REELY 2267650 4 Channels Gen4 Pistol Grip Remote Control Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

Operating Instructions
4 Channels Gen4 Pistol Grip Remote Control 2.4 GHz
Item No. 2267650


Dear customer, Thank you for purchasing this product. This product complies with the statutory national and European requirements. To maintain this status and to ensure safe operation, you as the user must observe these operating instructions!
These operating instructions are part of this product. They contain important notes on commissioning and handling. Also, consider this if you pass on the product to any third party. Therefore, retain these operating instructions for reference! If there are any technical questions, please contact:

Explanation of symbols

The symbol with the exclamation mark in the triangle is used to indicate important information in these operating instructions. Always read this information carefully. The arrow symbol indicates special information and advice on operation.

Intended use

The transmitter has 4-channels and operates on a 2.4 GHz automatic frequency hopping digital system (AFHDS). It comes with a compact receiver that has an integrated antenna. The receiver uses standard PWM output. Extra channels are available for various switching tasks or control functions.
Contact with moisture must be avoided under all circumstances.
For safety and approval purposes, you must not rebuild and/or modify this product. If you use the product for purposes other than those described above, the product may be damaged. In addition, improper use can result in other hazards. Read the instructions carefully and store them in a safe place. Make this product available to third parties only together with its operating instructions.
All company names and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Delivery content

  • Transmitter
  • Receiver antenna
  • Operating instructions (on CD-ROM)

Up-to-date operating instructions

Download the latest operating instructions at or scan the QR code shown. Follow the instructions on the website.

Safety instructions

Read the operating instructions carefully and especially observe the safety information. If you do not follow the safety instructions and information on proper handling in this manual, we assume no liability for any resulting personal injury or damage to property. Such cases will invalidate the warranty/guarantee.
Normal wear and tear in operation and damage due to accidents (like the receiver aerial being torn off, the receiver casing broken, etc.) are excluded from the warranty.

  • Do not operate in the following locations:
    – Any location where interference from other radio controlled activity may occur.
    – Near power lines or communication broadcasting antennas.
    – Near people or roads.
    – On any body of water when passenger boats are present.

  • Do not use the product at night or in bad weather such as rain or thunderstorms.

Before use

  • Set the Fail-safe. See “d) Fail-safe (safety mechanism)” on page 14.
  • Turn the transmitter ON first, and then turn the receiver ON. This will prevent loss of control.
  • Check the transmitter batteries have sufficient charge to avoid losing control of the model.
  • Check all servos and their connections.

During use
Make sure the model stays within the transmission range to prevent loss of control. See “a) Transmitter (TX)” on page 18.
After use

  • Turn the receiver OFF first, and then turn the transmitter OFF. This will prevent loss of control.
  • Do not touch any part of the model that may generate heat. The engine, motor, or speed controller can become hot enough to cause burns!

**** a) General information

  • This product is not a toy. It is not suitable for children under 14 years of age unless closely supervised by a responsible adult.

  • Do not leave packaging material lying around carelessly. This may become dangerous playing material for children.

  • Protect the appliance from extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, strong jolts, high humidity, moisture, flammable gases, steam, and solvents.

  • Do not place the product under any mechanical stress.

  • If it is no longer possible to operate the product safely, take it out of operation and protect it from any accidental use. The safe operation can no longer be guaranteed if the product:
    – is visibly damaged,
    – is no longer working properly,
    – has been stored for extended periods in poor ambient conditions or
    – has been subjected to any serious transport-related stresses.

  • Please handle the product carefully. Jolts, impacts, or a fall even from a low height can damage the product.

  • Consult an expert when in doubt about the operation, safety, or connection.

  • Maintenance, modifications, and repairs must only be completed by a technician or an authorized repair center.

  • If you have questions that remain unanswered by these operating instructions, contact our technical support service or other technical personnel.

b) Operation

  • Make sure you are sufficiently insured for the operation of the model, e.g. by a personal liability insurer. If you already have personal liability insurance, check with your insurance company if the operation of the model is also insured.
  • Only use the model when it is within your sight as a large object can block the RF signal and lead to loss of control.
  • Only use the model when you are fully alert and able to respond, fatigue, alcohol or medications can affect your ability to respond.
  • Avoid using the model in very low outdoor temperatures. Plastic parts lose their elasticity in cold temperatures. This can result in serious damage even after a minor accident.
  • The operation and handling of remote-controlled models must be learned! Novice operators should operate the model conservatively and get used to the reactions of the model and remote control inputs.
  • Do not use the product in rain or snow. Exposure to moisture (water or snow) may cause erratic operation or loss of control.
  • Make sure the product is properly installed in your model. Failure to do so may result in serious injury.

