Kwikset HomeConnect 918 Z Wave Smart Lock Installation Guide

July 13, 2024

HomeConnect 918 Z Wave Smart Lock


Product Information


  • Model Number: 54471
  • Revision: 01
  • Language: English

Product Usage Instructions:

1. Prepare the Door and Check Dimensions

Make sure your door is compatible. If you have a standard
deadbolt mounted separately from the handle below it, your door is
compatible. Follow the door drilling instructions available at for new door installations.

2. Remove Existing Deadbolt and Strike

Remove your existing deadbolt and strike from the door before
proceeding with the installation.

3. Install the Latch and Strike

– Check if the door edge is chiseled and which latch type you
need to use (A or B). – Hold the latch in front of the door hole
with the latch face flush against the door edge. – Install the
strike on the door frame ensuring it is drilled at least 1 inch

4. Install the Exterior Touchscreen

– Determine the diameter of the hole in the door. – Install the
exterior touchscreen and mounting plate according to the hole
diameter. – Route cables correctly and test latch


Q: What should I do if the latch does not extend or retract

smoothly after installation?

A: Adjust the screws provided in step 3D to ensure smooth
operation. Remove the key when testing latch functionality.


Rev 01
Z-Wave Plus ®


Installation and User Guide

Required tools
Ruler Phillips head screwdriver

Kwikset Technical Support

Parts in the Box

Latch A

Exterior Assembly

Trad itio n al

Contem porary

Interior Assembly
Trad itio n al

Contem porary

Latch B

“B” is not included. If needed, please contact Kwikset to order
a drive-in latch for your lock.

Mounting Plate

Adapter Ring

For Latch / Strike Strikes 03809




Fo r Lo ck
SmartKey Tool




1 Prepare the door and check dimensions

A Make sure your door is compatible. If you have a standard deadbolt mounted separately from the handle below it, your door is compatible.


Not Compatible

Not Compatible

Rim Lock

Mortise Lock

If drilling a new door, use the supplied template and the complete door drilling instructions available at

Not Compatible

B Remove your existing deadbolt
and strike from your door.

Integrated Interior

54 mm or
38 mm

Note: Additional door preparation may be required for doors with deadbolt drilling instructions at

backset 60 or 70 mm



in the door edge is 1″ (25 mm).

1″ 25 mm

35 ­ 51 mm

2 Install the latch and strike

For Latch / Strike Bag

(2x) 03809



actual size 46780

actual size

A Is the door edge chiseled?



B Hold the latch in front of the door hole, with the latch
face flush against the door edge.

D Which latch are you installing?

Latch “A”

or Latch “B”

or chiseled

not chiseled

Use latch “A”. If the latch bolt is not already extended, extend the latch bolt as shown.

Use latch “B.” If the latch bolt is not already extended, extend the latch bolt as shown.





C Is the D-shaped hole centered in the door hole?




D-shaped hole
No adjustment is required. Proceed to next step.

D-shaped hole
Rotate latch face as shown to extend latch.


UP is on top.
03809 (2x)
(For Latch/ Strike Bag)
Use longer screws if holes are worn out. You will have two extra screws.

UP is on top.
wood block

E Install the strike on the door frame.
Make sure the hole in the door frame is drilled a minimum of 1″ (25 mm) deep.

Longer screws install closest to the door jamb.


46780 (4x) (For Latch/Strike Bag)

door frame

Note: there will be extra screws and a strike.

1 / 4

3 Install the exterior touchscreen
A What is the diameter of the hole in the door?

For Lock Bag
D Install exterior touchscreen and mounting plate.



actual size

Diameter is 2-1/8″

Diameter is 1-1/2″


(54 mm)

(38 mm)



Support exterior

assembly during

mounting plate


54 mm

38 mm

Adapter Ring is required for installation. Install on Exterior Assembly.

Adapter Ring is not needed for installation and may be discarded.

Cable goes underneath latch.



Keep parallel to

edge of door.

B Remove the mounting plate
from the interior assembly.

