vivitek DU8090Z Projector Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

DU8090Z Projector Instruction
vivitek DU8090Z Projector

The Serial Interface RS-232 Command

This projector supports control by RS-232 command, there exist two types of RS-232 serial commands:

  • Operation command: Available menu options are INPUT, PICTURE, ALIGNMENT, CONTROL, and SERVICE.
  • Simulated IR remote control commands Controls projector via RS-232 command, the commands simulate IR remote controller and its control keys.

Communication parameter

You can use the serial control command to input commands for projector control or retrieve its operational data through Windows client terminal software, e.g. Hyper Terminal, with ASCII characters. You need to set up the following communication parameters in advance:

Item Parameter:
Bit per Second 9600 bps
Data Bit 8-bit
Parity None
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control None
Port 7000


  • The terminal software does not return every command input character
  • The transmission performance varies with the length of the RS-232 cable

Operation commands

Operation command syntax
An operation command is prefixed by character “op”, followed by control commands and settings separated by space blank [SP], and ended by carriage return pair “CR” and “ASCII hex OD”.Syntax of serial control commands:
op[SP] [SP][CR]
op: A constant indicating this is an operation command.
[SP] : Indicate one blank space.
[CR]: Indicate the command ending carriage return pair “CR” and “ASCII hex OD”.
Setting value: Settings of the operation command

When sending the multiple commands, make sure the return message of the last command is received before sending out the next one.

List of operation commands


OSD Function| Operation
command| Settings/Return Values| Note
Input Select| input.sel| ?
=| 0 = HDMI 1
1 = HDMI 2
2 = VGA
3 = Component / BNC
4 = DVI
5 = 3G-SDI
6 = HDBaseT| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
•Standby mode
•When the blank function is activated
PIP/PIP Option| pip. mode| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is at below status
□Standby mode
□When PIP is off
PIP/PIP Input| pip .sei| ?
=| 0 = HDMI 1
1 = HDMI 2
2= VGA
3 = Component / BNC
5= 3G-SDI
6= HDBaseT| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□Standby mode
□When PIP is off
PIP; Position| ptp pos| ?
=| 0 = Top Left
1 =Top Right
2 =Bottom Left
3= Bottom Right
4 =PBP| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
Standby mode
When PIP is off
Auto Source| auto SVC| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the projector is in standby mode.
Color Space|| ?
=| 0 = Auto
1 = YPbPr (Rec. 709)
2 = YcbCr (Rec. 601)
3 = RGB•PC (0-255)
4 = RCS-Video (16-235)| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not yet locked.
Aspect Ratio| aspect| ?
=| 0 = 5:4
1 = 4:3
2 = 16:10
3 = 16:9
4 = 1.88
5 = 2.35
6 = LetterBox
7 = Source
8 = Native| •Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
•When the Zoom function is set to Zoom in. the Unsealed function is disabled.
Overscan| zoom| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = Crop
2 = Zoom| •Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
•When the Zoom function is set to Zoom in. the Unsealed function is disabled.
OW Function| Operation command| Settings/Return Values| Note
VGA SetupeH Total| h total| ?
| 0-200| •Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
•Apply for VGA and Component signal input.
VGA Setup/H Start| h.pos| ?
| 0-200| •Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
•Apply for VGA and Component signal input.
VGA Setup/Ft Phase| h.phase| ?
| 0-200| •Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
•Apply for VGA and Component signal input.
VGA SetupN Start| v.pos| ?
| 0-200| •Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
-Apply for VGA and Component signal input.
Test Pattern| pattern| ?=| 0 = Off
1 = White
2 = Black
3 = Red
4 = Green
5 = Blue
6 = Checkboard
7 = CrossHatch
8 = V Burst
9 = H Burst
10 = Color Bar| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode.
3D/3D Format| 3d.format| =?| 0 = Off
1 = Auto
2 = Side-By-Side (Half)
3 = Top-And-Bottom
4 = Frame Sequential| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
3D/Eye Swap| 3d.swap| =?| 0 = Normal 1 = Reverse| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
3D/DLP Link| 3d.dlplink| =?| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
3D/Dark Time| 3d.darkbme| =?| 0 = 0.65 ms 1 = 1.3 ms 2=1.95ms| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
3D/sync delay| 3d.syncdelay| =?| 1 – 60| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
3D; Sync Reference| 3d.syncref| =?| 0 = External
1 = Internal
2 = Auto| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode


