer except in cases of defects
discovered upon initial operation. Warranties of vacuum tubes and
semiconductors, as made by their manufacturers, will be extended to our
customers only to the extent of the manufacturers’ liability to ORTEC.
Specially selected vacuum tubes or semiconductors cannot be warranted. ORTEC
reserves the right to modify the design of its products without incurring
responsibility for modification of previously manufactured units. Since
installation conditions are beyond our control, ORTEC does not assume any
risks or liabilities associated with the methods of installation, or
installation results.
Before being approved for shipment, each ORTEC instrument must pass a
stringent set of quality control tests designed to expose any flaws in
materials or workmanship. Permanent records of these tests are maintained for
use in warranty repair and as a source of statistical information for design
ORTEC instruments not in warranty may be returned to the factory for repairs
or checkout at a modest expense to the customer. The standard procedure
requires that returned instruments pass the same quality control tests as
those used for new production instruments. Please contact the factory for
instructions before shipping the equipment.
The 438 BASELINE RESTORER is a precision instrument designed to restore the undershoot of a nuclear pulse amplifier output to a de baseline prior to presenting such signals to analysis equipment such as multichannel analyzer ADC’s. By this means, the BASELINE RESTORER allows precision analysis of signals at a much higher count rate than may be tolerated under previous conditions. The 438, by way of restoring the undershoot in cc-coupled amplifiers, reduces pile-up distortion caused by pulses falling on the tail (long-term component) of previous pulses. An in-depth treatment of the advantages of de restoration is contained in the literature. 1) 2) 3) This instrument may be used to restore any type of signal to a de baseline, even though it was specifically designed to restore signals from linear amplifiers in nuclear spectrometry systems. The use of the de restorer allows linear amplifiers to be cc-coupled with arbitrary time constants and yet have the output signal as a pulse displacement from a fixed de level. This de level may, in this case, be adjusted to be either plus or minus from zero volts by a specified amount. The 438 will restore bipolar signals as well as unipolar signals to a de baseline. For bipolar signal restoration (which is not recommended), the 438 must be operated in the PASSIVE mode. Output gain selection is provided to allow a full range output of 3V, 6 V, and l 0V for an input span of 10 volts. This versatility, in conjunction with the ability to obtain either positive or negative output signals, increases the 4381 s ability to interface with al I analysis equipment. The 438 is a single-width standard NIM module, and obtains its power via an ORTEC 401A/ 402A modular Bin and Power Supply.
- Chase, R. L. and Paulo, L. R., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-14 (1): 83 (February 1967)
- Gere, E. A. and Miller, G. L., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-14 (1): 89 (February 1967)
- Williams, C. W., “Reducing Pulse Height Spectral Distortion by Means of DC Restoration and Pile-Up Rejection,” to be published in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-15 (1) (February 1968)
- Input: 0-1 0V, positive, unipolar, or bipolar, (only the positive portion of bipolar pulse analyzed)
- Note: Bipolar signal operation is not recommended; see Section 4.
- Outputs: 2 separate, Z0 = 1 ohm and Z0 = 93 ohms
- Polarity: Switch selectable, positive or negative
- Voltage Range: Selectable, 3-position switch (0-3V, 0-6V, 0-l0V) for 0-1 0V input
- DC Level Adjustment: Selectable, 2-position switch, Fine or Coarse
- Fine – ± 1% full scale Coarse – ±20% full scale
- Noni linearity:: ,;± 0. 1% of the range over ful I rated output
- Temperature Stability: :::± 100 ppm/° C (0-50° C)
- *Count Rate Stability:** Centroid Shift::;±0.1%, for count rates up to 50k cts/sec with time constants of 1 µsec equal RC integrate and differentiate, count rate selector on HIGH
- Resolution: The noise contribution is a function of the noise spectrum at the input and therefore has many external contributing variables, such as detector capacity and shaping time constant. The 438 is specified to contribute <2% linewidth broadening to a system consisting of a detector with 20 pf capacitance, an ORTEC 109A Preamplifier, and an ORT EC 410 or 440A shaping amplifier with time constants of 2 µsec equal RC integrate and differentiate and with 438 Count Rate Selector on LOW and using the PASSIVE Restoration Mode.