C Locate screws for step 3D
and keep them within reach.
48654 (2x) (For Lock Bag)

Tighten screws


evenly. DO NOT over tighten screws.


(For Lock Bag)

Route cable through center hole, then push cable into bottom hole.
Insert key and test latch. If latch does not extend or retract smoothly, adjust screws. Remove key when
sure the latch bolt is fully extended.

4 Install the interior assembly

A Ensure the turnpiece shaft is pointing up, and remove the interior cover and
battery pack from the interior assembly.


Remove the interior

cover from the

interior assembly.




Make sure turn piece shaft is rotated as shown.

For Lock Bag
B Install the interior assembly onto the mounting plate.

actual size



If the turnpiece shaft is pointing down, place the cover back onto the interior assembly and rotate the turnpiece until you hear it click. You may need to apply some force. Once the turnpiece shaft is correctly oriented, remove the cover again.

If turnpiece shaft is not oriented correctly, put the cover back on and rotate the turnpiece as shown in step C.
Do not install batteries
until step 5.

Ensure tight cable connection.



Lay the excess cable the interior housing.


Note: the

remaining three

screws will be

used in Step 9.

69316 (2x) (For
Lock Bag)

bottom hole

Ensure you are using the correct screws. Using incorrect screws will damage the product.

5 Install the batteries and perform the door handing process

This step will teach your lock the orientation of your door and is crucial to lock operation.

A Install 4 AA batteries in battery pack.

B Make sure the door is open, and
insert the battery pack.

C After a few seconds, the latch bolt will retract and extend on
its own to learn the orientation of the door. This is called the door handing process, and it is crucial to lock operation.
Once the door handing process is complete, the touchscreen will indicate success or failure:

Ensure correct polarity. For best results, use new, non-rechargeable Alkaline batteries only.

symbol and single column of digits

Failure: “X” pattern

D If the touchscreen indicates a failure, attempt this procedure again.
If the door handing process is still unsuccessful after a second attempt, perform the “Manual Door Handing” procedure on page 4.

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6 Add the lock to your smart home system

A Initiate the process to add the lock
to your system at your smart home controller. Refer to your smart home system instructions for more information.

SmartStart Enabled Products
SmartStart enabled products can be added into a Z-Wave network by scanning the Z-Wave QR Code present on the product with a controller providing SmartStart inclusion. No further action is required and the SmartStart product will be added automatically within 10 minutes of being switched on in the network vicinity.

QR code

12345 12345


B If prompted by your smart home
system to add the lock, press button “A” on the lock interior one time . The red LED will illuminate when the lock enters Add Mode.

C At this time, you may be prompted
by your smart home system to enter the 5-digit PIN found on the label of the interior assembly. If not, proceed to step D.

Button “A”


5-digit PIN


PIN: 12345 12345

D If successful, re-name the lock
in your system (if applicable).
If unsuccessful, follow your system’s instructions to remove the lock from the controller and any other network, then press button “A” on the lock one time.
If still unsuccessful, consult the Programming and Troubleshooting Guide on the Home Connect 918 page at

7 Add user codes (250 max)

It is recommended that you


add and delete all user codes

through your smart home

control system. If your system

does not allow this, codes may

be added directly to the lock as

shown here.

Programming Timeout During programming, if the screen is not pressed for 20 seconds, the system will time out (indicated by three beeps

three times), and you will need to restart the procedure.


Make sure the door is open. Press the “Program” button once.


B Press the “Checkmark”
symbol once.

Programming Code
For enhanced security, a programming code may be used when adding and deleting user codes. For more information about the programming code, download the Programming and Troubleshooting Guide on the HomeConnect 918 page at

E What digits and sounds did the lock produce?
Checkmark symbol with one beep
1x Programming was successful.

C Enter user code. A total
of 250 user codes may be programmed.

D Press the “Lock”
symbol once.

Each user code must be a unique code between 4 and 8 digits, depending on your smart home system.
“X” pattern with three beeps
Programming was unsuccessful. Make sure the user code is not a duplicate and that it is between 4 and 8
digits during your next attempt. Make sure the lock has room for an additional code. If all user code positions

8 Test the lock (review normal operation)

Activating the Screen
Touch screen with palm or back of hand until digits illuminate.

