HUSSMANN P-N 0516803_D Pumped Liquid CO2 Secondary Refrigeration Instruction Manual

September 19, 2024

HUSSMANN P-N 0516803_D Pumped Liquid CO2 Secondary Refrigeration

Product Specifications

  • Product Name: Pumped Liquid CO2 Secondary Refrigeration
  • Application: Low and Medium Temperature Display Cases
  • Model Number: P/N 0516803_D
  • Release Date: June 2024

Product Usage Instructions

General Description
The Pumped Liquid CO2 Secondary Refrigeration system is designed for use in low and medium temperature display cases. It provides efficient cooling using liquid CO2 as the secondary refrigerant.

Piping Guidelines

For optimal safety and performance:

  • Use Hussmann pumping stations tested and certified for use with pumped liquid CO2.
  • Install all components according to manufacturer’s specifications.
  • Use materials compatible with the secondary coolant.
  • Comply with ANSI/ASME B31.5 and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15, along with local building codes.

Piping Materials

Materials suitable for pumped liquid CO2 applications:

  • Any piping material meeting pressure and temperature ratings.
  • Materials compatible with the coolant.
  • Compliance with state and local building codes.

Field Electrical Connections
Ensure proper connections for the case inlet solenoid valve to enable correct operation of the system.

Additional Safety Devices and Precautions
Include a CO2 leak detector and follow startup and shutdown procedures for safety.

CO2 Quality
Maintain high-quality CO2 to ensure optimal performance of the system.

CO2 Startup Checklist
Refer to the provided checklist to ensure all startup steps are completed correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: What should I do in case of a CO2 leak detector alarm?|
    A: If the CO2 leak detector alarm activates, evacuate the area immediately and contact a qualified technician for assistance.

  • Q: Can I use any piping material for the system?
    A: No, only piping materials that meet pressure and temperature ratings, compatibility requirements, and building codes should be used for pumped liquid CO2 applications.

Pumped Liquid CO2 Secondary Refrigeration in Low and Medium Temperature Display Cases

Installation & Operation Manual

P/N 0516803_D June 2024

Spanish 0533250 French 0533251


  • REVISION D — Updated diagrams to show correct ball valve and solenoid valve placement.
  • REVISION C — Updated Page 8 Pressure Relief Valves; Safety Precautions
  • REVISION B — Added Start-up Checklist; Application data; and Med, LT System Diagrams
  • REVISION A — Original Issue


  • DANGER – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
  • WARNING – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
  • CAUTION – Indicate[s] a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
  • NOTICE – Not related to personal injury – In-dicates[s] situations, which if not avoided, could result in damage to equipment.

Pumped Liquid CO2 Secondary Refrigeration Supplement


This manual is written as a basic guideline for the installation and operation of low and medium-temperature display cases using pumped liquid Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as a secondary refrigerant. The primary refrigerant (for example, R404A) can vary depending on the customer’s requirements. For detailed information regarding a specific component or application, contact your Hussmann representative.

This manual is provided in addition to the standard Installation and Operation manual supplied with the display case. To cover specific instructions and safety precautions that apply to pumped liquid CO2, please refer to the installation instructions provided with the CO2 pumping station for details related to the pumping station and primary system and to the display case installation and service manual for more details regarding installation and operation.

For optimum safety and performance, it is recommended that only Hussmann pumping stations be used as these have been tested and certified for use with pumped liquid CO2 for Hussmann display cases.
All components must be installed according to manufacturer’s specifications.

All materials used must be compatible with the secondary coolant. Installation must comply with ANSI/ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems, and local building codes.

Inspect all components prior to installationto ensure that they are free from defects or foreign materials and to confirm that they comply with all pressure and temperature ratings.