OSD Function| Operation command| Settings; Return Values| Note
Picture Mode| pic. mode| ?
=| 0 = High Bnght
1 = Presentation
2 = Video| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode.
Brightness| bright| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Contrast| contrast| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Saturation| saturat| ?
| 0-200| •Apply for YUV signal input
•Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Hue| tint| ?
| 0-200| •Apply for YUV signal input
•Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Sharpness| sharp| ?
| 0-20| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Color Temperature| color.temp| ?
=| 0 = 5400K
1 = 6500K
2 = 7500K
3 = 9300K
4 = Native| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Gamma| gamma| ?
=| 0 = 1.0
1 = 1.8
2 = 2.0
3 = 2.2
4 = 2.35
5 = 2.5
6 = S-Curve| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Input Balance /Red Offset| red. offset| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Input Balance /Green Offset| green. offset| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Input Balance /Blue Offset| blue. gain| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
OSD Function| Operation
command| Settings/Return Values| Note
Input Balance Red Gain| red. gain| ?
| 0.200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Input Balance /Green Gain| green.gain|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Input Balance /Blue Gain| blue.gain|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Red Gain| hsg.r.gain|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
MSG/Green Gain| hsg.g.gain|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSGiBlue Gain| Hsg .b. gain|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Cyan Gain| hsg.c.gain|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Magenta Gain| hsg. m .gain|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Yellow Gain| Hsg .y.gain|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet_
HSG/Red/Saturation| hsg.r.sat| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Green/Saturation| hsg.g.sat|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Blue/Saturation| Hsg.b.sat|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/CyaNSaturation| hsg.c.sat|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Magenta/Satura ti on| hsg.m.sat|   ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet
OSD Function| Operation
command| Settings: Return Values| Note
HSG/Yellow/Saturation| Hsg.y.sat| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Red/Hue| hsg.r.hue| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Green/Hue| hsg.g. hue| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Blue/Hue| Hsg .b. hue| ?
| 0.200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Cyan/Hue| hsg c hue| ?
| 0.200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG. Magenta Hue| nsg .m.hue| ?
| 0.200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the Input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/Yellow/Hue| Hsg.y. hue| ?
| 0.200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSGIVVhite/Rect Gain| hsg.wr.gain| ?
| 0.200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/White/Green Gain| hsg.wg.gain| ?
| 0.200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
HSG/White/Blue Gain| Hsg.wb.gain| ?
| 0-200| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not bilked yet.
HSG Reset| hsg.reset| | (execute)| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Noise Reduction| nr| ?
| 0.3 (Noise Reduction)| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Dynamic Black| dblack| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the projector is in standby mode.
Freeze| freeze| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the projector is in standby mode