- The centroid of a monoenergetic pulser spectrum at 80% of the range of the 438 or ful I scale of the monitoring instrument is modulated by variable count rate random signals from a 661 keV gamma source incident on a 2″ x 2″ Nol (Tl) detector with a corresponding maximum energy of 70%. (See Section 6.1.5)
Controls (Front Panel):
Output Amplitude: 3 position switch
Restoration Mode: 2 position switch (ACTIVE – PASSIVE)
Output Polarity: 2 position switches (POSITIVE – NEGATIVE)
Output DC Level: 2 position switch (FINE – COARSE) 25-turn potentiometer
Controls (Rear Panel):
- Count Rate Selector: 2 position switches,
- HIGH (>25 kHz) – LOW (<25 kHz)
- Power Requirements: +24V – 25mA
- -24V- 40mA
- +12v- 30mA
- -12V- 20mA
- Dimensions: Standard single-width module (1.38 x 8.714 inches) per TID-20893 (Rev.)
- Weight (Shipping): 4 pounds l ounce
- Weight (Net): 3 pounds 5 ounces
- The 438, used in conjunction with the ORTEC 401A/402A Bin and Power Supply, is intended for rack mounting, and therefore it is necessary to ensure that vacuum tube equipment operating in the same rack has sufficient cooling air circulating to prevent any localized heating of the all-transistor circuitry used throughout the 438. The temperature of equipment mounted in racks can easily exceed the recommended maximum unless precautions are taken. The 438 should not be subjected to temperatures in excess of 120° F (50° C).
- Connection to Power – Nuclear Standard Bin, ORTEC 401A/402A
- The 438 contains no internal power supply, and therefore must obtain power from a Nuclear Standard Bin and Power Supply such as the ORTEC 401A/402A. It is recommended that the bin power supply be turned off when inserting or removing modules. The ORTEC 400 Series is designed so that it is not possible to overload the bin power supply with a full complement of modules in the bin; however, this may not be true when the bin contains modules other than those of ORTE( design. In this case, power supply voltages should be checked after the insertion of modules. The 401A/402A has test points on the power supply control panel to monitor the de voltages.
Connection Into A System
Normally, the 438 shou Id be connected into the analysis sys fern as the last function performed prior to pulse height analysis. If there is a nonlinear element such as
a biased amplifier in the system and that biased amplifier does not contain a de restoration circuit, then it is necessary to de couple the nonlinear element up to the nonlinear bias point and also de restore prior to it in order to obtain good pulse height resolution. Of course, this means that if the output of that nonlinear element is again ac coupled, it is necessary to again de restore before entrance to the pulse height anlysis system, e.g., multichannel analyzer, if the best pulse height resolution versus count rate is to be obtained. These precautions are not necessary with the ORTEC 408 Biased Amplifier at moderate rates, since it contains a de restoration circuit. -
Of course it is necessary that the pulse height analysis system be de coupled
fol I owing the de restorer. -
Some of the analog to digital converters associated with multichannel analyzers are not de coupled at their normal input and contain no method of de-restoration; however, some of these analyzers do allow direct access to their linear gate circuitry in the so-cal led Mossbauer analysis mode. Other ADC’s have a bui It-in de restorer capable of restoring the long time constant associated
with the cc-coupling capacitor in the ADC prior to the de restorer point.
In these cases, one may obtain reasonably high count rate, i.e., in the
order of 10,000 to 15,000 counts per second, of high resolution data by de restoration externally and coupling direct into the ADC in the normal mode. This means that there are two steps of de restoration. If, however, very high count rates ore to be encountered, one should assure de-coupling in these ADC’s
as well and de restore externally by means of the 438. -
There are many ADC’s in use in nuclear research and the variety of input requirements is almost as broad as the variety of ADC’s used. Below are listed some specified
ADC’s and block diagrams outlining methods of connecting the 438 into the system in such a way that rt may perform its function and supply on analysis signal to the
ADC through a de coupled network. It should be noted that in some cases it is necessary to feed two signals to the ADC. One of these, which is the de coupled signal to be analyzed, goes directly to the gate circuit, while the second signal goes to the normal input and is used merely as a trigger signal to initiate analysis since some of the ADC’s pick off the trigger signal to initiate analysis from the normal, i.e., 0- l0V, input.
