TRION 707SM Duct Mount Centrifugal Atomizer Humidifier Owner’s Manual

July 11, 2024

TRION 707SM Duct Mount Centrifugal Atomizer Humidifier


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How often should I clean the humidifier?
    • A: It is recommended to clean the humidifier at least once a week to prevent mold and bacteria buildup.
  • Q: Can I use essential oils in the HERRMIDIFIER 707SM?
    • A: No, it is not recommended to use essential oils in this humidifier as it may damage the unit.
  • Q: How do I know when to replace the filters?
    • A: Check the manual for specific guidelines, but generally, filters should be replaced every 1-3 months depending on usage.

Caution: Read installation and rules carefully for safe operation.
Exercise the usual precautions when working with electricity

Dear Owner:

Congratulations on your choice of a Trion humidifier. Your family can now look forward to breathing more comfortable air, winter after winter. We know, because we have been engaged in the design and production of humidification equipment for home and industry for over 50 years. Today, as then, we are committed to providing advanced products that improve the quality of the air you breathe.

The following information will familiarize you with the operation of your new humidifier and provide helpful tips on how to obtain maximum performance from your unit.


All humidifiers, air conditioners, refrigerators and dehumidifiers require periodic cleaning and maintenance to ensure efficient and safe operation.

The benefits of a properly humidified environment (35-50%) are enjoyed by everyone living in such a comfortable environment. These benefits include both personal comfort and the preservation of furniture, draperies, carpets, wooden floors and cabinets, paintings, pianos, etc. – all hygroscopic materials. A hygroscopic material is one that has the ability to give up or absorb moisture. Your home will be more comfortable at a lower temperature (i.e.: 68° F) at 30-40% Relative Humidity (RH) than at 71 ° to 72° F without controlled humidity. Since every degree of temperature setback represents about 3% of your heating costs, this can represent a possible 9- 12% annual saving.

During the heating season, cold air is brought into the house and heated. When heated, this air dries out and greatly increases its capacity to hold more moisture. By using a humidifier, we provide a source of water to satisfy this increased moisture-holding capability, rather than having it drawn from our body surface and the surrounding hygroscopic furnishings in the home.

With the energy crisis of the mid-70s, home builders and owners have become more conscious of energy conservation. To conserve energy, homes have become tighter in construction to provide less infiltration of cold outside air and less exhaust of heated inside air. This has been accomplished by using more insulation, tighter storm windows, weather stripping and being more personally conscious of tightly closing doors and windows in general.

The tighter environment in which we now live is also a more stagnant environment and has brought about an increasing concern about “Indoor Air Quality.” The air in the home is not being allowed to change as frequently.
As stated, a properly maintained and efficiently operating humidifier is a source of improved Indoor Air Quality and personal comfort. The necessity to clean your humidifier is substantially the result of impurities coming in through your water supply which feeds the humidifier. Other household dust, containing biological and microbial contaminants, finds its way into the air handling system and ultimately, the humidifier.
The humidifier is not the source of these impurities.

To enjoy the benefits of a properly humidified environment, periodic cleaning is necessary to control both water and household impurities. Film or scum, which can contain bacteria or fungi, may appear on the water surface, the sides, or bottom of your humidifier. A crusty deposit or scale may also appear and is composed of minerals that have settled out of the water.

To improve the efficiency of your humidifier, and to reduce the possibility of a health hazard, it is recommended that you take the following precautions:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning and maintenance instructions
  • The amount of minerals and other impurities in a water source can vary greatly and hence, the frequency of cleaning also • varies.
  • During the heating season, check for film or scale build-up on a monthly basis and establish a proper cleaning schedule.
  • Do not allow film or scale to build up on the unit, evaporator pad, or any moving part and reduce the efficiency of the humidifier.
  • An algaecide, such as a humidifier cleaning tablet or bacteriostatic liquid/powder, can be used to combat algae build-up, should it become evident.
  • At the end of the winter humidification season, drain and thoroughly clean your humidifier as part of the summer shutdown.

Like your heating system and air conditioning unit, periodic maintenance and cleaning are required to ensure the safe and efficient operation of your humidifier. This cleaning· necessity is also likened to weekly house cleanings and periodic maintenance of your automobile for its safe and efficient operation.



Your centrifugal atomizer type humidifier operates on the principle of breaking down water droplets into a fine mist and atomizing the moisture into the air.

If applicable, set the humidistat in the recommended range of 30-40% relative humidity for automatic humidity control during the heating season (a lower setting may be used to control condensation on single pane windows). During the first heating season, check the mineral build-up every month to establish the proper cleaning schedule. Clean the unit at the end of each heating season, or whenever mineral deposits appear to be impeding the discharge of the water mist.

When shutting the humidifier down for the summer months, start with cleaning any mineral accumulation from the unit. Leave the water turned off and the unit dry. If the furnace fan is to be used for cooling purposes, disconnect the power cord from the humidifier or tum the humidistat to the OFF position it applicable.


