Senseca ECO 521 Series Waterproof Compact EC Meter Instruction Manual

August 18, 2024

Senseca ECO 521 Series Waterproof Compact EC Meter

Product Information


  • Model: ECO 521 / ECO 522 / ECO 523
  • Type: Handheld Conductivity Meter / EC-Meter
  • Series: ECO 52x
  • Version: B-H87.0.0X.DK2-4.0

Product Usage Instructions

Before operating the device, please read and understand the safety instructions provided in the manual.

The Device at a Glance
The device features display elements for viewing measurement readings and operating elements for configuration.


  1. To open the configuration menu, follow the steps outlined in section 4.1 of the manual.
  2. Adjust the measuring input as per the instructions in the section.

Q: How do I calibrate the EC-Meter?
A: Calibration instructions for the measuring cell can be found in section 5.2.2 of the manual.
Q: What type of personnel should handle the device?
A: Only qualified personnel should operate and maintain the ECO 52x series Handheld Conductivity Meter.

ECO 521 / ECO 522 / ECO 523 Handheld Conductivity Meter / EC-Meter

 About this documentation

Read this document carefully and familiarize yourself with the operation of the device before you use it.
Keep this document ready to hand and in the immediate vicinity of the device so that it is available to the personnel/user for reference at all times in case of doubt.
The user must have carefully read and understood the operating manual before beginning any work.

Legal notices
The liability and warranty of the manufacturer for damages and consequential damages are voided with misuse, disregarding this document, disregarding safety notices, assignment of inadequately qualified technical personnel and arbitrary modifications of the device.
This document is entrusted to the recipient for personal use only. Any impermissible transfer, duplication, translation into other languages or excerpts from this operating manual are prohibited.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for print errors.

Further information
Software version of the device

  • V1.5 or later
    For the exact product name, refer to the type plate on the rear side of the device.

For information about the software version, press and hold the ON button to switch on the device for longer than 5 seconds. The series is shown in the main display and the software version of the device is shown in the secondary display.


Explanation of Safety Symbols

This symbol warns of imminent danger, which can result in death, severe bodily injury, or severe property damage in case of non-observance.

This symbol warns of potential dangers or harmful situations, which can cause damage to the device or to the environment in case of non-observance.

Blue underlining indicates processes, which can have a direct influence on operation or can trigger an unforeseen reaction in case of non-observance.

Foreseeable misuse
The fault-free function and operational safety of the device can only be guaranteed if applicable safety precautions and the device-specific safety instructions for this document are observed.
If these notices are disregarded, personal injury or death, as well as property damage can occur.

Danger: Incorrect area of application!
In order to prevent erratic behavior of the device, personal injury or property damage, the device must be used exclusively as described under intended use.

  • Do not use in safety / Emergency Stop devices!
  • The device is not suitable for use in explosion-prone areas!
  • The device must not be used for diagnostic or other medical purposes on patients!
  • The pro device duct is not intended to come into direct contact with food. For measurement in foods, samples must be taken and discarded after the measurement!
  • Not suitable for use with requirements on functional safety, e.g. SIL!

Safety instructions
Measuring cell must never come into contact with water-repellent materials such as oil or silicone.
Empty batteries and batteries of inferior quality can leak more easily, which can destroy the device. Please also observe the instructions in the chapter “Operation and maintenance”.

This device does not belong in children’s hands!

Intended use
The device is designed to measure the conductivity in liquids. The measuring cell is connected permanently.
The range of application depends on the different measuring cells of the type:

ECO 521| 2-pole titanium measuring cell, with a wide range of applications
e.g. fish farming, hydroponics, measurement of surface water and drinking water.
ECO 522| 2-pole graphite measuring cell, with a wide range of applications
e.g. fish husbandry, measurement of surface water and drinking water
ECO 523| 2-pole stainless steel measuring cell for low conductivities
<100μS e.g. pure and purest water, boiler water, osmosis and filter technology

Qualified personnel
For commissioning, operation and maintenance, the relevant personnel must have adequate knowledge of the measuring process and the significance of the measurements. The instructions in this document must be understood, observed and followed.
In order to avoid any risks arising from interpretation of the measurements in the concrete application, the user must have additional expertise. The user is solely liable for damages/danger resulting from misinterpretation due to inadequate expertise.

