senseca ETS Series Environmental Transmitters User Manual

June 2, 2024

senseca ETS Series Environmental Transmitters

Product Information


  • Sensor: RH Capacitive, Temperature Pt100,Pressure Piezoresistive
  • Measuring Range: RH 0-100%, Pressure 300-1100 hPa
  • Resolution: RH 0.01%, Pressure 0.1 hPa
  • Accuracy: RH response time 10s, Warm-up time 600ms, Long-term drift
  • Operating Conditions:
  • Output: RS485 Modbus-RTU or ASCII proprietary protocol, 2 optional additional analog outputs for temperature and humidity
  • Power Supply: 7-30 Vdc (except ETSxxM9), 4.5-16 Vdc (only ETSxxM9) for RS485 output
  • Power Consumption: 1.2 mA @ 24 Vdc, 3 mA @ 5 Vdc (for specific models)
  • Connection: 4-pole M12 or 8-pole M12 depending on model
  • Weight: 30g approx.
  • Material: PBT

Product Usage Instructions

Ensure proper electrical connections as per the provided pinout information for your specific model.

Power Supply
Connect the power supply within the specified voltage range to the transmitter for correct operation.

Output Configuration
Select the desired output configuration (RS485 Modbus-RTU or analog outputs) based on your application requirements.

Environmental Calibration
If needed, calibrate the transmitter for relative humidity and temperature ranges before use.

Install the transmitter in a suitable location ensuring proper ventilation and protection from external elements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I use the transmitter outdoors without additional protection?
A: The transmitter comes with an optional protection shield for outdoor applications to shield from solar radiations.

Q: What is the response time for relative humidity measurements?
A: The response time for relative humidity measurements is approximately 10 seconds under specified conditions.


ENVIROsense is an environmental temperature, relative humidity and, optionally, bar-ometric pressure transmitter with RS485 Modbus-RTU output.
Two optional additional 0…1 V, 0…5 V or 0…10 V (depending on model) analog outputs for temperature and relative humidity or dew point, with configurable temperature and humidity ranges.

Many calculated humidity quantities available:

  • Dew point
  • Wet bulb temperature
  • Absolute humidity
  • Mixing ratio
  • Specific enthalpy
  • Water vapour partial pressure
  • Specific humidity
  • Frost point temperature
  • Saturation vapour pressure above water
  • Saturation vapour pressure above ice

Rugged ∅14 mm compact housing in PBT. Optional protection shield from solar radiations for outdoor applications.
The transmitter is supplied factory-calibrated in multiple points for relative humidity, and it is ready to use. The transmitter can be optionally supplied with an ISO/IEC 17025 cali-bration certificate.

The different models differ in the presence or absence of the optional barometric sensor and analog outputs, in the different power supply voltage range and in the different ap-plication field:

Technical specifications

Sensor                                            RH Capacitive
Temperature Pt100
Pressure Piezoresistive
Measuring range                                            RH 0…100%
Temperature -40…+80 °C
Pressure 300…1100 hPa
Resolution                                            RH 0.01%
Temperature 0.01 °C
Pressure 0.1 hPa
Accuracy                                            RH ETS60… :

±1.8% (0…85%) / ±2.5% (85…100%) @ T=15…35 °C

(2 + 1.5% of measured value)% @ T= remaining range

ETS68… :

±1.2% (0…85%) / ±2% (85…100%) @ T=5…50 °C

(1.5 + 1.5% of measured value)% @ T= remaining range

ETS80… :

±1.5% (0…90%) / ±2% (90…100%) @ T=15…35 °C

(1.5 + 1.5% of measured value)% @ T= remaining range

Temperature| ±0.1 °C ± 0.1% of measured value
Pressure| ±0.5 hPa typical @ T=25 °C