Methods of Connection to Various Analyzers
- Below is listed a number of various manufacturers of multichannel analyzers along with the manufacturer’s recommended method of de coupling of specific ADC’s. Figure 1 applies where no trigger is needed, and Figure 2 applies where on external trigger is indicated. If information in excess of that given is necessary, contact the analyzer manufacturer for further details.
- A. RIDL (Model 3412)
- Direct access available via the de or Mossbauer input (trigger required).
- Direct access avai I obi e on al I models (no trigger required).
ADC| Direct Input| | Trigger
Model| Volts| Modification| Condition
Short out 0.01 µf
None Req.
ND-130| -3| capacitor on ADC|
| | board, base of T-1|
ND-110| -2.5| None (use Mossbauer| None Req.
| | Input)|
ND-160F| -3| None (use Direct)| None Req.
ND-161 F| -3| Short out 0.018µF capacitor on ADC| None Req.
| | board, base of T-1|
ND-2200| -5| Short out capacitor| No trigger
| | 09D8 on ATC board.| required if
| | | operated in
| | | open gate
ND-3300| +10| Short out 0.0lµF| Trigger
| | capacitor on ALG
| required
Model No.
| (Victoreen) signal
| O to| +lOV
DC Level
SCI PP Series
| Short C-203 Short C-403| | None None|
~+ 1.5V
ICADC| None| | None| ~0V
Linear Output Signal Connections and Terminating Impedance Considerations
Source impedances of the 0-1 0V standard linear outputs of most ORTEC 400
Series modules are approximately one ohm and 93 ohms. Interconnection of
linear signals to the I-ohm output is thus noncritical since the input
impedance of circuits to be driven is not important in determining the actual
signal span, e.g., 0-I0Vvolts, delivered to the following circuit. Paralleling
several loads on a single output is, therefore, permissible while preserving a
0-10 volt span. Short lengths of interconnecting coaxial cable (up to
approximately four feet) need not be terminated. However, if a cable longer
than this is necessary on a linear output, it should be terminated in a
resistive load equal to the cable impedance. Since the output impedance is not
purely resistive and is slightly different for each individual module, when a
certain given length of coaxial cable is connected and is not terminated in
the characteristic impedance of the cable, oscillations will generally occur.
These oscillations can be suppressed for any length of the cable by properly
terminating the cable at the receiving end of the line by way of a shunt
termination. To properly terminate the cable at the receiving end, it may be
necessary to consider the input impedance of the driven circuit and choose an
additional parallel resistor to make the combination produce the desired
termination resistance.
If series termination of the cable is desired, one may use the output labeled
93-ohm on the modules and coaxial cable of this impedance. When the series
terminates at the sending end, full signal span, i.e., amplitude, is obtained
at the sending end only when it is essentially unloaded or loaded with an
impedance many times that of the cable. It must be remembered that when the
series output impedance is in series with the driven load and for the case
where the driven load is 900 ohms, a decrease in the signal span of
approximately I 0% will occur when the 93-ohm output is used. If this output
is used with a 93-ohm cable and that cable is receiving end terminated also, a
500/o loss in signal amplitude will occur. BNC connectors with internal
terminators are available from a number of connector manufacturers in nominal
values of 50, 100, and 1000 ohms. ORTEC stocks a limited quantity both of 50
and 100-ohm BNC terminators. These terminators are quite convenient to use in
conjunction with BNC tees.
