Dream UAFX 65 Reverb Amplifier Pedal Instruction Manual

September 16, 2024

Dream UAFX 65 Reverb Amplifier Pedal

This article contains complete operating instructions for the UAFX Dream ’65 Reverb Amplifier pedal.

A Letter From Bill Putnam, Jr.
Congratulations on your new UAFX pedal. We know that buying any new piece of gear requires an investment of time and money, and we aim to make your investment pay off!

At UA, we are dedicated to the idea of building “instant classics” — the type of music and audio gear that delivers album-worthy sounds to inspire you for decades. UAFX pedals represent more than 20 years of research into vintage analog effects, coupled with next-generation digital engineering and rock- solid reliability. Please let us know how we’re doing. Feel free to reach out to us via our website www.uaudio.com, and our social media channels.

Thank you for your support, and enjoy your sonic exploration!
Bill Putnam Jr.

Dream ’65 Quick Start

Dream ’65 Overview
Get the classic American tube amp sounds that shaped music.

The UAFX Dream ’65 Reverb Amplifier pedal gives you the essential American tube amp used by artists and producers for 60 years, from Muddy Waters to The Beatles to Elvis Costello. Built on powerful dual-engine processing and UAD audio modeling expertise, the Dream ’65 effects pedal delivers bold cleans, sweet breakup, and divine spring reverb and vibrato.

Now You Can
Get the most authentic emulation of a mid-’60s American tube combo ever placed in a stompbox Immerse yourself in classic tube-powered spring reverb and vibrato effects Take world-class studio amp sound anywhere, complete with a legendary mic/speaker pairings, boosts, and amp mods Download artist tones, customize features, explore presets, and more with UAFX mobile

Experience Legit Tube Amp Tones, Stage, and Studio Whether it’s replacing your amp rig and going direct to front-of-house on stage, or recording tracks into your DAW — Dream ’65 gives you the inspiring, album-ready tones of an expertly miked “golden unit” tube amp, within seconds.

Lose Yourself in Authentic Spring Reverb & Vibrato
Dream ’65 is the only amp-in-a-box pedal that faithfully captures the immersive sound of real tube-powered spring reverb and vibrato, making this pedal perfect for soul to surf, funk to punk, blues to bebop.

Get the Sound of a Modded Studio Amp
Take your vintage tone a step further with custom mods and legendary drive sounds made famous by artists like Stevie Ray Vaughan and Steve Lukather. With two iconic mods and a clean boost built-in, Dream ’65 lays down sounds that put whiz-bang amp modelers under the bunk bed.

Get the ’60s American Tube Tones You’ve Always Wanted.
With custom mic and speaker pairings derived from our award-winning OX Amp Top Box, Dream ’65 gives you inspiring, album-ready studio tones at the flip of a switch.

Key Features

Powerful UAFX dual-engine delivers the most authentic mid-’60s American tube combo sound ever placed into a stompbox Authentic spring reverb and vibrato modeled from a “golden unit” amp heard on more than 100 classic records Includes the world’s best speaker cabinet, mic, and room tones derived from the award-winning OX Amp Top Box Features “hot rod” amp and speaker mods, plus free additional downloadable speaker cabinets and mics upon registration Bypass cabinet/mic emulations and use in front of your amp for added tonal flavor and overdrive sounds. UAFX mobile app lets you customize footswitches, recall and archive your presets, unlock additional features, download artist presets, and more Timeless UA design and craftsmanship, built to last decades.

UAFX Control and UA Connect software
UA Connect and UAFX Control are the companion software and mobile apps for your UAFX pedal.
UA Connect Software – UA Connect is for firmware updates and pedal registration.
UAFX Control Mobile App –The UAFX Control mobile app is for preset management, getting free bonus effects and speaker cabinets, global settings such as footswitch modes, and registration.

Free Bonus Speaker Cabinets
Register your pedal with UA Connect or UAFX Control to get three bonus speaker cabinets for more great tone options. To get UA Connect and UAFX Control, visit: uaudio.com/uafx/start

Dream ’65 Power
To learn how to power your UAFX pedal, go here.

Dream ’65 Connections

Live Mode and Preset Mode
Dream ’65 is set up in Live | Preset mode by default. You can use the UAFX Control mobile app to change footswitch assignments.