±1 hPa (500…1100 hPa) @ T= full range

RH response time| 10 s (10 à 80 %RH; air speed=2 m/s @ constant temperature)
Warm-up time| 600 ms
Long-term drift                                            RH| ±0.5%RH/year
Temperature| ±0.03 °C/year
Pressure| < ±1 hPa/year
Operating conditions| -40…+80 °C / 0…100 %RH
Output| RS485 Modbus-RTU or ASCII proprietary protocol

2 optional additional 0…1 V, 0…5 V or 0…10 V (depending on model) analog outputs for temperature and humidity

Power supply| 7…30 Vdc (except ETSxxM9…) or 4.5…16 Vdc (only ETSxxM9…) for RS485 output

10…30 Vdc for 0…1 V and 0…5 V analog outputs 15…30 Vdc for 0…10 V output

Power consumption| 1.2 mA @ 24 Vdc (except ETSxxM9…) 3 mA @ 5 Vdc (only ETSxxM9…)
Connection| 4-pole M12 (ETSxxM0… / ETSxxM9…)

8-pole M12 (ETSxxMW… / ETSxxMX… / ETSxxMY…)

Weight| 30 g approx.
Material| PBT

Dimensions (mm)


For outdoor installation, use the HD9007A-1 or HD9007A-2 bracket with protection against solar radiations, suitable for fixing to a Ø30…50 mm mast. The support requires the HD9007T26.2 adapter from Ø26 to Ø14 mm.

Electrical connections

Connector pinout:

ETSxxM0… / ETSxxM9…

Pin| Function| CPM12- 5…

wire color

1| Power supply positive (+Vdc)| Brown
2| Power supply negative (GND)| White
3| RS485 Data +| Blue
4| RS485 Data –| Black
 | Not connected| Grey *()**
 | Connector shell| Yellow/Green

(*) The CPM12-5… 5-pole cable is compatible with the 4-pole transmitter connector. The grey wire is connected to pin 5 (central) of the cable female connector and it is not used by the transmitter.

ETSxxMW… / ETSxxMX… / ETSxxMY…

Pin| Function| CPM12- 8…

wire color

1| Power supply negative (GND)| White
2| Power supply positive (+Vdc)| Brown
3| Digital ground (DGND)| Green
4| RS485 Data –| Yellow
5| RS485 Data +| Grey
6| Analog ground (AGND)| Pink
7| RH analog output positive (AOUT_H)| Blue
8| Temp. analog output positive (AOUT_T)| Red
 | Connector shell| Yellow/Green


(*) DGND is present only in models with 8-pin connector; it can be used to connect the RS485 network ground to the transmitter, as an alternative to connecting to GND (DGND and GND are connected internally in the transmitter).
Fig. 3.2: electrical connections

RS485 output:
Before connecting the transmitter to the RS485 network, set the address and the communication parameters, if different from the factory preset (see “Configuration” chapter). The output is not isolated.

Analog outputs:
The load resistance RL must be ≥ 100 kΩ. In the event of an anomaly in the measurement (detected measurement outside the measuring range), the output goes to a value 10% higher than the full scale (e.g., 11 V if the output is 0…10 V).


The configuration of the transmitter can be done:

  • By sending serial commands from a PC, via a standard communication program (see the chapter “ASCII proprietary protocol”).
  • Via the “Holding Registers” in Modbus-RTU mode (see the chapter “Modbus-RTU protocol”).

Analog outputs (optional):
By default, the analog outputs correspond to the measuring ranges 0…100% RH and -40…+80 °C.

It is possible:

  • to associate the analog outputs with different relative humidity and temperature ranges, within the full measuring range;
  • to associate the humidity analog output with dew point, instead of relative humidity.
  • to reverse the direction of the output, so that the output decreases as the measurement increases.

Connection to PC:
To connect the transmitter to a PC USB port, to check or change the configuration, the CP24B-5 (5-pole) or CP24B-8 (8-pole) optional cables can be used, which also allow the pyranometer to be powered via the USB port.
To use the CP24B-x cables, the related USB drivers must be installed in the PC.
Alternatively, it is possible to use a standard RS485/USB or RS485/RS232 converter, powering the transmitter separately (respecting the minimum supply voltage of the transmitter).