The operation of the 438 in the system is quite straightforward. The OUTPUT
RANGE SWITCH (S3) selects the span of the output voltage to be 3V, 6 V, or 1
0V for an
input voltage range of 0-1 0V. This, in conjunction with the output polarity
selection of positive or negative signal by means of S2, allows a matching to
all ADC inputs. On some ADC’s, the input has a zero offset adjust, which feeds
a de level on to the input in the normally operating ac coupled mode; however,
when the direct access is used, this de offset adjust is to some degree
disabled by the output impedance of the driving amplifier (in this case, the
438) which controls the amount of that de voltage. For this reason, the 438
provides two ranges of output de level adjust. The range is selected by S4,
the FINE-COARSE selector. This voltage level may be adjusted by R24 to be
either positive or negative up to 20% of full scale. The MODE switch (Sl),
which has two positions, ACTIVE and PASSIVE, selects the method of de
restoration. In the PASSIVE mode, the restoration is by way of a simple diode
restorer. This mode should be used for signals which are bipolar and in those
instances where the count rate is moderate and best energy resolution (least
noise width contribution) is required. The ACTIVE mode provides a very much
higher restoration rate and therefore a very much higher count rate capability
for the same amount of pile-up distortion and therefore should be used
whenever high count rates (approximately i!!: 10 kcts/sec) are to be
encountered. The active mode should not be used to restore bipolar type
signals. The restoration rate is so fast with the active mode that restoration
is to the point of most negative signal, and therefore the baseline is shifted
to the point of most negative excursion of the input pulse. This is obviously
undesirable. The COUNT RATE switch (S5) located on the rear panel, determines
the restore capacitor which allows optimum resolution at all count rates.
Bipolar input operation is not recommended because the restorer performs the
function of maintaining the baseline, and, since the pulse width is a factor
of two wider for bipolar, the count rate tolerated is lower.
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (See Drawings 438-0101-8 and 438-0101-S)
The 438 essentially consists of three circuits. They are: the input amplifier, the de restorer element, and the output amplifier. The input amplifier is a de coupled operational amplifier stage consisting of transistors Ql through Q5. It serves as an input buffer and driver circuit for the restorer capacitor C2. The de restorer proper consists of capacitor C2 charged by the constant current generated by 06 or Q7 when the MODE SELECTOR switch (Sl) is in the PASSIVE position. This, of course, utilizes the two diodes, Dl and D2, in the standard “Robinson” diode restorer network. When the MODE SELECTOR (S 1) is in the ACTIVE mode position, restoration is performed by way of the closed loop amplifier of Q8 and Q7, which very rapidly restores the charge to capacitor C2 or C21. The mode balance control balances the offset voltage between the base of Q8 and Q9 in the active and passive modes. The adjustment of this control will be covered in Secfion 6. The resistor R14 performs the function of de zero; i.e., it is adjusted to obtain de voltage of zero at TP3. The signal from emitter of Q8 is fed by way of Ql 1 to TP3, which is also the input to the output amplifier loop. The output amplifier consists of transistors Ql 3 through Q21 and is a high power driver to drive the coaxial cable or whatever impedance is imposed on the output. Provision is made for switching the output polarity from positive to negative by means of the POLARITY switch S2. Also, provision is made for adjusting the level of the output voltage. This is done by way of the DC LEVEL adjustment R25, which is shunted by means of a FINE- COARSE switch (S4) with a 10-ohm resistor to change the range of adjustment of the de level. The gain of the output stage is controlled by feedback, switched by means of the OUTPUT RANGE control switch S3. This allows an output amplitude full range of 3V, 6V, or l0V.
Testing Performance
6. l . 1 Introduction
6 – l
The following test descriptions are intended as an aid in the original
ins ta I lotion and any succeeding checkout of the 438.
6.1 .2 Test Equipment
The following test equipment, or its equivalent, may be used to perform
each of the tests described.
1. Linear Shaping Amplifier, ORTEC 410, 435A, or 440A
2. ORTEC 419 Test Pulse Generator
3. ORTEC 427 Delay Amplifier (A delay of greater than 2 μsec is necessary
with some analyzers, notably the RIDL-3412 and the similar analyzer
manufactured by I ntertech nique and Packard Instruments).
4. Multichannel Pulse Height Analyzer, or alternatively, a Tektronix
540 Series or 580 Series osci I loscope with a Type W plug-in unit
With this equipment, routine diagnostic tests may be performed. Specialized
tests mentioned later will involve other test equipment not mentioned here.
Preliminary Procedures
- Visually check the module for possible damage due to shipment.
- onnect ac power to the Nuclear Standard Bin, e.g., ORTEC 401A/402A.
- Plug the module into a bin and check for proper mechanical alignment.
- Switch on ac power and check the depower voltages at the test points on the 401 A power supply control pane I.
