myQ Lexmark Embedded Printer Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024


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myQ Lexmark Embedded Printer

GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener PRODUCTMyQ Lexmark Embedded Terminal 8.1
The MyQ Lexmark Embedded terminal is a web based embedded terminal; no applications are running directly on the printing device, all files are saved in the MyQ directory and the device exchanges data with MyQ via the HTTP protocol.

  • All changes compared to the previous version are listed in the change log.
  •  The guide is also available in PDF.

 Basic Information

The MyQ Lexmark Embedded terminal is a web based embedded terminal; no applications are running directly on the printing device, all files are saved in the MyQ directory and the device exchanges data with MyQ via the HTTP protocol. The communication port is set manually within the installation of the terminal.
The proper function of the MyQ Lexmark embedded terminal depends on the below:

  • NET 4.7.2 or newer, or .netcore 2.1 needs to be installed on the MyQ Print server.
  • The administrator’s password has to be set on the printing device.
  • The IP or Hostname of the printing device has to be valid.
  • The correct time and date must be set on the printing device to avoid issues with the Scan to Me functionality.
 Supported Printing Devices

Devices without an HDD are supported, with the limitations:

  • Custom logo and QR codes take longer to be displayed after a web service restart.
  • Critical accounting (i.e. in case of power loss) does not work and the jobs are not accounted correctly in that case.
  • The machine log is not stored and thus, cannot be received.
Model Name Color/B &W Device Type
CS622 Color Printer
CS720 Color Printer
CS725 Color Printer
CS727 Color Printer
CS820 Color Printer
CS827 Color Printer
CS921 Color Printer
CS923 Color Printer
CX622 Color Multifunction printer
MS622 B&W Printer
MX522 B&W Multifunction printer
CX625 Color Copier
MX822 B&W Copier
CX820 Color Copier
CX825 Color Copier
CX920 Color Copier
--- --- ---
CX860 Color Copier
CX725 Color Copier
CX924 Color Copier
CX923 Color Copier
CX922 Color Copier
CX921 Color Copier
MX721 B&W Copier
MX722 B&W Copier
MX622 B&W Copier
MX826 B&W Copier
XC4140 Color Copier
XC4150 Color Copier
XC4240 Color Copier
XC6152 Color Copier
XC8155 Color Copier
XC8160 Color Copier
XC9235 Color Copier
XC9245 Color Copier
XC9255 Color Copier
--- --- ---
XC9265 Color Copier
XM3250 B&W Copier
XM5365 B&W Copier
XM5370 B&W Copier
XM7355 B&W Copier
XM7370 B&W Copier

Supported Card Readers

Name Vendor Additional Information
MyQ-20-TR461U Elatec Dual reader with advanced formats (HID Prox, Cotag,

MyQ-20-TR462U| Elatec| Dual reader with advanced formats (HID Prox, Cotag, Indala,…).
MyQ-20-TR470U| Elatec| Dual reader with standard HF and LF formats, Legic Prime
MyQ-20-TR480U| Elatec| Dual reader with standard HF and LF formats, BLE
MyQ-20-TR520U| HID| HF reader with advanced formats (Mifare, ISO14443, ISO15693, iClass, Seos).
MyQ-20-TR530U| HID| Dual reader with advanced formats (HID prox, Indala, iClass, Seos), BLE, compact case.
MyQ-20-TR540U| HID| Dual reader with advanced formats (HID prox, Indala, iClass, Seos).
MyQ-20-TR541U| HID| Dual reader with advanced formats (HID prox, Indala, iClass, Seos), BLE.
MyQ-20-TR640U| RFIDeas| Dual reader with standard HF and LF formats.
MyQ-20-TR643U| RFIDeas| Dual reader with standard HF and LF formats, compact case.
MyQ-20-TR660U| RFIDeas| Dual reader with standard HF and LF formats, BLE.
MyQ-20-TR690U| RFIDeas| Magstripe reader.
SONY RC-S380/s| Sony| Read/Write capability with FeliCa card/FeliCa- compatible devices and ISO/IEC 14443 Type A/ Type B cards.
Inepro Omni reader – 1DA6 0110| Inepro| RFID reader that supports all card technologies in both the 13,56 MHz and the 125 kHz range.
PcProx Plus (09D8 0410)| RFIDeas| A dual-frequency card reader.
PcProx Plus SP| RFIDeas| A dual-frequency card reader.
PcSwipe (0C27 1000)| RFIDeas| A magnetic stripe card reader.

