Temtop PMD 371 Particle Counter User Manual

August 2, 2024

Temtop PMD 371 Particle Counter


  • Large display screen
  • Seven operation buttons
  • Internal high-performance lithium battery for 8 hours of continuous operation
  • 8GB large-capacity storage
  • Supports USB and RS-232 communication modes


Q: How long does the internal battery last?

A: The internal high-performance lithium battery allows the monitor to run continuously for up to 8 hours.

Q: Can I export detected data for analysis?

A: Yes, you can export detected data through the USB port for further analysis.

Q: How do I calibrate zero, k-Factor, and flow?

A: In the system setting interface, navigate to MENU -> Setting and follow the instructions for calibration.

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© Copyright 2020 Elitech Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved in the United States and other countries. It is prohibited to use, arrange, duplicate, transmit, translate, store as a part or whole of this User Manual without the written or any form of permission of Elitech Technology, Inc,

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If you require support, please advise this User Manual to resolve your problem. If you are still experiencing difficulty or have further questions, you may contact a customer service representative during business hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time).

Tel: (+1) 408-898-2866
Sales: sales@temtopus.com

United Kingdom:
Tel: (+44)208-858-1888
Support: service@elitech.uk.com

Tel: (+86) 400-996-0916
Email: sales@temtopus.com.cn

Tel: (+55)51-3939-8634
Sales: brasil@e-elitech.com

Please read this manual carefully! Use of controls or adjustments or operation other than those specified in this manual, may cause danger or damage to the monitor.


  • The monitor features an internal laser transmitter. Do not open the monitor housing.
  • The monitor shall be maintained by the professional from the manufacturer.
  • Unauthorized maintenance may cause hazardous radiation exposure of the operator to laser radiation.
  • Elitech Technology, Inc. accepts no responsibility for any malfunction that are caused by improper handling of this product, and such malfunction will deem as falling outside the conditions of Warranty and Services outlined in this User Manual.


  • PMD 371 has been charged and can be used after unpacking.
  • Do not use this monitor to detect heavy smoke, high-concentration oil mist, or high-pressure gas to avoid laser tip damage or air pump block.

After opening the monitor case, make sure that the parts in the case are complete according to the following table. If anything is missing, please contact our company.

Standard Accessories


PMD 371 is a small, light, and battery-powered particle counter with seven channels for outputs the number of 0.3µm, 0.5µm, 0.7µm, 1.0µm, 2.5µm, 5.0µm, 10.0µm particles, while simultaneously detecting the concentration of five different particles, including PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, and TSP. With a large display screen and seven buttons for operation, the monitor is simple and efficient, suitable for fast detection in multiple scenarios. The internal high-performance lithium battery allows the monitor to run continuously for 8 hours. PMD 371 also has a built-in 8GB large-capacity storage and supports two communication modes: USB and RS-232. The detected data can be viewed directly on the screen or exported through the USB port for analysis.


  1. 1 Intake Duct
  2. Display Screen
  3. Buttons
  4. PU Protective Case
  5. USB Port
  6. 8.4V Power Port
  7. RS-232 Serial Port

Button Function

  • Hold for 2 seconds to turn on/off the instrument.
  • When the instrument is on, press to enter MENU interface; From the MENU screen, press to enter the selection.
  • Press to switch the main screen. Press to switch options.
  • Press to back to the previous status.
  • Press to start/stop sampling.
  • Scroll up the options in the Menu interface; Increase parameter value.
  • Scroll down the options in the Menu interface; Decrease parameter value.


Power ON
Press and hold for 2 seconds to power on the instrument, and it will display an initialization screen (Fig 2).

After initialisation, the instrument enters the main particle count interface, press to switch SHIFT to the main mass concentration interface, and by default no measurement is initiated to save power (Fig. 3)or maintains the state when the instrument was last switched off.

Press key to start detection, the interface real-time display of the number of particles of different sizes or mass concentration, press key to switch the main view box display of the measurement items, the bottom status bar shows the sampling countdown. The instrument defaults to continuous sampling. During the sampling process, you can press key to pause the sampling (Fig. 4).

Settings Menu

Press to enter the MENU interface, then press to switch between the options.
Press to enter your preferred option to view or change settings (Fig. 5).

MENU options are as follows

System Setting
In the system setting interface MENU-Setting, you can set time, sample, COM, language, Backlight Adjustment and Auto off. Press to switch the options (Fig.6) and press to enter.

Time Setting
Press the key to enter the time setting interface, press the key to switch the option, press the A key to increase or decrease the value, switch to the Save option when the setting is completed, press the key to save the setting (Fig. 7).

Sample Setting
In the system setting interface MENU->Setting, press to switch to the Sample Setting option (Fig 8), and then press to enter the sample setting interface. In the sample setting interface you can set the sample unit, sample mode, sample time, hold time.