OW Function| Operation command| Settings!Return Value| Note
Lens control|| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Lens control| zoom.out| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Lens control| focus .near| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Lens control| focus. far| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Lens control| lens .up| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Lens control| lens .down| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Lens control| lens .left| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Lens control| lens .right| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Lens Type| lens .type| ?
=| 0 = non-UST 1 = UST lens| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
Standby mode
Lens Memory : Load Memory| lens .load| ?
=| 1.10 set of lens memory (Load)| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
Standby mode
Lens Memory : Save Memory| lens .save| ?
=| 1.10 set of lens memory (Save)| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
Standby mode
Lens Memory / Clear Memory| lens .clear| ?
=| 1.10 set of lens memory (Save)| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
Standby mode
Center Lens| lens .center| | (execute)| The Lens control command does not apply when the projector is in standby mode.
Digital Zoom / Digital Zoom| dig .zoom| =?| 0 – 100| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Digital Zoom / Digital Pan| digs. pan| =?| -320 – 320 (depend on input timing:
use “op digi.pan r to query =rent setting)| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Digital Zoom i! Digital Scan| dig .scan| =?| -200 – 200
(depend on input timing. use ‘op digi.scattr to query current setting| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the Input signal is not locked yet.
Digital Zoom / Reset| digi.zoom.rst| | (execute)| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
OSD Function| Operation command| Settings/Return Value| Note
Warp / Keystone H| h.keystone| =
?| Horizontal -600 ~ + 600| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp / Keystone V| v.keystone|   =
?| Vertical -400~ + 400| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp / Rotation| rotation|   =
?| -100 ~+100| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp / H Rn/Barrel||   =
?| -150 ~+ 300| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp/ V Pin/Barrelv.| v. pinbarrel|   =
?| -150~+ 300| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp/ Top Left Comer/Horizontal| 4comeculx|   =
?| -192 ~+192| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp/ Top Left
ComerNerticat| 4comeruly|   =
?| -120 ~+120| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp’ Top Right Comer/ Horizontal| 4comer urx|   =
?| -192 ~+192| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp/ Top Right Corner! Vertical| Ocomer. ury|   =
?| •120~+0120| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp/Bottom left Corner/ Honzontal| 4comertlx|   =
?| •192 ~+192| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp/Bottom left Comer/ Vertical| 4comer. Ny|   =
?| – 120 ~+120| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp/Bottom Right Corner/ Horizontal| 4comerinc|   =
?| -192~+192| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Warp/Bottom Right Corner/ Vertical| 4comertry|   =
?| -120~+120| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Blanking / Top| blanking. top|   =
?| 0 – 360| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Blanking / Bottom| blanket. bottom|   =
?| 0 ~+360| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Blanking / left| blanking.left|   =
?| 0 ~+534| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Blanking / Right| blanking.rght|   =
?| 0 ~+534| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
OSD Finedon| Operation command| Settings: Return Value| Nob
Blanking / Reset| Nanking.reset| | (execute I| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend| eb.stat| =
?| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend i
Align Pattern| eb.adl| =
?| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / White Level|| =
?| 0 100 ~500| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / White Level| eb.bottom| =
?| 0 100 ~500| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / White Level| eb left| =
?| 0 100 ~500| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / White Level| eb right| =
?| 0 100 ~500| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Black Level|| =
?| 0 ~32| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Black Level| eb blu bottom| =
?| 0 ~32| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Black Level| eb. Nu left| =
?| 0 ~ 32| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Black Level| eb.blu.right| =
?| 0 ~32| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Black Level| eb.all| =
?| 0 ~32| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Black Level|| =
?| 0 ~32| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Black Level|| =
?| 0 ~32| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Black Level|| =
?| 0 ~ 32| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
Edge Blend / Reset| eb.reset| | (execute)| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□ Standby mode
OSD Function| Operation command| Settings/Return Value| Note
Screen Format| screen. format| = ?| 0 = 16:10
1 = 16:9
2 = 4:3| Not applicable when the project is at below status.
*Standby mode