Locking the Door
1. Activate the screen. 2. Press the “Lock” symbol.
Note: If no user codes are programmed, the door cannot be locked via touchscreen.

Unlocking the Door 1. Activate the screen. 2. If SecureScreenTM is enabled, touch
the random digits that appear. 3. Enter user code.
If you press the wrong digit while entering a user code, you can press the “Lock” symbol once to clear the digits entered previously and immediately restart the code entry process.

SecureScreenTM is an added-security feature that displays random digits before you enter a user code. This feature ensures that there are fingerprints on all digits so that codes cannot be identified.
Turn SecureScreenTM On/Off 1. Press program button on the interior lock. 2. Press the “A” button on the interior lock. 3. Press the 5 button on exterior lock. 3. Press the on exterior touchscreen. Note: This feature is turned on by default.

9 Install the interior cover

Important Information about the interior cover

The window on the interior cover is unlocked by default for easier access to the battery pack and buttons.


For additional security, you may choose to lock the window by installing the security screw.
Ensure you are using the correct screws. Using incorrect screws will damage the product.

Cover Installation

a Install cover.

Note: You may need to rotate
the turnpiece to align with the turnpiece shaft.

turn piece

turn piece shaft

b Install screws. 69316 (3x) (For Lock Bag)
Ensure you are using the correct screws. Using incorrect screws will damage the product.
3 / 4

For Lock Bag

actual size

actual size

68611 (1x) (For Lock Bag)

When the window is locked, you will need to remove the entire interior cover and screws to access the battery pack and buttons.

Battery Pack Access
If the window is unlocked, slide up the window to access the battery pack and buttons.

If the window is locked, remove the interior cover and screws to access the battery pack and buttons.

HomeConnect 918 at a Glance

“Checkmark” symbol
SmartKey tool hole


Interior (cover removed)

Battery pack


Button “A”

“Lock” symbol

“Program” button
Status LED
Turnpiece shaft

Note: When the cover is removed, the turnpiece shaft can be used to manually lock and unlock the door.

12345 12345


Reference Guide

System Alerts


“X” pattern flashes 1 time with 1 beep*.

One incorrect code entered.

Re-enter code.

No user code programmed.

Program at least 1 user code.

“X” pattern flashes Programming timeout 3 times with 3 beeps*. after 20 seconds.
Unsuccessful programming.

“X” pattern flashes 15 times with 15 beeps*.

3 incorrect codes entered within 1 minute.

Checkmark and lock symbols flash simultaneously 5 times with Low battery. a long continuous beep.
Checkmark and lock symbols atlternative- Door jammed while ly flashes 5 times with attempting to lock. a long continuous beep

Lock beeps continuously.

Interior assembly is disconnected from exterior.

Attempt programming procedure again.
Re-enter code after 60 seconds of touchscreen lockout.
Replace batteries.
Manually re-lock door. If needed, reposition strike.
Remove battery pack, reconnect the interior to the exterior, then replace the battery pack.

Deleting a single user code

Note: All codes may be deleted at once if the programming code is enabled. For more information about the programming code, consult the online Programming and Troubleshooting Guide.

1 Keep door open. Press “Program” button once.

2 Press “Checkmark” symbol once.

3 Press “Lock” symbol once.


4 Enter user code to be deleted.

5 Press “Lock” symbol once.

6 Re-enter user code.

7 Press “Lock” symbol once.

If unsuccessful Make sure to enter the same valid code in steps 4 and 6.
Test code While the door is open, test the user code to make sure it no longer unlocks the door.

If the screen is not pressed for 20 seconds, the system will time out, and you will need to restart the procedure.

Manual Door Handing
If needed, the door handing process can be initiated manually. This is useful if the lock is being moved to a different door.

Factory Reset
A factory reset will delete all codes associated with the lock, and it will remove it from your smart home system.