Sample Unit
Press the key to enter the sampling unit setting interface, the mass concentration is kept as ug/m’3, the particle counter can select 4 units: pcs/L, TC, CF, m3. Press a   key to switch the unit, when the setting is finished, press key to switch to Save, press  to save the setting (Fig. 9).

Sample Mode
Press key to enter the sampling mode setting interface, press key to switch to manual mode or continuous mode, press key to switch to Save after setting is completed, press key to save the setting (Fig. 10).
Manual Mode: After the sampling time reaches the set sampling time, the product status changes to wait and stops the sampling work. Continuous Mode: Continuous operation according to the set sampling time and hold time.

Sample Time

Press  key to enter sampling time setting interface, sampling time 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 60min is optional. Press key to switch the sampling time, press key to switch to Save after setting is completed, press key to save the setting (Fig. 11).

Hold Time

Press key to enter the hold time setting interface, in continuous sampling mode, you can select MENU/OK the setting from 0-9999s. Press key to increase or decrease the value, press key toSHIFT switch to Save after setting is completed, press to save the setting (Fig. 12).

COM Setting

In the system setting interface MENU->Setting, press to switch to the COM Setting option, and then press to enter the COM Setting interface. In the COM Setting interface MENU/OK you can Press to select the baud rates among three options: 9600, 19200, and 115200. SHIFTThen press to switch to Set COM and press to save the setting (Fig.13).

Language Setting

In the system setting interface MENU->Setting, press to switch to the Language Setting option, and then press to enter the Language Setting interface. In the Language MENU/OK Setting interface you can Press to switch to English or Chinese. Then press to SHIFT switch to Save and press to save the setting (Fig.14).

Backlight Adjustment

In system setting interface MENU->Setting, press key to switch to Backlight Adjustment option, then press key to enter Backlight Adjustment interface. In Backlight Adjustment, you can press key to switch 1, 2, 3 total 3 levels of brightness. Then press to switch to Save and press to save the setting (Fig.15).


In system setting interface MENU->Setting, press key to switch to Auto off option, then press key to enter Auto off interface. In Auto off, you can press key to switch Enable and Disable. Then press to switch to Save and press to save the setting (Fig. 16).
Enable: The product does not switch off during continuous operation in measurement mode. Disable: If there is no operation for more than 10 minutes in the disabled mode and wait state, the product will automatically shut down.

System Calibration

Press to enter the MENU interface, then press to switch to System Calibration. Press to enter the System Calibration interface. In the system setting interface MENU->Calibration, you can operate Zero Calibration, Flow Calibration and K-Factor Calibration. Press to switch the option and press to enter (Fig.17).

Zero Calibration

Before start, please install the filter and the air inlet according to the prompt reminder on the display. Please see 5.2 Zero Calibration for more installation details. Press to start the calibration. lt takes about 180 seconds countdown. After the countdown finishes, the display prompts reminder to confirm the calibration finishes successfully and will returns to the MENU- Calibration interface automatically (Fig. 18).

Flow Calibration

Before start, please install the flow meter to the air inlet as prompt on the display. Please see 5.3 Flow Calibration for full installation operation. Under Flow Calibration interface, press to start calibrating. Then press to increase or decrease the value until the flow meter reading reaches 2.83 L/min. After the setting finishes, press to save the setting and exit (Fig. 19).

K-Factor Calibration

Press to enter the K-factor calibration interface for mass concentration. Press to switch the cursor, press to increase or decrease the value, press key to switch to Save after setting is completed, press key to save the setting . (Fig. 20).

Data History

Press to enter the MENU interface, then press or to switch to Data History. Press to enter the Data History interface.
In the Data History interface MENU->History, you can operate Data Query, History Download and History Deletion. Press to switch the option and press to enter (Fig.21).

Data Query

Under the query screen, you can query the data of particle number or mass concentration by month. Press to select particle number or mass concentration, press to switch the Enter option, press to enter the month selection interface, by default, the system will automatically recommend the current month. If you need data for other months, press to switch to the Year and Month option, and then press to increase or decrease the value. When finished, press to switch to the Query and press to enter (Fig. 22).

The displayed data is sorted in descending time where the latest data is on the last page.
Press to turn the page (Fig. 23).

History Download
In the History Download interface, insert a USB device such as a USB flash drive or card reader into the USB port of the monitor, If the USB device is successfully connected, press to download the data (Fig. 24).

After the data downloaded, unplug the USB device and insert it into the computer to find a folder named TEMTOP. You can view and analyze the data now.

If the USB device fails to connect or there is no USB device connected, the display will prompt a reminder. Please reconnect it or try again later (Fig. 25).

History Deletion

In the History Deletion interface, data can be deleted by month or all. Press to switch options and press to enter (Fig. 26).