**** c) Receiver / antenna

  • To prevent loss of control:
    – Make sure the receiver battery is disconnected before turning off the transmitter
    – Do not power on the receiver during the setup process.

  • For best signal quality:
    – Mount the antenna is mounted perpendicular to the model body in an upright position.
    – Mount the receiver away from motors, electronic speed controllers, or any device that can interfere with the signal.
    – Keep the receiver antenna at least 1 cm away from conductive materials such as carbon or metal.

  • Protect the receiver from dust, dirt, moisture, heat, and vibration.

d) Transmitter

  • Never point the transmitter aerial towards the model as it will decrease the range. · The maximum range will be achieved when the aerial of the transmitter and model are both vertical.

e) (Rechargeable) batteries

  • Correct polarity must be observed while inserting the (rechargeable) batteries.
  • The (rechargeable) batteries should be removed from the device if it is not used for a long period of time to avoid damage through leaking. Leaking or damaged (rechargeable) batteries might cause acid burns when in contact with skin, therefore use suitable protective gloves to handle corrupted (rechargeable) batteries.
  • (Rechargeable) batteries must be kept out of reach of children. Do not leave (rechargeable) batteries lying around, as there is a risk, that children or pets swallow them.
  • All (rechargeable) batteries should be replaced at the same time. Mixing old and new (rechargeable) batteries in the device can lead to (rechargeable) battery leakage and device damage.
  • (Rechargeable) batteries must not be dismantled, short-circuited, or thrown into the fire. Never recharge non-rechargeable batteries. There is a risk of explosion!

Operating elements

a) Transmitter

1 Panel cover
2 Steering reverse switch (ST.RV)
3 Power indicator LED (R.LED)
4 Steering trim (ST.TRIM -)
5 Status indicator: Green (G.LED)
6 Throttle trim (TH.TRIM -)
7 Steering D/R (ST.D/R -)| 8 Power switch (ON/OFF)
9 Bind button (BIND)
10 Throttle reverse (TH.REV)
11 Steering trim (ST.TRIM +)
12 Throttle trim (TH.TRIM +)
13 Steering D/R (ST.D/R +)
14 Lanyard eye| 15 Base/battery compartment
16 Three-position AUX switch (CH3)
17 AUX button (CH4)
18 Steering wheel (CH1)
19 Throttle lever (CH2)

b) Receiver / antenna

Channel Description
CH1 Steering servo
CH2 Throttle servo
CH3 AUX servo
CH4 AUX servo / battery connector

The battery can connect to any channel.
CH3 and CH4 can be used for various switching tasks or additional control functions such as lighting circuits.

Transmitter batteries


  • Do not use lithium batteries. The output voltage may not be sufficient and can trigger the low battery warninging.
  • Replace the batteries when the G.LED on the panel flashes.
    1. Remove the battery compartment cover.
    2. Insert 4x AA batteries matching polarity as shown inside the compartment.
    3. Replace the battery compartment cover.

Standard wiring diagrams


  • Observe Safety instructions “c) Receiver/antenna” on page 7.
  • Two-sided adhesive foam (servo tape) is a suitable method for fastening the base of the receiver/antenna to the model.
    a) Electronic speed controller (E.S.C.)
    b) Gas powered motors


a) Power ON
Important: Turn the transmitter ON first, and then turn the receiver ON.

  1. Check that the batteries are fully charged and installed correctly.
  2. Switch the transmitter POWER ON, the R.LED will light.
  3. Switch the receiver power supply ON.

b) Binding (transmitter with receiver)
The transmitter has already been bound to the receiver at the factory. Follow these steps if the receiver needs to be replaced or additional receivers bound:

  1. On the transmitter, press and hold the BIND button then switch the POWER ON. The G.LED will flash quickly.
  2. Turn the receiver power ON. It will automatically enter searching mode.
  3. Once binding is successful:
    – Receiver: The G.LED will flash slowly.
    – Transmitter: The LED will be solid on.

c) Calibrate (steering and throttle)
This function is for setting the neutral position of the throttle lever and steering wheel. The transmitter has already been calibrated at the factory. Follow these steps if the receiver needs to be recalibrated:

  1. Turn the steering to the maximum clockwise position (and hold), push the throttle lever all the way forward (and hold), then switch the POWER ON.
    – The R.LED and G.LED will both flash to indicate you are in calibration mode.