Piping Materials
Any piping material that meets all pressure and temperature ratings, material compatibility requirements, and state and local building codes
may be used for pumped liquid CO2 applications. The design pressure of the system is 600psi. These materials include:

  1. Copper
    • Type K or L may be used with outside diameter no larger than 7/8-inch.
    • Braze joints with alloy containing a minimum of 15% silver. Clean joints thoroughly before brazing and have dry nitrogen flowing through tubing during brazing so long as the braze/solder material contains no zinc or zinc chloride.
    • Flux materials must contain no zinc and must also be water soluble. All field piping must be purged with nitrogen while brazing.
  2. Steel
    • Schedule 40 carbon steel pipe or stainless steel pipe (or tubing) is acceptable.
    • Must protect exterior from corrosion.
    • Additional system cleaning is required. Use roll-stop couplings for straight line pipe joints. Swaging of pipe joints is not recommended. Swaging weakens the copper at the swage point, reducing the maximum operating pressure rating.

Under no circumstances add or leave Schrader valves in the system.


Insulation should be used in secondary system piping to reduce the heat transfer to ambient air
and to maintain subcooling in the CO2 liquid supply line to the case. The insulation should be sized to allow for the worst case conditions of heating from showroom lighting and ambient temperatures. In order to minimize the required insulation thickness, install pipe in air conditioned space as much as possible. Do not size insulation for condensation prevention only. Pipe should be insulated according to local codes and customer specifications and manufacturer specifications.

When installing piping that has not been
preinsulated, there are several options for insulation. Closed-cell elastomeric insulation is very popular in refrigeration applications. This type of insulation can also be used in secondary system applications.

The manufacturer’s internal case piping valves and components are insulated to prevent frost from building. Sufficient insulation is required on piping into the display case to eliminate frost on tubes and to minimize temperature rise of CO2.

Check Valves
Check Valves are required wherever there is a possibility of trapping liquid CO2 between valves that may be shut off, including solenoid valves, service valves, and balancing valves. Check valves must be installed to vent high pressure CO2 back to the system. Hussmann recommends reverse return tubing instead of the use of shutoff valves for balancing purposes, but if shutoff valves are used they must be relieved to the system through check valves.

Trapping of liquid CO2 can result in extremely high pressures and must be avoided to prevent damage to equipment and personal injury.
Following is an example of a piping layout if hand valves are used in line with solenoid valves.

Pumped Liquid CO2 Secondary Refrigeration Supplement

Supply and Return Loop Piping
Hussmann display cases are designed to minimize the pressure drop through the case, with no more than 10 psi pressure drop through the typical display case. Refer to CO2 application data for pressure drop for specific case models. Field installed piping and store layout must be designed so that the total pressure drop in the liquid supply line and wet return line does not exceed 15psi through the entire circuit.

Application data for display cases can be found at
Care must be taken to ensure that defrost of all case lineups is staggered sufficiently so that no more than 25% of loops are in defrost at any time. See the pumping station instructions for more details.


Solenoid, check and ball valves are to be installed upstream of the case/unit cooler heat exchangers.


Case Inlet Solenoid Valve
The 120V case inlet Solenoid valve is normally closed, and must receive a signal from the rack controller to provide temperature control. The solenoid valve must shut off (de-energize) during defrost and when case discharges air temperature is satisfied. Settings are provided on the CO2 application data sheets for each specific case model.

Differential of the controller must be set to 2°F or less to avoid large fluctuations in discharge air temperature. A swing of as much as 5°F total (+/- 2.5°F) will not affect product temperatures. Liquid line solenoid lead wires are terminated in the raceway and marked with an identification tag.


Hussmann-pumped liquid CO2 cases are rated for a maximum design pressure of 600 psig. Pressure relief valves are shipped with the pump-ing station, and must be field installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pressure relief valves are not provided with Hus- smann’s pumped liquid CO2 display cases. For optimum safety and performance, it is recommended that only Hussmann pumping stations be used.

If the refrigeration system is de-energized, venting of the CO2 (R744) through the pressure regulating relief valves on the refrigeration system can occur. In such cases, the system may need to be recharged with CO2 (R744), but in any case, the pressure regulating relief valves(s) are not to be defeated or capped. The relief setting shall not be altered.

CO2 Leak Detector: Leak detectors are required anywhere that CO2 gas may leak or be vented. Leak detectors provide an alarm if CO2 is detected at an amount that exceeds the maximum allowable CO2 concentration. Leak detectors are not provided with the case. Consult local codes for exact requirements.