For the Monthly Data interface, the current month will auto display by default. lf you need to delete other months, please press switching to the year and month options, then press to increase or decrease the value. After complete, press to switch to Delete and press to complete the delete(Fig. 27).

For the Monthly Data and All Data interface, the display will prompt a confirmation reminder, press to confirm it (Fig. 28).
Wait until the delete completed, if data delete successfully, then the display will prompt a reminder and will return to the MENU-History interface automatically.

System Information

The System Infomation interface shows the following information (Fig. 29)

Power OFF

Press and hold for 2 seconds to tum off the monitor (Fig, 30).


PMD 371 supports two communication modes: RS-232 and USB. RS-232 serial communication is used for real-time interaction. USB communication is used to export data history.

RS-232 Serial Communication

The PMD 371 is based on the Modbus RTU protocol.


Only the master can initiate communication, as the PMD 371 is a slave and will not initiate communication.

Packet identification:
Any message(packet) starts with a silent interval of 3.5 characters. Another silent interval of 3.5 characters marks message end.Silence interval between characters in the message needs to be kept less than 1.5 characters.
Both intervals are from the end of Stop-bit of previous byte to the beginning of the Start-bit of the next byte.

Packet Length:
PMD 371 supports a maximum data packet (serial line PDU, including address byte and 2 bytes CRC) of 33 bytes.

Modbus Data Model:
PMD 371 has 4 main data tables (addressable registers) that can be overwritten:

  • Discrete input (read-only bit)
  • Coil (read/write bit)
  • Input register (read-only16-bit word, interpretation depends on application)
  • Holding register (read/write 16-bit word)
    Note: The sensor does not support bit-wise access to registers.

Register List


  1. Input registers and holding registers are not allowed to overlap;
  2. Bit-addressable items (i.e., coils and discrete inputs) are not supported;
  3. The total number of registers is limited: The input register range is 0x03~0x10, and the holding register range is 0x04~0x07, 0x64~0x69.

The register map (all registers are 16-bit words) is summarized in the table below

Input Register List



| Description
0x00| N/A| Reserved
0x01| N/A| Reserved
0x02| N/A| Reserved
0x03| 0.3µm Hi 16| Particles
0x04| 0.3µm Lo 16| Particles
0x05| 0.5µm Hi 16| Particles
0x06| 0.5µm Lo 16| Particles
0x07| 0.7µm Hi 16| Particles
0x08| 0.7µm Lo 16| Particles
0x09| 1.0µm Hi 16| Particles
0x0A| 1.0µm Lo 16| Particles
0x0B| 2.5µm Hi 16| Particles
0x0C| 2.5µm Lo 16| Particles
0x0D| 5.0µm Hi 16| Particles
0x0E| 5.0µm Lo 16| Particles
0x0F| 10µm Hi 16| Particles
0x10| 10µm Lo 16| Particles
Holding Register List

No.| Meaning

| Description
0x00| N/A| Reserved
0x01| N/A| Reserved
0x02| N/A| Reserved


0x03| N/A|
0x04| Sample Unit Setting| 0x00:TC 0x01:CF 0x02:L 0x03:M3
0x05| Sample Time Setting| Sample Time
0x06| Start detection; Start detection| 0x00:Stop detection

0x01:Start detection

0x07| Modbus Address| 1~247
0x64| Year| Year
0x65| Month| Month
0x66| Day| Day
0x67| Hour| Hour
0x68| Minute| Minute
0x69| Second| Second

Function Code Description
PMD 371 supports the following function codes:

  • 0x03: Read holding register
  • 0x06: Write a single holding register
  • 0x04: Read input register
  • 0x10: Write multiple holding register

The remaining Modbus function codes are not supported for the time being.

Serial Setting
Baud rate: 9600, 19200, 115200 (see 3.2.1 System Setting-COM Setting)
Data bits: 8
Stop bit: 1
Check bit: NIA

Application Example

Read Detected Data

  • The sensor address is OxFE or Modbus Address.
  • The following use “OxFE” as an example.
  • Use 0x04 (read input register) in Modbus to obtain detected data.
  • The detected data put in a register with a starting address of 0x03, the number of registers is OxOE, and the CRC check is 0x95C1.

The master sends:

Start Detection

The sensor address is OxFE.
Use 0x06 (write a single holding register) in Modbus to start the detection.
Write 0x01 to register 0x06 to start detection. The starting address is 0x06, and the registered value is 0x01. CRC calculated as OxBC04, first sent in low byte

Stop Detection
The sensor address is OxFE. Use 0x06 (write a single holding register) in Modbus to stop the detection. Write 0x01 to register 0x06 to start detection. The starting address is 0x06, and the registered value is 0x00. CRC calculated as 0x7DC4, first sent in low byte. The master sends:

Set Modbus Address
The sensor address is OxFE. Use 0x06(write a single holding register) in Modbus to set Modbus address. Write Ox01 to register 0x07 to set Modbus address. The starting address is 0x07, and the registered value is 0x01. CRC calculated as OXEDC4, first sent in low byte.