  •  For further information about supported card readers, contact MyQ support.


The easiest way to install the MyQ Lexmark Embedded terminal is via remote installation from the MyQ Web administrator interface. This method is very simple and it is preferable, especially when you need to install the terminal on a large number of printing devices, since you can install multiple devices in a batch. You do this by creating separate printer discoveries and adding a configuration profile to any one of them. At the same time, you can assign the discovered printers to a group and/or queue. Another possibility is to create a remote installation for just one printer and place it in a direct queue. Before the installation, make sure that the server hostname/IP address in MyQ,
Settings, Network is correct. If it’s not, which could happen after a license update or upgrade, the remote setup will fail.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic
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 Remote installation via Printer Discovery

Creating a Printer Discovery
To create a printer discovery in the MyQ Web administrator interface, go to MyQ, Settings, Printer Discovery. The Printer Discovery pane opens. Click Add Discovery. A new Printer Discovery pane opens on the right side of the screen. Fill out the top part of the pane, in the General tab:GATEXPERT SW400DC
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  • Make sure that printer discovery is Enabled.
  • Type a Description of the printer discovery. This could be the name of a brand, a group, or a combination of printer settings, e.g. Color – Marketing.
  • Select the IP range setting method: Manual or CSV file.
    • You can add multiple IP ranges by clicking +Add.
    • Selecting the CSV file option opens a field box where you can browse for and add your CSV file.
  • Click Exclude and enter an IP address you want to exclude from the discovery. Click +Add to exclude more.
  • Save the printer address as either an IP address, Hostname or FQDN.
  • If Initiated by terminal is checked, when an embedded terminal connects to MyQ and there is no printer with the same IP address, MyQ will execute a Printer Discovery whose IP address range matches the IP address of that terminal.

In the Printers name template section, select whether you want to Set printer name by Name template or CSV. Selecting the CSV option opens a field box where you can browse for and add your CSV file. If you select the Name template option, you can use the following parameters:

Parameter Description
%model% Printer model read via SNMP.
%ipByte4% The last (fourth) part of the printer’s IP address.
%sn% Serial number of the printer read via SNMP.
%id% MyQ ID of the printer.
%hostname% Printer hostname learned via a reverse DNS lookup. This is the

hostname without the domain part.
%snmpHostname%| Printer hostname read via SNMP.
%FQDN%| Fully Qualified Domain Name of the printer.

In the SNMP section, select the SNMP profile from the drop-down, and set the SNMP timeout in ms (300 by default).GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener
04Once you set up the above, click Save. The newly created printer discovery appears in the printer discovery overview, in the middle of the window.

 Configuring a Printer Discovery

After you have configured the general settings of the printer discovery, you can add an action to it, so when you run the printer discovery it will activate the printers and install the package on the terminal. A mandatory requirement for this action is that all the printers in the discovery should have the same administrator username and password for the administrator login. Click the Actions tab in the printer discovery you have just saved. Click +New action. The name of the pane changes to Actions and it consists of three sections, Filter, Every run actions, and First run actions.
Filter sectionGATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener

  • Model – Type the device’s model. You can add multiple models separated by comma (,).
  • Color – Select the color setting from the drop-down: Does not matter, Yes, No.
  • Copier – Select the copier setting from the drop-down: Does not matter, Yes, No.

Every run actions
These actions will be executed according to the schedule you have set for this printer discovery.

  • Select a queue from the Add to queue drop-down, if you want to have all the printers stored in one queue.
  • Set configuration profile by selecting one from the drop-down, or click +Add new… to add a new configuration profile (described in detail in Configuration Profiles).
  • Select a group in the Add printer to group drop-down list, if you want to store all your printers in one group.
  • Check the Remove current groups box, if you want to delete all the groups currently set to the printer.
  • Set a Location parameter. The location is read from the SNMP profile.