The device at a glance


Operating elements Senseca-ECO-521-Series-Waterproof-Compact-EC-Meter-


Opening the configuration menu

  1. Press the Function key for 2 seconds to open the Configuration menu. 2 (ONF appears in the display. Release the Function key. Senseca-ECO-521-Series-Waterproof-Compact-EC-Meter- \(5\)
Parameter Values Meaning
POFF Shut-off time
OFF No automatic shut-off
15, 30, 60, 120, 240 Automatic shut-off after a selected time in minutes,

during which no buttons have been pressed
L,TE| Backlight
| OFF| Backlight deactivated
| 15, 30, 60, 120, 240| Automatic shut-off of the backlight after a selected time in seconds, during which no buttons have been pressed
| ON| No automatic shut off of the backlight
UN,T| Temperature display unit
| °(| Temperature display in °C
| °F| Temperature display in °F
IN,T| Factory settings
| NO| Use current configuration
| YES| Reset device to factory settings. After confirming with the function button, the display shows: IN,T DONE

Adjustment of the measuring input

With the conductivity slope correction, the conductivity value can be readjusted. The temperature input can be adjusted with the zero point correction and the gradient correction. If an adjustment is made, you change the pre-adjusted factory settings.
This is signaled with the display text T.OF, T.SL or S(L when switching on.

  1. Switch the device off.
  2. Hold the down button and press the On/Off button briefly to switch on the device and open the Adjustment menu.
  3. The display shows the first parameter. Release the down button.


Formula used by device:
Temperature = °C: Display = (measured value – T.OF) (1 + T.SL / 100)
Temperature = °F: Display = (meas. value – 32 °F – T.OF)
(1 + T.SL / 100) + 32 °F

Gradient correction conductivity.: Displayed value = measured value / S(L

Measurement Basics

Conductivity principles
Conductivity γ
Conductivity describes the capability of a material to conduct electrical current. It is also the inverse of specific resistance. The conductance is the inverse of the measured resistance R.
Formula: γ = l / (R*A)

  • l = length of the material
  • A = cross section
  • R = measured resistance
  • Unit [γ] = Siemens / meter = S / m

Normally, the values for liquids are specified in µS/cm or in mS/cm

General information about conductivity measuring
During the measurement, the conductivity measuring cell must be dipped at least in so far, that at least 30 mm (ECO 523: 25 mm) beginning from the top of the measuring cell, is located in the medium. The maximum immersion depth for continuous operation should not exceed 110 mm (ECO 523: 70 mm)

Illustration: Measuring cell ECO 522
The measuring cell can either be stored dry or in water. After dry storage wetting time will be prolonged slightly. If changing over from one liquid to another with conductivities varying widely make sure to properly rinse and shake dry measuring cell.
If conductivity measured is much higher or lower than expected this may be due to the electrode being soiled with non-conducting or conducting foreign materials. Measuring cell has to be cleaned with a watery soap solution. When measuring media with low conductivities the electrode has to be stirred sufficiently.

Measuring cell must never come into contact with water-repellent materials such as oil or silicone.

General Design Electrodes / Measuring cell
There are basically two different types of measuring cells: 2-pole and 4-pole measuring cells. Control and/or evaluation take place in a similar manner; the 4-pole measuring cells can compensate well for polarization effects and contamination to a certain degree with the more elaborate measuring processes. Senseca-ECO-521-Series-Waterproof-Compact-EC-Meter-

The device series is equipped with a permanently connected 2-pole measuring cell.
Calibration/adjustment of the measuring cell

In harsh applications and due to ageing processes, the cell constant of measuring cells changes, which leads to incorrect measured values.
Depending on the application and precision requirement, the overall precision of the display device and measuring cell measuring chain should be checked regularly. Special testing and calibration solutions, such as GKL 100, 101 and 102 are available for this purpose.
In normal application conditions, semi-annual testing is recommended – please refer to 4.2 “Adjustment of the measuring input“.