The transmitter is supplied factory-calibrated. The user can perform a new relative hu-midity calibration using CRHx serial commands (see the chapter “ASCII proprietary pro-tocol”) or the appropriate Modbus “Holding Registers” (see the chapter “Modbus-RTU protocol”).
The transmitter provides information on the last five relative humidity user calibrations performed (only ASCII proprietary protocol).
In case of incorrect calibration, it is always possible to restore the factory calibration.

ASCII proprietary protocol

To communicate with the transmitter via the ASCII proprietary protocol:

  1. Connect the transmitter to the PC and start a standard serial communication pro-gram.

  2. In the serial communication program, set the Baud Rate 57600, the parameters 8N2 and the COM port number to which the transmitter is connected.

  3. Power the transmitter (or power cycle if already powered) and send the command @ within 10 seconds from the instrument power on (the transmitter replies &| if the command @ is recognized).
    Note: if the CP24B-x cable is used, to power cycle the transmitter, disconnect the cable for a few seconds from the PC USB port, then reconnect it.

  4. Send the command CAL USER (the transmitter replies USER ON|) to enable the configuration change. The command CAL USER is not required only for reading the settings.

  5. Send the commands described in the tables below.

After the configuration is complete, the command CAL USER can be disabled by sending the command CAL EXIT.

If the possibility to access the ASCII proprietary protocol in the first 10 seconds has been disabled (see WCT serial command), to access the protocol, it is necessary to re-enable, via Modbus protocol, the wait for the @ command in the first 10 seconds by writing 1 in the holding register with address 82 (after writing the user password in the holding register with address 30002) and power cycling the transmitter.

Transmitter general information:

Command Reply Description
G0 G0; model Model
G1 G1; sub- model Sub-model
G2 G2;nnnnnnnn Serial number
G3 G3;xx.yy Firmware revision
G4 G4;yyyy/mm/dd Firmware revision date
G5 G5;xx.yy Hardware revision
GD GD;yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss Factory calibration date and time

User code:
The user code is an alphanumeric string of up to 8 characters that the user can set to identify the transmitter with a mnemonic name.

Command Reply Description
CUCnnnnnnnn CUC;& Sets nnnnnnnn as user code. Default =blank
RUC RUC;nnnnnnnn Reads the user code.

Enabling/disabling the wait for the @ command at power up:

Command Reply Description
WCTn WCT;& Enable/disable the 10-second wait for the @ command at power up:

§  Disabled if n=0

§  Enabled if n=1

Default : Enabled (n=1)

RCT| RCT;n| Reads the enabling status of the 10-second wait for the @ command at power up.

Disabling the first 10 seconds, and thus immediately activating the Modbus-RTU proto-col, is useful when the instrument is used in ON/OFF mode with the Modbus-RTU pro-tocol, to limit power consumption (it is powered only for the time necessary to acquire the measurement). With the first 10 seconds disabled, the measurements are available 5 seconds after power up.

RS485 Modbus-RTU communication parameters:

Command Reply Description
CMAn CMA;& Sets the Modbus-RTU address (1…247) to n. Default = 1
RMA RMA;n Reads the Modbus-RTU address.
CMBn CMB;& Sets the Baud Rate:

§    9600 if n=0

§ 19200 if n=1 ( default )

§ 38400 if n=2

§ 57600 if n=3

§ 115200 if n=4

RMB| RMB;n|| Reads Baud Rate setting.
CMPn| CMP;&|| Sets parity and stop bits (data bits = 8 fixed):

§ 8N1 if n=0                      8N2 se n=1

§ 8E1 if n=2 ( default )          8E2 se n=3

§ 8O1 if n=4                      8O2 se n=5

RMP| RMP;n|| Reads the setting of parity and stop bits.
CMWn| CMW;&|| Sets waiting time after transmission with Modbus-RTU protocol:

§ Immediate reception if n=0 (violates protocol)

§ Waiting 3.5 characters if n=1 (respects protocol)

Default : Waiting 3.5 characters (n=1)

RMW| RMW;n|| Reads the setting of waiting time after transmission with Modbus- RTU protocol.