In Live mode, the sound reflects the current positions of the knobs, switches, and LEDs on the pedal and the left foot switch toggles the Live mode sound on/off. In Preset mode, you hear the settings that are stored as a preset, and the current positions of the knobs and switches do not reflect the sound. Instead, all knob and switch positions are internally set to their stored positions, and the right footswitch toggles the preset sound on/off. You can store a preset you’ve created with your settings by holding down the ALT/AMP/STORE switch until the green PRESET footswitch LED blinks rapidly (about 0.5 seconds).

Live Mode
To enter Live mode, press the left foot switch. Press the left foot switch again to toggle the effect on/off. The left footswitch LED is lit red when the Live mode effect is on.

Preset Mode
To enter Preset mode, press the right foot switch. Press the right footswitch again to toggle the preset on/off. The right footswitch LED is lit green when the preset is on.
Note: The left and right footswitch functions can be changed in the UAFX Control mobile app.

Stored Preset
You can store a preset on your UAFX pedal, and recall it using the right footswitch. All presets you store, and other artist and factory presets, are available in the UAFX Control mobile app. When you store a preset while in Live mode, the position of all knobs and switches on the pedal are saved. The preset also stores ALT knob positions, such as the alternate settings for the vibrato circuit. When you make a great sound in Live mode, storing it is as easy as holding down the ALT/AMP/STORE switch until the green PRESET footswitch LED blinks rapidly (about 0.5 seconds).

When you store a preset while in Preset mode, only those knobs and switches that have changed since you loaded the preset are saved. So, when saving in Preset mode, what you hear is what is saved, and not the current positions of the knobs and switches. To store your sound as a preset

Set your sound as you want it stored in the preset.
Press and hold the ALT/AMP/STORE switch in the down position until the green PRESET footswitch LED blinks rapidly (about 0.5 seconds).

Preset Notes
The settings for Preset mode and Live mode are completely independent. When you move a knob or switch in Preset mode, the settings for the sound immediately jump to the new knob or switch position. You can view and audition all of your pedal’s presets with the UAFX Control mobile app. Presets can only be stored when the pedal is not bypassed.

Dream ’65 Controls
The following controls are available on Dream ’65.

Adjusts the amp’s gain. As you increase volume, the character of the amp changes, becoming more overdriven and compressed. When the volume knob is set at the minimum, you will still hear the amp. The minimum level has been adjusted to provide the lowest amount of usable volume that the original hardware can provide. As you turn the volume knob up, the output volume is automatically adjusted to compensate.
Note : This is the volume control on the original amp. For clean “post- amp” volume adjustments, use the Output control.

Adjust the amount of the amp’s tube-driven spring reverb. When the amp is clean, the reverb is more noticeable. As volume and boost are increased, the reverb appears to be less loud, as the amp compresses and saturates. This is the same way the reverb works with the original tube amp.
Note: There are no reverb trails when the pedal is bypassed.

Adjusts the output level from the pedal. When the Output volume is set at noon (running direct or into other pedals), it will be roughly the same level as your bypassed volume. Output volume allows you to set the level for your setup. This control is not available on the original amplifier.

Adjusts the low-frequency response of the amp’s tone stack.

Treble / Speed
Adjusts two different settings, depending on the position of the Alt / Amp / Store switch.
AMP mode: Adjusts the high-frequency response of the amp’s tone stack.
ALT mode: Adjusts the amp’s vibrato speed.
Note: As with the original amp modification, vibrato speed is unavailable when Mod is set to DTEX and Boost is not set to OFF. When Boost is not off, the speaker LED blinks rapidly when Speed is rotated, indicating the knob has no effect.

Boost / Intensity
Adjusts two different settings, depending on the position of the Alt / Amp / Store switch.
AMP mode: Adjusts the amount of boost applied to the amp circuitry. See Dream ’65 Mods for details about the available boost types.
ALT mode: Adjusts the amp’s vibrato intensity.

When the Boost knob is set to OFF, no boost is applied. As with the original amp modification, vibrato intensity is unavailable when Mod is set to DTEX and Boost is not set to OFF. When Boost is not off, the speaker LED blinks rapidly when Intensity is rotated, indicating the knob has no effect.

Push this switch up or down to change the speaker cabinet and microphone. When you push the switch repeatedly in the same direction, the pedal cycles through all available speaker cabinets.
Tip: Register your pedal to get free bonus speaker cabinets.