A sufficient number of pressure relief and pressure regulating relief valves may need to be provided based on the system capacity and located such that no part of the system can be isolated without pressure relief capability.

Startup and Shut Down: Provisions must be made for startup and shutdown to prevent excessive pressures. Consult the pumping station instructions and local codes for requirements.
It is imperitive that the case piping is clean and dry prior to charging the system with CO2. Use AC&R copper.


  1. Use high grade CO2 only (moisture<15ppm)
  2. Moisture in CO2 systems will create heavy corrosion inside steel piping caused by carbonic acid production.


  • Cases are designed for 100% liquid CO2 at the inlet and for 50% quality at the outlet.
  • Operation at other conditions may adversely affect performance.


  1. Use personal protection equipment (PPE) –gloves, safety glasses, long sleeves, etc.– and be aware of potential freezer burns from liquid CO2.
  2. Pressure Transducers / Leak Detectors / Warn-ing Lights / Sounders / and Plant Room Ventilation must all be operational prior to charging with CO2
  3. Pressure Relief Devices or check valves
    must be located anywhere that liquid CO2 can be trapped. Trapped CO2 at –40°C will double in volume if allowed to rise to 30°C.



  1. When the system(s) are ready for commission-ing. Visually check all components. Check that pres-sure and vacuum sheets complete. See
    Report #1A and #1B.

  2. Load and check the controllers program and verify all Inputs and Outputs.

  3. Main power available. Check for three phase at subboard. Connections tight on board. Com-pressors isolated. Check all cabinets (fans) clear of rubbish and that all electrical grounds have continuity and electrical tests have been completed by electrician.

  4. Turn on power and check operation of cabinet and room fans, lights trim, heaters, door heaters, defrost heaters, drain heaters and all isolating switches. Start crank
    case heaters to warm oil.

  5. Check individual breakers/fuse to prove circuits of all safety switches on refrigeration system, (HP/LP, oil failure). Compressor and condenser overloads for correct operation and set points, oil heaters, and oil levels. All valves fully open. See Report #2.

  6. Start primary side compressors individually and check for correct three phase power and current draw. Charge up primary system.
    Open up hot gas bypass lines to impose a load on the primary system during intial startup. Shut off hot gas bypass lines after system is charged.

  7. Charge R744 (CO2) vessel initially with VAPOR until pressure is above 100 psig, then continue charging with liquid. Charge with liquid until high liquid level sensor in the receiver senses liquid.
    Note :
    Only one liquid CO2 Pump may run at any given time. Shut off either the supply or return ball valve to the pump that is not in use
    Dual pump operation – alternating pumps is not recommended by the pump manufacturer.

  8. Start the liquid CO2 pump. Then commence branch cooling in a staged basis of one branch at
    a time taking care to ensure that the CO2 vessel pressure does not rise above 400 psig – do not rush this initial start-up stage, and do not run the
    CO2 system until the high side
    system is fully operational.
    Do not open all solenoid valves at once. Run high side plant and check (adjust if necessary) super-heats and operation of interstage heat exchanger.

  9. Check cabinet and room temp setting, including cut in and cut out operation.

  10. Confirm the operation of the CO2 leak detectors and alarm system. NOTE: CO2
    leak detectors are to be located in every cooler room, freezer room, food preparation area, plant room and the retail area (as required by code).

  11. Check defrost (and current draw on elements) operation and safety termination for each individual branch.

  12. Check oil temps / pressures and high pressure / low pressure, pressures and settings.

  13. Check and record running amperages of com-pressors and condensers. Check
    moisture indicator.

  14. Check and record operational amperages of all electrical loads (i.e. fans, lights,
    anti-sweat heaters, defrost heaters, etc.)

  15. Turn off plant and recheck all electrical ter-minals for tightness or signs of overheating.

  16. Check alarm system operation and settings.

  17. After 100 hours of running on the primary system change:
    drier cores, suction filter cores, lubricant, and replace oil filters/strainers

  18. on the secondary system change:
    liquid line and dryer cores
    Maintenance requires these drier cores be replaced whenever the system is opened or at a minimum of every six months.