Units of measurement:
Changing the temperature units of measurement affects the Modbus protocol only. The temperature measurement provided by the ASCII proprietary protocol (commands S0/S1) is always in °C.

Command Reply Description
TTn WUT;& Sets the temperature unit of measurement:

§ °C if n=0 ( default )

§ °F if n=1

§ K if n=2

RUT| RUT;n|| Reads the temperature unit of measurement.

Measurements reading:

Command Reply Description
S0 S0; meas Prints the measurements in the following sequence:

§   Temperature in °C

§ Relative humidity in %

§ Specific humidity in g/kg

§ Absolute humidity in g/m3

§ Dew point in °C

§ Frost point temperature in °C

§ Wet bulb temperature in °C

§ Mixing ratio in g/kg

§ Water vapour partial pressure in hPa

§ Saturation vapour pressure above water in hPa

§ Saturation vapour pressure above ice in hPa

§ Specific enthalpy in kJ/kg

§ Barometric pressure in hPa

If the automatic sending of the measurements is enabled (command S1), sending S0 disables the automatic send- ing.

S1| S1; meas || Enables the automatic sending of the measurements, once per second.

Analog outputs (optional):

Command Reply Description

Humidity analog output
CRPn| CRP;&|| Associates the humidity analog output with:

§ Relative humidity (RH) if n=0

§ Dew Point (Td) if n=1

Default : Relative humidity (n=0)

RRP| RRP;n|| Reads the quantity associated with the humidity analog output.
CAAIn…n| CAAI;&|| Sets n…n as humidity minimum value for the analog out- put, in hundredths of %RH, if the output is associated with RH, or hundredths of the set temperature unit of measure- ment (°C, °F or K), if the output is associated with Td.

Min=0 (%RH), -3500 (°C Td), -3100 (°F Td) or 23815 (K

Td), default = 0 (=0 %RH).

RAAI| RAAI;n…n|| Reads the humidity minimum value for the analog output, in hundredths of %RH, if the output is associated with RH, or hundredths of the set temperature unit of measurement (°C, °F or K), if the output is associated with Td.
CAAFn…n| CAAF;&|| Sets n…n as humidity maximum value for the analog out- put, in hundredths of %RH, if the output is associated with RH, or hundredths of the set temperature unit of measure- ment (°C, °F or K), if the output is associated with Td.

Max=10000 (%RH), 8000 (°C Td), 17600 (°F Td) or 35315 (K Td), default=10000 (=100.00 %RH).

RAAF| RAAF;n…n|| Reads the humidity maximum value for the analog output, in hundredths of %RH, if the output is associated with RH, or hundredths of the set temperature unit of measurement (°C, °F or K), if the output is associated with Td.
CAAin| CAAi;&|| Sets the direct or reversed correspondence between ana- log output and humidity:

§       If n=0: Min. output Þ Min. RH or Td Max. output Þ Max. RH or Td

§       If n=1: Min. output Þ Max. RH or Td Max. output Þ Min. RH or Td

Default : Direct correspondence (n=0)

RAAi| RAAi;n|| Reads the type of correspondence (direct or reversed) between analog output and humidity.
Temperature analog output
CABIn…n| CABI;&|| Sets n…n as temperature minimum value for the analog output, in hundredths of the set unit of measurement (°C, °F or K).

Min=-4000 (°C, °F) or 23315 (K), default =- 4000 (=-40.00


RABI| RABI;n…n|| Reads the temperature minimum value for the analog output, in hundredths of the set unit of measurement (°C, °F or K).
CABFn…n| CABF;&|| Sets n…n as temperature maximum value for the analog output, in hundredths of the set unit of measurement (°C, °F or K).