Speaker Type LED
The currently selected speaker cabinet is indicated by this LED. A red LED indicates that the effect printed on the pedal is selected. A bonus speaker cabinet is selected when an LED is green (the bonus speaker cabinets don’t have labels). When the LED is off, the amp is active but no speaker cabinet simulation is applied.
Tip: When playing through a real guitar amplifier and speaker cabinet, you might want to bypass the speaker cabinet emulation by pressing the pedal’s Speaker switch until its LED is unlit.

Alt / Amp / Store
In AMP mode, the standard knob controls are available for the amp. In ALT mode, vibrato speed and intensity controls are available on the treble and boost knobs.

To store a preset, press and hold the ALT/AMP/STORE switch in the down position until the green PRESET footswitch LED blinks rapidly (about 0.5 seconds).

Dream ’65 includes three boost types: two amp modifications (changes to the amp’s circuitry) and a clean boost. These hardware modifications, which are commonly performed on the original amp, change the amp’s character and the amount of available gain.
Use the mod switch to select the Mod variation, and the Boost knob to add gain from these mods. See Dream ’65 Mods for more details about the mods. STOCK is the stock amp circuit, and the Boost knob increases clean boost to the amp’s input. LEAD adds a prized 80’s “OD special” mod to the amp, and the Boost knob increases the amount of gain.

D-TEX adds an SRV mod to the amp for Texas blues tones, and the Boost knob increases
the amount of gain. As with the original mod, vibrato is available only when the Boost knob is set to OFF. Note that with this mod, the effect of the bass and treble knobs is reduced as you increase the Boost knob.

Left Switch LED
By default, the left footswitch LED is lit red when the Live mode knob and switch settings are active. Other states for the left footswitch LED are detailed in Footswitch Modes.

Left Footswitch
By default, press to toggle the Live mode sound on/off with the current knob and switch settings. This footswitch can also toggle other options, depending on the pedal footswitch mode, as detailed in Footswitch Modes.

Right Footswitch LED
The right footswitch LED is lit green when stored settings are active. There are other modes for the right footswitch LED, as detailed in Footswitch Modes.

Right Footswitch
By default, press to toggle the Preset sound on/off. This footswitch can also toggle other options, depending on the pedal footswitch mode, as detailed in the table below.

Dream ’65 Footswitch Modes.
With the UAFX Control mobile app, you can change the operation of your pedal and your pedal’s footswitches for your amplifier setup and performance preferences. For example, if you use Dream ’65 as your main amplifier, and you don’t need to bypass your pedal, you can use footswitch modes to toggle boost and vibrato, reverb and vibrato, or reverb and boost on and off. For details about footswitch modes and how to enable them, see the UAFX Control Mobile. App Manual.

Mode Left Footswitch Right Footswitch
Live Preset Live mode on/off
Boost Live / Preset Boost on/off
Vibrato Live/Preset Vibrato on/off
Boost Vibrato Boost on/off
Reverb Live/Preset Reverb on/off
  • Reverb | Vibrato Reverb on/off Vibrato on/off
  • Reverb | Boost Reverb on/off Boost on/off
  • 4-cable mode Live mode on/off

If Live and Preset are off, you hear your amp’s sound. Preset on/off (amp on) Live and Preset are off, you hear your amp’s sound.

Dream ’65 Speaker Cabinets

Each speaker, cabinet, and mic set has a unique sound. Toggle up or down through the list with the Speaker switch. When you register your pedal with UAFX Control software, you get three free bonus speaker cabinets (green LEDs).
Note: The speaker cabinet labels on the pedal apply only when the speaker LED is red. When the speaker LED is green, the active speaker name is visible in the UAFX Control mobile app.