  19. Leak test system and re-check electrical terminals. Re-check cabinet and room temp settings; including cut in and cut-out operation.

  20. Full training and the onsite Instruction Manual is to be provided by the refrigeration contractor to the employer’s key (nominated) on-site store staff prior to the store opening date. This must include detailed safety training with particu-lar attention to CO2.


This section describes the general operation of the CO2 Liquid Recirculation secondary systems. These CO2 systems are designed to be used in conjunction with a centralized parallel compressor rack system. The CO2 Liquid recirculation system regulates case temperatures by circulating carbon dioxide through a case evaporator as it absorbs heat. The returning carbon dioxide is cooled to a liquid by the primary refrigerant supplied from the rack. The carbon dioxide is then pumped back through the case evaporator.

When the secondary system control circuit is powered up (120 volts) the chiller controller is powered. This controller regulates superheat on the primary side and must be programmed before starting the refrigeration system Turn on the main on/off switch to energize the pump. One pump will be “ON” and one pump will be “OFF” as a backup pump. The pump that is “ON” will now run continuously. The CO2 re-ceiver pressure and temperature is controlled by stepping the primary rack compressor capacity.

The rack stages compressors on and off based on the input from CO2 receiver pressure transducer. The EEV controller will regulate the superheat on the primary refrigerant side. Defrost is initiated when the rack controller sends a signal to de-energize a case solenoid valve. The solenoid valve closes, and after a specified time delay, electric heat is switched on. Once the defrost period has elapsed, the electric heat is switched off, and after a 2nd time delay, the sole- noid valve is energized. The CO2 refrigerant then resumes flow through the case.


The CO2 temperature is controlled by using the CO2 receiver pressure as the reference point for the primary side compressor capacity.

Read CO2 receiver pressure control

CO2 Receiver pressure:


  • 1. CO2 receiver pressure rises 2 psi (make adjustable) above the saturation pressure for the
    selected CO2 setpoint temperature

  • 1. E2 rack controller increases the primary side compressor capacity until the set point tempera-
    ture CO2 saturation pressure is reached.

  • 2. CO2 receiver pressure falls 2 psi (make adjustable) below the saturation pressure for the
    selected CO2 setpoint temperature

  • 2. E2 rack controller decreases the primary side compressor capacity until the set point tempera-
    ture CO2 saturation pressure is reached.


Low Pump Differential Pressure (psi)
The E2 rack controller monitors the discharge
and suction pressure across the CO2 pump that is “ON” and calculates the differential pressure using a flex combiner.
There will be dual pumps in parallel. One pump will be “ON” running continuously and one pump will be “OFF” as a backup. There is a switch on the control panel to switch between Pump 1 or Pump 2. The 2 pumps will have
different sets of discharge and suction pressure transducers.

  • 1. The Differential Pressure (psi) across the Pump is greater than 5psi or less than 60psi (make ad-justable)

  • 1. E2 Rack controller sends output to turn the pump ON.

  • 2. The Differential Pressure (psi) across the Pump drops below 5 psi (make adjustable) for a period of 10 seconds (make adjustable)
    IF – The Differential Pressure (psi) across the Pump rises above 60 psi (make adjustable) for a period of 10 seconds (make adjustable).

  • 2. E2 Rack controller sends output to turn the pump OFF. E2 Rack Controller sends Alarm to identify “LOW PUMP DIFFERENTIAL PRES-SURE SHUT DOWN.” After a 2 min time delay (make adjustable), E2 Rack
    controller sends output to turn the pump ON.