  2. Calibrate the steering wheel: Turn the wheel completely clockwise, then completely counter-clockwise.
    – The R.LED will turn off when the steering is calibrated.

  3. Calibrate the throttle lever: Pull the trigger all the way back, then push it all the way forward.
    – The G.LED will turn off when the throttle is calibrated.

  4. Press the BIND button to save and exit calibration.
    – The G.LED will go off and the R.LED will stay on.

d) Power OFF

**Important:** Turn the receiver OFF first, and then turn the transmitter OFF.

  1. Switch the receiver power supply OFF. 2. Switch the transmitter POWER OFF.


a) Transmitter channels

Channel Description
CH1 Steering servo
CH2 Throttle servo
CH3 AUX servo switch (three positions).

For example, the three-switch positions affect the servos as follows:

CH4| AUX servo button (minimum/maximum). Pressing the button will switch the PWM between 1000 ps (min.) and 2000 ps (max.). The default output of CH4 is 1000 ps. For example, each button press affects the servo as follows:

b) Beginner mode
There are two modes, normal and beginner. Beginner mode is designed for novice model users. The throttle response will be reduced by 50% making the model easier to control.

  • To enter beginner mode: Press and hold the CH4 button and the steering wheel all the way counter-clockwise, and
    then switch the transmitter POWER ON.
    – The G.LED will flash to indicate you are in beginner mode.
    – The mode will be saved after powering off.

  • To exit beginner mode: Press and hold the CH4 button and the steering wheel all the way counter-clockwise, and then switch the transmitter POWER ON.
    – The G.LED will not light up – The active mode will be saved after powering off.

c) Channel reverse
These switches are used to reverse the direction of movement in relation to the input.

  • ST.REV: Reverses CH1 (steering input).
  • TH.REV: Reverses CH2 (throttle input).

d) Fail-safe (safety mechanism)

  • The fail-safe determines what the receiver will do if it loses the signal from the transmitter, and includes the servo position.
  • If no fail-safe has been set, the receiver will not output any signals when the connection is lost.
  1. Switch the transmitter POWER ON and check that it is bound to the receiver.
    – Receiver: The G.LED will flash slowly.
    – Transmitter: The LED will be solid on.

  2. Hold the steering wheel and throttle lever at the desired failsafe position, for example:
    – Steering wheel: Neutral “Hands off” position.
    – Throttle lever: Neutral “Hands off” position.

  3. Press and hold the BIND button for three seconds, the G.LED will flash every 2 seconds to indicate that the failsafe has been set.

Test the fail-safe

  1. Turn the transmitter POWER ON first, then turn the receiver power supply ON.
  2. Support the model on a stand so that any moving parts can run freely.
  3. Activate and hold the throttle or steering, then switch the transmitter POWER OFF.
  4. The throttle and steering should enter the fail-safe setting.

e) Adjust the trim

  • Adjusting the trim helps fine-tune the throttle and steering response. Trim should not be used to compensate for poor mechanical setup.
  • See “f) Adjust servo travel” on page 16.
  • The adjustment range is: -120 µs to +120 µs, each step is 4 µs (max. 30 adjustments each way)

LED indicator
The G.LED:

  • Lights up each time an adjustment is made.
  • Will not light when the maximum number of adjustments has been reached.
  • Will blink at the default (zero) setting.

Steering trim (ST.TRIM)

  • By default, ST.TRIM is set to adjust the trim for CH1 (steering).

  • ST.TRIM can be reassigned to adjust the trim for CH3 or CH4. For information about how to reassign, see “g) Multiplexing” on page 16.

  • Adjust the trim:
    – Decrease Press ST.TRIM
    – Increase Press ST.TRIM+

  • Press and hold for rapid adjustments.

Throttle trim (TH.TRIM)

  • TH.TRIM adjusts the trim for CH2 (throttle).
    – Decrease Press TH.TRIM
    – Increase Press TH.TRIM

  • Press and hold for rapid adjustments.

f) Adjust servo travel
After installation, if the servo arms are not square / 90° to the axis of the servo (image A), adjust the servo travel to the center of the arm image B).
You will not need to adjust the servo travel again unless the setup has changed.

  • By default, ST.D/R is set to adjust the trim for CH1 (steering).