First run actions
This section contains specific printer discovery settings for just one printer, but it also gives you the option to Activate all the discovered printers.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener 07

  • Check Activate to activate all the discovered printers during the first run. Even if you don’t check this box, you will be able to select the printers manually in the Printers overview and activate them.
  • Check Create direct queue if you want to create a queue for just one printer. Checking this option activates all the options below.
    • Select a queue from the drop-down in the Copy settings from the queue field.
    • Check Print test page and then select a user from the Print as drop-down.
  • Click the arrow next to Windows printer to expand the section.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener 08
  • Check the box next to Install Windows printer. The rest of the parameters become available, where you can browse for the printer driver, the driver settings and the printer model.
  • Click Save.

Click Run to start the printer discovery (and activation if you have set it). You can see the progress in the yellow toolbar.
Configuration Profiles
Configuration profiles are profiles you can create and attach to your printer discovery, that contain essential information about your terminals installation and settings.
You can create a new configuration profile in two places:

  • Go to MyQ, Settings, Configuration Profiles and click +Add.
  • When you are creating or configuring your printer discovery, in the configuration profile drop-down, click +Add new….

Both ways open a new configuration profile pane on the right side of the screen.

  • Enter a Name for the configuration profile.
  • Select a Price list from the drop-down. For further information, check Price List.
  • Check the Fax module checkbox if you can and want to use it. Otherwise, leave it unchecked (default).
  • Select a Terminal type from the drop-down. If the type you want is not listed, install the terminal package first (details in the next step) and then the correct type will be available on the drop-down menu. GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener 21
  • Click Install terminal package.
  • Click Browse to search for the *.pkg file, select it and click Open. If you want to set a specific port, check the Advanced settings checkbox and set the port.
  • Click OK to upload the installation package.
  • If you have selected one of the embedded options as the Terminal type, Login methods become visible.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener 10

You can choose between two types of login: simple login and two- step authentication. With the simple login option, you can select up to three methods of login, and with the two-step authentication, you can select from two combinations of the login methods. The Login methods are:

  • PIN – Users can log in by entering their MyQ PIN.
  • ID Card – Users can log in by swiping their ID Card. The ID Card has to be registered on the user’s account on the terminal.
  • User name and password – Users can log in by entering their MyQ username and password.
  • ID Card and PIN – Users have to swipe their ID card, and then enter their MyQ PIN.
  • ID card and password – Users have to swipe their ID card, and then enter their password.
  • Continue with entering the Administrator user name and Administrator password in the Printer Credentials section. They must apply to all the printers in the discovery. If these are left empty or entered incorrectly, the applied actions will fail.
  • Click Save. You Configuration Profile is now ready and can be attached to a Printer Discovery and/or to selected printers.
 Changing login methods

If you want to change login methods after the installation, you need to edit the configuration profile and reactivate your printer(s). You can choose between two types of login: simple login and two-step authentication. With the simple login option, you can select up to three methods of login. With the two-step authentication, you can select a combination of the login methods. To change the login type:

  1. In the MyQ Web administrator interface, go to MyQ, Settings, Configuration Profiles.
  2. Select the profile you want to change and click Edit on the main ribbon (or right-click and Edit, or double-click). Choose the login method in the pane to the right.
  3. Click Save. A pop-up window tells you that you need to activate the printers again.
  4. Click OK if you want to re-activate all the printers connected to this profile, or click Skip if you only want to change the settings for specific printers.
  5. If you chose to skip, go to MyQ, Printers to open the Printers overview. Select the printer(s) to change, right-click and select Activate.
  6. Restart the printing device(s).
 Selecting languages

The language selected as the default one on the MyQ server is also used on all the embedded terminals. You can change the language that will be used on individual user sessions on the terminals.
The default language:
The default language of the terminal is the default language set on the General settings tab. For more information, see General Settings in the MyQ Print Server guide.
The user’s language:
You can set different languages for users by editing their properties panels on the Users main tab. These languages are then used on their user sessions on the embedded terminal. For more information, see Editing user accounts in the MyQ Print Server guide.

 Monitor Terminal Availability

Once the terminal installation and configuration is finished, you can monitor your embedded terminal’s status in the MyQ Web administrator interface, in the Printers overview. Go to MyQ, Printers. The terminal status is displayed on the Terminal column:

  • If the connection between the terminal package, the terminal and the server is OK, there will be a green LED indicator.
  • If something is wrong between the connections, there will be a red LED indicator.