Swi LE Active Speaker/ Notes
tch D Speaker **Cab/Mic***
Lab C  
el ol or  
GB Re GB25 A Vintage Celestion                 Classic Celestion bark with

OX FO RD| Re d| Oxford| An original Oxford 12K5-6 speaker in a blackface deluxe amp, mic’d with a 57| The classic sound right off the shelf from 1965
EV1| Re| EV12| A classic 12″, 200 watt| Thick and tight bottom end with
2| d|  | Electro-Voice EVM12L with a

massive magnet in a

| airy top end
 |  |  | blackface deluxe amp, mic’d|
 |  |  | with a 414 condenser mic|
GB| Gr| Boutique D65| A boutique Two-Rock 2×12| Classic California ported combo
25| ee


|  | extension cab with Celestion

G12-65s, mic’d with a 57 and

| cabinet sound, great for mildly

overdriven sounds and cleans up

 |  |  | a 121 ribbon| well
OX| Gr| S-Verb| Vintage 1966 4×10 Fender| Plenty of midrange, great for surf
FO| ee|  | Super Reverb cab with| sounds, almost lo-fi
RD| n|  | original CTS speakers, mic’d with a 414 condenser mic|
EV1| Gr| JBF120| Vintage 1968 2×12 Fender| Very detailed speaker, great for
2| ee|  | Twin Reverb cab w/ original| clean and low gain, excellent for
 | n|  | JBL D-120F speakers, mic’d| fingerstyle playing. Very forward
 |  |  | with a 57 and a 121 ribbon mic| and sizzly when used with more gain
Non| Of| External| No emulated cabinet| Select this mode when using a real
e| f|  |  | guitar cabinet or external cabinet
 |  |  |  | emulation

Product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way affiliated with Universal Audio Inc. These names (s) are used solely to identify products studied in the creation of the sound models found in Dream ’65 Reverb Amplifier.

Dream ’65 Mods
Dream ’65 amp modifications are modeled from hardware customizations that are commonly performed on the original amplifier. Each Mod has a unique sound and effect. To increase the amount of gain and the effect of the mod, rotate the Boost knob clockwise. When the boost knob is turned all the way down to OFF, the mod is disabled and does not affect amp color or gain.

Mod Description Notes
Lead Removes the bright cap when the knob As you increase the gain past

noon, the gain
 | is above OFF, so at lower boost knob| increases, and power amp output is
 | settings, the amp sounds warmer. As

you increase the boost knob up to the

| compensated to prevent “mushiness”.
 | 10 o’clock position or so, the mod adds|
 | some midrange from the tone stack lift|
 | (called “lead boost”).|
Stock| In stock mode, the Boost knob adds clean gain. The amp tone remains the| Use this setting for the cleanest tones.
 | same, but you can add up to 10 dB of|
 | gain to the front of the amp.|
D-Tex| This is known as the SRV mod. As with| At low settings, just adds a little “more.” Use
 | the original mod, Vibrato is available

only when the Boost knob is set to OFF.

| this mod on a low Boost knob setting for

SRV-style soft compression and a more

 | Provides more midrange and| open midrange. As you turn the Boost knob
 | significantly more gain from the preamp| up, this mod reduces the effect of the tone
 | stages. In the original hardware, this| stack, creating a more vocal and open
 | increases the amount of current to the

other tubes.

| midrange. Bass and Treble knobs have less

effect at lower boost values. At the

 |  | maximum setting, the Bass and Treble
 |  | knobs have no effect.

Dream ’65 Tone Shortcuts

Set the Speaker and Mod switches in the same positions for three classic amps and speaker cabinet pairings.

  • GB25 + Lead – Pairing favored by studio guitarists in the ’80s and ’90s.
  • Oxford + Stock – Stock factory pairing for the amplifier.
  • EV12 + D-Tex – SRV-style Texas blues amp and speaker cabinet pairing.
  • Factory and Artist presets offer many more great-sounding speaker cabinets and channel pairings. Use the UAFX Control mobile app to access presets.

Dream ’65 Settings in the UAFX Control App
With the UAFX Control app, you can change the operation of your pedal and your pedal’s footswitches for your amplifier setup and performance preferences. Tap Settings at the bottom right of the screen to access the settings for a pedal. You may need to scroll down on this screen to see all available settings.

Dream ’65 bonus speaker cabinets
After registration, the Boutique D65, S-Verb, and JBF120 speaker cabinets are added to the pedal. To select these speaker cabinets, push the Effect Type switch until the top, middle, or bottom LED is lit green.

Dream ’65 footswitch modes.
Footswitch modes can be changed to suit your preferences. Using the UAFX Control app, you can configure the switches to toggle live mode and preset mode, toggle your amp’s preamp and the pedal’s preamp in 4-cable mode, and toggle boost, vibrato, or reverb features in almost any combination.