Operational Pulse Tests
These tests are to ensure that the circuit is functioning properly. Connect
the pulse generator to the input of the shaping amplifier, and connect the
output of the shaping amplifier to the input to the 438. Connect the output of
the 438 to the input of an oscilloscope (de coupled). Set the shaping switches
on the shaping amplifier to obtain RC= CR= 1 μsec. Set the amplifier gain
switches to obtain 8V at the output. By means of a scope probe, observe the
signal input to the 438 and note the amount of undershoot and the time that
the signal remains below the baseline. Next, monitor the output of the 438
with the scope and again note the amount of undershoot and the time duration
of that undershoot. The undershoot should be virtually non-existent at the
output of the 438 if the circuit is operating properly. Once this is observed,
the 438 controls may be varied to check the circuit for positive or negative
output and output signal amplitude by means of the output range selector
switch; and if desired, the output zero level may be varied by means of the
front panel switch and control. Normally, this level should be set to 0.00
volts. Switch the ACTIVE-PASSIVE MODE switch and determine if the do level
moves when the switch is moved from one position to the other. If this level
changes, see Section 6.2.1 under calibration.
Count Rate Tests
Of course the most desirable test to be used for count rate of the 438 is the
experiment in which it is to be used; however, if its operational
characteristics are in question, it should be connected into a system shown in
the block diagram, Figure 3, from which its count rate characteristics may be
determined. For this test, it is suggested that a Tektronix type oscilloscope
with a Type W unit be used in preference to a multichannel analyzer, since it
is very difficult to separate the baseline shifting and peak spreading effects
of what may be observed as the 438 – multichannel analyzer ADC combination.
Some ADC’s do exhibit both baseline shift and channel smear under high count
rate conditions even though they are do coupled. The extent of this smearing
and shifting of the ADC may be determined by removing it from the system and
observing the system function alone by means of the oscilloscope. To perform
the test, connect the system as shown, set the gains on the amplifier and
pulse generator such that the pulse generator signal appears at approximately
80% of full scale, i.e., 8V on the 10-volt output range. Arrange the
photomultiplier high voltage and amplifier gain such that the maximum energy
of the gamma ray from the Nal appears below the peak of the pulser, i.e.,
approximately 70% of full scale. Since the oscilloscope is triggered by the
pulse generator, only the pulses from the pulse generator will be observed on
the scope trace. These pulses will, of course, be modulated by the high count
rate from the gamma source. This count rate may now be varied at will to
observe the shifting or spreading of the pulser peak. Also, one may
immediately observe any baseline shifting which might be contributed by count
rate by the same method. Once it is determined that this system is operating
correctly, the oscilloscope may be replaced by the multichannel analyzer ADC,
and the same type tests performed again to determine the overall capability of
the total system including the ADC. Figure 4 exhibits the type of operational
improvement obtained when the 438 is used in a very high resolution x-ray
spectrometer system compared to the same system without the 438. In this
instance, the ADC used is one of the best modern units utilizing an internal
do restorer. The superiority of the 438 is readily evident.
Figure 5 compares a gamma-ray system with and without the 438 at very
high count rates. The comparative improvement is readily evident here
Figure 5. Gamma Ray System Count Rate Comparison Data
- (A) Non Restored
- (B) Restored
- Count Rate = 55,400 cts/sec
- System: Preamp — ORTEC I IBA
- Shaping Amp — ORTEC 440, 2μsec, Unipolar
- Detector — Ge(Li), 4cc, True Coax
- Analyzer — RIDL- 3412
- Source (57Co): E, 1 = 122 keV, E. 2 = 136 keV
- Scale: Vertical — 50,000 counts Full Scale
- Horizontal — 0.288 keV/ch.
- Resolution: (A) Non-Restored (fwhm) = 18.6 keV
- (B) Restored (fwhm) = 3.54 keV
- ORTEC 438: Mode — Active, Count Rate Selector — High
- Polarity — Neg. Gain — 6V Full Scale
Corrective Maintenance
- The 438 should rarely require more than attention to cleaning to prevent leakage paths from being created by dust collection. If a malfunction is noted, it is important to assure that this is truly within the unit by disconnecting the unit from its position in the system and performing routine diagnostic tests with a pulse generator.