Your humidifier is constructed from quality materials to assure superior performance during normal operation. The motor bearings are permanently lubricated and do not require oiling. The motor is also thermal overload protected against extreme conditions.

To clean the unit:

  1. Turn the power to the furnace OFF.
  2. Disconnect the motor leads or turn off the electric switch to the humidifier, if provided.
  3. Turn off the water supply from the saddle valve and remove water line from humidifier.
  4. Remove the discharge dome by pressing in on the sides and lifting upward.
  5. Lift the entire atomizing assembly from the water reservoir pan.
  6. Remove the pump from the end of the impeller shaft. If the pump is stuck in the motor drive shaft, run hot water over the end of the shaft for a few seconds to loosen the pump.
  7. Flush water through the impeller tube, ensuring that the six holes at the top of the impeller tube are open and clear of mineral deposits. A pipe cleaner works well for this cleaning operation.
    • NOTE: The impeller tube and pump can become clogged by algae formations prevalent in certain water sources. The addition of 1 O drops of Clorox bleach or Trion humidifier tables (which may be purchased from your local Trion dealer) to the water reservoir pan each week.
  8. Replace the pump into the impeller shaft.
  9. Carefully rotate the impeller to ensure it turns freely. Do not force the impeller shaft to turn or breakage could result.
  10. With the atomizing assembly removed, clean the water reservoir pan thoroughly. We suggest either a 50/50 water and white vinegar solution or Trion liquid humidifier cleaner.
  11. Reconnect the water line and motor leads to the humidifier and turn on the water supply from the saddle valve.


When selecting a location for the installation of your humidifier, there are certain conditions that must be met for its proper operation.

  • Mount the humidifier on the vertical cold air return duct.
  • Locate the humidifier at least (4) linear feet upstream of either the furnace fan and/or filter and any turn in the duct. This will ensure that condensation does not collect within the duct and cause oxidation (rust).
  • Mount the humidifier at least (6) linear feet (preferably 1 O feet) upstream from any electronic air cleaner. Failure to follow this recommendation can cause excessive nuisance arcing and/or power supply failure.
  • If the duct seams inside the duct are not flat, locate the humidifier at least (3) linear feet upstream from the seam.
  • If the humidification needs of the home require more than one humidifier, each unit should be installed a minimum of (3) linear feet apart.
  • DO NOT use this humidifier on the discharge (or warm air supply) side of a forced air heating system. This will reduce the efficiency of the humidifier and may cause operational problems.
  • DO NOT mount the humidifier in a furnace jacket.
  • DO NOT install the humidifier where freezing conditions could occur.
  • DO NOT install on gravity hot air systems.



Remember to select a location that is readily accessible for periodic inspection and cleaning of your humidifier .. Allow a minimum of 2″ clearance in front of the humidifier and 2″ below the water pan to allow for maintenance and repair.

CAUTION: Only a trained service person should install this humidifier. Do not connect the unit to power source until installation is complete. A thorough checkout of the unit installation should be completed before operation. Failure to follow these directions may void the manufacturer’s original warranty.

Prior to installing this product…

  1. Read the rules and instructions carefully to ensure safe operation. Failure to follow them could damage the product or cause a hazardous condition.
  2. Check the ratings given on the product to make sure it is suitable for your application.
  3. Mount the installation template on the side of the cold air return air duct with the center line of the template lined up with the center line of the return air duct. The narrow side of the duct may be used if space permits.
  4. Check the template with a level to ensure proper installation of the humidifier.
  5. Drill (4) ⅛” diameter holes (marked with an X on the template) for the mounting of the wire bracket with ½” sheet metal screws provided.
  6. Cut out the circles marked on the template. Do not cut this opening undersized.
  7. With a hammer and a heavy piece of metal, straighten the metal edges to prevent injury to yourself and damage to the humidifier.
  8. Attach the wire mounting bracket to the duct with the (4) ¾” sheet metal screws provided.
  9. Move the side adjusting arms vertically until the shelf is level. Mark the duct and drill (2) ⅛” holes. Fasten the arms in this position with (2) ¾” sheet metal screws provided.
  10. After the saddle valve has been installed, but before attaching the water line to the float and valve assembly, turn the saddle valve to the open position. This will allow the water to void the line of any debris that my have accumulated during the installation process.
  11. Attach the ¼” copper or plastic tubing to the float and valve assembly with the appropriate hardware.
    • CAUTION: The float and valve assembly must not turn when tightening the compression fittings on the water line.
  12. Check the water level in the water reservoir pan to ensure it is 1 – 1½” deep.


This humidifier is intended to be wired directly to the integrated control panel on your furnace. The electrical tap will provide power to the humidifier whenever the circulating air blower is in operation.
Read the instructions in the furnace installation manual carefully before attempting installation or operation. Failure to follow these instructions may result in improper installation and therefore, void the manufacturer’s warranty.