Max=8000 (°C), 17600 (°F) or 35315 (K), default = 8000 (=80.00 °C).

RABF| RABF;n…n|| Reads the temperature maximum value for the analog output, in hundredths of the set unit of measurement (°C, °F or K).
CABin| CABi;&|| Sets the direct or reversed correspondence between ana- log output and temperature:

§       If n=0: Min. output Þ Min. temperature Max. output Þ Max. temperature

§       If n=1: Min. output Þ Max. temperature Max. output Þ Min. temperature

Default : Direct correspondence (n=0)

RABi| RABi;n|| Reads the type of correspondence (direct or reversed) between analog output and temperature.

Relative humidity calibration:

Command Reply Description
CRHIn CCI;& Sets the type of calibration to be used:

§ Factory calibration if n=0 ( default )

§ User calibration if n=1

RRHI| RTI;n|| Reads the type of calibration in use.
CRH0nnnn| CRH0;&|| Calibrates the point Nr. 0 to the value nnnn in hundredths of %RH. nnnn =0…2500 (=0…25.00%).
CRH1nnnn| CRH1;&|| Calibrates the point Nr. 1 to the value nnnn in hundredths of %RH. nnnn =3000…3600 (=30.00…36.00%).
CRH2nnnn| CRH2;&|| Calibrates the point Nr. 2 to the value nnnn in hundredths of %RH. nnnn =3800…7000 (=38.00…70.00%).
CRH3nnnn| CRH3;&|| Calibrates the point Nr. 3 to the value nnnn in hundredths of %RH. nnnn =7200…7800 (=72.00…78.00%).
CRH4nnnn| CRH4;&|| Calibrates the point Nr. 4 to the value nnnn in hundredths of %RH. nnnn =8000…9500 (=80.00…95.00%).
WRD date| WRD;&|| Sets the user calibration date. The date should be written in the format yymmddhhmmss (yy=year, mm=month, dd=day, hh=hour, mm=minutes, ss=seconds).
WRHDn| WRHD;&|| Resets of the user calibration point number n (n=0…4) to the factory value. If n=5, all the points are reset.
DRH0| DRH0;&|| Disables the calibration point Nr. 0
DRH1| DRH1;&|| Disables the calibration point Nr. 1
DRH2| DRH2;&|| Disables the calibration point Nr. 2
DRH3| DRH3;&|| Disables the calibration point Nr. 3
DRH4| DRH4;&|| Disables the calibration point Nr. 4
SRH| SRH; _calhystory| Provides the information of the last 5 user calibrations. 5 data sets are printed, each containing:

·      Calibration number (0…4, 0 is the most recent)

·      Calibration date (set with the command WRD)

·      Point Nr. 0 calibration (0=not calibrated, 2=calibrated)

·      Value measured before calibration (tenths of %RH)

·      Calibration value (tenths of %RH)

·      Calibration temperature (tenths of °C)

·      …

·      Point Nr. 4 calibration (0=not calibrated, 2=calibrated)

·     Value measured before calibration (tenths of %RH)

·     Calibration value (tenths of %RH)

·     Calibration temperature (tenths of °C)

Warning: if a calibration point is disabled with the DRHx command, the point must be recalibrated with the CRHx command to re-enable it.

Modbus-RTU protocol

By default, the transmitter has Modbus address 1 and communication parameters 19200, 8E1. The address and the communication parameters can be changed by using the appropriate serial commands of the proprietary protocol or, alternatively, directly with Modbus commands by changing the value of the Holding Registers described later.
By default, the Modbus-RTU protocol is activated after 10 seconds from the transmitter power on. It is possible to disable the first 10 seconds of waiting using the holding register with address 82 or the command WCT of the ASCII proprietary protocol.
To change the Holding Registers values, it is first necessary to enable the writing by entering the appropriate value in the register with address 30002 (see the description of the register in the Holding Registers table).
Below is the list of registers.