The total number of embedded terminals that can run at the same time is equal to the number allowed by the embedded terminal licenses. If the number of embedded licenses at the server is exhausted, the terminal is deactivated. As a result, users cannot log in to this terminal. To regain access to the terminal, you can add a new license or deactivate one of the currently activated terminals and then, reactivate the printing device on the MyQ Web administrator interface. For information on how to add embedded terminal licenses, activate them, and extend the software assurance period, see Licenses in the MyQ Print Server guide.


On the Personalization settings tab in the MyQ Web administrator interface, under Terminal personalization, you can customize the overall appearance of the Embedded terminal. By a few simple steps, you can upload your personal logo or change the color and graphical design of the terminal’s actions by importing themes. To open the Personalization settings tab, go to MyQ, Settings, Personalization. There, you can add a Custom Logo and select a different Theme.

The supported logo formats are: JPG, JPEG, PNG, and BMP. The recommended size is: 340px x 92px. To change the logo displayed on the login screen of the terminal, in the Terminal personalization section:

  1. Click +Add next to Custom Logo and click Choose file. The Choose File to Upload dialog window appears.
  2. In the dialog window, select the file with the logo and click Open. The Choose file button on the Personalization tab will be replaced with the name of the logo file.
  3. Click Save to confirm the change. The logo is now displayed on the Personalization tab. You are asked to restart the terminal.
  4. In the Apply new settings pop-up, keep the Reset all terminals option selected and click OK . The new logo is uploaded to the terminal.
  • If the Lexmark web service is restarted on a device without an HDD, the custom logo is not immediately displayed; It is displayed after a few seconds.

 Terminal Actions

Print all jobs after logging in

The Print all jobs after logging in feature can be enabled on the Printers settings tab, under General. Once enabled, all the user’s jobs are printed immediately after they log in to an embedded terminal. Even if the Print all jobs after logging in option is selected on the server, users can disable the feature on the embedded terminal before they log in.
If the user disables the feature on the terminal and does not login in 30 seconds, the terminal screen refreshes with the Print all jobs after logging in option selected.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener
11At the moment, the same setting on the MyQ Web administrator UI, in MyQ, Settings, Printers under the General section, is being ignored by the terminal.

My Jobs

This terminal action shows all the jobs that can be printed on the printing device. Users can manage their ready, favorite, and printed jobs here.

  • Ready jobs: This is the initial tab of the My Jobs screen. It can be reopened by tapping the page icon at the upper-left corner of the screen. It contains jobs waiting in queue, ready to be printed.
  • Favorite jobs: Favorite jobs can be displayed by tapping the star icon at the upper-left corner of the screen. It contains a list of jobs you have marked as favorites.
  • Printed jobs: Printed jobs can be displayed by tapping the clock icon at the upper-left corner of the screen. It contains a history of your printed jobs.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener 12

Job Filters
In the MyQ Web administrator interface, in MyQ, Settings, Printers & Terminals , under the General section, it is possible to Allow a color job on a B&W printer, but the job is accounted as B&W. This option is disabled by default. If a job is not allowed to be printed because the selected format/color is not supported by the device, there will be a red exclamation mark icon next to the job. Clicking the icon displays the reason for the error:

  • Color jobs cannot be printed on this device, when a color job is spooled to a B&W printer.
  • A3 jobs cannot be printed on this device, when an A3 job is spooled to an A4 printer.
  • Neither color nor jobs in this format can be printed on this device, when an A3 and color job is spooled to an A4 and B&W printer.

Managing jobs on the My Jobs screen
To display the available job management options, select the job from the list. The selected print jobs management bar opens at the top of the screen.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener 16On the bar, you can select from the following options:

  • Print: Tap the printer icon to print the selected jobs.
  • Edit: Tap the edit icon to edit the print options of the selected jobs. In the

Print options dialog box, depending on the permissions given by the administrator, the user can select between color or B/W, toner saving options, simplex/duplex options, and change the number of copies. After changing the print options, the user can tap Print to print the jobs.GATEXPERT SW400DC
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  • Add to favorites: Tap the star-plus icon to add the selected jobs to your favorites (Visible on the Ready jobs tab and on the Printed jobs tab).
  • Delete from favorites: Tap the star-minus icon to delete the selected jobs from your favorites (Visible on the Favorite jobs tab).
  • Delete: Tap the bin icon to delete the selected jobs.