If 2nd shutdown is within 15 minutes, re-start after time delay of 2 minutes. If 3rd shutdown is within 15 minutes, re-start after time delay of 2 minutes. If 4th shutdown within 15 minutes, lockout and require an inspection by service technician (LOWER) LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR

  • 1. The Receiver Liquid Level drops below Lower Liquid Level Sensor for a period of 2 seconds
    (make adjustable)

  • 1. E2 Rack controller sends output to turn the pump OFF. The rack controller sends an Alarm to identify “LOW RECEIVER
    LIQUID LEVEL SHUT DOWN.” After a 2 min time delay (make adjustable), E2 Rack controller sends output to turn the pump ON.
    (Upper) Liquid Level Sensor

  • 1. The CO2 receiver pressure exceeds 25 psi
    above the E2 controller suction setpoint for 30 seconds.

  • 1. The exact controller suction setpoint may vary slightly from system to system; stating specific
    setpoints for 20° & +20° (CO2 temperatures) using PSIA while the E2 controller is set using PSIG;



  • 1. The presence of CO2 exceeds ____ ppm (ad-justable setting 4000-9000ppm).

  • 1. CO2 leak detector sends alarm to identify
    Low Temp Systems (-20F)

  • 1. The CO2 Receiver Pressure exceeds 25psi above 200psi for 30seconds.

  • 1. Rack controller sends alarm signal to identify “HIGH CO2 RECEIVER PRESSURE.”

  • 2. The CO2 Receiver Pressure drops 25psi below 200psi for 30seconds.

  • 2. Rack controller sends alarm to identify “LOW CO2 RECEIVER PRESSURE”
    Medium Temp Systems (+20F)

  • 1. The CO2 Receiver Pressure exceeds 25psi above 422psi for 30seconds.

  • 1. Rack controller sends alarm to identify “HIGH CO2 RECEIVER PRESSURE.”

  • 2. The CO2 Receiver Pressure drops 25psi below 422psi for 30seconds.

  • 2. Rack controller sends alarm to identify “LOW CO2 RECEIVER PRESSURE.”


A fluid used to freeze or chill (a food) for preservation.

Primary Refrigerant
A fluid such as R404A used in a vapor compression system to cool a secondary coolant.

Secondary Coolant (Refrigerant)
A fluid such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) R744 used to remove heat from cases and unit coolers and transfer the heat to the primary refrigerant through a heat exchanger. Secondary coolants used with these systems are for Low and Medium Temperature applications. Typically, the Low Temperature secondary coolant supply temperature is -20°F and the medium-temperature secondary coolant supply temperature is 20°F.

This is a device that circulates the secondary coolant throughout the system.

Pressure Relief Valve
There are two different types of Pressure regulating relief valve (PRV) and pressure relief valve (pop-off valve)This device is to control or limit the pressure in the system which can build up due to power outage, instrument or equipment failure, or fire. The pressure is relieved by allowing the pressurized fluid to flow from an auxiliary passage. The relief valve is set to open at a predetermined pressure to protect pressure vessels and other equipment from being subjected to pressures which exceed their design limits.

Cascade Heat Exchanger
This is a device built for efficient heat transfer between the primary refrigerant and secondary refrigerant. Heat exchangers may be classified according to their flow arrangements such as parallel flow, counter flow, or counter current design. For efficiency heat exchangers are designed to maximize the surface area of the wall between the two fluids while minimizing the resistance to fluid flow through the exchanger.

Liquid \ Suction Heat Exchanger
This is a device built for efficient heat transfer between the liquid line and suction line of the primary refrigerant. This device also subcools the liquid refrigerant and aids in the complete evaporation of the suction gas.

Liquid \ Vapor Separator
This is a vessel designed to separate the vapor and liquid phases of the secondary refrigerant. Gravity causes the liquid to settle to the bottom of the vessel where it is withdrawn to enter the inlet of the pump.

Electronic Expansion Valve
This is a device built to control the amount of super-heat at the outlet of the primary side evaporator. In this system, the Cascade Heat Exchanger is the evaporator for the primary refrigerant.

Liquid Filter Drier
This is a device designed to filter impurities and ad-sorb moisture from the refrigerant and lubricant in the liquid line.

