Menuett 013697 Fever Thermometer Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

Menuett 013697 Fever Thermometer


Read all the instructions and safety instructions carefully before use and save them for future reference.


  • Suffocation risk: the thermometer casing and battery can fasten in the throat and lead to suffocation and death. Do not allow children to use the product without supervision.
  • The product is not intended for body temperature measuring in the auditory canal. The product is only intended for body temperature measuring in the rectum, oral cavity and armpit.
  • Do not expose the product battery to naked flames or high temperatures- risk of explosion. Remove the battery if the product is not going to be used for some time.
  • The product cannot replace consultation with a doctor. Consult a doctor if you need to interpret the readings or are concerned about your health status. It can be dangerous to diagnose yourself and could cause a deterioration in your health.
  • Do not use the product if it is wet – risk of the unreliable result.
  • Do not bite the product- risk of personal injury and damage to the product.
  • Do not dismantle the product or attempt to modify, or repair it. Tampering with the product can make it unreliable. Disinfect the product after use, especially if it has been used by several persons. For use in the rectum, insert the product carefully. If experiencing pain, stop the insertion – risk of personal injury.
  • Do not use the product orally after use in the rectum.
  • Do not use the product orally for children less than two years old.
  • If the product has been stored at a temperature outside the interval of s to 40°C, allow the temperature of the product to equalise for at least 15 minutes in a room where the temperature is within the interval s to 40°C before use.


  • If the product is used with a probe cover, the temperature reading can deviate by 0.1°c (0.2°F) from the correct value.
  • Product performance can be reduced by:
    • Using at temperatures or humidity outside the interval specified by the manufacturer.
    • Storage at temperatures or humidity outside the interval specified by the manufacturer
    • Knocks and blows, or other mechanical stress.
    • A patient’s temperature is lower than the ambient temperature.
  • Portable and mobile radio communication equipment can affect the product. Special conditions concerning electromagnetic interference must be complied with, see section “Electromagnetic compatibility”.

SYMBOLSMenuett 013697 Fever Thermometer 2 Menuett
013697 Fever Thermometer 3


Menuett 013697 Fever Thermometer 4

JOYTECH HEALTHCARE CO. LTD. No. 365, Wuzhou Road, Yu hang Economic Development Zone, Hangzhou city, 311100 Zhejiang, China.

European representative
Shanghai International Holding Corp. GrnbH (Europe) Eiffestrasse 80, 20537 Hamburg, Germany


The product is a digital fever thermometer for quick and accurate measuring of body temperature. The product is a fever thermometer for oral, rectal and auxiliary measuring of body temperature, and is intended to be used multiple times in clinics and in private homes. The fever thermometer can be used for people of all ages. For best results and product life span, read these instructions carefully before use and save them for future reference.
The product complies with the following standards:

  • SS-EN 12470-3 Medical thermometers – Part 3: Electrical thermometers (direct display and calculation) with maximum function.
  • ISO 80601-2-56 Electrical equipment for medical use – Part 2-56: Specific requirements for basic safety and essential performance for medical thermometers for measuring body temperature. SS-EN 60601-1-11 Electrical equipment for medical use – Part 1-11: General requirements concerning safety and essential performance- Supplementary standard for equipment and systems for use in domestic care environments. The product also complies
  • with EN 60601-1-2 (EMC) and IEC/EN60601-1 (Safety).
  • The manufacturer is certified in accordance with ISO 13485.


  • Thermometer
  • Instructions
  • Storage case


  • Probe
  • Display
  • Pawer switch
  • Battery cover


  1. Press the power S\,\(itch button beside the display. An audio prompt is heard and the display first shows I B B.B . and thereafter the last registered temperature. After showing the self-test temperature the fever thermometer is ready to use.

  2.  Place the thermometer at the required measuring point- oral, rectal or auxiliary.

    • Oral measuring (oral cavity): Put the thermometer under the tongue, in one of positions marked “v” in figure 2. Close the mouth and breath evenly and calmly through the nose, so that the airfiow when breathing in and out does not affect the measurement. The oral temperature of a healthy person is normally between 35.7 and 37.3°C (96.3 and 99.1°F).
    • Rectal measuring (rectum): Apply vaseline to the tip of the probe to simplify insertion. Carefully insert the probe about 1 cm into the rectum. The rectal temperature of a healthy person is normally between 36.2 and 37.7°C (97.2 and 99.9° F).
    • Auxiliary measuring (armpit): Wipe the armpit dry. Put the probe in the armpit and hold the arm firmly pressed against the side.
      This method of measuring gives a result that is not medically reliable. One of the other methods should be used for accurate and medically reliable results. The auxiliary temperature of a healthy person is normally between 35.2 and 36.7°C (95.4 and 98.1° F).
  3. The degree symbol fiashes during the measuring. The degree symbol stops fiashing when the measurement is complete and an intermittent audio prompt is given for about 70 seconds. The measured temperature is shown on the display at the same time.
    The measurement must not be interrupted before audio prompt indicates that the measurement is done. The thermometer continues to measure the temperature even after the audio prompt has indicated that the measurement is done. This can be used to improve the accuracy and reliability of the measurement result: continue holding the probe at the measuring point for at least 30 seconds, preferably longer- about two minutes for oral or rectal measuring, about five minutes for auxiliary measuring.