 Scan to Me

Scan to Me is a feature that allows users to send scan files to their e-mail address, registered in the Address Book. To setup the email connection in the Admin menu:

  1. Login to the Admin menu.
  2. Select Settings – Email.
  3. Use the settings as shown in the picture below where you have to replace the Primary SMTP Gateway with your own server.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener 18

Accessing the Terminal via the MyQ Mobile App

You can enable the printing device management via a mobile application, in MyQ (MyQ, Settings, Mobile Application) and users will be able to unlock terminals and release their print jobs on printing devices via the MyQ mobile application. The easiest way to log in to the terminal using the mobile application is to scan the QR code displayed on the embedded touch panel. While the feature is enabled, two small icons are displayed at the top-right corner of the embedded terminal login screen: a keyboard icon and a QR code icon. By tapping the two icons, users can switch between the software keyboard and the QR code. The QR code includes all the necessary information to identify the printing device and the MyQ server where the device is connected to. The MyQ mobile application is available for free, both for mobile phones with Android and iOS.

  • If the Lexmark web service is restarted on a device without an HDD, the QR code is not immediately displayed; it is displayed after a few seconds.

Update and Uninstallation

Updating the terminal
Updating the terminal is done on the MyQ web administrator interface. (MyQ Server 8.2 patch 6 or higher is required).

  1. Open the Printers & Terminals settings tab (MyQ, Settings, Printers & Terminals).
  2. On the Terminal packages section, select the installed terminal package, and click Upgrade on the ribbon (or right-click, Upgrade).
  3. Browse and open the latest terminal package, and click OK.GATEXPERT SW400DC Automatic Gate Opener 19
  4. The terminal package is uploaded and installed, and the device is automatically reactivated.

If you are trying to +Add a later version of the same terminal package, a pop- up informs you that you can upgrade your installation. Click Yes to continue. The terminal package is uploaded and installed, and the device is automatically reactivated. (MyQ Server 8.2 patch 6 or higher is required) Uninstalling the terminal
MyQ embedded terminals can be remotely uninstalled on the MyQ web administrator interface.

  • Go to MyQ, Settings, Configuration Profiles.
  • Choose the profile and click Edit (or double-click, or right click and Edit).
  • The properties panel opens on the right side. In the General tab, under Terminal, change the Terminal type to No Terminal.
  • Click Save.

 Change Log

 Release notes for version 8.1
  • Supported Printing Devices table updated. Devices without an HDD are now supported.
  • Job Filters are now supported.
  • New options available when editing jobs.
  • Updating the terminal – information added.

Business Contacts

MyQ® Manufacturer| MyQ® spol. s r.o.
Harfa Office Park, Ceskomoravska 2420/15, 190 93 Prague 9, Czech Republic MyQ® Company is registered in the Companies register at the Municipal Court in Prague, division C, no. 29842
Business information| [email protected]
Technical support| [email protected]
Notice| MANUFACTURER WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY INSTALLATION OR OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE PARTS OF THE MyQ® PRINTING SOLUTION. This manual, its content, design and structure are protected by copyright. Copying or other reproduction of all or part of this guide, or any copyrightable subject matter without the prior written consent of MyQ® Company is prohibited and can be punishable. MyQ® is not responsible for the content of this manual, particularly regarding its integrity, currency and commercial occupancy. All the material published here is exclusively of informative character. This manual is subject to change without notification. MyQ® Company is not obliged to make these changes periodically nor announce them, and is not responsible for currently published information to be compatible with the latest version of the MyQ® printing solution.
Trademarks| MyQ®, including its logos, is a registered trademark of MyQ® company. Microsoft Windows, Windows NT and Windows Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other brands and product names might be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Any use of trademarks of MyQ® including its logos without the prior written consent of MyQ® Company is prohibited. The trademark and product name is protected by MyQ® Company and/or its local affiliates.


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