OSD Function| Operation
command| Settings/Retum Values| Note
Language| lang| ?
=| 0 = English
1 = French
2 = Spanish
3 = German
4 = Portuguese
5 = Chinese Simplified
6 = Chinese Traditional
7 = Japanese
8 = Korean| □Not applicable when the project is at below status.
□Standby mode
Projection mode| orientation| =
?| 0 = Front
1 = Ceiling + Front
2 = Rear
3 = Ceiling + Rear
4 =Auto| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Cooling Condition| cooling condition| =
?| 0 = Front
1 = Ceiling + Front
2 = Freetilt
3 = Auto| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Altitude| altitude| ?
=| 1 = On
2 = Auto| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Auto Power Off| auto powoff| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Auto Power On| auto powon| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Network/ Standby Power| net power| =
?| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Network/DHCP| net dhcp| =
?| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Network/IP Adress| net. tpaddr|   ?
=| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Network/Subnet Mask| net.subnet|   ?
=| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Network/Gateway| net.gateway|   ?
=| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Network/DNS| net.dns| =
?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
OSD Function| Operation
command| Settings/Return Values| Note
Light Power| laser.mode| ?
=| 0 = Eco Mode
1 = Normal Mode
2 =custom Power Mode| □ Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
□ Not applicable when the project is in cooling or lighting up status.
Customer Power Level| laser. power| ?
=| 20-100
Adjust range: 20%-100%| •Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
•The command is available when Ugh Power is set to Custom Power Level (laser.mode=2)
Background| no.signal| ?
=| 0 = Logo
1 = Black
2 = Blue
3 = Whrte| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Startup Logo| startuo.logo| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Remote Sensor| it .enable| ?
=| 0 = Off (Disable)
I = On (Enable)| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
C Control Enable| Id control. enable| ?
=| 0 = Disable
1 = Enable|
control ID Number| Control. id| ?
=| 0 – 99| ID Control Enable function has to be enabled before setting the number.
Trigger| trig.1| ?
=| 0 = Off
1 = Screen
2 = 5.4
3 = 4.3
4 = 16.10
5 = 16 9
6 = 1.88
7 = 2.35
8 = LetterBox
9 = Source
10 = Native| Not applicable when the projector is in standby mode.
OSD Settings/ Menu Position| osd. menus| =?| 0 = Top Left
1 = Top Right
2 = Bottom Left
3 = Bottom Right
4 = Center| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
OSD Settings, Menu Transparency| osd. trans| =?| 0 = 0%
1 = 25%
2 = 50%
3 = 75%| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
OW Settings! Time Out| osd. timer| =?| 0 = Always On
1 = 10 Seconds
2 = 30 Seconds
3 = 60 Seconds| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
OSD Settings/ Message Box| osd.msgbox| =?| 0 = Off
1 = On| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode


OSD Function| Operation command| Settings/Return Values| Note
Model| model| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode standby mode
Serial Number|| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Software Version| sw.ver| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Active Source| act.source| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Signal format| signal| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
H Refresh Rate| h.refresh| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
V Refresh Rate| v.refresh| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Pixel Clock| pixel.clock| ?| | In unit of MHz
Light Time| laser.hours| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Factory Reset| fact.reset| | (execute)|


Function| Operation
command| Settings/Return Values| Note
Power On| power.on| | (execute)|
Power Off|| | (execute)|
Projector Status| status| ?| 0 = Standby
1 = Warm Up
2 = Imaging
3 = Cooling
4 = Error| Not applicable when the Network Standby is set to Off (less 0.5W)
Blank| blank| =
?| 0= Disable 1= Enable| Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
Error Detection| errcode| ?| |
System Temperature – Ti| ti| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
System Temperature – Ti2| ti2| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
System Temperature – Tc| tc| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
System Temperature – Tb1| tb1| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode
System Temperature – Tb2| tb2| ?| | Not applicable when the project is in standby mode

Note: The projector returns the string “NA” when the input command does not apply to the current projector status or setup.