Input Registers:

Address Description Format

0| Temperature in °C, °F or K (x100)| 32-bit Integer
2| Relative humidity in % (x100)| 32-bit Integer
4| Dew point in °C, °F or K (x100)| 32-bit Integer
6| Wet bulb temperature in °C, °F or K (x100)| 32-bit Integer
8| Absolute humidity in g/m3 (x100)| 32-bit Integer
10| Mixing ratio in g/kg (x100)| 32-bit Integer
12| Specific enthalpy in kJ/kg (x100)| 32-bit Integer
14| Water vapour partial pressure in hPa (x100)| 32-bit Integer
16| Specific humidity in g/kg (x100)| 32-bit Integer
18| Barometric pressure in hPa (x10)| 32-bit Integer
20| Frost point temperature in °C (x100)| 32-bit Integer
22| Saturation vapour pressure above water in hPa (x100)| 32-bit Integer
24| Saturation vapour pressure above ice in hPa (x100)| 32-bit Integer

The registers are normally at 0; other values indicate a measurement error: 1=not ready, 2=un- derflow, 3=overflow.

32| Temperature| 16-bit Integer
33| Relative humidity| 16-bit Integer
34| Dew point| 16-bit Integer
35| Wet bulb temperature| 16-bit Integer
36| Absolute humidity| 16-bit Integer
37| Mixing ratio| 16-bit Integer
38| Specific enthalpy| 16-bit Integer
39| Water vapour partial pressure| 16-bit Integer
40| Specific humidity| 16-bit Integer
41| Barometric pressure| 16-bit Integer
42| Frost point temperature| 16-bit Integer
43| Saturation vapour pressure above water| 16-bit Integer
44| Saturation vapour pressure above ice| 16-bit Integer
100…109| Model (20 characters)| String
110…119| Sub-model (20 characters)| String
120…123| Serial number (8 characters)| String
128…131| Firmware revision (8 characters)| String
132…135| Hardware revision (8 characters)| String

Notes on the registers format:

  1. To read a 32-bit integer value, two consecutive registers starting from the one indicated must be accessed. The register with lower address contains the most significant bits.
  2. The alphanumeric strings are contained in a series of 16-bit registers. Each register contains 2 characters of the string: the most significant 8 bits contain the ASCII code of the first character, the least significant 8 bits contain the ASCII code of the next character. The start character of the string is in the register of the series with the lowest address.
    Example: the transmitter model, forex. ETS80M00, is available in the registers with address from 100 to 109.

Register address| 100| 101| 102| 103| 104| 105| 106| 107| 108| 109
Register content (Hex)| 4554| 5338| 304D| 3030| 0000| 0000| 0000| 0000| 0000| 0000
Read value| E| T| S| 8| 0| M| 0| 0|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

Holding Registers:

Indirizzo Descrizione Formato
0 RS485 Modbus-RTU Baud Rate: 0=9600

1=19200 (default)




| 16-bit Integer
1| RS485 Modbus-RTU parity and stop bits: 0=8N1


2=8E1 (default) 3=8E2



| 16-bit Integer
2| Modbus-RTU address (1…247, default=1).| 16-bit Integer
5| Temperature unit of measurement: 0=°C (default)



| 16-bit Integer
31| Type of calibration to be used: 0=Factory calibration (default) 1=User calibration| 16-bit Integer
51| Calibrates the RH point Nr. 0 to the value entered in the regis- ter, in hundredths of %RH.

The value must be in the range 0…2500 (=0…25.00%).

| 16-bit Integer
52| Value, in hundredths of %RH, measured before calibration of point Nr. 0 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
53| Temperature, in hundredths of °C, measured during calibration of %RH point Nr. 0 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
54| Enabling status of RH calibration point Nr. 0: 0=Not calibrated, 1=Disabled, 2=Calibrated| 16-bit Integer
55| Calibrates the RH point Nr. 1 to the value entered in the regis- ter, in hundredths of %RH.

