PHILIPS ECG Leadset to OEM Trunk Cable 5 Lead Adapters Instruction Manual
- June 8, 2024
- Philips
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PHILIPS ECG Leadset to OEM Trunk Cable 5 Lead Adapters
About This Edition
Copyright © 2012
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights are reserved.
Printing History
Current Edition/Revision:
Printed in China, September 2012 Part Number 453564381741
Previous Editions/Revisions:
- November 2011
- Part Number 453564295191
United States law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Product Overview
Intended Use
Philips ECG Adapters allow care providers to connect Philips ECG headsets to
non-Philips ECG trunk cables. This enables a patient’s ECG to be monitored via
Philips electrodes/leads that are connected to OEM (Other Equipment
Manufacturer) monitors.
Adapter use is limited only by:
- Compatibility with specific OEM trunk cables.
- Indications for use of the OEM monitors connected at the opposite end of the OEM trunk cable.
Product Description/Application
The Philips series of ECG Adapter products offer compatibility with several OEM trunk cable manufacturers. Refer to Compatibility for specific Leadset- Adapter-Trunk connection options. The Adapters are reusable and suitable for multi-patient use when cleaned and disinfected between patient applications.
A typical Leadset-Adapter-Trunk connection is shown on page I at the front of this document and described below:
- The Adapter has a female end that accepts a compatible 5-lead Philips ECG headset connector, and a male end that connects to a compatible OEM trunk cable connector.
- The Philips ECG Leadset Connector connects to the headset end of the Adapter.
- The OEM Trunk Cable Connector connects to the trunk end of the Adapter.
- Multiple ECG Patient Leads on the Philips headset attached to ECG electrodes appropriately positioned on the patient.
- The OEM Trunk Cable Monitor Connector connects to an OEM patient monitor.
- The Adapter’s Tether Strap secures the Adapter to the strain relief on the OEM trunk cable connector.
The Adapters are compatible with the Philips ECG headsets and OEM trunk cables listed on page ii at the front of this document.
Be sure to verify compatibility before using an Adapter with any unlisted
trunk cable.
The warnings listed below apply to the Adapter application and patient safety. Be sure to also reference Notes, Cautions, and Warnings defined by the Instructions for Use (IFU) associated with each compatible Philips headset, OEM trunk cable, and OEM monitor.
- Use the Adapter only with compatible Philips headsets and OEM trunk cable combinations.
- Visually inspect the Adapter for damage, visual/gross contamination, and cleanliness prior to use. If inspection shows any signs of cracks or damage, or if there appears to be any liquid, lint, or dust in the headset or trunk connectors, do not use the Adapter.
- Do not use the Adapter under the massive influence of fluids (e.g. rain).
- Be sure that the headset and trunk cable connectors are properly and fully inserted into the Adapter connectors. All connections must be secure.
- Carefully position the Adapter, headset, and trunk cable to avoid patient entanglement, choking, and strangulation. Also, verify that positioning does not cause entanglement of IV tubes or restrict IV flow.
- Always clean and disinfect the Adapter prior to use on another patient (see Cleaning and Low-Level Disinfection).
Any Adapter showing signs of physical or electrical deterioration or failure should be disinfected and disposed of according to local laws regarding the disposal of hospital waste.
Cleaning and Low-Level Disinfection
The Adapter must be cleaned and disinfected before being reused on another patient. Wipe the Adapter with a soft cloth saturated with mild soap and water to clean it, wipe it with alcohol to disinfect it, then wipe it dry being sure to remove all residue.
- Do not Sterilize the Adapter.
- Never immerse the Adapter.
- Use of cleaners other than mild soap, or disinfectants other than alcohol, may cause damage and reduce Adapter’s lifetime or cause safety risks to patients.
Product Symbols
Symbols appearing on Adapter products and packaging are defined below
For more information, please call the local Philips sales office listed in your telephone directory; or contact one of the regional sales offices listed below for the location of your nearest Philips sales office.
United States:
Philips Medical Systems
North America Corporation
3000 Minuteman Road
Andover, MA 01810-1099
+1 800 225-0230 toll-free
Philips Healthcare Canada
281 Hillmount Road Markham, ON L6C 2S3
Latin America Headquarters:
Philips Healthcare Brazil
Rua Verbo Divino 1400 – 7° Andar Chacara Santo Antonio
04719-002 Sao Paulo, SP Brazil
Tel: +55 112125-0744
Fax: +55 11 2125-0761
Europe, Middle East and Africa:
Philips Medizin Systeme
Böblingen GmbH
Hewlett-Packard Str. 2
71034 Böblingen, Germany
Tel: (+49) 7031 463 2254
Fax: (+49) 7031 463 1552
Asia Pacific Headquarters:
Philips Electronics Singapore Private Limited
Philips Healthcare
620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Singapore 319762
Tel: 1800-PHILIPS
Fax: +65 6255 4853
Made in China
Manufactured for Philips Medical Systems
Manufacturing Address:
Philips Medical Systems 3000 Minuteman Road Andover, MA 01810-1099 USA.
Subject to modification
© 2012
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Printed in China September 2012
Part No. 453564381741
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