  • ST.D/R can be reassigned to adjust the servo travel for CH2 (throttle), CH3, or CH4. For information about how to reassign, see “g) Multiplexing” on page 16.

  • The adjustment range is: 0 to 120% (default 100%), each step is 5 %.
    – Decrease Press ST.D/R-
    – Increase: Press ST.D/R+

  • Press and hold for rapid adjustments.

LED indicator
The G.LED:

  • Lights up each time an adjustment is made.
  • Will not light when the maximum number of adjustments has been reached.

g) Multiplexing
Use this function to assign the ST.TRIM and ST.D/R buttons to different channels.

  1. Switch the transmitter POWER ON.
  2. Double-press the BIND button to cycle through modes.
Mode G.LED Channel Button Setting
1 1x flash CH1 ST.TRIM Adjust trim
CH1 ST.DIR Adjust servo travel
2 2x flash CH1 ST.TRIM Adjust trim
CH2 ST.DIR Adjust servo travel
3 3x flash CH3 ST.TRIM Adjust trim
CH3 ST.D/R Adjust servo travel
4 4x flash CH4 ST.TRIM Adjust trim
CH4 ST.DIR Adjust servo travel

Mode 1 is the default

Care and cleaning

**** Do not use any aggressive cleaning agents, rubbing alcohol, or other chemical solutions as they can cause damage to the housing and malfunction.

  • Before each cleaning, first, turn the receiver OFF and then turn the transmitter OFF.
  • Wipe the product with a dry, fiber-free cloth.

Declaration of Conformity (DOC)

Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Straße 1, D-92240 Hirschau hereby declares that this product conforms to the 2014/53/EU directive.
Click on the following link to read the full text of the EU declaration of conformity:
Select a language by clicking on a flag symbol and entering the product order number in the search box. You can then download the EU declaration of conformity in PDF format.


a) Product
Electronic devices are recyclable waste and must not be disposed of in the household waste. At the end of its service life, dispose of the product in accordance with applicable regulatory guidelines. Remove any inserted (rechargeable) batteries and dispose of them separately from the product.
b) (Rechargeable) batteries
You as the end-user are required by law (Battery Ordinance) to return all used (rechargeable) batteries. Disposing of them in household waste is prohibited.
Contaminated (rechargeable) batteries are labeled with this symbol to indicate that disposal of domestic waste is forbidden. The designations for the heavy metals involved are Cd = Cadmium, Hg = Mercury, Pb = Lead (name on (rechargeable) batteries, e.g. below the trash icon on the left).
Used (rechargeable) batteries can be returned to collection points in your municipality, our stores, or wherever (rechargeable) batteries are sold. You thus fulfill your statutory obligations and contribute to the protection of the environment.

Technical data

a) Transmitter (TX)
Battery ……………………………………………………..4x AA 1.5 V (6 V/DC)
Important: Do not use lithium batteries. The output may be <4.2 V which will trigger the low battery warning.
Low battery warning …………………………………..<4.2 V
Channels ………………………………………………….4
Modes………………………………………………………Normal and beginner
Application ………………………………………………..Car, boat
Antenna ……………………………………………………internal
Wireless protocol…………………………………………ANT
Frequency range ……………………………………….2.406 – 2.474 GHz
Transmission power……………………………………<20 dBm
Transmission range ……………………………………approx. 300 m (open area)
Operating/Storage conditions ………………………-10 to +60 °C, 20 ­ 95 % RH (non- condensing)
Dimensions (W x H x D) ……………………………..97 x 193 x 160 mm
Weight ……………………………………………………..250 g (without batteries)
b) Receiver (RX) / antenna
Input power……………………………………………….3.5 to 8.4 V
Ingress protection ……………………………………..IPX4
Wireless frequency …………………………………….2.406 – 2.474 GHz
Wireless protocol…………………………………………ANT
Antenna ……………………………………………………single (internal)
Channels ………………………………………………….4
RSSI ………………………………………………………
Data port…………………………………………………..PWM (pulse width modulated)
Operating/Storage conditions ………………………-10 to +60 °C, 20 ­ 95 % RH (non- condensing)
Dimensions (W x H x D) ……………………………..20.6 x 25.5 x 22.6 mm
Weight ……………………………………………………..6 g
This is a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau (
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, microfilming, or the capture in electronic data processing systems requires prior written approval by the editor. Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited. This publication represents the technical status at the time of printing. Copyright 2021 by Conrad Electronic SE.

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