Set Time

  • The sensor address is OxFE.
  • Use 0x10 (write multiple holding registers) in Modbus to set the time.
  • In the register with start address 0x64, the number of registers is 0x06, and the number of bytes is OxOC, which respectively correspond to the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
  • Year is 0x07E4 (actual value is 2020),
  • Month is 0x0005 (actual value is May),
  • Day is 0x001D (actual value is 29th),
  • Hour is 0x000D (actual value is 13),
  • Minute is 0x0018 (actual value is 24 minutes),
  • Second is 0x0000 (actual value is 0 seconds),
  • The CRC check is 0xEC93.

The master sends:

USB Communication
Please see 3.2.3 Data History – History Download for detail USB operations.


Maintenance Schedule
To make better use of PMD 371, regular maintenance is required in addition to correct operation.
Temtop recommends the following maintenance plan:

Zero Calibration
After the instrument has been used for a long time or the operating environment has been changed, the instrument should be zero-calibrated. Regular calibration is required, and the matching filter should be used for calibration by the following steps (Fig. 30):

  1. Unscrew intake duct by turning it anti-clockwise.
  2. Insert the filter on the air inlet of the monitor. Please note that the direction of the arrow indicates the air intake direction.

After the filter installed, open the Zero Calibration interface and refer to 3.2.2 System Calibration-Zero Calibration for operation. After the calibration completed, remove the filter and screw the filter cover back.

Flow Calibration
PMD 371 sets the default flow rate to 2.83 L/min. The flow rate may change subtly due to continuous use and ambient temperature changes, thus reducing detection accuracy.
Temtop offers flow calibration accessories for testing and adjusting flow.

  1. Unscrew intake duct by turning it anti clockwise.
  2. Insert the flow meter on the air inlet of the monitor. Please note that it should be connected downstream of the flow meter.

After the flow meter installed, turn the adjustment knob to the maximum, and then open the Flow Calibration interface and refer to 3.2.2 System Calibration-Flow Calibration for operation. After the calibration completed, remove the flow meter, and screw the intake duct cover back.

Filter Element Replacement
After the instrument runs for a long time or runs under high pollution conditions for a long time, the filter element will become dirty, affecting the filtering performance, and then affecting the measurement accuracy. The filter element should be replaced regularly.
Temtop offers filter element accessories that can be replaced.

The replacement operation is as follows:

  1. Shut down the monitor.

  2. Use a coin or U-shaped screwdriver to remove the filter cover on the back of the instrument.

  3. Remove the old filter element from the filter tank.
    If necessary, flush the filter tank with compressed air.

  4. Place the new filter element in the filter tank and close the filter cover.

Annual Maintenance
It is recommended to return PMD 371 to the manufacturer for annual calibration by specialized maintenance personnel in addition to weekly or monthly calibration by users.
Annual return-to-factory maintenance also includes the following preventative items to reduce accidental failures:

  • Check and clean the optical detector;
  • Check air pumps and pipes;
  • Cycle and test the battery.



Warranty & Services

Warranty: Any defective monitors can be replaced or repaired during the warranty period. However, the warranty does not cover the monitors that have been altered or modified as a result of misuse, negligence, accident, natural behavior, or the ones that are not modified by Elitech Technology, Inc.
Calibration: During the warranty period, Elitech Technology, Inc, provides free calibration services with shipping charges at the customer’s expense. The monitor to be calibrated must not be contaminated by pollutants such as chemicals, biological substances, or radioactive materials. If the pollutants mentioned above have contaminated the monitor, the customer shall pay the processing fee.
Temtop warrants the included item for 5 years from the date of the original purchase.

Note: A sincere effort was made to ensure that all information in this manual was current at the time of publication. However, final products may vary from the manual, and the specifications, features, and displays are subject to change. Please check with your Temtop representative for the latest information.

Elitech Technology, Inc.
2528 Qume Dr, Ste 2 San Jose, CA 95131 USA
Tel: (+1) 408-898-2866
Sales: sales@temtopus.com
Website: www.temtopus.com

Elitech (UK) Limited
Unit 13 Greenwich Business Park, 53 Norman Road,London, SE10 9QF
Tel: (+44)208-858-1888
Website: www.temtop.co.uk

Elitech Brazil Ltda
R.Dona Rosalina,90-Lgara, Canoas-RS 92410-695, Brazil
Tel: (+55)51-3939-8634
Sales: brasil@e-elitech.com
Website: www.elitechbrasil.com.br

Temtop (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd.
Room 555 Pudong Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai,China
Tel: (+86) 400-996-0916
Email: sales@temtopus.com.cn
Website: www.temtopus.com

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