  1. Remove the cover from the junction box in the furnace jacket.
  2. Connect the humidifier line to the (2) leads that run to the furnace blower motor. This connection provides for the automatic operation of the humidifier during the heating season.
  3. The humidifier will only operate when the furnace blower is in operation.
  4. Trion recommends that a humidistat is installed in the system to provide optimum performance when continuous air circulation is desired.
  5. If a humidistat is not used in the installation, install an ON/OFF switch in its place. This provides a simple, yet effective, method of turning the humidifier off during the summer months when humidification is not desired.
  6. Set the furnace controls and humidistat for the desired conditions (30-40% RH is recommended). Operation of this unit is automatic.
  7. On a new humidifier installation, it is recommended that the humidifier be run continuously for several days to raise the level of humidity present in the house.

Humidifier Capacity Selection Guide

For reference only – calculations based on:·

  • Indoor temperature of 70° F and 35% Relative Humidity
  • Outside temperature of 20° F and 70% Relative Humidity
  • 81 Ceiling height
  • Internal moisture gain of 1 lb. Per hour
  • Furnace on-time of 70% ·

This chart uses A.A.I. standard designations:

  • A Tight House is assumed to be well insulated with vapor barriers, tight storm doors and windows and a pampered fireplace. Air change rate of .50 changes per hour.
  • An Average House is insulated and has a dampered fireplace, but there are no vapor barriers and storm windows and doors are assumed loose. Air change rate of 1.0 change per hour.
  • A Loose House is generally one constructed before 1930, having little or no insulation, no storm doors or windows, no weather stripping or vapor barriers and often, ·no effective dampering of fireplaces. Air change rate is as high as 1 .5 per hour.




This limited warranty covers Trion Residential Type Electronic Air Cleaners and Humidifiers, excluding duct work, wiring and installation.

Trion, Inc. warrants that all new Trion Residential Type Electronic Air Cleaners and Humidifiers are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal, noncommercial use and service. Trion will remedy any such defects, if they appear within 24 months from the date of original installation as evidenced by receipt of the warranty registration card, subject to the terms and conditions of this Limited Two-Year Warranty stated below:

  2. This warranty shall extend only to any noncommercial owner who has purchased the residential electronic air cleaner or humidifier other than for purposes of resale.
  3. The completion and return of the Warranty Registration Card is a condition precedent to warranty, coverage and performance.
  4. All components are covered by this limited warranty except expendable items, such as charcoal filters, disposable dirt-holding pads, media evaporative pads, media filter pads and nozzles.
  5. If within the warranty period any Trion residential electronic air cleaner or humidifier unit or related component requires service it must be performed by a competent heating and/or air conditioning contractor (preferably the installing contractor). Trion, Inc. will not pay shipping charges, or labor charges to remove or replace such defective parts or components. If the part or component is found by inspection to contain such defective material and workmanship it will be either repaired or exchanged free of charge at Trion’s option, and returned freight collect.
  6. In order to obtain the benefits of this limited two-year warranty, the owner must notify the dealer or distributor in writing of any defect within 30 days of its discovery. If after reasonable time you have not received an adequate response from the dealer or distributor, notify in writing Trion, Inc., McNeil! Road, P.O. Box 760, Sanford, North Carolina 27330. Console or portable models of the electronic air cleaner or humidifier may be returned intact freight prepaid, but electronic air cleaners or humidifiers that have been installed or become part of real estate cannot be returned. Trion will receive, freight prepaid, only removable parts or components of such defective electronic air cleaners or humidifiers.
  7. This limited warranty does not apply to any part or component that is: damaged in transit or when handling, has been subject to misuse, neglect or accident; has not been installed, operated and serviced according to Trion’s instruction; has been operated beyond the factory rated capacity; or altered in any such way that its performance is affected. There is no warranty due to neglect, alteration or ordinary wear and tear. Trion’s liability is limited to the replacement of defective parts or components and does not include the payment of the cost of labor charges to remove or replace such defective components or parts.
  8. Trion will not be responsible for loss of use of any product; loss of time, inconvenience, or any other indirect, incidental or consequential damages with respect to person or property, whether as a result of breach of warranty, neglect or otherwise. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION IN THE PRECEDING SENTENCE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
  10. Any warranty work will be performed within a reasonable time, usually within 120 days after notice of defect and delivery to the Trion factory, subject to delays beyond Trion’s control.
  11. Any warranty be Trion of merchantability, fitness for use or any other warranty (express, implied or statutory), representation or guarantee other than those set forth herein, shall expire at the expiration date of this express limited warranty. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE LIMITATION IN THE PRECEDING SENTENCE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
  12. Trion reserves the right to make changes in the design and material of its products without incurring any obligation to incorporate such changes in units completed on the effective date of such change.



PartNo. 252967-001


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