1 Remove battery pack.



2 Press and HOLD the “Program” button while reinserting the battery pack. Release button once battery
pack is installed. The status LED will flash red and green.
Status LED



1 Remove battery pack.



2 Press and HOLD the “Program” button while reinserting the battery pack. Keep holding the button for 30
seconds until the lock beeps and the status LED flashed red.
Status LED



3 Press the “Program” button once more.



4 The latch bolt will extend and retract to learn the orientation of the door.



If the touchscreen indicates a failure, see the online Programming and Troubleshooting Guide
or call Technical Support.

3 Press the “Program” button once more. The status LED will flash green and red several times.



4 After a few seconds, the lock will initiate the door handing process, and the latch bolt will extend and retract to learn the orientation of the door.

Auto-lock automatically re-locks the door after unlocking.

Turn Auto-Lock On/Off 1. Press “Program” button once.

2. Press button “A” once.

Status LED
The Status LED blinks every 6 seconds to communicate whether the door is locked or unlocked. This feature is on by default.
Status LED Colors

Turn Status LED On/Off 1. Press “Program” button once.

2. Press button “A” once.



3. Press button “2” multiple times if needed to reach desired state.

4. Press button once.

Blinking Green



Blinking Amber


Blinking Red

Low battery

Status LED

3. Press button “1” multiple times if needed to reach desired state.

4. Press button once.

Change Auto-Lock Time Delay

1. Press “Program” button once.

2. Press button “A” once.

3. Press button “3” once.

4. Press numeric button once that corresponds to desired time delay:


30 sec.


60 sec. (1 min.)


180 sec. (3 min.)


300 sec. (5 min.)


600 sec. (10 min.)

5. Press button once.

Mute/Unmute Audio
Audio is on by default.

1. Press “Program” button once.

2. Press button “A” once.

3. Press button “4” multiple times if needed to reach desired state.

4. Press button once.

Network Information
Removing the lock from the
Follow your smart home system’s instructions to remove the lock from the network. When prompted by the system, press button A” on the lock interior once.
Z-Wave System Notes This product is a security enabled Z-wave Plus product and must be used with a Security Enabled Z-Wave controller to be fully utilized. Z-Wave is a “Wireless mesh network,” and results may vary based on building construction and communication path. To assure interoperability, each Z-Wave product must pass a stringent conformance test to assure that it meets the Z-Wave standard for complete compliance with all other devices and controls. The Z-Wave identity mark assures consumers, integrators, dealers and manufacturers that their products will reliably perform with any other Z-Wave device and regardless of the vendor, always powered nodes may act as a repeater for Kwikset/ Weiser/Baldwin products.



SmartKey Re-Keying
Re-key the lock to work with your existing key. See the supplied SmartKey Re- key instructions for more information.
Note: If Auto-Lock is enabled, remove the battery pack before re-keying your lock.

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Important Safeguards

1. Read all instructions in their entirety. 5. If using the Auto-Lock features, make sure you

2. Familiarize yourself with all warning and caution statements.

have your standard key with you to prevent locking yourself out.

3. Remind all family members of safety 6. Familiarize yourself with the system alerts.


7. Replace low batteries immediately.

4. Always have access to your lock’s standard key.

8. Dispose of used batteries according to local laws and regulations.

WARNING: This Manufacturer advises that no lock can provide complete security by itself. This lock may be defeated by forcible or technical means, or evaded by entry elsewhere on the property. No lock can substitute for caution, awareness of your environment, and common sense. Builder’s hardware is available in multiple performance grades to suit the application. In order to enhance security and reduce risk, you should consult a qualified locksmith or other security professional.
CAUTION: Prevent unauthorized entry. Since anyone with access to the back panel can change the User Codes, you must restrict access to the back panel and routinely check the User Codes to ensure they have not been altered without your knowledge. The use of a programming code can help protect your system’s settings.

Regulatory Compliance

This product complies with standards established by the following regulatory bodies:
· Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
· Industry Canada
FCC This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a

residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
· Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
· Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

· Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
· Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
IMPORTANT! Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Industry Canada This devices contains licenceexempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference. (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Copyright © 2024 ASSA ABLOY Americas Residential Inc. All rights reserved


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