The value must be in the range 3000…3600 (=30.00…36.00%).

| 16-bit Integer
56| Value, in hundredths of %RH, measured before calibration of point Nr. 1 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
57| Temperature, in hundredths of °C, measured during calibration of %RH point Nr. 1 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
58| Enabling status of RH calibration point Nr. 1: 0=Not calibrated, 1=Disabled, 2=Calibrated| 16-bit Integer
59| Calibrates the RH point Nr. 2 to the value entered in the regis- ter, in hundredths of %RH.

The value must be in the range 3800…7000 (=38.00…70.00%).

| 16-bit Integer
60| Value, in hundredths of %RH, measured before calibration of point Nr. 2 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
61| Temperature, in hundredths of °C, measured during calibration of %RH point Nr. 2 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
62| Enabling status of RH calibration point Nr. 2: 0=Not calibrated, 1=Disabled, 2=Calibrated| 16-bit Integer
63| Calibrates the RH point Nr. 3 to the value entered in the register, in hundredths of %RH.

The value must be in the range 7200…7800 (=72.00…78.00%).

| 16-bit Integer
64| Value, in hundredths of %RH, measured before calibration of point Nr. 3 ( read only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
65| Temperature, in hundredths of °C, measured during calibration of %RH point Nr. 3 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
66| Enabling status of RH calibration point Nr. 3: 0=Not calibrated, 1=Disabled, 2=Calibrated| 16-bit Integer
67| Calibrates the RH point Nr. 4 to the value entered in the register, in hundredths of %RH.

The value must be in the range 8000…9500 (=80.00…95.00%).

| 16-bit Integer
68| Value, in hundredths of %RH, measured before calibration of point Nr. 4 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
69| Temperature, in hundredths of °C, measured during calibration of %RH point Nr. 4 ( read-only parameter )| 16-bit Integer
70| Enabling status of RH calibration point Nr. 4: 0=Not calibrated, 1=Disabled, 2=Calibrated| 16-bit Integer
71| Resets of RH user calibration to factory default: 0=Reset calibration point Nr. 0

1=Reset calibration point Nr. 1 2=Reset calibration point Nr. 2 3=Reset calibration point Nr. 3 4=Reset calibration point Nr. 4 5=Reset all points

| 16-bit Integer
72| Year of RH user calibration| 16-bit Integer
73| Month of RH user calibration| 16-bit Integer
74| Day of RH user calibration| 16-bit Integer
82| Enabling of the 10-second wait for the @ command at power up: 0=Disabled (the transmitter starts directly in Modbus) 1=Enabled (the transmitter waits @ for 10 seconds)

If the 10-second wait was disabled and 1 is set 1 in the register, the 10-second wait will occur the next time the transmitter is power cycled.

| 16-bit Integer
30002| Enabling writing in Holding Register: 9876=Enabled


| 16-bit Integer

Warning: if a calibration point is disabled, the point must be recalibrated to re-enable it.

Reading of transmitter general information (function 2Bh / 0Eh):
The Modbus function code 2Bh / 0Eh allows reading the basic general information of the transmitter, consisting of:

  • Manufacturer
  • Transmitter model
  • Firmware version

For additional information regarding the protocol, visit the site ““.


In order to grant measurements high accuracy, it is necessary to clean the filter periodically.
To clean the filter, unscrew it from the transmitter body and wash it under running water with the help of a brush. Dry the filter and screw it back to the transmitter body.
Warning: after removing the filter, be careful not to touch the RH sensor with your hands, so as not to damage it irreparably.
If the filter is too dirty to be able to clean, it can be replaced with a new one.

Safety instructions

The transmitter proper operation and operating safety can be ensured only in the climatic conditions specified in this manual and if all standard safety measures as well as the specific measures described in this manual are followed.