Commissioning Report

Pressure Test and Vacuum for high side of CO2 Secondary (Liquid Recirc.) Systems REPORT #1A

Commissioning Report Pressure & Vacuum Test| Date:| | |
System:| | Project:| | Job:| |
NOTE: The Engineer is to be given 48 hours notice of test (Date:| / /| )| |
System Section| Specified Value| Actual| Start| Finish| Checked| Date
Low side – high side| Inaccessible piping pressure test prior to “covering-up” Nitrogen (350 psi)

Duration 24 hr.

| | | | |
| Complete system pressure test

Nitrogen (250 psi)

Duration 24 hr.

| | | | |
Vacuum Test


1. Vacuum

| ****

500 Microns

| | | | |
| Hold 30 minutes with pump off| | | | |
Pressure| Dry Nitrogen 15 psig| | | | |
2. Vacuum| 350 Microns| | | | |
| Hold 60 minutes with pump off| | | | |
| Pressure Dry Nitrogen 15 psig| | | | |
3. Vacuum| 250 Microns| | | | |
| Hold 60 minutes with pump off| | | | |
Pressure| Charge System| | | | |
| | | | | |
Comments:| NOTE:

  1. HOLD POINT – If any pressure loss found, system deemed to have a leak and is to be leak checked and then retested.
  2. HOLD POINT – If any vacuum test fails to hold, system is deemed to have a leak and is to be leak checked and passed. Then vacuum testing starts from #1 again.

High Side System fully Pressure Tested and Evacuated by:| Date:
Commissioning Engineer:| Commission Date:
Commissioning Report Pressure & Vacuum Test| Date:| | |
System:| | Project:| | Job:| |
NOTE: The Engineer is to be given 48 hours notice of test (Date:| / /| )| |
System Section| Specified Value| Actual| Start| Finish| Checked| Date
Low side – high side| Inaccessible piping pressure test prior to “covering-up” Nitrogen (250 psi)

Duration 24 hr.

| | | | |
| Complete system pressure test

Nitrogen (250 psi)

Duration 24 hr.

| | | | |
Vacuum Test


1. Vacuum

| ****

500 Microns

| | | | |
| Hold 30 minutes with pump off| | | | |
Pressure| Dry Nitrogen 15 psig| | | | |
2. Vacuum| 350 Microns| | | | |
| Hold 60 minutes with pump off| | | | |
| Pressure Dry Nitrogen 15 psig| | | | |
3. Vacuum| 250 Microns| | | | |
| Hold 60 minutes with pump off| | | | |
Pressure| Charge System| | | | |
| | | | | |
Comments:| NOTE:

  1. HOLD POINT – If any pressure loss found, system deemed to have a leak and is to be leak checked and then retested.
  2. HOLD POINT – If any vacuum test fails to hold, system is deemed to have a leak and is to be leak checked and passed. Then vacuum testing starts from #1 again.

High Side System fully Pressure Tested and Evacuated by:| Date:
Commissioning Engineer:| Commission Date:

Rack Main Component Commissioning Checks

RACK COMMISSIONING for CO 2 Secondary (Liquid Recirc) Systems

| COMP AMPS| Pressure In| Pressure Out| Min. Flow| Drier Pressure Drop| |
CO 2 Rack| LT| MT| R| Y| B
Pump #1| | | | | | | | | | |
Pump #2| | | | | | | | | | |
High Side Rack| | | | | Oil
| Open Valves| HP
Setting| LP
Setting| Oil Fail Type| Oil Fail Setting
Comp #1| | | | | | | | | | |
Comp #2| | | | | | | | | | |
Comp #3| | | | | | | | | | |
Comp #4| | | | | | | | | | |
Comp #5| | | | | | | | | | |
Comp #6| | | | | | | | | | |
Comp #7| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Condenser Fans| | | | | | | | |
Fan #1| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #2| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #3| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #4| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #5| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #6| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #7| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #8| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #9| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #10| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #11| | | | | | | | | | |
Fan #12| | | | | | | | | | |


  1. Ensure that the compressors on the Primary (Rack) side are capable of stepping in capacity in 10% increments or less. This Can be accomplished by utilizing digital un-loading technology in the compressor or can be accomplished by standard un-loaders.
  2. If the condenser fans are equipped with Variable Frequency Drives ensure that the motors are at full speed when recording amperage values.