Choosing a footswitch mode

To select a footswitch mode, open the Settings screen. Then tap the current footswitch mode (colored bar) and choose a mode from the drop menu.
Note: See Assigning the preset or live sound for information about how to set the pedal sound when you use a footswitch mode that cannot be bypassed. The following Dream ’65 footswitch modes can be selected with the UAFX Control app.

Live | Preset

  • In Live | Preset mode, you can access Live mode (knobs and switches) and the stored preset.
  • The left Footswitch toggles the Live sound on/off
  • The right Footswitch toggles the stored Preset on/off
  • The pedal can be bypassed
  • 4-cable mode is available

Boost | Live/Preset
In Boost | Live/Preset mode, you can switch Boost on and off, and toggle between Live mode (knobs and switches) and the stored preset.

Left Footswitch toggles Boost on/off.
The right Footswitch toggles between Live mode (red LED) and the stored preset (green LED) The pedal is always on and cannot be bypassed 4-cable mode is not available.

Vibrato | Live/Preset
The left Footswitch toggles Vibrato on/off Right Footswitch toggles between Live mode (red LED) and the stored preset (green LED) The pedal is always on and cannot be bypassed.

4-cable mode is not available
As with the original mod, vibrato is enabled only when the D-Tex boost is Off

Boost | Vibrato

Left Footswitch toggles Boost on/off
Right Footswitch toggles Vibrato on/off
Sound is Live mode (knobs and switches) or preset mode, selected separately.
The pedal is always on and cannot be bypassed
As with the original mod, vibrato is enabled only when the D-Tex boost is Off

Reverb | Live/Preset

Left Footswitch toggles Reverb on/off
Right Footswitch toggles between Live mode (red LED) and the stored preset (green LED)
The pedal is always on and cannot be bypassed

Reverb | Vibrato

Left Footswitch toggles Reverb on/off
Right Footswitch toggles Vibrato on/off
Sound is Live mode (knobs and switches) or preset mode, selected separately.

The pedal is always on and cannot be bypassed
As with the original mod, vibrato is enabled only when the D-Tex boost is Off

Reverb | Boost

Left Footswitch toggles Reverb on/off
Right Footswitch toggles Boost on/off Sound is Live mode (knobs and switches) or preset mode, selected separately The pedal is always on and cannot be bypassed

Dream 4-cable mode
4-cable mode lets you add another switchable channel to any real guitar amplifier that has an effects loop. This special mode lets you switch between your guitar amplifier’s built-in preamp section and the sounds in your pedal.
Warning: Turn off your amplifier before wiring the pedal and enabling 4-cable mode. If you enable 4-cable mode with incorrect wiring, you can cause extreme feedback. To learn how to set up and operate 4-cable mode, go here.

Dream ’65 Specifications

Note: All specifications are subject to change without notice.

Dream ’65 Safety

Caution : To help maintain the safety of your product, the chosen power supply must be a certified power supply complying with Limited Power Source (LPS) requirements with the following characteristics and electrical ratings: Isolated 9VDC, center-negative, 400 mA minimum, 2.1×5.5 mm barrel connector. Additional details at help.uaudio.com. Before using this unit, be sure to carefully read the applicable items of these operating instructions and the safety suggestions. Afterward, keep them handy for future reference.
Take special care to follow the warnings indicated on the unit, as well as in the operating instructions.

  • Read the instructions.
  • Keep these instructions.
  • Heed all warnings.
  • Follow all instructions.
  • Do not use this apparatus near water.
  • Clean only with a dry cloth.
  • Do not block any ventilation openings. Install by the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Do not install near any heat source such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
  • Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades one wider than the other.
  • Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
  • Only use with attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
  • Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as the power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
  • Dream ’65 does not contain a fuse or any other user-replaceable parts.
  • A compliance marking label is provided on the bottom of the unit.

United States Class B Manual Statement
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used by the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
  • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Japanese Class B Manual Statement
This is Class B equipment. Although this equipment is intended for use in residential environments, it could cause poor reception if used near a radio television receiver. Please
follow the instructions in the instruction manual

License exempt. This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Used electrical and electronic equipment should not be mixed with general household waste. Please dispose by local regulations.

IEC 62368-1
IC ID: 26610-2029

Hereby, Universal Audio, Inc. declares that the radio equipment type Bluetooth LE Device. (Residential) complies with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available at the following internet address: Signed EU Declaration of Conformity.pdf


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