Do not use the instrument in places where there are:

  • Corrosive or flammable gases.
  • Direct vibrations or shocks to the instrument.
  • High-intensity electromagnetic fields, static electricity.

User obligations
The transmitter operator shall follow the directives and regulations below that refer to the treatment of dangerous materials:

  • EU directives on workplace safety.
  • National law regulations on workplace safety.
  • Accident prevention regulations.

Accessories ordering codes

The transmitter is supplied with M12 female free connector (only if the optional cable is not ordered).
The cable and the protection shield from solar radiations must be ordered separately.

Installation cables

  • CPM12-5…
    Cable with 5-pole M12 connector on one end, open wires on the other end. Length 5 m (CPM12-5.5) or 10 m (CPM12-5.10). For Versions with only RS485 Modbus-RTU output.

  • CPM12-8…
    Cable with 8-pole M12 connector on one end, open wires on the other end. Length 5 m (CPM12-8.5) or 10 m (CPM12-8.10). For versions with additional analog output.

PC connecting cables

  • CP24B-5
    PC connecting cable for the configuration of the transmitter. With built-in RS485/USB converter. 5-pole M12 connector on sensor side and A-type USB connector on PC side. For Versions with only RS485 Modbus-RTU output.

  • CP24B-8
    PC connecting cable for the configuration of the transmitter. With built-in RS485/USB converter. 8-pole M12 connector on sensor side and A-type USB connector on PC side. For versions with additional analog output.

Solar shields

  • HD9007A-1
    12-ring protection shield from solar radiations. Supplied with mounting bracket.

  • HD9007A-2
    16-ring protection shield from solar radiations. Supplied with mounting bracket.

  • HD9007T26.2
    Adapter from Ø 26 to Ø 14 mm to fit the transmitter into the protection shield from solar radiations HD9007A-1 and HD9007A-2.

Saturated solutions

  • HD75
    Saturated solution for checking the Relative Humidity sensor at 75% RH. Includes screw adaptor for ∅14 mm probes.

  • HD33
    Saturated solution for checking the Relative Humidity sensor at 33% RH. Includes screw adaptor for ∅14 mm probes.

  • HD11
    Saturated solution for checking the Relative Humidity sensor at 11% RH. Includes screw adaptor for ∅14 mm probes.

Spare parts

  • P8
    Filter in PBT with 10 µm stainless steel grid.


The manufacturer is required to respond to the “factory warranty” only in those cases provided by Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 – n. 206. Each instrument is sold after rigorous inspections; if any manufacturing defect is found, it is necessary to contact the distributor where the instrument was purchased from. During the warranty period (24 months from the date of invoice) any manufacturing defects found will be repaired free of charge. Misuse, wear, neglect, lack or inefficient maintenance as well as theft and damage during transport are excluded. Warranty does not apply if changes, tampering or unauthorized repairs are made on the product. Solutions, probes, electrodes and microphones are not guaranteed as the improper use, even for a few minutes, may cause irreparable damages.
The manufacturer repairs the products that show defects of construction in accordance with the terms and conditions of warranty included in the manual of the product. For any dispute, the competent court is the Court of Padua. The Italian law and the “Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods” apply.

The quality level of our instruments is the result of the continuous product development. This may lead to differences between the information reported in the manual and the instrument you have purchased.
We reserves the right to change technical specifications and dimensions to fit the product requirements without prior notice.

Electrical and electronic equipment marked with specific symbol in compliance with 2012/19/EU Directive must be disposed of separately from household waste. European users can hand them over to the dealer or to the manufacturer when purchasing a new electrical and electronic equipment, or to a WEEE collection point designated by local authorities. Illegal disposal is punished by law.

Disposing of electrical and electronic equipment separately from normal waste helps to preserve natural resources and allows materials to be recycled in an environmentally friendly way without risks to human health.

Senseca Italy S.r.l.
Via Marconi, 5
35050 Selvazzano Dentro (PD) ITALY


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