Simulated IR remote controller commands

This control command simulates the IR remote controller and its control keys. It shares the same syntax of operation command. It begins with characters “ky”, followed by control commands and settings separated by space blank [SP], and ended with carriage return pair “CR” and “ASCII hex 0D”.Control command syntax:

Power On: ky power.on [CR] Power Off: ky [CR] List of simulated IR remote controller commands

Item| Function| Operation
command| Description
1| Power On| power.on| Power On
2| Power Off|| Power Off
3| Menu| menu| Display OSD menu
4| Exit| exit| Exit
5| Enter| enter| ENTER key
6| Up| up| Move cursor upward or change upward
7| Down| down| Move cursor downward or change downward
8| Left| left| Move the cursor to the left or change to the left
9| Right| right| Move the cursor to the right or change to the right

Control the Projector Through a Network
This machine supports the following methods in remotely controlling the projector through a network: Control projector through a web browser.
Control projector with RS-232 control or simulated IR commands via TCP/IP communication protocol.

Cable connection

You may connect the projector to a PC or to an external integrated video and control signal transmission box through LAN for remote control.
Connect the projector to a PC
See figure below for connecting the projector to a PC in RJ-45 cable for control. For connection through LAN, connect the hub through to the projector’s HDBaseT/LAN port.

vivitek DU8090Z Projector - Cable connection Connect with an external integrated video and control signal transmission box
You may connect the projector to an external integrated video and control signal transmission box with an RJ-45 cable for concurrent video and networking control signal transmission. Please connect the PC to the transmission box with one RJ-45 cable or RS-232 cable, then connect the transmission box to the HDBaseT/LAN terminal of the projector by one RJ-45 cable, please refer to the below illustration.

vivitek DU8090Z Projector - Cable connection 2

Set up the projector for networking
Before performing projector control by the network, please configure the network setting and make sure Standby Power is set to On.

vivitek DU8090Z Projector - set up

Network Mode: Switch network mode for projector control or service, the default setting is Projector Control. Projector Control: Switch Network Mode for projector control. Service: Switch Network Mode for service, the network configuration is changed to the default setting for service. Note this option is for a firmware update in service only.
Standby Power: Select the standby power consumption option
On: This is the highest standby power consumption option for enabling projector control via RS-232 and LAN. Please select this option if you would like to control the projector via Ethernet.
Off: the standby power consumption is kept under 0.5W, RS-232 and network control are turned off
Caution: Network and RS-232 control are disabled if Standby Power is set to off for reducing the standby power consumption (less 0.5W). Please make sure Standby Power is set to On before controlling the projector via RS-232 or LAN.
DHCP: Enable or disable the DHCP service. When DHCP is set to ON, the DHCP server of the domain will assign an IP address to the projector. The IP address will appear in the IP address window and you don’t need to set the IP address. Otherwise, the domain does not or cannot assign any IP address, and 0. 0. 0. 0 is shown on the IP address window.
IP Address: Set DHCP “OFF” and specify an IP address manually. Use the◀ ► button to select the number in the address to change. Use the ▲▼ button to increase or decrease the number in the IP address.
Subnet Mask: Set the sub mask. The input method is the same as the setting for the IP address.
Gateway: Set the gateway. The input method is the same as the setting for the IP address.
DNS: Set the DNS. The input method is the same as the setting for the IP address.
MAC Address: Show projector’s MAC Address.
Caution: Search DHCP or IP address, it will take the projector several seconds to apply network configuration.

Control the projector through a network

Control the projector through a web browser
Open the web browser of your control PC, type the projector’s IP address. The left of the web page shows below four options:

vivitek DU8090Z Projector - project status

Projector Status: Display current projector settings.
Projector Control: This page provides power buttons, input options, and a Lens control button for the control.
Crestron RoomView: Display Crestron web control page.
Network Setup: Setting for projector link.
Alert Mail Setup: Settings for projector abnormality email reminders. In case of any abnormality, the project sends emails to preset users.

Projector Status

Model: Projector model name
Software Version: The version of the software installed in the projector
Power Status: Current projector startup status
Input: Display the current input source.
Laser status: Display current light source status and usage.
Projection Mode: Display current projection mode
High Altitude: Display current High Altitude setting.
Intake Temperature: Display detected temperature of the intake air.
DMD Temperature: Display detected temperature by the sensor near the DMD chip.
Laser Temperature: Display detected temperature by the sensor on the laser module.
Diagnostic Status: Indicate self-diagnosis message by the projector.