  • Report #3
  • Project: __
  • Date: ____
  • Commissioning Engineer: ____
  • System Model No. : _____
1.0 Preliminary Checked (Date/Time)
Initial Final
Pressure tests and evacuation complete
Confirm all sub-Refrigeration Contractors work complete
Machine Room clear of all construction material
Controller Microprocessor Program Loaded and checked
2.0 Electrical Checked (Date/Time)
--- --- ---
Initial Final
Check mains connections – MSB and at DB
Check trip block setting on MCCB in DB
Check phase rotation
Inspector to check board and approve
Power on to DB main isolator, remove all fuses, and ensure all control and
branch switches in off position
Check connections DB, fuse ways, contact relays, terminals OK
Check wire numbers against drawings
Check circuit charts against drawings
Check labels
Check compressor wiring
Check phase rotation
Install control circuit fuses and enable control circuits – manual
Check compressor safely circuit operation – pressure switched, oil failure
switch, thermistor, overload settings
Install power fuses and compressors – check and record current

Report #3

  • Project: __
  • Date: _ ___
  • Commissioning Engineer : ____
  • System Model No. : _____
2.1 Cabinets Checked (Date/Time)
Initial Final
Check cabinet terminals
Check terminations at switchboard
Install fuses
Enable branch isolators
Check and record current draw of each circuit
Ensure all fuse ratings correct size

Cabinet Circuit Current Draw

Cabinet| Branch No.| Lights| Fans| Anti-Sweat| Solenoid| Defrost
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
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| | | | | |
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| | | | | |


Report #3

  • Project: __
  • Date: _ ___
  • Commissioning Engineer: _ ___
  • System Model No.: _____
2.2 Walk-In Coolers and Freezers Checked (Date/Time)
Initial Final
Check walk-in terminations
Check junction boxes on top of walk-ins
Check thermostat settings
Check terminations at switchboard
Ensure all fuse ratings correct size
Install fuses
Enable branch isolators
Check and record current draw of each circuit

Walk-In Circuit Current Draw

Walk-In| Branch No.| Lights| Fans| Door/Drain Heaters| Solenoid| Defrost
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
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Report #3

  • Project: __

  • Date: ____

  • Commissioning Engineer: ____

  • System Model No.: _____

3.0| Microprocessor Controller Initial Final| Checked (Date/Time)
Initial| Final
| Check and identify all temperature sensors

in cabinets and walk-ins

| |
| Check leak detector connection

and operation

| |
| Check alarm output function (prove via

Store Security Company)

| |
| Check lock-in alarms (if applicable)| |
| Check local and remote alarms| |
| Check butchery wash down panel


| |
| Record current on DB – incomer| |
| Submit marked up As-Built drawings to the Engineer| |
| Submit commissioning results to Engineer| |
| Check all input signals| |
| Check all output signals| |

Report #3

  • Project: __

  • Date: ____

  • Commissioning Engineer: ____

  • System Model No.: _____

4.0 Parallel Racks LT and MT Checked (Date/Time)
Initial Final
Correct refrigerant used
Correct lubricant used
Proper lubricant level in sight glasses
Lubricant added to separator
Liquid line dryer cores installed
Suction filter installed
Sight glass installed
CPR’s installed (if applicable)
EPR’s installed (where applicable)
Compressor vibration eliminators installed
Transportation bolts removed
Refrigerant and oil identification labels/stickers installed
Split condenser valve(s) installed (if applicable)
Heat Reclaim valve(s) installed (if installed)
Pressure differential valve(s) installed
5.0 Condensers Checked (Date/Time)
--- --- ---
Initial Final
Piped to correct Rack/Condenser
Bolted down to platform
Anti-vibration mounts installed