  4. The thermometer switches off automatically after about 10 minutes of inactivity. To save the batteries the thermometer can also be switched off manually with the power switch as soon as the measurement is ready.

The audio prompt consists of a uniform series of beeps “tut — tut — tut — tut”. When the measured temperature is 37.8°C (100°F) or higher the beeps come more quickly and groupwise “tut – tut – tut —– tut – tut – tut —– tut – tut – tut”.



  • Wipe the surface of the thermometer with a soft, clean cloth.
  • Stubborn stains can be removed with a soft cloth moistened with a mild, non abrasive detergent. Wipe dry with a soft, dry cloth. Disinfect with a 75% solution of ethanol or isopropanol.


  1. The battery should be replaced when the symbol I is shown in the bottom right corner.
  2. Remove the battery cover by pushing it back
  3. Carefully pull out the circuit board on which the battery sits about one cm.
  4. Remove the used battery with a pen or similar sharp implement. Insert a new 1.5 V button cell battery LR41, SR41, UCC392 or the equivalent. Insert the battery with the polarity marking “+” facing up.
  5. Push in the circuit board and replace the battery cover.

The fever thermometer is supplied calibrated from the factory. No regular recalibration is necessary when used in accordance with these instructions. It is recommended to calibrate the fever thermometer every two years, or if its clinical accuracy is doubtful. Start the thermometer and dip the probe in a water bath and check if the temperature reading differs unacceptably from a laboratory approved reference thermometer. The thermometer should then be submitted to the manufacturer or retailer for recalibration. The above recommendation does not replace any legal requirements. Legislation, rules and regulations, and guidelines for the use, functionality and accuracy of the fever thermometer should always be complied with.


Felmeddelande Problem Atgard

Uppmatt temperatur under­ skrider 32,0°C (90,0°F).

| Stang av febertermometern. Vanta en mi­ nut, star t a febertermometern och gor ett nytt matforsok med god ytkontakt.
n I  I 1|

Uppmatt temperatur overskri­ der 42,9°( (109,9°F)

| Stang av febertermometern. Vanta en mi­ nut, starta febertermometern och gor ett nytt matforsok med god ytkontakt.
, c -,- ,-|

Produkten fungerar inte korrekt.

| Ta ut batteriet, vanta i en minut, satt till­ baka batteriet och forsok pa nytt anvanda febertermomete rn. Kontakta aterforsalja­ ren om felet kvarstar.

The product complies with the EMC requirements in accordance with the international standard IEC 60601-1-2 if the specified conditions in the table below are met. The product is an electrical medical product and as such is subject to special requirements concerning electromagnetic compatibility, which requirements must be indicated in the instructions for the product. Portable and mobile radio communication equipment can affect the product. Do not use the product together with unapproved accessories -this can have a negative effect on the product and change its electromagnetic compatibility. Do not use the product in the immediate vicinity of electrical equipment or between different electrical equipment.

The product is intended to be used in electromagnetic environments in accordance with the specifications below. It is incumbent on the customer or the person using the product to ensure that the electromagnetic environment in which the product is used complies with these specifications.

Radiofrekvent straining CISPR 11

| ****

Grupp 1

| I produkten anvands radiofrekvent energi endast for produktens interna funkti oner. Den utat avgivna radiofrekventa stral­ ningen ,ir darfbr mycket ringa och sanno­ likheten alt den ska orsaka storningar i narbelagen elektronisk utrustning ar lag.

Radiofrekvent straining CISPR 11

| ****

Klass B

| Klass B-utrustning kan anv,indas for hus­ hallsbruk samt i anlaggningar direkt an­ slutna till lagspanningsnatverk i bostads­ byggnader.
Nataterverkan (overto­ ner) IEC 61000-3-2| ****

Ej tillampligt

Spanningsfiuktuation/ flimmer IEC 61000-3-3| ****

Ej tillampligt


**** The product is intended to be used in electromagnetic environments in accordance with the specifications below. It is incumbent on the customer or the person using the product to ensure that the electromagnetic environment in which the product is used complies with these specifications.