Total dissolved solids/TDS measurement (only available at ECO 521 and ECO 522)
The total dissolved solids measurement – TDS measurement – determines the total dissolved solids, which also called evaporation residue, based on the conductivity and a conversion factor CtdS of the total dissolved solids. Well- suited to conduct simple concentration measurements of salt solutions. The display shows mg/l.
Display value TDS = conductivity [in µs/cm, with nLF = 25°C] * CtdS
With selection of TDS, the necessary temperature compensation is selected automatically. Menu settings for temperature compensation are ignored.

The following approximations apply

0.50| Monovalent salts with 2 ion types = NaCl, KCl or similar
0.50| Natural water of surface water, drinking water
0.65 bis 0.70| Salt concentration of aqueous fertilizer solutions

These are guideline values for estimates, but are not suitable for precise measurements. The conversion factor for the respective type of solution and the examined concentration range must be determined for precise measurements. This can take place with calibration to known comparison solutions or with actual evaporation of a certain amount of liquid with measured conductivity and subsequent weight of the total dissolved solids.

Salt content / salinity measurement (only available at ECO 522)
In SAL measuring mode, the salinity, which is the salt content of seawater, is determined. The basis for this is the International Oceanographic Tables, IOT. Standard salt water has a salinity of 35 ‰, 35 g of salt per 1 kg of sea water. The display in % [g/kg] normally does not show units. The designation PSU, Practical Salinity Unit, is also commonly used; the display value is identical. The salinity measurement has temperature compensation, which means the temperature is considered for the display and has a major influence on the display value; any menu settings regarding temperature compensation are ignored.

The salt composition of different seas is not identical. Depending on the location, weather, seasons, etc., there are considerable deviations from the 35 ‰ according to the IOT. The salt composition can also influence the relationship of the salinity display and the actual amount of salt present.
Corresponding tables are available for many salts in saltwater aquarium applications. Salt weight to salinity according to the IOT or conductivity. In consideration of these tables, very precise salinity measurements can be conducted.

Temperature compensation
The conductivity of aqueous solutions is temperature-dependent. The temperature dependency varies greatly according to the type of solution. With temperature compensation, the solution is calculated back to a uniform temperature in order to compare it independently of the temperature. The normal operating temperature for this is 25 °C. However, it can also be adjusted to 20 °C.

NLF temperature compensation according to EN 27888
For most applications, such as fish husbandry applications and measurement of surface water and drinking water, non-linear temperature compensation for natural water NLF is sufficiently accurate in accordance with EN 27888.

  • The normal operating temperature is 25 °C.
  • The recommended application range of NLF compensation is between 60 μS/cm and 1000 μS/cm.

Linear temperature compensation LIN (only available at ECO 523)

  • If the function of the temperature compensation is not known exactly, a linear temperature compensation is normally adjusted in the device.

  • Open the Configuration menu and select the parameter TCOR. Configuration parameter LIN and TLIN correspond to TKlin.

  • Put simply, this means that the temperature dependency is approximately the same over the considered concentration range of the solution.

  • Temperature coefficients of 2.0 %/K are most common.

  • Formula LFTref = LFTX / ((1 + TKlin / 100%) * (TX – Tref))

  • A temperature coefficient can be determined, for example, with measurement of a solution at 2 temperatures, T1 and T2, with temperature compensation switched off.

  • Formula TKlin = ((LFT1 – LFT2) 100%) / ((T1 – T2) LFT1)
    TKlin = value is entered in the Configuration menu in parameter TLIN.

  • LFT1 = conductivity at temperature 1

  • LFT2 = conductivity at temperature 2

Compensation of weak NaCl solutions (only available at ECO 523)
Compensation of weak NaCI according to EN 60746-3 solutions in pure and ultrapure water.