- To perform this test, connect the 438 as described in Operational Pulse Tests, Section 6.1 .4. Turn off the pulse generator so that no pulses are entering the 438, then monitor TP3 by means of the sensitive do voltmeter. Switch Si, the MODE selector switch, from ACTIVE to PASSIVE mode,and assure that the voltage at TP3 does not change when this switch is moved. This may be assured by means of the adjustment of the mode balance control R18. Next, adjust TP3 voltage to 0.0V by means of the do zero control R14. It may be necessary to again check the mode balance after re-zeroing. Next, monitor the output at TP1 with a do voltmeter. Select the output voltage range desired by means of S3. Adjust for the desired do level by means of R25 and the selection of the do level range by means of the FINE-COARSE switch S4. This completes the steps in the calibration. A pulse should now be applied to the input and the output signal observed to check the operation of the unit.
- Refer to Section 6. ] .4 for a simple test to assure operation of the baseline restorer. The typical do voltage list in Table 1 should help to isolate any problem that exists. The voltages given should not be taken as absolute values but only as typical values to be used as an aid in troubleshooting.
Factory Repair
- The 438 or any ORTEC electronic product may be returned to the factory for repair service at any time at nominal cost. The standardized test procedure requires that each repaired instrument receive the same extensive quality control tests that a new instrument receives.
Tabulated Test Point Voltages on the Etched Circuit Board
- The following table is intended to indicate the typical do voltages measured on the etched circuit board. The voltages given should not be taken as absolute values, but are intended to serve only as an aid in troubleshooting.
| Table| l.| Typical| DC| Voltages|
Location| | | | | | | Typical
+ 12 buss| | | | | | | +ll.8V
– 12 buss| | | | | | | -12.ov
+24 buss| | | | | | | +23.6V
-24 buss| | | | | | | -23.5V
Ql B| | | | | | | – . 070V
QlC| | | | | | | -12.6V
Q3C| | | | | | | -.75V
Q6C| Passive| | | | | |
Q6C| Active| | | | | | Nominally Zero
Q8C| Passive| | | | | | -ll.8V
Q8C| Active| | | | | | -12.4V
QBE| | | | | | | +0.68V
Q9B| | | | | | | +. 050V (variable)
Ql0C| | | | | | | +0. 71 V
Ql l E| | | | | | | Set to Zero
Ql lC| | | | | | | +l l .5V
Ql3B| | | | | | | ~- .050V
Ql3C| | | | | | | +l2.6V
Q14B| | | | | | | ~-.040V
Ql4C| | | | | | | +l0.8V
Ql5C| | | | | | | -.72V
Ql6C| | | | | | | ~0V
Ql8E| | | | | | | +0.70V
Ql8C| | | | | | | -12.0V
Ql9E| | | | | | | -0.70V
Ql9C| | | | | | | +12V
Q20E Q21E| | | | | | | ov
Pin | Function | Pin | Function |
1 | +3 volts | 23 | Reserved |
2 | -3 volts | 24 | Reserved |
3 | Spare Bus | 25 | Reserved |
4 | Reserved Bus | 26 | Spare |
5 | Coaxial | 27 | Spare |
6 | Coaxial | *28 | +24 volts |
7 | Coaxial | *29 | -24 volts |
8 | 200 volts de | 30 | Spare Bus |
9 | Spare | 31 | Carry No. 2 |
• 10 | +6 volts | 32 | Spare |
• 11 | -6 volts | *33 | 115 volts ac(Hot) |
12 | Reserved Bus | *34 | Power Return Ground, |
13 | Carry No. 1 | 35 | Reset |
14 | Spare | 36 | Gate |
15 | Reserved | 37 | Spare |
*16 | +12 volts | 38 | Coaxial |
*17 | -12 volts | 39 | Coaxial |
18 | Spare Bus | 40 | Coaxial |
19 | Reserved Bus | *41 | 115 volts ac (Neut.) |
20 | Spare | *42 | High Quality Ground |
21 | Spare | G | Ground Guide Pin |
22 | Reserved |
These pins are installed and wired in parallel in the ORTEC 401A Modular
System Bin.
P. 0. BOX C
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