Network control setup message (RJ-45 Version)
LAN Version: Network control software version number
MAC address: Projector MAC address setup

Projector Control
This page provides the control buttons for power, blank, Input Selection, and Lens control.

vivitek DU8090Z Projector - project control

Power: Projector power on/off control.
Blank: Interrupt the projection temporarily or start the projection again.
Input Selection: Select the input source by pressing the buttons.
Lens Control: Select the button to adjust Zoom, Focus or Lens position.

Crestron RoomView
This page shows the Crestron control page for projector control, the available options are as below options.

vivitek DU8090Z Projector -crestron roomview

Power: Press this button to turn the power on or off.
Source List: Switch projector input sources. Press the ▲ or ▼ arrow key to scroll through the dropdown list of available input sources
Image adjust options
Press the ◀ or ► arrow key to scroll through available adjustment options.
Freeze: Freeze current projection screen. The projection screen prompts the “Still open” message after the freeze function is enabled. Press the Freeze button again to unfreeze the screen.
Contrast: Click this button and the adjustment window displays. Click the ◀► arrow keys to adjust contrast. Brightness: Click this button and the adjustment window displays. Click the ◀► arrow keys to adjust brightness. Sharpness: Click this button and the adjustment window displays. Click the ◀► arrow key to adjust sharpness.
Zoom: Zoom the projection image. Click the “+” key to zoom in and “-” to zoom out. You may click the four arrow keys in the window to move the zoomed projection image.

Control key window
This window simulates keys on the remote controller and control panel

Enter: Confirm and select function options
Menu: Press to display OSD menu. Press again to exit it.
Auto: Run the auto image adjustment function.
Blank: Pause the image projection, i.e. the projection image is masked. Press again to resume the projection.
Source: The signal source menu displays. Press to display signal source in the projection screen.
Tools: Check Crestron equipment for its setup
Info: Display current projector status and Crestron setup.
Network Setup
This page allows you to configure the network setting of the projector.

vivitek DU8090Z Projector - network setup

DHCP: The DHCP server of the domain will assign an IP address to the projector automatically if DHCP is set to On, otherwise network configuration need to be set manually.
IP Address: Input the IP address of the projector.
Subnet Mask: Configure the subnet mask.
Gateway: Configure the gateway
DNS Server Set the address of the DNS server
Save Setting: Click the button to confirm the change if any change is made.
Note that the current connection is interrupted after changing the network settings, please connect the projector again by new network setting.

Alert Mail Setup

This projector can send emails with projector abnormality messages to preset users. Set up the projector before enabling this function:

vivitek DU8090Z Projector -alert mail setup

SMTP Server: Set up SMTP server name.
Port: Set up port name.
User Name: The input user name for the projector to send the reminding message through an SMTP
server Password: Input password.
E-mail Alert: Enable or Disable reminding message
From: Set up a sender email address
To: Set up a receiver   email address
CC: Set up the email address of the email send a copy of a business letter or an e-mail to someone
Projector Name: Set up projector name or ID.
Location: Set up projector installation location.
Apply: Press this button to confirm the changes you have made.
Send Test Mail: Send test email. Press this button to validate email settings after setup is completed.

Control projector with TCP/IP communication protocol
This projector supports TCP/IP communication protocol which enables you to send RS-232 operation commands or simulated IR commands to control projectors connected with RJ45 cable via terminal connection application software, e.g. Tera Term. Please set up IP address and port number with the terminal connection application software before controlling your projector with TCP/IP communication protocol:
IP Address: IP address of the projector
Port: Please set transmission port number to 7000
See the section on serial interface RS-232 control commands for details on RS-232 operation commands or simulated IR commands.

About Vivitek Support

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