Operation and maintenance

Operating and maintenance notices


  • The device and conductivity measuring cell must be handled with care and used in accordance with the technical data. Do not throw or strike.
  • If the device is stored at a temperature above 50 °C, or is not used for an extended period of time, the batteries must be removed. Leaks from the batteries are avoided as a result.
    The device is calibrated at the factory with the permanently connected conductivity measuring cell. The highest system precision can be achieved in this manner. If desired, a gradient correction can be carried out for the device in order to further optimize the accuracy in a narrow range. This is only necessary for normal use. See Adjustment of the measuring input.


Battery indicator

  • If the empty frame in the battery display blinks, the batteries are depleted and must be replaced. However, the device will still operate for a certain length of time.
  • If the BAT display text appears in the main display, the battery voltage is no longer adequate for operation of the device. The battery is fully depleted.

Changing battery
Danger! Danger of explosion!
Using damaged or unsuitable batteries can generate heat, which can cause the batteries to crack and possibly explode!

  • Only use high-quality and suitable alkaline batteries!

Caution! Damage!
If the batteries have different charge levels, leaks and thus damage to the device can occur.

  • Only use high-quality and suitable alkaline batteries!
  • Do not use different types of batteries!
  • Remove depleted batteries immediately and dispose of them at a suitable collection point.

Unnecessary unscrewing endangers the protection against moisture and should therefore be avoided.

  • Read the following handling instructions before replacing batteries and follow them step by step.
  • If disregarded, the device could be damaged or the protection from moisture could be diminished.
  1. Unscrews the Phillips screws (A)and remove the cover.
  2. Carefully replace the two Mignon AA batteries (B). Ensure that the polarity is correct! It must be possible to insert the batteries in the correct position without using force.
  3. The O-ring (C) must be undamaged, clean and positioned at the intended depth.
  4. Fit the cover (D) on evenly. The O-ring must remain at the intended depth!
  5. Tighten the Phillips screws (A).

Error and system messages

Display Meaning Possible causes Remedy
  • Range switches or measured value unstable
    Impurities or air bubbles
    Measured value far outside of the measuring range


  • Controlling instable
  • Contamination or air bubbles on cell
  • Measurement outside permissible range
  • Measuring cell defect


  • Wait for the transient effect of the controller
  • clean contamination / bubbles
  • Keep measurement within the permissible range
  • Send in for repair


  • Sensor cable defect Sensor or probe defect
  • Measuring range exceeded/undercut


  • Cable breakage
  •     Sensor or probe defect
  • Measurement outside permissible range


  • Send in for repair
  • Send in for repair
  • Stay within allowable measurement range

No display, unclear characters or no response when buttons are pressed| Battery depleted System error Device is defective|

  • Battery depleted
  • Error in the device


  • Replace battery
  • Send in for repair

BAT| Battery depleted|

  • Battery depleted


  • Replace battery

ERR.1| Measuring range exceeded|

  • Measurement too high
  • Measuring cell defect


  • Stay within allowable measurement range
  • Check the measuring cell / send in for repair

ERR.2| Measuring range is undercut|

  • Measurement too low
  • Measuring cell defect


  • Stay within allowable measurement range
  • Check the measuring cell / send in for repair

SYS ERR| System error|

  • Error in the device


  • Switch device on/off
  • Replace batteries
  • Send in for repair

Technical data

ECO 521

Measuring range| Conductivity| 0 .. 5000 µS/cm
Spec. resistance| –
EC| 0 .. 5.000 EC (corresponds to m/cm)
CF| 0.00 .. 50.00 CF (corresponds to 10 x EC)
Salinity| –
TDS| 0 .. 2000 mg/l
Temperature| -5.0 .. +80.0 °C (23.0 .. +176.0 °F).
Accuracy| Conductivity| typ. ± 1 % v. MW ± 0.5 % FS (0 .. 2000 µS/cm)
Temperature| ± 0.3 °C
ECO 522