Elektrostatisk ur-

laddning (ESD) IEC 61000-4-2

| ****

±8 kV ledni ngsburen

± 2 kV,± 4 kV, ±8 kV,±

15 kV luftburen

| ****

±8 kV ledni ngs­ buren

± 2 kV, ± 4 kV, ±8

kV, ± 15 kV lu ft­ buren

| ****

Golvytan ska besta av tra, belong eller klinker. 1 l o­ kaler med golv belagda med syntetmaterial mas­ le den relativa luflfuktig ­ heten vara minst 30 %.

Elektrostatisk snabb transient/ burst IEC 61000-


| ± 2 kV for kraftledningar

± 1 kV for in- och utga- ende ledningar

| ****

EJ ltllampligt

| | |

bversp.innings- puls IEC 61000-


| ± 1kV

differential mode

± 2 kV

| ****

EJ ltllampligt

| common mode|

Underspannings- pulser, kortvariga avbroll och span- ningsvariationer pa inmatnings- ledningarna.

IEC 61000-4-11

| < 5 % UT(> 95 % sank-

ning av UT) under 0,5


40 % UT (60 % sankning av UT) under 5 perioder

70 % UT (30 % sankning av UT) under 25 perioder

< 5 % UT(> 95 % sank-

ning av UT) under 5 sek- under

| ****

EJ ltllampligt


Natfrekvent (50/60 Hz) mag- netfalt

IEC 61000 -4-8

| ****

30 A/m, 50/60 Hz

| ****

30 A/m, 50/60 Hz

| Nat frekvensens mag- net iska fall bar vara pa de nivaer som kanne- tecknar en normal an- vand ningsplats i ty pisk kom mersiell miljo eller sjuk husmiljo .

The specifications product is below. intended to be used in electromagnetic environments in accordance with the It is environment incumbent in on which the the customer product or is the used person complies using with the these product to specifications. ensure that the electromagnetic

Ledningsburen radiofrekvent stbrnmg IEC 61000-4-6| ****

3 Vrms 150 kHz

till 80 MHz

| ****

Ej tillampligt

| ****

Portabel och mobil radiokommuni- kationsutrustning far inte anvandas narmare nagon del av produkten eller dess kablar an det rekommenderade minimiavstandet enligt den for aktu- ell sandare tillampliga ekvationen.

Rekommenderat  minimiavstand

80 MHz till 800 MHz

800 MHz till 2,7 GHz

dar Par den av sandartillverkaren uppgivna maximala uteffekten Iran sandaren i watt (W) och d ar det re- kommenderade minimiavstandet i meter(m).

Faltstyrkan Iran fasta radiosandare, faststalld genom elektromagnetisk matning pa plats, ska vara lagre an den angrvna bverensstammelseni- van for respektive frekvensomrade.

Stbrningar kan uppsta i narhe- ten av utrustning mark! med sym-

Utstralad ra- diofrekvent stbrning IEC 61000-4-3| ****

10 V/m 80 MHz

till 2,7 GHz

| ****


Radiokommu- ni-kations ut- rustning| 380 MHz, 27 V/m

450 MHz, 28


| 380 MHz, 27 V/m

450 MHz, 28 V/m

IEC 61000-4-3| 710 MHz, 745

MHz, 780 MHz

| 710 MHz, 745

MHz, 780 MHz

| 9V/m| 9V/m
| 810 MHz, 870 MHz,930 MHz

28 V/m

| 810 MHz,870

MHz, 930 MHz

28 V/m

| 1720 MHz, 1845

MHz, 1970 MHz

28 V/m

| 1720 MHz,1845 MHz,1970 MHz

28 V/m

| 2450 MHz, 28


| 2450 MHz, 28


| 5240 MHz,5500

MHz, 5785 MHz


| 5240 MHz, 5500

MHz, 5785 MHz


The product is intended to be used in electromagnetic environments in which radiated radio frequency interference is controlled and limited. The customer or person using the product can reduce the risk of electromagnetic interference by maintaining the recommended minimum distance, given below on the basis of radio transmitted power, between the product and portable and mobile radio communication equipment.

Radiosandarens markuteffekt Pi watt{W)

| Minimiavstllnd d mellan produkt och radiosandare i meter (m)
80 MHz till 800 MHz| 800 MHz till 2,7 GHz
0,01| 0,12| 0,23
0,1| 0,38| 0,73
| 1,2| 2,3
10| 3,8| 7,3
100| 12| 23

For radio transmitters where the rated power Pis not given in the table values the minimum distance d can be calculated with the applicable equation for the transmitter frequency, whereby the transmitting power Pis given in W.


  1. The minimum distance for the higher frequency range is applicable at 80 MHz and 800 MHz.
  2. These guidelines do not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic radiation can be affected by absorption in and reflection against building structures and other objects, such as people

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