(if applicable)

| |

Report #3

  • Project: __

  • Date: ____

  • Commissioning Engineer: ____

  • System Model No.: _____

6.0 Cabinets Checked (Date/Time)

Initial                           Final
| Expansion valves installed| |
| Expansion Valves – superheat set| |
| | |
| Lighting installed and type verified| |
| Shelving installed and size verified| |
| Trim color correct| |
| Trim installed – fit correct| |
| Drain piping installed (sloped to drain)| |
| Drain piping insulated/heated (if applicable)| |
| Drain piping traps installed| |
| | |
7.0| Walk-Ins| Checked (Date/Time)
Initial| Final
| Correct wall type and thickness| |
| Bump rails fitted (if applicable)| |
| Door seals correctly| |
| Emergency exit installed| |
| Relief vents heated (if applicable)| |
| All penetrations sealed| |
| Thermometer installed (if applicable)| |
| Thermostat installed| |
| Evaporator coil installed| |
| Drain piping installed (sloped to drain)| |
| Drain piping insulated/heated (if applicable)| |
| Drain piping traps installed| |

Report #3

  • Project: __

  • Date: ____

  • Commissioning Engineer: ____

  • System Model No.: _____

8.0 Piping Checked (Date/Time)

Initial                           Final
| Circuit-Loop Combination installed| |
| Liquid Line correct size and installed| |
| Suction Line correct size and installed| |
| Discharge Line correct size and installed| |
| Liquid Drain Line (drop leg) correct size

and installed

| |
| Liquid Line insulation (if applicable)| |
| Suction Line insulation| |
| All line installation sealed| |
| Suction Line sloped to rack| |
| Vertical traps every 10 feet of rise| |
| Inverted trap at top of riser| |
| All horizontal lines fully supported| |
9.0| Refrigerant(s)| Checked (Date/Time)
Initial| Final
| Correct refrigerant used on Primary side| |
| Refrigerant charge on Primary side  lbs| |
| Correct fluids used on secondary side| |
| Secondary Fluid charge on secondary side
 gals/lbs| |

Report #3

  • Project: __
  • Date: ____
  • Commissioning Engineer: ____
  • System Model No. : _____
10.0 Systems Readings and Settings Checked (Date/Time)
Initial Final
Oil failure settings
Oil pressure
HP cut out setting
HP cut in – manual for pressure switches,

auto for microprocessor

| |
| Head pressure control setting


| |
| LP cut out setting| |
| LP cut in setting| |
| Super heat setting at TX valves| |
| Pressure differential valve settings (if applicable)| |
| Microprocessor suction pressure setting| |
| LT Mechanical Liquid Sub-Cooler setting| |
| Discharge pressure| |
| Suction temperature| |
| Discharge temperature| |
| Pressure drop across suction filter| |
| CPR setting (if applicable)| |
| Refrigerant level in receiver| |
| Condenser fan rotation correct| |
| Condenser fan running Amps correct for

ewquired fan speed

| |
| Relief valves Pump discharge – (xxx psig)| |
| Relief valves Main CO2 vessel – (xxx psig)| |
| Relief valves LT suction manifold –

(xxx psig)

| |
| Relief valves LT discharge manifold – (xxx psig)| |
| Relief valves LT compressors LP side – (xxx psig)| |

Report #3

  • Project: __

  • Date: ____

  • Commissioning Engineer: ____

  • System Model No.: _____

11.0 R744 HIGH PRESSURE FAULTS Checked (Date/Time)
Initial Final
Alarm light – On 460 psig, Off 440 psig
CO2 Pump stop – On 470 psig, Off 450 psig
CO2 Branch Solenoids – On 490 psig, Off 450 psig
Mechanical Safety Pressure Switch –

On 560 psig, Off 500 psig

| |
| | |
12.0| Post Commissioning| Checked (Date/Time)
Initial| Final
| Refrigeration system check lists| |
| Commissioning report| |
| Updated Microprocessor settings| |
| Design updates| |
| Wall mounted plans of total system| |
| 100 hour suction and liquid drier change| |
| 100 hour oil filter and oil change| |
| Defrost time and frequency tweek| |
| Electrical Compliance Certificate| |
| Check condenser fan safety circuit operation – overload settings| |
| Check all control circuit accessories, terminal numbers, ferrules etc.| |

U.S. & Canada 1-800-922-1919


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