Measuring range| Conductivity| 0 .. 2000 µS/cm
0.00 .. 20.00 mS/cm
0.0 .. 100.0 mS/cm
Spec. resistance| –
EC| –
CF| –
Salinity| 0.0 .. 50.0 g/kg
TDS| 0 .. 2000 mg/l
Temperature| -5.0 .. +105.0 °C (23.0 .. +221.0 °F)
Note: the conductivity measuring cells can be exposed temporarily to temperatures of up to 100 °C and permanently to temperatures of up to 80 °C.
Accuracy| Conductivity| ± 0.5 % of measured value ± 0.5 % FS
Temperature| ± 0.3 °C
ECO 523

Measuring range| Conductivity| 0.000 .. 2.000 µS/cm
0.00 .. 20.00 µS/cm
0.0 .. 100.0 µS/cm
Specific resistance| 10.0 .. 200.0 kΩ/cm
0.010 .. 2.000 MΩ/cm
0.01 .. 20.00 MΩ/cm
EC| –
CF| –
Salinity| –
TDS| –
Temperature| -5.0 .. +105.0 °C (23.0 .. +221.0 °F)
Note: the conductivity measuring cells can be exposed temporarily to temperatures of up to 100 °C and permanently to temperatures of up to 80 °C.
Accuracy| Conductivity| Typ. ± 1 % of measured value ± 0.5 % FS
Temperature| ± 0.3 °C
Measuring cell| ECO 521| ECO 522| ECO 523
| Electrodes| titanium| graphite| stainless steel
Shaft| plastic, Ø12 x 120 mm| PPO (Noryl), Ø12 x 120 mm| stainless steel; Ø12 x 75 mm
Wetted parts| Titan, plastic| graphite, PPO (Noryl), st. steel 1.4435| stainless steel 1.4404, 1.4435), PEEK
Pressure resistance| 1 bar| 6 bar (@ 25°C)| 1 bar
Dimensions (without cable)| Ø16 x 155 mm| Ø16.8 x 160 mm| ~Ø20 x 195 mm
Measuring cycle| approx. 10 measurements per second

(Updating of the display approx. 2 times per second)

Display| 3- line segment LCD, additional symbols, illuminated (adjustable white, permanent illumination)
Standard functions| Min/Max/Hold
Adjustment| Offset and gradient correction for temperature, Gradient correction – conductivity
Housing| Break-proof ABS housing
| Protection rating| IP65 / IP67
Dimensions LWH| 108 54 28 mm, without measuring cell or kink protection
Weight| 165 g incl. battery and measuring cell (ECO 521) 180 g incl. battery and measuring cell (ECO 522) 210 g incl. battery and measuring cell (ECO 523)
Nominal temperature| 25 °C
Operating conditions| -20 to 50 °C; 0 to 95 %RH (temporarily condensing)
Storage temperature| -20 to 70 °C
Current supply| 2 * AA batteries (mignon)
| Current requirement| approx. 2.2 mA, approx. 3.5 mA with lighting
battery life| Service life > 1000 hours with alkaline batteries (without backlighting)
Battery indicator| 4-stage battery status indicator,

Replacement indicator for depleted batteries: “BAT”

Auto-power-OFF function| The device switches off automatically if this is activated
Directives and standards| The devices conform to the following Directives of the Council for the harmonization of legal regulations of the Member States:

  • 2014/30/EU  EMC Directive
  • 2011/65/EU  RoHS
  • Applied harmonized standards:
  • EN 61326-1:2013  Emission limits: Class B
  • Immunity according to Table 1 Additional errors: < 1 % FS
  • EN IEC 63000:2018

The device is intended for mobile use and/or stationary operation in the scope of the specified operating conditions without further limitations.


Separation by material and recycling of device components and packaging must take place at the time of disposal. The valid regional statutory regulations and directives applicable at the time must be observed.

The device must not be disposed of with household waste. Return it to us, freight prepaid. We will then arrange for the proper and environmentally friendly disposal.
Private end users in Germany have the possibility of dropping off the device at the municipal collection center.
Batteries must be removed beforehand!
Please dispose of empty batteries at the collection points intended for this purpose


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Senseca Germany GmbH Hans-Sachs-Straße 26 93128 Regenstauf GERMANY
WEEE reg. no.: DE 93889386


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